
Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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This story contains adult content involving anthropomorphic animal characters. Readers should be 18+ and and into "yiff".

Leopold is © Himself Abbey is © Herself No cats were molested in the production of this work of perverted fiction.

It had all come as no surprise to Leopold, they had warned him enough. Right now he is in free fall because of his mistake, literal free fall. They had been taunting him all night. Now he can see the floor rushing towards him, it almost looks welcoming for a moment there. Why do they always use rhetorical questions as threats? Impact.

The floor is not the thing he impacts with of course, it is the table. Then his momentum continues, sliding across it now. Various flagons and other, more delicate, vessels are knocked off the table to scatter along the ground. Slowly he comes to a stop at the other end of the long banquet table, only just about to slide off of it completely. The leopard opens his eyes now, breathes and looks back across his chest and the table at the pack.

Mean does not begin to describe them, nasty is an adjective which needs a hundred other synonyms at least. Each canid is his own story of bloody blades. They all laugh, derisively and in union, as if they are an orchestrated choir of hyenas. Whilst still slapping their knees they watch as the bluish leopard gets off the table. His naked body, resplendent with the stylish archetypical leopard patterns, is bruised now underneath all that warming fur. Even in pain though the predator is no sissy and he stops himself from showing it, even refusing to limp as he starts to walk towards the tavern's exit.

They call after him, hateful words billowing from their mouths like black soot from a dirty chimney stack. Leopold ignores them, his back to them now which might be unwise considering a couple of them carry throwing knives on their leather armour. The landlord of the tavern shares a look with the feline, one of empathy tempered with common sense. He hates this display, but he will not do anything without an outright attempt on the cat's life. Such interventions will not be necessary as the leopard opens the door and a gust of cold air blows into his whiskered face. He grabs his sole two pieces of attire, a hooded robe for added insulation and a half full satchel of supplies slung over his shoulder, before heading on out of the tavern.

It is dark outside, but the stars and a crescent moon are out providing just enough illumination for his gold feline eyes to see everything as clear as day. Leopold closes the door behind him upon jeering calls and carries on walking away from the den of bullies. His decision earlier in the year to make this run to the coastal city is looking more and more stupid everyday. Even here, in the village of Black Peak, barely across the border people are already treating him poorly. It is not because of his species, or even his foreign mannerisms, but something much more obvious. All the folks in this country wear clothes, or better yet armour, but his people have always preferred a far more naturalistic lifestyle.

Still, such interaction is necessary for even the most basic of trade. His people do not require much, but certain medicinal herbs need restocking at least once each year and they themselves lack the horticultural expertise. Although to be honest each time one of the leopards sets out to the coastal city, they always end up bringing back a multitude of curiosities too. He shakes his head in hindsight of his past self's naive decision. There was an elder leopardess in their village, she had offered him a full set of clothes that might have even fit well. "No," he had said "I won't be needing those." It is a something like a test of courage, to venture into the foreigners' world and make them accept you for who you are and where you come from. Foolish, naive cat.

He starts to walk again, returning to his trek with the intention of setting up a campfire once he reaches the woods. A couple of the natives glare at him, but most of the villagers are either asleep or still inside drinking as he reaches the road out of Black Peak. Leopold resumes going in the direction of the city, where civilisation will become ever denser. This is ironic since the path he is walking along becomes less tame with deteriorating condition. Woods encroach around every small village or town around this rural band surrounding the city.

Cool air blows into his whiskers with a brisk chill. This is the part he enjoys about travelling, the sojourn of quiet contemplation. Like this there is nothing except the patter of his own paws and the rawness of nature to accompany him. Unfortunately his thoughts betray him as his blood still has traces of adrenaline which his physical altercation earlier released into him. With anxiety Leopold tries to peer past the gnarled bark of the trees standing either side of the path. He thinks he can see something moving just beyond the clarity of his vision. His fur bristles up around his neck and shoulders, there is something very wronAtanding

Leopold stops, turns to one half of the forest on his right and glares. There is definitely something there, even if his eyes cannot see it properly, his ears most certainly hear the distinct rustling of someone, or something, disturbing the foliage. The cat turns back to the path, the dangers of curiosity long being a part of his wisdom. But whatever is between the aged bark is flittering closer towards him. From the corner of his right ear the leopard listens to it get closer and closer. With one paw he reaches for the hilt of a blade which is poking out of the top of his sack. The other paw he flexes with claws extended and readies to bring his arm up to defend himself.

