Remember, Don't piss this wolf or stallion off!!

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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Just a quick, random story I did while in Ireland this week. Which I still am btw :P

After the NASCAR season had finished, the drivers were very busy with there new winter testing for what would be a whole new challenge in Formula 1. With Toqeira and Ula in the garage with them during the day, it left the big two alone at the mansion. But with Maiden being at his gym during the early hours until midday, Kauto was very lonely back at the mansion since he had been busy helping through the night at the factory warehouse of the new F1 team. After getting back at two in the morning, the hefty oversized stallion had his sleep and was wide awake with nothing to do. It was ten o'clock and Kauto was in the large kitchen thinking desperately for something to do. He wasn't hungry, and really wanted his big wolf with him. He walked outside slowly and looked around the vast grounds with the large forest densely covering it. 'God when is he gunna get back, I want him with me.' With a tear almost in his eyes, Kauto walked to the seed lake and plonked his enormous frame on the bank before laying down. For fifteen minutes, Kauto couldn't stop thinking about Maiden and even began crying slightly he was that bored.

Suddenly without Kauto noticing, the flame spitting Lamborghini of the big Sabre-Wolf pulled up outside. Maiden stopped the engine and looked around the grounds, as he looked towards the thick white lake, he noticed the large frame of Kauto crying on the bank. 'Awe god what's wrong with him?' He walked over and stood with his huge foot paws on either side of Kauto's head. Looking down, Maiden waggled his big bushy tail over the Friesians' pecs. As he moved his hands while sniffling, Maiden gave a smile. 'What's a big huge stallion like you doing here, crying his eyes out eyy.'

'Maiden!' Kauto suddenly jumped to his hooves and wrapped his arms around the wolf happily. 'I'm so glad your finally back.'

'Awe god Kauto, I've only been to the gym as usual. Why are you being like this all of a sudden?' Maiden replied as he rubbed Kauto's wide back warmly.

'I'm so bored on my own here, I miss everyone especially you. Why are you at the gym for so long?'

'I'm only there in the morning hunk, I have to kinda be there since I own the place and well, I like to workout as well heh. You should come with me if you're like this, you know I'll always make time to spend with you.'

'I'm always tired after working through to the early hours at the technology centre. It means I don't get to see you until like one o'clock in the afternoon, and that's only for a couple of hours.'

'Well, since we all got our new jobs it has become a little difficult.' While hugging warmly and rubbing there huge muscular bodies together, Maiden had a quick thought before he started running his paws through Kauto's mane. 'I know, what if I got one of my main workers to open up in the mornings since he's there at roughly the same time as me. And also maybe I could come with you to the technology centre and be with you while you work. That way, we have the afternoon to ourselves before you have to go to work, and we're always together. Maybe I could take care of a few things there as well since we both should theoretically own the damn thing heh.'

'Awe I love you so much, that's a brilliant idea. Maybe after we wake up we could workout together and have some fun.'

'Yes of course heh. You didn't have to drain your eyes of fluid like that, we sorted that out in mere seconds. If you ever want to be with me or have something on your mind, you can always come to me Kauto.'

'Thanks Maiden, you really are a wonderful wolf to be with. Actually there was one thing that was worrying me a bit.' Kauto said before he moved his head around Maidens' neck and began rubbing his cheek slowly on the thick fur.

'What's that?' Maiden asked as he also moved around Kauto's neck and rubbed against his traps which were insanely large and hard from all the seed and crazy heavy exercises this stallion put himself through during the day.

'Well when ever I go to your gym, I get these really annoying furs staring at me. I keep thinking they want to punch me or something.'

'Huh? Who?'

'These two rhino's, and some of the others are not too friendly with me either. I feel like a target and it's not nice to be honest.' Maiden quickly hugged Kauto more firmly against his huge body and muscles.

'When did this start?'

'Err it's been going on since I first met you really. Those two rhino's think I'm a freak and that's why I tend not to go there as often as I used to.'

'Awe Kauto, why didn't you come to me and tell me sooner about this. You know I don't like anyone giving you stick or being horrible around you. Let me tell you something, those rhino's are just jealous because you're so big and powerful. When they look at you, I bet they are so jealous when they see your monstrous orbs and meaty pole sticking out like it does.' Maiden moved his paws gingerly down Kauto's shorts and started stroking the stallion.

'You think so?'

'Yes of course I do, I mean who else has 50 inch circumference orbs and a 3 foot long and half a foot thick flaccid member?'

'Err you.'

'Awe heh, apart from me. I certainly don't know anyone heh. Are you working tonight?'

