Rubber and Pigskin (Pt. 1)

Story by CallMeJj on SoFurry

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#1 of Rubber and Pigskin

Wow, what is up guys? I am super excited right now. This first part of my new series Rubber and Pigskin came out really good but a tad long. This series features high school relationship (I know high school is used often but still) between two best friends who didn't know how to come to terms with their sexuality. Well this series is going to be a sporty (hockey, football, golf), dramatic, romantic, and lustful msterpiece I am hoping. I really want this to be something incredible as I have planned a lot of it out. I hope you enjoy, if you do please vote for it! More stories will be up and the series will get quite exciting! As always feedback is appreciated and welcomed. So without further interuption by the annoying author keeping you from the story, I give you chapter one of my new series Rubber and Pigskin! P.S. Rubber refers to a hockey puck and pigskin to football incase you were wondering about the title. Enjoy. WARNING: The following piece contains M/M sexual activity

Rubber & Pigskin

Chapter 1 - More Than Friends


Jason groaned and tried to turn back over under the covers to alleviate the disturbance the loud alarm clock on his phone was causing on his dreams. It continued to go off until finally he gave in; he reached over on his bedside table and picked up the vibrating menace. He unlocked his screen that read 5:30 a.m. and hit snooze on his alarm, there was no harm in five more minutes was there?

On second thought, there could be, so he reached back over and turned the alarm off. He groaned as he sat up in his bed and looked up at the ceiling where the first signs of dawn were breaking in the gap at the top of his curtains. He reached over and flipped on the light switch next to his bed and waited for a few minutes for his eyes to adjust.

He had always thought morning people just weren't right in the head, how on earth could a fur possibly endure the dreadful half awake, half asleep feeling and be happy? With his eyes adjusted he sighed and got out of the wonderfully cozy bed and walked over towards his closet.

He had gotten his sister's room when she had moved out for college since her room was twice the size of his old one. However the walls were still the purple color she had wanted painted on them since he would have to pay for the paint himself if he wanted them a new color just as his sister had done five years ago. He wanted to save the cash and time so he just endured the color, he didn't hate it. He was also left with her mirror closet doors she had wanted in which he examined himself in.

At 6 foot 1 he had no clue where his height had come from. His father was only 5 foot 4 and his mother 5 foot 7. He was a hybrid of his brunette furred wolf mother and his red haired husky father. However hybrids were frowned upon until recently as they were said to cause an unnatural balance to the world. He had been picked on and made fun his entire life because of other fur's stupid beliefs.

However he had found a decent number of true friends who didn't care at all about his background and saw him for who he was. He had a dark grey top coat extending from snout to tail, again a mystery as to where he had gotten grey from but he liked it either way. His under coat running from his chin to sheath was a dirty blondish brown; however despite how bad one would imagine these two colors clashing, they blended really nicely for him.

He was 17 years old, a senior in high school. He weighed around 200 pounds, he had a slight stomach which he could never get rid of and thanks to all of his sporting activities he had a muscular tone to him, very little of those 200 pounds were caused by fat. He also had a pair of luminous amber eyes that seemed to glow like the sun; they were his most prominent feature.

The entire reason he had gotten up was to attend football camp, which had been going on for upwards of two weeks now. He played wide receiver and pretty much where he was needed for his school, West Henderson High School (A/N This is an actual high school, in fact this is where I graduated from). It was a small school in Henderson County in North Carolina which was divided into four different schools, North, East, West, and Hendersonville.

He loved playing sports especially hockey in the winter time. Even though he was so muscular and played so many sports he didn't consider himself a jock like some other furs did to gain popularity, he just played because he enjoyed them. The fact he was going to be captain of the hockey team this year didn't help his humble outlook, he was a gifted hockey player despite having no hockey in his family background.

