An Atavistic Advantage

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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Solarian is an oddity. The first odd thing about him is that he is a hybrid; all mammal, but a mixture of three species. He is primarily a wolf, but then he is also a tiger, and then on top of that he has a dash of raccoon in him; figuratively speaking. The second odd thing about him is what dangles between his legs. You see, there was an incident, some time ago now. That incident has left him with a remarkable change to his body, a change to his reproductive organs. What used to be a pretty normal setup -seven inches when erect, balls larger than normal but still fitting comfortably within a pair of normal pants- is now something altogether much larger.

He wakes up with a ringing in his head, and an aching from his loins. It takes him a moment to realise that something is making a lot of noise in his bedroom. It is not the alarm, since he made sure to set that off before retiring last night. No, it is his phone, somewhere in this small and presently very noisy room. Solarian sighs, curses underneath his breath and sits back up. He throws the covers off, swings his legs around and stands up before stretching out with arms held high.

Dressed as he is, in only a pair of underwear that leave nothing to the imagination. The "kittywolf" as he likes to call himself, is just over seven feet tall. His fur colour is predominantly orange, with dark brown stripes indicating his panthera ancestry. His chest and torso is white, with this going all the way down to his sheath and balls which will be described in a moment. Solarian possesses a tuft of light purple hair between his two pointy ears and a similarly coloured short beard. As for the hybrid's eyes, they are purple coloured, with a band of dark fur enclosed around them like a raccoon's "mask." Penultimate in our description his claws are oddly long, purple and with darker stripes along them.

So now we come to Solarian's most outstanding feature: his genitals. Even with the underwear which he is covered in right now, they barely hold on around two gigantic testes which hang all the way down to his knees. In fact it really is more like a sling, which comes all the way up to his sheath which dominates the lower half of his body, pushing up to his belly button. Not that Solarian minds his abnormality, in fact he genuinely enjoys it and as he stretches out that aching in his loins grows.

Scratching his rear, he goes into the adjoining bathroom whilst ignoring the still ringing phone. The elastic of his underwear is already straining as his sheath begins to swell up to something frightfully big. He closes the door just to be sure nothing will be spilling out, since this always gets ridiculously messy. Closing the toilet lid down he sits just as the elastic gives way. The meager product of synthetic cloth flies away as the hybrid's swollen fluffy white sheath bursts forth. Biting his lower lip the kittywolf grabs his junk, one paw going to stroke the front of his sheath, whilst the other goes down to start squeezing one very heavy basketball sized testicle.

From out of the musky opening at the top of his sheath, Solarian's pink and pointed malehood starts to push out. Already, even without a full erection, it is drooling quite heavily with enough clear and strong smelling pre available to lubricate any hole. He strains forward, starting to push himself up onto the toilet lid whilst bringing his legs up. Very quickly the small bathroom fills with the male's thick scent as his cock continues to grow with immense speed. It does not take long before two feet are out and Solarian and lean forward to lick at the tip of his own phallus.

An electric sensation runs down the massive length of his cock, into his sheath, and bounces off the walls of his basketbawls just yearning for release. The kittywolf whines, his ears parted as he starts lapping at the enormous sex organ with his broad tongue. And all the phallus does is continue to grow, pushing the hybrid back as his head comes to rest on the wall. He whines hard, paws kicking in the air now as he tries to soothe the drooling beast. The paw that was stroking his sheath is now taking liberal movements up and down the underside of his poundingly hard erection; a constant flow of pre rolling down onto at least half of his body provides ample lubrication as his arm begins to ache from fatigue.

Right now Solarian's erection stands at four and a half ragingly hard feet, which is pushing his head back against the bathroom wall. It drools and froths at the fat head, pouring musky pre over the kittywolf's furry face. Somehow struggling for more air, he keeps burying his face for a few seconds at a time into the broad head. Long ago he tried to swallow around the head, but his maw just can not handle it. By wriggling his tongue into the slit, he causes detonations of intense pleasure that ride down the leviathan into his nutsack.

Speaking of Solarian's dangling basketball nuts, he is still just barely groping at them with his other paw. They churn and make strange sloshing noises as they sway, the bounteous load within them starting to warm up to a fierce boil. It is too much for him, his hands can barely keep up with the lust that rages inside of his overproportionate genitalia. Solarian slips, his ass sliding off the toilet seat lid as he falls to the floor with his dick arching up past his face.

