Another Life

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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All characters portrayed in this work of fiction are of 18 years age or over. The intellectual property of the characters and events depicted belong to Cornel of SoFurry and FurAffinity. This works contains anthropomorphic animals, hermaphrodites and indentured sex slaves all in graphic depictions of sexual intercourse. The reader takes full responsibility for social scarring if they continue reading.

This commission became far larger than originally intended. This is a continuation of the story beginning in Another World:

After a couple of days to settle in Cornel is presented with a new concept for hir new life. It comes from an irritatingly solicitous bottlenose dolphin as "Master" Eric walks into her room completely unannounced. The Ignatio family has been more than kind to hir, but the young and impetuous Eric has been something of a nuisance since day one. However the boy does have his charms, both in and out of the bed chambers too; youth and inexperience do bring certain advantages and disadvantages Cornel can take advantage of. Returning to Eric now, he now says hello by sliding one hand up along the back of hir four legged tauren body. Doing so his hand is brushing up against the grain of hir scales, but it is still an affection unsubtle stroking.

"Good morning Lady Cornel." He is grinning like a fool as shi turns back to glower down at him. Grey lips parting to show his white teeth, a surprisingly ivory sheen considering the relatively primitive dental practises on this world.

"Lady I might be, but I've still got both more manhood and more importantly gentlemanly manners than you do." It is a mixed retort with the not so hidden invitation for something like a light morning frolicking; or ass pounding. Their patter has been improving despite David's recommendation not to encourage the already incorrigible youth. Shi has to hold back from adding more direct insults for fear he reacts like a crybaby. After all, Cornel is just a guest in his family's home.

"I'd like to invite you down to a special marketplace today. If you'd be so kind as to accept a ride in my carriage that is. It's much nicer than the one you came here in." His hand slides away, his purpose here actually serious for once as he expects an answer.

"Why a market? I thought servants... the slaves went to procure food and the like." Cornel is still getting used to using the term 'slaves' accurate and morally accepted as it is in this society.

"Ah, yes, well you see that is the special part. We are going to find you a slave of your very own. It's a slave marketplace you see, very popular actually." He carries on smiling as he explains this. It is still quite unnerving to Cornel that the ownership of slaves is seen as normal here. Of course the fact that they often serve as sex slaves, at least in part, makes it something of an intrinsically guilty pleasure.

"Okay then. When do we leave?" Hir interest in piqued, hir own personal slave is a very interesting idea.

It just so happens that the carriage will be waiting in only half an hour, enough time to get dressed up for public appearance. Now Cornel has some proper clothes for hirself, although some of them are far too frilly. Shi dresses in something with nice light colours, before then throwing a dark coat over it all ruining the effect. Hir genitalia is left exposed, a tauren body naturally making complete clothing difficult anyway, however the top is the most odd thing. It has a removable chest band, which allows Cornel to show off hir tits whenever shi pleases. Clothing on this world is almost always designed for either no covering, or easily removed covering, of all pertinent sexually evocative body parts.

Cornel descends the stairs where their labrador servant is waiting in his skimpy black suit. David quickly bows, only a brief courteous gesture for Eric. When he sees Cornel descend he actually offers hir a half smile which quickly fades before someone else were to see. He asks Eric if there is anything particular that he wants done whilst they are away. The brash young cetacean cannot think of anything of importance to boss the cuntboy around with. Leading the herm dragon on he steps out of the abode and takes hir to the waiting carriage.

Despite the large size of these luxurious form of transportation Cornel is finding it difficult to get inside comfortably. A lot of, what would at least normally be, embarrassing brushing between bodies occurs before shi manages to find an adequate position. Curiously enough this carriage's form of propulsion is very different from the horse-like beasts which Lady Daling's had been. Instead of beasts pulling it along, this carriage has primitive, yet amazingly compact, boiler and steam driven cogs which crank away turning the wheels. Unfortunately because of this, and despite the cool weather, the interior is always a little too warm.

They are one their way with their driver operating levers instead of harnesses and a whip. Cornel stares out the changing view. It is fascinating to see a city at this stage of technology. Architecture is the polar opposite of uniform with each street and building having its own unique personality. Although shi has not seen much of the city as of yet, Cornel has learned a thing or two about it already. The city is named Pytol, and it originally grew from being a humble town set beside a river. Several empires claimed the city, but now it is free as a city-state.

