Things Fall Apart

Story by Merle on SoFurry

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This story is copyright to me (Merle), and the characters are trademark to the same; feel free to use them in your own stories or artwork, however, I would just appreciate a heads-up if you do so.

Just so you can't say I didn't tell you so: THIS STORY HAS NAUGHTY BITS. It's got domination and bondage and SEX and all that fun sinful junk, so if that's not up your alley then DON'T READ IT. Simple as that.

And if you do decide to read it - enjoy!

(This story is dedicated to Anni, who got me interested in breaking the male/female binary in the first place. Thanks for broadening my horizons!)

Things Fall Apart

All in all, Vernon Piper considered himself pretty lucky.

He'd survived a fairly uneventful childhood, not so much as a broken bone, with no more than a minimal amount of bullying; always a quiet young mouse, he'd found a love of numbers early and slipped easily into a mathematics degree at a small but reputable college near his home.

His parents moved to a condo in warmer climes, his siblings grew apart and spread into their own niches; he found a job as a statistician and let the daily rhythm take him over. The whole long series of life proceeded stately on its way, with Vernon all the while unaware of the sudden turn to which it was bringing him.

Over the years, Vern had discovered that he enjoyed exercise, especially running, and keeping fit had been easy given the time he spent jogging; he had grown into a long-legged, slender but well-formed rodent (albeit slightly androgynous in looks), with sleek grey fur that he kept impeccably groomed; in fact, the only thing he regarded as less than perfect about himself was a minor heart irregularity, a congenital defect that forced him to visit the doctor once a month for checkups.

His normal doctor, an older male wolf, was at a medical conference that January; for the monthly check Piper was forced to go to a new doctor, a tall, muscular, lion woman he'd never met before, by the unlikely name of Micah Marmel, M.D. Doctor Marmel was the kind of woman for whom the word 'statuesque' could be safely used; half a foot taller than the average-sized mouse, she kept her fur neatly groomed and her short-trimmed headfur in enticing curls, but her most immediate feature was her pair of deep, sapphire-blue eyes, their gaze almost hypnotic despite her brusque manner. She'd introduced herself to Piper, then instructed the mouse to wait in an empty examination room, and change into one of those awful paper gowns; it was a little out of the ordinary, but Piper decided to just go along with it - Micah was a doctor, after all.

Piper only had to wait for about ten minutes before Micah returned, her manner brusque and businesslike. He raised his arms at her instruction, let her listen to the sound of his breathing, move around behind him to put a cold stethoscope at his back - and almost didn't feel the sharp prick of a needle stabbing into him alongside the metal disc. He jumped, starting to turn around, but something was wrong with his legs, they didn't seem to work properly, and he stumbled and fell to the floor.

Piper saw the doctor leaning over him as the door opened, nurses running into the room; he knew something was wrong, but his mouth didn't seem to be working, his breathing uneven as a terrible chill spread from the point the needle had touched him. The sound of Doctor Marmel's voice seemed to be coming down a long tunnel as greyness at the corners of Piper's vision, his body twitching as he somehow couldn't remember how to get up...the last thing he heard before the dark dragged him down was, "...don't know why, eyes rolled up...collapsed..."

Piper awoke quite suddenly, on the thin, uncomfortable padding of what he seemed to be a hospital examination bed; he tried to sit up, but something didn't seem to be working correctly, his hands feeling oddly heavy. As the fog cleared, he realised that he seemed to be tied down - had he been having convulsions? It had never happened before - and that, for some unfathomable reason, the doctors had left him in just the hospital gown, the garment riding up around his hips to let an uncomfortably strong draft play over his legs, a draft that seemed to be moving slowly higher...

With a drowsy squeak, the mouse brought himself fully awake; the room swam into focus, blank white walls adorned with shelves full of equipment and bottles of chemicals; the only exit seemed to be a large door, standing slightly ajar. Piper raised his head as much as he could, his neck feeling similarly heavy, and blushed as he saw that someone was kneeling at the edge of the bed, their face hidden by his own pushed-up hospital gown, the draft obviously caused by them blowing over his exposed legs and his...his shaft, which he now realised was most definitely responding to the attention.

The mouse tried to say something in protest, but with his head still foggy, he only managed a soft mumble. His companion heard him, though, standing up quickly; Piper was slightly shocked to see that it was Dr. Marmel. She was still wearing her white lab coat, but underneath it he caught a glimpse of something black and shiny - odd for a doctor to wear at work, he thought.