It launches itself at him, a blur of shadows and teeth. With quick reflexes Leopold dodges and then takes a swipe. The thing screams as it misses him and takes the hit before landing on the other side of the path. It is still difficult to make out exactly what the creature is, but Leopold has his shortsword out now; it is much like an enlarged dagger with a firm grip afforded by the pommel and grip. His assailant leaps again into the air but this time the cat stands his ground. With a mighty, yet timed, swing his blade cuts along the front of the gnashing shadow. As soon as his blade has finished passing through the thing disperses into a puff of black smoke which blows into the feline's face, causing him to sputter and cough violently for a moment.

"What was that?" He asks aloud as he regains himself and sees, nor hears, any sign of the thing or others like it.

"A blight." A stranger's voice replies from out of the forest. Focusing upon the direction of the sounds Leopold sees someone walking towards him. In a flash he realises that the stranger is in fact another cat, although not one of his people, he is sure of it.

"A dramatic description. Do you believe it is a creature of dark magic then?" As Leopold asks the stranger to explain themselves he starts to notice other things too. For one the stranger is a female cat, obvious really considering her figure and the way she moves; it is actually noticeably distracting for him.

She seemingly ignored the question and begins to speak in a strange tongue to herself. As she approaches closer to him Leopold notices her armament. A wooden crossbow loaded with iron bolts is grasped in her left paw; whilst a blade somewhat longer than his own is kept on a belt around her hips. So she is definitely a killer, but of what? She walks right on up to him and Leopold notices the most interesting feature about her: two long canines protruding down from her mouth. Realisation hits him and the leopard smiles in recognition of her.

"You're that huntress." She smiles back, pleased that he has heard of her. "The one that ended that plague of necromical creatures two years back," Leopold carries on, his tail flicking in excitement. He does know of her, the saber-toothed cat huntress who tracks down and vanquishes all sorts of abominations and crafters of the black arts.

The huntress is a saber-toothed cat of considerable fame, and even infancy in some parts, whose exploits even reached Leopold's remote tribe. She has a short, stubby tail like all of her species do and a dark brown coat of fur mixed patches of grey colour. Unlike the leopard though, she does actually wear clothes, most of which have straps and pockets for all manner of items made to kill things no doubt. The huntress' eyes are a gold colour similar to Leopold's, although they have a thin circle of gold framing them. Leopold never thought that the famous huntress would be so stunningly beautiful, and he averts his gaze as she realises he is staring. Hopefully she will have dismissed it as merely wonderment due to her reputation.

"I don't suppose they have learned my name yet since you haven't used it?" She sounds almost weary as she asks him the question.

"No." The truth is no one does use her name, she is only known as The Huntress as title and designation.

"Not surprising, but it's Abbey; boring but true. And you are?" She trails off waiting for him to reply.

"Leopold. Just Leopold."

Abbey is now standing directly opposite him, looming over the other cat really. She is a full head taller than Leopold, but despite that and the weapons she carries there is an aura of friendliness. Peering down at him she looks into his eyes, and for a moment the leopard can feel the saber-toothed cat seemingly peering past the veils of his personality. The huntress blinks, leans back and smiles at him remarking that she likes him. He is a little freaked out, but she now distracts him with a difficult question.

"From what I've been able to learn, even after being smote these creatures always return to finish the job on the people they attack. You are at risk now, but you are also a chance at capturing one of the fiends. Can you spare the time to help me? If so I swear to do everything in my power to keep you from harm Leopold."

