Gym (Part 3a - Feel the Burn)

Story by Merle on SoFurry

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#3 of Gym

This story is copyright to me (Merle), and the characters are trademark to the same; feel free to use them in your own stories or artwork, however, I would just appreciate a heads-up if you do so.

Just so you can't say I didn't tell you so: THIS STORY HAS NAUGHTY BITS. It's got domination and bondage and SEX and all that fun sinful junk, so if that's not up your alley then DON'T READ IT. Simple as that.

And if you do decide to read it - enjoy!


Part 3a - Feel the Burn

Mayuri drifted upwards from the depths of sleep, a small part of her mind wondering why something felt so strange. She was warm and comfortable, and on a quiet morning that was all that the tigress needed to spend a few hours in a pleasantly half-awake doze. When she tried to adjust the blanket covering her, though, there was a moment of worry; her hands didn't want to move, something holding them together behind her. The drowsy tigress tensed her arms, then frowned and really pulled for a moment; her ears flicked sleepily as she heard something snap, and her hands were free to adjust the blanket over her.

The muscular tigress dreamt for a bit more after that, maybe half an hour, before being roused to wakefulness by the feel of someone slowly climbing back into the bed with her. May hadn't had anyone sleeping in her bed since her last boyfriend had left, and if that was Ilyana planning to freak her out, then two could play at that game...

Slowly, Mayuri slid back, slowly twisting around...she'd give that wolf a kiss right on the lips, give her a taste of her own medicine. When the tigress opened her eyes, though, she saw the sleeping face of a beautiful mouse rather than her roommate's lupine features and only barely strangled a scream. Everything flooded back to May then - her drugging, teasing and abduction from the new gym her roommate had persuaded her to try, her evening spent in helpless pleasure at her captor's luxurious home, and her final acceptance of her enjoyment of the whole sequence of events...her acceptance of Jenny as her mistress, her owner.

A flush rose in May's cheeks as she recalled the warm, safe feeling she'd experienced, held in Jenny's arms as they drifted off to sleep; her sudden movement when she realised her circumstances had awakened the mouse, and Jenny smiled and slid forward a bit to gently kiss her pet. "Good morning, kitten...I hope you slept well?" The mouse's arms curled around May, drawing her close for a moment before the mouse realised that the tigress' arms were unbound.

Jenny stiffened and tried to pull away, but was brought up short as Mayuri's powerful arms gently encircled her; the tigress' eyes were half-closed as a purr rumbled in her throat, her head leaning down to nuzzle and lick at the mouse's small, high breasts. The mouse lay very still for a few moments, then slowly smiled and began to stroke Mayuri's headfur.

"I see that you have your strength back..." The tigress' only reply at first was a soft mew, her lips wrapped around Jenny's nipple as she suckled contentedly. Then she looked up, her eyes glittering, and she gave the mouse's breast a teasing lick.

"That was a mean, horrible, awful thing you did to kidnapped me, you did things that a week ago I would have called rape. You made me cry and scream and squirm..." The tigress' claws pricked Jenny's sides through her fur, just for a moment, and then Mayuri smiled and leaned her head against the mouse's breasts. "And I...I don't honestly know why, but I loved every minute of it...except maybe when you left me alone, tied up. That part wasn't much fun."

Jenny remained still, her hands resting on Mayuri's shoulder blades as she felt the slow, powerful ripple of muscle beneath her pet's fur, but couldn't stifle a soft moan when the tigress turned to nurse at her breasts once more. Mayuri's rough tongue sent electric shivers up the mouse's spine, making Jenny hug the larger feline to her, a hand resting on the back of the cat's head, rubbing her ears gently.

" really did enjoy it? I'm...oooh...glad that you did...I was so afraid that you wouldn't." Jenny stroked the tigress' ears, trying to ride the little bolts of pleasure May's tongue sent through her. "I just saw you, so perfect, but so sad...just like Ilyana had told me..." She paused as she felt the tigress stiffen slightly, her tongue pausing in its lavishing of the mouse's breasts.

Mayuri looked up at Jenny, her head resting between her former captor's breasts. "I still don't understand why you see me that way...I'm just...just another cat. Too tall to be pretty, too strong to be feminine..." She sighed and buried her face in the thicker tuft of fur between Jenny's breasts. "Just a big, dumb -"

The mouse lifted Mayuri's chin and gently laid a finger over her lips, quieting her; she smiled lovingly at her pet and began stroking her hair. "Don't ever, ever think that, kitten. You are beautiful...and you are the only one who doesn't know it." She stretched away from May for a moment, opening one of the drawers of the bedside table, and then leaned back with something ring-shaped in her hand. It was coated in thick rubber, with complicated straps hanging off of it; May didn't immediately realise what it was for, until the mouse gently tapped her on the nose. "Open your mouth, pet."

The tigress slowly did so, flushing hotly as her mistress pressed the open ring into her muzzle; the straps turned out to be a harness, the mouse intently adjusting the straps until it fit comfortably but firmly onto May's face, the combined stiff ring and confining bands preventing her from moving her mouth at all. The tigress tried to speak, but the sound came out as an incoherent mewling; Jenny smiled at that and took her pet's face in her hands, leaning in for a gentle kiss.