Ignoring the dolphin who is now eyeing hir up like a piece of meat, again, Cornel stares out at the pedestrians. Between eighty and ninety percent of everyone in the city is owned by either a cetacean or a dragon. Although it is all slavery, the degree of freedom they have varies according to the role they serve. House servants like David can usually do almost anything they please provided they return to their duties. Other slaves however are bound by strict paths and some are even caged up as nothing more but sex slaves. Speaking of sex, every once in awhile a slave species can be seen bent over and being screwed against a brick wall by one of their owners. Sex is both a carefree pleasure and a social display of the master/slave relationship. Thankfully when Cornel mentioned and then explain sexually transmitted diseases no one seemed to know of their existence.

The carriage comes to a stop and Eric is the first to hop on out. Brushing his jacket down straight he beams with his arms stretched wide as he looks up at the archway leading to the market. He calls it the "Clammy Heart of Pytol." As for what he means by that; well it is a little off putting really as Cornel will soon discover. Shi takes care to get off the carriage without suddenly falling and goes around the front taking a closer look at the beasts before joining Eric. He takes hir hand, almost being gentlemanly about it shi allows him, and walks into the marketplace.

"This..." Cornel's eyes are wide with unexpected surprise, well shock really. Despite the relatively immoral society here shi did not quite picture his.

"Makes them feel fortunate about being bought." Eric shows no remorse either in his tone nor the in content of his comment.

Cages are the dominating feature of the market. Cold and unfeeling iron bars keep a multitude of different slave species in one place whilst buyers get to stare at and pick whichever they fancy; often literally fancy. Not only that but expectant servants are often bound with chains, or the very least a leash of some description. The bondage is not strictly necessary, but probably helps add to the image of being powerless. The black taur dragon is actually shocked with hirself too. Surely shi should have expected this, or at the very least something like it. You cage and tie up livestock, so why not slaves too?

"It's umm," shi has to catch hirself from saying something that might offend. Stall owners and slave traders are clearly noticing hir, a taur dragon being a unique thing here. "It is a lot to choose from. Perhaps too much in one day?"

Cornel is not exactly sure why shi is even trying to make excuses, but the graphicness of this place is quite unnerving. However there is some instance coming from the young noble as he already has a slave in minds for hir. With some trepidation Cornel agrees to follow him deeper into the den of people trafficking. All manner of species are there to be seen, evens a couple off centaur which makes hir wonder about taurs of other species. Heading inside one of the private stores, Eric introduces Cornel to a tall giraffe trader.

"Welcome my dear lady." The giraffe speaks with an obviously foreign accent that hir translator carries over. Shi squints at him and offers hir hand which he graciously accepts and kisses with a curt bow.

"My," a pause as shi selects hir words with care. "Well my acquaintance here tells me you have something of particular note for me?"

The long necked slaver looks at the young dolphin, possibly sharing a look, before asking them to follow him. He leads Cornel and Eric back further into his establishment. More cages are here but different than the others. These ones are far more well presented with veils and generally luxurious looking fabrics adorning them, most of a deep royal red colour. They soon come to the special item, a cage with a large almost duvet like sheet covering it. Feint noises of someone underneath it can be heard, small shuffling of paws perhaps. As the cover is removed Eric looks over at the dragon taur to see hir reaction.

Stood somewhat sheepishly in the centre of the cage is a fox. With auburn red fur shi stands, tugging a bushy tail with a white tip just in front of hirself but underneath a pair of nice C cup breasts. Cornel's eyes wander down and up, focusing on the key attractions such as the sheath and testes nestled in hir crotch; a pussy no doubt waiting just behind. It is a pleasing if somewhat raw display and a tight smile curls up on the side of the dragon's face. Shi is intrigued, and that is always a good indication of things to come... and carry on coming.

"Well step out dear," the giraffe tells the hermaphrodite after he as he opens the cage's door for hir. Hesitant, shy steps are taken by the vulpine. That is until shi lays eyes upon the large, and a little imposing, dragon taur dressed in hallmark aristocrat attire.

An immediate reaction has the slave on hir knees and head craned down in a sign of submission. Even the giraffe is a little taken back by how well shi is behaving. Eric catches the real meaning in the body language. Even when he had only been given the most passing of information he knew this one would be perfect for Cornel; a real dragonphile. He nudges the large black hermaphrodite with his elbow and features towards the prostrating vulpine.

Cornel steps forward as the slave trader walks to one side giving hir space. With an outstretched hand, the dragon begins to stroke the slave's head. A strange kind of purr comes from the other herm as Cornel begins to caress one of hir ears. There is something enticing about the vulpine, although the taur is struggling to pin it down. It could be the overall aesthetics of hir shapely body, or perhaps something to do the pheromones which are no doubt thick in the air. But as big amber eyes look up at Cornel, shi knows that there is an affinity there between them. Turning back to see the men, Eric smiling smugly and the slaver rubbing his hands together, shi nods.