It is a difficult question, because Leopold has a purpose, a reason for being out here in the first place. Waiting with the huntress for the shadow creatures to appear again and try to do, whatever it is they do to people, could be very wasteful on time and his own limited resources. However if Abbey is right then it really is in his best interest either way, since he would rather have someone like her ready to deal with a sudden attack from one of these things. With some measure of reluctant he nods and the huntress goes on to tell him her plan.


The town of Smithfire is thankfully closer to the coastal city, but it is still some distance to where Leopold needs to get supplies for his home. Quaint but with just a touch of industrialisation, Smithfire is as the name would suggest known for its triad of blacksmiths. Three families with successive generations have now breathed life into this town, creating rival competition and some of the finest blades, helms and even simpler things like axes in the entire region. And it will be here that the Huntress and the Pilgrim will be preparing to capture one of the creatures.

As they enter the tavern Leopold instantly feels self-conscious to a ludicrous extent. All eyes are on them, but he begins to feel better as he notices that more specifically almost every set of eyes are on her. Abbey has a way, a knack really, of making her presence known; mainly by drinking copious amounts of ale and -when she has done doing that- bashing random skulls as the crowd becomes more boisterous. Leopold just remains glad that he can remain separate as the legendary saber-tooth cat acquaints herself with the denizens of Smithfire.

Leopold keeps to himself, not desiring the same attention which the Huntress is receiving. On the table in front of him is a cup bearing something far stronger than mere ale. He takes it to his lips, whiskers twitching, and gulps the warm liquid down in quantities that make him begin to cough. The alcohol is much more appealing to him now that his thoughts turn to contemplating being stalked by whatever dark things lurk out there. What did she call it? A blight, some unknown malicious force. Definitely not something he is supposed to get caught up in on his task.

"You with her then?" A tired looking canine asks, plonking himself down opposite the leopard.

"Yeah, I guess." Leopold mumbles and looks down at the drink. He begins wishing the stranger away as if that will do anything, but no part of him wants to push anyone away, not right now.

"Lucky you. Fine lookin' lass, don't you think?" There is something in those eyes passed the grey muzzle, evidently the old guy is hinting at something more.

"Abbey? Yeah, she's also a hero."

"Hero is a forced upon people, those who ask for it almost never get it." The dog motions one of the serving wenches and takes a large cup with what is likely just the local brew. "So what's gotten you so gloomy boy?"

"Gloomy?" Leopold looks up into the dog's eyes and knows. The reason people have been avoiding him is not simply due to Abbey being more full of life, but he looks so devoid of any life. "Yeah, I guess I am gloomy. My life isn't exactly going as I'd hoped; and it might be ending soon too."

"Oh that's nothing, you'll cheer up later on." The strange old dog drinks from the cup liberally, a portion of the ale splashing down his tunic. "Blast! Only washed it last week too."

"Didn't you hear me? Life. Ending. As in ceasing to exist. I think that entitles me to being depressed ya'know." Leopold does not even know why he is arguing with the old guy, but at least it is keeping him away from a terrible case of brooding.

"It either happens or it doesn't, all the time before it happens you can choose to do what you want and be with who you want to be with. Everyone got sentenced to death the moment they were born lad." The dog smiles and carries on taking gulp after gulp of his drink.

Bewildered, the young cat stares at the dog for a moment longer before shrugging and starts looking around for another table to emigrate too; unfortunately they are all occupied. Abbey seems to have somehow generated enough attention to get the place packed on a night before a workday. It is a little uncomfortably as a twinge of agoraphobia threatens to pounce from the edge of Leopold's frame of mind. However as he thinks on it, this is probably part of some self-defence plan. Stay up for as long as possible and have all the eyes possible for if one of those shadow creatures tries to come at him. The famous Huntress probably doubts any of the things will attack right now, but probabilities are always worth stacking in your own favour.

