Sight of the Heart Part VIII

Story by blindwolf87 on SoFurry

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#8 of Sight of the heart

Disclaimer: I do not own, and am not in any way affiliated with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, or any of their affiliates, subsidiaries, or any other entity that owns any of the copyrights to Pokemon and related material. The following is a non-commercial derivative work that is merely an expression of Pokemon fandom

A/N: here ya go guys, the next chapter of amys story I am working the next one already and I am gonna do my best to make is awesome.

---Chapter 8--- That night in the hotel at the Pewter City Pokemon center Amy has Michael in the bathtub and is giving him a good scrubbing and Michael is not happy about it one bit. In the living room Lucario is looking at the two pokemon the police allowed Amy to keep from the incident the female squirtle and a proud looking Scyther. The Hitmonchan apparently had a trainer and it was stolen recently before the attempted hijacking and it was being returned to its trainer. He fixes them a cold stare, "You listen good you little cretins that girl is your trainer and even though she may not see you will not consider her weak and ignore her orders if you do I will make your lives... unpleasant." The squirtle cowers a bit but the scyther scoffs and gives a noncommittal nod. Behind Lucario, Amy clears her throat. "You aren't supposed to scare them!" she sets Michael down and he scampers over to the bed and jumps on making himself comfortable, "we are a family I want them to trust me." She walks over to scyther and pets his head and he smiles and leans into her hand, "see? Its just that easy to have a good relationship with your pokemon." Amy feels her way over to her bed and lays down pulling the covers over herself, Michael cuddles up next to her beneath the covers his head resting on the pillows its his first time sleeping in a bed and he is loving it. The next morning everybody even Michael is quiet the air is very tense today is Amy's first gym battle. After rising making the bed and packing the gear Amy, Michael, and Lucario go to a near by diner to grab a quick breakfast but along the way Amy's cane trips a young man of about seventeen with brown hair and green eyes who is flanked by a powerful looking blaziken. Instantly the Blaziken is on the offensive throwing a fist at Amy which Lucario blocks quickly and moves in front of his charge to defend her but the boy speaks, "Chica! That's enough! She didn't do that on purpose." he looks at Amy, "sorry about that, my name is Max, Max Allen and this my top pokemon Chica." Amy looks in his general direction and holds out her hand, "It's nice to meet you I am Amy Kibosaru and this is Lucario and Michael." Max shakes her hand and looks at her carefully. "Hey you were that kid on the news, the one who saved those people from those hijackers! You said you are a trainer so you must be here for the boulder badge." "Yeah, I am how about you?" by now they are entering a small diner that Lucario has guided Amy to, they seat themselves and Lucario looks over the menu to see what's available for Amy, Michael, and himself to eat. "I am traveling from place to place studying to be a breeder it's a challenge and I like that, plus the money is good too, girls love the money." He laughs a bit then looks at the menu, "eggs scrambled sounds good with uh... bacon and dry white toast." Amy simply orders oatmeal and orange juice and as she and max talk Amy gains a great respect and understanding of the complexities of breeding and raising a pokemon for different types of competition and battle styles. After talking and eating Max puts down enough cash to pay for his meal as well as Amy's despite her protests. "Well I don't want to take up your whole day with talk you got a big battle ahead of you today you best go get it over with, Brock is known for his Rock type battle style and its not gonna be easy to take him down." Amy stands up unfolding her cane and letting Michael jump on her shoulder a piece of toast still in his mouth, "It doesn't matter how tough he is I am gonna win and get my badge." Max smiles and sips his drink. "I'll be cheerin for ya kid, good luck." Amy leaves with her pokemon. It's starting to get cloudy out and the serious atmosphere of the days events to come weighs heavily on her shoulders...coupled with the crumbs from Michael eating his toast. Lucario guides her to a building made of stone and smelling of dust. They are in the shadow of Brock's gym, they are in the vicinity of the boulder badge, and all that stands before one highly skilled trainer. As they go inside a pair of pokemon watches them from the shadows. A Zoroark smiles amused, she sniffs at the air smelling the downpour to come, she looks at her companion and speaks in her language to him. "So this is the girl you are so sure about? She seems a little....blind to me." Her friend just crosses his arms his tail thrashing about his purple eyes narrowing. "She is the one, she can help me find my place in the world. And what will become of you Shinken?" The Zoroark smiles. "I may hang around now let me throw us up a nice illusion and lets go get some good seats to the battle, I get the feeling its going to be one helluva show." Amy and Lucario stand at one end of a battlefield but see no gym leader, Amy takes a calming breath and speaks to the room at large. "My name is Amy Kibosaru and I am here for the boulder badge." A spotlight snaps on and teenager is sitting on a boulder, he has dark skin, spiky brown hair, and eyes so narrow they almost appear to not be open. He looks up at her straightening out his adventurers vest. "I have seen you on the news and I was wondering when you would arrive here. I like your spirit but this isn't a sport for those who can't see to strategize. Turn back now I don't wanna hurt you or your pokemon." Amy stands her ground. "The only who can't see here is the gym leader, now lets do this I didn't come all this way to be told I am not good enough!" Brock shakes his head. "I gave you a chance, so be it, choose three pokemon, if you can best my two top pokemon the boulder badge is yours." He takes a poke ball off his belt and tosses it into the battle zone. "Lets go!!"

Sight of the heart Part VII

Disclaimer: I do not own, and am not in any way affiliated with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, or any of their affiliates, subsidiaries, or any other entity that owns any of the copyrights to Pokemon and related material. The following is a...

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SIght of the heart Part VI

Disclaimer: I do not own, and am not in any way affiliated with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, or any of their affiliates, subsidiaries, or any other entity that owns any of the copyrights to Pokemon and related material. The following is a...

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Sight of the heart part V

Disclaimer: I do not own, and am not in any way affiliated with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, or any of their affiliates, subsidiaries, or any other entity that owns any of the copyrights to Pokemon and related material. The following is a...

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