Rubber and Pigskin (Pt. 2)
#2 of Rubber and Pigskin
Howdy ya'll! Like that southernness? Anyway! Part two took me a while to write as I had many different ways to go with the series. I hope you like part 2! We find that Robert is having Regrets about his choice, thus leading to the title of the chapter. If you have any ideas or wish for your furry or a character to go in with the series let me know! As always comments, feedback, faves, and/or votes mean A LOT to me and I appreciate them. Thanks again for reading and now without further delay, I present Rubber and Pigskin Part 2!
Rubber and Pigskin
Chapter 2 - Regret
(Jason's POV)
I awoke surrounded by warmth, normally my mom keeps the house below 60 thanks to her hot nature and fur leading to me waking up shivering from where I kicked my blanket off during sleep. However I was so comfortably warm right now, I had yet to open my eyes just enjoying the feeling and blocking out whatever light was in the room. I didn't remember anything about where I was at the moment, I shifted my legs a little bit, they were quite sore.
That was from football yesterday, and my alarm didn't go off so today must be Saturday. I also had a bit of a headache, but that happens sometimes so I shrugged it off. Wait a minute. Sore, tail hole? I moved again and sure enough I was sore down there quite badly, but from what? Suddenly the memories of last night fought through my freshly awoken amnesia as I felt Robert slightly shift in his sleep. I opened my eyes and saw the wall with the window next to his bed emitting the light from a new day.
I carefully adjusted my position to where I was laying on my back now. I glanced over at Robert sleeping next to me on his side, he looked so handsome when he slept. However now I just realized something, we can never be best friends the same way again can we? I mean I did allow him to have sex with me, but I really thought this as a relationship was going to be wonderful. I mean the guy is incredibly good looking, and we share a lot of the same interests and likes.
Luckily I had gotten to know everything about him from our years of friendship and we spend so much time together already. I just sighed happily and glanced over at the clock reading 9:08 A.M. A few more minutes of sleep couldn't hurt could they? So I turned over and let my dreams take hold again for a while.
(Switch to Robert's POV)
My eyes shot open, I was staring at my ceiling. Phew, it was all just a dream. For a second there I had actually thought me and Jason had sex but I guess it was just a twisted dream. Wait just a second. I can smell Jason's scent, surely to god no. I looked over at the sleeping form of my best friend right next to me. I got frightened, surely not, surely he just crashed here because we are remodeling the guest room.
I lifted the covers a little bit and I could smell my own musk and my fur down there felt a little bit crusty. Shit! What was I thinking last night, I mean he's my best friend for god's sake. He's a, well HE! I thought my first time would be with a female. I mean yes I do consider myself gay, but I never thought I would take it this far. I quickly got out of bead and began pacing, I was extremely nervous and scared at this point, I began breathing hard. Jason stirred as I got out of bed, here we go.
(Back to Jason's POV)
(A/N I won't keep switching all of the time, it will mainly be Jason's POV)
I was jostled awake by Robert as he got out of bed. I thought he just really had to pee or something but as I looked over at him groggily he was pacing back and forth and looked like he had seen a ghost. "Rob, bro what's wrong?" I asked him. He looked at me a second before his expression turned to that of anger. "What's wrong? I'LL TELL YOU WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG, WE HAD SEX MAN!" he bellowed.
I was shocked at this point, I thought he had wanted it last night. "Yeah, we did man, I thought you wanted to take this a step further like you said last night" I reasoned to him. His anger faded back into panic as he started nervously walking all over the place "no man, we had sex. Oh my god!" he yelled as he hit his wall leaving an indentation of his knuckles. "Rob, just relax" I said as I got out of bed. He looked away "bro put some clothes on" he said. I guess he hadn't noticed he was still naked. Not that I minded it, he did look really good down there.
I made my way out of his room back to the living room where my pants and boxers lay where I discarded them last night. I put them on, I looked around for my shirt but couldn't find it. It didn't matter, I was shirtless around him a lot. I made my way back to his room and he was sitting with his head in his hands sobbing quietly. I went and sat beside him and rubbed his back, a trick my mom had used back when I was younger and I would get so upset. He quickly gathered himself and stood up and looked towards the opposite wall "I think it's time you went home bro" he said. I was in shock now, we still had all day today and half of a day tomorrow to be together. "Rob-" I started before he cut me off "I'm serious Jason, just get the hell out of my sight right now!" he shouted. This floored me. "Well, what about us then, what does this-" I started before he cut me off again "there is no US! I don't believe I did that with you last night!" he said as he pulled at his fur in frustration. "We can still be friends right? I mean it was one night man." I desperately tried to reason with him. Now that all of his lust had been removed by our session last night his mind was a lot more clearer and he wasn't sure now.