But as the night continues to drag on Leopold begins to grow increasingly tired. Candle wax forms stalagmite-like formations from their fixtures. The old dog vanishes from the table, the leopard losing track of people around him. And eventually, inevitably, his eyelids start to close and only now does he finally realise just how tired he is after the day spent traveling here. Blackness takes him and the leopard slumps over the table.


"Hey, wake up!" A voice calls to Leopold, his whiskers twitching in response. "I said wake up!"

Leopold opens his eyes and sees Abbey standing over him. Looking around he realises that he must have been carried to one of the Inn's rooms. The bed he is currently sprawled out on is firm yet comfortable. He smiles up at the saber-tooth cat and she drops a bag with different items in. Without warning she starts to undress herself. Leather straps are undone one by one as she pulls of the ranger armour that she wears. Although Leopold is used to males and females being nude around him back home, here things are just a little bit different for him.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"I'm going to get my sleep now. Night shift is over and nothing came to nibble on you. This is the only room I paid for, not going to waste coinage when I can sleep during the day and you during the night." The armour and clothes that were covering her torso are now off. Although she has broad shoulders and significantly built arms, her chest and hips are still very much feminine. The sight of her breasts, much larger than the girls back home, are enough for Leopold to feel something stir down below his navel.

"Oh, well then I best go down and eat something then... yes I'll do that." Leopold's panic is rising fast, his heartbeat increasing dramatically, although that only serves to increase the rate at which his sheath starts to swell.

The leopard leaps out of the bed, but as he starts striding towards the exit Abbey's arm comes up. A set of razor sharp claws stick into his chest, pinching but not penetrating the skin underneath the fur there. He looks up and she looks down. The hand slips away from his chest and points downwards. Leopold follows the direction of the point claw and sees that between his legs there is the fleshy pink tip of his penis poking out from its furry sheath. His head snaps back up as her eyes meet his and immediately blushes whilst diverting his gaze.

"Is that what I think it is?" She presses him to confess.

"It's nothing, I'm just..." Leopold's voice trails off, no excuse floating to the surface of his mind.

Much to his surprise however, the imposing saber-tooth cat starts to grin at him. Her paw goes down, claws running through his soft naked belly fur before they pull away after reaching his crotch. He mewls at her before her fingers and thumb grip around his swinging nuts, the heel of her hand rubbing against his sheath which continues to bulge as his phallus pushes out. She growls at him as he intakes a sharp breath before letting go of said breath with a long moan. He is at least a little alarmed, but the lust which is growing inside his loins rapidly spreads to the rest of his body intoxicating his mind.

Abbey shoves Leopold back onto the sturdy bed, his arms outspread as he grabs at the board at the top end of it. The huntress follows his landing, her naked body pressing him down as she slides on top of the smaller feline. Leopold mewls in response, his erection now entirely out of its snug home. As the female against him, his penis rubs back along her stomach smearing the pre which starts to drool from the tip. Abbey growls as he meekly reaches up to brush his paws against her breasts. With his thumbs Leopold begins to tease the saber-tooth cat's nipples and underneath her fur she begins to flush red. Leaning in her whiskers brush against his and she begins to nibble on his neck.

"H-How do you want to do this?" Leopold asks, his voice shaky and uneven with nervousness.

"Like this..." Abbey voices breathlessly before slinking down his naked torso. She stops for a moment to nip at his right nipple and the leopard meows submissively.

Going all the way down to his crotch, the huntress licks her lips as his barbed cock sticks up from his crotch. Pursing her lips together tightly, she now presses them against the pointed head. Leopold gasps as electric pleasure shoots down his length and the tip penetrates past her lips. Her coarse feline tongue slides underneath the phallus as she keeps going down. The smaller cat strokes between her ears as she takes him, voraciously sucking him off. He bites his lip, tail thrashing hard as he wiggles around atop the bed.

"Oh by the gods Abbey!" His breath is shallow and panting heavy between the words. The saber-tooth cat reaches up to shush him. Her yellow eyes looking up from his furry crotch catch's the leopard's eyes and then wink up at him.