"Ah, our patient gave us a bit of a fright, really. No, don't try to're still going to be a bit woozy for a bit, it's a necessary side effect of the anesthetics." Piper's heart rate shot up, the mouse beginning to panic; what had they anesthetized him for? Was he sick...? His fears were momentarily allayed by Marmel's reassuring shake of her head.

"You'll be was just a, ah, false alarm. We decided to keep you over the weekend for observation, though...and when you didn't improve we upgraded that to a've been here for just over four days. Luckily your employers were very understanding..."

Marmel leaned over Piper, her face uncomfortably close to the mouse's own, a grin dancing across her face. "That's what we told them,'re fine, and your heart is unchanged. But, with such a cute mouse and a convenient excuse I decided to try a little...experiment I've had in mind for awhile..."

With a dramatic flourish, Doctor Marmel whipped the gown from Piper, leaving the mouse suddenly nude, his respectable length still standing firm from the lioness' teasing. Understandably, though, Piper was not as concerned about his very obvious arousal as he was about the strange metal bands encircling him at various points - he was ringed with a thin circle of metal around his ankles, just above his knees, where his legs met his hips, as well as around his wrists, elbows and shoulders, and waist...and most worryingly, a single thin band went around the base of his cock and balls where they joined his body. Now that he realised what the odd feelings were, Piper could tell that there was another encircling his neck, as well what felt like at least three spaced along his tail.

The metal rings didn't seem to be cutting into him, but they were definitely flush with his skin; the ones on his wrists and ankles seemed to be sticking to exposed metal surfaces on the bed, explaining his immobility. He looked helplessly down at himself with a rising sense of horror, and began to struggle against the points restraining him; Doctor Marmel frowned and pulled out a small but complex-looking remote, pressing several buttons. "Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry...forgot to deactivate the magnetics."

With quiet popping sounds, the rings detached, and Piper bolted from the table; with his natural agility, he dodged past Marmel before she could even try to stop him, reached the door and yanked it fully open, ignoring his nudity until he'd escaped - but the instant he took a step towards the open door, he felt something strange, almost a sensation of slipping, and found himself falling inexorably to the floor.

For a few moments, Piper was confused, disoriented by the sudden shock, then everything slid into focus - he was lying on his side on the floor, his body! His upper body was facing him, the ring of metal completely covering the stump of his neck; his arms were lying a foot or so away, themselves separated into helpless pieces of flesh and bone, with his legs similarly detached...and his prized mousehood and balls were lying on their side completely severed! Somehow, he could still feel everything, could even move his fingers with the hand lying on its own across the doorway, but he had literally fallen to pieces.

Piper tried to scream, but something was wrong with his voice; though the air rushed out of him, his chest heaving as his head lay facing his dismembered torso, he couldn't produce any sound beyond something like a loud whisper. He rolled his eyes madly, trying to look behind himself, as he heard Marmel laughing; it was a normal, pleasant laugh, like someone you'd watch a comedy with, mismatched with the obviously demented doctor.

Footsteps sounded behind the segmented mouse, and Piper frantically squirmed, some pieces of him managing to move a bit while the rest just twitched uselessly without anything to work against; he quieted, though, when he felt the lioness' hands slip under his head and lift him from the floor, turning him to look up into her deep blue eyes. "Silly mouse...didn't you think I'd build in a failsafe for my prize test subject? I'm not going to slave over a hot capacitor for hours to just let you walk out the door...though your butt did look very cute when you flung the door open like that."

Astonishingly, Piper found himself blushing - he hadn't reacted that way to the doctor forcibly disrobing him or to his sudden horrifying predicament, but something about the undeniably beautiful woman complimenting him so crudely slipped past his defenses and brought a flush to his cheeks. He fought off a sudden rush of vertigo as she lifted his disembodied head higher, pressing her lips gently but undeniably against his own, her broad, slightly rough tongue pressing past them into his mouth; caught between terror and a reluctant arousal, he didn't resist, trying not to moan as her skilled tongue explored him. When she pulled away, he realised that he was trembling, his disembodied shaft stiff as it lay on the floor.

Marmel closed the door, locking it, then carefully put him back together, connecting him piece by piece; She kept his head separate for the moment, though, leaving him sitting on his neck on the bed as he watched her reassemble his nude body. The metal rings closed seamlessly, leaving each part as intact as it began; though he ached to try to flee again, Piper knew that he couldn't escape in that condition.