'Err no, it's a Friday.'

'Oh good, that means tonight we can have our favourite night together and then how about you come with me tomorrow morning to the gym and show me those two punky rhino's and anyone else who's bothering you eyy?'

'Erm........ok. What will you do to them?'

'Only show them who they are messing with and kick them out if they continue.'

'God I don't mean that much to you do I?'

'Kauto, you mean more than anything else in the world. Along with everyone else, you are worth more than anything I could ever own.' Kauto suddenly began sniffling again while still wrapped around Maiden tightly and swayed gently from side to side.

'Awe my god, you're the best Maiden. Can we stay like this for a while? I like it.'

'Sure, I wasn't going to let you go anyway heh. Lets go inside though first before it decides to lash down.' While remaining stuck together, they went inside and stood next to the big open fire. 'Mmmm there we go, that's even better in front of the fire. Lets flick on the TV quickly.' As Maiden did so, a very prestigious bodybuilding event came on with some pretty big and ripped furs in it. Kauto looked at each of them on stage and suddenly felt Maiden's abs.

'You look at those punks on the TV, and you just know that none of them are even close to being in the same league as my wolf.'

'Awe thanks Kauto, there even further away from your league heh.' Maiden replied as he swayed gently with the stallion and rubbed his rump and upper thighs which were hugely developed and even more ripped than was possible.

'I mean look at that rhino on the left, I wish I could go on that stage right now and show him up.' Kauto suddenly got a little annoyed and tensed his arms, but accidentally squeezed Maiden a little too tight.

'Ugh, Kauto......stop tensing so much.'

'Oh god, I'm so sorry.' The Friesian quickly planted a kiss on the wolf.

'Phew, man you have some serious strength. Just try not to use it on me will you haha.'

'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to squeeze you. I just got a little annoyed at that stupid rhino on the screen. He thinks he looks so amazing on that stage, and yet he has none of the crucial aspects I like to see.'

'Oh..........and what are those then?' Maiden asked as he moved his wolf muzzle to Kauto's horse muzzle slowly.

'Well, he's got that bloated stomach of flabby abs which shows you he's obviously taken steroids. He has no real size, he can't pose with any real fluidity or style. And most importantly, he has no muscle power.'

'Muscle power, it's bodybuilding Kauto.'

'No I mean proper muscle power.' Kauto said sexually as he ripped his and Maiden's shorts off and rubbed his monster cock and balls against the wolf's.

'Oh that kind of muscle power. Well you are certainly in no shortage in that area heh. Or indeed any other area, show me what it's like to kiss you again.'

'Ok.' Kauto instantly began snogging Maiden with real venom and love, and within minutes the Sabre-Wolf was sent into a different world.

'Whoa! Have you been practising with someone, you're a god when it comes to snogging me.' Kauto's muzzle produced a cheesy grin as he blushed.

'Awe, I can't help it heh. I love you so much I just happen to be good at it with you heh.'

'Before you properly met me, would you have normally gone for a wolf?'

'Err...............they weren't the first furs I would go for to be honest, since well, they are theoretically a horses' enemy.'

'Well let me remind you this wolf is the complete opposite of that heh.'

'I know you are, that's why I love you so much. You see past that and have actually become so lovable since I first met you, I just want to stay wrapped around you forever.' Kauto hugged the big wolf again and rubbed cheek to cheek warmly.

'I know I was terrible before, you were always there when I went mad. I don't know where I would be without you really.' Maiden softly closed his ice white eyes and rubbed the huge muscles on Kauto's back, the stallion too closed his eyes and ran his hands through the thick fur as they continued to sway gently.

'And I wouldn't be here right now without you, all the things you've given me and everyone else has just changed my life. I know this sounds strange but I just want to get it out and tell you how I feel about you. You're an unbelievable wolf.'

'Awe Kauto give me your muzzle.' They snogged again with passion. 'I bet none of those punks can snog or kiss like you Kauto, heck that's impossible heh.'

'You're the only one who's better than me heh. Those on the TV just think they are sexy and look good, you on the other hand are sexy and look good heh.'

'Am I as good looking as you?'

'Hmm I dunno, close maybe hehe.' Kauto joked before shutting his eyes again with the wolf and lovingly swayed together. _____________________________________________________________________ The next day, Maiden opened his eyes early in the morning to find himself still stuck to the big stallion. 'Awe man, Kauto?'

'Huh?' he replied as he opened his eyes.

'We've been like this all night.'

'Awe have we, that's fantastic heh. We're not letting each other go are we?'

