Fur Olympics Part 7

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#10 of Fur Olympics

Thought I'd take a little break away from the competing part of the Olympics so in this one, there's some muscle worship (if you can call it that) and some unique things are revealed about Toqeira (my tiger). Now i'm tired so need sleep lol

Eight o'clock in the morning, and as per usual Chet was the first to open his eyes and get up. This was actually very late for the stallion, but he had every reason to have a lie in. Maiden heard the stallion clip-clopping past him and woke up, but as he did he noticed Ula and Kauto were tucked up on his pecs, one on each. 'Ah this is awkward, err Kauto?' Maiden said as he stroked the Friesians' mane and muzzle.

'Huh, oh hey.' Kauto opened his eyes and quickly nosed the wolf on the cheek, dodging his huge teeth.

'Hi haha, Chet's up and I think we should don't you?'

'Yeah ok, if I can get off of your pecs like. I slept too well I think heh.'

'Hehe you can stay with me in the shower, and then we'll figure out what we're going to do until we have to head to the airport for the plane event. Looking forward to it?'

'Oh I can't wait, I can't wait especially to see you get angry a haul those planes. You'll look so strong when you sweat.'

'Oh thanks haha, you like me when I'm sweaty?'

'Haha err yeah I do, it brings out your muscles more. Plus I love seeing you working hard heh.' As Kauto said this, he received the biggest muscle hug ever from Maiden. It even managed to wake Ula up as the big wolf squeezed him tight.

'For you hunk, I'll work extra hard.'

'Awe heh, don't work too hard though I want to at least have some kind of a chance.'

'Heh don't worry about that there's plenty of strength and power in here.' Maiden replied with his hands running over Kauto's chest and abs. 'With that Quarter muscle stallion over there and this....power Friesian horse here I'll have way more than enough pressure and competition. You know what we should all do after the event today?'

'Err......you don't mean.' Kauto moved his meaty hands down into Maiden's shorts again to grab those overgrown furry wolf orbs.

'Hay that tickles, you're not far away. When we finish we could come back here and maybe we could have a bit of muscle worship going on.' Kauto suddenly looked to the big wolf and produced a shocked grin.


'Yeah, well the event will be about two hours at most and then we have the whole evening and night to ourselves. The bodybuilding show isn't for another two days so we have tomorrow off. We can stay up tonight and get to see what we're all competing against in the show heh.' Maiden said this as he squeezed Kauto's monster pecs and planted a big kiss on his muzzle.

'If I was to pick you up and shower you would that give an answer?'

'Err....depends how you shower me I suppose.'

'Well, let me show you.' At that, Kauto jumped excitedly to his hooves with Maiden and picked him up before trotting out of the room to the catering room to shower. Ula and the others woke up in the process due to the loud noise from his huge hooves clip clopping. As they went down the corridor, they found one of the wolves still knocked out on the floor. 'Oh bugger, how hard did you punch him last night?'

'Err......quite hard actually. It was an uppercut rather than a plain punch, I wonder if anyone has noticed he's knocked out and not asleep?'

'Well, it depends if he's actually knocked out and not dead. I couldn't go around with a murderer for the rest of my life though.' As Kauto said this, Maiden suddenly looked at him with a sickened expression on his face.

'What did you just say, Kauto I'm not a F***ing murderer. Why would you say that?' Maiden's mood instantly changed as he walked into the catering shower room and slammed the door in the stallion's face before he headed stressfully into a shower cubicle and washed his monstrous body alone. As he did, Chet looked over the door from another cubicle and wondered what on earth was going on. As Kauto walked in looking worried and seemingly nervous, he asked the Friesian what he was doing.

'I err......I just said something I wish I hadn't. Maiden, I didn't mean it like that.' Kauto saw Maiden's wet face and ran over to the big wolf. 'Maiden, you misinterpreted what I said.' The Sabre-Wolf turned and growled at the stallion.

