Charity's Grace

Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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*Second part here

Here's a quick one-shot that ended up taking way longer than it should have to write. Modern time fiction is not my usual cup of tea.

Basically, an anthro wolf rapes an anthro dragon, but he tries to make up for it in the end.

Warning, M/M rape ahead.

Charity's Grace

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David was running as hard as he could.

The wolf had seemed like an easy target, but he had turned out to be faster than he looked, both mentally and physically.

The wolf was tall, usually meaning that he was slower than smaller wolves, and his fur was black like onyx. David had just been in the convenience store looking to spend the hard-earned dollar he had made from collecting the recycling value of soda cans he had rescued from the garbage dump, but he had seen an opportunity with the wolf that he rarely refused to indulge in.

The wolf had been paying for some chips and a bottle of soda, and he had set his wallet down on the counter to fish for coins from his pocket. David didn't even hesitate to nab the wallet and run.

Now he wished he had.

It wasn't the first time he had stolen, not at all. David had been thrown out of his home the day he turned eighteen, the minimum legal age his parents could do so. He had always been a disappointment to his parents since he was the runt of his siblings. He easily stood a foot shorter than his brothers, maybe a head shorter than his sisters, and he was never physically strong. He was exactly the opposite of what one would think of a dragon: he was short, weak, and even his wings were stunted from birth. He couldn't fly with them, and gliding was a weak substitute. His very existence brought shame to his parents, and the only time he had seen them happy in his presence was the day they booted him out the door.

On the plus side, he was blessed with black scales that melded quite well into the night; almost as well as the fur on the wolf that was chasing him. The only other things he liked about his body were his horns; they were well-curved, quite thick, and colored a smooth dark brown, though they were proportioned well with his lithe body.

He had to lose the wolf somehow. Despite his size, he had given him quite the chase, and he had spotted his missing wallet almost immediately after it was taken, so David had less than a second head-start after misjudging the wolf's awareness. There was no way he could lose him by foot, so he had to find a way into one of the buildings that lined the city, a veritable modern urban jungle that had apartments and skyscrapers all throughout. He was in a poor part of town, however, and most of the buildings were run-down and only one story tall. They were all closed and locked up in the moonless night, aside from some that operated for more seedy business. Up ahead of him was a block of apartments, and if he could get to the top of one then he could glide safely away from the wolf.

The dragon's tail sprouted out from a hole in his cargo shorts as he ran, and his wings flopped freely behind his shirtless back, a sight not uncommon since it was socially acceptable for dragons to not wear shirts because they were terribly inconvenient to work around their wings. He avoided the streetlamps in a vain attempt to lose the wolf even though he knew he could just as easily smell his scent.

When he reached the apartment block, he started running through the alleys, trying to open the side doors to get inside, but there were none that were unlocked. He didn't slow down, however, and kept his pace even while turning the doorknobs along his way using his free hand, the other holding onto the stolen wallet.

But then he screwed up. He ran into another alley, and it ended up being a dead-end. He turned around from the brick wall, barely illuminated by a light over the garbage collector, and he knew he was caught. He couldn't see the wolf, but he could hear his growling, and a shiver ran up his spine. He'd have to run past him to get away since there was no way he could win a fight.

Fueled by terror, he jolted forward as fast as he could. But the wolf was too big and too fast, and he felt a paw grip him by the throat before he toppled and crashed onto the ground, the wallet flying out of his hands. Before he could even tell what was happening, he felt the wolf's paws grab his arm and latch them together. There was a click, and when he tried to pry his hands apart they were stuck, and he could feel cold metal digging into his wrist. He'd been handcuffed in nearly in an instant!

He tried to struggle and get away, but the wolf had pinned him down with his body, and there was no way he could fight off someone a foot taller than himself. Still, he tried to wriggle and butter himself free, but then his body froze when he felt cold steel press against his head. He didn't need to guess at what it was when he heard the click.

