Psionic Experiment

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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Psionic Experiment

A second commission for Selth Blackwings. This involves a new unnamed character.

Time passes differently when your mind has been altered. Selth is unsure how long it has been now. Trapped here underground, sometimes for guard duty, sometimes for other activities, but always at his master's whim. Despite being reduced to the status of a tool, Xallithid looks after his best tools. Even his scales are more and more used to the chains and other, less traditional bondage, he is regularly subjected to.

Right now he is on cleanup duty. A naked and frightened human is shouting at him from a dark corner. It is almost amusing for the dragon, even an armoured man would be easy but this is just pathetic. Primal emotion is dancing in the man's deep brown eyes, horrors having broken everything but his will to continue. Shattered words leave his mouth with uneven tone, threats for the black dragon to stay back. He makes no qualms about stepping down on the helpless man's trachea and there is a soft crunching sound as he applies more than the minimum amount of force to end his pitiful existence.

The black beast sighs. It feels like years have passed since last he was intimately touched. Secreted in an absolutely private room of the surprisingly vast underground fortress Xallithid has been working. Guard duty and cleanup are the only two tasks the dragon has been assigned for days if not weeks, months, the time drags on as his modified mind craves the touch of a tentacle or several. Bored and alone he sits down and starts swing his tail around. It hits the ground with a ground shocking thud, the sound reverberates despite the sound dampening moss on stone and rock.

A desire to sleep, draconic hibernation, in order to pass the time pass into his cognitive cogs. Selth surveys the chamber making sure everything is as it should be, oversized lice already crawling over the human corpse as maggots as supercharged maggots start to eat away at it. Death in this place is common so the illithid developed some rather disgusting domestic tools a long time back. There is nothing, no one, of importance here and there is little chance of any humans stumbling down here as that was the last of that particular adventuring party.

He rests his head on the damp and cool floor. Red eyes are drawn shut with black eyelids and he wriggles around a bit to make himself more comfortable. Of course this has to be the exact moment when a summons occurs. There is no sound though, no obvious call, but instead it is one passed along through the ether of psychic waves. A burning hot presence scorches its way into the back of Selth's mind forcing him wide awake. He gets up with a start, his tail swinging around carelessly and crashing into a wall making the chamber quake and even shaking some ceiling vegetation free.

"Come." The commanding voice demands, no other communication required for his thrall. Despite the rude and very startling summons, Selth is excited. He has been invited into the master's most private sanctum. This must be important, no, this is definitely important.

Eager to please, and excited to any hope of more "experiences" he clambers through the tight spaces in a hurry. The passageway down into the lair's most secure room is further down underground. Footing is tricky here as the moss-ridden ground is all the more slick with a tacky damp. His claws scrap up dark green matter like seaweed and he tries to shake some of it off in annoyance. Regardless he hurries down until he is in front of the solid obsidian stone doorway.

"Mmmmmawr?" Selth tilts his head at the imposing eerily tomb like entrance. He leans in and pokes it with his snout, wondering what will make the annoying obstacle move.

Suddenly it moves on its own, a circular section of its cold black surface rolling to one side. It is not an awfully wide gap, but still enough for the black drake to squeeze into. He pushes forward without thinking though, his wings almost get stuck but he keeps on pushing until he pops through like a bottle cork. Barely keeping himself from falling he works on steadying himself before looking up at the interior with his jaw hanging low.

If the rest of the lair is cavernous, then this is a hollow moon. That is an exaggeration of course, but still the room is positively enormous. The ceiling is pretty high, but the impressive thing is the drop down below. Selth is standing on one of several platforms, each one sitting atop a small collection of towers which rise above some kind of water down below. Well that is making the assumption of sweet innocent cave water, truth be told it is probably something much more sinister than the source of all life. There is no growth of moss here, each platform is made of the same obsidian material, but feels oddly warming yet still has a slick damp quality underneath his claws.

