Out of Water

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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Just a gift I quickly finished for my friend. Since I haven't uploaded anything in awhile this might as well be put here. No real editing going on, so there will be errors, sorry. Going back to commissions now, with better quality, they will be uploaded next week all things going well.

Orci is © his character.

Chrysanthos is © to me. He's an experimental new roleplay character, one of three.

It is a sunny, yet cold and slightly tempestuous, Saturday in the city. Despite the mixed weather almost everyone is out, seemingly enjoying themselves. Some are wrapped up to be warm, but others are more briskly dressed; this is because not everyone is the same anymore. Intra-species engineering is what they call it. It started slowly at first, but now there are at least as many non-humans as there are actual humans still. By combining other species' traits into homo sapiens new possibilities have been created. Those with fur, or other adaptations to the cold, are without as much clothing on the streets.

One of these people who do not require a coat is Orci. As the name would suggest he belongs to the killer whale genus of adapts. Although he is just six feet tall, Orci's increased body mass and large fluke tail make him larger than others of similar size and build. People generally give him space as he walks with the crowd, heading northwards towards the dockside. Maybe it is a stereotype, but the sea is always a great sight and the air fills the eighteen year old with energy; so he loves to go say hello to it on the weekends. Plus it is always interesting who else you can find there staring out into the great big ocean. He can already smell the salty sea air now actually, the powerful scents of the city starting to give way.

All along the coastline where the city folk can look out over the sea there are tables. And of course with these tables some chairs, and sometimes parasols when the weather is especially hot and the wind weak. Orci briskly walks up to one of them and sits down where he can look out, his back to the concrete jungle. There are boats and different kinds of ships coming in or going out. A little further down there is a proper dock, although Orci does not like to go down there due to the general dirtiness of it. Here though he can see the waves going to and fro, light dancing around both on top and just underneath the surface. Due to recent eco-friendly efforts the surrounding waters are cleaner than ever before. In fact somedays Orci wonders what it would be like to just strip down and try the ocean waters for himself.

Just as his eyes are getting particularly hazy with a multitude of daydreams, something else passes by them. Orci blinks and then looks to watch someone else on the ocean overlook. Another orca, although this one appears far different from Orci. He is stood with his back to th city too, but is leaning against the railings at the edge of the overlook. What really makes Orci stare though is the size of this other orca. There is an average size for anthro orcas, and Orci is smaller than some at only six foot three inches. But this other cetacean on the seafront, why he must be at least eight feet tall and built like a double armour plated tank.

Orci begins to blush as less than civil thoughts about a stranger throb from the deepest recesses of his mind. His eyes are already going where they wish to though. Soon they are dropping from the other killer whale's broad shoulders and focusing on what appears to be a very toned buttocks wrapped tightly around barely fitting shorts. He carries on looking farther down, to the white skin on the back of the man's thick thighs. But all of a sudden the other man turns around and Orci quickly averts his gaze. Closing his eyes for a moment he pretends to be taking in the brisk sea air. However somehow he has already brought the attention of the other orca as he hears heavy footsteps. There is a moment, a gap between the seconds, where he wonders what is going to happen next. Surely he did not see him staring? Then a deep, yet somehow soft, voice booms into his inner ears.

"Excuse me. I have not seen one of my own kind yet. Can I speak with you for a moment?" This confusing question distracts Orci, but it also is a relief for him if only for a moment.

"I'm... what?" He starts poorly, looking at the other orca close up now he soon starts melting into halcyon etched azure eyes. The gold-blue mix is almost enough to distract him from the proud jawline and protruding pectorals, almost.

"Excuse me, let me get a seat first." Orci is staring again, but the other man either does not notice or does not care. He grabs one of the sturdy wooden seats put out here in the day. Placing it square across the other side of the table he sits down directly opposite. Almost no one else is in the vicinity due to an overcast sky; Orci realises that he is all alone with this hunk.

"I asked if we could speak. My name is Chrysanthos." He very curtly resumes what must now be a conversation and offers an open palm. Orci takes it and feels the other man's grip close around his own. Maybe the subject is being overly dwelled on now but the way this guy is stacked is truly unnatural. Something deep inside of Orci ticks off a warning sign, not one of malice but of something else slightly ever so differently disturbing. But, despite this, the smaller orca finds this stranger strangely exotic and that excites him.

