Off The Field: Chapter 6

Story by Cyan Argent on SoFurry

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#6 of Off The Field Story Series

sorry about the indention errors but for some reason when I copy it from Word it doesn't keep them, and I'm too lazy to go throughout the entire storry and add indents yeah, hope it's not too annoying

The alarm blares noisily and sends a screeching wave of pain through my head. I wince as I roll over and blindly try to shut the damn thing off. My head is killing me from last night and I know that I'm going to have to go to class hung over.

"Aw fuck me." I hear Rhy moan as he sits up in bed and rubs his eyes.

"I will later." I reply with a tired smirk as I sit up and close my eyes.

"Man, that was a mistake." Rhy says as he lies back down and stares at the ceiling. "Why did I even drink that much?"

"Because it was free." I reply with a smile.

"Whatever. Fuck, I really don't want to go to class now."

I stand up and stumble over to my dresser. I haven't really done any laundry lately, so I do the sniff test and find the least offensive pair of jeans and shirt. I sigh and I can smell the liquor on my breath. I hate the stale aftertaste of beer. I enter the bathroom and splash some cold water on my face. My head is still pounding and I fight a wave of nausea as I struggle to get dressed. I know I probably look like complete shit, but I really don't care.

Rhy has an even worse hangover than me. I come out from the bathroom to find him half out of bed as if he tried to stand up but ended up falling. He looks up at me as I stand there with my arms crossed.

"I tried to stand up." Rhy says meekly as he grins at me.

I shake my head.

"That's it bud. No more free alcohol for you." I say as I help the fox up to his feet.

Rhy chuckles and I can smell the stale alcohol on his breath.

"You should probably take a quick shower. I'm sure you don't want to go to class smelling like this." I say as I bring him into the shower and turn the water on.

Rhy yelps as the cold water hits him.

"There. That should wake you up." I say as I turn the water to a warmer temperature.

While Rhy takes his shower, I try to smooth my fur down to look a little more presentable. I make the bed too and clean up our room a little. Who knew that college would actually make me want to clean?

I look up as Rhy steps out of the bathroom, looking much more alert.

"Does your head hurt?" Rhy asks as he smoothed the wrinkles out of his polo.

"Yeah. It's killing me."

"Me too. I need coffee." Rhy says as he passes by me and grabs his wallet. "Did you clean up?"

"Yeah kinda." I reply as I grab my notes and books that are strewn across the desk.

"Cool. Do you have football practice today?" Rhy asks.

"No, not today. Coach had to leave somewhere but he'll be back tomorrow."

"Well it's nice that you have a little break then."

"Yeah. I'll see you at lunch right?" I ask the fox as we leave our dorm.

"Yeah. I'll see you later."

I bid Rhy farewell and wish that I had given him a quick kiss, but at the same time I feel like I'm going to throw up. My head is still pounding and I really wish that I hadn't had so many beers last night.

Classes are a complete disaster. In Calculus, I can hardly pay attention and I end up falling asleep for half of the class. In Literature, I end up doodling in my notebook and then realizing that I can't even remember one thing that the professor went over. In Physics, I flunk a quiz.

Lunch finally comes around and I don't think I've ever been happier to eat. I load my tray up with pizza, fries, a hamburger, pasta salad, and chocolate chip cookies. Rhy eyes my mountainous tray of food as I sit down.

"Hungry today?" He asks as he chews on his own salad.

"Don't judge me. How were classes today?" I ask as I start eating.

Rhy rolls his eyes.

"Horrible. I could hardly stay awake through any of them."

"Me too." I agree.

We both eat in silence before Rhy speaks up again.

"Those girls were annoying last night."

It takes me awhile for me to remember what had happened at the bar last night.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. They were." I reply as I chew on a mouthful of french fries.

"You could've told them that you aren't interested in girls. They probably would've left you alone right away." Rhy comments as he takes a few fries from my plate.

"You know I couldn't do that." I reply. "Dev was sitting right next to me."

"I thought that you're going to come out to Dev sometime."

"Yeah, but in private. I can't tell him when there's a bunch of people around."

Rhy shrugs.

"I really don't see the difference."

"I just don't want anyone else to overhear me."

Rhy's ears twitch and I can tell he's getting irritated, but he quickly covers it up and smiles.

"Well, whenever you're ready."

Ready? When will I be ready? Right now, I feel like I'll never be ready to come out. I feel like as if I'm standing on top of the high dive at the pool, except when I jump into the water, will I sink or float?

"Is your next game this Friday?" Rhy asks.