A long protracted howl is the precursor to the torrent of cum which surges up along the cannon-sized organ. Solarian squeezes his balls with both hands, helping them lift up closer to the crux of his groin. Their hot and spicy product erupts from the head with a very audible noise. It blasts into the wall behind the kittywolf and begins to spash back pouring over everything. Veins pop up and throb along the generous exterior surface of the large dick-cannon that dominates his front. Keeping a modicum of lucidity, the hybrid lets go of his own nuts and instead squeezes his knot from either side, causing other electric sensations to course through his body. He howls again, bites his lip and groans as his balls empty a good deal of semen all over the bathroom floor. It seeps into every crack between ever tile, and the level of flooding rises up by a good three or four inches.

Slowly the flood comes to a halt, Solarian's penis begins to soften and he slumps down with his tongue hanging out. Idly he moves one of his paws through the white goop covering the surface of the floor and makes ripples in it. The tiny room positively reeks of his musk, an all male fragrance which permeates everything in here. The nineteen year old's fur is going to smell for quite some time.

The Lab

Today is the second day Solarian needs to be at the lab. Some distance out of town the building gleams like a glass ziggurat. There is a sign out on front which reads in ridiculously stylised letters "Uriah Drinks Laboratories". It is the consumer corporations that get all of the money and thus all of the best minds. Solarian gets off the maglev shuttle and grabs his carryall from out of one of the vehicle's compartments. He begins walking towards the building, butterflies fluttering in his chest as he imagines what is to come.

He enters the front doors and walks up to greet the receptionist; although to be fair she handles a lot more than her job namesake implies. The receptionist is an anthropomorphic pheasant and wears a headband which helps to keep track of various pieces of information; including a number of tasks still waiting her attention. Solarian walks right on up to the desk, puts the bag down and waves to get the avian's attention. With the stereotypical flair of being annoyed to actually do her job, she stops and turns to address him, the visor going to standby.

"What is it?" No politeness is present in her voice.

"I'm here for the err, "Accelerants" study?" The hybrid explains himself a little meekly and offers his identity chip.

She takes the chip -a coin shaped object which can be mass produced and securely encoded to the biometric data of one person- and places it into the intended receptacle. Several flashes occur, and an ultraviolet light shines over Solarian which is invisible to many people but not someone of his ancestry. After a moment's pause the pheasant hands him the chip back and tells him to go on.

"Umm, thanks." It is all that comes to the kittywolf's mind, his faculties turning to remembering his way through the buildings pathways.

The Accelerants study as Solarian called it, is one of many studies being conducted with Ly. Specifically the "accelerants" part of it has to do with study on the effects of genitalia, thus the interest in Solarian; not that he minds since the money is good. For as long as there have been the mix of species, their civilisation has had to deal with strange mutations and seemingly atavistic anomalies in their physiology. Some are arguably advantageous, or at least pleasurable like Solarian's, but many are downright fatal. Thus continuing study into all of the diverse effects.

Ly was the most important discovery of the last ten years. Buried deep underground are relics from what many assume was a past civilisation. With them came the discovery of Ly, a material which shows very bizarre properties. Although progress has been slow to unlock its secrets, many believe that it is an example of biotech which operates down on a quantum level. The reason people believe this is due to its ability to change itself, and even under a microscope no obvious mechanical or chemical changes are being made except for what are seemingly strictly subatomic ones. It is not random however and Ly has found applications in medical and industrial applied sciences already.

Anyway, back to Solarian and he has now found the room he is supposed to be in. He opens the door and steps in to find the stares of several different lab coat wearing people affixed on him. This he does not remember from last time, so maybe the orientation really was all just fluff after all. The room itself is cold and grey, with alloyed metal being the main building material here. There are a few terminals for monitoring equipment whilst there are only three doors from here. One door leads back into the hallway, another leads into a preparation area and the third leads into a large enclosed room connected to this one.

"Welcome to the study proper Solarian." One of the lab coat wearing guys -a german shepherd almost as tall as the hybrid- greets him with a paw extended.

"Thank you," Solarian takes the hand and shakes it. "So who are you exactly?" Trepidation is rich in his voice as he asks the question.

"I am the person responsible for administering the Ly to all subjects. If you will follow me please." He starts walking to the prep room, fully expecting Solarian to follow as he exchanges glances with the different technicians and researchers in the room. Many of those eyes fix for an extended amount of time upon the kittywolf's crotch, where his burden sort of bobs in front of his gait.

In the next room Solarian finds himself alone with the german shepherd. The man turns around to face the hybrid and speaks sharply instructing the teenager to remove his clothing. He hesitates, but then Solarian complies after putting the bag down and slipping off his jacket. Solarian continues to talk whilst he removes each article of clothing with deliberate lathargy. The pure breed canine is obviously a little annoyed by this, but can do nothing as he stands back and watches the hyper carefully.

"So you didn't answer my question properly. What's your name?" Solarian asks whilst pulling his shirt up over his head, revealing the slightly toned abdominals and pectorals along his torso.

