SIght of the heart Part VI

Story by blindwolf87 on SoFurry

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#6 of Sight of the heart

Disclaimer: I do not own, and am not in any way affiliated with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, or any of their affiliates, subsidiaries, or any other entity that owns any of the copyrights to Pokemon and related material. The following is a non-commercial derivative work that is merely an expression of Pokemon fandom

---Chapter 6--- A crash of thunder shakes the large city known as Viridian City, the few people out in the city streets move swiftly clutching ponchos and umbrellas tightly to keep them from blowing away. Lucario sighs as the rain blasts his face, he looks back at the building with a red cross in the middle of pokeball on the roof, the Pokemon center where both Pokemon and trainers can receive medical treatment. Each city has at least two or three of these centers and each has nice hotel rooms, a training area, a restaurant, a PC room, and pay phones. Currently Amy is sitting in the waiting area as her Pokemon are being healed and given standard shots by the head doctor, a lovely woman named Joy. Most trainers however call her nurse joy and the nickname has stuck to her and her many twin cousins throughout Japan. Right now Lucario has given himself something to do that he knows he is going to have to do for the rest of his life with Amy... grocery and supply shopping. In his grip is Amy's official Pokemon League ID card the key to Amy unlimited funds. He stops outside a blue building with a white neon pokeball on the roof shining in the darkness cast by the storm. He enters the facility and bows to the clerk and then begins looking around for the proper supplies. While he searches for some mess kits to put on Amy's backpack he comes across something that interests him. A survival knife with a seven inch 1050 spring steel blade with a straight edge, serrated back, a compass in the pommel of the four inch hollow handle with fishing gear, matches and striker for the matches. The sheath is made of a deep black Kevlar with a belt loop and even comes with a belt to put the knife on, at the base of the blade is the logo of the Pokemon league, it is laser engraved into the steel, instantly Lucario buys the knife this purchase is for himself but he is more than certain it will be a valuable tool in the forest with Amy. He continues to gather supplies for the trip and he comes to the pokeball section. He buys a few dozen pokeballs and 5 great balls. Once he gets a few other odds and ends he goes to the cash register and swipes Amy's card in a scanner. The lady behind the register hands him three white pokeballs. "what are these for?" Lucario examines them curiously the last time he was in the Pokemon league he never saw these. "they are called premium balls, the capture rate of these balls is 15% higher than that of normal pokeballs for every ten pokeballs you or your trainer buy we give you one free premium ball." The clerk says with a smile as she bags the last of the stuff. "Thank for shopping with us and have a nice day." "Indeed" he takes the bags and leaves. He pulls a poncho out of the bag and puts it on before he steps out into the storm. Lucario takes a calming breath and begins walking in the direction of the Viridian City Gym. The last time he was there the battle for the earth badge was so intense the floor had been blasted to pieces and holes had been put in the roof, he smiles aqt the memory of that battle that happened almost 10 years ago. Lucario however is rudely brought back to reality as he glances over at the Viridian Gym to see a sign on the door. "CLOSED FOR RENOVATION AND REPAIR SORRY FOR THE INCONVIENCE" is in big red text on the sign and Lucario's eyes widen with fury. "Now we have to skip this gym and move on! It will be a month or so before we return here!" He slams a paw into the wall of the gym and with a burst of aura blasts a hole through the steel reinforced concrete wall. "Miserable urchin's you can fix that as well." He stalks off towards the Pokemon Center a flicker of a lightening illuminates his angry features making him all the more intimidating to passers by who wisely give the Pokemon plenty of space as he walks by them. "How dare this gym be shut down..." he snarls to himself as he enters the Pokemon center. He takes off the poncho and shakes it out before folding it and putting it back in the bag. Amy is sitting in a chair Michael is in her lap dry and happy and when Lucario walks up to them he begins babbling in rapid Pichu about how amazing the Pokemon center is. After a moment Lucario puts a paw over his mouth to silence him then looks at Amy. "There is a problem Amy." Amy looks up her sightless blue eyes stare into Lucario's piercing red eyes. "A problem? Like what?" She holds Michael close like a teddy bear, the pichu himself looks worried but Lucario knows he is only worried because Amy is. "The Gym here is temporarily closed down we will have to go to Pewter City for you to get your first badge and considering the weather we will either have to take a bus or wait a day or so for the storm to pass and the few areas that will become flooded to dry up." Amy looks upset and a little unsure of herself and Lucario understands why, if she stays here she can train for two days and get stronger, but she looses precious time to travel and get to the Pokemon league tournament before the entries close for this year. On the other hand if she leaves now she gets a few days ahead in a matter of hours but when she battles the pewter city gym leader her Pokemon will be weaker. Finally Amy sighs and takes Lucario's arm. "Lets take a bus" Amy seems a little worried but if this is the path she chooses to take then Lucario is sure she has a plan he has never known the child to not have a plan of some sort. A crash of thunder makes the lights flicker and Michael jumps in fear and clings to the side of Lucario's head like a parasite. Lucario growls and pries him off. "Foolish little cretin do not fear your own element, now Amy don't move from this spot while I go get us bus passes to pewter city." He pats her head and walks to the front desk and after a few minutes of conversation with Nurse joy returns with two bus tickets. "The next bus will stop here in about 3 minutes it take us directly to Pewter City and your first badge Amy, I hope you are ready to deal with the rock type Pokemon that will be waiting to stop you." Lucario grins as Amy's eyes burn with determination, Lucario knows just how to get the child confidence up, and he keeps grinning as the bus arrives and they board it and take their seats and brace themselves for the battle ahead.

Sight of the heart part V

Disclaimer: I do not own, and am not in any way affiliated with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, or any of their affiliates, subsidiaries, or any other entity that owns any of the copyrights to Pokemon and related material. The following is a...

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Sight of the heart Part IV

Disclaimer: I do not own, and am not in any way affiliated with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, or any of their affiliates, subsidiaries, or any other entity that owns any of the copyrights to Pokemon and related material. The following is a...

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Sight of the Heart Part III

Disclaimer: I do not own, and am not in any way affiliated with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, or any of their affiliates, subsidiaries, or any other entity that owns any of the copyrights to Pokemon and related material. The following is a...

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