Another World

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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A commission for Cornel. A little unusual this one, I tried to weave together an alternate sex-based society in an industrial revolution. The results were a little mixed. Read and enjoy sexy times ahead. Also, apologies about the spacing between paragraphs, that is how it default copies in. Downloading an epub looks better this way though then when I edit out the spaces.

Another World

Commission for Cornel; all characters and story elements within belong to him.

Cornel never did trust the energy-matter transfer stream. Teleportation belonged in fantasy books for her, there is almost no practical way it is possible in the real scientific world. After sensing something had gone wrong in mid stream the black hermaphrodite dragon taur wakes up in a strange place. Picking hirself up the first thing Cornel does is check upon her prosthesis. The cybernetic right arm appears to be fully functional, its superior grip and strength cannot be safely tested outside of a cybernetics laboratory though. So with that safely checked the dragon takes a long hard look around herself.

It would appear that shi has materialised in the middle of nowhere. A field of some kind, a farm perhaps. Very as shi notices antiquated equipment to sow and till further afield. Maybe shi has materialised in one of those communities which preserve a more primitive time in Earth's history. But no, something else destroys that theory as people from a nearby barn start to run towards hir.

Scantily clad anthropomorphic canines are waving at hir. Definitely not anything human and Cornel herself is unique within the Earthsphere. Something occurs to her and as her eyes lift up the dragon taur clinches a new hypothesis with two moons looking down on her. This is definitely not Earth and something most certainly went wrong with the energy-matter stream.

As the doglike men try to communicate with hir it quickly becomes obvious that whatever language they are using is unlike anything shi is familiar with. It is not made any easier as hir eyes wander down to clearly exposed genitalia; something is very wrong here. Thankfully by using a few primitive features with their hands they manage to communicate they want hir to follow them back to wherever they are going. Cornel shrugs to hirself and follows them as suggested whilst at the same time setting up one of her implants to start gathering data and run emergence programs to help her understand this strange tongue.

The sun is starting to set as the twin moons become more prominent in the night skyline. Cornel and her vanguard of canines reach what appears to be some kind of manor. Different buildings appear to serve as accommodation to the servants whilst up on a hill there is a grand house, a mansion in fact. Lanterns are starting to light up the windows of the house as most of the dogs peels off with only one young grey furred pup leading Cornel on.

Thanks to the conversation between them on their way over here, the black dragon's cybernetic implants have managed to extrapolate a working understanding of the tongue. Loading the subset of nouns, verbs, adjectives and grammatical rules she tries to mouth a greeting at the dog just as they reach the steps up to the mansion.

"Hello," shi begins in their language, "can you understand me?"

"You can speak? That is a strange accent you have." It seems to be working, much to Cornel's amazement with hir own technology. Still she needs to start learning where she is and who these people are, there are no multitude of anthro species back on hir world.

However the ornate wooden doors to the mansion swing open, the halcyon light from the lanterns shining into Cornel's eyes. The silhouette of a most unique individual steps out from the building and now starts to walk down the small flight of steps. As hir eyes adjust, the taur dragon can see that they are in fact some kind of anthropomorphic cetacean. Most uniquely though is that it is the first person shi has seen where no great deal of flesh is showing. Heck even their fluke tail is being held in some kind of netting which probably helps to prevent it picking up dust.

"Who are you stranger, and why do you appear so odd?" It is an ironic question since to Cornel everyone and everything here is odd. But shi has to start adjusting, wherever shi is there probably is not any kind of shuttle service going back home.

"I am not quite sure actually. But I can tell you that I am not from around here and I'm a little confused right now. Is it possible to get some shelter and answers before I move on?" Shi tries to keep hirself humble, but the translation cannot be predicted for such accuracy.

"Hmm, very well strange one. Come inside and we shall see what we can do." The dog is dismissed as Cornel climbs up the steps. Raching the porchway shi can see the cetacean more clearly. It is a female with a large bosom, general features of black and white appear to suggest a clear orca based genetic heritage. Shi smiles at hir host but the matriarchal mammal seems uninterested in being pleasant.

Stepping inside the building now shi looks around and notices clear similarities to 19th century europe in the decor and construction materials. Expensive looking ornamentations and pieces of art decorate the hallway just inside with various doors leading off into other rooms of the house. Doing as the orca says, Cornel follows her up a grand stairway. Shi has questions to ask, but there are some hir host wants answered first.