"Fredrickson," comes the curt reply.

"Oh, so why do I need a voyeur whilst I undress?" Solarian asks snarkily, whilst deliberately having his back turned to the german shepherd. He undoes the buckle on his specially tailored pants and pulls them down whilst bending over. His tail wags freely, his ass waving at the canine with just the thin line of his unusual underwear running along it. Fredrickson just rolls his eyes, though the hybrid does not see this reaction.

"Believe it or not you are now in a high sec zone. Even with all the cameras nobody is allowed to be in a single room on their own."

"Cameras?" Solarian straightens up as the word leaps out of his mouth. But the momentary surge of embarrassment quickly subsides.

"Yeah, and they'll just love you wiggling around like that." Fredrickson looks down at a tablet form factor computer he has been carrying. "But I'm also here to inject your first dose before we shove you into the interaction chamber."

"The Ly?" Solarian asks as he looks down at his "banana hammock" underwear. He sighs before starting to pull the stretched fabric down and kicks it away, now standing balls naked in front of the other man.

"Yes, excited by directed high electromagnetic frequencies." Fredrickson looks the hybrid up and down, mouth just a little agape before he thinks to close it. Even when working with hyperphallics and the like on a regular basis, the german shepherd is still impressed by just how shapely the kittywolf's body remains after the initial mutating change; the first of many to come.

"I'll put your items in one of the lockers. For now just sit down in that chair."

Before Solarian can ask about what chair in the otherwise spartan room floor panels subtract. A futuristic and coldly clinical looking chair rises up from underneath the floor. The overall appearance mostly reminds Solarian of the kind of chairs you sit in for a dentist to perform all manner of tortures upon your mouth. With a little whine Solarian steps up to the chair and slides his bare butt on to it, glad that the fur there cushions the cool feel of the seat. He now waits there whilst watching the canine scoop up the articles of clothing and take them, along with the carryall, into an automated locker.

"What's with the bag anyway?"


"Ah. Now then..." Fredrickson returns to the chair and procures something from out of one pocket. "This is Ly."

The object in Fredrickson's hand is a small metal case not much bigger than a wallet. He presses his thumb on a circle engraved on the case and his pawpad is read. It opens up and Solarian sees an array of self-sterilising syringes. Each one is colour coded, Fredrickson explains that the codes refer to a different test group. Amazingly as well as being self-sterilising, the syringes also contain enough for at least a dozen independent doses. As such one case lasts between several subjects for a number of days during the study.

"And this is all safe right?"

"As safe as any experiment working with barely understood mutagens."


"You'll be fine. We have a reversal program and backup your original DNA." With that having now been explained to the nineteen year old, Fredrickson slowly takes out one of the syringes at the far end.

"This is blue. It uses high intensity ultraviolet to induce some of the more sporadic mutagenic effects of Ly. Such might have been the original method of re-energising the original material back for what it was originally used for. You're one of the lucky few who get to... try it out for size." A small smirk peels back on the side of Fredrickson's muzzle at that.

"What was it originally used for?"

"I think it was used by whoever came before to turn themselves into us."

"Why would they do that?"

"Maybe we'll find out." With that the dog activates the restraints on the chair and suddenly Solarian's heartbeat is racing. He looks down in horror as only now he realises where that needle is going. "I'm afraid this will start to get uncomfortable."

The Fox

After the injection Solarian instantaneously became delirious. Although one of the features of the chair is a non-chemical local anesthetic via electromagnetic stimulation under the subject's cranium; this state carries on as he is taken out of the chair. He is aware of being taken through to the main room again, two or three people helping to carry him now. There are warnings, lights, and then he makes out the door to the test chamber opening up. Even in this state it does not escape his attention that the amount of locks and sliding doors is beyond normal. The other subjects; do they fear them?

The not so nice technicians employed by the lab throw him past the doors. But he is not in the actual chamber proper yet, this is an airtight room for cycling subjects in; maybe out? The teenager gets up only to fall, so he gets up again and falls again. There are voices which he can hear as the door closes. Something is said about a violent reaction, but once the process starts they have to carry it through and let the test run.

Somewhere in the back of his head Solarian realises that this is not what he wanted after all. They need people like him, and they like it to be voluntary but once he walked past those doors everything changed. Now he stares up at the door leading to the chamber, propping himself up on all fours like some feral dog. He recognises a countdown timer but is immediately distracted by decontamination nozzles spraying their foul chemicals over him. His sensitive nose, combined with his delirious state, compel him to curl up and cover his face trying to block out the stench.

The chemicals now stop and the door opens. In a conveniently timely fashion, Solarian's senses clear up as strength returns to his body. He starts to crawl forward towards the light, green ferns just visible. As he gets closer to the opening he gets up on two paws again. His body still feels strangely limp and devoid of feeling in some spots. It seems as though his entire self is being rebooted in piecemeal. The hybrid exits the little decontamination room and emerges into a completely self-contained forrest.