"We'll take hir."

Eric takes out a large banknote and waves it at the giraffe who walks up to take it off the aristocrat's hands. At the very instant the transaction completes the vulpine leaps forward. Hir furry body slips underneath the dragon, tickling the scales underneath. This makes Cornel giggle, but what comes next makes hir blush hard. Eager, slutty licks brush across the exposed grey-blue coloured slit between hir hind legs. Small furry paws also come in to play, groping and squeezing together the twin similarly coloured scaled testes. At first Cornel wants to tell the vulpine to stop, but as hir erection pushes out of said slit shi stops hirself.

"I'm so sorr-" The giraffe blisters with an apology before Eric clasps one hand on the giraffe's shoulder. He whispers into the other man's ear that it's perfectly fine even as Cornel starts to moan excitedly.

Biting hir bottom lip with growing excitement Cornel starts to turn hir attention to other things about hirself. Undoing a couple of buttons the fabric bound around hir chest comes off and shi grips hir own perky breasts. The pink nipples require attention that shi gives them by craning hir neck and kissing one, tugging on it a little whilst the other shi rubs with a thumb. Underneath hir the vixen is really getting into hir work. Now the taur is at full mast, with the head of hir red erection drooling like there is no tomorrow. Musk is filling the air and as it travels up the fox's nostrils shi goes wild. Eric and the giraffe watch as the fox impressively takes the dragon's large shaft, forcing almost two thirds of it down hir tight slutty mouth and throat. Cornel pulls away from hir tits to roar with pure lust in hir voice, forelegs lifting off the ground slightly before coming back down without much of an impact. The slave's tail is wagging happily now, brushing against the underside of Cornel's body with an irksome tickle.

Unable to resist any longer the dragon starts to thrust into the vixen's mouth. It becomes a rhythmic act shared between the both of them. The slave pushes forward just as the dragon thrusts forward. Hir tongue writhes and rubs along anything it can find, even slinking out a bit to poke at the dragon's balls one time. Clear pre mixed with saliva drips from the fur underneath hir muzzle. Taking action in the moment, Cornel even smacks the fox's wriggling rump and squeezes it between hir claws. This keeps going on for awhile longer, their heat and scents rising up into the air. Both males are going without until Eric looks at the slave trader. Their eyes meet and then he turns and looks down at his slit which is now wrapped around the very thick base of is prehensile phallus. Without a single word the giraffe drops to his knees and cranes his neck to lick at the drooling aristocrat's aristocock.

Now both Cornel and Eric are getting their whistle's shined. Although the dragon is the luckier of the two as shi finds hir new, acquisition, is stupendously talented at this fellatio business. Biting hir bottom lip, Cornel receives a great amount of pleasure in slowly and purposefully pumping in and out of the slutty fox's mouth. Wonderfully so that tight tunnel encloses around hir cock, as snug as a sock from what shi remembers back before hir transformation. By the cages the giraffe is also getting his chance to shine, after only a few licks of the dolphin's cock he has been pushed up against the bars of one of the cages. His bare spotty ass wiggling from side to side before Eric's cock is introduced to it. He cries out, the young master never goes in easy, but nonetheless enjoys the penetration. Some mocking words come from the cetacean, but the ungulate does not pay any attention and simply enjoys getting his butt pounded like this. It is always an honour to serve a cetacean, or a draconis for that matter.

This scene of carnal pleasure is pushing everyone involved to their blissful limits. Cornel feels the small furry body of the hermaphrodite fox shift underneath hir. The slave knows that the dragon is almost ready to erupt and stops sucking on the shaft. Instead shi holds it against hir chest, tits squeezing around both sides of it in a cozy embrace. This allows Cornel to hump against the fox's soft furry chest, the head of hir phallus spearing up to receive licks and kisses from the vixen's slutty mouth. To top it off the slave is massaging the taur's big balls, almost possessively so as she tugs upon them. Cornel loses it, screaming up into the air of the room of cages whilst clutching hir own tits tightly. The fusion of male and female sex drives creates a synergy that travels from hir head all the way to the top of hir long scaly tail.

Shi comes forcefully. Powerful spurts of cream white jets splash across the fox's muzzle. Auburn fur becomes wet and sticky with semen as shi tries to aim the ejaculating mess into hir open mouth. Cornel roars loudly, hir razor sharp claws digging into the wooden floor of room as shi thrusts one last time. This movement causes the dragon's cock to wedge itself at least a quarter way into the slave's throat. Shi swallows like a good little girl, visible quantities of spunk traveling down hir throat. Despite hir best efforts though shi has to pull off after only a few gulps as hot white dragon cum keeps gushing out of Cornel's heavy hermhood like a neverending fountain.

