Giving Back

Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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Here's the second part of

M/M gay sex between an anthro dragon and anthro wolf ahead!

Again, urban fiction is not my cup of tea, and I'm kind of meh-ish about how this went, but oh well!

All done, now back to focusing on my main series~

Giving Back

How long had it been? Almost five years? He was ready.

Ryan had managed to keep David a secret from his gang for quite a while. He had managed to train the small dragon into an excellent rogue, his size helping greatly, but the wolf was tired. He was tired of everything, from the foolish upstarts that tried to kill him in his own gang to all the attempted assassinations and shootouts. The last failed assassination had driven him to take that last plunge to change.

Someone had apparently learned that he had a soft spot for the dragon. And he did. Ever since the night he stole his virginity, Ryan couldn't bear to even think about touching him that way again. He couldn't send him away either. The image of his mother always stopped him.

But he had trained him well when he was kept in secrecy. When Ryan had first introduced the little black dragon to the gang, he swore that he was an expert thief. David didn't disappoint: while the other wolves in his gang had snarled at his introduction, Ryan had shut off the light for barely five seconds. When the light came back on again, David had disappeared. When Ryan had told him to come out again, he held no less than four of the wolves' cell phones.

That quelled most of the disapproval, but the peace didn't last. The last assassination had been an attempt on David. The dragon was able to evade his attacker and flee, though he had a knife cut in his soft wing membrane that, luckily, healed easily enough. After the attack, however, Ryan decided it was time to leave everything: his operations, his pack, and his troubles, but he would take David with him.

When the dragon had told him about what his mother said to him before she tossed him away, Ryan felt a need to protect him. To help him. It shouldn't have been any of his concern, he kept trying to say to himself, but he never could muster the will to send the poor dragon away. He never would. He promised he would help him, he promised on his beautiful mother's soul, and he wouldn't fail.

Tonight granted him the opportunity to escape from his violent life, and he would be able to take the dragon with him. He had managed to land one of the largest pot deals he had ever done, and if everything went right, he would have two hundred grand, pure cash, to find a new life outside the city. He'd give David half and let him have the opportunity to find his own life, but a part of him didn't want to see him leave. David had become dear to his heart, but he was sure the dragon could never forgive him for that first night, and he didn't expect him to.

It was one good deed he wanted to do. He didn't care if it didn't redeem him in the eyes of whatever gods existed, and if he would burn in hell for his sins then at least he would suffer knowing he did good for one person he cared about.

The plan was simple. At midnight, his beta and a group of his wolves would trade their stash for the money. He would wait in his car while they dealt with the pot distributors. It would take place down in an old abandoned warehouse that was surrounded by closed warehouses, and the way back to the car would be lightless. He would have to be ready to floor the gas in case the deal went awry.

Except the deal would go awry, he knew. He trusted David to be skilled enough now, after so many years of training, to nab the money from his gang, and then he'd have to gun it out of there as soon as he got back in the car. He didn't tell him why he wanted him to do it, however, only to trust him. Trust was a difficult thing to give in an environment like this, and though David didn't appear to like him much, he had been the only person that had ever bothered to help him.

It was an agonizingly long wait. He sat in the car, staring out the window down the black empty corridor waiting for any sign of noise or movement. It had been an hour past midnight and there was nothing that indicated anything had gone wrong: no gunshots, no cell calls, nothing.

Then he heard the howling. It was full of rage and anger, and he knew tonight would be the night he escaped or died: once his gang found out what he tried to pull, they'd hunt him down, and there was no way he could get out of the city without that cash. He opened the passenger door and waited some more, the howls growing louder as he turned the engine on.

After the old car coughed to life, Ryan looked back down the passenger door, but he was surprised to find that the black dragon had already fumbled in and tossed the briefcase of cash into the back. He was surprised, but not startled since, after all, he had taught the dragon well. Before David could even shut the door, Ryan hit the gas and drove off into the streets.

Once they got onto the freeway, Ryan let out a sigh of relief. It was done. They were free. He looked over to his passenger to make sure he hadn't been hurt during the whole event.

David was older now, but the black dragon hadn't grown a single bit. His dark head hair had grown a little further down the back of his neck since nobody cut it, but otherwise he still looked exactly like he did the night he...hurt him.

