Gym Part 2: Workout

Story by Merle on SoFurry

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#2 of Gym

This story is copyright to me (Merle), and the characters are trademark to the same; feel free to use them in your own stories or artwork, however, I would just appreciate a heads-up if you do so.

Just so you can't say I didn't tell you so: THIS STORY HAS NAUGHTY BITS. It's got domination and bondage and SEX and all that fun sinful junk, so if that's not up your alley then DON'T READ IT. Simple as that.

And if you do decide to read it - enjoy!


Part 2 - Workout

May drifted slowly upwards from sleep, a fog pleasantly bathing her mind as she felt the sun's rays warming her fur; she'd enjoyed sunbathing ever since she was a kitten, though her fur rendered any such activity pointless as far as tanning was concerned. The muscular, lushly-built tigress had amused several of her boyfriends to no end by spending whole weekend afternoons sprawled lazily across her bed, features fixed in contentment as she drank in the sun's rays.

She was single - alone - at the moment, a thought which brought a momentary pang of sadness felt faintly through the mist of sleep enveloping her, but she'd never had all that much luck keeping someone close; especially after she'd started making strength training a hobby, all too many men had been either frightened off by the muscle rippling under her sleek, well-groomed fur, or had been looking for a woman who would outright dominate them - and Mayuri simply had no interest in tying up a boyfriend, or playing mistress to a male. In truth, a strong submissive streak had always run through her, but even if she'd stayed away from exercise, the tigress had been taller than most men her age since halfway through high school. May could definitely appear feminine, but not many men apparently considered the idea of dominating a female a good foot taller than them.

Despite the pleasant doze enfolding her, May felt something, some nagging memory tugging at her, pulling her towards wakefulness; she dimly realised that she probably had to get up for work, and as boring as office-work might be, her food bills didn't pay themselves. She forced her eyelids open a crack, wincing at the glare of the light shining on her, and stretched lazily -

Her eyes flew open as her arms failed to move, bound securely behind her with what felt like twine; her legs were stretched out to either side, not uncomfortably but securely, with more twine at her knees and ankles, holding her legs well-spread and her sex - her fur still matted and stained with the aftermath of her climax - humiliatingly exposed. The previous day's events came flooding back all at once, her current predicament taking on a more sinister tinge.

May had decided to try out a new gym, on her roommate's suggestion - lifting weights was a hobby for the naturally-muscular tigress, but she'd gotten tired of exercising alone in the apartment since breaking up with her last boyfriend. The "Jungle Gym" was a new place, right in the middle of downtown, with rave reviews and a coed clientele, and when Ilyana, the wolf with whom May shared her apartment, recommended it, the tigress took out a free trial membership.

She'd been at the Jungle Gym for the very first time, and had a very thorough workout; the place was just as comprehensive as rumor said, with one of the employees, a mouse named Genevieve or just Jenny, helping show her around the unfamiliar building and spotting her on several exercise machines. After only an hour and a half, May had been as tired as she normally was after a full workout session, and had managed to find the showers, but something had gone wrong...she'd lost consciousness, blacked out mid-shower, and had awoken in some kind of hidden room, weakened by a drug and held captive by Jenny. She'd been tormented, teased, and left helpless in the dark...then brought to a shattering, mind-blowing climax, and known nothing more 'til she woke up here. She was still Jenny's prisoner...

Coming to the end of that train of thought, May looked around, taking in the details of the room in which she found herself captive. It didn't look like the home of a crazy kidnapper - decorated in subtle, muted earth tones, the bedroom had a few unobtrusive abstract pieces framed on the walls, a comfortable-looking chair and bookshelves, and a dark-wood dresser, as well as the large, extremely plush bed on which May found herself. All the colors matched with an overall calming effect - one lost on the struggling tigress - and from what little she could see of the floor, it was covered in deep carpeting matched to the walls in hue. The D-rings set into each of the bedposts clashed a bit with the d辿cor, though, as did the ballgag lying one of the bookshelves.

"Awake, pet?" May jumped at the sudden sound, her firm muscles still too weakened by the mouse's drug to snap the twine, twisting her head about to look for her captor. "I'm glad to see that you slept well...then again, it was originally supposed to be a sleep aid, though I'm glad that my pretty kitten gets to experience the side effects. Still helpless, beautiful..." From nowhere, a hand delicately stroked the soft fur of May's stomach, the tiger's eyes darting to the mouse - somehow, Jenny had approached without the tigress' sharp ears picking up even the slightest sound.