All while the dam is bursting, the giraffe is getting a real buggering from the horny dolphin. Even though he has been used to this sort of treatment from the dominant species all his life, it is still humiliating to that core of himself which itself finds excitement out of owning and trading slaves. However that violation of his own power makes it just all the more exciting as a dirty pleasure. Spreading his legs out he is doing his best to brace himself, butt cheeks clenching around the young aristocrat's cock as it pumps in and out of him quickly and smoothly. The cetacean's prehensile length has a remarkable smoothness to it, both dry and wet, which enables him to wedge in every last centimetre of his fat malehood at the very base of its length. Eric pants hard over the giraffe's shoulder, sometimes making a squeak, click or trilling sound in his primal, lustful way.

"Your fat ass is tighter on closer inspection, trader." Eric smacks said ass from the right side, causing the giraffe to clench even tighter around the prehensile spear inside of him. "That's right, work for it you animal!"

Cornel finally comes to the end of hir orgasm, hir arms drooping and head hung low. Shi spies the fox sliding out from underneath hir, looking up with a cum stained muzzle and a broad grin spread across it. The fox has not allowed hir new owner's penis to simply drag across the floor though, and with hir foot paws shi is attending to it squeezing out the last creamy drops to ooze out onto hir legs and the floor below. The taur shudders, hir wings quivering as the vulpine shows surprising skill with every inch of hir body. Looking back at the fox shi sees hir licking those cum stained fingers and lips as if savouring some delicious fried meats. This is no ordinary herm fox, this is a professional slut who must know every trick in or out of any book considering the way shi handled a taur over twice hir own size.

"Mmm, you're definitely coming with me now." Cornel helps the fox up and then kisses hir, whilst the slave liberally helps herself to squeezing those nice round tits.

"I will only be too happy to serve you m'am."

Eric slams into the slave trader for the last time. The spotty giraffe butt quakes and clenches hard as he cries out against the iron bars. With a final tensing in his loins, the dolphin's external balls lift up hugging close to his crotch. Their contents unload with a stupendous amount of force, an ancestral artifact when water dwelling cetaceans needed to ensure fertilisation. The slaver cries out with tears welling up at the bottom of his eyes. His own significant, almost horselike, malehood lodged between the bars starts to shoot with long arcs that fall on the straw padding the floor inside the cell. Cornel finishes being attended by the fox slave, slurping every last drop of cum, just as Eric is done with the giraffe. Pulling out with a slurping sound he lets the man's sphincter ooze copiously, all of it running down the back of his thighs and the rest.

"Are we all done here?" Eric asks the dragon almost nonchalantly. Brushing down his jacket whilst smirking at the sight of the giraffe's ass.

"Err yes, I think so." Cornel replies, looking over the fox, watching as shi finishes licking hir lips. "What is your name?"

"I don't have one ma'am." This makes Cornel smile, the slave must have had one at sometime but clearly they need to please their new owners. A new name is not difficult to devise for the slutty vixen though and Cornel gives it to hir without much thought.

"Then from now on you will be Ophelia," shi says and then tells the fox to go outside to the carriage.

"You like hir, it's obvious." Eric is positively glowing with smugness as he walks ahead of the taur dragon. Little does he realise that Cornel is staring at his rear on the way out of the slave trader's showroom. Maybe Ophelia can help hir plan something to wipe that insufferable self satisfaction from his face.


On the sojourn back home Cornel notices something interesting in the behaviour of the carriages third passenger. Ophelia is looking out at the streets much in the same way as Cornel was doing on the way over here. Except, instead of some fascination with hir new home, the vulpine has an ambiguous expression of sadness and hope. Following the fox's gaze, the dragon taur looks out at examples of other species which are neither dragon not cetacean out in the streets. Before shi had only noticed the ones going about to do tasks, but now shi sees that there are those in the dark alleyways. As the hour becomes late, it is obvious that the seedier and even less civilised members of this society are coming out to play. Examples of not only public humiliation and rape, but out of violent beating and worse can be seen.

Looking back to Ophelia the dragon is surprised to find the hermaphrodite vixen looking back at hir now. A single look shares it all, the true meaning behind that expression earlier not apparent. The fox is sad for others less fortunate than hir, but also happy and hopeful about Cornel and about a chance at a safe home for hirself. Without even thinking about what a sign might mean in the context of this world, Cornel reaches out, takes the fox's hand, and squeezes it tight. There is something there, a connection not of affection, nor of mistress and slave, but something else perhaps orbiting something like the start of an understanding and a friendship.