Ryan sighed again. The guilt never went away. He shouldn't have done it, but he had convinced himself otherwise. It was a regret that he hoped this act of redemption could clear.

He pulled off the freeway a couple exits later. Neither the dragon nor the wolf spoke a word to each other until they stopped at a gas station. It was a better part of the city, but the recession had made very few places away from the skyscrapers a pleasant place to be.

Ryan took the briefcase over and opened it. The green cash looked back at him, and he smiled.

"What are we doing with this?" David asked. "You wouldn't tell me before, can you tell me now?"

"We're going away, far away. Out of this city. Maybe even out of this state."

"And then what?"

"And then we'll be free. Look, I'll tell you the rest of my plan later, we're still not out of the woods yet."

Ryan flipped through the stacks of hundreds and was happy to find a roll of twenties. Things might've gotten difficult if he tried to pay with a hundred.

There was never enough money to keep gas in his car, definitely never enough to drive out of the city, but now it wouldn't be a problem. After taking a twenty, he put the briefcase back on the rear seat and got out of the car. He went up to the cashier window, barred and shielded with bulletproof glass, and knocked on it to wake up the sleeping attendant.

"Huh, what?" The scruffy coyote gave a quick look at Ryan and continued, "Hey, look man, cash register's only got forty bucks max at night. I've got a button that'll call the cops faster than you can break through these steel bars, so go look for an easier target, okay?"

The wolf frowned at him, but he didn't want to antagonize the coyote. "I just want some gas. Here's a twenty."

Ryan slipped the bill under the little slot in the glass, and the coyote stared at it as if it were a most peculiar thing. The attendant picked it up, raised it to the light, and checked its authenticity. After scanning the thing for what seemed like minutes, he put it down and checked it into the register. "Well alright then," he said. "Go ahead and pump."

"Thanks," Ryan half-frustratingly said before turning around. As much as he hated to admit it, the attendant was right about the kind of person he was. But that would change. That would change as soon as they got out of the city.

One hundred grand would be enough to last him a few years, more if he stretched it. He had given it some thought, but he still wasn't sure what he'd do once he was gone. Maybe he'd just get a lame cubicle job, but it was better than what he had. He didn't want the kill or be killed mentality anymore, and anything he could find would be better.

Once the car was fueled up, he got back in the car and started driving again.

"We're almost out," Ryan said once they were back on the freeway.

The small dragon looked at him, glanced at the briefcase, and then looked back at him. "Why are you doing this?" he asked.

"Why am I doing what? I don't like this life anymore, that's why."

"But why are you helping me?"

The wolf wasn't prepared to answer that question. Not yet, anyhow. "Ask again in the morning."

"I don't get it. These past few years you've kept me safe, I know you have. You taught me how to stay alive. You could've just killed me, but you didn't. Now I know how big the operations were down where I was, and if I hadn't run into you, I would've gotten on the bad side of some other gang. I would've been slaughtered. It was a miracle I lived as long as I did on the streets alone, Ryan, and even though you took advantage of me that night, you've kept me safe since. Why?"

Ryan sighed. He wasn't ready to explain. "Before we leave the city, there's one stop I need to make. Rest, and when you wake up in the morning I promise I'll tell you."

"Fine." The dragon set his seat down and shut his eyes. David knew the wolf was hiding something, but he could never have him tell it. Ryan had often asked him about his parents though, and every time he told the wolf about them it seemed to bother him even more than it did to himself.

David's parents had hated him since he was born, after all, and to him it wasn't extraordinarily out of mind for them to have kicked him out the day he turned eighteen. He should've expected it too, but he had always held onto the hope that they had some sort of affection for him, however small. Whatever might've been there, however, had been crushed by draconic social conservatism: dragons didn't look kindly on homosexuals, and his parents were no exception. He hadn't been very smart, strong, or good at anything, but the revelation of his sexual orientation had quashed any paternal love that might've existed.

And that bothered Ryan. It irked him to no end. Practically everyone he had met in his gang and others were there because they defied their parents. They rebelled against them, but he was sure very few of their parents hated them before. His own mother loved him dearly, and it was because of her that he couldn't keep doing what he was doing without a heavy heart.

