Orphaned Memories: Part 3

Story by TigressOfKarma on SoFurry

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Um, so hello again! For those of you who have been following for the previous chapters and are continuing on, thank you so much :3 Please, if you haven't, be sure to read parts 1 and 2 before this because otherwise, you'll be like, "The hell is this furry talkn' 'bout?" So, yeah, let's avoid that please! Anyway, I hope this is to everyone's liking.

Chapter 4:

My mind wasn't processing what my eyes were seeing right in front of me. It was Bajuu, but it wasn't. It smelled like her, like home and comfort, but it didn't look like her. My eyes widened, as though they could make sense of this more accurately. It didn't work, I was still so lost as to what I was seeing.

The men were talking, but I could...understand them? I lost my balance and collapsed, hitting my jaw on the stone ground.

"Bajuu, are you gonna be alright?," one of them asked, looking her over carefully.

"Yes, I'll be just fine Telz dear. Set me down over there." She pointed, not with her paw, but with a human finger.

She had long, flowing hair, red like her fur was, but that was the only other similarity. Even more curious, I noticed my seemingly old foster-mother wasn't old at all. Her body was that of a much younger human, fleshy and vibrant. Her fur had been replaced with this skin the humans had, but she, unlike the others, had none of that stuff they wore over their bodies. If all of this wasn't overwhelming my senses enough, Bajuu was hurt, badly. I inched my way over to her side, unable to hide the stunned expression on my face.

"Oh, Lyra, I'm glad you're home, I was worried you were out somewhere," she said casually, as though this was all a normal occurance in our cave. She gestured to the men to introduce me. "This is Telz Alao, a dear friend of mine. We have Erin Flint behind him and then Tamlyn Lorust. Say hello, Lyra," her voice was fading. "Hello,"I obeyed, not even expecting a response. Then, in unison, they nodded respectfully, and each replied in return. I almost fainted.

"Lyra. It's so nice to finally meet you, Bajuu talks about you all the time," the one called Tamlyn spoke first. He was lean and a darker fleshy color. His eyes reminded me of my mother's, so clear and blue, it put me at ease. His midnight black hair fell just below his ears, and he had fur around the bottom of his face.

"Tam, we don't have time for this right now, you can play romantics after we help Bajuu," the other man named Erin stated pointedly.

"Yes, please save the pleasantries for another time," Telz whispered, still holding Bajuu. "I'd like to save my mate before she wastes away."

Well that was it for me, I must have fallen asleep or hit my head or eaten something weird in the forest. I had to be hallucinating, I had to be. Men who were good? Humans who could talk to me and understand me? Bajuu...a young human? And, she had a human mate? It all made sense, I was dreaming. Finally, something that seemed possible in this whole situation.

"Lyra, we need your help," Telz begged softly. "You know this mountain and the forest around it as well as Bajuu. We need herbs for her wounds. We just don't have the medicine she needs in the city, and she's lost too much blood already."

I finally noticed the smell of blood around the cave, lingering and dancing through the air. That scent was real enough for me, this wasn't a dream. I looked down upon my caretaker, still unsure of how to feel. Bajuu's hand patted my head, and she nodded.

"I'll...be back," the voice didn't even sound like my own. I licked Bajuu's face, and took off into the cold, miserable darkness, tears stinging my eyes.

Orphaned Memories: Part 4

Chapter 5: I finally felt my lungs achning for air by the time I had reached the edge of our territory. I had forgotten to breathe. As I inhaled, I couldn't stop this suffocating feeling that reached around me and choked me into more silent sobs....

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Orphaned Memories: Part 2

There was a scent that suddenly grabbed my attention, and fiercely commanded my fur to bristle and shake. It wasn't Bajuu, I'd know her scent anywhere. This wasn't my friends, coming to try to break this mood I was in. No. This was the scent of...

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Orphaned Memories

Chapter 1: Remembering If I had to remember that day, it was always for someone else, never for myself. My ears perked and flicked at the dismal patter of the first drops of rain. I lifted myself rather abruptly, and made for my cave in the mountain...

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