"Yeah. We're facing the Ashton Dragons." I reply.

"They're a pretty tough team I've had."

I nod in reply as I finish the last of my french fries.

"Are you coming?" I ask him.

Rhy shrugs.

"I might if I don't have any other plans."

"Going to your boyfriend's football game isn't that important now?" I mutter.

Rhy raises an eye at me.

"That's not what I said."

"You're implying it."

"Am not. And why do you keep referring to yourself as my boyfriend?"

Rhy's question causes my heart to drop.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well you keep on saying that you're my boyfriend, but you haven't even told anyone. Nobody knows about us at all! They just think we're friends. Usually when you're going out with someone, you want everyone to know."

"Yeah well, that's usually for when a guy is going out with a girl, not when a once straight guy is going out with another guy. And I just told you Rhy, I can't let anyone know yet." I reply sternly.

Rhy rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. It's because you're afraid of how others will treat you then. Whoop de doo. You think I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Exactly! You have no idea what you're talking about! You have no idea what's at stake here for me." I reply as I jab my finger at him.

"What's going to happen Kale? What is the worse that will happen? So some guys make fun of you for being gay? So what? In football, when you get hit hard, do you quit right there? No, you stand up and brush yourself off."

"Coming out is not like football in any way!" I growl, the anger starting to swell in my chest. "I will lose all respect from my teammates, my coach, my friends, do you need me to go on? Who the hell is going to listen to a gay quarterback? Huh Rhy? Can you tell me that?"

"Not everyone is homophobic as you think!" Rhy growls back. "But maybe you're just as thick-headed as the rest of the dumb jocks here. How about you go get your head checked or something, because you're not making any sense at all."

"Me not making sense?!" I practically yell as I stand up.

I quickly look around the cafe to see if anyone had heard. Luckily, the room isn't very busy at all. I turn back to Rhy who is glaring at me, his paws folded tightly in his lap.

"You know what? We're done with this conversation." I mutter angrily. "Sometimes I wonder why I even put up with you."

I regret it as soon as the words leave my mouth. Rhy's ears fold back against his head, and I can tell that he's really hurt. His eyes water and it looks like he's about to cry. Instead, he takes a deep breath and stands up smoothly.

"I can say the exact same thing about you." Rhy replies softly. "If you want me gone, then fine. I won't bother you."

Before I can reply, Rhy gathers up his things and brushes past me.

"Rhy! I- Rhy! I-I didn't mean-" I stutter as I watch the fox leave.

Man, I really fucked up this time.

I slam my fist angrily into the table as my tail lashes back and forth. An otter nearby looks up from his book that he's reading and gives me a funny look.

"The fuck you're looking at?" I mutter as I stomp past the otter.

The otter quickly returns his attention to his book.

I step outside and take a deep breath as I try to relax, but I'm still feeling angry and remorseful at the same time. I try to scan the walking crowds for Rhy, but I can't spot the arctic fox. Half of me wants to go search for him, wrap him in a tight hug, and beg for forgiveness, but the other half of me wants to forget about the fox. I mean, this isn't my entire fault. It's his fault for pressuring me into something that I'm not comfortable doing yet. Why can't he understand me? Rhy has no clue what I'm in and what's at stake right now, so he has no right to tell me that I'm the one being impossible.

I sigh in frustration as I collapse on a bench. I watch as a red fox couple stroll by, laughing and chattering happily. They both look so happy together. Why did I have to fall in love with another guy? Why couldn't have I met a cute female wolf instead? I still think girls are pretty. Maybe I just haven't found the right one yet. Maybe I'm not even gay.

I stand up and start to walk with no real destination in mind. If I'm too afraid for anyone to know about me and Rhy, maybe that's a sign that I'm not actually gay. But the thought of when Rhy and I first made love together rushes into my mind and causes a shiver of pleasure to run down my body. I stop walking. Arguing with myself isn't going to help anything. Why did things have to spiral out of control like this? I need someone to talk too, someone who can understand what I'm going through, but who? I don't know anyone else who's gay except one of Rhy's friends, but Rhy is probably talking to him right now. I can't talk to anyone from the football team, or my family, or practically anyone from my classes.

I scroll through my phone's contact list and I come to a rest on Dev. I stare at the panther's number for a long time. Do I really want to do this? Right now, he seems to be the best option for me. It's going to be hard, no doubt about that. I lash my tail in frustration. This problem isn't going to solve itself. It's time for me to get some balls and finally come out to Dev. I mean, he seems like he'd take it pretty well. I really can't imagine the panther getting angry or anything. But then again...