'Well, not yet but eventually we'll have to give each other two millimetres of space so we can go to the gym and sort those furs out.'

'Can I stay close to you though, please?'

'Kauto, when I said two millimetres, that's what I meant heh. We'll go together in the Lambo and stay together for as long as you and I want to.'

'Awe thanks. I really don't know how I've coped without you recently, I've felt so depressed and miserable lately.'

'So that's why I've been coming home to a lame stallion recently. Why didn't you say anything?'

'I just thought I would be a nuisance if I did.' As Kauto said this, Maiden looked softly into his eyes and stroked the top of his mane as well as his perky ears.

'Kauto if you have something on your mind that needs sorting out, you're not being a nuisance. This is a serious matter, and I want to help you out. We've sorted other matters out before very quickly so shall we head to the gym and sort another one out?'

'Yes please, thanks so much for this I might be able to cheer up a bit for you heh.'

'I hope so, I hate having a sad horse. Come on, let me put some shorts on you and carry you outside heh.'

'Oow.' Kauto said as the big wolf picked him up into his huge arms and nuzzled his boulder ripped pecs while he went up to the bedroom and snapped on the stallions' shorts for him. Plonking him on the bed, Maiden put his own shorts on and carried Kauto playfully back downstairs to the Lamborghini Aventador J. 'You've got our workout gear haven't you Maiden?'

'Yeah I always keep them in the car heh.'

'Oh that's good.' After a quick 10 minute drive to the gym with Kauto rubbing the wolf, Maiden parked up and walked into he gym with the stallions' arms over him while he rubbed his furry abs. As they were a little later than the wolf would normally be, the gym had been opened by Maiden's main co-worker so the regulars were already working out inside. As they went in, Kauto noticed the two beefy rhinos he didn't like, swimming in the pools. 'Err Maiden, those two rhinos are here already.'

'Awe Kauto, those two rhinos can't harm you. They wouldn't dare if I was with you or not. Come in here first, I want to do something with you.'

'Oh what's that then?' Kauto asked as Maiden shut and locked the huge metal door to his office and walked up to him.

'Well, before we sort out our problems I want to get you all big and hung for me.'

'Oh I'll do that for you heh.' With no one able to see them, they took off their shorts and began groping each other with kisses. 'I must say though, recently I've been working out so much and I may have gotten very big. If you haven't noticed already my orbs are twice the size of what they were a month or so back heh.'

'Oh now that's all I wanted to here. Get big and huge for me.' Within moments they were both pumping up and muscled beyond belief with 12 feet members which were two feet thick and muscles beyond size recognition and strength. Their members were fully pumped and there orbs were rubbing soothingly together as they hugged. 'Awe man I love rubbing against you Kauto.'

'Yeah me to with you, especially rubbing our orbs heh.' They spent another 10 minutes quietly together before a knock came at the door.

'Awe god, why now.' Maiden growled feeling annoyed since he and Kauto were hugely pumped and stiff, enjoying some quiet time together. The wolf angrily grabbed the door and poked his head around it with his humongous cock making it very difficult. 'Yes, what do you want?' The wolf was greeted by the two rhinos who wanted to know about the new swimming area where various rapids and other things had just been built. 'Oh, look I'm trying to spend a little time doing various business papers. I'll be done in a few minutes, now can you please just go back and have a swim please, thank you.' Maiden shut the door with a loud bang and turned to the stallion. 'God I hate people interrupting.'

'Woofy, why don't we stop this for now so you can sort things out here.'

'Ok, that might be a good idea. You're not going anywhere though, you're staying right by my side heh.'

'Oh I will heh.' They kissed and slowly relieved themselves until they were ready to put on their gym shorts again. As they did, Maiden looked at Kauto and noticed the amazing orbs the stallion had.

'Man you weren't kidding were you, your huge. Even more than what I remember heh.' Kauto suddenly blushed deeply and grinned cheesily.

'Awe thanks heh, I did say I had. Have you been working out and having fun yourself because you look bigger as well.'

'Err.............yeah I have heh.' finally being able to go back out, the two hulks stayed closely together as they walked through to the swimming arena. As Kauto went through first, the two rhino twins were sitting on the pool edge and looked at the stallion.

'Hey here's the black pony. Where've you been lately?' As Maiden walked through he wasn't best pleased and the rhinos soon regretted there actions. The Sabre-Wolf picked them both up and hurled them viciously into the air so they face planted the water as they came down.

'Shut your big fat faces and leave him alone, or you'll find yourselves face planting the wall next, got it.'

'Oh come on Maiden, it was only a bit of fun.'