When his body lay again intact but for the head, Marmel reattached his wrists and ankles to the corners of the bed, then wrapped her fingers around Piper's shaft; the mousecock had started to soften while she reassembled him, but a few strokes from her deft fingers soon had him to full hardness again, and as she continued to stroke him off Piper couldn't keep himself from starting to squirm, his hips trying to rise from the table, though a quick adjustment on that remote had his waist secured to the table as firmly as his limbs.

Marmel rubbed her fingers lightly over the head of Piper's cock, then gently fondled his balls, ignoring the mouse's soft moans for a few moments as she explored the helpless rodent's privates; she then looked up, smiling as she stepped over to the helpless head, and lifted him from his resting spot.

Piper was breathing quickly, trying to hide his arousal, but let out a squeak of surprise as he was picked up. "P-please...stop..." Marmel merely smiled, ruffling his headfur as she brought him back over and forced him to look at his crotch. "Stop? Why ever should I do that? We both know you're enjoying this...quite a bit, I think...come to think of it, as good as your shaft must taste even better."

She leaned in close and gave his cock a lick, running her tongue up the underside of the shaft and forcing a moan from her captive, then pulled away. " do...but, it would be far too rude of me to keep it all to, you have a taste!"

The mouse opened his mouth to say something, anything in protest, but before he could utter a word she'd scooped up his head and pushed his open muzzle down onto his own shaft, the thick, hot meat forcing his jaws wider open; his teeth scraped against it, and he opened his mouth wider at the unpleasant feeling.

Piper was no homophobe; he'd just never considered any possibility of liking men. He'd always enjoyed female company, often attracting some of the more beautiful of his classmates in high school and college, Though some of his friends over the years had been gay, he'd always thought of himself as perfectly straight...yet he now found himself starting to somehow enjoy his unwilling blowjob.

With a soft mew of amusement, Marmel forced his muzzle down on his stiff cock until the tip hit the back of his throat, almost all of the shaft stuffed in his mouth; he started to gag, but she pulled him back, sliding him almost all the way off his shaft before pushing him back on it again; with a mounting sense of humiliation he realised that she was making him fuck his own mouth. Piper tried not to suck on his shaft, to stimulate himself as little as he could, but the feel of his own warm wet mouth on his cock felt wonderful nonetheless, and when she pulled him back completely he blushed to see a drop of precum beading at the tip of his cock.

"Looks like my mousey liked this, didn't he..." Marmel grinned as she lapped up the drop, eliciting a soft moan from the mouse, then replaced his head on his body; his relief at being again whole was short-lived, though, as she quickly removed his arms at the shoulder, leaving him with metal-capped stumps and his legs still spread-eagled on the table, his disembodied parts wiggling uselessly as she scooped them up and dumped them into a large bin. "Naughty mousey - can't have you running away again, but you can't open a door with no hands. I'll have to punish you for that, too, and losing cock privileges sounds like a good start..."

She wrapped a hand around his muzzle to quiet his protest, and curled the fingers of her other around the base of his shaft; with a gently yank, she pulled it free, the obscenely stiff mousedick looking like just a realistic toy in her hands. From his position, Piper could just barely see that his groin was completely neuter, just an expanse of fur with the smooth, dull metal disc where his mousey maleness had been; he was distracted from his strange castration by the sudden feeling of Marmel's strong fingers fondling his balls, and the lioness' mouth enveloping his shaft as she sucked him in for a moment, bobbing her head slightly, then pulled her mouth from the tip.

"Such a lovely mousecock this is, too...too bad I'll have to hang onto it for awhile..." She ran the tip of Piper's shaft down her neck, holding it one-handed as she unbuttoned her coat. The open garment revealed an expanse of short but silky golden fur, the mounds of her magnificent breasts pushed up and together by a black leather bustier and corset that just barely covered her nipples; as she inhaled, Piper caught a glimpse of pink aureoles at the edge of the top. Her bottom half was garbed only in an elaborate harness, a dull metal disc located just in front of her furless sex.

For a moment, Piper couldn't think what she intended to do - was she going to use his sex like a dildo? - but her intentions quickly became clear as she ran his shaft down between her breasts, the feel of her fur on his tip making him writhe to the extent he could, and positioned his cock and balls with the metal discs at the base of his shaft and above her sex touching. There was a soft electrical sound, and she shuddered, then grinned toothily and took her hands away - the mouse cock stayed attached, jutting proudly from her crotch, though he could still feel it as if it were part of him. "I love doing this...full sensory feedback still intact, I hope? I've had problems where doubling the output from one source led to pattern loss..."

