All Bucked Up (Pt. 5)
#5 of All Bucked Up
Hey everybody! You know I was so pumped over my new series and working on it so much and all until I realized what a crappy place to end on for this one, I would love to either end it with a juicy cliffhanger (I hate them too but using them just gets the readers to crave the story more) or end it totally. So therefore this came out, there is no Yiff in this story however I do believe this leaves the reader guessing as to what happens next. Anyway thanks for reading and as always comments and feedback are welcomed and appreciated. WARNING: There is a scene with a tiny bit of blood in it, I have marked it if you do not like blood.
All Bucked Up (Pt. 5)
(Raider's POV)
I awoke slowly to an indescribable comfort of warmth. I sighed happily as I snuck a peak with my sleepy eyes. I rubbed them with my paws to alleviate the blurriness. I looked out to the entrance of our cave and saw that dawn was just making an appearance on the snow covered landscape. Birds had awoken and were replacing the empty night air with beautiful song. I smiled and let out a yawn as I tried to get up, however two very strong arms kept me right where I lay. I smiled and looked back at my wonderful mate who was sound asleep. I couldn't help but nuzzle back into his big warm chest as he held the soft fuzzy warmth instinctively closer in his sleep. I was about to wake him up, only to remember I couldn't, hibernation. I groaned internally, it was only the first morning and already I was miserable without the awakened bear. However I guess sleeping with my warm fuzzy mate could do for now. I snuggled back up with him and fell back asleep.
I awoke probably around an hour later, the sun had risen a lot higher than it had been and now the forest was filled with activity. Jake had turned over on his back sometime during my slumber releasing me from his sleeper hold. I got up and stretched, I looked back at Jake who was slightly snoring and his tongue was hanging out. I laughed and walked over to him, and just watched him; this was just like my own mother would do when I was young, just watch her loved ones sleep sometimes. He looked so handsome when he slept, however my mood was soon ruined with a louder than average snore. I chuckled and kissed him on the forehead, I was going to miss him very much. I knew deep down that if I was to survive, I needed to find other wolves who I prayed would accept me, a lone brother, into their pack for the winter. A lot of smaller game would be hibernating now, as well the river would soon freeze over in the calm parts where the fish were. The only game left was too big for a scrawny lone wolf to bring down on his lonesome. I took one last look at my sleeping mate, "I'll be here first thing in spring big guy" I whispered to no one in particular. I set out in the knee deep snow, away from my mate for the next few months.
Travel was agonizingly slow as I made my way through the deeper drifts towards the valley of the two connecting mountains. My old pack had mentioned the valley pack they had exchanged with once or twice between this land that Jake and I lived on currently a few generations ago. However the packs never were able to win a battle, it was always too even to call. So the packs finally agreed to leave this land neutral to prevent any more un-needed loss of wolves, the game was a little scarce on this part anyway. It had begun snowing again, my thick coat was a decent shield, however my body warmth was melting the snow I was walking through. My legs and belly soon became drenched and I had begun to shiver, it was quite cold.
I cursed myself, I really should've thought through this a lot more before just going out on a limb. I instantly froze as a thought came to my head. What if these wolves won't accept me? What would I do? I mean I guess I could sleep with Jake during nights to keep warm, and the moving part of the river would never freeze so water and shelter wasn't an issue. However food was a problem, game was scarce and I needed the fat to help keep myself warm, fur was good and all but the way I was shivering now I knew I needed more.
I just gulped as I started to get butterflies in my stomach at the upcoming event. I calmed myself down and hunkered behind a rock to help block the wind and falling snow. I tried to think of every ounce of wolf etiquette that was hammered into my head from my folks. I knew all about how a lone wolf would only be accepted if he fully submitted to the alpha. Now to do this I knew I needed to lay on my back when the alpha asks if I request admission into his pack. Also I knew the ultimate in wolf submission secret so hopefully that wouldn't be a problem. However us wolves are an extremely territorial and protective species. If I was even thought to be a threat for a fraction of a second I would be torn to shreds. I don't blame them after all, technically I wasn't family and I was threatening there's, I would do the same if Jake was my pack.