'Uuugggghhhhhh, why the f*** would you call me something like that. I mean seriously you couldn't have said anything worse.' Maiden squeezed the shower button as he shut it off and snapped the door off it's hinges as he walked past Kauto with his towel over his big wet body. Kauto couldn't help but stare and nose the back of the wolf. As he did, Maiden turned and looked at him with a growl straight in the eyes. To his shock, Kauto suddenly slapped him across the face, catching his hand on the tip of the wolf's teeth. The slap was so vicious, Maiden almost fell to the floor. As he did earlier to the wolves, Maiden was about to retaliate and fling his left hand at the stallion. In the cubicle still, Chet gasped as did Kauto who closed his eyes and flinched away. As he looked back up he noticed Maiden was suddenly gone.

'Huh, Where did he go Chet?'

'He went back out I think.'

'Awe god.' Kauto ran back out of the door as Chet quickly dried and followed suit, only to find Kauto with Toqeira searching for him in the corridor. 'We can't find him, awe god why did I slap him, why?!'

'You slapped him, no wonder he's gone somewhere then.' Toqeira said.

'I know, I wish I never did it. Maybe he's gone downstairs, I'll go and look.' The stallion walked down but couldn't find him still so he looked outside and immediately saw the huge figure of Maiden with his head on the steering wheel and his arms on the dashboard. Looking at the wolf feeling a little upset, Kauto trotted slowly up to the twelve foot truck and stood outside of the driver's open window. 'Maiden, Maiden look at me. What's wrong?' He said as he rubbed the Sabre-Wolf's back. Maiden looked up and growled softly.

'Oh everything.'

'Huh, what do you mean everything? Look I'm sorry I slapped you across the face and I must say I'm really happy that you didn't retaliate. I'm proud of you actually thank you.'

'You are?' Maiden replied as he looked up.

'Yeah, I was expecting to be on the floor like that wolf in the hotel.'

'Oh I couldn't hit you hunk, you're too precious to me. All of you are, if I hit any of you guys I'd have to leave you all in a hurry.'

'Awe, you weren't leaving now were you?'

'No I just wanted to calm down that's all.'

'Oh, well can I help you calm down a little?'

'How?' Kauto walked around and into the passenger side.

'Well if you'll let me, I was thinking we could muscle worship a little now. I know you're not in the best of moods, but that was my fault and I want to say sorry for making it sound like I called you a murderer earlier.'

'I'm still not happy that you called me that you know.'

'I didn't mean to say it like I did, it came out wrong!!!' Kauto reacted a little quickly and loudly.

'Whoa! Woe Kauto ok, ok. Look lets forget it, I don't want you upset as well.' Maiden said this while fiddling with the radio, as he did another one of his favourite songs came on suddenly. 'Oow Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, there we go we can worship with that on if you want.'

'You like Queen?'

'Yeah, this is the live one from Wembley in what....nineteen eighty six. A bit of Freddy Mercury won't harm us will it?'

'Err....' Kauto replied bluntly.

'Don't tell me you've never heard of them?'

'Err heh, no I haven't. It's not my kind of music really.'

'How do you know that, if you've never heard of them? Come on listen to it, so I can be even more happy while I eat you.'

'Aahhh!' Kauto squealed as Maiden turned up the volume and grabbed his shoulders before pulling the stallion over to snog him. The stallion's massive bulge fell uncomfortably between the seats making him wiggle and fidget while he was smothered by the wolf. As he did, Maiden moved his left hand down Kauto's boulder pecs and hard abs slowly with a squeeze until he reached his orbs and moved them for the stallion. Massaging them too, Kauto also moved his hands around gingerly. First through the wolf's chest fur which was so dense and thick he had to untie his fingers from time to time. Even with all the fur he had, Maiden's body was still very defined and it was easy to make out the muscle definition. Well he did have a godly body as did Kauto. 'Awe I must just quickly say, you have calmed quite a bit actually. Yes you knocked those wolves out, but you would normally go crazy after it. Not be worshipping me.'

'Heh well I'm trying my hardest to calm down. I can't guarantee I'll be completely calm, there will be moments like with those wolves were I retaliate.'

'Oh they deserved it, anyway let me feel those furry traps of yours.'

'After you give me that muzzle of yours again.'


'Because I can't get enough of it from you. You're the best kisser I've ever known.'

'Awe god haha, thanks. I must say though you're unbelievable with your teeth, as I've said before heh.'

