Raw Potential

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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The rocky mountains are named after a hero from the nation's past. Jalesh is a legendary figure of great strength and courage, both warrior and peacemaker, he has continued to be a popular mythical figure through to the modern age. Now though, these mountains are home to not the legacy of a hero, but the selfish rage and lust of a monster that has been used. Solarian is recovering from his initial transformations, his mind requiring time to adjust and for the different set of hormones in a different type of blood to balance out.

His prisoner and prey, the technical bioengineer Fredrickson, is shivering against a cold mossy boulder. It has been a whole day and night since the erupting transformations at the Uriah Drinks Labs. Under less amazingly circumstances the mutated Solarian might be wondering what a drinks company is doing experimenting with such a powerful thing like Ly, but that is not what is on his mind. Fredrickson watches with fearful fascination, and a little arousal, as the draconish monster is a little preoccupied with himself.

A towering piece of flesh spears upwards from the monster's scale-hardened crotch. It is as thick as a subway tunnel, and as long as a passenger plane's fuselage. All along said flesh there are gnarly barbs and rising ribs, whilst at the base there is a swelling knot that could sink an ocean liner. Ginormous scaly hands are running along it, from that heavy base to the pointed tip where a waterfall of sticky clear juices are flowing out. The german shepherd dog watches all of this, his paw clutched over his own normal phallus hard but sore from all the mastubationg previously.

Solarian has been stroking himself for hours now. A buildup of tension and energy requires an outlet, and this is the least destructive his still settling mind could think of. His scaly ass rubs up against a part of the cave wall, where it has managed to sand down the rough surface to be relatively smooth and cup his rump like a moulded seat. His claws are finding purchase with an increasingly less smooth cave floor as he runs both hands over the fleshy cannon with rapid speed. Roars and other rumbling sounds echo through the cave and out between the mountains. It is so loud that Fredrickson swears he heard a couple of avalanches a while back, although now no such thing.

With incredibly concentration, Solarian speeds up, getting closer and closer to his nth orgasm. His red eyes are emblazoned with a furious passion, and an energy that will not quit; he hasn't even eaten for over twenty four hours. Eventually he erupts again, much like a volcano although from a horizontal angle. White jets of liquid hot sperm flood out and splash across the cave floor. It joins the puddles that were already there and creates another surge of snow white cum pouring out across the Jalesh mountainside.

The veined organ trembles with incredible might, its cargo from his oversized balls emptying even as it is being replaced with more. He pants hard, with his head hanging down and staring across his ripped and massive dark green torso. This body is almost too much for him; almost being the operative word here. It will take him awhile yet to master all of the instinctual impulses. But for now he has to focus, to break free from this masubatory cycle and plan his next move. So he stops, his dick drooping down between his legs as the macro anthro dragon stands back up.

"You..." His voice booms breathlessly and the canine pays attention. "Explain how this happened."

Fredrickson's stomach growls, he has not eaten few some time now. But as he looks up at the towering mutant, especially with those crimson red eyes, he is inspired to spill the beans without any delay. With a shaky voice the dog explains that the Ly was supposed to accelerate different aspects of the individual's anatomy and their own unique genetic structure. However in Solarian's case the researcher believes that the Ly triggered a sort of cascading mutagenic atavism. The archaic history within their own DNA is vast, a byproduct of whatever even lead to civilisation and record keeping itself having to restart.

"I don't think I understand," Solarian rumbles. "So what am I?"

"I'm... not entirely sure." Fredrickson flinches after saying this, as if expecting some outburst which will rock the entire natural structure.

There is no outburst and it is the honest truth. The variables when it comes to what they were only just beginning to discover are immense. Locked inside of every person's genetic makeup, there are thousands of possibilities, and that is without counting in possible chimeras as Solarian quite probably is now.

"Then you'll just have to help me find out." Even as the monster says this Fredrickson shivers as Solarian grins voraciously.


Free Radicals

The first, how many was it now? Dozen? Yes, the first dozen had just been the appetisers. Slave pens the size of train carriages are now being wheeled into Uriah's private underground -well lets call it what it is- lair. Each one filled with about twenty or so people each, only the ones that society topside will not notice missing. Degenerates suffering from addiction, malnutrition and incurable but barely infectious diseases spill out from one of the pens. Men and women of different mammalian, marsupial, avian and reptilian species are grabbed by robotic arms and strapped down to conveyer belts to be sent up.