"What the hell..." His voice trails off as he looks up and around for a ceiling that does not seem to be there. "Must be some sort of trick..."

His suspicions are correct, for the entire area though large is still just a part of the building. The Ly with which the subjects are injected with could create any number of atavisms and mutations; and very often surprises the researchers. This room serves as a testbed, where they can release subjects to interact with one another in a fairly naturalistic environment. There are even some subjects which may technically be classed as no longer being people, since they are incapable of communicating or showing higher intelligence of any kind.

But there is something of more immediate concern to the hybrid as his bare paws sink into healthy soil. Looking down past his abdominals he stares at his sheath. Its stupendous size which he has come accustomed to since hitting puberty is changing yet again. Panic grips him again just moments after the delirium of the injection was wearing off. He stares in disbelief as the burden between his legs grows once more. The sheath expands, increasing in mass by at least 30% or so and then stops.

"Oh good, shh, stay quiet whilst daddy-" Solarian's talking to himself is cut off by a sudden and violent erection. He howls as the organ jumps out from his sheath and nearly hits him on the chin.

Solarian falls back down having not gotten very far from the entrance which now shuts behind him before he can waddle back. The painfully erect penis dominates the view for Solarian, his whining being the only background to its presence. Pre seems to flow from out of the phallus' head with more ease and copiousness than ever before. But something is different this time, very different, it is almost as if it is operating independently of the rest of his body now. Suddenly something catches the forcefully aroused teenager's attention.

A rustling from a short distance away produces a bushy tailed fox who is curious about the newcomer. Rolling his head to see the approaching fox, Solarian notices that it is coming towards him on all fours like something more animal than person. Underneath it the vulpine's own hyper-sized phallus drags along the ground creating a line in the soil between his paw prints. It quickly closes the gap to the immovable kittywolf and suddenly gets onto its hind legs. Its dick, which travels down to its ankles, begins to rise up getting even larger and larger.

"Yiff!" The single, terrifying word yips from the fox's muzzle. Solarian gasps as it leaps up and starts climbing his towering shaft like something at a playground.

The fox shimmies his way up, all the while his own mega-erection rubs up against the hybrid's. Unfortunately for Solarian his sensitivity, despite the surface area, has gone off the charts by this point. His eyes constantly roll back into his skull as he whines and howls for release. A waterfall of musky pre pours from the head of Solarian's cock and the vulpine laps at it a little, shaking its head as it gets drenched. Then the vulpine murrs as it wags its bushy tail, dangling down the underside of Solarian's engorged mega-erection.

"Stop that!" Solarian manages to whine between his increasingly heavy panting. His heart is pounding hard, every fiber of his being channeling its energy into the bulging tower of flesh jutting up from his crotch.

"Nooo," the fox hisses back peering over the head of the mighty phallus. "I'm going to have fun now."

Solarian can only watch as the vulpine goes on to try something out. Presses one paw against the head of the pointed erectin, the vulpine pushes and pushes until his paw actually manages to squeeze inside of the kittywolf's erection. The feeling this generates back, hammering into the back of the hybrid's head is beyond description; but sufficed to say he is starting to drool at this point. As for the massive cock itself, it squeezes around the fox's paw and starts to tug, although the interior is far too slick to gain any real grip. With a wicked smile the vulpine begins to reposition himself.

Using a great deal of feline-esque agility, the mutant fox manages to climb up so as all four of its paws are holding around the glans of Solarian's member. From this hunched over position, the vulpine drags its own canid member up until its pointy head swings around to meet up with the kittywolf's. Blinking tears brought on by strange yet intense sexual pleasure away, the hybrid watches the fox just in time. Using its weight more than any degree of force physical strength -in part due to its barely held position- the fox plunges downwards with its red member.

"FFFFUUUUUUCK!" Solarian howls as he feels the vulpine's own hyper endowment carve its way down actually going into his own leviathan.

Being about one third the size of Solarian's truly unproportional malehood, the fox's penis causes the other male's member to bulge out becoming even thicker. The Ly coursing inside of Solarian's body acts fast to adjust his anatomy to compensate, and very quickly the pain from the initial penetration subsides into a surprisingly comforting sensation. As for the fox, right now his legs and arms are limp as his cock sinks all the way down to where his knot is kissing against the head of the opposing cock's head. Inside it throbs with aching desire, his loins rumbling away as their massive load restlessly waits whilst sloshing around.