'Heh thanks, but come on less talking eyy.'

'Just quick, I like this song heh.'

'It's good I know, but give me your muzzle hunk I'm desperate and don't want to let go of it.'

'Awe ok.' Maiden impatiently opened his mouth and placed it over Kauto's muzzle, covering it whole in his jaw. Kauto fell very nervy, but trusted the big wolf with his sharp dinosaur like teeth.

'Don't worry I won't bite you, I just wanted to show you my teeth a little hehe. I'll just kiss you now as you look at my traps.'

'It'll be a little tricky but I'll try and look at them heh.' Quickly Maiden moved back to Kauto's muzzle softly and bonded with it as the stallion rubbed the striations and ridges over the monster traps of the Sabre-Wolf. Boy were those muscles big and impossibly hard, even with his densely thick fur Kauto could barely squeeze Maiden's shoulders. Of course he was stuck to his jaw, but Kauto took in the amazing strength and size as he ran through the fur. 'Ugh your traps are so powerful.'

'So is your muzzle, it's intoxicating and so tasty.'

'Are we muscle worshipping or just kissing?'

'It's not my fault you're so good at it haha, ok I'll take a look at you now hunk.' And so Maiden sexually moved down Kauto's arms first and asked him to flex. With a nose and a sniff of the wolf, Kauto's bicep rose and rose impossibly high as Maiden watched in awe and squeezed it with both hands. As he flexed, Kauto moaned in pleasure as he then flexed his other arm and produced an unbelievably huge double bicep pose. Maiden looked at Kauto's facial expression and loved the passion he showed. Suddenly Kauto found the big wolf buried in his pecs as he was hugged. 'Awe you're such a sexy horse, how do you do that? I mean look at your pecs, they're so hard and ridiculously huge. I love lying on them heh.' Maiden said as he lay on the big stallion chest muscles. As he did, Maiden noticed Kauto's nipples and licked his lips before he bit gently into one and squeezed the other. Kauto moaned again as he shivered.

'Ugh don't bite too hard.'

'I won't, I just want to nibble hehe. I mean who wouldn't from pecs so big and hard.'

'Awe god heh, lets see if I can look at your back eyy.'

'Go ahead hunk, I'll stay here for you.' Maiden replied before Kauto unflexed and leant over the shoulders of the wolf so he could take a look at the thickness and strength in his mountain range back muscles. 'Man you beastly wolf, your back is like an impenetrable armour guard. Just covered in your amazing fur heh. I can't even squeeze your lats.' The stallion ran through Maiden's fur and tried to massage the hard ridges and mounds but all he could do was nose them instead. 'Your back must stick out a full foot or two, you're so strong heh.' Maiden again didn't reply as he was too busy worshipping Kauto's pumped up pecs which, unflexed were impossibly hard and absolutely huge. Suddenly though, the stallion was engulfed in Maiden's amazing fluffy tail. As he did, Kauto took one big sniff and took in the wolf's scent, flaring his nostrils and almost sneezing. But when he was about to sneeze, Kauto quickly squealed as Maiden bit a little too hard.

'Oh crap, I'm so sorry.' The big Sabre-Wolf said quickly.

'Man your teeth are sharp, don't worry I'm fine heh.' Suddenly Ula appeared in the drivers' side window. 'Oh hi Ula.'

'Hi Kauto, are you guys having fun haha.' Maiden turned and quickly kissed her.

'We have a few hours free this morning so were just enjoying it heh. Come in Ula.' Maiden said as he opened the large door.

'Are you sure you guys don't want to be alone?'

'No come on, we're just having a little muscle worship session heh.'

'Oh, err do you reckon I could join in?'

'That was the idea Ula, can I have a look?' Maiden asked as he stroked Ula's midsection.

'Err.....I guess so, I've never been involved in a muscle worship before.'

'Well let me and Kauto show you.' With Ula smiling ominously, Maiden picked her up onto his knee and wrapped his arms around her abs while he rubbed cheeks with her. Kauto meanwhile was watching next to them, eagerly waiting to be seen as he looked out of the window a little jealous and upset. But Maiden wasn't leaving him out, he moved his hand over and squeezed his orbs gently. 'Come on hunk, get involved so I can do the same to you.'