Continuing to take in the vista, Selth sees that his master Xallithid is on the second platform over. There is some sort of hovering and glowing sphere he is gesturing to. Arcane rites which are equally as ancient as the dragon's, but in a complete alien tongue, are being performed by the mind flayer. Feeling the blistering hit again this time a whisper repeats the direction to come to the illithid. Traversing a narrow bridge between the platforms Selth makes his way across; all the time his wings are extended for balance and emergency flight just in case he slips.

"I want you to take a look at this." Xallithid speaks over his shoulder to the dragon, a single pulsing green eye glancing over the reptile.

Approaching his master slowly from behind Selth looks past the mind flayer. A vortex of black purple ribbons spin in a cyclonic mix of power. Each one is a string of arcane knowledge, immense magical power contained within ancient glyphs. They are obscuring something in the centre of the platform. Squinting his red eyes the dragon tries to make out a flickering silhouette inside. He makes a low sound indicating his confusion and inability to work out what is going on. Xallithid is also annoyed by the slight intelligence dampening which the mental reprogramming causes; so he goes on to explain it anyway.

"Before you is the future, my dragon." A clammy hand strokes the underside of the feral beast's neck as Xallithid steps back to caress his thrall's side and affording him a more direct view. "Right now a very intense form of psychic magic is weaving flesh and bone."

His laugh echoes in the cavernous arcane study. The illithid continues to slink back, further and further away. His hand trails down along the black drake's back. Finally it slinks over his tail and squeezes a section near the end before his touch leaves Selth. Only now does the enslaved flying reptile realise that a command has been planted in the back of his mind. Legs and wings are stiff, unmoving and steadfast as he stares ahead into the cycling mess of purple magic. Something chilling is emanating from the centre of the platform and travelling across the air to make contact with his scales. For the first time since being thralled the dragon is frightened of something.

"I don't... I don't understand." Tears are beginning to collect at the bottom of his eyes. The previous confidence, if forced subservience, his psychic recondition has afforded him is missing. Did Xallithid do this on purpose? Is this some new game for him? Almost certainly, and knowing the mind flayer's games that thought just makes Selth all the more worrisome.

The suspense is quickly broken as a blinding flash of light temporarily blinds and dazes the dragon. Glyph flicker and fade as what was held behind them steps out and Selth's eyesight recovers just in time to see it. Standing at least as large in shear size as the feral dragon is a demonic looking centaur. Satanic horns sprout out of a roughly human head. Other features of the creature's face include burning demon eyes and more canine teeth than humble molars or incisors. Dark skin bulges out with increased muscle mass rippling underneath it. Veins throb around the demon centaur's neck as they travel down his arms across mountainous biceps. His pectorals and abdominals look like they could withstand a pyro blast or several before getting scarred. The rest of his body is like an apocalyptic horse. The bulk of his form is red in colour, but is shrouded in an aura of the purple flavoured magicka which the mind flayer has used.

"Magnificent isn't he?" Xallithid's voice booms into the cavern. It does not seem to come from any one direction leading Selth to the conclusion that the illithid must have removed himself from the room whilst leaving the drake trapped here. "It took me far too long, and I went through a great deal of test subjects, before I got the mutation magic just right for him."

"I don't understand master. What d-"

"Silence puppet! I wish only to speak with him..."

"NAME?" The demon-centaur's voice projects its single word question with a force that Selth can feel on the scales of his face.

"Your name is Vanguard, for you are the first of many." Although Selth cannot see it for himself, the mind flayer is using a form of astral project to show himself to his newest pet as he answers the query.

"PURPOSE FOR MY TRANSMOGRIFICATION?" Selth remains deadly quiet, his still being unable to move of great concern to him.

"To be servile to me, enact my will and revel in chaos." Xallithid's answer makes something which approximate's a smile appear on the beast's lips.


"You already know what to do." There is hint of a chuckle at the end of that sentence then the binding psychic command lifts off of Selth. He panics, turning around he starts to try running back, wings flapping as he wants to get away into the air.

Although the dragon's panic is discerning, his responsiveness is too slow as something with a vicelike grip grabs his tail. He is pulled down just as he was beginning to take off, hitting one of the black obsidian platforms he falls off of the edge. Everything becomes blurry as he is thrown this way and that, presumably the centaur softening him up. When the abuse stops Selth's head stops spinning and he looks to see he is begin held aloft by demonic tentacles which have morphed out of only one of the centaur's arms.