"Ah we're back, move over." Eric breaks the mood from what is likely obliviousness to it. Before it was cramped enough in the carriage, but now with two normal sized people and Cornel, a great deal of effort has to be made to get out without hurting anyone.

Inside the stately house David welcomes the three of them. Eric shoves his jacket on the labrador and he stumbles backwards with it nearly falling back onto the staircase. Cornel is starting to have enough of the young dolphin's attitude, and now with a personal slave of hir own there is something like a plot brewing. As he heads upstairs, probably to get a bath with a couple of the prettier slave girls, the black dragon's plan finally hatches. Asking both the fox and the dog to follow hir into a private room within the large building, shi shares hir thoughts with them.

"So?" Shi asks after explaining it. "What do you think David?"

"Ma'am, I don't think that I can condone such..."

"I'll do it!" Ophelia interrupts, a bounce in hir paws as shi has obvious excitement swelling in hir sheath. David a little befuddled, but technically with Cornel being a dragon shi has the authority, even if it is not at all proper.

"Will you help?" Cornel taps one of hir claws, arms folded underneath hir breasts she fixes the dog with the kind of expression you do not want to see change into something even more serious.

"Very well," the canine says after a protracted sigh to make his disapproval as obvious as he can make it.


Later that evening is when the trio of Cornel, Ophelia and David, make their move. Of course they have to wait until the would-be master of the house is asleep. Being the only member of the Ignatio family staying here at this time of year, he is holed up in the most luxurious suite in the entire place. Satin sheets of outrageous colours are draped over the large and comfortable bed in the middle of the room. The windows are shut, curtains closed and almost all of the lights in the house are out or at the very least dimed to tiny yellow flames.

Cue the mutinous triumvirate sneaking into the decadent room. David has the keys to every room, which is why it was so important that he deferred to Cornel's authority. As he pointed out earlier, technically shi can do whatever shi wants, although Eric is responsible for the home. Provided shi does not steal anything or damage an property, shi has a surprising amount of free reign when it comes to anything... perverse. That being the leather straps Ophelia is carrying into the room with hir which came from one of the stables. They smell a little bit of the strange beasts used on this world even after having been cleaned twice.

"Okay, be very quiet." Cornel whispers as shi walks across the floor, all four feet distributing hir weight so that there is not much in the way of creaking.

"As I said before it should not be any worry ma'am, he is a very heavy sleeper." The cuntboy labrador states matter of factly. In which case this will be perfect, but just in case Ophelia has some chloroform on hir person. To be honest Cornel was a little surprised how commonplace the substance is domestically; but then this kind of thing must happen all the time.

As the labrador watches near the door, Cornel and Ophelia walks up to either side of the bed. They begin to fix the harnesses with nothing less than a great deal of adaptation. Clamps are used to lock the harness down to the strong timber posts at the four corners of the bed. Then comes the next part, they need to change Eric's own position without waking him up. The black dragon looks back to David and he nods that it will be alright. Nonetheless shi makes sure that the fox has the chloroform ready, dampening a simple piece of cloth with it. If he wakes up all of a sudden, then the slave will have to cover his mouth and blowhole with it as dexterously as possible.

As Cornel moves the dolphin around to reposition him, even the cool metal of hir right arm does not awaken the young cetacean. They tie his arms, legs and fluke tail as well as possible, all trussed up like some turkey ready to be stuffed now. Hir cruel joke is almost ready to come to be played, but now there have to intentionally wake him up to be aware of what is about to happen to him. Ophelia already has an idea on how to do this and upon receiving hir mistress' permission, the fox begins to do the most heinous thing possible to anyone who is still asleep. Using the most delicate and careful of strokes with hir paw pads, the herm fox begins to tickle the soles of the dolphin's very human like feet. There is slight movement from the cetacean, and for a moment it looks as though he is about to stir free from his slumber. But alas, nothing comes of it and he settles down again apparently not noticing the tickling.

"Fine, move on to the next part. He can wake up in the rudest possible manner!" Cornel has a diabolical look on hir face now as shi commands hir slave.

"I can try under his arms..." Ophelia does not like this next part, as it might leave a permaent dislike from the dolphin of hir.

"No! We will wake him up the hard way. Go on..." Cornel crosses hir arms and stares in what is to be the most perverted of ways. The fox has to obey hir mistress, even if it means forcing hirself upon another superior. Still, this is a remarkable opportunity, going from caged animal to this in the space of a day.

