Fur Olympics Part 9 (plane pull event)

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#12 of Fur Olympics

After a hefty amount of time I've uploaded again heh. plane Pull event starts here, and if you don't like muscle worship there's a button for you to press Enjoy

Outside of Toqeira's changing room, Kauto had informed Chet and the tiger of the event and was now walking back to his room to get ready. While trotting back, the stallion bumped into Ula as she came back after tidying herself up. 'Oh hi Ula, you look amazing I must say.'

'Thanks heh.' Ula replied in a happy tone before hugging the tall Friesian. His huge chest provided the perfect support for Ula to rest against. 'You look great too, are ready for your event?'

'I'm ready heh, just a few nerves that's all.'

'Oh you don't have to worry, we both know you'll do well so just have some fun eyy.'

'Yeah I'll try my best heh. What are you wearing? It smells so sweet and strong.'

'Oh, I put on some new fragrance that I bought. It's not too bad is it?' Ula asked while still in the stallion's warm arms.

'No, no. I like it, it just hit me suddenly heh. I think it adds to how beautiful you are right now.'

'Awe thanks, you're so kind Kauto.' Ula suddenly pulled gently on the back of Kauto's neck and planted a kiss on his muzzle, surprising him slightly. As she let go, the fem wolf licked her soft lips and looked with a slight shock into his eyes before they gradually moved closer again and kissed for longer. In his changing room, Maiden was wondering where everybody had gotten too, and decided to take a walk. Coming out of the room, the Sabre-Wolf immediately noticed them both kissing in broad daylight in the middle of the corridor. Chuckling to himself, this was not something the big wolf would get angry about since he knew Ula liked the big stallion as much as he did. Walking towards them slowly and quietly, Maiden stood behind Kauto and watched closely trying not to laugh. Seeing them together, Maiden began squeezing and massaging Kauto's huge shoulders. The Friesian thought it was Ula who was actually doing this.

As they eventually let go, Kauto turned and instantly jumped back with a squeal, falling onto his rump in shock. 'Err.........oh god.......Maiden......I mean Ula...........I'm so sorry I didn't mean to.......' Kauto murmured while getting anxiously back to his hooves.

'Hey Kauto, calm down.' Maiden said as he grabbed Kauto by the side. 'Come on you big sexy stallion, do you really think I would get angry seeing you kissing Ula heh. You kiss me all the time, so it's no different. Anyway you two looked good together haha.' Maiden joked while muscle hugging Kauto and Ula together.

'I can definitely see why you love kissing him so much, you're very good honey.' Kauto suddenly looked shocked at Ula for calling him honey.

'You called me honey Ula, Maiden she called me honey.'

'I know heh, she loves you as well as me you know. Well, I hope she loves me.' Maiden said while squeezing Kauto's huge traps and standing as close as possible to him. Ula pulled them both gently towards her and kissed the two hulking figures on the cheek.

'Maiden, I wouldn't be here if I didn't love you heh. There's just one thing I was wondering though.' Ula said while stroking Kauto and Maiden closely by her.

'What's that?' Maiden replied with a kiss.

'Do you reckon I could be with you guys a little more? I haven't really the last few days and weeks.'

'Oh of course you can, I'm so sorry that we haven't been together much. Me and Kauto aren't competing for another hour or more, so how about we spend some time together while Chet and Toqeira are doing there first round.'

'I'd love that a lot, where are the drivers by the way?'

'They've gone out for a long drive while we're here, come on lets go into our changing room. Maybe if you're in the mood, you'd like to have some fun.'

'Oh I'd love too, especially with you two heh.' Feeling very excited, Maiden picked Ula up into his huge, and very warm arms before Kauto did the same to him and walked into their room for some privacy. The Friesian Stallion plonked his sexy rump on a metal bench with the two wolves on each of his oversized rippling legs. He was then shocked when Ula and Maiden began nipping his huge neck, he even got a full blown view of Ula's very large bust. Maiden got in the action and ran his fingers tenderly over her furry chest. 'Maiden what's gotten into you haha.'

'Hehe, you wanted to spend more time with us and you have such a wonderful figure which I want to see more of heh.' For the next hour, they nuzzled and had fun, sexual and physical.

Chet and Toqeira meanwhile had come out of the tigers' room and were warming up in the temporary weight room. Both were extremely excited about pulling some extreme planes and using there muscles as much as possible. In the pump room with them, the other competitors were piling in trying to get a pre-warm up done. It was obvious that none of them were as ripped and perfectly cut as the tiger and stallion. Ten minutes before it was their turn to compete, Chet and Toqeira walked together to the runway entrance rippling their muscles playfully and joking to keep the nerves down. 'Wow, I'm so excited Chet. I'm pumped and ready heh, have you ever pulled airliners before? Let me just say I wouldn't be surprised if you had.' Toqeira said excitedly while rubbing Chet's wide and vastly developed back.