"I don't think that's a good idea Jason" he said sadly. "Rob please" I said, he turned around and bellowed "GET THE HELL OUT!" he was on the verge of crying. A tear came out of my right eye but I turned quickly so he wouldn't see it. "Yeah man, I'll leave" I said sadly as I left the room. I didn't hear a peep from him as I made my way downstairs, I grabbed my duffel off of the recliner and grabbed my keys. I found my shirt on the floor behind the couch, where less than twelve hours ago we were still friends, a couple even. But now, I had lost my best friend and my first real relationship at the same time.
This was an absolute horrible pain that hit me hard in my heart. Tears began coming out full force now as I went out the door. I made my way to my car, I unlocked it and just sat in the driver seat and cried. I don't believe he was so fine with it the night before, and I definitely wouldn't force him to do a thing unless he wanted it. He said yes last night didn't he? I finally controlled my emotions enough to wipe my eyes so I could see the road clearly. I threw my duffel in the back and slowly pulled away from my former boyfriend's home.
(Back to Rob's POV for a moment)
I was literally about to lose it in front of Jason, I just couldn't handle myself at this point. I was so lost and I really didn't want to seem weak to him. "Rob please" he said. He really thought after doing something like that we could just be friends like that? This made me really angry for some reason and I lost it "GET THE HELL OUT!" I yelled. The look of pain on his face cut right through me like a lineman on the quarterback. I saw a tear stream down his face before he turned away. "Yeah man, I'll leave" he said but he had no hint of anger that I deserved, only sadness.
I watched him as he exited my room and heard paw falls on the steps leading down to the living room. I was sort of just frozen at this point. Why couldn't I just learn to love the thought of us as a couple. I mean I do love it but I still feel so nervous and lost at this point. The guy had blown me and let me do him for crying out loud! He was so understanding and was willing to go back to friendship if this was going too fast, and in my mind it did. However I just didn't know what to do, I let my anger control me and just lost my first relationship and best friend all at the same time.
I peeked behind the curtains as I watched him go to his car after hearing the front door shut. I could see the tears from here but he had a calm expression on his face as he stepped in. It took him a few minutes but he finally made his way down the driveway and out of my life. I just plopped down on my bed and cried.
(Back to Jason's POV Last switch I promise)
I didn't turn on the radio at all on my way home, music just seemed so out of place for the mood right now. I made it home after a while and backed down my driveway. I noticed my mom's car was gone, she must be out somewhere. I walked up our little walkway and tried to open the front door but it was locked. I unlocked it with my house key I kept on the same lanyard as my car keys and stepped inside. It was dark inside from lack of lights on and cold from my mother's problem with not living in the arctic. "Perfect, just like the mood" I said with a false chuckle aloud to myself.
My dad wasn't here either so he must've gone with my mom. I walked down the hall and into my room where I plopped down on my bed. I just sat there a minute, I felt like crying but tears never came. It was just an empty depression right now. I sat there for who knows how long before I heard the tumblers on the front door lock click emitting my parents. "Jason?" my mom shouted questioningly after seeing my car outside I guess I did show up unexpectedly. "In my room" I responded as they made their way up the stairs. Her brunette furred muzzle soon appeared in my doorway as she flipped on the light switch.
I blinked a couple of times thanks to sitting in the dark for so long. She must've seen my fur matted from my tears on my face as she got a concerned look on her face. She sat beside me and rubbed my back "honey what's wrong?" she asked full of motherly concern. I chuckled weakly inside, this is exactly what I did for Robert. I sighed "nothing" the typical teenage response. However her motherly radar easily saw through my lie and she looked at me with the "you really I think I'm going to believe that?" look mothers give. I sighed again, damn she's good, "me and Robert had sort of a... falling out" I said trying to pick the right words. Her look of concern turned to that of sympathy "oh honey that's horrible" she said.