At the centre of the entire structure is Uriah, or what was Uriah at any rate. Right now the thing sitting there does not even have scales anymore; instead an avian-dinosaur plumage dominates the surface of his body. Veins are pronounced over muscles the size of vehicles. Each one parked to the next and as Uriah shifts around they start to fight for space. He rumbles something loud but indiscernible. But the mechanical servants know what is up.

Positioned at the base of where is torso just seems to suddenly stop, something meaty spires upwards from Uriah's body. It pulses and drools, with an array of stimulating protrusions bristling from its surface like armananents on a warship. We are of course talking about his penis, but this is no ordinary penis. This is all the more made obvious as up at the head of the megalith, the people who are bound with biodegradable straps, are being tossed into the chasm of a cock slit.

"Mmmmmore!" The word comes forth from the rumbling mouth of the monstrosity even as he continues to grow. However the raw biomatter does serve a purpose other than growth, more mutations are due to be stimulated and even deeper atavisms will arise. Uriah is determined to find a golden mix, a magnus opus of twisted genes from the organic archives. And only then will he turn his attention to the wandering mistake, the only unknown factor in his plans.



A week has passed since the incident at the lab and only now is Solarian beginning to feel normal again. Of course he is still a towering giant, with unknown abilities and a still very active sex drive. However the important thing now is to, in short, set up shop. After doing a little convincing Fredrickson has agreed to something he would never have thought doing before. The power, the raw potential of this breakthrough in Ly research means that they can define their bodies as they wish. Even real life shapeshifters are feasible now, if a little beyond Fredrickson's understanding of the technology and science, being a technician and all.

Whilst keeping a surprisingly effective low profile, Solarian has been instructing Fredrickson to get whatever equipment he can, along with some basic building materials. The last couple of days have consisted of Solarian working nonstop to build an actual home inside the mountain. Of course there is a distinctive evil fortress vibe, especially with the lightning conductors which try to remain concealed against the mountain rocks. There is an actual purpose for all of this though.

"How long?" Solarian asks the dog, all the while thinking how puny Fredrickson looks.

"Umm, soon, very soon." Fredrickson responds quickly, looking over his shoulder and revealing the fright in his eyes as he looks up at the monster. Familiarity in this case only breeds more fear.

"Very well, I'll go gather our recruits." Solarian says ominously and walks out of the furnished cave and into the night air.

He spreads out his dark green wings, though in this low light they appear as black as night. Each wing has powerful tendons that lead to his powerfully built back which begin to contract. The airflow picks up around him and Solarian can feel his claws leaving the ground. Even after the time he has already spent adjusting his new body, this experience is one he savours every time. Although he is not heading out into the big wide world to merely fly around a bit, he has been trying to keep a relatively low profile after all.

Solarian soars through the early night sky, eyes fixed upon the ground scanning for an appropriate target. Unfortunately he needs to stay away from any cities, for now, but it does not take long to find the kind of building he is after in one of the many towns dotting the ground below. He begins to makes his descent carefully, trying to glide more than soar as he needs to make as little noise as possible until he is atop his target.

"Now we open it carefully..."


The Club

The fair haired -or maned in to be more accurate in this case- lion is sipping a fruity cocktail through a straw whilst observing the other club patrons. This is only his second time at the raunchiest club in his town, the gay one, but he intends to get lucky tonight. Oscar came out of the closet shortly before the end of high school, however even though homosexuality is accepted in this culture there are still issues of working out who is gay when it is not always readily apparent.

Slim, attractive and with what he considers a jovial personality, the feline expects to bag something approaching Mr Perfect tonight. Graham, his friend and brief one time fling, notices his friend looking around as if on the hunt in some savanna desert. The peregrine falcon shakes his head as Oscar starts walking up towards someone a full head taller and dressed in a garish shirt and pants.

Oscar reaches out with his halcyon furred paw, about to tap the unsuspecting man on the shoulder, when pandora's box opens. There is a great crash and the ground seems to heave up and down whilst walls and the ceiling shake violently. For just a moment the leonine young man can see and hear everything with perfect clarity, his brain kicking into overdrive as reaction times increase dramatically. No one has yet had time to think about what is going on, but they are already in complete motherfucking panic mode.

With eyes mimicking what would have been a primal lion's prey, Oscar stares at the roof falling away. There is of course some rubble, but every last chunk of cheap building material manages to miss the feline as he gawks. Something dark and monstrous rises up over the occupants of the gay club. Each one a potential, an agent for an idea that is still forming inside of Solarian's wicked conscious and even darker subconscious.

