Fur Olympics Part 5d

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#8 of Fur Olympics

Finals of the Squat Event and new cars :D :D :D

Meanwhile back inside the stadium, Chet and Kauto were about to head out for the next round of the Squat event. Kauto was feeling a little pain in the changing rooms but after a quick feeding session he was ready. He didn't class this as cheating as he only had enough to feel less pain rather than to get bigger. As they headed out, Toqeira and the drivers decided to have a workout to pass the time while watching the event. Back in the Mazda, Maiden suddenly came up with a quick idea and moved into the driver's side with Ula lying on him still asleep and drove smoothly out and towards Sydney city centre. As he did Ula awoke and was bemused as to were he was going.

'Whoa, where are you going honey?' She asked while holding on to the big wolf's midsection.

'Oh I just thought of something, I remember there being a big car sales industrial estate in Sydney and I'd like to surprise Kauto because I owe him one heh.'

'Huh, but what about their event.'

'They'll be in the arena until they finish so we can surprise Kauto when he's finished. I'd like to get him a muscle car or a big pick up.'

'How will you get it back to the stadium or even to America?' Maiden suddenly pondered and was blunt as he thought about it.

'Err we can get it sent to America so that's no trouble, I could drive it back to the stadium, and Kauto could take it back to the hotel. We should be alright, it just depends if I get myself anything heh.'

'Oow what are you hoping to get?'

'I dunno, I'll still be driving my Koenigsegg pretty much everywhere. No one will ever take that from me heh.'

'God I'd hate to see what would happen to anyone who decided to take it.'

'Oh they wouldn't even see the light of day, but lets not get into that or I'll go mad heh.' Maiden raced into Sydney and found the huge industrial estate full of nearly every car manufacturer in existence. Driving through the busy estate, the two wolves were in awe with all the cars on display and all the furs looking around. 'Man this is awesome, look Ferrari, Lamborghini, Dodge..............Lancia haha. Where would you like to look first?'

'Err lets try the Koenigsegg one and see if you're car is in there.'

'Ok.' Maiden drove in and the two wolves got out and had a look inside with Ula staying close to the big wolf.

Back at the stadium, Chet and Kauto were in the arena and about to start the shootout for the semi-final of the squat event. The two stallions were up against eight other competitors including the incredibly powerful rhino and the annoying wolf. Kauto especially was looking forward to knocking the wolf out of the event, but first had to make sure he and Chet lifted enough to get through. As before everyone chose their weight, and after their earlier showing all the competitors felt as though they would have to lift a lot more than expected to win. As a result, the six other competitors all requested between 20 and 22 kegs in their cages. The wolf had foolishly gone for 25 while the rhino had requested 26. What they didn't expect was the two horse's to request twenty eight pegs resulting in them having to lift 11200 kilo's. Feeling overly excited to finally be lifting some heavy objects, Chet and Kauto nosed and nipped at each other for good measure before they both stood under the large cages respectively and lifted them onto their shoulders when the signal was given.

The strength and power was once again evident as the two stallions pumped their legs and heaved the enormous cages into a standing position. Feeling excited and pumped, Kauto turned to Chet and they once again squatted in sink. Thighs and calf muscles again bulging and working hard with the upper body, chests heaving and their wide back muscles stretching and spreading ever more out. With the other competitors concentrating hard, all the two stallions were concentrating on was each other as they smiled and squatted in sink. The white flag rose for both of them as they heaved the cages back into position happily. Walking over to each other, Kauto immediately began nipping and nosing Chet's neck muscles and took in his pumped scent. Hurring and sniffing, Kauto was dazed and spell bounded by Chet's powerful scent. As the chestnut stallion did the same to Kauto, he marvelled in his Friesian style mane and also hurred at his bulging muscles in front of the capacity crowd who were in awe at their passion for each other.

'Oh man Chet, you smell so strong heh.' Kauto said as he playfully nosed Chet on his blushing cheek.

'Awe shucks.' Chet relied with a nip and blow of his own on the tall Friesian's chest. Kauto flexed his chest so Chet could get the best view possible of his pecs. The Friesian moaned as Chet's nose tickled his chest, so to return the favour he picked Chet into his arms so he could dig his muzzle into the hard abdominal wall. All this was going on while the other competitors were about to finish and receive their respective flags. That was how much sooner the two stallions had finished squatting than them. 'Aha Kauto that tickles.'

'Hehe sorry, I just wanna see what a proper set of abs looks and smells like.'