Whilst the sleeping 'phin remains tied to the bed, fluke tail raised, Ophelia climbs up on top of him. The bed creaks underneath both weights and under the direction of hir mistress, shi begins to touch hirself. Hir heart-beat rises, blood pumping into the veiny length that throbs larger and larger between hir fingers and thumb. The soft furry surface of hir own paws make it only easier for the vulpine as shi pumps hir shaft with both hands. Cornel whistles as shi sees her slave's fully erect penis for the first time like this, quite the specimen, it is a little over 25 centimetres long. Naturally, all of it is going inside of the slightly pinkish break in the smooth grey skin of the anthro dolphin's buttocks. This is going to be a very rude awakening.

"Do it!" Cornel commands the slave with forcefulness in hir ton which surprises even hirself. The vulpine snaps to it, the tip of her drooling cock ready for the plunge.

Deep inside the dolphin's unconscious mind, he is having an innocent and blissful time indulging at a fancy banquet. But then something happens inside the dream, suddenly his chair is becoming quite uncomfortable for him. However as the dream continues the imaginary food in his mouth becomes less pleasant and his eat yet more uncomfortable. It is not long before the dreamworld dissolves around him. With physical pain reality is actualised as Eric realises what is happening. He wakes up with a scream curdling out of his throat. He thrashes about, the leather straps straining to keep him down as the hermaphrodite fox lays into his virgin butt.

There is no denying it, there is something very enjoyable for Ophelia in this as shi rams into the aristocrat. His high society ass is simply an ideal target for hir to take out all hir pent up aggression and sexual frustration on. That and it has also been far too long since the vulpine hermaphrodite has had the chance to be dominant on anyone. Eric for his part is only adding to the fun by resisting so hard. Apart from his wild attempts to get free from the straps, his sphincter is tightening up something fierce, resisting for all he is worth but the vulpine's red throbbing dick just forces its way in regardless.

"Are you awake now Eric?" Cornel mocks the bottlenose as he screams into a big fluffy pillow, his entire body shaking in synergy from the physical penetration and his internal rage.

The dolphin spits curses into the muffling pillow, but they do nothing to dissuade Ophelia. Hir loins are burning up with desire, with hir claws hooked into him shi carries on pounding the virgin's bubble butt. The pointy tip makes penetration easy, but it is the thick base, especially where hir knot will swell, that carves him out something fierce. Yet even though it is causing a great deal of pain, the jackhammer like fucking Eric is receiving stimulates areas of his body he never knew even had nerve endings. The young man's prehensile phallus digs into the bed and Cornel notices it.

Although the plan is to let the slave soften him up, Cornel gets involved earlier than intended by reaching out underneath the dolphin's body. Hir left hand finds his throbbing malehood and the smooth scaly fingers and thumb wrap around it. There is a squeak somewhere behind that cushion as Cornel gently squeezes. Now she begins to stroke back and forth causing the pointy tip to dribble noticeably more than it was just beginning to before. Even with hir little pinky finger Cornel wriggles it against his dangling balls as his body shakes in the leather straps.

"This ass... excuse me ma'am." Ophelia warns hir owner before repositioning hir body. Getting even more leverage out of it, the fox clings onto the dolphin's body, pressing his fin against his back. Shi thrusts into him faster and harder harder than before, every inch of hir throbbing cock squeezing into his tight flukehole. He can be heard quite clearly squealing as hir knot starts to swell up whilst inside of him. But shi pulls it out again only to carry on pounding him with it.

Cornel finds hirself aroused already just by watching hir slave tear into the arrogant little cetacean. But then shi feels someone slip underneath hir tauren body. Of course the only person who it can be is David. The labrador buries his canine face between the dragon's nutsack and his tongue slips out getting between his wet nose and hir juicy jewels. Shi shivers as his manicured paws squeeze around hir aching phallus, stroking back and forth as the clear musky pre dribbling from the tip provides an all natural lubrication for his work. Cornel mutters something about David being a "good boy" and begins to thrust into his tightening grasp.

From the distraction the dragon almost forgets shi was groping the Eric's slippery shaft. However shi is soon reminded as he explodes with a high pitched squeal. Even as sticky white spunk gets all over hir hand and the bed sheets, his sphincter becomes even tighter as his ring grips around Ophelia's length. Shi bites hir lower lip and gives him a couple of hefty thrusts before hir loins boil over. Furry vulpine balls lift up, reducing the distance from hir crotch as they unload themselves. There is a delay as Eric can feel the fox slave's semen travel down hir long shaft, swelling up noticeably thicker inside his body. It explodes with hot fox seed spilling around and feeling every corner and crevice of his rectum. Eric's eyes tear up as his body shakes and shivers, involuntary responses leading to his body practically milking Ophelia's throbbing hermhood as it carries on filling him up to the brim.