"Please, you really don't need to do this." The black dragon pleads whilst trying to claw against the constraining red tentacles, but their surface is too tough even for dragon claws.

The demon centaur does not reply, he does not feel the need to. But there is something he wants from the dragon. Lowering him back onto his platform, the demon keeps his hold on the dragon whilst pulling him forward. Selth resists, his claws creating deep marks in the obsidian whilst his head is forced down underneath the centaur by the demon's free, and still humanish, hand. Underneath the centaur is something large which is pounding against the underside of the equine part of the centaur's body. Its head is wet with an overflow of something which has a powerfully overriding scent. As the all male musk hits Selth's olfactory senses his mind goes spinning again, but not from physically violent movement this time.

"Gods..." The drake licks his lips as his red eyes lock onto a crimson red, equine-style, demon cock which is still growing between the centaur's hind legs. There are a series of ridges and even a few feline like barbs spiralling down the length as it keeps on growing inch after inch.

Selth finds himself staring at a three foot long monster of a phallus. His tongue is still smacking over his lips, only a small part of himself aware of his own salivating. Behind him he can feel the demonic centaur lift the feral dragon's tail up, a hand with a sharp set of claws on it coming down to strike the reptile's firm rump. He cannot resist it anymore, his senses alight the dragon moves forward the last few inches. Mouth wide open he wraps his lips over the towering mutant horsecock in before him with no hesitation. A muffled moaning sound is being made from the slutty drake as he forces it down, the centaur likewise making approving if slightly more monstrous sounds. Selth struggles a bit as the penis starts to buck inside of his mouth, but hr gets a handle on it and starts to deep throat like a real natural.

The centaur roars with delight, his tentacles slipping and sliding over the dragon before a couple of them find his tailhole. It is a very odd sight seen from a distance, but somehow the centaur is going to make this work with the dragon; all the while their mutual master observes them. Turning the drake over the demon enjoys the feeling of the dragon's mouth twist and turn over his tremendous malehood. But his real reason for the slight change in positioning is for when his tongue slides out of his mouth. Truly the magic which has change this creature has been only the most perverse, as his tongue is disgustingly long with a prehensile nature that would make a gigolo blush. With one hand he spreads the dragon, allowing his new tentacle-tongue to rummage around inside.

Selth's eyes are watering, his body is being violated by the centaur. But all he can think of is sucking this big, hot, monster cock like a good boy. Forcing it down he reaches the hot crotch underside of the beast. Two watermelon sized testicles greet the reptile's nose and he feels the demon's heartbeat raise a notch higher. Pulling himself back the black drake goes back down again in the same eye watering motion. Getting air when he can the reptile does his best to give the centaur only the best kind of head. It becomes a little annoying though as the centaur thrusts to help him and those watermelons are smacking just in front of the dragon's eyes making him flinch from this angle.

This goes on for several minutes, a tree trunk lodged down Selth's throat whilst an ungodly food taster wriggles around his rectum. But just as Selth feels like he is getting into it, his own cock throbbing away, the centaur stops. Siding the sticky member out of his mouth Selth asks what is going on. Only when he hears the drawling voice of his owner does he realise that something else is indeed going on. The tentacles release him as the centaur's arm returns to normal and Selth gets back on all fours crawling out from underneath the giant centaur.

"I have a special treat for you pet." Xallithid is standing on the platform with them both. His robes removed, the mind flayer's iridescent green cock is at the ready with its compatriots of four light blue tentacles with squid grippers. Selth gulps as the illithid beckons him forward with a single black clawed purple finger.

As Selth approaches his lord and master the centaur grass him from behind. Holding the black dragon stay the centaur starts to mount in classic doggy-style. Selth looks back in panic but his head is turned again as the glowing light blue tentacles of the mind flayer turns it to something of vastly more import. Feeling the presence of the illithid's psychic presence overpowering his conscious thought Selth does not need anymore physical restraint, let alone mere words, as he knows exactly what is expected of him. Putting his already warmed up mouth and lips to good use he starts to suckle the head of Xallithid's mighty dick.