The tigress tensed a bit, a soft purr starting to rumble in her throat as the mouse's soft tongue explored her mouth; with her muzzle held open, the big cat was helpless to prevent Jenny from kissing her deeply - not that she wanted to. She could feel Jenny's hands stroking her all over, fondling her breasts, her stomach, probing the heat between her legs and feeling the tigress' powerful muscles ripple beneath fur and skin, and the soft touches woke flame wherever they roamed. Before long May realized that she was moaning with need, mindless sounds of pleasure escaping her through the gag between soft, kittenish mews of frustration - with an effort, she stilled herself, blushing furiously beneath her fur, looking sheepishly up at Jenny. The mouse, for her part, just grinned and tweaked May's nipple, making the tigress rock back as another moan ripped free of her.

Jenny leaned back, then, smiling as she looked lovingly into her pet's eyes. "If you don't trust my judgment of your looks, May...then I think I need to show you just how wrong you are about yourself."


Mayuri walked slowly up the stairs to her apartment, legs trembling; she leaned heavily on the banister, every now and then making a strangled, animal sound as she dug her claws into the old wood. Her breath came in quick, shallow pants as she struggled to stay upright, and as she lifted her foot to the next step she trembled all over, almost collapsing right there in the stairwell. She wore different clothes now - a sky-blue frilled blouse tight enough that her nipples dimpled the soft fabric, a short black pleated miniskirt, and a pair of slim bracelets - actually magnetic cuffs, advanced and very expensive, and controlled by a remote that the mouse had slipped into her pocket with a smile.

Jenny had untied her shortly after teasing her to near-incoherence, fastening a slim leather choker around the tigress' throat and a snug but strong chastity belt around her hips before ordering her to dress. Armed with the mouse's charge card, they soon acquired the beginnings of a new wardrobe for May. Delicate lace panties to replace her plain white ones, body-hugging dresses to show off her figure, and at one specialty shop - a warm-brown little leather collar, with no markings but a silver nameplate engraved expertly with May's name, and "Jenny's Kitten" almost invisibly light beneath it.

May would have protested, public and all, if not for the fact that at the sight of the collar, the thought of being owned - or even more than that, simply the idea of belonging, to and with, someone - sent warm sparks up her spine. Just remembering it now sent those same warm sparks over her again, though with what coherent thought remained to her she reminded herself that they had plenty of help.

Locked securely around the tigress' waist, visible beneath her short skirt as she raised her leg to attempt another step, was a black, shiny chastity belt; it covered her as well as her underwear would have, but could not stop the slow staining of her fur by her juices as a helpless moan escaped her, Mayuri faltering as she struggled, the landing only a few more steps away. On the inside of the chastity belt, nestled deep inside her, were some maddeningly devious toys; a thick plug filled her tailhole, flared and textured so that she feels it slip within her with each step, and a twisting, curling toy filled her sex deeply, its shape keeping her spread despite the hollow space at its center - eight differently-curved 'branches' comprising its shape, meeting at their tip deep inside her, but only a hollow ring at the entrance of her cunt. The frontmost branch even had little offshoots, blunt nubs that rubbed maddeningly against one of her most sensitive spots with each movement.

Worst - or best - of all was the very special toy mounted at the front of the belt. Its shape pulled back the hood covering her clit when it was slid onto her, leaving the tigress' achingly sensitive nub exposed, and twin blunt pins held the apparatus steady on her. The hard part, though, was the delicate, unbelievably soft brush attached to the inside of her belt, placed just right to brush over her clit with every single step she took, no matter how she tried to avoid it.

Mayuri managed to gain another step, and paused for breath, whimpering softly as she revised her last thought. The brush wasn't the worst part. What was the absolute worst had to be that, despite the fact that her sex was on fire with need, despite her trembling legs and the distinct scent of her own arousal, despite the feather-light touch of flame that rushed over her each time she took a step, that tiny, soft brush was not - quite - enough to give her release, no matter how she moved. With the chastity belt locked onto her as well, there was no way for her to escape the sensual torture.

With a ragged groan of effort, May managed to gain the last step, her claws digging into the old wood of the banister beside her. She averted her eyes, her cheeks burning, as a Dalmatian from the floor above walked past her; she could still see his nose flare minutely and the puzzled look in his eyes as he smelled her arousal, but kept heading downstairs. With a soft gasp of relief, she stumbled forward and grabbed at the doorknob, one hand fumbling in her pocket - she realized with a stab of horror that she didn't have her keys, but the door swung was unlocked. Sending silent thanks to her roommate for coming home early, she slid inside and closed the door behind her - only to freeze when she heard a soft, breathy sound from further inside the apartment...


Luck Be a Lady

This story is copyright to me (Merle), and the characters are trademark to the same; feel free to use them in your own stories or artwork, however, I would just appreciate a heads-up if you do so. Just so you can't say I didn't tell you so: THIS...

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Things Fall Apart

This story is copyright to me (Merle), and the characters are trademark to the same; feel free to use them in your own stories or artwork, however, I would just appreciate a heads-up if you do so. Just so you can't say I didn't tell you so: THIS...

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Gym Part 2: Workout

This story is copyright to me (Merle), and the characters are trademark to the same; feel free to use them in your own stories or artwork, however, I would just appreciate a heads-up if you do so. Just so you can't say I didn't tell you so: THIS...

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