'Oh ok.' The stallion suddenly changed moods and began nosing Maiden's armpits, sniffing the pumped smell of the wolf. Maiden raised his arm and chuckled at Kauto under it. 'Hehe you smell good this morning Maiden.'

'Awe thanks hunk, I did have a shower earlier.'

'Well, you still smell pumped heh. Can I maybe see your orbs?'

'As long as you don't make me go all funny haha, you can.'

'Yay.' Kauto instantly leaned over and ripped the wolf's huge shorts, revealing his power packed orbs. Maiden's meaty member proudly laid over his orbs and hung hugely, making Ula gasp at the size.

'Maiden.' Ula said affectionately.

'Yes?' The big Sabre-Wolf replied.

'You're even bigger than last time.' Maiden suddenly blushed as Ula rubbed his orbs with Kauto.

'Err........I err.........I know heh. Does that.....Does it bother you?'

'Bother me! God no, I love having a big bad wolf to love.'

'Huh, a big bad wolf. I'm not bad am I?' Maiden asked feeling down on himself for some reason and Kauto now nosing him.

'What, no. I didn't mean it like that, I meant you're a big sexy wolf with a bad attitude which I like.'

'A bad attitude?'

'God Maiden, she means you're a hunky wolf and need to stop worrying about yourself.' Kauto said directly to the wolf.

'Yeah but I'm.........'

'Don't even bother saying anything.' Kauto grabbed Maiden and snogged him before he could say anything else about himself. 'Now shut up while I look at your biceps woofy.'

'Yeah and I'll look at you're shoulders.' _____________________________________________________________ Meanwhile in the hotel restaurant, Chet was eating a typical feral breakfast with Toqeira in the restaurant. Obviously they had a little bit of trouble with the other furs eating and staring at them but that didn't bother them. The stallion was very happy with the tiger and kept looking at his amazing stripes and muscles. Toqeira was still in awe at Chet's own body, his impeccable definition was almost overwhelming for him to look at. 'Chet, you must workout a lot. Have you ever tried lifting big vehicles, you know like trains and lorries?' As Toqeira asked this, Chet suddenly grinned with a slight blush as the train were one of his specialities.

'Heh, I do actually, especially trains. How do you train?'

'Oh I have a yard back in America with specially built areas. I like to test myself against the trains, you know. I would connect a big chain to it and set it up automatically so I can workout with a little bit of fun involved. How about yourself? I bet you work hard to maintain yourself.'

'Heh, I do. I have a farm where I like to work the big machines to plough the fields. Just working out in general is good, but making it fun is what counts.'

'Yeah that's true, you know I must say though, you look almost impossibly strong. You must eat well.' Toqeira said while looking over Chet's definition, the stallion was a little blushy but very happy with the tiger's politeness.

'I generally eat what a normal horse would eat.' As Chet said this, Toqeira choked on his drink.

'Are you serious?'

'Err yeah.'

'Wow, how do you keep yourself so..........powerfully built?'

'Oh......' Chet suddenly blushed at the tigers' question. 'Can I ask you that question first?'

'Oh I like to eat meat, but I prefer protein salads and stuff. But I usually.......err.......no maybe I shouldn't say that.' Toqeira said with a similar type blush. Chet looked to him and smiled thinking exactly the same thing to Toqeira.

'Do you.......err.......feed, Toqeira?'

'Feed? Do you mean......? God, why is this so hard to say hah?'

'I think we know what we want to say. I'll admit I do 'feed'. It's the main way I get my, heh, protein.' Chet looked back at the huge tiger, his ears folded slightly to the side even though he now knew that Toqeira also did the same.

'Haha well I do the same, I sometimes end up doing it for maybe eight hours a day if I'm in the mood heh.'

'Heh so do I. That's just to maintain what I've got, mind you.'

'Awe no way haha, no wonder you have such a good body hauling machines and getting endless amount of protein. I love your muscles though Chet, they're just perfect with the size and definition.' Toqeira ran furry paws over Chet's traps and biceps.