Eric sighs as the fox finally stops filling him up, then winces straight after as he feels the knot still trapped past his ring. Shi deliberately grinds into him some more, making him whimper into the pillow, some cum managing to leak out past the tight fit and dribble down his now defiled butt cheeks. Cornel might laugh at the sight of the beleaguered dolphin, but right now some canine's slutty muzzle is finding itself around hir yearning shaft. There is only one proper response to this of course and with a snarl shi thrusts with hir hind legs. Poor David beneath hir tauren body gags as hir cock forces its way down his throat. The cuntboy manages to pull away and coughs something fierce as he had no expected that.

"Ophelia, work your way out of the boy. It seems I have someone else to occupy my time with first." The slave nods as the dragon reaches underneath hirself and pulls out the dog.

"Ma'am?" He actually smiles for once, trying to put on an innocent look. But his eyes wander over hir bare breasts. Leaning forward he licks at one of the pink teats, slobbering over it a little actually and making the black drake gasp in response.

"Looks like you need a refresher on protocol." Cornel teases with a condescending threat and spins him up over head and tail.

Gripping his legs now shi parts them a little and cranes in to sniff at his snatch. The scent from it drifts up to hir snout and shi murmurs something before pressing against it. He cries out a little as hir long serpentine tongue reaches into the folds of the cuntboy's vulva. Reaching deep inside shi excites erogenous zones, even reaching a couple he has not felt stimulated in a long time. David moans into a howl as his cunt moistens very quickly from the dragon's expert ministrations. The strong smell of his juices serve to excite hir length as it bobs to and fro beneath hir tauren belly. Shi drives hir tongue into his snatch over again and again, using it to tease him out until the cuntboy is shaking with his own juices running down his fur.

While Cornel has been amusing hirself, hir slave has been slowly working out of the cetacean's abused ass. He curses at hir as the vulpine coos and pats his back in mock comfort; though shi realises it must be rather painful for him. With a pop shi comes free now, a slight flooding of white sticky semen running down his cheeks and the back of his thighs. Eric shudders in response as his body adjusts and his embarrassment grows. Cornel immediately let's go of the butler as shi sees the rude aristocrat is ready for for hir.

As Cornel steps up onto the bed, hir body rubs against the labrador's with hir musk smearing over him. Now though shi pushes the vixen out of the way and Ophelia slumps onto the floor by the other side of the bed. Just as Eric was beginning to gather his senses he feels something large and heavy pressing against his back. Looking back over his shoulder he finds Cornel leaning in to peck his cheek. Hir fore legs are already wrapped around him, hir hand legs spread against the floor by the foot of the bed as hir phallus throbs against the end of the mattress. Cornel is poised for the grand finale, the moment where this arrogant little kid gets fucked so hard he will not be sitting down for a month. The best part is due to hir species, Cornel technically can do whatever shi wants with Eric and his father will not have no grounds for throwing hir out. Shi also suspects that this is actually something the young dolphin has been needing for a long time though.

"What are yo-" Eric begins to ask with shaky breath.

"Oh I think you already know the answer to that question Eric," Cornel interrupts him. "This is your punishment for all that attitude you've been showing me and others." Then shi hugs him, his fin pressing up between hir breasts. "Don't worry cutiepie, you'll like it... after the pain."

He understands now, this is what it is all about. Eric had misunderstood who Cornel is for shi is not someone to be pushed around like he has been doing. Ophelia, who is now regrouping with the still very much aroused David, was just breaking the dolphin in for the obsidian dragon. There are cries of course, whimpering and something like a threat here and there but the bottlenose already knows that it is out of his flippers. Cornel heaves hirself up, the bed breaking underneath hir as the weight of hir tauren body catches onto some of the straps and make them groan in reply. But hir throbbing red meat is now pressed up against Eric's blubbery bubble butt. The pointy tip oozes with musky pre dripping into his crack and the cetacean starts gnashing at the pillow which is the only friend he has left here.

Shi plunges hirself in with a powerful push from hir hind legs, whilst the ones wrapped around the dolphin's body grip tighter around his belly. Inch after aching inch forces its way inside his already loosened and lubed insides. Eric cries out, squeals and thrilling screeches echoing in the entire building. But it is only one cry of many at this time of night as sexual deviancy is a little more than simply commonplace in the city. Cornel keeps pressing hir advantage, quite literally. The weight and strength afforded hir by being tauren makes it a piece of cake plunging all of hir achingly hard flesh into the young man's firm rump.

