Hunted Relentlessly: The Beast And His Monster

Story by KnucklePuppy on SoFurry

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#2 of Master/Pet

Haven't done this on a loooong time, please be gentle...

Hunted Relentlessly: The Beast and His Monster Part One Some wolf furs have an imperfection in their super-malleable DNA, that whenever they're exposed to moonlight or a fit of emotion, they suffer a metaphysical mutation called Lycanthropy. Wolf furs in this state revert to a feral, bestial level, but demonstrate super-enhanced abilities. But at a cost, whenever they're transformed for any duration, they get an extreme boost to their sex drive. And if the urge to mate is too strong, their agression usually leads down a very dark path. Despite this, whenever the mutation manifests for the first time, they newly dubbed "Lycanthropes" are taken away to a specific type of prison. One that profits from selling their newborn cubs.

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It was my time to go up on display. Other cubs were selected too. When we were all rounded up to go, one of the sales associates, a fox in white clothing pulled me off to the side. "Now Silvus, we want you to get out of here, and make a life for yourself. Let's try harder this time! You can do it!" -but I'm mechandise- I thought. -that life will never be mine-. I turned around, and headed to the sink area of my cell. "Give me ten minutes" I muttered under my breath and over my shoulder. "I need to get cleaned up." Watching this dick sock's eyes search around, I saw them widen as he noticed a few dried and crusty patches on the floor. Then he looked a little queasy as he realized that I nutted at least a few hours before. How a big bog like that dried up at all is beyond me. "Silvus, you wouldn't take a mate, male or female, at this facility." I gruffed up a bit, and the fox shrank back. "None of these feral fucks had eyes for me." We stood there for a few seconds in silence before I broke it. "Let me get dressed. Come get me when you're ready." The fox looked at a watch under his sleeve. "We need to go now then." I picked up my shorts from somewhere off the floor, and fully aware that I was being watched, began to slide them slowly up my furry legs. Past my knees, up my thighs, around my waist. I slowly pulled my tail through its port, and I drew the drawstring and tied it tight. I checked myself in my mirror. I was a wolf (hell yeah) with light brown fur, piercing, attentive hazel eyes, CLEAN gleaming fangs, with strong, lean muscle. I turned around and counted my spots along my shoulders. Seventy-eight, last I checked. I finished counting quickly, and turned back around to face myself and flexed over my shoulders once, and rubbed my chest slowly. As I savored the sensation, my dick jumped. "We really should be going..." dick sock said with a swallow. He liked the show. I turned and walked past him while I jostled my nuts around, but I paid him no further attention. The teenaged cubs went one way, and I was brought to door after walking another way. Even in a few years of flat refusal of this, it was still run the same. I lowered my head, and dick sock hugged me from behind, around my waist. I didn't mention how short this guy was. His head was even with the bottom of my shoulders. I shifted my tail and felt the tip of it bump something rigid. Not because I wanted to find out, but because I knew that I'd made the fox hard. "Let's get this over with..." I muttered to him. He fished out a key from his pocket and struggled to reach the lock to unlock the door. I snatched the key away from him, and shaking my head I unlocked it, removed the key and returned it opened the door, and entered a smaller cell, with I guess some type of glass fitted to a cylindrical frame. My display case. The room wasn't very big, but big enough for me to sit. The fox started to say something, but I closed the door on his statement. Finally alone, I sat on the floor. I spread my legs a bit untill they touched the walls, and the way I sat down made my shorts ride up, giving an obscured but distinct view of my equipment. I rested my arms on my inner thighs, and my tail was curled along the wall behind me. "One more go huh?" I questioned myself