I just nodded as my father walked in "what's wrong with him?" he asked. "He and Robert had a fight" she said, if only they knew of the cause. "Oh man, I'm sorry son, but if your friendship is as good as it looked for all of these years you will get through it" he said patting my shoulder before exiting the room. My mother hugged me close "will you be alright hon?" she asked licking my cheek. I always felt so much better when my mother hugged me, I nodded. She smiled weakly at me before she walked out saying "if you need anything or want to talk you find me". "Thanks" I called after her.
I just sat there until a faint scent caught my nose, it smelled just like Robert. I gulped, I hoped that she didn't smell it, luckily I got my nose from her and I was barely picking it up. I grabbed a shirt, boxers, and shorts and made my way to the bathroom. I started the shower and let it get to the right temperature. I stepped inside and just stood under the warm water hoping it could just wash all of my troubles away. I took some Tail and Muzzles shampoo and lathered myself making sure to pay extra attention to my nether regions to help eliminate any traces of last night.
It felt as though I was washing Robert away from my life forever, I couldn't help but let a tear escape my eye again. I finished showering and shook my fur off, a habit I had inherited with both canine and lupine genetics. I dried my fur off and smoothed it down with a brush before examining myself in the mirror. My eyes were red from crying and I looked miserable, at least it matches the actual feel. I made my way to my room and just collapsed on my bed and fell asleep.
The rest of the weekend and most of the week passed almost in a blur. I would get up and go to football camp, come home and relax. Robert would acknowledge me but would never talk to me or spend any amount of time near me. We were like ghosts amongst our excited teammates. Finally Thursday's camp drew to a close, it had been no conditioning surprisingly and nothing but plays and scrimmaging. Our first game of the year was tomorrow against Chase high school. It was only a preseason game but still it was going to be fun to play again.
Robert was chatting with Marshall about something as we began undressing out of our football gear. I had moved lockers over with Coleman and JC since I knew Rob didn't want me to be around right now. "Don't forget, be here tomorrow 1 p.m. sharp or you're not playing!" coach shouted as players began to shower. I stepped in with my teammates and showered quickly chatting with Coleman about some routes we were running tomorrow.
I exited and made my way towards the car, I saw Robert already up at the parking lot waiting on his tailgate. He seemed so deep in thought all of the time now. I walked past and he just saw me and nodded a hello. I returned it and got in my car, I guess we really are over. I just drove away sadly.
I awoke nice and early so I could get a good breakfast, me and my parents always went to breakfast the morning before a game. My dad was always excited, I mean he liked to watch me play hockey, but loved football. He had played in high school and he loved the sport. My mom just told me to be careful and have fun, typical mom things. As one o'clock neared I gathered up all of my things in my duffel and said goodbye to my parents. As always they promised to be there tonight, no matter where the game was they were always there. I liked that, it was nice playing in front of your parents.
The drive to school was uneventful, I pulled up and the first parking spot I saw was right beside Robert. So I slipped in and headed up to the bus parked up by the front office. My teammates who were already there greeted me, they were jumping all around like pups from excitement. I was thrilled to finally play football but I was still thinking about me and Rob. He was sitting near the front of the bus with Cody, a tiger linebacker. I walked past him, he looked at me but didn't even acknowledge me, he just looked away. I felt horrible, I took a seat near the back next to Kyle our cheetah safety. "Man, I am so ready for tonight, I am just itching to play some ball!" he said excitedly.
I tried to put on my best smile for him, "I know man, me too" I said but my heart wasn't in it. Don't get me wrong I loved football and was excited but in the back of my mind Robert always lingered now. I mean he was the sexiest guy I knew, there was that. However I would gladly look over that if we could just go back to best friends but he was having nothing to do with me right now sadly. Our team finished getting on the two busses and we started off. The drive to Chase was about an hour and a half which I spent glancing at Robert in the front and half listening to Kyle.
I would just nod and laugh when he did so as to appear that I was listening. We pulled into a Ryan's Buffet for our team meal. We all exited and overwhelmed the poor otter at the front desk as fifty or so furs just piled in at once. Luckily they weren't really busy so we were able to get pretty much the entire side of the restaurant to ourselves. Sadly I was one of the last ones inside so the only seat I saw at a table with furs at them was next to Robert. He saw this and motioned me over, I walked over and sat down with him, JC, and Cody.