"My name is Orci." Their hands break free and the smaller of the two goes to fiddling his thumbs underneath the table. "Sorry," he says the word sheepishly and looks down underneath the man's face but still looking at his broad chest.

"Whatever for?" Chrysanthos sounds genuinely confused.

"Staring. I was staring and it wasn't polite of me. There is just something about you..." Those white cheeks of his are starting to show a dash of crimson, his blush. "Creepy of me really but you're not average looking," Orci looks back up "not average at all."

"Yeah, everyone notices that." Chrysanthos leans back at the chair creaks underneath his weight. "I'm not exactly from around here, or from this time even. I am not actually sure anymore." He squints at Orci as the younger male's anthropomorphic features display an expression which is somewhere between intrigued and confused. But from out of that fusion a growing concern is starting to show in his blue eyes. "Doesn't make much sense does it? Don't worry about me though, what about you?"

"Me?" That confusion disappears as Orci pulls back in his chair a little. An almost defensive bit of body language as he finds the shift in personal focus almost automatically alarming.

"Yes, you. Do you feel the sea, feel it the same the same way as I?" Chrysanthos' words show incredible insight. There is something beyond banality here, perhaps even a common trait that so few share with Orci. It is true of course, there is a feeling that wells up inside him when in, around, or even just close to the sea like this. Life began in these waters, and it has an active rhythm far more profound both physically and philosophically than anything he can find up here on land. That is not to say he dislikes living where things like industry and technology are so much easier to be built and used; yet still.

"Right..." Orci breathes almost as if letting go of something, he shrugs his shoulders too. "It's beautiful. Even from here I can feel it, the sound and smell travelling through the otherwise dry air." He closes his eyes and focuses on it, forgetting the transitory position of their meeting for a moment. But when he opens them again he finds the other cetacean with one hand on his own.

"I know," is all that Chrysanthos has to say for Orci to understand that they are both on the same page. Dramatically, unnaturally even, the veils of defensive psychology fall away. Their eyes reflected in each other, a look which shares a thought, a concept that no one up until this point has understood.

"I don't know what to say." Orci finally manages to, ironically, say. A stupid grin is plastered to his face as he wraps both hands around the other orca's. Chrysanthos' grip is potent even when he is being gentle and he almost feel like a calf in comparison.

"How about we take this back your place."


There was a happy spring in Orci's step all the way back to his apartment. Sure, this might just be a one night, or noon, stand. However he is damn well going to enjoy it. And besides, just glancing at that body is enough to set him off. As soon as he leads the towering man up to his digs though things step up a notch. Just as he steps through the door into his place's little hallway he feels the other orca grab him from behind. Those massive hands are hugging around his waist as Chrysanthos leans in, kicking the door closed behind him as his lips brush up against Orci's neck. A combination of gentle smooches and erotic biting travel up and then back down the younger cetacean's neck. Audible sounds come from the smaller male, his eyes scrunching up as his prehensile phallus is already poking up out of his slit and stretching the elastic in his shorts.

He can feel Chrysanthos rubbing up behind him. The other man's shorts are bulging too, but his genitalia are purely external as Orci could not help but notice earlier at the seafront. But now, quite surprisingly, the elder reaches around and dips his fingers past the waistband at the front of Orci's own shorts. He bites his bottom lip as the touch of the other make encoraches around his sensitive, bare, flesh. Those same strong fingers and thumb clench around his throbbing malehood as it continues to engorge itself, quickly attaint its full sixteen inches in length and poking out from his shorts. Chrysanthos continues to kiss and nibble at Orci's neck as he begins to stroke the other orca's shaft. The eighteen ear old moans loudly, his senses alive as his cock jumps in Chrysanthos' hand, pre drooling from the tapered tip of the penis to get all across his hand.

"You're an excitable young thing." Chrysanthos comments as he comes away from Orci's neck and lifts is head up to stare into the other's eyes. Without a moments hesitation Orci leans forward and presses his lips against the stranger's. Their mouths suckles, their tongues dance, and when it is over he has only one request.