'Yeah me too, I haven't really pulled an airliner before. I've been with Kauto and Maiden while playing with trains, but not big airliners heh.' Chet had Toqeira's perky tail in his hands and was twirling it through his fingers playfully. 'Have you Toqeira?'

'Well, I've trained with planes and big trains as you know, but never with these jumbo jets. It'll be really exciting to pump with some real venom heh, I always love testing myself to the limit. It'll be very difficult in this heat though.' With Toqeira running his hands through Chet's mane and the stallion playing with the tigers' tail, they walked outside into the forty plus degree heat and were greeted by a huge crowd immediately to the right and left of the runway. 'Oh wow, I wasn't expecting this. I'm even more excited now heh.'

'This is fabulous, I wasn't expecting a big crowd like this. I wonder what we'll be pulling first?' As Chet said this, a burly eight foot Racoon approached the two ripped competitors and informed them of the first round rules. They wouldn't be pulling the planes as they had expected, but in fact lifting a mini-airliner and walking or running a distance of 50 yards to make the semi-finals. 'Oh, this is getting more and more exciting.' Chet said with a playful ripple of all his sexy muscles which made Toqeira lick his lips as he rubbed the stallions' pecs. The Racoon chuckled and wished them luck before they walked next to their mini planes. With the crowd gradually dying down to near silence, Chet and Toqeira found a suitable place for a firm grip under the pair of King Air 350's. As they received the call to begin, they quickly glanced over to each other and smiled before each one of them heaved the planes into the air above their shoulders, endless ripples and bulges covered their bodies which mesmerised the crowds. They once again looked over to each other and began walking to the fifty yard markers. Giving the odd huff and puff, their concentration on using their muscles only overpowered their efforts and strain of the actual heavy load.

The ripples and deep, vast mountain ranges of muscle became clearly visible on both competitors as they made there way past the markers. As they placed the planes back down, they immediately turned to each other and produced a double bicep pose which revealed all the sinews and strength the crowd had just witnessed. But suddenly, Toqeira yawned and stretched his body revealing his unexpected dinosaur teeth. Chet was slightly shocked at there size and sheer sharpness. 'Wow Toqeira, you have a nice set of teeth there heh.'

'Oh sorry about that Chet, lets go back in the airport a second I need a drink heh.' As they walked back into the airport building while waving to the crowd, Chet once again was playing with Toqeira's perky tail. 'Heh do you like playing with my tail?' Toqeira said with a squeeze on Chet's shoulder, making his cheeks turn warm.

'Heh, it feels peculiar and much longer than a normal tigers' tail. Plus I like the way you wave it around from side to side heh.' Chet replied as they walked back into the building after waving to the crowd.

'Haha.' Toqeira grabbed a pair of water bottles and handed one to Chet before he explained his teeth. 'Right my teeth, err.........well first, because they are so big, I tend to keep them as much out of sight as possible. You know I feel for Maiden, having his Saber teeth so large and in view. He looks amazing though with them. As for mine, well I just want to let you know I like them but I'm not scary heh.'

'Oh I know your not scary, I wouldn't be playing with your tail or anything if you were would I heh. So now that we've gotten through the first round with some ease, what shall we do?' Chet asked making Toqeira think hard.

'Err..........' As he was thinking and gulping down his water, the pumped tiger looked at Chet and awed at the rippling muscles and strength in them. 'Well since we're both looking pretty pumped, maybe a refreshing shower or something?'

'Sure.' They excitedly walked back to the changing rooms and again went into the tigers' which was surprisingly bigger than most of the others with large power showers which somehow massage you. Toqeira opened his door and let Chet go in first before the reptilian-tiger went in with him and shut the door. Chet had walked through into the shower area and was about to go into a shower cubicle. But when Toqeira came through the door stretching with his arms in the air, the stallion immediately stopped and watched as the tigers' upper body rippled and bulged. Toqeira suddenly began to purr as he reached the top of the stretch. Chet quickly melted as he watched and listened to the beefy cat purr as he closed his eyes and revealed his whole body, pretty much in front of the stallion. His cheeks were a rosy red with a cheeky grin which made Toqeira quickly drop his big arms to the side as he opened his eyes again.