As Cornel busies hirself teaching the dolphin a lesson in humility, David is receiving prized treatment from his fellow slave. Ophelia has buried hirself between the labrador's legs and is lapping at his vaginal folds like nectar soaked petals. Each tasty lick makes hir moan before taking another and then another and another. The labrador's eyes are rolling back as he squeezes the herm vulpine's rust coloured ears, encouraging hir to keep going. Though very soon he learns that the slave is just as aggressive as hir mistress when shi has the freedom to be. For once the labrador is just to hir liking shi throws him up against the wall and presses hir body against his. Ophelia's breasts push up against the cuntboy's flat chest, all the while hir cock rubs up against his snatch; he can tell where this is going.

The bed in the centre of the room creaks and groans, some of it masking the sound of wood beginning to splinter. Cornel is having a the time of hir life laying into the dolphin's ass, each thrust making him trill all the louder. The scent of sex is thick and heavy in the air as all four of them are making quite the mess between themselves. However it is the dragon's efforts which are creating the most noise from the dolphin and the bed. As the thick base of hir length rubs up hard against his flukehole the bed finally gives in beneath them both. A great crashing sound only for a moment distracts Ophelia as shi looks over hir shoulder at the mess. The straps are no longer so firmly affixed, but the dolphin is no match physically for the dragon and is already far too worn out to fight back.

So Cornel continues to jackhammer away, hir balls coming down to slap hard against the dolphin's rear. Tears stream from his eyes, but even with the pain plastered on his face, the edges of his mouth are curling up in a semi-smile. His seed spills out for a second time, his body convulsing and his sphincter tightening firmly around the thick organ buried in his anus. The worn mattress supported by a foundation of splintered wood is thoroughly soaked by this point and reeks of a combination of musks. However it is about to get a whole lot messier as Cornel's thrusts start to slow down, hir climax approaching fast as shi is unable to resist the tight warmth of Eric's rear coaxing hir on.

David cries out against the cold wall, his claws reaching back to scratch at wallpaper which is something of a luxury in this barely technologically advancing society. The effect of the vulpine's member penetrating his most tender of places is making the servant lose his trademark composure. He howls up at the ceiling as he keeps orgasming around the vulpine's thick flesh buried into him. Shi hammers away, pushing him against the cool surface of the hard wall. Hir balls swing around freely, smacking into his taint as hir movements are rapid and repetitive.

The crescendo of both pairs comes with a dual chorus. With an ever so slight lead, Cornel is the first to erupt with a thunderous roar sounding from hir snout. Driving as much of hirself as possible into the dolphin, the knotty part of hir member almost fits but just spares him whilst resting outside his ring. Eric squeaks loudly as he feels the dragon's hot cum jet into him, filling up everything as it just keeps coming and coming. Ophelia follows hir owner now, and they both start pumping their partners with all the lovely seed that is left in their swinging orbs. David soon runs out of breath and his howls die out, the herm fox holding him close as shi finishes with hir knot tying him quite nicely. However even as shi finishes, Cornel is still going.

"FUCK!" Eric exclaims with exasperated breath; he can feel the dragon's produce escape the tight fit of his hole and seeping past hir knot to ooze over everything. It seems to take a full minute more before Cornel finally empties hir loins, the last dregs depositing themselves as hir cock squeezes back out of the cetacean's abused hole. Shi does not cuddle close with the dolphin afterwards, as the mess is quite ridiculous and shi would rather not retire whilst in a mess; that and the way he is glowering at hir does not make it seem a wise choice.

Going over to the two now tied canids, Cornel carrie both Ophelia and David off whilst the bottlenose tries to recover his strength. Right now he is just simply too worn out to do much except lie atop the drenched mattress; however the cussing he is still managing to accomplish makes his attitude perfectly clear. As they shut the door behind themselves, Ophelia asks what will happen next, at least once Eric has recovered by the light of morning.

"Well, I don't think he can do much to me. But I want you," Cornel points at David who is still whimpering with the vulpine's knot stuck inside him "to keep an eye out for Ophelia."

"Of course... ma'am." The dog manages to say and the dragon smiles in a mix of amusement and appreciation.

Out of Water

It is a sunny, yet cold and slightly tempestuous, Saturday in the city. Despite the mixed weather almost everyone is out, seemingly enjoying themselves. Some are wrapped up to be warm, but others are more briskly dressed; this is because not everyone...

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The Weredragon - Day Zero

**The Weredragon** **Day Zero** It starts with the quickening of his heart's normally steady rhythmic beat. The eighteen year old stumbles, rubber soles catching upon one of the stone steps. He falls forward, all balance lost but with outstretched...

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Psionic Experiment

# **Psionic Experiment** _A second commission for Selth Blackwings. This involves a new unnamed character._ Time passes differently when your mind has been altered. Selth is unsure how long it has been now. Trapped here underground, sometimes for...

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