Hunted Relentlessly

Story by KnucklePuppy on SoFurry

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#1 of Master/Pet

Hunted Relentlessly This is fiction based on actual characters. "Alright puppy dog. You got my scent?" my master asked me as I pulled my snout from under his titanic balls. I spent more time down there just admiring those nuts and their authority. I gave them a small lick of approval, while Boss shuddered in delight. "Good then. I want you good and hungry when you finally find me. Who's my puppy dog?" he asked me as he scratched under my muzzle lightly. "And one more thing... I don't want you to beat off tonight. I want those wolfy-balls heavy. Can you do this for me?" he asked me while he rubbed my back. I nodded. My tail wagged. And at that, my polar bear was gone. We had a game, my polar bear and I. We called it "Hunting", and one of us had to find the other with some sort of trail. I usually left big puddles of my spunk for him to find. I trailed him with the scent from his nuts. I liked it that way. The closer I was, the hornier I got. I heard him drive off, and that night I had the biggest, most strained bone I ever had. Well, I only had them this big when I was allowed to be a predator and hunt my prey. I missed my polar bear already. Thinking about him didnt help, either. He had dazzling white fur, and soft brown eyes behind some glasses. He just cut his hair short, and it made him look like a polar bear should. It also gave him a more childlike appearance. I think he looks cute that way. He has some muscle on him, as big guys do. He has a decent gut, one that just covers the front of his waist. And under his belly hangs a pair of the biggest nuts I have ever seen. He has a shorter dick than I do, but its very suckable. Its thick, thicker than I, but not too thick. His max expanse runs him just about five and a half inches long, and maybe seven inches thick. I looked at my dick and whined into the silence of my dark room, growing more and more lustful as the hours passed. Fully aware of my masters instructions, the only thing I could really do for even temporary relief was simply grasp my shaft lightly, and force myself to let go. But I eventually fell asleep, dreaming of the things I would do to him.

Four a.m., the following morning. I awoke to something slowly fondling my sac, and the first things I did were spread my legs and pant. "How's my dog doin?" Boss asked, while paying extra attention to my churning nuts. I let out a ragged, lustful growl and leapt towards my attacker. I landed in his arms and panted as he got a much appreciated handfull of my swinging balls. "That's a good boy..." he whispered. He moved up a bit, and began to stroke me with a tender paw. My muzzle fell open and released a whine of pure need. He did this for a bit, paying attention to the sounds I made, and the tension in my dick. Just when I though I was going to pop, he dropped me back on the bed and hastily made a retreat to his room. Before I knew it I was right on his heels, growling lusfully at his back. I ran head first into a closed door, and through my sudden dizziness I heard the door lock. I jiggled the knob, confused. "I'm waitin' for ya big boy..." he said seductively. After this sudden rejection I came to my senses. I forgot myself, as if I was watching myself stand at the door and growl. Growl? I was growling? I forced myself to calm down as best I could, but this bone was killing me. A little hungrier, I went back to bed.

I woke up with morning wood. The blanket I was under was damp in some spots, and wetter in others. My shorts were ruined for now, so I kicked them off into my clothes hamper and headed to the bathroom nude. Pissing with difficult enough morning wood is impossible, so I just settled on brushing my fangs. I stood in front of the mirror and admired myself. I had light brown fur, with eyes a darker brown. I had spots down my back, just around my shoulders. My underfur was white with traces of brown strewn about. My dick stood as close to the mirror as it could without touching it. Black, eight inches on my better days, seven whenever else. I had a pair of brown low hangers, now heavier than usual. Walking was a treat. I could tell how heavy they were with every step. I dressed my toothbrush and got to it, trying to focus on the task of obtaining a whiter smile. I built up a great deal of foam, and as wayward paws wrapped themselves around my waist and my shaft, it all ended up on my muzzle and chest. My leg revved to life, stamping lightly as the paw around my waist scritched my sensitive belly. As he got to the end of my shaft, he squeezed my dick head with every stroke. I went wild. I panted a little more deeply. I growled like a beast. I could smell the scent of his nuts, and my dick grew a little harder. I turned and licked my polar bear's neck slowly as he aimed my dick at the mirror. His strokes sped up, and the paw on my belly dropped to my nuts and squeezed them individually and together. I felt it creeping up my shaft, and I wanted it. I whined for it. And he was gone, just like that. I don't know if he was ever even there, he left so quickly. The only proof I had was the toothpaste foam on my chest and around my muzzle. My panting returned to normal, and my mind cleared. Just a bit hungrier, I went about my day as best I could.