'Oh.........I'm......sorry about that Chet. I just felt a little stiff all of a sudden heh.' The ripped tiger said with a chuckling grin.

'Wow, I've never seen a tiger so ripped like you heh.'

'Awe thanks Chet, would you like some help in the shower?' Toqeira asked all of a sudden, shocking Chet slightly.

'Huh?' Chet replied with his ears folded back.

'Oh god, what did I just say. I didn't mean that, I'm so sorry.' Toqeira suddenly jumped into a shower cubicle feeling very embarrassed by what he said. Chet walked up to his cubicle door and peeped over with the tiger blushing and standing under the running water in his shorts.

'Err Toqeira, you didn't say anything wrong. Anyway perhaps you could help me.'

'I could?' Toqeira turned timidly before Chet began rubbing his oversized rippling pecs, making him purr again. His chest heaved as he flexed and tensed under Chet's soft hands. Toqeira slowly opened the cubicle door and let the stallion stand with him under the shower as he began to look over Chet and feel his beyond ripped chest. They were both facing the wall and it was Chet who was actually starting things off. Standing closely behind the tiger, his hands roamed over the hard ridges on his chest as he nipped at the strong fibres and soft skin on his neck. The water which was gushing over them, just made things easier. Toqeira's fur flattened as he was drenched, this revealed his muscles more and allowed Chet to fully see his strength. Even though he was a full foot taller than horse, Toqeira was still able to hold the stallions' arms closely over his shoulders.

Outside of the room, there just happened to be a nine foot eleven inch, dripping wet muscle bound Sabre-Wolf walking along after completing his first round in the plane event. Maiden was heading back with his fiancée to his changing room to wait for Kauto. But before he did, Maiden wanted to check in on Chet and Toqeira. As he opened the tigers' changing room door and peeped in, Maiden could hear the running water. He walked in quietly and slowly poked his head around into the shower area where he could hear a sexy purr coming from the far cubicle. Walking over, Maiden stopped half way as he saw Chet and Toqeira all drenched and worshipping each others amazing figure. The tiger suddenly looked up and jumped as he saw Maiden watching him with his big ice white eyes. Chet turned and also jumped at the sight of Maiden.

'Oh god, err hi Maiden. Err......err......' Toqeira nervously said as he got out of the shower, shaking.

'Woe calm down Toqeira, what's wrong?' Maiden said as he rubbed the tigers' back.

'Err......did you see us.......I mean where you watching for long?'

'Erm, no I just literally came in here now to see you.'

'So you didn't see what we were doing?' Toqeira asked this hoping he would say no.

'Err actually I did see a little bit, it was very sexy I must say.'

'You liked it?' Chet quickly commented as he stepped out of the shower cubicle.

'Err, yeah heh.' Maiden replied with an embarrassed grin as he looked at the floor. 'You two looked amazing under the shower, you know, rubbing and...........worshipping.' Suddenly, while the Sabre-Wolf was thinking through everything, his mind clicked. 'Err hang on, have you guys got something going here?' Maiden smiled and tried hard not to make them feel embarrassed. But his question received no answer, Chet and Toqeira looked into each others eyes and instantly went a hot red in the face. The stallion shuffled his hoof, making his quads ripple with strength and the reptile-tiger simply grabbed his tail and wrapped it round his fingers. Maiden watched and was shocked and speechless, but he wasn't angry or disillusioned in a bad way. The Sabre-Wolf put his huge arms around them both and whispered into their ears. Toqeira shook slightly as he felt Maidens' amazing strength around his shoulders and his deep voice vibrate in his ears. 'I think you two are perfect for each other heh.'

'You.......you do?' Toqeira replied nervously.

'I do, but I won't go too much into it. I'd err........' Maiden suddenly began looking over Toqeira and Chet while rubbing them both on the back. 'Do you reckon I could join you for a sneak peak? I kinda liked seeing you guys in there heh.' The Sabre-Wolf blushed a bit as he plonked his sweating hot body under the shower. Chet and Toqeira walked slowly in next to big wolf, not expecting him to be like this. Maiden suddenly picked the tiger up into his arms and dug his nose into the tigers' meaty, hard pecs while Chet looked at his abs which were directly in front of his eyes tensing away. Toqeira looked at Maiden feeling bewildered by his actions, but when the wolf moved slowly up his neck his thoughts soon changed. Down at his midsection, Chet was tracing the cobblestone muscles with his soft lips, running his tongue over the pencil veins as well as in between each of the eight blocks of rippling muscle.