When Ryan looked over, he saw the dragon had gone to sleep. He needed some shut eye too, so he drove a little faster towards the place he needed to stop before they left. After twenty minutes, he looked back through his side window and saw the sprawling skyscrapers had gone far away, and they were now at the edge of the massive city. He took the off-ramp to a street whose name he remembered, even so long after he had been gone, and drove until he found a good place to park and sleep.

When Ryan woke up, he noted that the sun was still well before the noon position, but David was still snoozing. He watched the dragon's chest plates expand as he breathed, and he smiled, happy that he was safe. He turned the car on and started driving again, his spirit lifted.

He drove down the familiar street until he turned into a cemetery. When he was still a kid, he remembered he'd have to pass by it everyday when his mom drove him back and forth to school. Now his mom rested in it.

Ryan got out of the car once he had it parked on the road in her row and softly shut the door so he wouldn't wake David. He looked for the plot where his mother had been buried since his memory of its exact location wasn't as clear as he thought it should've been. The last time he had been able to visit, after all, was many years ago. After he had paid his respects that last time and found out his father had been imprisoned for life because of what he did, he remembered how he had gotten on the bus and stayed on until the end of the line. He didn't know it then, but the bus had taken him to the lowest shithole in the city.

He thought about what a broken system it was while he was looking for her tombstone. He had been eighteen back then when his father went mad, and he had just gotten home from the local community college. He had no family after, and he couldn't be put up for adoption since he was already considered an adult. He had to live, but there was nobody to help him. He had just been a lost kid wandering wherever until the gang took him in. In fact, he was sort of like David, but it was just a lucky thing that he was a strong looking wolf. That was why he was accepted. The small dragon would've been slaughtered once he pissed someone off and put himself on the radar.

He remembered the day of his mother's funeral. He had sat by himself alone, and there were a few friends of his mother's that attended. They had tried to offer some help to him, but he was too angry to think clearly, too full of rage and sorrow to accept. Instead, he had chosen to live by himself, avoiding his home because it hurt too much to see. He had wandered the area until the stores had told him his credit card had maxed out and the news of his father's imprisonment had been printed in the newspaper. With nothing left in this part of the city, he had used the last dollar in his wallet to go anywhere else.

At last, Ryan found the tombstone that had been planted that day of the funeral. He looked down and ran his paw over it, sweeping off the dust and debris that had gathered over the words.

"Charity Mills," it said. "Loving mother and wife."

He remembered he had been so angry the first time he saw the last part. He was able to soothe it with sketchy reasoning, but it had never fully gone away.

She had been a loving wife. His father had been a loving husband too. He remembered how happy they were together when he was little, and how they always cuddled together, his father's black fur matching with his mother's white like yin and yang.

Then his father's business failed. He drank more and more, falling into despair as his life's work died. Like his business, he couldn't adapt. The atmosphere of the house grew more and more tense everyday, but he had never thought his father capable of doing what he had done.

It had started with such a minor issue too. His father had started throwing things across the room after there was no beer left in the fridge, and then he had stumbled around until he found his gun. He had started shooting, randomly at first, but then he went hunting for his mother and him.

She had yelled at him, telling him to run. He was scared, a stupid scared kid back then, and he listened. And left her to die.

It was difficult to sleep sometimes. Ryan was often plagued with thoughts about what he could've done differently. If anything, he felt like he should've protected her. Maybe protecting David was his way to make up for it.

But that wasn't the only reason Ryan thought he had failed his mother. He had become a killer, like his father, and he knew he had let her down for going down such a path.

He knelt down and placed a paw on the patch of grass in front of her tombstone, his eyes close to bursting with pressure. "I'll change. From today, I promise. If I have to live on cup noodles while flipping burgers for the rest of my life, then so be it. But I won't hurt anyone again, even if they deserve it."

A tear fell, but then he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head and saw David. He managed to form a weak smile as he thought about how the dragon still didn't look very tall even from his kneeling perspective.

"Who?" David asked.

"My mom."

"Oh." The dragon didn't dare to say anything else, but Ryan stayed quiet too. After a few moments, he kneeled down and wrapped his arms, and part of his wing, around the wolf. "I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about. My father killed her. She blocked the way so I could escape. She loved me, David. She loved me, and I repaid her by becoming the equivalent of a mafia tyrant." The wolf buried his head under David's and let loose the water he held back behind his eyes. "But not anymore. We have the money to get out of here and start a new life now."