The hands of a giant reach down, scooping people up. Some try to fight, but for the most part just end up hurting themselves as he clasps a group of maybe a dozen or so people between his palms. Situational awareness rams into Oscar's focus as he notices someone he knows squawking for release. He calls out Graham's name as the dragon -because that is what he is looking at, a real life gigantic dragon- captures the lion's friend and ex-lover.

Acting without any plan, the slim but fast cat pounces up onto one of the forearm's as they rise up. His manicured claws barely find any purchase on scales built like battleship armour. Almost immediately after scooping up his batch of potentials, the giant green mutant dragon starts to beat his wings. With a leap he lurches back into the air and Oscar is greeted with the roaring sound of powered flight.

He screams all the way back to Jalesh.


Unorthodox Process

It is with some sick pleasure that Solarian learns from his captured technician that the only way to share his gift is via his own bodily fluids. The Ly used for Solarian can be reproduced independently, but the exact kind of mutation and subsequent transformation the ex-kittywolf experienced is far more unique and esoteric. Bodily fluids are something which the red eyed, green scaled beast can provide, and in such quantities too.

Makeshift pens are holding the homosexual pleasure seekers Solarian extracted earlier tonight. Yet they are not struggling nearly as much as they should to escape. The reason for this is that the leviathan which captured them is sitting, he would be standing if the cave were bigger, with macro-hyperphallus in hand. Fredrickson works at base of the dragon's crotch, or more accurately he is affixing strange things onto the scaly ballsack which itself towers over him.

Rumbling sounds reverberate up from Solarian's chest as he strokes himself, both sets of claws now as the titan drools down over Fredrickson. The dog might be a bit concerned, but the process he has devised will not activate until Solarian reaches his orgasm; something which will be coming very soon now. He finishes his work just as the sound above him gets louder, the eruption coming.

Oscar, the effeminate lion, has managed to find his friend and ex-lover. They cower together as the strange monster reaches his peak, fully expecting this strange nightmare to come to a lethal end. However the entire point of this strange voyeuristic performance is not to drown his captives now. As Solarian reaches his climax, long stringy globs of semen, each enough to fill a mansion swimming pool, come crashing down in mighty splashes. Everyone inside the pens is covered, the only normal person in the entire cave being the german shepherd technician who watches from a safe distance.

"RRRRRAAAARRGH" Solarian shudders after he has taken off some of the pressure; though more semen is already being manufactured. As he stops, his massive dick flopping down between his legs and slamming onto the ground like some defeated giant sandworm. His red eyes stare down upon the screaming, slipping and sliding test subjects waiting for what comes next.

"Glad I don't have to mop all that up," Fredrickson mumbles as he too waits for them to start changing.


A New Breed

Oscar wakes up slowly, but even before he opens his eyes the lion knows something is very, very wrong. As he does open them he looks around, his first thought going to the peregrine falcon Graham. Relief quiets his heart as he sees the falcon unconscious right next to him. However as his feline eyes wander down does the party cat become aware of the dramatic and otherworldly changes.

As Fredrickson already expected, the mutagenic Ly has resulted in a similar massive increase in muscle mass and overall size of the subjects. However in the case of Oscar, and his friend Graham, their close proximity during the start of their protean metamorphosis has resulted in something more: a siamese union.

A single body exists of similar stature and proportions to the leviathan Solarian. However instead of just fur or feather, there is conflagration of surface textures. Oscar lifts one of his, or their, massive arms and turns the paw, or talon, or whatever it is around in panicked bewilderment. Looking back to his friend's head and around at his new body he realises that their heads are symmetrically affixed upon the top of the torso of their new body.

The lion opens his mouth but he is too speechless to do anything but mewl in further confusion. But already he is beginning to notice one of the more pleasing aspects of his transformation, as down between their legs not one, but two "heads" reside. Reaching down he touches the twin dormant monsters as if not believing they are really there. Keeping with motif, he, Graham, they now possess four testes, so as to provide for both. A perverted thought runs across Oscar's mind before he notices a groan from the other head beside him.

"What happened?" Graham's questioning stops right there as he too opens his eyes and sees the strange sight of his new body.

It takes awhile but the pair of them slowly come to terms with their bizarre union. Standing up, they take notice of their surroundings. They were in the strange mixture of lair and laboratory earlier, but now they are in a clearing. Desert sand grass goes out in all directions, and with them there are a number of other similarly beefed up males. Oscar stares up at the sun lifting up one of their hands to shield his eyes.