She ran a fingertip up the length of the shaft, shivering, and smiled when she saw Piper react as well. " was a bit mean for me to take your lovely dick...maybe I could give it back..."

Marmel climbed up on the bed, unfastening Piper's legs and gripping the cool metal to spread them apart just short of discomfort, the mouse's tail trapped up and behind his back. When she put the tip of her (his?) cock at Piper's tailhole, though, the mouse managed to squirm and whimper enough to keep her from getting a good shot. She frowned and swatted him firmly, her hand catching the curve of his ass and drawing a squeak from the mouse. "Naughty...don't you want your shaft back? Or would you rather I kept it permanently?"

She didn't let him answer, instead pushing his legs up and starting to spank him in earnest, alternating swats on the mouse's slightly plump cheeks with harder spanks downward onto the curve where his thighs joined his rear. The helpless mouse whimpered and jerked at the sharp stings in his tender backside, his rump gaining a rosy tinge as the lioness worked her way around his cute ass. Marmel only allowed the mouse relief from the relentless spanking after his rounded cheeks glowed a warm red beneath the mouse's thin fur. Leaning close to lap the tears from the fur of his cheeks, she let his legs fall to the bed, a yelp emerging from the mouse's lips as his sore rear thumped down on the surface, his back immediately arching to try to keep his rear up.

Marmel grinned at the sight of the cute mouse, armless, helpless, struggling to keep his ass in the air; she ran her fingertips down his chest, stroking the soft fur, then rested her hand on the inside of his thigh, drawing a squeak of protest from Piper. "Poor mousey...I guess I shouldn't leave you with nothing between your legs, it wasn't very fair of me." The hapless mouse started to relax a bit, then tensed and let out a pained squeak as Marmel pulled out a strange device and jammed it up between his legs; there was a high-pitched whine and a moment of searing agony flaring up his torso, then the lioness pulled it away, leaving only a dull throbbing that slowly faded.

Marmel climbed onto the bed, kneeling between Piper's legs, and gently pulled his head up so he could get a better look at what she'd done to him - giving him a perfect view of her generous cleavage, as well. The mouse could not make sense of what he saw for a moment, then realised the truth with a jolt of horror. The disc of metal was still there, unchanged, but below it running between his legs was a shapely, naked slit; the device had turned him into...into a woman! Half of one, at least; from the waist up, he was as male as ever.

He was jolted from his horrified stupor when Marmel brushed her fingers over his new sex, barely managing to hold back a gasp of surprised pleasure as her fingertips trailed over the sensitive skin. The lioness saw his reaction, though, and smiled as she slowly pushed her index finger into him, making him shudder and squeeze his eyes shut. "Y-you...can't...this is impossible...ah!"

Piper bucked, his words lost in a surprised squeak as the lioness pulled her finger slowly back out, curling it to pull the tip of her finger along the top of his new cunt. "That look on your face doesn't seem to think it's impossible...and your beautiful new box down here feels real enough to me. Face it, mousey, you're not any kind of a man anymore."

Blushing, squeezing his eyes shut, Piper tried to ignore the feel of the lioness spreading the lips of his new cunny, nuzzling at it with her breath hot on the small nub of his clit. The first touch of her lips on the mouse's news sex sent a jolt of pleasure up Piper's spine, making him jump and unconsciously spread his legs just a bit wider; Marmel's approving purr rumbled through Piper's cunny, drawing a ragged moan from the mouse, as the doctor began to lap at the sweet little cunt. Her rough tongue drew over Piper's sensitive flower, the mouse moaning helplessly as he felt the unfamiliar sensation of dew beginning to moisten his new sex.

Despite the humiliation, despite the terror of being held captive like this, unable to even clutch at the bed sheets with his arms safely stowed in a closed box, Piper felt a slow wave of heat starting to rise from somewhere inside him. His hips rose from the bed of their own accord as Marmel slid another finger into him, pumping them in his sex even as she trapped his clit between her lips and suckled directly on it; the sensation, so intense it verged on pain, rushed over him then and forced a wordless howl from his lips, his body jerking again and again as his first female climax rushed over him.

