The Brother I Loved

Story by KnucklePuppy on SoFurry

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#1 of General

 He came to live with me towards the beginning of the n...

He came to live with me towards the beginning of the new year. I knew him from middle school, and he was my best friend then. We grew up, and parted ways shortly after highschool. I was fulfilling my duty as "The Military's Attack dog". I was one of those wolves that had too big a heart, and didn't really find myself too much use to them. For five years I ducked deployments, secretly thanking a potentially bad back injury I obtained through my pursuit of the sword. I later lost my job and had to leave the apartment I had in town, and returned to my mom's place. par ab I was there for a few months, and then I recieved a call from one of the many connections I had about seeing my old friend off, as he was going to the big inner city to take his Equivalency exam. I never really got to know the guy outside of school, so I was very excited to have the opportunity. I was at my polar bear's place when I left, and I was picked up by a sloppy bear I knew. We drove around for a bit, waiting for another friend to get off work so we could meet them in town. We got there early, and the two of us smoked over half a pack of cigarettes as we waited for the guys I haven't seen in years. When they finally arrived, I was very surprised to see how he turned out. Let's see... I remembered him as a hound dog with a slim build and short, messy hair. Now he had a belly. He always had squinted eyes, and a great smile. He was taking care of himself, at least. We stood muzzle to muzzle, smiling and going off on each other as we always did.