The huntress continues taking the time to suck and slurp around the male's genitalia. Pulling off his dick for a moment she nuzzles down to his balls. Abbey takes one and then both into her mouth, rolling them around with her feline tongue which grips tightly onto each nut at a time. Leopold's eyes roll back into his skull as he grasps at her ears -careful not to pull on them hard- he coaxes her to carry on.

"You like this huh?" She asks him after ceasing the constant teasing of his genitals. The leopard nods his head quickly in response and mewls for more.

She climbs up in order to get face to face with the smaller cat. Constantly purring, the saber-tooth cat presses her lips against his and their whiskers weave together sending tickling like sensations back to the nerves at their base. Leopold accepts an impassioned kiss with all the grace he can muster, but his dick is rubbing against her toned belly with obvious ungentle desire. Abbey makes a giggling sound, which in of itself surprises Leopold a little, as she rubs her body back against him.

With all the free will in the world Leopold has to resist losing himself now. His cock is throbbing hard, pre drooling at an alarming rate from its head as his loins rage with a constantly burning pressure. Abbey notices the look of concentration on his face and smiles knowingly down at the petite, yet surprisingly cute boy. Although not usually her type, the huntress has an itch tonight and this morsel should be more than enough for her appetites. So without anymore delaying with foreplay, Abbey swings around with graceful agility, taking up a sixty nining position. Leopold mows inquisitively as she spreads her legs over him and he stares into the female's welcoming vagina.

"You like pussy, right?" She meowls in a seductive tone, swaying her hips from side to side as Leopold's eyes follow her sex.

He does not feel the need to speak any longer, instead the leopard reaches around to grip her round buttocks whilst leaning up to push his lips against her. His silky wet feline tongue wraps around the clittoris at the top, although in relation to him is below, and squeezes. Abbey purrs with a growling undertone, juices already flowing from her moist organ to fill the young nostrils with furious encouragement. Leopold squeezes her ass ever tighter whilst taking broad strokes, up and down with rhythmic certainty. He is not entirely inexperienced, as a lifetime of nudity does lead to certain early experimentation back home.

The saber-tooth cat rewards her partner by grabbing the base of his erect member and licking it like a sweet candy. With her free paw she plays with his furry nuts, already familiar with their sight she now explores their feel by rolling them this way and that. He quakes with tension underneath her, his dick twitching madly. Knowing that it is already too late Abbey does the only thing she can; by wrapping her mouth around the quivering pole she locks her lips around the base and waits for him to blow.

"Oh fuck!" With a muffled cry from within the huntress' moist pussy the young cat arches his back and lets loose.

He is quick but copious, half a dozen bursts of cream pour into the female's voracious mouth which she swallows down quickly. As his loins slowly untense, Abbey resumes rolling them around, teasing him again. Leopold gasps as her tight lips slide off his cock, not sparing a single drop as she slurps it all down and growls for more. Of course youth's advantage is that there will always be more, and it does not take much more between the groping and the dripping vagina for the leopard's dick to wake up for more.

But this time the huntress is the one who needs to get off. Repositioning herself again with remarkable agility, she crouches over him, mouth still buried in her deepest reaches. Abbey hooks one set of claws into a wooden plank which is part the room's walls. Looking down at him she makes a smooching gesture and then proceeds to grab the back of his head and force him against her pussy harder. The huntress growls at him to work harder, faster, deeper; and the cat obeys.

Leopold loses a great deal of awareness of his surroundings as he is forced to bury his face ever deeper into the overpowering female. It is not only his nose and eyes being cut off from the outside, but the scent which is driving him wild. His tail flicks around madly as he clings onto her hips, not resisting but augmenting as she begins to bob up and down atop him. He is her fucktoy, and the pilgrim is surprisingly alright with that. There is something, exciting, intrinsically arousing about being used by a powerful female such as she. And now as he submits to her with his whole body, the huntress finally screams with lust and orgasms over his slutty mouth.