When the pleasure drained away and let him think again, Marmel had tied his legs wide apart, the rings at his knees fastened to the bed to keep him from closing his legs at all. His sex was completely exposed, and Piper blushed anew as he felt the wetness of his climax soaking into the soft fur of his inner thighs. A soft clank drew his attention away from his own state of lewd display, and he looked up to see the lioness undoing the last strap of her outfit; in one piece, it slid from her, revealing tawny curves with the play of hard muscle beneath the fur. Her body was flawless, her breasts perfectly formed with small aureolae and her nipples each pierced with a thin silver bar; the fur had been trimmed neatly back around her sex, leaving her lips bare, their pinkness and the stiffness of Piper's own almost painfully-aroused shaft contrasting with the creamy gold of her own fur.

"I think, given the circumstances, that a first-name...mmm...basis is warranted." Marmel - no, Micah - purred softly as she stroked her - Piper's shaft - making the mouse slowly writhe in frustrated pleasure, his cock somehow unable to climax. The mouse tried to squirm away as the lioness positioned herself with the tip of the shaft at his sex, but bound as he was, he couldn't move his hips more than an inch or two. "Micah works fine for me...but for you, can't really be Vernon anymore, with no cock and such a delicious about Vera?"

Piper opened his mouth to protest, but the words were driven out of his mind by Micah's first long, steady thrust, the thick cock stretching his virgin cunt wide. Though the wetness of Piper's arousal kept it from being outright painful, the strange feeling of tight fullness drove all conscious thought from his (her?) mind but a vague sense of gratefulness that the new cunt Micah had provided hadn't come complete with a hymen.

For a few moments, Micah rested with the shaft buried fully in the mouse's cunt, her breasts heaving less than a foot from his face as he luxuriated in the oddly-satisfying feeling of fullness; then, with a maddeningly slow pace, she pulled the shaft from him, leaving him empty - an unexpectedly unpleasant sensation - then paused for a moment, the head resting at the entrance to his cunt, before leaning forward to kiss him furiously as she pounded in again, not giving him time to loosen up as she started thrusting into the helpless mouse.

His squeals and moans of pleasure muffled by the lioness' muzzle, Piper writhed beneath her. The combination of pleasure at once and the same time from his new cunt and the feelings of his cock ploughing into that hot tightness had him lost in helpless ecstasy after only a few thrusts, but somehow he couldn't climax; though the female cunt spasmed around the hard cock time and again, ripples of pleasure running through him, the mousecock stayed stiff as ever, each movement making the mouse groan in frustration as he was caught on both sides, effectively fucking himself, but at the pace the lioness chose.

Micah, her eyes half-closed in pleasure, pushed her tongue into Piper's mouth, the slightly sweet taste of her heightening the mouse's pleasure; she toyed with him for a few moments, her fingers stroking his nipples as her tongue danced over the inside of his muzzle, then pulled away and pulled his head from the bed, pressing his mouth to her breast. "Suck, Vera...drink up like a sweet little cub..."

With little choice in the matter, Piper - starting to think of himself as Vera, now - closed his eyes and suckled at the lioness' breast, the metal bar through her nipple cool at first but warming quickly at the lavishing of his tongue, a few drops of sweet milk surprising him when they were coaxed from her stiff nipple by his skilled tongue. The lioness purred in pleasure, arching her back and pushing his mouth firmly against her breasts, the rhythm of her thrusts into him quickening their pace.

The mouse squirmed beneath the lioness, feeling both sides of the leisurely, thorough fucking; for someone usually on the other end, Micah knew surprisingly well how to thrust in so the mousecock rubbed over sensitive spots inside the Piper, or pull out angled just right to press against the mouse's clit before thrusting eagerly in again. Piper soon lost count of the number of small climaxes he'd enjoyed, bucking the little he could fastened to the bed as he was, but behind it all was that ever-present frustration, the mounting pressure from his cock. Squeezed by the tight, velvety mouse cunt, but somehow stopped from either climaxing or cumming, Micah built up to frantic, hard thrusts that left Piper's hips sore and slapped the mouse's balls against her thighs each time the lioness hilted in her captive.

With a yowl, the sound building towards a hint of a roar, Micah pulled Piper's mouth from her nipple, her fingers yanking at his hair as she forced him to look up at her, her face flushed with pleasure and effort. " name, my little...mousey...bitch?"

Piper moaned, his voice thick with lust as he trembled beneath the muscular lioness, but still unwilling to give up his manhood, in spirit if not in actuality. "V-vern....I'm vernonaagh!" Micah growled at the defiance and dragged her claws down the mouse's chest, not cutting through the skin but leaving painful scratches underneath the soft fur; as Piper looked down at himself in reluctantly pleasure-fogged horror, his chest bulged out, the nipples thickening as a feeling of weight grew, the lioness' thrusting now making his distorted front bounce with each harsh movement. As Micah pinched Piper's nipple hard between the tips of her claws, the sensitive nub throbbing and making the mouse redouble his writhing, Piper realised that he had grown breasts - a respectable B-cup, with prominent nipples - and his last claim to maleness was well and truly gone.