The dragon hugged him tighter, his sadness starting to ebb onto him. "I-I don't know what to say. Why me, though? It's morning, and I think I know, but tell me. Why are you helping me?"

"It tore my heart when you told me about your parents. They're alive, but they hate you. It's not right. I guess, I suppose it's my way of atoning for what I did to you."

David understood then. That was why the wolf could never look at him for any amount of time without looking sad. He held onto him and started crying too. "Your mother loved you, but she's dead. It's not right."

They stayed there for a while, their tears dotting the grass Ryan's mother rested under. The wolf was truly comforted by the dragon's presence, and there was a deeper connection that he didn't want to lose. "Listen," Ryan said. "The money in the back? I'm letting you have half of it." He mentally cursed at himself. He was starting to love the dragon, but there was no way he could say it, no way he could ask him to stay. Giving him the money was the least he could do.

"A-are you sure?"

"Yes. Take it and make a better life for yourself."

"I - thank you, Ryan."


They had driven for days. They had crossed many states before deciding to slow down and look around the suburbs of another large city, and they had found a nice apartment with low rent. The landlord had been skeptical when he met the scruffy pair, but his leonine eyes became terribly friendly when they had presented the first three month's rent in cash.

The apartment was lightly furnished, well enough for one wolf. Once David finished helping Ryan move some stuff, however, the wolf found himself unprepared to send him away. Ryan had transferred half the cash into another briefcase, and by evening he called him to the living room.

The days David had spent in the car riding cross-country with the wolf had opened his eyes. He realized how deeply Ryan had been hurt, and he saw the good that was in him. He had opened up more of his past to him while he was driving too, and knowing what an innocent person he was before his father went insane only made him feel more empathetic. He had grown into far more than the violent monster that stole his virginity. He hadn't so much as touched him after that first time, and David was sure he had horribly regretted what he had done.

The dragon was starting to feel affection for Ryan as well. He had protected him all the past few years and undoubtedly saved his life. But could he forgive him? Did the wolf feel the same about him?

He came out to the living room and found Ryan standing by door, a table with a briefcase right next to him.

"David," the wolf said as he presented the briefcase to him, "here's the money as I promised."

He tried hard to hold back tears. "Ryan. You've done so much for me, I - I just want you to know that, well, I appreciate everything."

The wolf pulled him into a hug, and David wrapped his wings around him as much as he could while he buried his head against his furred chest. He was surprised to hear that the wolf started sniffling first.

"David," he whimpered, "I know I shouldn't be pushing this, but I want to let you know. I think, well, I know I'm falling in love with you. I don't want you to leave, but I can't make you stay. I know what I did to you can't be forgiven, but I just wanted to let you know that someone in this world loves you, even if you can't love him back."

David looked up at his furry protector and started tearing up. "Ryan," he said, "I do. I forgive you. I love you too, and I want to stay."

The wolf was surprised, but he was happy. He pulled his head back and looked down into the dragon's watery eyes. "You mean it?"


The wolf closed his eyes and started leaning his head towards the dragon's, and David did not resist. The tips of their snouts met, and they shared a passionate kiss.

When they finished, they pulled their heads apart but stayed embraced. David watched the wolf's eyes. He noticed that Ryan still couldn't look at him for any length of time without averting them away. "Ryan," he said, "you don't have to feel guilty when you look at me. I forgive you, I mean it."

The wolf sniffled, and a drop of water fell onto the dragon's arm. "I know, but it still hurts. What I did was wrong. Even if you've forgiven me, I don't think I've forgiven myself."

David shook his head. "You don't have to feel that way. If you really love me, Ryan, then show me. Pretend like that night didn't happen."

The wolf stifled another tear and asked, "What do you mean?"

"You're uncomfortable looking at me. Take me, Ryan, this time as a mate. I can't stand seeing how full of guilt you are every time you look at me."

"I don't know if I could do that to you again, no matter how much we love each other."

The dragon shook his head again. "Ryan. You're the only person that's ever cared about me. I forgive you. Now forgive yourself. Will you be my mate?"

The wolf hugged him tighter, black scale rubbing against black fur. "I, I will."