Around three p.m. I was taking a shower. I soaped up the back of my neck and mane, and the lights went out. "Shit" I muttered as I froze. I thought I heard something through the rushing water. I took a careful step back, and I backed into something soft... and hard. "Gotcha, you horny, NAUGHTY doggy..." Boss said as he gripped the base of my tail and lifted it. I felt something press against my tailhole, and I went into a submissive frenzy. I whined, flattened my ears, and raised my tail a little higher. Boss's hips rocked forward as he ground his dick between my butt cheeks. "Ya want me ta own ya, puppy dog?" he asked me hotly. I could feel his nuts smack heavily against mine, and I loved it. He kept the grinding up, sometimes prodding my bullseye. "You want your big polar ta OWN ya?" he asked as he gripped my shaft. "You want me to DRAIN these heavy wolf nuts and make ya feel better buddy?" he asked as he ground me a final time while holding my balls. I lost it. I broke his grip and whirled around in his arms, baring my fangs. I growled with pure lust and clamped lightly onto his neck. I could smell no fear, but arousal wafted from those... heavenly nuts and I panted hotly at him. He embraced me while he fondled my nuts again. That made me hot. I fell onto his big chest and let some relief settle, because immediately after that he let me go, and bolted from the bathroom. I was instantly after him. He ran toward the stairs and I bounded after him, the scent of his nuts being my only guide. He jumped five steps down, and I leaped to the bannister and surfed it past to the first floor down below. And my prey was at my feet. He smiled at me with a red face and breathed hard. "That's my dog...". I shook myself dry on all fours, and stepped to him slowly. "No, it's not time yet bud. Ya gotta be a little more patient. Master'll take care of you, I promise." I guess he thought I could understand him, because I honestly didn't. I wanted his tail. I wanted those titanic nuts. I wanted those big paws, his firm belly. I wanted him. I hungered for them. I growled lustfully at him as I took another step. "No, puppy dog" he nervously chuckled. I slowly stalked my way to him, with my snout under his nuts. I took a deep breath and breathed in his fear as I took in his scent and taste. He gulped. I drooled.

And then I rolled over. I spread my legs for him, and proudly showed off my nuts. I stroked my dick slowly, invitingly. My tail wagged. I could see him take a step back, up the stairs. I managed a dopey grin. He took another step back, farther up the stairs. He kept his eyes on me, slowly backing up the stairs. "I'm not falling for that, you dirty sneak you..." he said warmly as he made his retreat. I heard him go all the way back to his room, and he locked his door. I howled in sheer disbelief. I stood up and growled again, and silently stormed off to my room. I walked inside and fell back onto my bed, my dick practically all I could see. And there he was, in my doorway, jostling his nuts at me. I was starving. "Come an' get 'em boy" he said with a smile. I took off toward him on all fours, and immediately tried to stop as he closed the door short of me, and I bashed into it head on.