The waitress, a kind beagle, came up and took our drink orders. JC and Cody got Pepsi, while I got sweet tea. Robert was last to order and right as he said it I thought it in my mind "Mountain Dew" he said and I thought. I smiled inwardly as I really did know him all too well. We got up and got our plates, I always loved to start with a salad since their ranch dressing was the best of any restaurant. As we ate Cody and JC led a lot of the conversation over Cody's new lioness girlfriend and the game tonight. Robert didn't really say much in general, much less to me. This was just horrible, I really had wished he had told me if I moved too fast that night, I was just trying to put on my best normal nothing wrong act.
After we ate we moved back out to the buses and got back on. Kyle gave me the window seat for the rest of the way to even it out. I only stared at the window until we arrived. The sign outside of the school read "Chase High: Home of the Trojans" and the bottom of the sign read "Football tonight 7:30". We pulled up next to the field and we all got off and made our way to the locker rooms. It was already 5:00 and we would start warming up around 6:00.
The locker room was nothing special, just a lot of green lockers around the room with a few benches in the middle of the floor. I instinctively took the locker next to Robert without really thinking much about it. He put a paw on my shoulder as I was bending down untying my shoes. I looked up at him curiously, he had a sad smile on his face. "How you doin' man?" he asked. I was a bit shocked he actually cared about my wellbeing at this point. "I'm ok, you?" I asked him, trying to hide my sadness as best I could. "Doing good" he said, and that was it.
I put on a black under armour shirt and a cup, followed by the wide assortment of football pads. I then went and retrieved my jersey from the box that was on the bus. It was white with the word Falcons written below the collar. A big number 25 was written on the front in back, it was red with royal blue outlining. Our school colors. The falcon emblem was on the shoulders, every time I put on a falcons jersey a sense of pride always came to me, I looked at myself in the mirror in the bathroom. I smiled for the first time in a while as I realized we were finally going to play football.
I went back and shut my locker after stuffing my stuff inside, Robert came up and swatted my shoulder. "You ready!" he said excitedly, he was beaming from ear to ear in his big 78 jersey. He loved football more than life, he could take out all of his frustration in the world out on the defensive line, and frankly I felt bad for the poor guy. Rob was huge and if he was angry he would definitely show you on the field. I couldn't help but smile at his happiness, "oh yeah!" I replied. We all grabbed our helmets and made our way out of the locker room doors. We walked across the track towards the side of the field unoccupied by the home team already practicing.
As I stepped out I was greeted with the smell of freshly cut grass and cheap concession stand popcorn popping to help feed the masses. The offensive and defensive line practiced hiking plays again while Gary practiced handoffs to Cory. After a while the lines lined up on the 45 yard line like the home team did to help block their view of our plays. Our assistant coach, coach Gerard, told me Coleman, Brett, and Gatlin about routes to take and what plays to watch for. My plays were over under, 25 fake forth, and right side release. Weird names but they were still effective in telling the football players what to do.
I ran all of my routes and blocks with our backs and safeties until finally we were instructed to head back in the locker rooms. Furs were starting to file in the stadium as I looked back before going back into the room. The coach gave us our normal pre-game speech to help put us into a frenzy. We went over last second things before a small ferret stuck his head and told us the captains were required on the field. Luckily thanks to me playing all four years and this my senior year I was a captain as well as Robert, Cory, and Gary. We walked out in the line, Robert first, then me, followed by Gary and Cory.
The away side had a few furs on the bleachers who stood and clapped for us like the home side were doing for their captains. The home stands were packed from top to bottom with furs and plenty more on the track in front of the concession stand. I saw my parents in the stands sitting with Rob's parents ironically, their friendship was still strong as ever. They had done a lot together like we had and they had a really good friendship. We stopped at the 50 yard line and walked out to meet the Trojans' captains. They were a lot bigger than us aside from Robert. A large Doberman was across from me, he looked like a teddy bear though. The ref briefed us about good sportsmanship and let Gary call the coin toss.
We won and selected to kick first, we shook the other captain's hands and retreated back to our teams who were waiting behind the endzone. The Trojans had a large banner that said "Ground the Falcons!" to run through, however our cheerleaders didn't make the trip for a preseason game to help save bus gas money. We just ran to our bench with all of the furs on our side clapping for us. When the Trojans entered the home side roared as they burst through the banner and went to their bench. Then the loudspeaker boomed out "Ladies and gentlemen please rise and would the Gentlemen kindly remove their hats as we join our Trojan chorus team in the singing of our National anthem". Unseen furs began singing as we all watched the flag at the end of the field.