My stomach growled, I just realized I hadn't eaten in a while, I had decided to spend time with Jake last night rather than get dinner, and the increased physical burden by the travel wasn't helping my cause. I got up and kept going through the snow towards the valley, I hoped the pack was still here. I was shivering hard after about another 15 minutes of travelling, I was on the verge of collapse honestly but my pride wouldn't admit that at the time. A long loud howl soon shook me to my core. My eyes widened as I looked through the falling flakes to find the source, however I couldn't. Whoever had sent it out had said "intruder" a.k.a. a warning call.
My heart began rapidly drumming in my ears and I began shivering not because of the cold but because a sentry had spotted me before I could alert the pack of my presence. After all I didn't know where there boundary was, with the cold and the wind I must've over looked or smelled the scent barriers. I was frozen with fear as another much deeper howl came into my range of hearing, this one further away. I guessed this was the alpha since A. his voice was incredibly deep B. it scared the living daylights out of me just by the sound and C. an alpha was the only one with authority to howl after a warning call was sounded. He said "intruder, what is your business on this pack's land?"
I gulped nervously and swallowed the lump that had recently made an appearance in my throat. I sent out a weak howl so as not to sound assertive or aggressive but still audible. I told him "I wish to speak with the alpha peacefully", my voice cracked as I howled making my normally strong clear howl almost a weak squeak. He apparently could tell by how I sounded I was in no position to make threats. He responded "allow the sentries to lead you back to the pack, try anything funny and they will kill you on the spot". My eyes got wide, I was a shivering mess right now, it wasn't the cold making me shiver however.
My life could honestly end sometime over the next hour, I slowly took a deep breath and steadied myself, I knew that if I played this right, the worse thing I would get in this situation would be a "no" from the alpha rather than a torn throat. About two minutes later a group of three sentries appeared over to my left. One of them spotted me, alerted the others, and they began to walk over. This is it I thought, just stay cool Raider, you got this. The three wolves were quite large, all larger than me in fact. I couldn't have tried something if I had wanted to, they would easily overpower me. The one on the left was a snow white female, she had gorgeous blue eyes and had a full body of pure white, it was difficult seeing her in the snow. Next to her a sandy greyish male with amber eyes who was the biggest of the three.
To his right a jet black male who looked like he had a fierce attitude beneath those fiery green eyes. The sandy one spoke first "you're a plateau pack member right?" he asked. The plateau wolves were my old pack with my mother and father. I didn't make eye contact with them, normally this was only a rule you followed in the presence of the alphas but I was going to take absolutely no chances. "I was, however I was evicted from my pack for not living up to my expectations and now I desperately seek a pack to stay with for the winter" I said still shaking.
The black wolf growled and lunged at me fangs bared, he leapt for me but I evaded quickly making sure to not seem I was going to fight back. He then swung his claws at me and caught me right in the cheek. I yelped as his claws dug into my cheek all the way down to the bone. The sandy grey wolf was on top of the black one in an instant pinning him to the ground and growling at him "enough ShadowFang! We don't even know this wolf, he is a guest!" The black wolf apparently ShadowFang was looking at me with hate in his eyes. The two got into a whispered argument with each other.
(WARNING: The next scene contains a tiny bit of blood, please do not read if you are not ok with blood)
I had my eyes down towards the ground, I watched the blood trickle down off my muzzle and onto the snow below. I knew this was a bad idea, I had just stated my business and already had an enemy. The white wolf came over and began licking the wound on my cheek, it stung at first but soon began to feel nice. "Don't worry about him honey" she said, her voice sounded that of an angel's sweet and melodic "he doesn't have fond memories of a wolf who looks quite similar to yourself". She looked concerned and she reminded me of my mother, "thank you ma'am" I said as she backed away having stopped the bleeding on my cheek.