"You're coming with me to the bed." A force is present in Orci's voice and he grabs the larger man's shirt, stretching it even further as he leads him to said bed.

As soon as they enter Orci's humble little room he starts to undo the bulky cetacean's shirt. He grumbles about wanting to see what is underneath there and Chrysanthos grins as he allows him too whilst casually pumping at Orci's cock still swinging outside of his clothing. The shirt peels away and falls silently, Orci produces something akin to a growl for orcas, although it sounds like a series of clicks. He spreads his fingers across the slab of carved herculean male in front of him. It is a tapestry of everything Orci does not display, that is not to say that Orci is unfit, just without obvious definition. Chrysanthos though, it is as though there are streets, towns and metropolitan legends arranged along it. The curve of a pectoral here, the strained vein running along to the side here, and then there are those perfect washboard abs, an eight pack. Orci might as well by physically drooling, just as much as his cock is drooling away absent-mindedly in the other orca's grasp. He runs his fingers along Chrysanthos' chest a bit and then bites teasingly on one teat whilst looking up into the cetacean's halcyon-azure eyes.

"Mmmf, are you just going to toy with me or are you going to get serious?" That is all the mockery Orci needs as he stands back, letting Chrysanthos lose his grasp on that needy phallus, and undoes his belt. Then it all comes down, in one clean go.

There was no underwear under those shorts after all. The towering orca's external, and very human like, genitalia swings free with all the gayness possible. Orci smiles like an idiot and drops his knees. If he were a religious sex fiend there would be a silent prayer of thanksgiving before this next part. Nuzzling into Chrysanthos large junk he takes deep breaths, savouring the texture of his scent. Then there is a lick, then another, lots of licking now. It bobs and shifts as Orci lets his beak push it one way and then the other, allowing him to kiss and lick at the massive plums just behind his floppy dick. However said dick is starting to look a lot less floppy. Without any real delay Orci takes ahold of it, both hands gripping around the uncut length as it starts to awaken. Chrysanthos' eyes haze over, his cool giving way to a lust building his loins, aching for this. He starts to almost pet Orci with one hand, thumb rubbing just against where one of the younger orca's white strips end before his right eye.

Growing larger and larger, Orci takes to pumping the massive flesh whilst kissing and lightly suckling on the head. It does not take long for Chrysanthos to become fully erect, and his shaft towers at some twenty two inches and a girth of at least ten inches around. It is mostly black, bar for a white underside that seems to be trying to arc around to the sides and onto the top of the thick orcahood. The eighteen year old's mouth opens wide, his hot breath coming down on the sensitive tip of the bigger man's cock before... Fucking hell! Orci's mind has to comprehend what just happened, but Chrysanthos is already forcing more of his cock down the boy's throat. Both of his hands are classed around the back of Orci's throat, and with a minimal amount of alternating grunting and squeaking he is fucking Orci's mouth. He tries to adjust, his tongue thrashing around on the underside and keeping his gag reflex down. However it is all too much for the smaller cetacean to take down. He pushes back against Chrysanthos' thighs, and even though the male has more than enough strength to hold him down he lets the teen go.

"Are you alright? I didn't hurt you did I?" The concern is genuine, although Orci needs to cough and splutter to the point where he can speak again.

"Nothing permanent, just lost my breath." He gets back up on his feet and looks down past the muscular torso of Chrysanthos' body to that throbbing monster between his legs. "Fuck, that things huge. But..."

Orci turns around, taking his own clothes off in full now he slips his shorts down. Swinging his fluke from side to side he slowly lifts it up until his bare, shiny black bubble butt is visible to Chrysanthos. Clenching both sets of cheeks together he looks over his leg shoulder, his fluke resting against his right, and winks at the larger orca. "This should be more... fitting."

Another jump cut and Orci is on all fours atop his bed. Ass waving in the air, it soon gets a good strong spank from Chrysanthos before he strokes and kisses it better. Feeling the nice plump, smooth roundness of those cheeks he spreads Orci out. Then his tongue is slinking its way up and down the smaller whale's crack making him shiver and wiggle even more atop the bed, it even starts to creak as Chrysanthos climbs on it. Circling around the boy's tailhole, the handsome hunk takes great care to leave it wet as a means of lubrication for what comes next. However as he looks it over he decides it will need something more than just a bit of saliva. Thankfully Orci predicted this and just as Chrysanthos asks he fumbles at the dresser by the side and passes a squeezable tube of something guaranteed to make any penetration "smooth as a fox's first". There is probably a joke in there somewhere.

