Orphaned Memories: Part 4

Story by TigressOfKarma on SoFurry

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No idea if anyone is still reading this far. But here's some moar ^_^ I enjoy leaving off with some cliffhangers, and hopefully you'll look forward to another chapter soon!

Chapter 5:

I finally felt my lungs achning for air by the time I had reached the edge of our territory. I had forgotten to breathe. As I inhaled, I couldn't stop this suffocating feeling that reached around me and choked me into more silent sobs. Everything I knew... I thought I knew... Was nothing more than lies and deceit. How could I face Bajuu after this? Perhaps I didn't have to.

I could leave. I should leave. She promised me she wouldn't keep things from me...She promised she would never let secrets come between us.

Realistically I knew I couldn't just take off on my own, I knew better. The gravity of the situation was that my mother was hurt, and turning my back now would come at a cost I wasn't willing to pay. I regained a steady breathing, and carefully scrutinized my surroundings. In my confusion and crying, I hadn't paid attention to where I was running. By scent and instinct I knew I was somewhere along the boundary of our territory, but bewteen the rain and dense foliage I had managed to lose my bearings.

A sudden sound of a twig snapping pricked my ears, and a scent of wolf became pungent.

"Lyra is out here all alone, Lyra is quite far from home." A sing-song voice chimed maliciously.

"I saw the tigress flee into the night, but you weren't careful, no, not quite."

I felt my fur stand, and a nasty shiver shook my bones. I let out a warning growl.

"She bares her teeth to cause me fear, but in truth you should be worried, my dear. For you see you have crossed over our lines, and as a wolf we are not fond of felines. It seems a mistake, so I may let you live...but if you do not leave, your life you shall give."

A blackened figure loomed just beyond the boundary lines, his eyes were gleaming red against the nighttime air. As he slowly approached, I picked up the scent of his clan. I knew this wolf.

"You haven't changed, Adirrok. You're still speaking like that? And I really don't have time for this right now. Let me pass!," my paws were dug firmly in the damp earth, bracing against an ambush. Adirrok was the guardian of his clan's boundaries. The wolves had a reputation for fiercly defending their territory, especially against my kind.

Adirrok's teeth flashed me a beguiling smile as he continued, "You say you have no time to spare, but you whispered of the past to the air."

Another memory crept into my head as his words wrapped around me.

Adirrok and I were cubs, playing on the territory line. My parents always scolded me for sneaking off to play with him, but he was my best friend. We were too young to know that being different animals meant we couldn't be friends. But it was so much more than that.

_ There had been disputes for years between the wolf clan and the tiger's about territory and the killing of prey that were friends to each clan. The wolves had hunted down and entire family of red-pandas, who were considered to be close friends of many of the tiger clan. In retaliation, my family had led our clan in a fight against Adirrok's. Adirrok was wounded in the crossfires and when I tried to run to my friend's side, my grandfather had ripped me away from him. _

_ When I finally managed to see my friend again, he bore a symbol of contempt and hate across his once beautiful muzzle. _

"Adirrok, please, this is an emergency!" I could see more shadows begin to form around him. He hadn't come alone. Another voice all too familiar stung my ears with its sharpness.

"Addy...What do we have here? Now, now wait a second," she grinned exuberantly. "This cannot be. What an honor it is to be graced with the presence of Bayne's daughter. Welcome back, Lyra."

Orphaned Memories: Part 3

Chapter 4: My mind wasn't processing what my eyes were seeing right in front of me. It was Bajuu, but it wasn't. It smelled like her, like home and comfort, but it didn't look like her. My eyes widened, as though they could make sense of this more...

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Orphaned Memories: Part 2

There was a scent that suddenly grabbed my attention, and fiercely commanded my fur to bristle and shake. It wasn't Bajuu, I'd know her scent anywhere. This wasn't my friends, coming to try to break this mood I was in. No. This was the scent of...

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Orphaned Memories

Chapter 1: Remembering If I had to remember that day, it was always for someone else, never for myself. My ears perked and flicked at the dismal patter of the first drops of rain. I lifted myself rather abruptly, and made for my cave in the mountain...

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