David slowly pulled the wolf to the bedroom which had been, thankfully, already furnished with a king-sized bed. When his tail touched the edge of the bed, he reached his arms up and pulled Ryan's head down to lock him into another kiss. Their mouths stayed pressed against each other's while the dragon took one arm down and pulled down his shorts. He worked the wolf's jean's button after, and it fell when he pulled down the zipper. Once both their shorts were off, David let himself drop onto the bed, pulling the strapping male canine down on top of him.

Ryan didn't let go of the kiss until his body was safely on top of the much smaller dragon's. He pulled off his shirt and felt the front of his boxers tighten, but first he dealt with the dragon's underwear.

He snaked his body down, letting his fur glide along the dragon's scales, until his head was hovering over David's crotch. His paws reached under the elastic band of the dragon's boxers, but he hesitated. He looked up and asked, "Are you sure?"

"I am. It hurt you as much as it hurt me, didn't it?"

"I - it did."

"You're a good person inside, Ryan. I know. I trust you, but if you'd rather not, then okay. I just don't like how you can't stand to look at me, and I think this will heal both of us."

"Alright," the wolf replied, "but tell me if it hurts, okay? I don't want to hurt you again."


Ryan pulled down the dragon's boxers and tossed them aside, revealing David's already half-erect cock. Beneath the opened sheath was a firm pair of balls, shielded under the special scales that made up his sack.

The wolf stuck out his rough tongue and licked the shaft, encouraged by the dragon's moans, and lightly fondled his balls with a paw. When he felt the dragon's cock harden to full stiffness, he engulfed it into his maw and suckled on it, washing the entire length with his swirling tongue.

"Ungh, slow down," he heard the dragon say. "Don't forget about yourself."

Ryan released the rock hard length from his mouth, but gave a hard lick that dug into the ridges before he lifted his head away. "Sorry," he said, "you taste good."

"Mm, thanks."

Ryan spat onto his paw and rubbed the saliva all along his hard shaft. The wolf crawled his body back up the bed after, his fur brushing along the dragon's belly along the way, until his head was at the same level as the dragon's. It was a somewhat awkward position for him since David was so much shorter than he was, but he was able to arch his back up to line his hips up with the dragon's rump. "Are you ready?" he whispered.

David lifted his legs up, granting the wolf access to his tail hole. "I am."

He repeated the question he had asked to make sure the dragon was comfortable. "Tell me if it hurts, okay?"

"I will, don't worry."

The wolf moved his hips forward, and he felt a tight warm ring hug around his prodding flesh. It was easier to enter this time because of the lubrication and the fact that the dragon was relaxed. The realization only hit him fully now: the dragon wanted him as a lover, a mate. After all the one-night stands he had done before, this was an idea that warmed his heart, and he wanted nothing else but to please his mate.

Ryan pushed forward and stopped halfway to let the dragon adjust to his size, though he did wiggle his hips slightly to keep a motion flowing. The dragon moaned at the treatment, and he brushed the bottom of his muzzle on top of the dragon's snout, the tip of his nose tickling the dragon's dark head hair. "You're adorable when you moan like that."

"You're a sexy wolf, you."

"I'm your sexy wolf."

"It feels good, go on."

The powerful male canine treated the small dragon with a most delicate touch, and he inched his cock into him at a snail's pace. But it was a sensual pace, and before long the wolf's arms grew tired of keeping him in that bending position, so he had to move up and move his head away from touching his mate's.

The dragon didn't mind, however. The wolf's chest pressed down onto his muzzle, and he dropped his head onto its side so he could breathe, but the warm fur felt soft like a pillow pressed against his cheek. David could hear his mate's heart beat under the fur, inside his chest, and he could feel the beats in time with the shaft that was pulsing inside him. Many countless beats later, he felt the rest of the wolf's waist lying along his rear, his balls being tickled by his thin pubic fur while the canine's balls rested at the base of his tail, throbbing and waiting to fill him with their contents.

"Are you okay?" he heard Ryan ask.

"I'm okay, don't worry. You feel good."

The wolf grunted in acknowledgement. He left himself hilted inside the dragon for a while to let the muscles stretch and loosen, patiently waiting while enjoying the dragon's tail. This was for him, his mate, and he wasn't here to just please himself like last time.

Many breaths later, he moved his hips back, sliding his long cock out of the dragon's ass. When he gently thrust back in, he found the passage very accommodating, and David's moans were clearly only from pleasure. Satisfied that he wasn't hurting the dragon, he allowed himself to thrust faster. The dragon grunted every time he hilted inside, but it was a pleasurable sound that only encouraged him to go faster.