'Awe haha, can't you look at your own then?' Chet said with a blushy grin.

'Well I can, but like I said I wanna see a proper set of abs heh.' Kauto dug his nose between every line and ridge. 'Hurrrrr, man I just want to eat those abs they look so delicious haha. In a good way I mean.' Kauto moved up Chet's upper body running through the middle of his hard pecs and back up to his muzzle, where he rubbed gently against the chestnut stallion's cheeks again while he hugged him. Chet had never known attention like it from a big horse. Well he might have, but at this particular time he didn't want Kauto to stop. Unfortunately the announcer suddenly laughed and coughed down the microphone. Kauto quickly dropped Chet, but without realising dropped him a full eight feet to the ground. Chet was not hurt obviously but the stallion landed hard on his plump rump. The crowd laughed at them both, but Kauto wasn't. 'Oh god, I'm so sorry Chet.' The tall Friesian pulled Chet up and checked him thoroughly to make sure he was ok.

'It's ok Kauto, I'm fine heh. Just a little shock that's all.'

'Oh good, I can't believe I dropped you I'm so foolish.' Kauto looked down at the floor with his ears folded back, Chet looked up to him a little disoriented.

'You're not foolish, come on we have the semi final to do in a minute. You don't want to put yourself down for that do you.' Chet said with his arm around Kauto's wide back.

'No not really.'

'Well come on then spark yourself up eyy, get ready to squat something heavy again.' Kauto instantly smiled and wrapped his arms over Chet as he nosed him again, trying desperately hard not to kiss his cheek.

'Ok I'm ready heh.'

In the back, the drivers were pumping the iron with Toqeira and getting to know him better. In the meantime, the two wolves were now in the Lamborghini dealership looking at an Aventador J after Maiden found no Koenigsegg's like his own. But the main happenings were in the stadium where the semi final had begun. Chet and Kauto were pumped and ready again to progress to the final four. Kauto's muscles were now stretching his horse fur/hair they were that pumped, and Chet was, well his superior definition never seemed to be enough. As he worked each muscle they knotted and hardened ever more. After requesting nearly fifteen hundred kilo's, the two stallions went up against the wolf and rhino along with four others including two other stallions and two heavily armoured crocodile twins who had incredibly bumpy skin, making them look actually very good particularly in Kauto's eyes. So with every cage set to the requested weight, the semi final began with Chet and Kauto now taking it very seriously but still having the same amount of fun.

Again they moved together in similar fashion under the cage, this time though when Kauto heaved the fifteen tonne cage onto his monstrous back and shoulders he turned to Chet and with a smile, lifted one leg and slowly squatted on the other. His left leg muscles immediately split, bulged, exploded, rippled the lot with insane size and strength. Huffing and puffing calmly, Kauto lowered himself as low as he could, not knowing how strong he had to be to do this. Chet watched and grinned in amazement at the amazing strength Kauto was showing off. The Friesian's expression remained focused but happy as he lowered into a squat and bulged his left leg as he raised back up. To get an even pump, Kauto did the same again with his right leg. As he raised back up again, Chet suddenly came out of his rather shocked state and squatted himself. As Kauto finished and placed the cage back. He looked back over to Chet and noticed he was doing the same. Grinning playfully, Chet was showing immense strength as Kauto did to Squat on both legs individually. Kauto forgot about his white flag and that he was in the final four as he was paying too much attention to Chet's amazing strength. His incredible muscles were perfectly formed and resulted in two perfect squats, one on each pumped leg. The white flag was shown and the crowd erupted.

'Wow, Chet you're amazing.' The big Friesian said as Chet placed the large cage back, nosing him again in the process. 'You got the white flag heh.'

'Heh so have you, you know.' Chet pointed over to Kauto's stall and shocked the taller horse a bit.

'Oh god yeah haha. We're both in the final four!!' Kauto jumped in the air and almost cracked the floor as he landed on his huge hooves. Chet was then engulfed in Kauto's arms and huge pecs as he smothered him in a hug. The chestnut horse loved it however as he waggled his nose and muzzle in the hard and very deep mounds on Kauto's chest. With Chet's arms around him, Kauto looked down and ran his hands through the smooth chestnut mane. 'Hurrrr god you're pumped.' Kauto could tell Chet was pumped as he took in his scent again. While Chet was nosing and nipping his chest, Kauto unceremoniously pulled out of the hug and left Chet a little unhappy as the bigger stallion walked back to his stall, obviously wanting to nestle with him more. As Kauto got to his stall, he heard the announcer saying they had 10 minutes until the final. 'Oh that's good.' The stallion quickly turned back to Chet and noticed his disheartened look. 'What's wrong Chet?' Kauto asked as he placed his arm over Chet and walked with him to the pump room.