"I have met many of your kind, but not one as... large as yourself."

"Others like me?" Cornel mutters to hirself, but she obviously means other dragons, although probably more anthropomorphic like herself. "Well err like I said, I'm from someplace else."

"Oh how far?" The female looks back at the taur, amused at how shi handles walking up the steps.

"A long, long way. Look can you tell me something now." They reach the next floor up and Cornel can see other servants working up here. Canine, feline, rodentia and ursine species are all dressed in clothes which expose genitalia, as well as tailholes in this indoor environment.

"Oh very well, what is it?" The maternal orca does not seem to even notice as a couple of the servants are starting to touch each other in a manner which Cornel can only describe as publicly erotic.

"Err," hir gaze wanders as they pass the two servants, "why is it your people dress like that?"

"What do you mean?" The orca stops and turns around to face the black dragon. "They dress according to regulation, don't you dare claim we are being inappropriate just because we don't use collar tags like he city dwellers."

"That's not... I mean it's... Pardon me please." Okay, so they have a clear hierarchy here and they must use sex as a way of reinforcing it. This is a strange and barbaric world Cornel has found hirself on, she must be careful to not challenge anyone; especially anyone who is helping hir.

"Okay it has been a long day. That is your room," the female gestures towards an unlocked door. "Go, see, I'll help you be less 'confused' in the morrow."

"Thank you, err..."

"Lady Daling my dear guest. Now go on, we will discuss payment tomorrow." Before shi has a chance to ask about that last bit, Lady Daling leaves Cornel in the hallway. Only now does the hermaphroditic black dragon become aware of her own need for sleep. Shi shrugs her prosthetic right arm whilst pushing the door open with her natural left one.

Cornel's guest room is not particularly well furnished. It has a queen sized bed with plain white sheets, that will be the first thing shi needs to change before retiring for the night. Other furnishings include an empty wardrobe, a plain dresser and a chair next to a simple wooden table; probably for eating off of. The light coming in front the window is almost gone, most of the illumination coming from a couple of lanterns in the hallway.

Walking over to the dresser she looks through it and finds some old fashioned matches. Cornel walks back to the doorway and looks at the oil lamp affixed to the wall. It still has oil so shi strikes the match on the rough door frame and uses it to light it. With more light now afforded by the primitive technology Cornel closes the door and gets the bed sorted.

Removing the mattress, sheets and two cushions; shi begins to arrange them on the floor. This is not the first time shi has had to do this so it does not take long to get them just right for hir unusual four legged and large body. With hir new "floor bed" ready shi closes the curtains and turns the handle on the lamp until it goes out. Laying down in the middle of the room Cornel drifts into the dark undercurrents of the subconscious.


It is not with any small degree of shock that Cornel walks up to see a feline servant standing over hir. Shi shouts in panic and kicks away at hir makeshift bedding, startling the cat in turn. For but a moment they stare at each other, both unnerved by the other. Cornel's centaur like body is obviously unusual, but the cat's own custom clothing which exposes her vagina and breasts is equally unnerving for the dragon. When one of them speaks it is Cornel whilst the indentured servant remains submissively quiet.

"I was startled," Cornel begins to explain. "Sorry about the bed, it wasn't well suited for me."

"Oh. That's alright miss. I didn't mean to intrude on you." The grey furred cat keeps her head low, avoiding direct eye contact with the dragon.

Getting up Cornel walks up to the servant and lifts her chin up. Their eyes meet and the girl looks like she is almost about to cry. Cornel asks her what the problem is and what shi hears blurting out of the girls mouth explains it easily enough. On this world, wherever this is, dragons and cetaceans serve as a ruling class; everyone else is either a worker, or even worse a slave. The girl explains that she must make reparations and guides the herm's hand down until it is resting on her furry snatch.

It has been a long night, and more than a little restless for the black dragon. So as much as shi might have a moral problem with slavery, other drives are in motion as further to hir back something pink and turgid stands to attention. Cornel begins to press her left, natural hand, against the feline's pussy. Rubbing it gently shi starts to delve inside, fingers spreading as shi stretches the slippery female sex organ out. A gasp and slight squirming is made by the slave as Cornel uses her cool metallic right hand to grab one of the girl's small furry breasts.