'Yeah well, you won't being saying that when he or I clack you in the face will you. Come on Kauto you can help me open up the new swimming area.' Maiden rubbed the Friesians' huge back as they walked through leaving everyone in the pool feeling shocked at the big wolf.

'Err ok, do you reckon we could get a quick swim in together before we go later?'

'Of course hunk, how'd you like to be the first one to try the new rapids and strength swimming pools.'

'Are you serious?'

'Yes of course I am, I'll come in with you if you want?'

'Oh of course I'd love that. Where is it?'

'Through here.' As Maiden lead Kauto into the new area, the stallion gasped as his eyes looked around the vast new swimming arena.

' Maiden this is epic! Look at those rapids, and those water shooters.'

'It's good isn't it, those shooters are for swimming against. You can set the pressure to whatever you want and then simply swim against it. Obviously myself and my other workers will be on hand to help and actually work the things.'

'So if I wanted to use it, I would have to ask you?'

'Yeah, only to help you work it. You know, to build the pressure as you swim and stuff. Do you want a go?' Maiden asked as the big stallion felt the warm water, feeling a little sceptical but desperate to have a go. 'Go on, jump in you know you want to.'

'Ok.' With his huge gym shorts on, and his godly member and orbs bulging as ever, Kauto jumped in and created a huge splash which drenched the Sabre-Wolf who laughed like a hyena. 'Wow this pools' warm.'

'Yeah, so am I now haha. I'll lock the door so nobody comes in and then you can pump those muscles and try this thing heh.' Kauto though, began swimming lengths with considerable ease, and to the wolf's amazement he wanted to join the stallion. So instead of trying the new water shooters, Maiden joined Kauto and stood in the deep end as he came through the water with speed. As he came towards the big wolf, Maiden stuck out his arms and stopped Kauto from ploughing into him. 'Holy cow Kauto, good job I was here. You would have banged your head.'

'Oh god I'm such an idiot. What was I thinking?'

'Oh don't worry, you're ok. How about we do some lengths together then?'

'I'd like that. Aren't you finding it awkward with such big orbs?'

'No I'm fine, what about you?'

'No I'm good, ok lets go.' For the next few minutes, they both swam lengths together, moving through the water with considerable ease. After twenty, they stopped and looked graciously at each other as they held each other closely all dripping wet.

'Wow you're such a good swimmer Kauto, and now you're all wet and dripping hehe.' Maiden moved in closely through the water and rubbed and waggled his wet nose against Kauto' s as he looked into his eyes softly. 'So you will be coming here more often won't you?'

'Yes, I think I'll be coming for a swim and workout everyday now. Well, as long as those rhinos don't annoy me that is.'

'Oh don't worry about them, as long as you're with me they won't say or do anything to you. When they see you working out, they'll soon know not to mess with you heh.'

As Maiden was just getting comfortable with his stallion in the pool, there came a rather loud knock on the door the wolf had just locked. 'Awe you're taking the piss.' Maiden swam with Kauto on his back to the edge and climbed out feeling really annoyed at the constant disturbances. 'What do you want?!' He shouted as he unlocked the door and opened it. The drenched Sabre-Wolf was even more annoyed when he found the two rhinos on the other side of the door.

'Are we allowed in there yet Maiden?' The one rhino twin asked as Kauto hopped out of the pool and put his arms around the wolf. 'Oh it looks as though you've got a lover Maiden hahaha.'

'And it looks as though you two have a broken leg each.'

'Huh, no we don't.'

'No but you bloody will in a minute!!' Maiden shouted and grabbed the rhinos by the throat before he asked Kauto to stand by the water shooters. The wolf's grip was unbreakable as he held the rhino's in front of the shooters. 'You want to be the first two to test out the new things in here, well here's your chance.' Maiden signalled for Kauto turn the shooter on to full power as he held them directly in front.

'Maiden we're sorry!'

'Yeah well you should have thought about that before you started mocking people.' Suddenly a huge gush of water shot violently at the rhinos, hitting them like a tow truck. But Maiden was still able to keep a firm grip of them as Kauto held him so he wouldn't go flying into the water. The Sabre-Wolf held them for a full two minutes in front of the shooter until he let them go and saw them fly into the pool. As they jumped back up to the surface, Maiden growled viciously causing them to fling out of the pool and back through to the workout area for safety. Kauto quickly hugged him in response. 'There, maybe they'll think before they say anything from now on.'

'God, Maiden that was awesome heh. I know you said you were going to help me with them but I didn't expect that.'

