The Story of Aarya

Story by TigressOfKarma on SoFurry

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So I recently made a new character named Aarya, an alien girl who believes from the bottom of her heart that she is a furry. The full details of her character can be found here There were a couple of people who voiced interest in me for writing a full story for Aarya, and I really had to agree! She's a wonderful character with a lot of traits that make her unique. So to those who asked for it, her is chapter 1! I will be writing this as a full story, so it is centered around Aarya, but I will be developing characters, places, etc. I hope you enjoy it ^_^ Happy reading!

Chapter 1:

The breeze of fall gently swept through the hills, carrying the scent of crisp leaves and a light chill. Nestled in these hills, a small but bustling town took its roots and flourished. The houses were mostly similar in design, but for the most part, each took pride in having its own unique touch that designated who called it home.

A voice called out of one of the houses, door ajar, and stepped out with a black paw.

"Aarya?," the fox yelled, wondering where her housemate had run off to. The tips of her ears pricked and twitched, attempting to catch a response. But all she could hear was the wind rustling the leaves, and the wind chime dangling off the porch roof. Nightfall tended to come quickly for the town, and although no one in the village would cause her friend harm, there were the Ferals she worried about. The fox sighed as she took notice of the wind chime. It had managed to tangle around the bottom. As she gingerly undid the string from around the metal pieces, a cry rang out and cut the calm of the night air.

Without thinking, the fox took off with great haste, ripping the bottom hem of her dress. But she didn't have time to bother with it now, that cry belonged to Aarya.

She whipped through the dense forest with ease, making her way further and further away from the town's safe boundaries. Out of instinct, the fox's feet ceased to move as she reached the final and outer circle of town. Her normally soft red fur stood upright like daggers across her body, and a low growl vibrated deep in her chest. Her sensitive nose immediately picked up the scent of the one everyone in town feared.

"Ferals...," she exhaled angrily. "What are they doing this close to the town's border?"

Another inhale, and she caught the stench of fresh blood, warm against the cool fall air that carried it to her nose. It wasn't the scent of a normal fur's blood, it was a scent unique to Aarya's blood only. The fox took decisive action, and reverted to her full animal form. Swiftly, but cautiously she continued deep into the hills, far past the safety of her town, and undoubtedly into certain danger.

Back in town, a female figure with lapine features had made her way to the fox's now vacant home. She stared, memorized by the sway and sound of the wind chime. Her white ears were traced with blue markings, and her hair was an odd mixture of lavender and pale rose. The moonlight bounced and danced off the metal contraption, as the lapine ran the strings through her fingers.

Breaking away from the hypnotic sound of the wind chime, the girl turned to knock on the door. But the door was wide open, and there was a fragment of clothing on the ground. The lapine let out a small gasp, putting her delicate hands over her mouth.

"Sasha! What happened to you?," she whispered to no one in particular. "Aarya? Aarya, are you here with Sasha?," she asked, fully knowing she would receive no answer. Silence penetrated the house. "

"Not again, no, no, please...," her large almond eyes began to tear up. "I keep trying to tell you Aarya, it's not worth it!," she fell to her knees and hugged the cloth close to her chest.

She took a couple of minutes to gather herself and stop crying. Then, without another word, the lapine dashed out of the house into town, hoping to find help.

Orphaned Memories: Part 4

Chapter 5: I finally felt my lungs achning for air by the time I had reached the edge of our territory. I had forgotten to breathe. As I inhaled, I couldn't stop this suffocating feeling that reached around me and choked me into more silent sobs....

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Orphaned Memories: Part 3

Chapter 4: My mind wasn't processing what my eyes were seeing right in front of me. It was Bajuu, but it wasn't. It smelled like her, like home and comfort, but it didn't look like her. My eyes widened, as though they could make sense of this more...

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Orphaned Memories: Part 2

There was a scent that suddenly grabbed my attention, and fiercely commanded my fur to bristle and shake. It wasn't Bajuu, I'd know her scent anywhere. This wasn't my friends, coming to try to break this mood I was in. No. This was the scent of...

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