Getting into the moment the taur finds hirself leaning down for a kiss. As their mouths connect hir tongue reaches inside the cat's mouth and dances with her own tongue in turn. Purrs dribble from the cat's mouth as their embrace is broken, her body is on fire and yearning from the hermaphrodite's touch; honoured really to have this opportunity. Cornel is happy to oblige, sex in the morning is such a great way to begin the day.

Shi feels the furry girl slip down underneath hir body. An electric tinge of excitement travels up hir nervous system as the dragon feels the feline's paws find hir phallus. It's a relatively modest pink length, not scaled up to equine size but certainly plenty for the slave girl. Whiskers tickle along Cornel's underbelly as the cat's face presses into it. A quick lick across the sensitive glans on the top and hir cock is rock hard, the head spitting and drooling without end.

"Let me fuck you!" Cornel shouts. Ripping hir shirt off shi starts to play with hir own breasts, leaning down to try suckling on a teat

The slave complies, getting down an all fours she does not need to remove any clothing. Tail hiked and leg parted she waits for her reward. It takes no discernible amount of time for Cornel to press hir advantage. The taur hermaphroditic dragon drives her shaft into the slave cat below. To her credit she uses her claws to anchor herself onto the wood panelled floor. Her pussy clenches snugly around the dragonhood as she screams with passion.

Cornel carries on pounding the kitty, the floorboards creaking underneath them both until shi feels her loins boiling. Shi finishes with a flurry of thrusts, smacking broadly against the slave girl, she struggles to maintain her footing underneath. With the last ball slapping movement Cornel roars with delight, squeezing her boobs as shi unloads hirself into the very eager female below. The slave meows and purrs as the dragon finishes, then slides off with Cornel's wet cock returning to its hiding place.

"Oh that was great," Cornel sighs and then moves to hug the small feline.

"It was my honour ma'am." The short grey furred cat blushes madly, embarrassed from being thanked for something which comes as a given.

"Ahem." A voice from the doorway belongs to Lady Daling. She taps her foot on the floor until the indentured servant makes her excuses and runs back into the hallway.

"Aww, I was enjoying that." Cornel pouts at the great lady.

"You'll just have to buy one of your own in future them." Lady Daling huffs. "Now, when you are ready and fully clothed, I have a carriage waiting for you. You will get breakfast before you leave, but then I want you gone."

"Yes, of course. And thank you." Cornel manages to reply just as the cetacean walks back out. Now shi needs to sort out some clothes. Rather stupid ripping that shit off huh?


The journey into the city is rather uncomfortable for the taur dragon. Since the carriage is not made for someone like hir, it is a little difficult to fit inside of. However somehow shi has managed to make room between two opposing seats whist the Lady Daling squeezes up to one side.

"I am sorry about this," Cornel tries to apologise at the clearly irritated orca.

"No need dear, we're almost at Jerik now." Indeed as Cornel strains hir neck to look out the window shi can see buildings passing by. The road is a bit smother, but still essentially cobble as it has been for most of the distance.

"What can you tell me about the city then?"

"Jerik? Oh I suppose it's a wonderful place for those who enjoy the urban life. The family you'll be seeing are a small family of dolphin nobles called the Ignotios. Weird people if I'm being honest, but very welcoming and friendly. They're interested in you because they have an interest in the dragons. In fact they are getting rather close to one family up in the-"

Words begin to reach a dead end inside Cornel's brain. Shi has found something far more interesting to focus on staring outside of the beast drawn carriage's window. There are people out in the streets, from all different races and prostrating themselves for others. Some are breeding with ones of their fellow species, but the overall trend are many who are servicing large cetacean or draconian males, females and herms. In one case a vulpine cuntboi is being forced up against a brick wall. His tail is thrown over his shoulder as a towering dragon spears into him, thick pulsing meat pounding his tender vulva lips with almost no apparent resistance being given. Closing hir eyes Cornel listens carefully, refocusing away from the nattering Lady Daling shi can hear a constant background noise of moaning and obvious joyous proclamations of sex.

"What is all of that?" Cornel asks, reclining back in hir seat.

"What is all of what?" The orca wrinkles her beak in agitation.