"I think we are in the Eastern Plains." Oscar blinks as he thinks he sees something in the sky. With a grim attitude setting across his mind he recognise what, or who, it is. "Graham..."

"I see him." The falcon's eyes are much more perceptive than the leonine ones of his friend. Their shared body tenses up as adrenaline begins to pump into their gigantic heart.

The dark green scaled monster that is Solarian plummets down from the stratosphere at supersonic speed. He only slows down as it looks like he is about to crash into the ground like a fiery meteor. Dust picks up in a mini-sandstorm and Graham instinctively ducks underneath his wings which Oscar had not yet realised were even there.

"So what do you think?" Solarian's voice booms as his claws touch the sandy ground.

Conjoined but thinking indepently, the two friends weigh up what they want to do here and how he would expect them to respond. Although they are clearly much larger than before, they still do not come up to quite the height or size of the mutant dragon. This is without factoring how tough those scales are or what strength lies underneath them. Both Oscar and Graham conclude that if they can, they want to avoid pissing off the big guy.

"What the fuck?" Oscar roars, not able to let his head rule his heart.

"Of course, of course, you're confused. But since you are the first to wake up I don't want to go into the entire explanation just yet. I can tell you that you will have an opportunity like nothing else before. We are going to create a new race, a new people, and are you going to tell me you don't like what you have become?" Solarian's red eyes squint as he looks the lion-falcon's body up and down. "Maybe you need some convincing."

"S-Stay back!" Graham squawks whilst trying to step back, however the lion is fighting him and tries to step forward. They only sway as the dragon reaches out and grabs their naked junk.

Something strange happens as both Oscar and Graham gasp and freeze up. Somewhere in the back of their minds they are weighing up the impossibilities of this situation, but another part near the front is getting turned on. Solarian understands this quandary quite well as after the transformation their hormones are on an incredible high. He grips both penises together and strokes them, encouraging them to wake up start swelling into life. Unfortunately for the hybridised lion and falcon, they are just too horny to resist.

It does not take long before Oscar and Graham are moaning loudly, the rest of their body becoming weak. Solarian smiles as he uses both hands to stroke the twin shafts, one in each hand. Rock hard they nearly reach the duo's heads, which would be useful for some alone time. Tempted by the scent rising up from them, Solarian leans down and licks one head. He hears Oscar roar overhead as he suckles upon the head to his right. So this is the lion's; now what about... Switching to the left member causes a loud squawk past the large chest of the chimera and Solarian chuckles as he pulls away with pre sticking to his scaly lips.

"But I need to show you who is dominant here." Solarian snarls as the lion understands what he means, the falcon still riding upon the sensory high of foreplay. "Oh and before we carry on you'll need a new name soo... Janus, that'll suit you just fine."

There is some struggling from the hybridised giant, but Solarian would have no problem even if they were not weakened by the metamorphosis. So with relative ease he turns the newly christened Janus around, kicking up another dust storm as their feet kick up more dust. Remembering doing this a dozen times before the hybrid bends over whilst the twin towers pulsate needily.

"Mmm," Solarian rumbles as he smacks the big butt staring up at him. The odd mixture of fur and feather feels remarkably smooth to the touch, but as soon as he rakes his claws across it he can feel the skin underneath.

"Shouldn't we be fighting this?" Graham asks his other half.

"Oh who cares." Oscar feels a shudder ride through him which Graham can feel too.

"Enough talk!" Solarian roars and spanks his new conquest again, gripping one of the cheeks and sinking his claws in as Janus' ass clenches up. Spreading it out with both hands, the giant dragon kneels down to get closer to the smaller macro. One sniff and then a broad lick, he pushes his snout into Janus' rump whilst the duo start to make more noises.

Wondering just how sensitive, and thus how easy it is to get them off at this point, Solarian starts to push his serpentine tongue into the tight sphincter. The noises coming from the chimera are getting louder and louder whilst Solarin eats out his new recruit. Hot breath from the dragon's nostrils beat across sensitive crack and he can feel the lion/falcon's thighs wobble. With just one hand he pushes out, stroking across the other male's testicles which rise up from the ground and dangle. Just as the fingers reach the twin towers he suddenly feels Janus' anus get tight.

"AAAH FUCK!" That and other expletives are the only words Solarian can make out as his new friend blows two different loads.

