
Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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This whole room has been furnished and decorated with aesthetic function. Everything from the extra fluffy carpet to the sequence of tastefully chosen pieces of art come together. Though the best feature lies in the overhead sky window. Warm summer light comes down to wash over everything and everyone inside the masseuse's parlour. His hands are pressing down into Gordon's back. They trace along the edges of the muscles around his shoulders, underneath the fur. Going down the squeeze around biceps and triceps, making muscles tense and relax. The big blue scaled dragon standing over the wolf knows how to use those big hands of his. Already the fluffy grey tail Gordon has is wagging, quickly going from side to side and making a light breeze which the reptile can feel against his naked torso."Can you go further down now?""Of course sir."So now the masseur continues by going over the lupines in one smooth motion. Claws lift up just before they hover over the towel covering his buttocks. Now the dragon grips one thigh in each hand. Making slow and tight pushing movements he kneads the flesh underneath the fur. The network of capillaries flow easier and richer than they did just moments ago. Gordon can feel the life flowing back into him as he sighs deeply over the side of the bench.  "Man that's good, where did you learn?" Gordon knows that he should not really try smalltalk like this, but his mind is just flopping about on a sea of pleasure right now."Madrid, actually, wonderful place. Hot climates always include plenty of bareback activities..." The drake lets the last sentence hang as he cups the wolf's calves.Thoughts flitter through the lupine's head, and suddenly something is waking up between his legs. He tries to refocus, but there is something about being relaxed in this manner which is causing an unwelcome erection. He wriggles a little underneath the reptile's touch but does not make a peep. The wolf's sheath is still swelling up and pushes against the padded bench he is laid out on."So what has made you this tense, sir? If I am allowed to ask." The dragon's words seem innocent enough, but a part of Gordon is wondering if he knows what this massage is starting to do the wolf."Well it's actually from work," Gordon begins with hopes of distracting himself so the swelling will go down. "Our company is often required to work with others outside the country. Problem is due to the changing clientele and languages there are all too often problems with miscommunication on orders."  "Hmm, I see, so you have been taking the blame for some of these mistakes?""Exactly! And the boss refuses to bankroll hiring permanent interpreters."It is starting to work, or at least Gordon thinks it is starting to work. Better yet the dragon has been working his way up again. Strong thumbs press down into his lower back, then they continue pushing up. Using a cupped hand gesture the masseuse starts using circular motions to improve the flow of flood all over his client's back. Gordon moans almost a little too loudly again, but he does not care as his body somehow slumps even more, limbs limp.Even as the conversation drifts to other things -such as family, home, vacations- the dragon is working himself up for what he is about to do. His heart is racing underneath his chest, the thrill of both the perversion and dangers of what he is about to do driving him on. As careful as he is, this excitement bleeds through to the way his hands are treating the wolf, his prey, underneath their care. All of a sudden he squeezes the lupine's shoulders too hard, his strength threatening serious injury as Gordon howls out in pain.  "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Too late, the wolf is starting to push himself up off the bench. He has got to act, now!Drawing his hand up, palm flat but arm tensing, the reptile aims and brings it down with a loud smack across the back of Gordon's head. He goes back down onto the bench, the sudden impact causes a sudden loss of consciousness and the black takes him. The masseuse lets himself smile before he look around nervously as if expecting someone to suddenly come into the room and handcuff him. However there is no one here, and indeed there will not be anyone here for at least another hour. So he takes off his pants.

Gordon comes around slowly. His eyelids are opening slowly, partly due to the throbbing somewhere around the back of his head, but also partly because of a part of him fearful of what he will see. What he does see is the masseuse, standing over him, butt naked and sporting a hard on which instantly makes the smaller male blush. He tries to speak, but realises that there is something holding his muzzle shut. Gordon tries to move around but his paws and hands are also bound to prevent any escape or other forms of resistance. Is this it then? A brief few minutes of violatory sex and then what? Murder?  Sweat is beading off around the dragon's forehead. He has never done this before, not like this. Gordon almost feels pity for him, but that is inviting Stockholm Syndrome. However what is going to happen next is beyond anything the wolf could have possibly expected. The dragon is not someone who is merely looking for a fuck, but someone who is looking for a meal. In fact the very material which has been used to tie the smaller male's paws and feet was specifically chosen for being biodegradable.Only now as the dragon looms over his prey does Gordon realise just how big the reptile is on relation to himself. At least double in height, although probably more than double in overall mass considering the way he is built too; plus the wings. His heavy cock presses against the soles of Gordon's paws and for a moment the wolf feels ticklish. He suppresses the laughter though and the dragon just smiles as he keeps leaning down to nibble on one of his ears. Whilst up close like this he also removes the muzzler that was keeping the wolf's mouth shut until now.  "Mmm, you're going to be tasty.""What?!" Gordon's alarm bells are reaching a feverish pitch. But there is nothing that he can do now to prevent it.With something like confused surprise the lupine feels something warm and slippery wet slide over his toes. His feet are being pushed together now and as the dragon arcs his back Gordon can see something tremendously bizarre. His feet are now inside the dragon's phallus. Somehow, someway they are being swallowed up by the masseuse's organ. Gordon whimpers and barks, wriggling around he tries to pulls his feet away but the larger male's hands hold the mammal's legs steady."I want to hear your last sounds as you feed me." Something is not just twisted but actually broken inside the dragon's mind. But then, he is the one cockvoring Gordon right now.The feet disappear very quickly, a slurping sound being the last thing heard as the ankles drop inside. Gordon watches in horror as the increasingly engorged penis makes its way up along his legs. More and more of him enter the dragon's cock and he cries out to beg and plead for an end. He is told that the end is coming, but only once the last of him is gobbled up whole.  Slowly but surely the wolf's body is being consumed. That same slippery warmth envelopes his legs all the way up to his knees. Yet more disturbing are the sounds coming from the dragon now, something like a guttural growls mixed with a churring sound reverberate from his throat and rattles between his teeth. As his body is drawn into the voracious phallus, Gordon begins to sob quietly to himself. This goes on until the head of the dragon's organ comes up to his waist.As his own genitals submerge into the larger male's penis, the wolf suddenly feels a strange lust take him. The feel of his sheath slipping and sliding against the strange internal surface of the dragon's cock slowly cause him to stop sobbing and starts moaning. Although he cannot see it, he can feel himself get hard inside the dragon. The masseuse knows this too and grins as the wolf leans over trying to rub the top of the dragon's member. By applying as much pressure as he can with his hands tied behind his back, the wolf manages to help excite himself deep within the dragon's cock.  But as hard as he tries he fails to get himself off and soon his chest is being gobbled up by the dragon's member. Forcibly being straightened up the lupine's eyes meet with his erstwhile masseuse. With big almost puppy-like eyes he tries one last time to plead for his life. But the dragon barely even notices as he flings his head back and roars out. Some strange convulsions speed up the process and before Gordon can even cry out one last time his head and shoulders down into the phallus' head."That's it, all gone." The dragon almost giggles the words as he rubs his organ, the wolf slowly being processed into his testes.

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An Atavistic Advantage

# Oddballs Solarian is an oddity. The first odd thing about him is that he is a hybrid; all mammal, but a mixture of three species. He is primarily a wolf, but then he is also a tiger, and then on top of that he has a dash of raccoon in him;...

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_This story contains adult content involving anthropomorphic animal characters. Readers should be 18+ and and into "yiff"._ _Leopold is © Himself_ _Abbey is © Herself_ _No cats were molested in the production of this work of perverted fiction._ ...

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