"The noise. Is it always like that here?"

"You really are a stranger aren't you? The Ignatios will love you dear." The carriage is now starting to slow down, the equine-like animals pulling it are being reigned in. "But you will see for yourself now. Please, follow me dear."

Lady Daling gets out of the carriage and waits outside as the dragon taur carefully clambers out. The air is thick and heavy with the scent of raw sex. Turning hir head on every street, at each corner, there are people being screwed by either a cetacean or a drake. One or two lucky ones get the privilege of being on top but most are either sucking on or being pounded by the dominant species' cocks. Cornel bites hir lip as she feels something stirring between hir hind legs. Shi can feel Lady Daling's eyes are focused on hir and suddenly the mature lady's hand comes down to smack on the clothed dragon's rump.

"Steady there," she says. "You will have enough time for that later." A wry smile is on the orca's face. "Now come inside and I'll introduce you to your new family."

Cornel turns around and sees the carriage has come to a large house in the centre of the city. The name of the Ignatio family is emblazoned in big bronze letters alpng with the word "Accountants". So it is to be a family of bookkeepers shi is going to stay with. Well, it could be worse and as shi follows Lady Daling up the steps and knock on the front door shi wonders what they will be like.

The door opens and a cuntboy labrador, genitalia exposed in the clothing he wears, greets the Lady. His name is David and serves as the footman of the household. They are allowed inside as the skis being to darken overhead. Inside the decor is more refined than back at the country mansion. Worn and well polished wood is the primary feature along with brass fittings and a full out chandelier at the foot of a grand staircase. David take's Lady Daling's hat and then shows them through the room to the right.

"Master Eric has been looking forward to seeing you ma'am." It takes a moment for Cornel to realise the dog is talking to hir.

"Oh err, thank you."

"What about Lord Errol. I thought he would be here." Lady Daling has returned to her usual slightly grumpy mood.

"Alas, he had to go out on business early in the morning. But please sit, the master will be down shortly. Now if you'll excuse me, he may required my... talents." And with that last sentence hanging in the air the dog turns around, ass cheeks exposed, and walks back out into the foyer and up the stairs.

Lady Daling sits down on an elaborate chair and looks at one of the windows and then at the dead fireplace. Rain is starting to come down, beating rhythmically against brick, wood and glass. Rivulets come down the window panes and Cornel feels like shivering as shi stares out at the bracing weather. But under the sound of the rain shi starts to hear something else. It is a faint noise, but it is coming from somewhere else in the house, probably upstairs. Looking over at the female orca hir face has a quizzical expression as the Lady Daling just makes a face back which raises her eye patches in a shrugging motion.

After a flurry of even louder noises the creaking of footsteps start to come down the stairs. Turning around Cornel sees the doorway open as hir new host steps inside whilst buttoning up his jacket. Dressed in a smart navy blue suit is a grey skinned bottlenose dolphin in his early twenties. He introduces himself as Eric Ignatio and walks up to the hermaphroditic dragon to kiss hir metal hand. Pausing he stops and looks at the strange appendage and looks up at her face curiously.

"What a most unusual right arm you have." He can hear the soft whirring of servos and asks hir if it is some kind of clockwork prosthesis.

"Sort of yes," shi replies with a nod and tugs hir hand back out of his grasp.

"Eric my dear boy, can you spare accommodation for this poor thing?" Lady Daling gets out of her chair and homes in on the smaller cetacean. Before he can respond her hand slips down the front of his trousers and start to rub at the slit just above his testicles. "It would mean a lot to both Cornel here and myself."

"Mmm yes, well I think we can come to an arrangement." His voice starts to change in pitch, his prehensile phallus becoming engorged as it pokes out of his slit. Cornel looks shocked as the orca undoes the young man's trousers and grabs his cock with a firm grip. The door is shut by the footman, leaving them in private as Cornel is invited to join in by the large orca woman. Already on her knees, Lady Daling is removing her top, undoing the girdle as her bosom wheezes forward.

Clothes are removed by all three faster than seemed possible. Eric makes it to a seat whilst Lady Daling brings her breasts to bare on the throbbing piece of male hood in front of her. Both black breasts are capped with fat white teats, silkily smooth from years of pampered attention. She squeezes them around the bottlenose's cock as it bucks between them, the head drooling with clear pre. Cornel realises that first shi needs to repay the orca for hir time sleeping in the mansion. With hir red phallus already rock hard it will be a pleasure to show hir gratitude.