I could see into a lit hallway where other furs looked through other windows at the cubs that I was separated from. I didn't try to be cute and pose, I was too old for that shit. I just shifted my eyes from time to time. Every now and then my balls itched, so I scratched them. I went ahead and undid the drawstring of my shorts as I sat there, and let my thoughts play. Tonight's meal, whether I was gonna beat my dick or not, even though I knew I didn't have a choice. My life, and when I could finally have it... I was twenty-six. I was supposed to have gotten out of here a loooooooong time ago, and been someone's sexual assistant I guess. I didn't mind the idea, but from what I heard, that was all I'd be good for. I shuddered at the idea of uselessness. It made me a little mad, too. As my heart rate started to climb though, I yanked my shorts down with a hint of worry as I began to work my shaft. Shouldnt've done that though, because now I wasn't gonna stop untill I finished. My dick was already at full size (managin a full and heavy eight this time), and I growled loudly as I grabbed my bone tightly. Someone outside heard me. Yay... I stroked slowly, actually gettin into it as I flattened my ears out and gruffed as I squeezed my heavy nuts. I licked my lips as I drooled a little, and a feeling like... hunger began to creep over me. Frantic, I stroked my shaft with my right hand, and grabbed right behind my thick knot with a clenched fist (I love a strong tie). I closed my eyes tight as I felt a load ready itself, and I grunted like a beast as I fired my first already-thick shot right at the glass. It landed with a loud, heavy splat, and the fur outside (a rabbit, I think) reeled back with shock and amazement. I felt a wave of relief rock through me, and I fired the rest of my load in a cocky display. I'm a big shooter. I find it a major turn on within myself. The rest made a puddle that ran down the front of the cell, pooled on the floor, and ran down my chest. I breathed through my teeth, and winked at the slowly forming crowd I rubbed the mess on my chect into my fur and slowly flicked my tail. I bared my fangs, high off my own bravado, and took it in as the faces I could barely see smiled. Through a corner I failed to cover, I saw something big and white lumber away. I'd never seen anything like it before. It seemed to dazzle in the light; it was gorgeous. I sat up and placed my hands on the load-coated window, and whined lightly. The white mass stopped and turned around to face me. It looked like a bear. A white bear? He smiled at me, and turned around to walk away. And as sure as it seemed possible, I was alone again. I gritted my teeth as I felt a bit of something I wasn't used to. I was actually disappointed. So much it hurt. I'M the fuckin prize! How dare he turn his back on me?! I shuddered as my mind was lost to my inner beast, and I growled deeply. My fangs condensed and recoated untill they were as strong as steel. Steel, like this prison, this,,,fuckin PONY SHOW! My heart beat like a swarm of hornets, and I took on more weaight as I instantly gained forty or so pounds of extra muscle. My fur was matted because more grew in, and nothing could pierce it. I stood up and fuckin ROARED! The furs in the hallway all screamed in abject horror at what I'd become. Everything I ever was, ever could be was better when I was like this. I could literally fuck you for a full day if you drew it out of me. I could hear the electricity in the walls like loudly screaching monkeys. I could see the nerves in your body fire as you tried to react pitifully. I could TASTE the fear the dick socks and others in the hallway were ozzing. I liked that taste. I could feel the movement of anything that moved, and could roughly guess its weight. A few rats were below me, feasting on the bits of food they'd stolen. And my nose! Goddam there's never been a clearer picture. I could tell you, with my nose alone, EXACTLY what was going on. Right at this very second. Growling savagely, a feeling like a couple of missed meals washed over me, and my dick grew to full size. A proud'n heavy eight inches, with a girth I'd fallen in love with. My nuts hung low. They always did. And while I expected them to have grown in size time after time, they didn't. But I was fine with what I had. The hallway was suddenly empty, but I could feel footsteps closing in on me from both ends of the outer hallway, and the one I came from. I was ready for them, I knew who they were. But they were ready for me, it seemed. From vents in the ceiling, a thick, cloying stench burned my nostrils. I guess that was to stun me. The door to the display cell burst open, and I saw furs in armor of sorts. One had a dart gun, and he popped me in the arm. I guess the needle got lodged between a couple of condensed hairs, because it didn't hurt me. I looked at it for a second, silent. The chaos resumed when the lead dick sock that led me here stepped forward. "My my" he began, with the most condescending voice. "You've scared off all our customers. We have GOT to do something about you. What though, will be decided tomorrow. If you do not die in the confines of this room, of course." Amazingly, before I could react, he closed the door, and I heard it lock. The stench built up again, and the dart on my arm flashed and beeped. The stench was stronger now, and made it difficult to breathe. I slowly collapsed, and the dart exploded in a ball of flame that was fueled by the smell. It burned me up pretty good, and I was thrown very hard in a very short distance. I woke up on the floor briefly. Looking at burned patches of my bare skin, I cringed at the sensation of being burned. -Fire's a good trick...- I thought. And then I closed my eyes.

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