With an almost thoughtful, caressing motion, the long tentacles from the mind flayer's face stroke over the horns and mane of hair Selth has. Pre oozes from the shaped head and spills across the drake's tongue, it tastes exotic and has an unusual spiced component to it. On the other end of the black dragon's body something equally as phallic and alien in nature is pushing up against his tight tailhole's ring. Even without the abundant amount of pre which drools from the head, no amount of restrictive sphincter tightness can resist the demon centaur's overwhelming physical strength. He spears into the dragon making him scream over Xallithid's length; though he dare not bite down even if he thought he could get away with it. There is a dark play of lustful emotion across the centaur's demon-eyed face, though the dragon is too occupied to see it.

In this manner Selth is double teamed by the illithid and the demon centaur. His holes are stretched to capacity, his body being filled with exotic male juices which are only on the vanguard of a much greater volume to cum. Travelling down the long distance of his master's length, Selth finds it amusing to rub his tongue over the strange segmented nature of the underside and feel the mind flayer's response. His claws dig deeper into the ground though as the centaur gives him a ball-slapping pounding on the rear. Most of the grunting is coming from Selth and the centaur though, their owner being remarkable cool in all of this. Although even if Selth were paying attention right now, the intrinsically moist nature of the illithid's purple skin makes it difficult to notice if he is truly sweating or not; either from stress or lust in this case.

Regardless their time is coming to an end. Echoes of pleasure and ball smacking motion echoing throughout the cavernous room as the mind flayer teases both of his pets. Selth is aware that the psychic link is allowing a certain level of thermostat-esque lust control on him by the illithid; coaxing him on until he is ready to cum. However the centaur is at a lost and Xallithid is curious what the centaur unloading into the dragon will do to poor little Selth. Twisting the metaphorical dial to the "oh shit, oh fuck" setting, Xallithid almost leans back as he watches the centaur lose all restraint. Muscles bunch up as his sweaty body clings onto the feral dragon from behind, making Selth almost squeak a little whilst his nose buries into the illithid's tentacle-infested crotch.

Previously mentioned watermelon balls bunch up at the base of the centaur's horse-body as his equine malehood pounds against the drake's insides. It is as if someone has detonated some incredibly messy bomb inside of the reptile's body. Explosion after explosion of burning hot demon cum is injected deep inside of Selth's rectum. He squirms, claws scratching once more against obsidian whilst he shakes his butt against the imposing centaur who holds his forelegs around the base of Selth's body. Feeling the feedback over the psychic link, Xallithid lets go just as Selth also loses control and white jets of semen splash against the black ground.

Whilst the centaur calms down though, a backlog of sperm drooling past the now at least partially soft horsecock, the illithid wants to finish. Forcing Selth with both psychic and telekinetic force, he has him bob up and down fast and hard. Breath becomes almost impossible to get as Selth suckles, slurps and just damn well sucks for all he is worth on his master's randy member. Sight and sensations start to slip away as his brain is cut off from precious oxygen. Time seems to slow down, his processing speeding up as his brain panics. At almost the last second, the last moment before he blacks out the mind flayer lets him go. Selth pulls off and stumbles back just as an explosion of phosphorescent white male juice pours out of the illithid's large green spout. It splashes over Selth, and a little getting not he centaur too. The black dragon tries licking some from his lips and finds it stickier than normal for semen, but also all the more tasty with its exotic spice.

With all three males having came, Xallithid orders the centaur back to his holding area and with a last squeeze of the dragon's rump he does so. Swirling arcane symbols consume the centaur against as he returns to whatever extra-dimensional existence where he waits for the mind flayer's call. Just as he looks back at said illithid Selth finds the tentacles which account for Xallithid's mouth pressed up against his face. Although unsure as to what exactly is behind them, he swear he feels something like a gentle kiss applied to his lips before Xallithid moves away.

"Good boy." He smiles at Selth making the drake blush and swing his tail, reminiscent of a happy puppy after being rewarded by its master. "Now go back to guarding the main entrance! I have more work to do..."

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