After taking a moment to enjoy the snug fit, the fox applies his four paws and starts to push himself back up. Down on the ground the kittywolf alternates between howling and roaring. Even with the slightest of movements, let alone the many feet of flesh moving around inside, sends shockwaves which bounce around his nervous system. He should be in unbearable pain, but somehow the mutagen is keeping him in once piece, although he is reminded of the effort as he can hear his loud heartbeat inside his furry head.

Just the vulpine's cock is about to pop back out, he lets it fall again. Foot after gloriously thick foot squeezing back inside of Solarian's monstrous manhood. Then again and again, getting faster all the time the fox builds up a rhythm of pushing himself up before falling back down with a snug and slurping fit. The kittywolf's senses become overloaded again, taste becoming touch, touch becoming vision, vision becoming sound. Paralysed and at the mercy of the vulpine, the hybrid's cock gets fucked by the other hyper and time escapes his pleasure splintered mind.

Very soon the stranger finds himself whining with pent up desire. The vulpine's balls are ready to explode, but he wants to fit the knot in. This time applying what little purchase he has, the fox rams himself down over and over again. Solarian's senses snap back into clarity, feeling the opposing experiment subject's knot knock at the tight space of his cock's single orifice. He screams up at the bushy tailed pervert, telling him to stop before he breaks something. But the fox either does not hear him, or just chooses to ignore.

Quite amazingly though the Ly is busy at work, anatomy expanding and altering yet again. With his fifth try the fox's knot penetrates entirely, its veiny intrusion being slurped up by Solarian's cock. He howls yet again, claws digging into the ground around him and tearing up clumps of grassy dirt. This is not what he signed up for, to be dick raped in such a humiliating and alternatingly painful manner. But then he fox happily starts to orgasm at long last, its semen pumping away from its mighty large testicles. Solarian bites down on his bottom lip as his eyes once more roll into the back of his head.

Another strange change occurs to his body, as his cock accepts the semen from the other male, his balls swell up larger than before. Pushing out from his legs, the large furry ovoids will not reach down to his ankles if he can stand up again. A pleasing warmth emanates from them, and a strange textured sensation is fed back into his nervous system; it is somewhat reminiscent of a smooth brandy going down a person's throat. However just as the vulpine finishes giving up his heavy load -tongue sticking out cheekily as he rests atop the hybrid's towering organ- something alarming happens to him.

Without any warning Solarian's still painfully erect penis manages to gain some traction around the fox's hyperphallus. With alarming suddenness the fox himself himself being pulled into the kittywolf's hungry erection. Solarian watches -less than horrified, more than intrigued- as the fox's body begins to disappear past the head of his own mammoth flesh. However just as the hind paws of the fox slip into the long member, waves of unusual and exotic pleasure cash over him again. He howls and whines between panting gasps, all the while the fox's body squeezes down the phallus like a python consuming its prey.

In a moment of mind altering feeling Solarian bites his own tongue and snaps back away from the overwhelming experience. He now reaches up and lays his paws on the lower half of his erection. The kittywolf is aware of the fox's body squeezing down and only a very faint sound can be heard as the penis consumes the rapist. Then another wave of overriding pleasure crash over him as the fox falls into his testes which swell out even further. Inside them the vulpine is still alive and thrashing around, although any sound he might be making is completely muffled.

Inside the testicles, the fox panics as he is slowly taken apart. Molecule by molecule, strange fluids inside the hybrid's balls slowly dissolve the vulpine's body. Although Solarian cannot see this happening, he has an idea when finally the skeleton of the fox is consumed by his genitals and nothing but raw liquid biomatter is left sloshing around in there. For a whole minute afterwards the strange changes in his body stops, and the teenager just keeps on stroking the lower section of his cock. However before long Solarian finds the energy in his body being sapped from him, and darkness clouds his vision. With his phallus still throbbing as well as drooling, the kittywolf goes to sleep on the earthy ground.


He wakes up once more. The time he has spent asleep a mystery to him, but Solarian wages the stretch being some hours. But as his memories return, and he picks himself up from the ground, he realises something is very different than when he fell asleep. At first Solarian thinks that the strange mutations the Ly caused have subsided somehow. He can stand up again, genitals still large but not anchoring him down to the ground, they lift off the ground with ease.

But as he looks down at himself he realises other things are different. Rippling musculature dances across his chest and abdomen like an intricate mural. Powerful veins accompany these new bulging muscles. Everything has been jacked up to a new level whereby even the layer of fur over his skin cannot hide the obvious changes. He shifts around and looks on the ground finding pawprints from his entry into the testing chamber earlier. The difference in size between those prints and the new ones he is making shows startling contrast. By rough visual observation his new pawprints are at least twice the size of his old ones; and if that applies to the rest of his body as well...