'Err, I'm fine.' Chet replied with a nuzzle on Kauto's shoulder, hoping he does the same.

'Are you sure?' The oversized Friesian did return the nuzzle with a wolf-type rub against Chet's cheek and remained closely next to him until they got to the pump room.

'I am now heh.'

'Haha that's good, lets have a quick break and then get back out and lift some heavy cages eyy.'

'Who's going to win do you think?'

'You obviously heh.' Kauto replied as he squeezed Chet's hard bicep.

'No you're joking, you'll win.' Chet said with a chuckle and a small blush.

'Heh we'll have to wait and see. Who are we up against, the rhino and the wolf?'

'Err yeah I think so.' As they walked through to the pump room, Kauto noticed the drivers and Toqeira working out still but still no Maiden or Ula. He walked over, keeping closely next to Chet.

'Haven't they come back yet?'

'No not yet. Well done though guys, you look strong heh.' Toqeira replied politely.

'Thanks Toqeira, are you enjoying your workout?' Kauto asked with a nose.

'Yeah it's been great so far, they've invited me to your next race in America.'

'Awe that's awesome, good idea heh. I'm a bit worried though.'

'About what?'

'Where Ula and Maiden have gone, they haven't come back for more than an hour.' Kauto said feeling worried.

'Do you think we should go and find them?' Falcon asked.

'Yeah I think we'd better.' At that, everyone quickly headed out of the stadium to the car park, were they received a little shock when the Mazda was gone. 'Huh, where have they gone?' Kauto asked himself. Suddenly in almost perfect time Ring Eye's mobile rang. 'Oh please say that's them.'

'It's Maiden.' The wolf driver pointed out as he looked at his I-phone.

'Oh good, what does he have to say.' Ring Eye answered and the big Sabre-Wolf explained what he and Ula were doing.

'Yeah try not to say too much to him, I'd like this to be a really good surprise for Kauto.'

'Err ok I'll try my best heh, see you later.'

'Well?' Kauto asked impatiently.

'He's err........just gone for a quick drive to calm Ula down. They'll be back for when you guys have finished your final.' Ring Eye said a little edgily.

'Oh really, you just wait until he gets back. I'll show him how to calm someone down.' The big stallion started to get rather annoyed at Maiden leaving him.

'Hey calm down Kauto, he's err.........he's got a surprise for you when he comes back.' The driver said this very quickly, almost in fear of Kauto doing something to him.

'Huh, what do you mean?'

'Err, he didn't say. All I know is you shouldn't get angry with him, he's not being bad-mannered or anything.'

'I guess you're right.' Kauto said with a huff. 'Come on Chet lets get back inside quick before we miss the final.'

'Yeah ok, see you after.' Chet waved as he left, but Kauto didn't and instead simply walked off back into the stadium leaving the drivers and Toqeira looking a little mystified in the car park.

'God, for a minute I thought he was going to pummel you then with his expression.' Toqeira expressed.

'Heh that's Kauto for you, much like Maiden he can be intimidating and scary haha. But he'll never do anything to you, even though Maiden has done in the past but he's calmed down loads heh.'

'I'd hate to see him go mad as well heh, do you want to continue with the workout?'

'Yeah sure.' They raced back in to the pump room just as Kauto and Chet headed out for the final of their Squat event. The two wolves were still looking around the car industrial estate, but had found a few cars which they thought would be good for Kauto. Maiden too had found one and also found a trailer to take them back.

Fur Olympics Part 6

Back in the stadium, the two stallions were greeted for the final time by the capacity crowd and were asked for their required weight for the final. It took a few moments for each of the four competitors to pick a desired weight. Eventually the rhino...

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Fur Olympics Part 5c

Walking excitedly but anxiously into the stadium, Maiden received a hefty round of applause from the crowd as well as the odd startled expression. As he walked past the two wolves, they gave there own growls to him. Maiden just chuckled and got ready...

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Fur Olympics Part 5b

Throughout the day, Maiden, Kauto, Chet and Ula watched the drivers compete in there events and perform incredibly well. They had reached the final in the dumbbell press event but only managed third and fourth after feeling a little nervous due to it...

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