"Hey man," he said. "You still look gay." I smiled inwardly. "Well, I guess I do, with my nuts on your chin and all." He cracked up with laughter as he conceded defeat. ab "You got me man, you got me." he laughed. After another hour spent by gathering alcohol and the rest of our friends, we met at yet another bear's place. And we had a great time. I smoked pot as opposed to drinking, and I had an excellent buzz all night. I was an acomplished pothead, after all. We stayed up all night, and morning hit us like a localized "Exterminatus". As the few left awake sat around and chilled, he opened up to me a bit. "Dude, I gotta say... You're awesome now." I felt a bit of pride in his words. He had such a high opinion of me so early, so quickly. And I felt like I found a new friend, an old one I had missed in the back of my mind. ***** We set the last of his things in my room, and we collapsed on my bed. We were under a living arrangement, so we could get our lives back. I was sweaty, I was sore, and I was undoubtedly hungry. But a wolf knows how to wait for a meal if he has to. Throughout my life my fur changed color a few times, and right now I was brown with a multitude of tiny black spots along my back, mostly on my upper back. I was wearing nothing but some grey nylon basketball shorts to keep my body heat down. He was wearing orange Longhorn shorts, and an orange tank top with the same insignia on the front. Hah, sports. I panted as I was a little dizzy from my exertion, and he looked at me. I looked back at him. "Woof" he said to me softly. "Woof" I barked back. He took a liking to one of my phrases. My tail thumped against the bed softly as I smiled at him with all fangs presented. He wasn't afraid of me, and I was glad. He grinned, and his paw crept toward my exposed belly. I don't know if I saw and didn't want to stop him, or I didn't see him at all, but he continued untill his paw rested square on the top of it. I groaned and swallowed, my belly was a sweet spot/hot spot that he recently discovered. He slowly drew his paw back and forth a bit, and I whined a bit as I locked my leg down. No lookin' like a bitch in front of him! "Bugg" I panted, trying desperately to hide how much I enjoyed it. "You're gonna rile me up if you keep on... And a wolf like me isn't one to just let you walk off after you get me started." He immediately pulled his paw away, but I caught his arm. He froze. I patted his hand and let go. I then looked away from him. "Besides... I don't want you to see me like that..." I said in a low tone. He looked puzzled, and one of his floppy houng dog ears perked. "See you like what?" he asked. I sheepishly looked away from him, and my ears fell against the bed.par "I don't wanna lie to ya, so I'll just say it. I love gettin' my belly rubbed. Always have. I just didn't know how to say somethin' like that, ya know? And... It... works wonders on me. I was really ashamed the first time it happened, so I tried not to let it... get that far." He looked puzzled. "It works on you? What do you mean Knuc? Like... It gives you a boner?" My face flushed and I rolled over, away from him. My tail flagged a bit before I let it rest on the bed between us. "....Yeah." I was pretty scared to tell him that. Honestly. My heart was beating insanely fast, and I hoped the next thing he said wouldn't be derogatory or out of rage. "I'm sorry." I said, truly hoping he was silent out of understanding and not from thinkin of how he was going to flay me. "Dude... You don't have to apologize for somethin like that. I mean... We're all a little weird." He smiled again as he put his paw on my back, and began to scratch me and rub me down. "Who's a good boy?" he asked me, in that classic tone. My tail wagged a bit as he continued to pick me up out of my slump. "Who's a good boy? Knuckle is. Yeah! He's a good boy!" My tail wagged faster, as he was actually trying to make me feel better. I groaned and he went faster, lightly scratching my back with all the care he could muster. My tail was a blur, and I began to pant. He rubbed my side, and I drooled. And then I felt him scoot closer to me. His rubbing slowed to a stop, and then he hugged me around my waist. I placed a hand on his arms and patted them. And then he said it.par "I love you Knuckle." I pressed my hand onto his arms, and I made a decision.par "I love you too Bugg." My tail settled between us, and one of his hands found its way back down to my belly. I froze and whined, and he whispered to me, reassuringly.par "It's okay boy. Don't worry. Red rocket, red rocket!" He started slowly, and I relaxed into the bed as he explored me. I sighed; it had been a really long time since I had been with anyone. Three years, I believe. He scritched me, and he hit a nerve. My body convulsed and my tail went into a fit. "There ya go..." He slowed down to a rub that teased me, and I gritted my fangs. He went back to work, rubbing me slowly with his paw pads. I growled in absolute pleasure, and then it happened. His other paw traveled south, and... I yelped as he took hold of "me". And his reaction was immediate. "JEEZUS KNUC!" I grinned, despite myself. And then I gave something old a try. I flexed my bone, and he was pulled over me a bit. And that warranted an even greater reaction. "WOOOOOOOOOOF!" he barked in awe of "my" prowess. He had a sure grip though, and he just went insane afterwards. He fished under my shorts where he thought my nuts were, and I fought through my panting to tell him something that I felt he needed to know. "Lower Bugg, lower." He searched a bit, and found my handfull of pride. I groaned again as he went to town on me, rubbin my belly, strokin my shaft tenderly, and playing with my boys with all the care in the world. I fell into a rhythm of panting to his strokes, and I felt it. My body tensed up, I balled my fists tight, and my eyes screwed themselves shut. He kept it up, and the fur on my tail went everywhere as I fought it. Dear God, I fought it. Bugg patted me on the head as he kept stroking me and rubbing my belly, and then it happened. I grunted and curled up off the bed, and Bugg took quick care of my shorts. He yanked them to my ankles, and I bared my fangs as I felt three years worth of lust and spunk explode from the tip of my dick. I growled in a tone that I believe scared Bugg briefly, and the first shot was immediately running slowly down the back wall. Bugg didn't let me down though, he kept it up as I fired two more. Bugg was a mess of smiles. Mostly from awe though. Well, maybe 50/50, awe and joy. The third shot went up and high-fived with the ceiling as it hit me almost painfully on the stomach. The fourth blast almost hit Bugg, but he dodged it. (Aww...) The last ten or so made a mess of my chest fur and a little of my face, as well as his occupied paws. I was wrecked. Never-in-my-life was I so aroused, so pent-up, so... Knuckled. I took pride in bein a male wolf. I had a hyper-productive sac like the ferals of old, I had a good bone, and I was fit. Well, fit enough. I breathed slowly, and I felt his hand on my head again. "Good job, boy. You feel better? I be-" I sat up and kissed him, deeply. He fell into it for a few seconds, and I pulled away. He looked...surprised and pleased. "Woof..." he said as he smiled. I smiled with him, and we laughed a bit. "You mind gettin me my towel Bugg? It's in the bathroom." He was already on his way there. And I layed back down, covered in my kennel, and I thought. What if? I wouldn't mind his companionship, not at all. And he liked me. I definitely liked him, enough to re-paint my room. We'll give it a sho- My towel landed on my chest and face. "Clean up! My turn..." }

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