Here it comes though, the moment of truth, but there is one last thing on Chrysanthos' mind. With a gentle hand clasped onto Orci's shoulder he is rolled over and slide back onto the centre of the bed. With a warm smile beaming down at him he knows Chrysanthos wants to look into his lover's eyes as they get intimate in the way cetaceans have been doing for years. Moving forward the older orca's cock slides up against the bedsheets and then starts to squeeze between Orci's fluke tail and the base of his rump. Arms wrap around tighter, Chrysanthos' chest presses up close against Orci's own and he can feel the other male's heartbeat and breathing, but it is not uncomfortably pressing down upon him. Now he can feel it squeezing and sliding up into his crack, inch after inch until the broad black head is poised at his anus. They share one more look and then Chrysanthos holds him tightly, almost defensively show, whilst he thrusts forward and upwards. It spears into Orci with purpose, cracking his hole open without any fanfare or trepidation. This is it, the moment where this proud beast of an orca fucks him like the cockslut calf which he loves to be deep inside. Even with the almost traumatic effort of relaxing so that the monster can cruise up inside of him, Orci finds the time to begin wrapping his legs around the bigger whale, hugging him back in a manner. His hands though as busy grasping at the bedsheets, looking for anchorage that does not exist from the sensations shock waving up from his flexible ass.

Chrysanthos keeps pushing, applying his strength to keep his progress up, he holds Orci tightly to keep him in place. Just as he is about to hilt the smaller orca though he seems to not be able to get anymore of it inside. He grunts a few times and then smirks at the teenager before pulling back out. Of course before the head pops out he starts going back the other way, going back and forth rhythmically to and fro to and fro. Orci squeaks and squeals, tensing up as he clenches his bubble butt around that thick intruding rod. But of course Chrysanthos just keeps doing it, going faster and faster. Pre practically pees from the tip of his cock, as it throbs relentlessly, squeezing out every crevice as if trying to iron them out. He pounds into the other orca's ass, reaching speed which has his balls smacking into Orci's rump with a satisfying slapping sound. Everything becomes too much for Orci, and his senses start to bleed over into each other. The smell and feel of the heavy man atop him blends into his senses of sight and hearing. His loins burn with a fire that eventually reaches the apex of its tolerance to stay contained.

"FUUUUUUUCK!" Orci cries out, almost deafeningly for Chrysanthos as he does this right next to his head. The younger orca's prehensile length twitches and becomes rock hard as he starts to ejaculate. Power bursts of creamy seed shoot out across his chest, and the chiseled artifice of Chrysanthos' torso. The finally couple of spurts are so hard in fact that they splash up underneath this chins, splashing messily enough to accrue on their lips.

Chrysanthos tastes the sweet product of Orci's loins, but he still is not done quite yet. Pushing the other orca down he lifts himself up, arms outstretched as he does slow broad thrusts. Each time his cock is carving its way into Orci's butt, leaving him in a quivering state, biting his lip and clenching as tightly as possible. The teenager is too damn tight of the experienced dom, his balls are already starting to churn for a messy eruption. Making his choice the hulking orca pulls out, grasping his slippery length he pumps it with both hands, gasping loudly for breath. He cries out as his balls lift up and a torrent of gushing white pours from out of the top. Jets splash down over Orci's belly and chest, covering him with yet more sticky cum. Taking the initiative, Orci crawls forward to catch a couple jets with his mouth. Then as Chrysanthos' orgasm dies down Orci leans in to wrap his lips around the broad head, letting the bigger cetacean keeping milking his cock as the last quantities of the load dribbles out into his mouth.

After all is said and done Orci looks up at an exhausted and spent Chrysanthos. His chin dribbling with thick white spunk, and a stupid grin there yet again. As Chrysanthos opens his eyes again and looks at the smaller orca he smiles and then Orci pounces, wrapping his arms around as they fall against the messy cum stained sheets.


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