Smiling, Jenny stood easily beside the bed, the spandex cat suit of the night before traded for a cheery yellow terrycloth bathrobe, her golden hair damp from a recent shower. The mouse's frame, fit but with much more lean and lithe than the statuesque tigress, filled out the bathrobe with pleasing curves, though May caught a glimpse of an old scar on Jenny's left shoulder for a moment before the mouse readjusted her robe.

" kidnapped me - " May's words were cut off when the mouse reached over and gently held her mouth shut, smiling down at the captive feline. "No need for words, pet, at least not yet. You're still all messy from yesterday, and I know that fur as beautiful as yours needs to be well-cared for or it won't stay soft and pretty..."

May squirmed helplessly, knowing that the mouse was right - her fur, now matted and stained with sweat and her own dried dew, normally took at least a half-hour in the morning of careful tending, and after having slept in her mussed state she hated to think how hard it would be to get fully groomed. She tried to mumble something through her held-shut teeth, but Jenny shushed her and tapped her lightly on the nose.

"Bad kitty! You're beautiful, but not very obedient...we'll just have to deal with that, though..." She turned away for a moment, still holding May mute, and then showed the bound tigress what she had been pulling off the shelf - a large, green rubber ballgag. She pried May's mouth open - carefully keeping her fingers clear of the tigress' vestigial but still dangerously sharp fangs - and worked the gag into her captive's muzzle, effectively preventing May from making any sound more coherent than a muffled moan as the gag buckled securely over the top and around each side of her head, more of a head harness than a simple gag. With her new pet effectively silenced, Jenny turned to the fastenings holding May's legs spread and immobile, freeing her from the bed, though her drug-induced weakness and securely bound arms prevented her from making any kind of attempt at escape or self-defense.

May was treated to another surprise as the slender mouse slipped her hands underneath the bound tigress and, with a soft, surprisingly cute grunt of effort, lifted Mayuri bodily from the bed, holding her like a groom carrying his bride 'cross the threshold of the honeymoon suite. The tigress was held snuggled against Jenny's soft front, her head propped on the mouse's shoulder as her legs dangled; her surprise at the mouse's deceptive strength was doubled as Jenny carried May from the room, through a blue doorway into a large, luxurious-looking bathroom, complete with a bathtub large enough to hold not only a fur May's size but two or three more as well in comfort. The taps were silver and wrought in fanciful shapes, and several bottles of fur shampoo were stacked on the side of the tub...along with a good-sized collection of sex toys of various shapes and sizes. Sturdy D-rings were set in the edges of the tub every ten inches or so, except for at the places obviously molded for someone to lean back against and relax. The bathtub was already filled nearly to the brim with steaming, soapy water; drains in the floor all 'round the room showed that splashing wasn't taboo, and the three steps down from the bedroom into the bathing room kept stray water from messing up the plush carpet.

Jenny gently lowered May into the bathtub, the tiger welcoming the hot water soaking into her fur as the mouse held her head above the water; half-submerged, her weakened frame didn't have to support her weight, and though her arms were still tightly bound, she took pleasure in being able to at least move her legs freely once more. That pleasure proved unfortunately short-lived; the diabolical mouse snapped a chain from one of the many D-rings to a similar ring at the back of the tigress' harness-gag, keeping her head from slipping under, then grabbed one of May's legs in a firm but gentle grip and pulled it out straight; May desperately tried to kick, but barely managed to splash as Jenny held her effortlessly. A snug, waterproof shackle was slipped around her ankle and locked securely, then chained to one of the plentiful anchor points; Jenny walked around the other side of the tub and did the same with May's other leg, leaving her floating bound and helpless from three chains. Only then, while the naked, helpless tigress squirmed and mewled behind her gag in the soothing hot water, did Jenny step back from the tub and slip out of her bathrobe.

Bound as she was, May had little to do but appreciate the form Jenny was revealing for her; the mouse was lithe, with just enough softness to give curves to her taut, wiry muscles, her small breasts pert with bright pink nipples peeking from beneath the fur. She was well-proportioned, every part of her fit and firm, with only one imperfection; a single long, jagged scar ran from her left shoulder blade down her back, tapering off just above her right hip.