"No, wait!" David screamed, "I'll give you back the wallet! Please, don't shoot me!"

"Shut up!" the wolf shouted back. He hit his head with the grip of the pistol, eliciting a scream of pain from the dragon, and shouted again, "Who are you working for? The Blood Fangs? Acid Snakes? Cop Snuffers? Black Bullets?"

"Please," the dragon said, his voice starting to break into sobs. "I don't work for anyone! I just needed the money for food."

The wolf hit him with his gun again. "Bullshit! What the fuck does your boss think he can do with my fake IDs and credit cards, huh?"

And then it hit him. He had just tried to steal from a gang leader, an alpha wolf of his pack. No wonder the wolf was so swift and alert. "I just wanted the cash, please, take it back and let me go, I won't bother you again!"

The wolf looked down at the pitiful dragon. He couldn't see much, so he put his gun away and picked him up, grabbing his scruffy dark hair and pulling his arms, and then he tossed him against the garbage collector so the light could give him a better look.

"Fuck," the black wolf said, "there's no way anyone would take a runt like you."

"I...I just needed the cash," the dragon replied, tears starting to fall down from his eyes.

Damn, the wolf thought, the little dragon really was just trying to steal his money. Even though he wasn't part of a rival gang, he still couldn't just let the little thief off scot-free. Still, the dragon was crying like a cub, and that combined with his childish size almost made him want to let him go.

But the black dragon's size also made him look rather cute too, and the size difference made him want things to him. Like dominate his little ass. In more ways than one.

And then he thought up of an idea, one that would satisfy him and help the pitiful dragon. He mentally laughed at himself: he was being far too generous for his own good. "Tell you what," he said, "I'll let you work for the money."

David rubbed his eyes and sniffed. "R-really?"

"Yeah, really. Just do as I say and you can have all the cash in my wallet."

"What do you want?"

"Stay put and don't struggle."

The wolf started stepping forward, and then David saw him from the front when he walked into the light. He was wearing black jeans that blended with his fur, and his top was covered with a dark navy blue short-sleeved shirt. His eyes stared at him, and he felt mildly uncomfortable with how they shifted about as if they were scanning his body. But he couldn't look away from the wolf's body either. His shirt was loose, but the dragon could tell from the muscles on his uncovered arms that he was at least moderately muscular, though his height gave him a rather slim frame. The other male was attractive, to say the least, and David found himself unable to tear away from the sight.

That was the final straw that made his parents do what they did. They found out he was gay, only a week before his eighteenth birthday, and he knew that whatever love they might have had for him was crushed by that revelation. Dragons were often conservative about social issues, but his parents were often extremist in their views. Even his mother gave no mercy: she had given him the last kick in the stomach after his father had beaten the shit out of him in the dark parking lot they had tossed him away at.

"I can't believe I raised a dirty faggot." Those were the last words he heard his mother say before she left him broken, bruised, and alone. His parents' car sped off after driving a hundred miles to the city, and it was here that he was stripped of his sheltered life and forced to fend for himself.

Life was never great, but it was usually tolerable. Recycling cans was his job. Thievery was his bonus pay. But this time, he'd almost killed himself, and he was thankful the wolf was merciful.

The black canine came up to him and held his chin. "What's your name, runt?"

"D-David, sir."

"David, eh? I'm Ryan. How old are you?"


"Nineteen and on the streets like this? What happened to your parents, boy?"

David was on the verge of crying again. "They disowned me."


"Because I was a disappointment."

Ryan couldn't help but feel sorry for the dragon. He had gotten into the gang business because of his parents too. His mother had loved him, but she wasn't allowed to help him now because she was dead.

His father had beaten him and his mother all the time when he was growing up. True trailer trash. She had always tried to protect him from the worst punches and whippings, but the only real way to keep his father sedated was with booze. That was what happened when he was sixteen: they had run out of alcohol in the home, and his father had gone on a shooting spree. He had escaped the home unscathed, but he found out later from thrown out newspapers that his mother had died from the shooting rampage, and his father had been sentenced to life in jail.