To separate streams of white spunk splash across the grassy desert ground below. But the dragon is not nearly finished yet. Pulling back from Janus's rear he smacks it again and teases the pair on orgasming so soon. Brandishing his own megalithic member he lets it fall down with a tremendously loud slap. Janus wiggles as the tail feathers on the end of his leonine tail fan out. The macro hyperphallus pressing against the chimera probably will not entirely fit, but all three parties are eager to find out.

"Best hold on tight." Solarian draws back, letting all of the notched parts of his dick drag between the two tight buttocks cheeks.

Using his tail to provide more purchase upon the ground, the mutant dragon thrusts forward with all of his might. Muscles bunch up making his features pop out whilst his testicles swing like supersized wrecking balls, slamming hard into the chimera's ass. A deep roar comes from the very base of Solarian's chest as he feels every meter of his dick buried inside the other macro's rectum. Every throb is met with a responding twitch, clench or other internal movement which make Solarian only fuck this bitch harder.

"You can take more, lets loosen ya up!" Solarian does not wait for a response as he pulls back and rams himself inside over and over again.

With each powerdrive Solarian creates a clapping boom which goes across in all directions throughout the desert. The other transformed macros, littered across the ground like so many oversized dolls, are woken up by these sounds. All the while the duo of Oscar and Graham scream to their hearts content as they feel their creator -and their master- carve out a deeper glove for his hyperphallus to fit. They beg and plead for more of him, all the while their twin dicks drool and twitch, punctuated by sharp bursts of white as they crash into one orgasm after the next like tidal waves on a tempestuous beach.

The others rouse just in time to watch as with a thunderous roar Solarian hammers all of his malehood into the half-lion, half-falcon. His massive balls drag across the ground as they rumble with a terrible flood. The twin heads of Janus -Oscar and Graham- manage to let out a yelp of surprise before the sound of Solarian's dominant roaring blankets them. A torrent, no, a genuinely flood of spunk fills their belly. Those stupendously oversized balls providing a seemingly endless amount of viscous seed. It splashes back, the pressure too much for the sphincter to lock it in even when wrapped around the leviathan still throbbing back there. The previous pond of spunk becomes a lake, and then that lake overflows with a river that forks off into streams.

When Solarian finally stops, his shlong pulling out of the chimera followed by the sound of a waterfall splashing from out of it, he waits and watches his captive audience. He is larger than all of them, he made sure to have Fredrickson place restrictions for that. Just fucking the chimera alone is sure to have established his dominance over them, but then maybe he needs to give them all some personal tutoring. They must be disciplined, for they will now become his personal army for a new world.



The whole city is shaking, its citizens screaming whilst running around in swarms beneath the massive feet of the giants. Solarian heads the group, as claw and tooth is brought to bear upon one building after the other. It all has to go, a great razing for what will grow in its place. The military forces of the nation are being deployed against the macro mutants now, and even as the aircraft fly in the dragon only laughs at them.

Lead shells pepper his chest, barely felt by Solarian. A similar ineptness comes when they try to attack his cohorts. Not that Solarian is going to let them get away with that. Using his wings he brings them together fast and creates a shockwave which knocks a squadron out of the sky. The side effect of this first encounter is a shattering of glass, as the screaming masses start to be cut down in numbers; but the demolishing work was going to cause casualties one way or another.

But even as they make progress levelling the city with Solarian in the lead with his lieutenant the lion/falcon hybrid, there is a third force about to make itself known. Near the harbour there are buildings being felled like so much timber which Solarian's macros have not even touched yet. Alarmed, the dragon tells his people to keep their position whilst they prepare some blunt instruments made from trains and skyscrapers to quickly deal with an advancing line of tanks.

Solarian asends into the air, his powerful wings causing some destruction all by themselves just by taking off. But as he flies over to the other side of the city, what he sees will irrevocably change his plans.

"What do you think test subject? This was made possible because of you guinea pigs, but you were never meant to be the ultimate ends!" Uriah Black speaks and the world trembles.


This whole room has been furnished and decorated with aesthetic function. Everything from the extra fluffy carpet to the sequence of tastefully chosen pieces of art come together. Though the best feature lies in the overhead sky window. Warm summer...

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Digiherm Evolution

It has been a handful of years since the portal reopened. Both Takato and Rika are eighteen years old now and what is more; almost have a thing going with each other. Keeping Henry and other friends out of their plans the two plan to spend a day in the...

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An Atavistic Advantage

# Oddballs Solarian is an oddity. The first odd thing about him is that he is a hybrid; all mammal, but a mixture of three species. He is primarily a wolf, but then he is also a tiger, and then on top of that he has a dash of raccoon in him;...

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