The anthem finished and everyone roared at the wonderful singing as we all put our helmets back on. Our kickoff unit went on the field as their receiving unit did and the ball was placed. I was excited at this point, our kicker Seth nailed the ball all the way down to their 10 yard line, the stands roared as football began for the first time this year. Their returner, a panther, caught the ball and took off down the field. He made his way yard after yard as our defenders were constantly blocked or not fast enough to touch the panther. He broke through the maze of players and caught open field all the way down the field for a touchdown.
The home stands roared their approval as the team celebrated. "Trojan touchdown returned on the kick by number 17 Sean Green!" the loudspeaker boomed out. I just groaned and rubbed my eyes, what a way to start the season. The coach chewed everybody out as you could see the red under his fur from how angry he was. Their kickoff unit came on as well as our return team. I wasn't really special teams material so I was on neither, but I was on field goal and extra point. They kicked off to the roar of the home stands, Cory caught it and headed up field.
He was tackled at around our 35 yard line by a large zebra. I was about to explode from excitement as I slipped my helmet on and headed out to the first huddle of the season. Gary told us we were going to start with a run play, I stole a glance over at Robert who was doing the same to me, he quickly averted his gaze. We broke and lined up, my heart was racing as Gary called out his normal series of calls. Marshall hiked it and he handed it to Cory who was immediately taken down. He called another similar play and we lined up. Again a hike and Cory was stuffed after only about two yards.
It was third and eight now, and coach told Gary to try a pass just for the hell of it lined up as a run play. He told Gary to choose a receiver and he told me I fit the bill. I was more than excited now as we lined up again. The other team's safeties were lined up quite close as we only had two receivers wide just like we had for the past two plays. I glanced over at the black lab defensive back covering me, he was watching the center. Cory was back ready to run as Gary hiked the ball. He faked the hand off, as he did I slowed as if I thought the play was over because Cory was hidden behind the line from me and the Labrador.
I then turned on the jets and pumped as hard as I could towards the center of the field leaving the lab bewildered and three steps behind. I glanced behind me and saw the football soaring through the air right to where I was going. I focused on nothing but the ball as I neared the spot and caught it perfectly hugging it to my chest. Their panther safety was on me in a flash who I put an arm up to his collar and stiff armed. He stayed with me step for step for two yards before he lost balance. I put everything I had on my run as I heard two sets of paws quickly closing the gap.
I pumped furiously and breathed hard as the field goal behind their endzone came closer and closer. I put every bit of my husky and wolf heritage into my run towards the endzone. I was winded heavily as I finally entered the endzone, the two sets of paws slowed behind me. Our side roared their approval as I sat and caught my breath with the lab who had been right on my tail. I glanced at the scoreboard as the 0 changed to a 6 and it hit me, holy shit I just scored a touchdown! The lab patted my back as he began to make his way back to the bench, "hell of a run man" he said still panting. "Thanks" I said as Coleman and Gatlin got to me and hi-pawed me and patted my helmet.
"Falcon touchdown pass thrown by number 1 Gary Lancaster caught by number 25 Jason Taylor" was sounded over the loud speaker with much less enthusiasm than the Trojan's touchdown. I tossed the ball to the ref and lined up with the team for the extra point. The ball was hiked and Seth sent it right through the uprights, the score tied at 7 without even two minutes passed in the game. Coach patted me on the back as I got back to the bench, I looked up at my dad who was clapping for me with my mom. I just smiled and looked back as Seth sent the ball right back down the field. The rest of the game passed slowly for us, our defense got completely ripped through and let in 27 more points.
I was double covered the rest of the game and Gary's passes got worse as it went on. We got thrashed 34-7. The home fans roared as the final buzzer sounded and we shook hands with the Trojans. We went back into the locker rooms and got undressed, I watched Robert the whole time but he just looked tired and dejected at the loss. Me and Robert would always go somewhere after a game but he mentioned nothing of it, we made our way back to the bus. I just sat and stared out the window on the way home, praying Rob would have something to do with me sooner or later.