'Awe shucks, you're defined as well. Your stripes are wonderful.' The defined stallion ran his hand through Toqeira's smooth fur on his bulging yet rippled pecs.

'Err.....Chet, do you mind if I show you a couple of features I have?'

'Yeah sure.'

'Well, please don't jump or be scared. But see my eyes, I kinda have some very unique features and my eyes are one of them. You see they are orange crocodile eyes, I'm surprised none of you have noticed. I have the water covering they have as well see.' Toqeira revealed the inner covering he has for underwater vision. But his eyes were the main attraction, with the bright orange colour and narrow pupil he looked amazing. Chet was a little nervous when the tiger blinked but liked them nevertheless. To him, they were just something that made Toqeira even more unique.

'Wow, they're interesting. I didn't notice them before. You're right. Where did you get that feature from?'

'Heh I don't know. I honestly don't have a clue, since I never knew any of my parents properly I never found out. I've been wearing sunglasses for the past couple of days pretty much, so that might be why none of you have noticed heh.'

'Oh yeah true. Do you have any other features?'

'Err......yeah a couple. Croc teeth.' Toqeira opened his mouth and showed Chet his large reptilian teeth which were long and sharp but out of the way. 'Err under my fur and skin I have a very unique layer which is hard and quite thick, a bit like a reptile's outer skin, except it's kinda my inner skin heh.' At this point Chet was shocked and bemused as he felt the tiger's furry skin with a little more detail. He could feel the layer underneath, but his fur was thick and dense enough to make it feel incredible. When Toqeira flexed his left bicep, the stallion was even more bemused as he could feel his muscles bulge and the inner skin layer almost stretch to accommodate.

'Wow, that's strange. Do you have that layer all over you?'

'Yeah, I have a somewhat crocodile aspect.'

'You don't have the anger properties that crocodiles have do you?'

'Oh no, not unless you truly annoy me. But even then I don't get mad really, I'll defend if need be like heh.'

'You're very interesting Toqeira I'll say that heh.'

'Haha thanks Chet. You know I have various other features but these ones I just showed you are my main ones visibly really. Have you ever muscle worshipped Chet?'

'I have but not recently. Why? Are you hinting?' Chet let out a nervous chuckle after asking the question.

'Haha well as you know I appreciate hard workers who work for their bodies, but you Chet are impeccable. I mean you're muscles are solid heh.' Toqeira said this as he felt Chet's highly powered biceps, with both hands he rubbed and squeezed, or tried to squeeze the boulder. 'Can you flex for me Chet?' The stallion blushed before slowly raising his arm and produced a single bicep flex, stretching his fur slightly and making the muscle even more defined and diamond hard. 'Good god Chet, that's what I call a bicep. What's that, nearly forty inches I'd say of insane strength.' The reptilian tiger gasped as he rubbed the hard fibres on the blushing stallion's arm. Chet couldn't believe the compliments from Toqeira.

'Thanks heh.' Toqeira moved his hands over to Chet's chest and felt the ridged pec muscles which were equally hard and big. As he did, Chet flexed and bounced them making Toqeira chuckle over the control he had.

'You really know how to pose and flex don't you Chet.'

'Heh I guess I do yes.' Chet said as he looked at Toqeira's own pec muscles which were equally ripped and pretty darn huge. Toqeira noticed this and moved Chet's hand onto his chest as he tensed and made the muscles ripple with strength. 'Awe wow, I can feel your pec muscles flexing but also the hard skin underneath as well it's very peculiar somehow. I was expecting something similar to Maiden, thick fur with the feeling of bulging hard muscles. But that inner layer makes it different somehow, you can feel an almost scaly feeling underneath your fur.'

'Haha well that's what it is Chet, I'm glad you're not scared or giving me stick about it because I've had that in the past with people calling me things.'

'I think it's very unique and you should be proud of it. Especially since you don't brag about anything.'

'Awe thanks Chet heh, try this put your hands here and feel as I flex my abs.' After moving Chet's hands down to his already perfect and hard midsection, Toqeira tensed his abs and made the wall of eight muscles tighten under his fur and thick skin.

'Ohhh I can feel it again, but the inner skin seems to be almost stuck to your abdominal muscles.' Chet said confusingly.