Holding up his right paw Solarian looks at it closely. Turning it around he checks out the set of claws which are longer and meaner looking than before. Each digit is also larger than before, with obviously strengthened hands too. He looks around and spots the closest tree -something with a thick and toughened bark like oak, a little odd considering that it was transplanted into this artificial biome- and walks up to it whilst flexing both paws in preparatory anticipation. Spreading his legs he braces himself before wrapping his thick set arms around the base of the tree's trunk.

"RRRRGH!" The kittywolf snarls, teeth showing as he exerts his augmented body's strength. Those razor sharp claws anchor themselves into the trunk, cracking hard bark with ease.

With a great ripping sound the tree comes up, its roots ripping up and out of the ground one by one. Solarian wobbles, his footing not so sure for a moment, but he quickly recovers. Holding on tightly to the tree trunk, his dick rubbing against it somewhat annoyingly, he manages to hold it aloft. The uprooting and now constant shaking of the tree causes a constant showering of leaves and other bits of foliage to rain down on the beefy hyper. Growing bored, and a little tired, of holding the massive tree up Solarian pushes it out and away from his torso. The towering thing crashes down like any other tree being fell; although some of its branches become locked with those of one of its cousins.

"I want more..." Solarian growls as he looks down at his arms and paws. His eyes carry on down until he is looking at his hyperhood standing to attention once more, beads of pre dribbling down from its massive head. "And I now know how."


Back in the control hub for the researchers' experiments, half of the various scientists and technicians are gathered around the monitoring stations whilst the others are sat around tables having drinks and snacks. Artificial controls are now changing the self-contained environment of the massive test chamber to simulate nighttime. The monitors show different specimens at the centre of the eery tropical dusk. With almost near disinterest now only one of the monitors is focused upon the chamber's newest member.

But on that monitor, the mutating Solarian is getting very active. He sniffs the air, smells and tastes something carrying in it and moves with alarming speed towards something new and tasty. One of the observers just noticed this behaviour and switches between multiple views on a pawheld device. Keeping a tight, yet partially cinematic, view on the subject he carries on observing.

What happens next is something which has never occurred before in the artificial biome. Although the subjects are voracious in their sexual appetite -and occasionally end up consuming one another in a similar fashion as to what happened with Solarian earlier- they don't end up hunting one another. However, hunting the other test subjects is precisely what Solarian is now doing. The first such prey he finds is a species of cougar, or at least it was before the mutagenic Ly was introduced to his system. Now the cougar is oddly enough part fruit bat, also with an augmented physiology involving ripped muscles and enlarged genitalia.

Unfortunately for the cougar-bat mutant, the kittywolf is larger and faster. Solarian besets upon his prey using the full force of his weight, doubled by his speed. The victim crashes into the ground leaving something of an impact in the ground and kicking up a lot of dust. Switching to infrared cameras momentarily the observer is transfixed by the two grappling monsters. Acting on an almost instinctual level -although in actuality there is some intentionally vainglorious gluttony here too- the cougar-bat is held down whilst Solarian pushes the other male feet first into the head of his massive erection.

Copious amounts of lubricating pre from the massive organ help to facilitate the consumption process. Of course the prey subject struggles as best he can, wings flapping wildly and occasionally smacking Solarian's head around. But Solarian continues with single minded purpose, and something physiologically inside of him prevents the cougar-bat from wiggling even one inch in reverse. The observer's mouth becomes agape as he hears a triumphant howling sound reproduced by the tiny speakers in the handheld device. Subject Solarian is done with this meal, laying on his back on the ground as the meal falls into his nuts and gets processed with alarming efficiency.

"Get Fredrickson!"


Half a dozen meals later and his eyes open with burning passion. Another transformation occurred, though he does not know how long he has been unconscious for it. Each one is a deep crimson red, the blood vessels now pushing past boundaries that are barely countered by accelerated healing mechanisms. Looking around himself Solarian towers above everything, even the sporadic groups of strategically planted trees. But more than that, he can sense everything in this artificial playground, not only is he more powerful but he is also more aware.

Looking down over chiseled pecs and craning his neck to observe his back, this new Solarian is genuinely surprised -in a pleasant almost marginally power mad way- by what he has turned into. Somehow, deep into his genetic history, the kittywolf has been carrying the genetic template for a monstrous pre-historic creature: A green-scaled dragon!

Reaching forward Solarian strokes the top of his monstrously large phallus. It is now like some sort of artillery gun, for even with his towering stature the organ is longer than he is tall. The accompanying green scaled testicles are just as proportionally ridiculous and hang past his calves; bearing in mind that he is at least ten metres tall by this point. As his large digits -each ending in a wicked claw- run along the majestic member he rumbles softly to himself. Although his mind is still catching up with everything that has been happening to it and the rest of his body, it knows that this is power. In his position now he will dominate everything and anyone he so chooses. But a name is stuck on his conscious thoughts now, bubbling out from the subconscious that is his still recovering personality from when he was a mere kittywolf.