No. It's time that I talk to Dev. No more hiding. Without any second thoughts, I quickly jam the call button on my cell phone. The line rings twice before Dev answers.

"Hey, this is Dev!"

"Uh, hey Dev. It's Kale. You busy or anything?" I ask as I pace back and forth nervously.

"Hey man! No, not at all! Just chilling in my dorm. What's up?" He asks.

I picture the black panther reclining in his bed, watching football or something.

"Um, well, I...kinda have a problem that I'm dealing with...and I know this sounds weird, but I, uh, just need...someone to talk to." I stutter.

"Oh, okay man. Yeah no problem, I get it. You can stop by man. I'm alone anyways." Dev replies with a hint of concern in his voice, or at least I think it is.

I feel a rush of relief sweep over me. First step is complete.

"Okay, thanks so much man. I'll be there soon."

I hang up and start walking to the dorms. My mind starts rushing on how I should tell Dev. Should I just walk up to him and say "Hey Dev, I'm gay?" Or should I start up a friendly conversation, then break it down easily for him? The second option seems the best for me, but that doesn't do anything to calm the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.

I take the steps two at a time up to the dorms. My heart is beating rapidly in my chest and my tail is twitching apprehensively. I quickly scan all of the dorm rooms until I finally come to a stop in front of Dev's room. I raise my paw to knock, but I hesitate. Am I really going through with this? I take a deep breath and quickly knock three times on the door. The door opens almost immediately.

"Hey man, come on in." Dev says happily as he opens the door wider for me.

"Thanks." I reply as I quickly duck inside.

Dev's dorm is pretty much like mine, except a little cluttered. A pyramid of protein shakes are stacked in one corner of the room. There's a laptop on the desk and several pop cans are strewn across the room. Surprisingly, the room doesn't smell bad at all. I sniff the air and I catch a faint vulpine scent. The scent causes a tidal wave of emotions to crash over me. I turn around as Dev closes the door behind me.

"Sorry about the mess. I really haven't had a chance to clean up." Dev says as he tries to clear some of the clutter off of his bed.

"It's cool man. What are you watching?" I ask as I take a seat next to the black cougar.

"Just the football game. It's the Spartans against the Hawks." Dev says as he reclines back against the wall.

"Oh sweet. The Hawks are doing pretty good this year." I comment as I watch the football game.

"Hell yeah. Their receiver is insanely fast!"

All of my problems seem to diminish as Dev and I get sucked into the football game. I suddenly realize how much I've actually missed just hanging out with another guy. I've been with Rhy so much that I haven't really ever hung out with Dev by myself. It's quite nice and pretty fun.

"So what's up with you man? What's on your mind?" Dev asks an hour later during halftime.

My eyes avert to my feet as my heart starts to hammer in my chest. Should I just come out and tell him? I can always wait and tell him later, but I really want to get this off of my chest. I take a deep breath.

"Listen Dev, I uh, I need to tell you something."

"Go ahead man, I'm listening." Dev replies as he turns the TV off and looks at me with genuine concern.

I try to steady my breathing as I try to think how to word what I'm about to tell him.

"Dev, I''m not...really in...a relationship with a girl." I stammer as I rub my paws together.

I exhale raggedly and refuse to look up at Dev.

"So you're telling me that you're interested in guys?" Dev asks.

"A guy, yes." I reply with a sigh. "Listen man, I know how this must sound to you, so I understand if you don't want to talk or hang-"

"Kale, Kale, Kale." Dev smiles as he rests his paw on my shoulder. "I don't give a shit that you're gay. That's who you are, and I'm not going to tell you to change. I like you for who you are. And anyways, I kinda had a feeling that you were."

I blink and grin sheepishly.

"Really? How?" I ask.

Dev chuckles as he folds his arms against his chest.

"Well come on man, the way you and Rhy look at each other, and plus how you guys hang out all the time. And when you turned down those chicks at the bar also gave me a pretty good feeling that you had the hots for Rhy."

"It was really that obvious?" I ask as I feel my face grow hot.

"Well, for me it was. I don't think any of the other guys have really noticed." Dev replies.

"Well that's good." I reply. "So you really are okay with all of this?"

"Stop worrying dude. I'm perfectly cool with it. I'm happy that you and Rhy like each other."

"We're not exactly happy right now." I mumble as I shift my legs on the bed.

"Oh, are you having relationship problems with Rhy?" Dev asks as he gets up and sits in the computer chair. "I can try to help but I really haven't gone out with a guy."

I chuckle slightly despite my gloomy mood.

"So tell me what happened." Dev says as he leans back in the chair.