But as he looked up, Maiden suddenly stopped as he heard a loud clip clopping sound outside, putting the big tiger back on his feet. 'Oh err, I think I'd better leave you two guys for now. Kauto's just finished his round, he'll need a err........rub down heh. Thanks for letting me join in with you for that brief time heh.' As Maiden said this with a smile, Toqeira and Chet looked at each other.

'I......I think we're more surprised Maiden.'

'Huh?' Maiden replied with his ears pointed.

'Well, I wouldn't have thought you'd like muscle worshipping.'

'Err, why? Me and Kauto always worship together.'

'Oh, you do?'

'Yeah heh.'

'Oh I'm sorry, I............I didn't think you liked that sort of thing for some reason. I thought you were just into strength and working out, since you own your own gym heh.' Toqeira said with rosy cheeks. Maiden looked with his ice white eyes at the tiger and chuckled slightly as he hugged both Chet and the tiger.

'I do like strength and workouts, I love worshipping the muscles even more though heh.' As the Sabre-Wolf stepped out of the shower, Toqeira had a thought.

'Err, Maiden. There's a bar on the beach front where I like to go on.......certain days. I was wondering whether you and everyone would join me this evening for a healthy drink.' Maiden raised into a happy grin, with his teeth in full view.

'I'd love too, shall we meet there about seven.'

'Yeah that'd be great.'

'How will I find you?'

'Oh you'll find me don't worry heh.' With a large towel around his waste, Maiden walked out of the door and headed for his room. Toqeira turned and saw Chet looking a little upset in the shower shuffling a hoof. The burly reptilian-tiger slowly walked back under the water and looked into the stallions' eyes passionately as rubbed his oblique's. 'What's wrong Chet?'

'You didn't invite me.' Chet replied in a soft yet serious tone. Toqeira stood back slightly, looking upset at himself.

'Err........Chet, I'm really sorry I didn't ask you first. But you see, Maiden kinda came in when I was about to ask you.' Chet looked up and stood forward.

'You were?'

'Yeah, I was going to ask if we could go together and meet the others there a little later.'

'Why did you want them to meet us later?' Chet asked with a soft nuzzle, before Toqeira's ears pinned in a distinctive manner.

'Err..........well............I'd really like you to come with me, err........you see, when I saw the cars you guys drive I felt a little....heh....jealous.' Toqeira's cheeks instantly glowed as he mentioned his jealousy. Chet chuckled and rubbed the furry tigers' cheeks.

'Heh, haven't you got a car Toqeira?'

'Err.......well that's one reason why I'd like you to come with me. When I saw all your cars, my mind went crazy with thoughts heh, and I may have ended up buying one.'

'Oh you did? What did you get?'

'Erm, how about I just show you it after, I hope you like it heh.' Chet gave a little nod of acceptance just before there came another knock at the door. Toqeira scampered for a towel and went to open the door, dripping over the floor. As he peeped out of the door, Toqeira was presented with a note by a hefty sized canine before he left. The tiger closed the door in a confused state before he started reading the note as Chet came through. 'Hey look at this Chet, because we both managed to get those planes across the required distance, we're automatically in the shootout tomorrow for the final four heh.'

'Huh, I thought we we're in the semi finals?' Chet replied in a similarly confused manor.

'Yeah that's what I thought, but according to this there were quite a few competitors who didn't go the full distance. They have to compete in some kind of losers bracket which takes place this evening. So you know what that means.' Toqeira grinned in delight.

'Err.......go on.' Chet smiled in return.

'I could show you my car sooner, and if you'd like I could take you to my favourite bar.'

'Oh I'd like that, the one on the beach front?'

'Yeah, it's a very peaceful place when the stars come out heh.' As Toqeira looked up at the clock on the wall, he was shocked to find it was three o'clock. 'Wow we spent a long time in here, why don't we go now Chet.'


Fur Olympics Part 10 - Sybaritic Passion

After leaving the airport for the day, Toqeira and Chet were walking to the beach front with the sun low in the sky. The temperatures were still hot, but a more manageable 28 degrees Celsius. As they got to the beach road, the burly reptile-tiger...

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Fur Olympics Part 10 - Sybaritic Passion

After leaving the airport for the day, Toqeira and Chet were walking to the beach front with the sun low in the sky. The temperatures were still hot, but a more manageable 28 degrees Celsius. As they got to the beach road, the burly reptile-tiger...

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Fur Olympics Part 8

Once at the Sydney Airport, they immediately noticed the normally overcrowded and busy airport was completely empty with no sign of any flights taking off or landing. But what they could see, where a whole load of the usual airliners and big planes...

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