It was the only thing he regretted about his life: what his mother would've thought of him if she were alive. He had always tried his best in school for her despite the constant terror of life at home, but it was all for naught in the end.

Ryan had his feelings clash about the dragon in front of him. On one hand, he should've just shot him for trying to steal his money, but on the other hand he felt sorry for the kid and wanted to help him and just let him go. But he couldn't just let the dragon leave, no, that would be against his alpha wolf instinct. If anyone found out that he was a softy, his whole gang would turn on him. Instead, he settled with a middle-ground solution.

"Stay still," Ryan said again.

The powerful black wolf took a hold of one of the dragon's arms and forced him down onto all fours. David whimpered, but he couldn't do anything to stop whatever the wolf wanted to do.

And then the dragon felt it. A big paw reached around his waist and felt along his cargo shorts. He started feeling uncomfortable and wanted to swat the paws away, but his hands were still cuffed.

"No, wait," the small dragon pleaded.

Ryan only worked faster to pull David's shorts off, but the dragon was trying to resist. He nearly tore them, but he managed to drag them, along with his boxers, off his legs without making a mess. The dragon tried to get up, a difficult proposition without his hands, so he could run away, but the wolf held him.

"Help! Rape! Somebody help!"

Ryan was annoyed. He wouldn't have any of it: the dragon's screaming might wake someone in the apartments up, and he wouldn't let him get away.

The little black dragon went silent when he felt the cold barrel of the canine's pistol press against his head again, and he stopped struggling to get onto his feet. "Please, not like this, please."

Ryan whipped him with the pistol's grip again, knocking the poor dragon's head onto the floor. "Be quiet and work for your cash, dragon. You don't have to be alive for me to take what I want, just...warm."

David shuddered at the wolf's insinuation. He stayed quiet but tense, not daring to look back, while the cold air lapped at his bare ass. Then the air became warm, and he knew what was coming.

The wolf's fur brushed against his scales, black against black, and David felt his entire body being warmed up by the towering male above him. He wanted to wriggle free, to perform some fantastic gymnastics while hand-cuffed and flee, but there was no escape for him. He resigned himself to his fate, his body relaxing slightly at his mental capitulation, but fear for his life ever gripped at his heart.

He tried, desperately, to find a way out. Without any in sight, he gave diplomacy one last chance. "Please, just let me go. I promise I won't bother you again, ever."

The wolf's head lowered next to his, and David could feel him breath along his plated, but currently vulnerable, neck. "I told you, I'll let you go once you finish your job."

The poor dragon was close to crying again. He didn't want his first time to be like this. He had wanted to find a perfect mate, one that would love him despite his shortcomings, and they would've had the best sex ever in their shared bed in a cozy house or apartment. It was a dream that probably would've never happened anyway.

But he didn't want this. He didn't want to be taken here on the cold concrete next to a dumpster. His entire life had been a shit-fest since he was born, and he prayed to whatever gods existed to just let him have mercy this one single time.

It was not to be.

He felt the wolf rise and, thankfully, he took the gun away with him. Then he heard jeans unzip and clothes fall. A little voice was telling him to run, and to run now. But he couldn't do it, no. Fear gripped him down like an invisible hand: there was no escaping the powerful beast above him. Even without his gun, the wolf could easily catch up to him, and he wouldn't be able to resist with his hands tied by those cold metal clamps.

And then he felt the paws on his tail. They caressed it at first, almost gently, but then they pushed it forcefully aside, leaving his ass completely unprotected. There would be no love here, only hurt. David wanted to cry, but there were no more tears left. His heart had already been broken once by his family, and it was about to be broken again. He could only let out a weak whimper of despair as he felt fur climb over his back.

