I Used to Howl Alone#2 Anything Means Anything

Story by KnucklePuppy on SoFurry

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I Used to Howl Alone

Part Two: Anything Means Anything

*To protect the identities of the people used, real names will not be used. This is, however, based on events that transpired between a friend of mine, and myself.

This next story happened last July, in 2010.

What the hell, I'll skip to the main event.

My beta and polar bear got a place together in the beginning of March, which made seeing two of my favorite people exponentially easier.

My beta and I decided to have a few beers one evening. After the alcohol set in and I was good and loose, I decided to have a little fun. Two-thirds of the swinging nuts in the apartment were two jolly, inebriated hounds that had no fear of the world.

Boss wasn't a drinker that night, but he had fun with us all the same. We hounds were in one end of the hallway yowling as if we were the only ones on the planet, and we might as well have been. He was at the other end of the hallway with his arms crossed, an amused grin was across his face. I instantly had a hilarious but dirty idea. I barked at my polar bear playfully and turned around to face my blushing packmate. I winked at him and motioned for us to pull our shorts down. He nodded dumbly, fully aware of what he was doing, and jumping at the chance to show someone his junk. With my back turned, I began to undo the drawstring of my shorts. Nearing the end of my endeavor, I quiclky pulled the knot apart, and spun around. On a cue that could not have been rehearsed any better than we performed it, we grabbed the waists of our shorts and yanked them down. I barked again as we grabbed our nuts and fondled ourselves lightly, right in front of Boss. I caught a glance of my beta's equipment, again, and marveled at the size of his stones. They were easily the size of large eggs, and his sac itself was a light red, like he swats them. I call him "Red" sometimes, as a nickname.

Boss's eyes grew wide as he processed what we did and laughed loudly.

"You two..." he said as he rubbed his forehead with a smile. We pulled our shorts up and slapped "five" in recognition of our conquest.

"Alright you guys, I'm hittin' the hay" Red said as he turned around and entered his room. He closed his door, and soon after, I heard his distinctive snoring.

A few minutes later, Boss and I ended up in his room. He had to check some downloads. While he was seated, I had another dirty idea. I reached back into my shorts, and pulled out my boys again. This time, I just held it there, and waited for him to turn around. When he did, I let out the sexiest, most lustful growl I could, and winked. He looked down with a raised eyebrow, and nodded in silent approval of my package.

"Be careful, I don't want you to knock over anything with that monster of yours. And his nuts are small. But my dog has the biggest dick here; I bet the ladies would be lined up for MILES waitin' to take that dick of yours." he said, fully aware that if I thought of it myself, I'd have a throbbing flagpole. My ears fell as I blushed, and I bent over to hug him. He held me close.

"I love you Boss." I said, with all of the sincerity in the world. I then licked and nuzzled his cheek softly.

"I love you too buddy. That tickles now!" he giggled as I let off my drunken affections.

"Let's go watch some t.v. puppy dog." He stood, and I started out of the room first, and let out a surprised yelp as he gave me a playful swat on my rump. I turned to look at him, and the only thing he gave me in return was a wink and a smirk.

We made the short walk to the living room, my semi-erect bone bounced as I walked, having half of its mass simply from the swat that Boss gave me earlier. He sat in his favorite recliner, and I curled up at his feet. We found something to watch, and the next forty-five minutes was filled with not even a solid five minutes of whatever movie we were watching (I still don't know).

But there WAS a good twenty minutes of him scratching my belly with his feet. I would get so riled up that I almost howled, but Boss would take his foot away at just the right moments. My leg never shook so much. (By the way, that really happens to me, no joke.)

Boss yawned once and stood up.

"Alright puppy dog, let's get some shut eye. We have a big day tomorrow." He extended one of his massive paws to me so I could stand. I grabbed onto it, and he yanked me off the ground with a tug that removed gravity's effect on me for a few seconds. I caught my footing on the floor, but the copious amounts of alcohol flooding my system made sure that I would make a fool of myself. I staggered a bit, but Boss grabbed me with both paws on my butt.

My heart started to pound. My ears flattened. I began to pant, and that's when I knew. I knew I'd do whatever this big, handsome lug asked me to. He squeezed each cheek once and walked off towards his room, but stopped when he noticed I wasn't following him.

"You comin? As much blood as that thing takes from you, I'd be surprised you AREN'T tired" he said with a chuckle.

"Sure Boss. I'm comin'." I said as I quickly caught up.

We got in bed, and I immediately nuzzled him again, to which he responded by hugging me close to his side.

"Aww, you big softy." I turned on my back while in his embrace, and drew my arms to my chest, and bent and spread my legs a bit. I whined lightly, and he rolled over to look at me.

"And do you think you've been good enough for that?" he asked me. I never knew if he was serious. He was very good at bluffing.

"I, uh..." I had no response. Just when I began to stretch back out, his left paw jetted to my belly and began to scratch it like he was typing. I went wild with pleasure, and my tongue fell out of my mouth. My tower rose, and he went at my belly with his other paw, using both at once. I almost cried from the awesome feeling. Just when I was about to make it a white Christmas in July, he stopped. Everything stopped. Boss just rolled back over.

I couldn't let him go, not like that. I'd make sure he knew EXACTLY whose polar bear he was. That's when I had my dirtiest, and my most playful idea yet. I put my arm around his side, and he held my hand to his chest, over his heart.

I slowly began to lick the back of his neck. He jumped in a manner that I expected him to.