David could feel the pressure in his loins rise as the wolf made love with him, and the pressure would sharply rise every time that hot flesh rubbed against his prostate. His balls would tingle too whenever the wolf's waist slapped against them, and they sent little pangs of pleasure to his brain. He wrapped his arms around the wolf's back and pulled him closer so he could feel more of his warmth. He tilted his head a little so his horn wouldn't hurt his furred chest, and he could hear his heart beating faster and faster. The smell of male became stronger too, and he couldn't hold back anymore. "Ryan," he said, "I'm gonna, I'm gonna cum!"

He wrapped his wings around the wolf as much as he could and held onto him as pleasure coursed through his veins. He felt his mate slow his thrusts, but it wasn't meant to stop him, only to make the act more sensual and less feral. He felt his balls tense up, retreating from the wolf's fur, and then a spike of pleasure shot up from the base of his tail and traveled to the tip of his cock. He felt his thick ridged flesh twitch, and then it filled with liquid. He moaned louder than ever as he shot out his seed, the first powerful shots spraying onto his mate's belly fur, and the last weaker shots onto his waist. As his breathing relaxed, he felt the final weak pulses dribble out the last of his seed around his shaft, and the wolf had slowed back down the initial pace he had started at.

And then David felt it again. The canine's knot had formed, and his thrusts had become shallower. The wolf had lifted his head and chest up and was moving slowly, and he could tell he was reluctant about burying it into him. "Tie me," he said.

"No," the wolf replied, "it'll hurt too much. I can get off like this."

"I can handle it."

"I won't hurt you."

"You won't, I swear."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. Take me as your mate, Ryan."

"Okay." The wolf gave one more thrust, and then David felt the hard bulbous flesh against his rear again. He tried to relax as much as he could, and he felt the wolf move as slowly as possible. His eyes clenched shut as it started to hurt, but he didn't want the wolf to stop. He wanted him, all of him, and he kept himself from grunting in pain.

Before he knew it, he felt the large pair of balls the wolf possessed rest against his tail base again. Both the pressure and pain went away as soon as the knot entered him, and he sighed in pleasure. "It feels good," he said, reassuring the wolf.

"I'm glad." Ryan was close, very close since the dragon's muscles had treated him very well when he came, and he gave a few more short jabbing thrusts, his balls making lewd sounds as they hammered against the bottom of his ass.

David felt the thrusts and moaned again. The wolf's chest dropped on top of him again, and he could hear a light rumbling coming from inside him as he hummed in pleasure. The wolf's cum soaked fur spread onto his belly scales as he humped into him. After a few more thrusts, he felt the flesh inside him expand, and then the wolf let out a subdued howl.

Warmth filled his insides as Ryan's shaft throbbed and pulsed, his bulging knot expanding even more than before. It was a good warmth this time, and he clenched his muscles so that none of it would spill out. The dragon smiled as he thought about how his seed covered their bodies while his mate's coated his insides.

When the wolf cock inside him finally stopped twitching, he felt a pair of muscular furry arms wrap around him, sliding between his back and the bed. The arms turned him onto his side, and the wolf fell over too, their bodies locked by the tie and the wolf's arms. The wolf arched his back again so that his head was level with the dragon's.

They didn't speak for a while. Instead, they just looked at each other's eyes. After a quiet minute, Ryan leaned his head forward and kissed the dragon. They stayed like that for another minute, and then they started caressing each other's faces while keeping their mouths locked together and their eyes shut.

But then David stopped. He felt water on the wolf's cheek, and he opened his eyes and pulled his head slightly back.

Ryan's eyes also opened slightly when he pulled away, but it only made it harder for him to hold back his tears. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry."

"Shh," David whispered, "I'll say it every day if I have to. I forgive you. And I love you."

The wolf sniffed. "I love you too."

Tied together, they stayed on the bed. Before long, Ryan fell asleep, leaving David alone, listening to his mate's light breathing. Here he was in his dream, lying on that king-sized bed in his own home, sleeping in the arms of someone who loved him, and he wanted nothing more.

Charity's Grace

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The Queen's Lament

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Lord of Minos

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