"No problem, call me Anna" she said with a smile. "Then thank you Anna" I said. The black wolf finally whisper shouted something at the sandy grey one and pushed him off, "I'm sorry kid" he said dryly and steamed away grumbling. The sandy grey one just shook his head and walked over to me "sorry about that, he's got a wicked temper, I hope he didn't hurt you too much" he said understandingly.
"I'm fine thanks" I told him. "I'm Slate" he said.
"I'm sorry if I'm already a nuisance to your packs" I said laying my ears back, so far I had been nothing but trouble to packs I had been in, only one but still. "No not at all, it's just you look like a wolf who did something incredibly bad to our alpha" Anna said. I stuck my tail between my legs, anyone to do something to an alpha had to be incredibly bold. "I definitely do not wish to do anything like that, I just seek a warm home" I said. Slate smiled "then you should have no problem then" he said. "By the way what's your name young one?" Anna asked, "Raider" I replied. "Alright Raider, if you'll follow us we'll take you to our Alpha" Slate said as they began walking. I followed behind them through the thick snow covered ground and prayed that whoever did whatever to this pack the Alpha wouldn't let it affect his decision on me.
We walked for quite a distance before we arrived at a little shelf cut out of one of the mountains that created the valley with numerous den sites. When we arrived a lot of the wolves looked out to see the newcomer as he arrived, who in this case was myself. I began to get nervous again, I was surrounded by wolves who were all strangers without an ally in the world, luckily apart from ShadowFang, I hopefully didn't have a single enemy yet either. A wolf went into the large cave at the base of the mountain, he re-emerged a few seconds later with a giant grey wolf with a white undercoat following him.
He looked incredibly strong, and I knew the instant I saw him he was the alpha, he dwarfed every other wolf here. I never did get to see his eyes since lower wolves never look an alpha in the eye out of respect. He made his way over to me and I could feel his gaze on the back of my head as I bowed it in respect. "Come with me young one" he said, his voice very deep but comforting in a weird way. I followed after him, all of the wolves tensed up as I guess they saw he was going to talk to me in private. "I will be fine" he told one of the larger wolves who was about to ask him something.
He led me into his den, it was large and roomy and was dominated by his musky scent, it was weirdly comforting to me just like Jake's only not as alluring. As he turned I caught a glimpse of his red member peeking out of his sheath. I licked my lips but then shook the thought out of my head, wow it sucks being such a horny wolf. He turned and I guessed was looking over me. I tucked my tail between my legs, folded my ears back, and kept my gaze downwards submissively. I knew I couldn't screw this up, it was only now that I realized I was still shivering from the cold.
"So young one, what brings you to my pack?" he asked me. I was shaking and nervous like my body was experiencing an earthquake, he must've seen and sensed this because he added with a chuckle "don't worry, relax". This helped a little bit as I took a deep breath, gathered my courage and said "I desperately seek refuge from the harsh winter with your pack sir, as I no longer have one to call my own" I squeaked closing my eyes as I mentioned my old pack. "Why were you banished so young uhh...." He trailed off. "Raider sir" I said. "Raider" he finished.
I blushed deep red at my love for males "it's a little embarrassing sir" I said. He saw my blush I guess and chuckled "as long as it wasn't for any injuring or killing right?" he asked. I shook my head. "Good, now you seek admission into my pack for the winter Raider?" he asked. I knew this was the right time so I lay down on my back in submission and said "please sir, I would be incredibly grateful" and with that I exposed my neck to him.
This was the ultimate submission for a wolf to perform, and I was desperate. He seemed shocked at first but then brought his head down and gently grabbed my neck in his jaws. He was seeing if I would back away or stay and leave my life in his hands. I did the latter and he released me. "Very well Raider, you may stay with us for the winter" he said with a smile. My tail came out and wagged as I lit up but I quickly re-tucked it "thank you so much Alpha!" I said.
He laughed "you remind me so much of a friend I once had" he said, he got sad and angry with the word "once" as if they were no longer friends. "Oh, it is nearly dark out" he said as he looked back towards the entrance to his den "would you like something to eat Raider?" he asked. I said "if I may alpha, I haven't been able to find any prey I could capture by myself". He nodded and walked out, I followed after him. He led me to the meat pile kept under the snow to keep fresh and dug out a rabbit. "Here you are young one" he said. "Thank you" I said as I began eating.