"What are... Unh, whoa..." he panted. The back of his neck was a spot I found in the December past. He went limp, but the hand that held mine clamped down and shook. I took each stroke like I was painting my name, and I couldn't get anything wrong. He was breathing hard, trying his damnedest not to moan out loud.

"Puppy dog, I... I have to get some sleep..." I pulled my tongue away, and that's when he dropped the bomb.

"I didn't tell you to stop..." he said, as if he wanted to fall asleep this way. I resumed, making his gorgeous body quake with delight.

"I wanna stick a finger in your ass." he panted. "I want you to keep licking my neck, then I want you to suck my nipples, and then I want you to suck my cock" he said with bated breath. I pulled away for a split second.

"I wouldn't mind buddy bear." I said as I went back to work.

"I know buddy" he said, as he patted my hand. Then I slowed my licks down, and got a longer lick each time. I could tell he loved it. He squeezed my hand tighter.

"Ooh, you're gonna make me stiff buddy. You're gonna make me stiff" he said, as he reached behind himself and began to play with my balls. Our combined body heat had made them loose, and he rolled them around in his, by comparison, massive paw. My dick was suddenly made of steel, and I almost died of joy.

I instantly fell to the dark side. I gave him my sexy growl as I took huge licks, and aimed my dick right at his bullseye. And I swear I felt his tiny stub tail move out of the way. I prodded him slowly as I claimed him. The only thing that stopped me from mounting this sexy, sheer white beast was our shorts, and his underwear.

I pulled away from him finally, and he let my nuts go. He lied flat on his back, and told me something I would never forget.

"I'm so stiff right now puppy dog." He looked disappointed. I felt for myself, and sure enough, he was.

"I could take care of that for you" I said, feeling the alcohol swim through my system. He grinned, and looked at me.

"You would suck me off, wouldn't you?" I nuzzled him. "I want to." He fell silent, like he was unsure of himself.

"I wouldn't do anything to hurt you Boss. I'd do anything for you. I love you, you know that. This is just a little something extra that your puppy dog wants to give his master." He smiled a bit, but it seemed like he was still hesitant.

"You want me to bud?" As if that's what he wanted to hear, he nodded furiously. That's all the go ahead I needed.

First off, I hugged him. He returned it, naturally, and I climbed between his legs. He spread them to give me all the room I needed, and I pulled his shorts and underwear down.

And standing there for me to see for the first time, was my master's dick. It was maybe six inches long, but in comparison to mine, it was maybe twice as thick. His head was proportionate with his shaft, not larger or smaller. His balls were gigantic, like a white grapefruit with minimal hair.

I lowered my head in preparation to give my friend a little extra love, and I smelled him, for the first time. He smelled like a man should: tough and rugged. I looked at his face, and he looked at me as if he wanted to know if I was impressed. I smiled, grabbed his paws within my own, and dove right in. I took his girth like a champ, I believe. I ran my tongue under his head, and he made a sound I can't imitate or synthesize. It was like a sigh of relief, but his muzzle was closed.

I began my tributary work, making sure to keep my fangs from his skin, and making my tongue the most tired its ever been. I could hear him moaning, panting, and silently coaching me. His legs bucked often, trying to take over and let instinct do my work for me. I went on for ten more minutes before I needed a break. My jaws were tired. Boss looked at me like he did something wrong.

"What's wrong? Is everything alright?" He seemed worried, but I bet he wanted to make sure I could keep on blowing him more, even if he wouldn't admit it.

"Yeah man, I just need a few seconds. You're pretty big." I assured him. "You're longer though." "Well, I'll tire someone out because of how long they'd have to travel. You have a soda can, I have a cucumber." He laughed, and was immediately silenced when I went back to work. I was a guy. I knew what I was trying to feel for: those telltale throbbing sensations that told me I was going to have to swallow a geyser of polar bear.

"You want every drop?" he asked me hotly. I nodded with him still in my mouth (which he enjoyed), and he gave me the only warning I needed.

"Here it comes buddy." He grunted and crushed my paws, and I prepared myself for the torrent of seed I worked for. His body shook. His titanic nuts drew up. His dick throbbed savagely as it became steel, and the first blast went straight to the back of my throat. I could feel how thick and heavy it was, and I loved it. The second actually took two seconds to clear, and I could taste it. His seed had a very distinctive taste. If you've never tasted semen before and were served it at a party, you'd know what it was. It was strong. The third blast skated up the roof of my mouth and stayed there. The fourth through twelfth were each weaker than the last shot, blast-wise and volume wise. But he finally stopped, and I had a muzzle literally full of polar bear cum. I took my time and savored it, learning its texture and flavor. Then I swallowed it all, gulp after strenuous gulp. When my mouth was (finally) empty, I pulled off of him. He yelped as his dick left my muzzle, and I licked him clean.

"I love you master. Did I do a good job?" "Oh yeah" he panted. "You did an awesome job. I didn't know you were so good at this. You're not a good dog, you're THE BEST, buddy." "Neither did I Boss." He patted the pillow next to him, and I nuzzled him again. He squeezed my nuts again. And this time, he didn't let go.

I Used To Howl Alone #3

I Used To Howl Alone #3 Before I Lost Him In the Blinding Snow These are events that actually transpired between a friend of mine, and myself. To protect the identities of the persons within, real names will not be used. November 9th, 2012 My polar...

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I Used To Howl Alone

I Used to Howl Alone \*To protect the identities of the people used, real names will not be used. This is, however, based on events that transpired between a friend of mine, and myself. I always viewed myself as a wolf that...

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