Then he felt the wolf's paw caress his snout and block his vision, The paw rubbed him softly, almost gingerly, and for a moment the dragon was able to imagine that the paw belonged to his dream lover and that the cold hard floor was a king sized mattress. David felt the other furry paw slide along the dark hair on his head, almost as if he was petting him, and he let out a shiver. Ryan seemed to react to the quake since afterwards he lowered both his paws down and reached around his head to rub the dragon's neck, his claws gently digging into the dragon's larger, and slightly lighter in color, belly scales. There were two larger plate scales protecting the little dragon's pecs, and he caressed them, soaking in the quaking fear emanating from his catch beneath him.

"Why are you doing this?" David muttered.

The wolf didn't stop caressing the dragon's plate scales. "I can't just let you walk away unpunished, you know."

The dragon closed his eyes, submitting to his fate. He waited for the inevitable, and now he only wanted the wolf to finish with his business quickly.

And then he felt it. Hot, hard, and throbbing flesh pressed against his rear, and there wasn't even the small mercy of lube. At least the tip was thin, like his own cock, and it slipped into him relatively easily until the girth became too thick for his virgin hole.

Halfway in, the dragon started gritting his teeth as the wolf started pushing harder to spread his tight passage open. The pain was stinging and constant, and David's eyes welled with water again as he was violated, body and mind. His wings flinched involuntarily, flapping uselessly down to his sides, and then they rested on the cold floor as his hands also went lax and drooped onto his back, still tied together by the hand cuffs.

He felt one of the wolf's hands grip around his horns, pulling his head up, as he used them for leverage to help force his way into his ass. He felt the wolf give sharp hard thrusts, and the pain spiked every time. He wished he would hilt him already, but the canine's shaft was far too big to finish so quickly.

To David's shame, he felt blood rush to his loins as his body betrayed him. He knew it was the physical stimulation, scientifically, but it brought him no peace as he felt his dragon cock swell, harden, and slide out of its sheath. He would take no pleasure from it, and he only hoped the wolf wouldn't find his shameful erection.

And then he felt it. He felt the thin furs around the wolf's groin tickle against his rump, and the wolf's floppy balls settled behind his own dangling sack, skin resting against the flexible special scales that formed the protective container for his dragon testicles.

Ryan groaned in pleasure as the dragon's tight hole gripped around his cock. He licked his lips and savored the fact that he was dominating a dragon. They were almost never willing bottoms, he knew from experience, and finding this runt was turning out to be a most enlightening experience. This dragon's hole was ridiculously tight, and he knew he was a virgin. He delighted in feeling the dragon's scales, black like his own fur, yet so different. When he hilted inside the young dragon, he simply waited to revel inside his warmth. He released his grip on his horns and leaned forward, his stomach pressing between the dragon's wings and lying on top of his tied hands, and gave the back of his neck, just below his head hair, a lick.

The texture of the scales got to Ryan first. They were soft in their own right, but not entirely smooth. He felt the dragon shiver as his tongue slid along his neck, and he heard him whimper when he moved his paws down to his plated chest again.

"You're delicious," Ryan whispered.

The dragon didn't respond, and his eyes stayed shut.

"Tell me, how did you disappoint your parents so badly that they disowned you?"

David sniffed. He was confused by the wolf's sudden question, especially since his cock was still tightly lodged in his ass. Still, he had nobody to vent to since he was abandoned, and he replied, "They never liked me. I was weak, and I couldn't fly. A disfigurement, a reject."

"That can't be all?"

He sniffed again. "Then they found out I was gay."

Ryan was taken aback. He knew dragons were extremely conservative, but he didn't know they were that bad, especially since he had male dragons as partners before. Then again, it did explain why they always seemed so distant and solitary, and they always acted like they needed to keep their sexual preference a secret. He almost felt sorry for the little dragon, but then he reminded himself that the kid had tried to rob him. "I see."