"Fred-rick-son..." The syllables roll out of his jagged maw of voracious teeth and somewhere outside of the artificial biome a canine shivers.

Memories coalesce and Solarian remembers the way back to where the entrance to the chamber lies. The ground beneath him pounds as his feet tall one after the other in rhythm, a running gait. Shockwaves from the impacts reverberate throughout the artificial biome, and the disparate number of test subjects all become acutely aware of the monster in their midst. Occasionally he comes across one of the other test subjects and eyes them carefully before moving on. Solarian has no time to play around with the smaller things now, except for one very specific plaything.

He is coming up on the sheer wall which is adjacent to this place's control room. Of course there is a ceiling and other walls he can rip open, but he wants Fredrickson. As he grabs at the airtight chamber door, his claws effortlessly slicing into and anchoring metal, he hopes this will be quite a show to inspire respect in those who are watching too. But as he attempts to pull the door away with one yank, his claws just carry on slicing and he falls back, falling onto his ass with a loud boom. The metal door is left with significant scratches but still firmly attached to its military security grade hinges and bolt locks.

Solarian picks himself up, dusts off and roars whilst charging ahead into the door; flaccid dick swinging behind him like a rallying flag. The door, and in fact the entire wall, does not stand a chance and it caves in immediately. Bits of metal go flying, some of the bolts probably, snapping and metallic twisting sounds are accompanied by the screams of fleeing researchers on the other side. The monstrous draconis Solarian breaks through, a large chunk of the door and wall flying off after he stops and killing a couple of the lab techs.

"Where is he?" The words boom out of the mutant super-dragon's mouth, but they only serve to make the panicked become even more frightened. Scanning the few still left in the immediate vicinity Solarian cannot see the german shepherd and so he smashes through the next wall.

A trail of destruction is left in Solarian's wake, the entire laboratory is being slowly demolished room by room. However just as alarmingly the other subjects, both from that super test chamber and others are being exposed to the outside world again. And a wave of unspeakable sexual acts are also following the trail of destruction being left by the mutant dragon. But he is not aware of those behind him, in fact Solarian is barely even aware of just how much damage he is causing the entire facility. No, for his single-track mind is fixed on the last person he actually spoke to, the one who did all of this to him.


Fredrickson is running, in fact he is running faster than he has ever ran before. Heart pounding and fur sticking with perspiration caused by fear and exertion. He knows that the monster he created is coming for him, tearing up this whole damn facility looking for its Frankenstein. Unfortunately due to the massive breach involving not only it, but the other test subjects as well, the laboratory is in a process of lockdown protocols. Biohazard warning lights are flashing along every cold corridor wall and atmosphere-sealing doors are closing down. He reaches one of them just as it closes shut in front of him.

"FUCK YOU!" Fredrickson howls as he throws his fists against it. His passcard and codes are no use to him and his paws are doing just as little to the unfeeling mechanism which operates the door. But just as he is about to scream with more rage, he hears something far more loud some distance behind him.

He turns around and stares down the corridor with apprehension. No one else is here, everyone dispersing either looking for cover or weapons or vainly trying to get other doors open. Fredrickson presses his back against the door, though it provides no comfort to him as he is prey with nowhere to run to. The seconds are passing by with protracted terror, his eyes darting around looking for an escape though the vibrations booming through the floor underneath tell him time has already run out.

Like a monster rising out of the depths of a hellscape, the mutated Solarian charges through the wall down the far end of the corridor. Behind him flames are engulfing the previous room, which so it would appear had been used for volatile equipment or materials before the dragon trashed it. He stops for a moment, claws already peeling up the metal floor underneath him, as his demon red eyes stop upon Fredrickson. The dog is pretty sure he has just wet himself, but ignores the piss running down his leg as a wide smile spreads across the mutant's creepy visage.

He moves forward quickly on all fours like some legendary monster of old, though this is more due to the restrictive ceiling than for any dramatic effect; better to go prone than deal with metal trying to jab at your neck even though he has the strength to contend with it. Fredrickson screams like a damsel in distress, no path to escape he slides down the metal barrier and quietens down to a whimper. Ears lowering as he beholds his approaching end a part of him carries on screaming inside, another echelon still looks for an escape stratagem and one last fragment tries to find some peace before it grabs him.

