Sight of the heart Part VII

Story by blindwolf87 on SoFurry

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#7 of Sight of the heart

Disclaimer: I do not own, and am not in any way affiliated with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, or any of their affiliates, subsidiaries, or any other entity that owns any of the copyrights to Pokemon and related material. The following is a non-commercial derivative work that is merely an expression of Pokemon fandom

---Chapter 7--- Amy grinned and stroked Michael's head between his ears as the bus rolled down the highway through the intense storm. Lucario was reading the Pokemon league manual to see what new rules were put in place since his days in the Pokemon league, he couldn't help but grin. The rule about not hording Pokemon from one regional tournament to the next has been removed, this would be an advantage for Amy as well as a disadvantage. She could take certain useful Pokemon from here to the next regional tournament but the down side is if she leans too heavily on a set team her skill to command Pokemon, as impressive as it is now, will not grow. He glances over at his charge and see's she is tickling Michaels stomach and he rolls his eyes, he knows that pichu will be in her arms until he becomes an old raichu and dies. "Lucario?" Amy speaks out of the blue and Lucario is surprised a bit having gone back to reading, he jumps slightly then looks over at her. "What is it Amy?" he isn't smiling Amy has a nervous look on her face. "For my first gym battle I was wondering if you would be one of the Pokemon I use on my team." She quickly adds, "You don't have to if you don't want to." Lucario closes his eyes thinking, him being on the team could be both good and bad, good because he is very powerful and useful in a desperate situation, but it could be bad because if Amy just depends on his power then her other Pokemon wont get stronger and she will not get far in the road to the championships. After a few moments of deliberation he nods deciding if Amy starts depending on him too much he will put his paw down and refuse to battle. "Yes Amy I will help you. Now why don't you listen to your radio with Michael it will be a few hours before we get to pewter city." Three and a half hours later the bus is still traveling through the forest Amy has chatted with a few passengers and the seem impressed with her courage to do this sport and one or two of them ask for her autograph to which Amy reaches into her backpack and pulls out a Braille label gun, it's the same as any other label gun just it puts labels on stuff with just brail on it. They take the labels she made and puts them in an autograph book and Lucario scowls as he see's Gary's autograph in the book as well. Before he make any statement to them about the signature there is a tinkle of breaking glass and the bus driver screams a 1 inch hole in his arm. The bus swerves and screeches to a halt and before anyone can run to help him stop the bleeding the front doors of the bus are kicked open and man in a ski mask hefting a MP5 PDW storms onto the bus. He raises his weapon and a three round burst puts holes in the roof. "Nobody move!", he says this and levels the weapon on the passengers, "any trainers on this bus keep those pokeballs put away or there will be... casualties." He moves through rows of people as he talks, "Now I want all of you hands behind your heads and don't mov-", he stops his instructions as he stares at the trio of Amy, Michael, and Lucario, "Well well what do we have here?" Michael clings tighter to Amy who trembles trying not to cry, "You will make a perfect hostage if the police try to get too bossy when we get to pewter city" Lucario's eyes flash gold and he grits his teeth. "You will not touch a hair on this child's head." He begins the rise but the man levels his weapon at Lucario's head the barrel aimed between Lucario's eyes. "I got the boom stick here Mr. Kung Fu Pokemon now stay put or I kill her here and now." He sneers at Lucario motioning with his weapon as he speaks and Lucario's eyes flash gold. "You will regret your words you disgusting urchin..." Meanwhile outside the bus two men stand guard one is holding pistol and the other is armed with a machete and three pokeballs. They have relaxed looks on their faces, taking over tour buses is easy rarely are there any trainers so no humans or Pokemon have to be shot outside the bus driver, within another few hours they would be out of the country and a few million dollars richer. The one with the pistol looks over his shoulder, "What's taking him so long in ther-" he never gets to finish his complaint as the doors of the bus are broke off their hinges and the gunman inside the bus slams into the man with the pistol and they both slam into a large rock both men are knocked out and the man from inside the bus has a survival knife jammed into his left shoulder all the way to the hilt. The last highjacker turns to see a Lucario and a little blind