But that was all the dragon had tried to do. It was harmless, relatively, and he could see from his perspective how he would've needed the cash. He had always tried to justify his gang business for the same reason: he needed to live, and he needed money. Every life he had taken, he had justified it as self-defense. But not this time. This time he was just punishing the kid for trying to live, and he couldn't help but think about what his mother would've thought of him taking advantage of the pitiful dragon like this.

Ryan shook his head and tried to blank out the image of his mother's smiling face. She had been a beautiful wolf with fur white as snow, and he always found it unfortunate that he had inherited his filthy father's black fur. She had always been so nice and charitable, and she didn't deserve what his father had given her. He thought about what she would've done with the dragon, and he knew she would've just given the poor dragon some money if he had asked her for some.

He forced himself to imagine the snarling fangs of his fellow gang members instead, and he imagined how quickly they'd backstab him if he showed any sign of weakness.

He snarled, half angry with himself, and pulled his hips back, taking his cock almost entirely out of the dragon. He shoved himself back in, hoping the pleasure from that tight ass would clear his mind of anything but lust. He didn't want to be thinking about that complicated emotional crap: he just needed to teach the dragon a lesson and be on his way.

That's what the wolf kept telling himself, anyway. He thrust in and out, slowly at first because of the dragon's tightness. The virgin hole felt good, and he was curious if the dragon was still whimpering from pain or something else.

Ryan stuffed himself back in with a hard thrust, and then he tugged the dragon's head up by pulling on one of his horns again. He slipped his other paw down under and felt the dragon's hard belly scales downward until bumped into what he suspected was there since he had told him he was gay. He felt the dragon's body quake and shiver again as he wrapped his furry paw around the dragon's hard cock, and then he gave it a quick pump that earned him a gasp.

He leaned back down to the dragon's ears. "Someone's enjoying himself, it seems."

"J-just you."

"The thing my paw is wrapped around begs to differ." As if to illustrate his point, the wolf gave the dragon's cock another hard pump.

The dragon groaned in response. "That's just physical instinct. J-just do what you wanted and leave me alone, please."

The large canine chuckled. "I think I want to do this, too."

David felt the wolf start pawing him off while wiggling his hips, giving him small humps. The paw around his horn withdrew, and his head dropped back down onto the floor. He felt the wolf alternate between two positions: either the wolf's paws would be groping his nether regions, both shaft and balls, while he grinded his hips, or he would feel his paws grapple onto his hips and feel the wolf thrust hard into him. He would switch about every minute, and he lost count of how many times the wolf had changed positions.

The pain had gone away and turn into pleasure, but David forced himself to reject it, and then the pleasure turned into a dull thrum. It was harder to quell whenever the paws returned to his loins, and the pleasure was ever increasing, threatening to force him to his unwanted climax. He knew it was futile to resist. The wolf would have what he wanted in the end, but he didn't want to show any hint that he liked it.

Eventually, the dragon felt something odd. The long canine cock that was ravaging his no longer virgin ass felt like it had gotten shorter, and the powerful wolf above him had started thrusting more erratically. From the sound of Ryan's heavy breathing and panting, David guessed that he was getting close, and then he remembered that canines had a knot on their cocks.

As soon as he remembered, he felt the wolf grip onto his hips and ram into him, hard. He felt like his ass was going to tear apart as the bulbous flesh on his shaft tried to pry him open even more, and the pain that had turned to pleasure came back, stinging like never before. It burned into his rear, hot and searing, and he was thankful when he felt the bulging thing finally pass through his ring, sealing the rest of his swollen cock inside him.

Ryan gave the dragon some short but hard thrusts, pumping what little he could with his knot inside the tight tail hole. He humped and gyrated until he felt that he had neared the point of no return, and then he stopped. The wolf wanted the dragon's ass to help get him off.

So he reached back under the dragon and wrapped his paws around his victim's cock. It was ribbed, hard, and delightful to stroke, and the dragon's constant whining only made it sexier. He stopped thrusting his hips now and only focused on forcing the little dragon to cum.