"Good boy," Abbey purrs as she lets Leopold drop away, his face plastered with her juices. But even as Leopold leans up to try and kiss her the saber-tooth cat drags him up and flips around so that he is on top now. Even after being cathandled this way he cheekily grabs her breasts and smiles, already knowing what comes next. Already her legs are wrapping around his waist and he starts rubbing against her, his dick sliding against her wet entrance.

"You know, this is really hot to me," Leopold says and leans in to give a broad lick across her left nipple.

"Oh shut up and screw me!" She growls at him and her hind claws dig into his buttocks. Even before the leopard can properly respond he is dragged forward and somehow his cock finds the right hole.

Sliding inside of the aggressive female is positively blissful, even with the claws digging into his rump. Leopold meowls loudly, his tail flicking around as he buries his head between the huntress' tits. Her arms come around him possessively, but then she pulls on his tail and tells him to do it properly. The reason for the mood is properly because this is the closest she has been to being in heat for some number of months now. His heart racing with that lustful mixture of arousal and fear, the small male is quick to respond. Following her body language he begins to screw the moaning female at the rhythm she demands. The leopard has to adjust constantly since his barbs rubbing at and exploring the deeper crevices of her flesh making Abbey tense up in an erratic fashion.

"Oh yes! Fuck me just like that!" Those are the last words she will say for sometime now, language devolving into a series of mewls, snarls, purrs and growls of differing decibels.

However even as Leopold's voice joins hers, and their love making is greeted by the first rays of dawn, something other is here. It has been watching all through the night, and even as the butt naked leopard plows with all of his might into the randy warrioress, it starts to slide from between cracks into the room. The thing lurks in waiting, slipping underneath the creaking bed where the shadows help it to persist.

On top of the bed Leopold is about to lose it again. He digs his claws into the sides of his large lover, though she does not mind. He alternates between growls and purrs whilst rubbing his face between her breasts. Abbey throws her head back as her body shivers with an electric thrill, every part of her clenches up around the leopard as he drives his malehood all the way inside of her. With a roar shared between them, both leopard and saber-tooth cat finally come together, Leopold panting excitedly as his seed pumps inside of the primal huntress.

Now the shadow strikes, just at the moment of coitus. Rising up from underneath the bed, smokey wisps of black converge in a spiral and begin condensing. Abbey has her eyes shut, and Leopold is too busy resting upon her bosom to notice what is forming above him. The thing is a silhouette, a dark reflection of anything the beholder fears; but without anyone watching it the thing is merely formless but deadly. Just as the last trails of black smoke flitter from underneath the bed and join the mass overhead; the thing moves in to take its prey.

"GET OUT!" Abbey shouts and rolls off the bed with Leopold, guarding him as the obsidian shadow crashes into the bed breaking it in half. She ignores his frightened and confused questions whilst looking around for her scabbard. The Huntress finds it.

The nightmare blackness faces the warrior, its body taking the shape of some indescribable terror which Leopold fails to recognise as anything real. It is as if an eldritch cyclops had been decked out with ten inch long razor claws and every inch of its surface not wearing armour sprouted a serpentine tentacle ending with a mouth full of ring teeth. Abbey pauses, but only for an instant. Lunging forward with nothing but courage and her blade, she attacks the thing. It only takes one good strike, and the smoke distorts. The shadow loses its shape even as wisps are stripped away from it and the blade seemingly absorbs nearly the entire smokey mass of the monster.

As the blade finishes absorbing whatever strange and twisted magic was animating it, the core of the thing falls on top of the splintery debris left by the smashed bed. Stooping down, with her rear still facing the curled up leopard -and something obviously dripping down one leg- the huntress picks up a small crystal. She studies it closely and groans with an exasperated weariness.

"Yep, it's a warlock again." Turning back to look at the barely-not-wetting-himself-leopard she asks him a simple question. "Want to help me find him?"

He does not have to think twice.

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