I awoke in my den and the outside was dark and silent. The air smelled strongly of another male, one I shared my territory with. My nuts hurt. I didn't like that. I snarled and walked in a circle expectantly. I took another deep breath, and my hunger increased to crippling levels. I was hungry. And a wolf needs to eat, see. My ears stood as part of the wall slowly moved. I smelled fresh air, and moved toward it. I stuck my nose into the space, and it widened. I stuck one of my paws in and swiped, forcing the space open wide. Fresh air flowed past me, and I stepped out into the pathway. My prey was nearby... I followed the scent into another place that smelled of the other male, but it was different. It didn't make my hunger increase. It just presented a vague picture. Half of what I smelled I didn't understand, and the other half I didn't care about. I heard a sound, three high-pitched whistling noises that reminded me of someone I'd gladly die for. I silently hunted for the source of this sound. I approached a cliff and sniffed around. The scent of the other male was overwhelming. My stomach growled. "Come here puppy dog... Come on..." I bolted off the cliff and landed on all fours in a place where other creatures sat and relaxed, slept and laughed. His scent was overpowering. My nose kept telling my brain something I couldn't comprehend at the time, but I know it made it very difficult to focus. And that's when I saw him. He was standing in a doorway, looking around. He was big. He was bright. He was gorgeous. I sat down and stared at him silently. He looked around a bit more, and whistled twice more. He looked in a direction away from where I was. "I KNOW he's lookin for me." He smiled. "What have I gotten myself int-" He froze, and my muscles coiled up. He turned to look at me, and I had already taken three or so steps. He was about to vanish behind a wall, and I was in front of it. He was almost gone, and my hind paws left the opposite wall as I blasted through it. I landed easily in a storm of splintered wood, and there he was, my prey. He was stunned, no doubt. He got his bearings and spotted me, but that was when I was already in his face. I sniffed him. Yep. He tried to give himself some distance, but I halted him with a ferocious and lustful growl. He stood slowly (I allowed it) and spread his arms. "Hey puppy dog." I whined loud enough to crack glass and leaped into his arms as a mass of fur, super-hardened wolfdick, swinging wolfnuts, a lashing tongue, and a wagging tail. He held me and chuckled as I simply couldn't do enough, and we fell back onto something soft. I writhed around quickly, and fought to my paws as he was on his knees, and those monstrously large balls were there to greet me. I attacked with the fervor of a starved man, and the gentleness of a mother with her child. My... polar bear tilted his head back and sighed in relief. I lightly sucked on his giant right, gagged on his colossal left, and then fought to get them both in my muzzle at once. My polar bear shuddered. He was mine, and I was hungry. His dick was standing in line to my muzzle, and I didn't waste a second. He sighed with his muzzle closed, and I slowly and tenderly showed him my affection. We favored sucking on his head, and I took his shaft at his instruction. He didn't last long. He flooded my muzzle with his seed, and I licked him clean. I sat back on my haunches and waited for him to open his eyes. He panted for a bit as he rode out his orgasm, but I was the one who needed relief. He stopped panting. "Alright puppy dog... You earned this." he said as he turned around, bent over with his nuts low and tail high, and showed me that winking tailhole of his. I was so, so hungry. I nuzzled and licked those awesome nuts of his again, burying the entirety of my snout under them. I licked up the back of them towards that red rosebud, and let my tongue dance around it a bit. He tensed up a bit, then relaxed. Then, I lightly probed it. He tensed up and gasped. I kept it up. He wanted this. Well, I did too, but he made me wait. My tongue darted in and out, and his dazzling body quaked with pleasure. I pulled it out when I thought he'd had enough. He looked back at me. "You gonna be my big dog tonight? I'm waitin' for ya, big boy..." he panted at me hotly. I growled. Was this a challenge? I mounted him slowly, my dick already right on its mark. "Oh yeah buddy... Take it!" he whispered to me. I thought I'd draw this out. I started to grind on him. Every inch up the pass, my nuts telling us I had to come back through. My hips were smooth, refined. I was top dog here. I gave a couple of "power thrusts", and he had to have it. "Do it, boy! Make your master squeal!" I reached under his gut and found his leaking dick. I grabbed hold, and drew my hips back. Boss nodded; he was ready. "Fuck me puppy dog." I growled, and shoved it right in. Boss gritted his teeth and tightened up his ass, and I almost blew right there. He panted after I had gotten as far as I could. "That's my dog..." he said with a strained smile. I hurt him, I know I did. But I also know he wanted me to. I panted while I enjoyed his tunnel. It quivered as it tried to loosen up around me, and I loved every second of it. I drew my hips back and powered forward again. Balls deep, I planted my nuts firmly against his. He moaned. I did it again, and he swore. Once more, and I found my pacing. I slammed-fucked this titan, making him holler, making him curse. I sweated heavily as I drilled him. His butt quickly turned red as I spanked him. I panted evily as I aimed for his nerve, and grinned inwardly as it started to take effect. His screaming picked up, and he started coaching me. For a guy who just had his cherry popped, he knew what to tell me. I smashed that spot. I used every angle I could, every ounce of leverage I could muster as I nuked his prostate. I was so, VERY hungry. I crossed my arms on the front of his ass, gripped it tight, and forced in every cell of my dick that I could, my weighted nuts taking point on top of his. He began to moan again, and this time peppered in some more curses. "THAT'S my big-dicked dog! Make it fuckin' hurt! Fuck me! Come on, FUCK!" I grinned as he looked at me with those soft browns of his, and I slowed my hips down. Then I turned up the power. I estimated that I'd hear his screams in five. "AAHH! THAT'S IT! GODDAMN! SHIT! FUCK ME, PUPPY DOG! FUCK ME!" I grabbed his bouncing dick and he immediately sprayed one of his legendary loads. His hole clenched again. I howled with joy. "You like that boy? You like that tight ass?" Boss asked. I barked ferally at him in response. He wiggled his ass, and clenched. I growled as I fought to get inside his ass again. And when I did, it was a whole new heaven. The sounds and scents we were making were driving me into a frenzy of fucking. Boss reached under himself and found my smacking nuts. I bared my fangs and headed for the home stretch. I resumed my high-speed fucking, and my master lovingly rolled my nuts around. That was it, I couldn't take any more. I snarled and fired off four huge rounds while I sent my master through another atomic orgasm. My legs buckled, and I fell off of him, still spraying my ammo everywhere. "Oh my god!!!" I heard Boss squeal. I howled as my nuts burst like a pair of grenades, and I felt the rain of my own seed land on me with wet splats and collected into big pools around us.

I came to my senses. I woke up with my master holding me in a deep embrace, and I smelled cum. Blatant, exact, and pungent. It was everywhere. The ceiling blotted with dark spots, the mattress under us was ruined. I had hard spots in my fur, and the carpet looked like a kennel had a free urination marathon on it. I was confused. "Boss? Did you do all of this?" I asked tiredly. He shook his head. "No, puppy dog, YOU did." I was too tired to really react, but I wondered what he could have done to me to get such a... heavy investment. I still had a terrible bone, even though I felt a massive wave of relief. I whined in disappointment, and Boss responded immediately. He shifted his tail toward me while still on his side, and slipped my dick head inside himself. My tongue rolled out of my mouth as he serviced me. He sank three or four times, and I whined lightly as I came. It was a meager orgasm, mainly the wave hit me. I fired three weak shots into his chute, and he smiled at me. "Nothing like a hungry wolf to wreck my ass, huh Big dog?" "Woof. Nothing like a hungry wolf to show exactly how much he loves you." Boss kissed the top of my snout. "I love you too, Big puppy dog" he said as he cupped my (thankfully) empty nuts. Nothing like a hungry wolf.

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