'Well since I do an endless amount of ab-workouts, the harder skin had stretched and fixed itself so much it's almost moulded perfectly over the muscles heh, and my fur is just an addition to that really.'

'Gosh, that's amazing. Can I rub them?'

'Go ahead Chet, I'll take a better look at you as well.'

'Hehe this is fun.'

'It is and we're not finished yet heh. Here I know this is a little strange in front of everyone, but go behind me and put your hands here.' As the equine moved behind the tiger, Toqeira took Chet's hands again and placed them gingerly on his rump cheeks after taking his shorts down slightly, but keeping his huge bulge out of view. Chet was a little nervous about this and also couldn't believe a big fully grown tiger was encouraging and allowing him to feel his muscles one by one. As his hands were gently placed on Toqeira's rump, the tiger flexed and tensed. His tail waved above it as his cheeks rippled. 'Notice anything different Chet besides it being my ass haha.'

'Err......is your skin thicker?' Chet replied with a blushy grin, he's was almost struggling not to squeeze.

'You're exactly right, I don't know why but my rump, front and back has a thicker scaly layer under the fur. It's probably due to me working that part of my body the most heh.'

'How thick is the inner layer generally do you reckon?'

'Well I've had that checked recently actually, around my legs it's about a centimetre thick and everywhere else pretty much is close to two centimetres in places. My pecs and abs are the thickest though, the skin is harder and thicker.'

'Man that is fantastic, I've never met a reptilian tiger before heh. I wish I could meet more like you.'

'Awe thanks, well meeting you just makes me want to meet more horses. You and Kauto are just the perfect pair of friends you could have. I haven't really got to grips with Maiden yet but I'm sure that'll come in time and Falc and Ring Eye are pretty cool I must say.' Chet instantly blushed at this comment.

'You're very kind Toqeira, if the others heard you then they'd all blush and give you a muscle hug.'

'They would?'

'Yeah, Maiden and Kauto do it quite often. You just have to be careful with Kauto, he can almost love you too much.' Chet chuckled softly.

'Kauto's cute though, I love him. I just need to spend more time with the big wolf, I haven't got to grips with him yet.'

'Well he's been going through a little angry spell of late, I think he is trying his best to calm down.'

'Having these idiots around in the hotel though doesn't help, especially since they are the same species to him and giving him a little stick only encourages matters.'

'Yeah, god you should have seen what happened upstairs earlier. Kauto slapped him and he didn't retaliate. He's definitely calming down heh.'

'Wow that's good. Maybe I'd like to get to know him more if he can do that, but come on lets go and find them and we can spend some more time together when we come back if you'd like?'

'Oh that'd be great.' Toqeira and Chet walked out of the restaurant with the whole room looking at them both as they went out. Outside in the Ford, the drivers had hopped in the back with Maiden, Kauto and Ula still in the front worshipping each other. When the reptilian tiger and stallion got outside they instantly felt the raging sun burning away at nearly forty degrees centigrade.

'Oh my god, how hot is it out here.'

'Wow, where did this heat come from it's barely got over twenty five recently.'

'Well I guess that's Australia for you heh. Hot with bright sunshine, this plane event is going to be so hard in this heat. We'll have to make sure we get the fluids in.' As Toqeira looked around the car park, he noticed the big Sabre-Wolf now standing outside of the vehicle with a new pair of shorts almost dripping with sweat and drinking a full two litre bottle of water. Kauto and Ula were also taking in the fluids with the drivers inside the huge truck. Heading over, Maiden was gulping down the whole bottle so quickly it was gone instantly as the tiger and Chet reached him.

'Phew, hey guys. Man it's hot eyy.' Maiden said shaking his fur violently to get the sweat off of himself.

'You got that right Maiden, what are you guys...and girls doing now?' Toqeira asked.

'Well, I might go and have another shower and then we'll make our way to Sydney Airport as we've been told the event is at twelve not one. Ring Eye got a call earlier, so if you want to get everything ready we'll go in about half an hour.' At that Maiden walked off into the hotel with Ula and Kauto. The drivers were still in the back of the cold Ford interior with it's air conditioning working perfectly to make it cold.