With that, something shifted inside of the helpless, armless mouse. With a building sense of pleasure, something hot rising deep inside of her, she bucked against Micah and howled out in release, "Vera...I'm...VERAAA!". Writhing against her, the lioness roared, the aching mouse cock shooting its seed deep within Vera's tender cunny, pulling both furs into a massive double climax. They pressed as hard against each other as they could, the lioness' body crushing the mouse's slender form against the bed, until the waves of pleasure slowly receded. Micah finally, relucantly withdrew from Vera, the half-limp cock slipping from the mouse's well-used cunt, and stood (a bit wobbily) on the floor; grinning, she leaned down and lapped some of mingled cum and juices from Vera's cunny, drawing a tired moan from the mouse.

"Such a good little bitch you are, Vera." Micah smiled and lapped again, forcing the mouse to squirm and squeak softly in protest, her cunt oversensitive for the moment from the rough treatment. "Unfortunately, I can't keep you here permanently...I wouldn't want to, either, really. But...I think you should definitely come in for a follow-up checkup..." She pressed a button on the control, and Vera was suddenly free, released from the bed, if still rather helpless without her arms.

Vera managed to gain her feet, but almost fell backwards, her legs still weak from the intense sensations; to her surprise, Micah caught her gently, supporting her and helping her across the room, though the lioness did take advantage of the position to fondle the mouse's sensitive breasts, the slick, hot length of the mousecock nestled between Vera's asscheeks. Together, the two of them made it to the bin where Vera's arms were imprisoned, and to the mouse's surprise Micah replaced the arms at her shoulders; the mouse looked at her quizzically, and the lioness grinned, baring sharp teeth.

"You wouldn't be able to get home without arms, my little bitch...but for the time being, at least, I think I'll keep this." She stroked the thick mousecock, shivering slightly; with wide eyes, Vera trembled as well, realizing that she still felt everything as if the member was still attached. "Of course, you'll have to make some preparations to keep people from figuring out you're half the man you used to be...but those nice new breasts are small enough to bind, if you're careful, and as long as you're careful in the bathroom your secret should be safe."

Micah scooped clothes from the bin Vera's arms had been in and tossed them to the mouse; with a start, Vera saw that they were the same ones she had been wearing when she first came to the doctor's office, unaware of what awaited her. She was really going home...albeit...changed.

"Of course, I'll expect you back here first thing Saturday morning...we should have an interesting weekend, my little mouse bitch." Micah grinned, then her expression hardened slightly. "And I hope that you wouldn't, but just in case...if you try to go to the police, or decide not to show up for the weekend..." She squeezed the mouse's balls firmly, and Vera fell to her knees, squirming in pain; Micah herself stood over the mouse and grabbed her by the hair, obviously not feeling any of the stabbing pain in the mouse's balls. "No matter where you are, how far will always feel this. Even if you decide to run away and live like a woman, I will still be able to hurt you with this...and I will hurt you if you try to leave."

Half an hour later, Vera stumbled into her apartment, sinking into a comfortable chair and staring at her surroundings - familiar, yet new and strange with the change in her situation. It was Monday night - such a short time for so total a shift in her life. She would have to go to work the next day...and three days after that...and then was the weekend, and Micah. For a moment Vera entertained thoughts of running away, trying to escape, trying to ambush Micah and steal back her cock directly...but only for a moment. It was just too risky...and as much as she hated to admit it...that moment, when she and Micah had come together, cunt and cock acting together to drive that weird double orgasm, had been the single most intense pleasure of her life. She wasn't sure about the rest of it...but that, at least, she wanted to experience again, and with Micah, she had a feeling it was only a matter of time.


Gym Part 2: Workout

This story is copyright to me (Merle), and the characters are trademark to the same; feel free to use them in your own stories or artwork, however, I would just appreciate a heads-up if you do so. Just so you can't say I didn't tell you so: THIS...

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Gym: Warm-Up

This story is copyright to me (Merle), and the characters are trademark to the same; feel free to use them in your own stories or artwork, however, I would just appreciate a heads-up if you do so. Just so you can't say I didn't tell you so: THIS...

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