Too late, he is hoisted off of the ground as Solarian reaches him. Standing back up, the green scaled mutant's body crashes through the ceiling and another floor. Daylight shines down into the facility and differing hovering aircraft can be heard and seen encircling the laboratory. Solarian pauses and looks at the canine in his massive hand, just his thumb pressing the dog's torso down as he barks at and whimpers, struggling on and on with no sign of quitting. He encloses his claws around the tiny man but is sure not to squash him before using his free hand to help climb out of the building.

On top of the roof, although his feet still fall through to the top floor, he can see a parade of emergency vehicles outside. But as the nature of the emergency became known -monsters loose just outside the city- more utilitarian military mechanisations are starting to show up. Main battle line combat tanks and first generation mecha suits are being deployed on the ground. In the air, news aerocapsules and emergency services are pulling back as multi-purpose combat jets and hover drones replace them over the immediate airspace above.

Somewhere inside that now reptilian brain though, the higher and more refined -although begrudgingly civilised- personality of the previous Solarian is reemerging. After adjusting to these new instincts, along with new physical form, he looks at the vehicles with not the eyes of a monster but of a person. A thinking person, a calm person, a predatory person. I don't have time for this.

He spreads his wings out, already knowing where he needs to go. It will take time, maybe even months to prepare, but he will return. The Jalesh (pronounced Yalesh) Mountains will be, tactically, politically and ironically suitable as a place for him to swell and start building in. He quickly checks the german shepherd one last time, noticing the dog has fainted by this point out of exhaustion from panicking. A part of Solarian wants to eat or otherwise absorb the would be master of monsters; but he will need a mind such as Fredrickson's to enact a plan he is only just formulating now.

The wings beat, once, twice, three, more. Massive draconic feet lift off out of the building. Debris ranging from plaster to people fall away from them as Solarian rises into the air like a reborn demon. There is confusion with the military personnel, for their tactical advisors had assured them nothing like that could actually fly. But not only is Solarian hovering now, but he is picking up speed. A volley of missiles comes from half a dozen combat drones; but they are fitted with anti-personnel warheads and the firepower just dissipates against the dark green scales which act as tank armour for the mutant.

Now he soars, as fast as any jet plane, to some altitude above the city as he flies over it. The people down there are tempting treats, but he has to stay focused upon his new plan. So to the Jalesh Mountains he goes. His new pet in hand.


A lone crocodile, dressed in an expensive suit and sat in a luxurious office several kilometres away from the labs, plays with the vial in his claws. The modified Ly contained within the vial is precisely what has caused the sudden and wonderful changes to the mutant currently ingesting Fredrickson. Depressing a button upon his desk panels along one of the office's walls slide away to reveal a selection of "snacks" for him rotating on their hooks. The crocodile swivels around in his chair to face them and smiles with an appropriately toothy expression.

"I will not be obtuse, you are all going to die in the next few moments. But you will carry on existing, as a part of something larger than yourselves." The bound captives starts struggling even harder against their confines. But the crocodile is already popping out the pill which was rattling around inside the capsule. He takes the Ly orally, not being one for needles.

The transformation begins immediately, his chest expanding, heart racing, clothes tearing. He has a twinge of regret as the expensive suit becomes torn to shred, his already muscular body bulging forth with new muscle mass packed along a growing skeletal structure. He stands up out of his seat, tail whipping around and accidentally knocking the chair over. The reptile is already starting to feel weak as he will need now biomass right away to sustain the metamorphosis. It is a process which has been modified beyond the more balanced one applied to Solarian only 24 hours ago.

Picking his first "meal" as a petite otter, the crocodile tears off the strip which was keeping the mammal relatively quiet. The otter takes a large gasps of air and begins to plead, beg for his life and for freedom. Even when faced with the truth of their situation, people will always try to ask for mercy anyway. Surely that can not be from some sort of practical preservation instinct as much as a coping mechanism. However such matters are not what truly concerns the crocodile now. As something begins to emerge the otter goes silent, his eyes transfixed by what is jutting out from the reptile's now naked crotch. He has always been a well endowed male of his species, but this mutagenic Ly really is the ultimate enhancement drug.

Over seven feet tall now thanks to the continuing transformation the man lifts the otter off his hook and carries him to the table. With a sweep of his tail he clears it and lays the lutrinae down. Grabbing his feet, the crocodile removes the simple strap around them and keeps a firm grip whilst stroking his dick with the remaining hand. It throbs wildly, veins bulging out along it as the organ continues to grow with beads of pre dribbling down it. I too will soon know how it felt for you Solarian.

"Please do struggle as much as you possible can. I understand that it improves the swallowing action." And with that the crocodile pushes the otter back and down into the mutating crocodong feet first.


_This story contains adult content involving anthropomorphic animal characters. Readers should be 18+ and and into "yiff"._ _Leopold is © Himself_ _Abbey is © Herself_ _No cats were molested in the production of this work of perverted fiction._ ...

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