girl step off the bus the Lucario is holding the MP5, with a growl the Lucario breaks the heavy polymer and steel weapon in half like a pencil. The last man raise his machete and prepares to run at them but an aura sphere the size of a grapefruit slams into his blade and shatters it like cheap glass. "It is over human surrender and we will take you to the authorities and I wont have to break your arms." Lucario steps forward his paws glowing with purple fire. The man doesn't back down and pulls a pokeball from his belt and throws it. "Go! Hitmonchan!" the ball bursts open revealing a humanoid Pokemon in a strange light purplish fighters outfit with oversized boxing gloves on its hands. "Time to get this over with and get things back on track, use Close Combat now!" The fighting type Pokemon moves in moving like a boxer but when it throws the first punch is so fast Lucario barely see's it and blocks he begins blocking boxing jabs with his natural martial art skills he glances back at Amy he is about to yell at her to do something but she speaks first. "Lucario use counter!" Lucario grins ducks another strike and moves arms in a circular motion similar to Tai Chi movements then in a flash with Hitmonchan's next strike Lucario is a blur he grabs the attackers arm and with a powerful yank and throw slams him into the ground with a burst of aura to the stomach to help make the impact that much more devastating to the attacking Pokemon. Lucario jumps up and away from the downed Hitmonchan and takes a battle stance the highjacker's first Pokemon was just KO'd with one attack. "You little brat!" he recalls his downed Pokemon and selects another, "Go Squirtle!" The turtle like Pokemon appeared on the battlefield but Lucario could see this Pokemon was terrified this was probably it's first battle and it seemed to be afraid of its trainer. "Use Skullbash now!" The Squirtle lowers her head and leaps Lucario who kicks the weak Pokemon in the face and sends her flying into her training knocking them both over. "Argh! Get off of me!" He backhands his pokemon back out onto the battlefield and she cries out in pain and Lucario's eyes widen with fury. He ignores the pokemon and prepares to lunge at the highjacker but Amy's angry voice makes him jump he didn't know Amy could sound so much... like himself. "Don't do that you Urchin! Lucario Aura Sphere that man!" she is furious it's clear in an instant Amy will not stand for Pokemon abuse. "With pleasure!" he charges an aura sphere until its is big as himself and releases it, at the same time the man turns to run but catches the attack in the back and he slams into a tree. The man cries out and hit's the ground with a thud and lays motionless. For a moment all is silence but for a light breeze rustles the leaves in the trees, then cheering fills the air as the passengers get off bus and tie up the unconscious highjackers with belts and tape. The bus driver has been bandaged up as best as possible and he has radioed in to pewter city and reported the situation. Within two hours police paramedics and media people are everywhere and as the interviews begin everybody is calling Amy, Michael, and Lucario the heroes of the day. As the cameras all turn towards her and people begin asking questions Amy tells about how they fought off the highjackers with Lucario voicing his accounts of the story when necessary and eventually the question comes that Amy was hoping for. One of the reports asks, "And what is a little blind girl like you doing here all by yourself?" Amy looks in that reports direction and smiles proudly. "I am here to be a pokemon trainer!" Later that night on the ten o'clock Kanto regional news Amy's story of taking down the highjackers is broadcast and in the depths of the viridian gym a man in a red suit and nice shoes smiles wickedly. "Get an agent following her, with mewtwo's escape we will need something else to give us power and this child and her Lucario are the key"

SIght of the heart Part VI

Disclaimer: I do not own, and am not in any way affiliated with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, or any of their affiliates, subsidiaries, or any other entity that owns any of the copyrights to Pokemon and related material. The following is a...

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Sight of the heart part V

Disclaimer: I do not own, and am not in any way affiliated with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, or any of their affiliates, subsidiaries, or any other entity that owns any of the copyrights to Pokemon and related material. The following is a...

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Sight of the heart Part IV

Disclaimer: I do not own, and am not in any way affiliated with Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, or any of their affiliates, subsidiaries, or any other entity that owns any of the copyrights to Pokemon and related material. The following is a...

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