I kept glancing up to his mouth, it always had a loving smile plastered on it. After I had eaten he called all of the pack members out to inform them about my new acceptance. "Raider has been accepted into the pack for the winter!" he told the wolves who all nodded in understanding. "Also since we have a shortage of dens and mine is plenty big he will stay with me" he said.
I was shocked as my eyes grew wide, I almost looked up to his eyes but stopped myself just like my heart had when he said I would be staying with him. The wolves of the pack began whispering about this decision, ShadowFang approached the alpha "sir, are you sure that is a good idea?" he whispered but it was loud enough for me to hear. "Of course" he said. All of the wolves with much reluctance retreated to their dens, as ShadowFang passed me he growled at me, causing me to back away.
The alpha came up to me and nuzzled me "don't worry young one, he won't do anything" he said. I was shocked, the alpha was actually showing affection towards me, this was bizarre. "A-Alpha?" I asked him. "Yes Raider?" he responded. "Why are you treating me so well, I mean it is wonderful but I'm just curious" I said. He smiled again "because young one, I had a friend who meant so much to me who looked just like you, you even have all of his traits that I miss" he said with a chuckle "you remind me so much of him, sorry if it bothers you". I shook my head and followed him into his den again.
I wondered something, where was his mate? I was really curious but knew better than to ask. He glanced back at me and must've seen my curiosity as I looked round the den. "You must wonder where my mate is don't you Raider?" he asked. I nodded and looked towards his direction curiously. "Come, lay with me, I could use some warmth for once" he said. I was starting to shake as I made my way over to him and lay beside him. His scent overwhelmed me with alpha and if I was standing my knees would've probably collapsed.
"Well, a while ago a young wolf like yourself around my age at the time came into my father's pack seeking admission. My father accepted him and we became best friends" he said with a smile as he reflected his memories. "We were inseparable, we hunted together, ate together, and even howled together." He took a breath and sighed. "When my father passed, he had given me the title of Alpha of his pack, the pack you are now a part of" he said.
I nodded and nuzzled underneath his muzzle "thanks so much again Alpha" I said. He just chuckled "no problem pup". "Anyway, my friend and I had grown apart as soon as I chose my beautiful mate Audrey. We were going to start a family and add new additions to the pack. We were so excited we couldn't stand it. However he grew more and more jealous of us. His anger continued to grow and grow until finally he could stand it no more" he said with a choked sob at the end.
I hugged closer to him trying to offer whatever comfort I could, he licked the top of my head. "Thanks pup" he said, you could tell in his voice he was crying full force now. "Well, he ended up killing my beautiful mate" he said sadly and just began to cry, I knew we just met but after Jake I knew nothing was impossible. I just nuzzled into him and comforted him until he finally stopped crying. "It has been so long since I have had comforting from another wolf, thanks Raider" he said. I nodded, it was incredibly weird hearing him who was a big strong alpha break down and cry. Of course I could understand, if I lost Jake I couldn't imagine what pain it would bring, especially if my best friend had caused it.
"He ran away before she was discovered and I have yet to see him since" he said. "I'm so sorry Alpha" I said nuzzling him again. He smiled "anyway, if I ever see him again I would end him and his family for destroying mine" he said with a growl. I tensed up, it was scary to hear him mad. He saw this and said "sorry pup, I overreact sometimes" he said. "N-No problem alpha" I said still shaken. He laid his head down next to mine "let's get some sleep" he said, I had no problem with that as tiring of a day as this had been. We got comfortable and I sighed happily, he reminded me a lot of Jake.
"Yep, if I ever see Wayne again, he better watch out, see you in the morning Raider" he said. My heart just about exploded as I was frozen with fear, my eyes shot open like a bullet. Luckily he hadn't noticed as his breathing began to calm down for sleep. I panicked as I closed my eyes trying for sleep again. The only Wayne I knew that looked like me was my father.