To her astonishment, May realised when Jenny turned back to her that the mouse was blushing! The mouse caught the look of puzzlement in May's eyes as she slid into the bath with a soft sigh. "I haven't...shown myself like this to anyone, pet...not for a very long time. I stay hidden, whenever I can...but for you, I give you all of hiding, no secrets, no distance."

The mouse kneeled slowly between May's bound-open legs, her hands resting on the tigress' inner thighs and rubbing the soapy water into the matted, stained fur; as she did, her strong, slender fingers stroked at the tense muscle beneath May's hide, finding knots and gently working them away even as she cleaned her prisoner; despite herself, Mayuri couldn't help sighing softly in pleasure, her legs on the verge of cramping from the awkward positions she'd been stuck in for the past day or so. Jenny took her time, the tigress too secure to do more than squirm a bit under her sure touch, knowing that the kneading of such a sensitive area would have a more stimulating effect on top of the relaxation; sure enough, as Jenny's fingertips slowly moved towards the tigress' unfurred slit, May found herself beginning to pant for breath, drooling around the gag filling her muzzle as she tried to close her thighs, but was helpless to do even that.

May yowled around her gag and arched, the movement splashing the soapy water, when Jenny's fingertips first stroked lightly over her sex; the mouse's very touch sent tingles through her, something in her stomach tightening as she knew with a certainty that the mouse was going to take advantage of her again...and there was absolutely nothing that she could do about it.

The tigress's tail curled up, trying to cover her sex, but Jenny easily grabbed it and forced it away from May's lips. She smiled mischievously and held it up, kissing the tip lightly; as May tried to pull it away, she took a firm grip on it near the tip and began strongly stroking it against the fur.

Had May's fur been naturally coarser, it might have been painful; as it was, though the tigress squeaked and squirmed, thankful that her blush was hidden beneath her fur, the teasing just felt good, in a strange, tickling way that made her pull on the restraints and fight to hold back a moan. Luckily, Jenny soon lost interest in that and merely pulled it back beneath the water; she slipped it between her thighs, pressed lightly against her own sex, and pushed her legs together so any twitch of the tail would do nothing more than stimulate her; with May exposed once more, she leaned in close and blew lightly over the tigress' flower. Mayuri squealed in surprise, the mouse's breath chilling her even in the steaming bath, then was caught off-guard and moaned aloud as Jenny's long, slender tongue slipped over her sex, just barely touching the bound tigress's cunny before retreating, replaced by those same teasing fingers.

After a few minutes more of teasing, May was panting helplessly, whimpers escaping her as her juices mingled with the bath water; Jenny teased her slowly, making the tiger twitch this way and that as her fingers never delved more than a fraction of an inch between May's lips. By the time Jenny paused for a moment to finish washing off May's thighs, the tigress's nipples were rock-hard despite the heat and her breath came in quick gasps. Her breathing slowly began to steady, but before she could regain her composure she moaned anew at the feel of a slim finger slowly pushing into her, curling slightly as the mouse dragged it back out; bound securely, May nevertheless rocked her hips, trying to keep the digit in her tingling, needy cunny. Her moan when she was left again empty had a protesting tone to it, a note in her voice that she blushed to hear herself utter.

"Does my kitten want more...? I don't want to tease you if you don't want me..." Jenny stroked May's soft fur, her fingers sliding over the tigress' taut stomach as she smiled at her captive. At this point, helpless, teased to distraction, May knew that she should stay silent, should resist the mouse...but something in her wanted more, needed it, and the look of quiet delight in Jenny's eyes combined with that side of her, pushing her to moan through the gag, her words garbled to nothing as she begged Jenny to do whatever she wanted, anything at all, as long as she did it to May, as long as she made the tigress her very own pet.

There was no way that Jenny could have understood May's words, the thick gag mangling her pleading into incoherent moans and whimpers, but the tigress' meaning came across with perfect clarity. Jenny shushed May gently, two fingers over the tigress' filled mouth, then leaned close and breathed on the needy slit, held exposed and vulnerable by May's spread legs. May squirmed, trying to bring her sex closer to the mouse's muzzle, but Jenny put a hand on the tigress' stomach and gently pushed down. "Relax, kitten...I won't tease you too much."

Jenny leaned close and flicked out her tongue, just brushing over May's sex, then made a husky sound deep in her throat and buried her face between the tigress' legs; her arms held May's thighs apart, her tongue exploring the captive tigress' folds as her pet jerked and moaned in her bonds. The mouse savored her new pet's delicate flavor, her whiskers brushing against the tigress' inner thighs as she lapped at May's sex, then pulled back a bit and spread May's lower lips gently, her mouth descending hungrily on the tigress' hooded clit.