After returning fresh and ready, Kauto hopped back into his beastly Ford lifted truck while Maiden and Ula went in the Aventador Lamborghini. Chet offered a generous lift to Toqeira who excitedly excepted and the drivers raced away in the dazzling white Porsche with all air conditioning devices working hard. But the two wolf couples in the Lambo had to make do with the overwhelming heat and wind by going quicker on the roads. As they went out of the car park, Maiden looked over to Kauto's big Ford truck and noticed his facial expression as he looked out of the open window at the Lamborghini. The Sabre-Wolf pulled out and quickly parked before hopping out and walked over to Kauto who parked the truck behind. 'Are you alright Kauto?'

'Well not really, you guys all have someone in the car with you. I'm on my own in here.'

'Awe, err would you like us to come in here with you. We'll leave the Lambo here if you'd like and go with you.'

'You'd do that for me?'

'Sure, I don't want to see you looking like that. Look I'll go and park the Lambo back in the trailer so it's safe and then we'll come in and go with you ok.'

'Thanks Maiden you're the best.'

'Well after you hunk heh.' Maiden quickly ran to the Lambo and drifted into the car park before coming back with Ula. The rainbow Sabre-Wolf jumped in the back with Ula in the front. 'Ok how's that Kauto, better?' Maiden asked as he wrapped his arms around the driver seat and Kauto, rubbing his pecs as he did so.

'Much better, you don't mind not going in the Lambo?'

'What when I have the chance to go with you hunk, of course I don't mind heh.'

'Awe thanks.'

'Whenever I get to feel those muscles, especially your huge pecs which stick way out I just can't think of anything I'd want to do more, apart from having sex with you haha.' Maiden said this while squeezing Kauto's pecs as he drove off to Sydney. The wolf's big paws ran over the pair of huge boulders while he also rubbed against the stallion's cheeks. Ula watched them both in awe as Kauto rustled Maiden's fur. 'Hay how about we do that this evening.'

'What have sex? Haha'

'Yeah why not, you enjoyed it the last time didn't you?.'

'Of course I did, there's nothing better but I couldn't imagine seeing you even bigger and more furry woofy.'

'Well you'll have to control how much you put out won't you hunk. Anyway lets forget that now so I can feel those pecs and abs, oh and muzzle hehe.' The Sabre-Wolf kissed Kauto's cheek before Ula suddenly came up with an idea.

'Kauto, would you like me to drive so you two can sit together more easily?' The stallion looked up to Maiden quickly with a smile before stopping the truck instantly.

'That's a great idea Ula, look out Maiden.' Kauto said as he jumped into the back and immediately snogged the wolf. Ula took the wheel and drove instead, with the two in the back groping and molesting each other. 'Yes I definitely want to have sex with you after heh. Can I feel your orbs Maiden?'

'Of course hunk, here let me.' Maiden took Kauto's hands and moved them slowly down his shorts as he continued snogging him. As Kauto felt the wolf's orbs, Maiden did the same and fondled with the Friesian's pumped up orbs. Ula was struggling and trying desperately to keep her eye on the road. 'Awe man can you imagine the condition we'll both be in when we start working on our muscle strength and definition. God, Kauto all I'll want to do is remain stuck to you.'

'I know it'll be great, but stop talking so I can kiss and grope you more.'

'Oh sorry heh.' And so all the way to Sydney they groped and kissed together endlessly, with Ula safely getting them to the Airport. In an hour's time they would be going up against each other in the plane pull event.

Fur Olympics Part 8

Once at the Sydney Airport, they immediately noticed the normally overcrowded and busy airport was completely empty with no sign of any flights taking off or landing. But what they could see, where a whole load of the usual airliners and big planes...

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Fur Olympics Part 6

Back in the stadium, the two stallions were greeted for the final time by the capacity crowd and were asked for their required weight for the final. It took a few moments for each of the four competitors to pick a desired weight. Eventually the rhino...

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Fur Olympics Part 5d

Meanwhile back inside the stadium, Chet and Kauto were about to head out for the next round of the Squat event. Kauto was feeling a little pain in the changing rooms but after a quick feeding session he was ready. He didn't class this as cheating as he...

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