Here we go.

I start off with telling Dev how I became attracted to Rhy and when I first admitted to him that I liked him. I definitely left out about the times we had sex, but I did tell him how I felt for him and the difficulties that I was having about accepting the fact that I'm gay. I told him the argument we had and that causes an aching pain to form in my heart.

"I really didn't mean to say that or hurt him. I'm just mad at him for not understanding what I'm going through. I mean, I'm not ashamed to be with him. I really do want to be his boyfriend, but I'm afraid of what others will think." I sigh as I rest my head in my paws.

Dev nods his head.

"Well man, you might be surprised about the football team. Some are more tolerable towards homosexuals than others." Dev says as he starts to spin in the computer chair. "Sure, they'll always be those homophobic assholes, but you can just ignore them. Just like Rhy said, don't worry so much about what others think of you."

"But there's the problem right there." I reply. "I'm just not ready to come out. It took me a long time to just come over here and tell you. I'm just not ready yet."

"And have you tried to tell Rhy this?" Dev asks.

"Yeah, multiple times. He was fine for a few weeks but then I guess he's getting impatient." I reply.

"Well it's like this. Would you go out with a girl who was afraid to tell anyone about your relationship?" Dev asks as he continues to spin slowly around in the chair.

I hesitate to answer as I ponder Dev's question.

"Well I...No, I guess not, but Rhy's not a girl."

"A relationship is a relationship, no matter what genders are involved. Being gay is just another relationship. It's not as normal, but it's still a relationship. And in today's society, being gay has been accepted more than you think." Dev says as he stops spinning.

"Yeah...I see what you're saying." I reply as I rub my upper arms with my paws. "So what do you suggest I do?"

Dev shrugs.

"About Rhy? Well first, I'd apologize sincerely. Then I'd try talking to him again, and not just a short and quick conversation. Actually sit down and talk to him."

"And what if he doesn't listen?"

Dev smiles deviously and holds out his paw.

"Let me see your cell phone."


"Come on, just give it to me."

I reluctantly reach into my pants pocket and hand over my phone to the black panther. Dev grins as he looks something up on my phone, then punches in a number to his own cell phone. I don't even have to ask to know what he's doing.

"Aw, come on Dev. Not now." I protest as I try to grab my phone back.

Dev just laughs as he dodges my paw.

"Shhh. It's ringing."

Before I can try to grab the phone again, Dev starts talking.

"Hey Rhy! It's Dev. Hey, would you mind if you stop over at my dorm really quick? I need help with something...A math assignment...Yeah I suck at math...Okay cool. See you soon."

I stare at the panther as he hangs up.

"See? You better work on what you're going to say because he'll be here in about five minutes."

"You're an asshole sometimes, you know that?" I mutter as I stand up and start pacing.

"You're welcome." Dev replies with a chuckle.

My mind races furiously as I try to think of a proper apology. Soon enough, I hear the door squeak open.

"Hey Dev. What do you-"

Rhy falls silent as I turn around to face him. His eyes lower slightly and his ears fold back against his head, but he doesn't turn around or leave.

"Kale has something to say." Dev says as he heads towards the door. "I'll leave you two alone."

The door clicks shut as Dev leaves. For a minute, we just stare at each other. Seeing that Rhy isn't going to speak until I do, I take a deep breath.

"Listen Rhy, I'm sorry for what I said earlier today. I just got angry at you and I didn't mean it. I understand why you're losing patience with me."

"Oh really? How long did it take you think it over? A good five minutes?"

My eyes narrow as I feel my anger start to rise.

"Hey, I'm trying to do the right thing and apologize here." I growl.

"Oh yes! Apologize! That word that you keep on using but I don't think you know what it really means!" Rhy replies sarcastically. "I know how this goes Kale. You apologize, I forgive you, we continue on until the next argument. Then the cycle starts again."

"Well it would help if you wouldn't start some of these arguments!" I shout as I clench my fists.

"So it's all my fault now? It's always my fault. Isn't it?" Rhy growls.

I'm about to shout in reply when it suddenly hits me. He really is telling the truth. Every argument we get into, I always think it's his fault and not mine. I never really have noticed that maybe I'm the reason why some of these arguments even start. Maybe I'm the one who needs to take the blame now and realize that I can make mistakes in a relationship too.

"You know what Rhy? You're right." I sigh as I relax and unclench my paws.

I notice Rhy's eyes light up in slight surprise, but only for a split second.