The wolf's rough strokes brought David's resistance to an end rather quickly. He felt the dragon cock throb in his paws, and he felt the underside of the shaft thicken as the other male's seed flowed through and was sprayed out onto the ground. At the same time, his knotted length received the sort of attention he wanted to elicit from the dragon's anal passage.

The walls around Ryan's wolf cock clamped down and massaged it until he couldn't hold on anymore. With a muted howl, the powerful wolf came inside the poor dragon, his white sticky cum filling that no longer virgin ass to the brim. He came so much that some of his virile wolf seed managed to leak out around his knot, and it dribbled down the dragon's rear until it gathered behind his ball sack and dripped to the floor, joining the puddle of cum that the dragon had made.

David only felt the tiniest bit of pleasure when those furry paws made him cum, but the rest was overshadowed by the shame. Once he felt the massive knotted shaft inside his ass start to pulse in time with his muscle contractions, he broke down and just sobbed quietly onto the floor, a pool of tears forming around his head just as a pool of male seed formed below his crotch. He wanted to wolf to just finish and leave, but he soon regretted his wish.

He felt those paws rest against his butt, and then he gasped. "Wait, no, not yet-"

"Scream too loudly and I'll kill you."

The dragon shut himself up and braced as best as he could for the pain. He felt the paws press against his butt, and then the wolf pulled his hips back, a hard jolt, as he tried to pry his knot out of him. David grinded his teeth together: his tail hole felt like it was being stabbed from the inside out, and it hurt so much more than when the wolf rammed it in. His knees gave out, and his retracting shaft and spent balls fell into the puddle of their mixed seed. He wanted to scream, to howl and vent his pain, but he couldn't, not if he wanted to live. After what seemed like an eternity, he finally heard the pop of the canine knot leaving him, but his ass still hurt like someone had drove a jackhammer into it. He could feel the rest of the wolf's long length leave him, and with his ass unplugged, he felt his seed flow out and make the pond of cum beneath him grow even larger.

And that was it. David didn't move, he only sobbed. He wanted to roll over and seal himself in a protective cocoon under his wings, but they were too pathetic to even be able to do that. Too small to even fully wrap around his already miniscule body. So he just cried softly as the wolf got up, and the wetness bathing his loins cooled.

After Ryan stood up, he put on his clothes and started walking away. But he found himself unable to leave, not with the dragon's incessant weeping. There was a little bit of regret in his heart, and he couldn't stand it. He took out his pistol again and whipped David hard in the head, this time hard enough to knock him out. The black dragon went silent, but he still couldn't bring himself to leave.

Instead, with his mind clear of lust and pleasure, the image of his mother appeared again. She stared at him, her fur glowing white like an angel, with the most painful look of disappointment on her face. It stung him, and then he did regret raping the young dragon and truly felt sorry for him.

He looked back at David. The black dragon laid limply on the floor, his waist and lower tail sullied with cum, and his face soaked with tears. He was just a kid trying to live, barely a legal adult, and he had been abandoned by parents that should have loved him. He looked away, his heart full of guilt, and he saw his mother again.

Ryan let a paw slide over his eyes and rest on the top of his muzzle. He was starting to tear up too, and when his mother's loving eyes looked into his, he knew he couldn't just leave anymore. "I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry. I'll help him, I will."

He turned back and pulled the keys for the hand cuffs out of his pocket. After he unbound the dragon's hands, he pulled his unconscious body up and lifted it over him. David's wings drooped around him slightly, but he was able to carry the small and light dragon easily.

Ryan started running, staying in the darkness, back to the convenience store that the dragon had robbed him at. His car was parked nearby, and that was the first place he'd need to reach unseen. He tallied the options for keeping the dragon secret afterward, and eventually he chose what he thought would be the safest way.

The wolf continued jogging back to his car while he was thinking. Once he got to his junky old family sedan, he gently put the dragon on the rear seats. He was still out cold, but Ryan told him, "I'll keep you safe, I swear."

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