Mounting the orca from behind, Cornel's body presses into the female, even as she gasps from the cold metal of the taur's prosthesis. Wriggling her rump around Lady Daling pushes back against the dragon's length, her fluke raised high as it flaps next to her shoulders. Cornel pushes herself forward, the throbbing member squeezing between the tight black buttocks of the noblewoman. Eric though shows far less patient with his end of the mature orca and grabs her head to force it down over his cock.

Being an experienced female, Lady Daling easily takes the dolphin's randy organ without choking or missing a move. With almost no effort her tongue slithers and slides around the smooth pointy penis. Lips squeeze tightly around slick flesh and she moans around him as his cock reaches down her throat where it is squeezed by strong throat muscles. Master Eric throws his head back against the top of the chair, his calls of passion echoing most definitely above the noise of rainfall.

Watching the way that Lady Daling goes down on the young male encourages Cornel to be far more rough than shi had intended to be. Driving hirself forward with little to no regard for going easy, shi squeezes inch after inch inside of the female orca's tight anus. Being such a large girl, she can take the black dragon taur quite well with plenty of rectum space for even another penis if so required. Cornel grunts hard and starts to move back and forth with energy and force. Hir balls greyish-blue coloured balls smack against the orca's big black butt with the rhythm of a drumbeat. The gazes of the dragon and the dolphin meet as shi squints at him with dark red eyes, shi winks and the young male grins stupidly.

Leaning in a little Cornel makes it easy for the young nobleman to grab hir tits. In fact he cannot keep his hands off of hir as he keeps squeezing and rubbing them against one another. With both of his hands not occupied on the taur, Lady Daling is free to go at her own pace. So she uses one hand to play with Master Eric's nuts, and the other works its way under the seat and against his tight young butt. Closing her eyes shut and focusing the orca goes all the way down to nuzzle his crotch before surprising him with a finger working its way into his crack and up his anus.

"Ye gods you're a naughty one!" Eric exclaims but instead of resisting, decides to console himself by rubbing his face against and between Cornel's breasts.

The dragon welcomes the dolphin by wrapping hir arms around him; stroking his head almost as if he were a baby. But shi is also occupied with thrusting the rear portion of hir body against Lady Daling. Each one brings a new level of excitement building inside the late female as her body responds with electric passion. The room is full of the combined scents of reptile and sea mammals. Little do the three know that just outside the room David is stroking his fat dogcock with excitement, the smell being too much for the poor slave.

However everything is coming to a head now. As movements slow and the spit roasted orca's body is trembling with a moist and dripping wet cunt. Years of practise has ensured that with an almost natural instinct the orca has led both of her partners to a near simultaneous exchange of fluids. With bodies hot and sweat, each thrusting against the orca between them, dolphin and dragon meet with trembling lips. Kissing not out of love, but raw lust, their tongues intertwine just as their balls lift up and they each explode inside either end of poor buggered Lady Daling. She moans and enjoys every last second of it, her fluke beating between her own back and the underside of Cornel's taur body. In fact her own discharge of female juices almost goes unnoticed as all kinds of stick fluids overflow onto the edge of the chair and the carpeting below.

With the high of the moment quickly dying down, both Cornel and Eric pull free from Lady Daling and grope the mature woman as she gasps and shudders, still in the afterglow of being fucked by two people at the same time. Once everyone has calmed down they Eric starts to explain the conditions of Cornel staying with him and before the herm even realises what has been decided upon Lady Daling is kissing Master Eric goodbye. Her clothes are still clean enough for the journey back to her country estate and the rain is over now.

"Now, we'll need to find you room." Eric has that stupid smile on his face again whilst looking around at Cornel's rear. "And you must tell me where you are from exactly, you are most exotic."

"I'm not sure if you would understand." Cornel blushes and folds hir wings trying to conceal hirself a little; as somehow hir makeshift clothes have disappeared.

"Perhaps not, but I'd still like to hear whilst balls deep inside you." Eric replies with an almost predatory tone in his voice. As Cornel is shown upstairs a labrador is sniffing at some discarded linen.

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