"I do tend to blame you a lot for the arguments, when really I'm the one to blame. I know we sometimes get on each other's nerves a lot, but that doesn't mean I always need to blame you for it. We both make the same mistakes, but that's part of being in a relationship is all about. I just need to do a better job at being more responsible."

Rhy sighs as he closes his eyes and crosses his arms.

"Well...I kind of gave it some thought too, and I want to apologize for being so selfish." Rhy says as he shifts his feet. "I've just been so excited to have you as my boyfriend, but it's frustrating that I can't tell anyone. I understand though how you're still struggling, and I shouldn't be pressuring you."

"I promise you, when the right time comes, I'll come out. I don't know when that will be, but I'll be ready." I reply.

"Really?" Rhy asks with a small smile.

I nod and smile, but a lump of doubt forms in my chest. Will I be ready? Will I ever be ready?

"I still love you, you know that?" Rhy asks as he steps forward and pulls me in for a hug.

I wrap my arms around the smaller body of the fox and press him against my body. Dev walks back in and quickly closes the door. We both quickly break the hug as Dev chuckles.

"Awww, looks like you've guys made up. Although I believe you're supposed to kiss and make up."

"Seriously Dev? Why don't you go and-"

Before I'm able to finish, Rhy's muzzle suddenly presses against mine. My eyes open wide in surprise as I hesitate to return the kiss. My muzzle finally gives in to the prodding of Rhy's tongue and I melt into the kiss.

"There. How was that?" Rhy asks as he breaks the kiss.

"Hell, it would give me a boner if I was gay." Dev says with a grin.

Rhy bursts out into laughter and I find myself unable to contain a chuckle.

"So you don't mind us then?" Rhy asks curiously as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Nope, not at all. I'm happy for you guys." Dev replies with a smile.

"Do you think you know...keep this quiet?" I ask sheepishly.

"Of course man. You've got my word."

I smile at Dev and suddenly realize that Dev is no longer just another friend or a teammate. He's almost like a brother to me now.

"You guys better get out of here. My roommate's gonna be back soon and he's gonna freak if he finds out I had a bunch of guys near his computer." Dev says with a dramatic roll of his eyes.

"No problem. Let's go Rhy." I say as Dev opens the door for us. "And Dev, thanks again. For everything."

"No problem bud." Dev says with a wink.

Turning around, I follow Rhy down the hallway, a happy bounce in my steps.

I tried to promise myself that I wouldn't have sex with Rhy tonight, but I soon broke that promise as soon as the fox straddled me on the bed. It was a little awkward since the fight was still in my mind, but my mind soon became overtaken by intense pleasure as I rammed my member into Rhy.

"Fuck Rhy, you're so fucking tight!" I growl as I thrust my hips faster into the fox.

Rhy could only moan in reply as he pushed his hands up against the wall to steady himself. My whole entire body feels like it's on fire.

"Shit Rhy, I can't last any longer!" I gasp as I thrust faster into Rhy.

I quickly pull out and Rhy turns around and starts jacking me off. I usually do cum inside of him but Rhy sometimes likes me to cum all over him. Tonight is one of those nights.

I start to pant and growl as the pressure builds up inside my member and my balls pull in close to my body. With a suppressed howl, I release my seed all over Rhy's paw and chest. Rhy grins as the sticky fluid splatters across his fur. Rhy also orgasms and moans in pleasure as his member shoots long ropes of seed into the air. Both panting in exhaustion, we collapse onto the bed.

"Fuck, that was great." Rhy pants as he licks me on the nose.

I smile and roll over to press my body against his. His chest fur is sticky and matted but I don't give a shit. I press my muzzle against Rhy's and savor the hot and sweet taste of the inside of his muzzle.

"So, you going to my football game?" I ask the fox after a few minutes of just lying next to him in bed.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Rhy replies with a snicker as he pulls me closer to him.

I smile and nuzzle the fox. We end up falling asleep, our bodies curled up around each other.

Off The Field: Chapter 5

The stadium is packed. Despite the cold temperatures, thousands braved the weather to watch the first game of the Xavier Gryphons. The opponents: The unlucky Union Raptors. Don't get me wrong, the Raptors are an okay team, but they really don't stand...

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Off The Field: Chapter 4

Two months. Exactly two months have passed since I came here and met Rhy. Two whole months have passed where every morning is magical as I wake up to the sound of the fox breathing next to me. And let me tell you, each morning never loses its...

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Dangerous Intentions: Chapter Two

Chapter 2 of my story series. I'm quite happy with how well it's coming along and I hope you guys like it too. Also, kudos to those of you who catch the cross-reference in here! Thanks for reading!...

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