When the mouse began to suck on her most sensitive spot, May yowled in surprised pleasure and nearly rose physically from the bath, her back arching as she thrashed; even with her drug-induced weakness, she managed to raise herself up, her legs going tense enough that the chains creaked softly. Jenny pulled back, letting May suck in a shuddering breath around the ballgag, then started slowly tracing the tip of her tongue in a circle around May's clitty, pulling back the hood gently and then gliding her tongue just barely over the sensitive nub. She paused, eliciting a strangled, desperate whimper from May, then leaned close and slowly lapped at the tigress' clit, her tongue dancing over the hot bundle of nerves as her captive was reduced to trembling moans by the burning need in her sex.

May tried to focus on just breathing, but the air rushed in and out of her as she writhed helplessly, held spread open by the metal chains. She yowled and bucked, her drug-weakened muscles shaking as a rush of her dew flooded over Jenny's tongue, the mouse's eager lapping at her sex making May light-headed with pleasure as she was forced back towards climax even before she caught her breath from the first. When the tigress managed to draw in a shuddering breath and start pulling against the chains once more, Jenny pulled away, brushing her fingers lightly over May's sex - even the brief contact wrung a weary yowl from the over-stimulated tiger, her thighs trembling with strain - and let her pet come back to her senses while the mouse fiddled with something unseen beneath the surface of the soapy water.

May closed her eyes and tried to focus on slowing her pounding heart, taking long, deep breaths as her pulse slowly steadied and she regained her self-control. She noted with embarrassed honesty that the fur of her inner thighs had been soaked again with her own love-juices, her clit feeling hot and tingling slightly from the overstimulation. She had climaxed more than once in a day before this, but the mouse had forced two orgasms from her in the space of minutes - some side effect of the drugs, a reaction to her situation, or some other trick of Jenny's, Mayuri could not tell. She knew, however, with something half sinking feeling and half trembling anticipation, that she would be 'primed' and ready to climax again soon, much sooner than she normally would have been...and in the back of her mind she guessed that Jenny must know that as well.

Her train of thought was suddenly derailed as she felt something cold in the hot bathtub brush against her rear; she squirmed, letting out a mew of surprised protest, as Jenny surfaced, gulping in air before grinning at her pet. The sudden cold brushed over her again, this time playing over the tigress' tail hole and the bottom of her slit, before Jenny grinned and lifted something odd from the water.

It was something like a showerhead, a roughly circular nozzle at the end of a long tube that ran under the water and out of sight. As May looked at it in bemusement, Jenny smiled sweetly and pressed a button at the base; a squirt of ice-COLD water sprayed out, playing directly over May's sex. The tigress yowled and tried to squirm away, but the chains held her far too well for any hope of escape; to her alarm and rising arousal she soon found that a dial on the toy could change the temperature of the water sprayed out, from the freezing bursts to a steady spray of blood-warm water to a strong, pulsating stream that had her writhing and yowling into the gag in seconds, though Jenny switched to a different setting before it could do more than tease her.

The mouse leaned forwards, just barely nuzzling her way up May's body. She paused at the tigress' full breasts, her tongue flicking out as she licked at her pet's left nipple, her breath hot on the sensitive spot, then shifted to the side and fastened her lips on May's right, suckling strongly at the stiff nub. The unfamiliar sensation brought a yowl of protest to Mayuri's lips, but it quickly scaled down to a trembling moan, the tugging on her nipple and the mouse's hands gently kneading her breasts sending jolts of pleasure down her spine to something deep inside her.

May whimpered and writhed weakly, trying to control the burning desire rising anew in her, but Jenny ignored her struggles, the mouse's eyes closing as she suckled like a babe from its mother. She moved away only after drawing a long, shuddering groan from May, the tigress' sex aflame with need and her breath coming in quick, shallow gasps. "Mm...such wonderful, luscious breasts, you know, I've dreamed about just the chance, the opportunity, to once enjoy a woman as beautiful as you? Your roommate...Miss Silver, the wolfhound...she dreams about you, too, did you know that? She told me a lot about you when we were out drinking...she can't think straight, her sleep is filled with you but she was oh so convinced that you only went for men..."