'Haha, they annoyed me as well so it was for both of us really.' Kauto nuzzled the wolf as a bunch of the gym members stood by the door and looked in. Maiden turned and noticed them. 'Oh come in guys.' The gym members came through the door, they were all very buff and ripped since they had all received their training from the big wolf.

'Err...........was that you who growled Maiden?' Ayrton, an eight foot black Timber wolf asked.

'Heh yeah that was me. Sorry about that.' Maiden said with a blushy facial expression. 'Do you lot want to try out this new area, it's open for you all.' The gym members excitedly tried out the new swimming area while Maiden walked through the door without Kauto noticing. The stallion quickly ran through after seeing his huge tail disappear.

'Maiden, where are you going?'

'I'm gunna make sure those rhinos learnt there lesson. Can you come with me so I know?'

'Ok.' While still dripping wet, they walked passed the swimming areas and into the special workout rooms to find the rhino twins. Even though these two rhinos were heavily built and very powerful, Maiden and Kauto were each easily stronger and bigger. Going through into the workout room, the wolf noticed the rhinos messing around with the equipment.

'Hey! Now what are you two doing, can't you just be civil and not be a pair of morons!' The rhinos jumped in shock as the Sabre-Wolf shouted angrily at them again.

'Err............we......we were just err......working out.'

'No you bloody weren't you were pissing about and tampering the equipment. I'm not f****** stupid you know!!' Once again Maiden grabbed them both by the collar and held them up angrily while growling. 'You know what, since you guys like taking the piss so much, you may as well get thrown out by the person you thought it'd be best to abuse.' To Kauto's surprise, the wolf handed both of the eight feet rhinos to him. 'Why don't you throw them somewhere Kauto, they need to learn some manners.'

'Err ok, how about the rubbish bins outside I have a funny idea you might like.'

'Oow ok.' As they were about to head outside, the rhinos suddenly began punching the midsection of the stallion and also kicked his thighs. Obviously this was a very bad idea since the Friesian was withstanding every hit and giggling at them. 'Err you might want to give up, you're not hurting me at all.'

'No, well maybe a kick to the head will.' The rhino twins swung in Kauto's grip and tried to kick him in the back of his head. But the stallion reacted and hit them both together.

'Just shut up will you please, you're giving me a head ache as it is.' Maiden chuckled at Kauto as they walked outside. The wolf grabbed one of the garbage bins and opened it before Kauto tossed them in it.

'So, where do you want to push it then Kauto?'

'Push it! I'm not pushing this, it's going in the air. See that scrap yard over there, wanna see it go flying in there?'

'Oow yes please heh. But first.' Maiden opened the bin and looked at the dazed rhinos inside. 'By the way, you're no longer welcome in my gym ever again. Now enjoy your flight.' As he moved away, Kauto grabbed the underside of the bin and held it above him. Taking aim, the stallion launched it into the air, making it crash land and roll into a pile of tyres. The rhinos were left bruised up in the scrap yard and the two hulks went back inside. 'There you go hunk, you sorted out the problem on your own heh.' The Sabre-Wolf squeezed Kauto's huge traps as he said this.

'Well sort of. You helped.' Kauto replied as he turned and put his arms around the wolf. 'Thanks for that, I can come here and not get bothered anymore.'

'Didn't you say there were others bothering you?'

'Oh no, they were the only ones bothering me.'

'I thought you said............Oh never mind. Come on lets go and have another swim together before we head back eyy.'

'Ok, but first let me say thank you properly.' Kauto pulled Maiden back to him as he was about to walk off and wrapped his muzzle around the wolf's in one huge kiss. 'Thanks.'

'Wow, I'm not complaining but you didn't have to do that heh.'

'Oh.' Kauto reacted feeling let down a little.

'Oh no, I didn't mean that in a horrible way. I was just a little shocked with the kiss heh. You know I wouldn't say anything bad to you, come on lets go and see who can swim a hundred metres the fastest.'

Fur Olympics Part 7

Eight o'clock in the morning, and as per usual Chet was the first to open his eyes and get up. This was actually very late for the stallion, but he had every reason to have a lie in. Maiden heard the stallion clip-clopping past him and woke up, but as...

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Fur Olympics Part 6

Back in the stadium, the two stallions were greeted for the final time by the capacity crowd and were asked for their required weight for the final. It took a few moments for each of the four competitors to pick a desired weight. Eventually the rhino...

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Fur Olympics Part 5d

Meanwhile back inside the stadium, Chet and Kauto were about to head out for the next round of the Squat event. Kauto was feeling a little pain in the changing rooms but after a quick feeding session he was ready. He didn't class this as cheating as he...

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