Jenny slipped two fingers into May's sex, the tigress at once too wet and too exhausted to try to keep out the intruders, even had she still been sure she wanted to; the mouse curled her fingers, dragging the tips over May's G-spot, and the tigress screamed into her gag as another climax rushed through her, her much-abused muscles twitching as they fought between her frantic efforts to buck and writhe in pleasure and the drug keeping her weak and helpless. Her vision started to go white around the edges, but Jenny pulled back , licking the tigress' come from her fingers, and waited patiently for May to come back to herself before kissing her gently on her gagged lips.

"Of course...we know that that's not true, don't we...I knew, love, as soon as I saw you. Not yesterday...a few weeks ago, right after that lout of a panther dumped you, I saw you walking with Ilyana. You looked so sad, so alone...and I just knew I had to help you." May's eyes widened at that and she tried to say something angry, but Jenny laid two fingers over the gag and the tigress found herself quieting. "I know, you didn't like me trapping you like that...but...have I hurt you, at all, past a pinch here and there? Have I brought you anything but...pleasure?"

Her voice dropped on the last word, going husky as she rubbed her body against the bound tigress, and May found herself somehow blushing again - bound, tormented and teased 'til she was nearly crazy, she still blushed at the touch of her captor. "I love you, pretty kitten...and as set as you were on denying this side of yourself, I knew this was the only way to tell you..."

With surprising gentleness, she reached around May's head and undid the gag, working it out around the tigress' fangs. May worked her sore jaw and tried to swallow, but her throat was dreadfully dry; Jenny produced a water bottle from somewhere and patiently let May drink from it, sucking at the nozzle like a babe from its mother...or like Jenny had herself suckled from May previously. When May had had her fill, the mouse leaned in close, her eyes deep and serious as she nuzzled at Mayuri's lips. "Please...I know you might not be able to forgive me for drugging you, for binding you and abducting you...but please, kitten, be mine?"

To Mayuri, everything seemed to stop for a moment - the beautiful, lithe, strong mouse, her mouth so close to May's own, the steam rising from the bath, the fading glow of her own climaxes and the hot tingling wetness in her cunny - as she realised that Jenny was serious. She had been kidnapped, terrified and stripped and abused...but...but she had, she forced herself to realise, enjoyed much of it in a way that she had never felt with all her boyfriends. Something about being bound, being helpless, giving herself over to someone else, male or female, appealed to something deep inside her...and every touch, every tormenting moment with Jenny had shown her the mouse's tenderness and the sparkle of her lust.

Though it shocked May to face it, she really, truly loved what the mouse had done with her, to her...and once she faced the truth, there was only one possible response to Jenny's plea.

Jenny smiled warmly, her whole face lighting up as she buried her face in the hollow between May's neck and shoulder, then raised her head to kiss the tigress gently, almost hesitantly, a kiss that was met firmly by the mouse's new pet with a good deal of passion behind it. Moving slowly, Jenny unbuckled the collar from the bath; then, supporting May's upper body with one hand to keep her above water, she freed May's legs but left the tigress' arms bound behind her.

As May nuzzled and licked at Jenny's lips, the mouse slowly took her from the bath, the water sluicing from the both of them, and stood the tigress on her own two feet. Still weak, May started to fall, but Jenny wrapped her arms around the tigress' waist to help support her; the two of them walked together over to an alcove, where jasmine-scented jets of air dried them most of the way, and Jenny lovingly groomed May's fur and her own with delicate combs; warm, dry, clean, and smelling of exotic desert scents, the two of them made their way back to the bed on which May had first awoken. Though May could smell Jenny's arousal, she herself was worn-out to the point of exhaustion, and the mouse knew it; still nude, Jenny helped May onto the bed, then slid the covers over the two of them.

May's last thoughts as she drifted off to sleep, her bound hands caressing Jenny's soft-furred stomach as the mouse spooned against her, her breasts pressed against Mayuri's back, were of how warm and light she felt, how all the tensions of the past weeks had been rinsed clean from her...and how nice, how right it all felt just to have Jenny cuddling her. A day or two before, May would have been terrified at the thought...but now, she drifted off into contented dreams, confident that she would wake beloved...and that was the sweetest thought of all.

Gym: Warm-Up

This story is copyright to me (Merle), and the characters are trademark to the same; feel free to use them in your own stories or artwork, however, I would just appreciate a heads-up if you do so. Just so you can't say I didn't tell you so: THIS...

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