Many colleges had contacted him about scholarships and he was excited since he had worked all summer on his game. He went down to Raleigh in which he trained with one of the trainers from the professional team The Carolina Hurricanes who was luckily a family friend of his sister's fiancé. He wanted to take this as far as he could go as his family wasn't poor but still weren't swimming in enough money to comfortably get him through college. He put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that read "West Henderson Athletics 2012" on it and his sneakers.

He turned off his light so as not to wake up his parents and ventured to the kitchen. He grabbed two bottles of water and a mountain dew from the fridge. He also grabbed one of his protein bars from atop the cabinet in the dining room. He wrote his usual note to his parents telling them he left and he loved them and left it on the door. He grabbed his duffel bag and keys and headed out the door.

It was a cool August morning with some fog lingering from the moist night, the sun was starting to peak out from behind the trees and burn it off. He got into the car his parents had given him, mostly because his mother had purchased a "newsed" Toyota Avalon a few months before. He had gotten the gold 2003 Dodge Durango, but that wasn't a bad thing, it was a great vehicle. He threw his bag in the backseat and started the car. He switched on his favorite station and drove off for school.

When he arrived at school his early morning drowsiness had been destroyed thanks to his mountain dew. He parked next to the other player's cars who had already arrived when he got out he saw his good friend JC, standing for John Cody, getting out of his car. He walked over and greeted the stallion.

He was extremely short for a horse however what he lacked in height he made up for in muscle. He had gotten quicker, tougher, and better over the summer and was to become the tight end this season. JC headed for the stadium, Jason opened his tailgate and just sat there thinking as he waited for Robert. He wasn't exactly sure how to interpret his current sexuality.

He loved the thought of having a wife and pups someday, however what really got his groins going were other males. Society had a big gap when it came to gay relationships, half of which would think it was a sin and it was disgusting; the other half would be accepting and say do whatever you feel is right. However Jason wasn't into the flashy, kinky, slightly girl type of gay, he liked manly men, who made their living just like everyone else.

He was caught between what his brain wanted which was to be with a female, and what his heart and nether regions craved which was to be with a male. He pondered for a few minutes before a green Subaru pulled up and parked beside his car. Jason smiled and walked over as a large grizzly bear stepped out of the vehicle.

Robert stood somewhere close to 7 feet tall as did most bears and had an enormous build and was senior like Jason. Yet he was never a weight lifter, it all just came so naturally to him, all he ever did was football and baseball. He had a fuzzy looking brown coat and a pair of charcoal eyes. Jason and Robert had met back in elementary school and were inseparable ever since.

They were the definition of best friends in the dictionary according to most people, they went to each other's homes all of the time. Robert had a normally reserved happy demeanor to him but this morning he looked like something was bothering him, Jason had learned what he looked like when in a certain mood. He was deep in thought which was far from his normal happy self.

"Hey man, everything alright?" Jason asked as he offered the classic half paw shake with a one arm hug to his friend. Robert snapped out of his trance and tried to put on a fake smile "yeah, all good bro" he said accepting the shake. "We still going to hang out this weekend?" Jason asked. "Yeah man, if you want to come over tonight and stay til Sunday we can go see a movie or something" Robert said.

"Sweet I'll swing home after practice and tell my parents" Jason replied. They then headed for the stadium which allowed access to the locker rooms in the field house. Jason kept watching Robert's facial expression, never changing from troubled when he didn't know he was being watched.

They descended the large ramp leading from the top of the bleachers to the field house and walked into the locker rooms. They were greeted by the smell of sweat and Axe body spray, how the locker rooms always smelled. They heard a few of their teammates changing already, but they were early so only a few. As they rounded the corner they looked in the coach's office. Their coach, coach Whitaker, was discussing something on paper with an assortment of assistant coaches. They acknowledged the pair as they passed.

They set their bags down at their normal places and started to unpack their duffels. Jason looked around and saw JC talking with an offensive lineman, a large bull named Marshall. He was the biggest member of the team, not the tallest but he was huge. The guy could squat 600 pounds with ease, it was almost scary. Jason also saw Coleman an arctic fox who was also a receiver and one of their safeties, a cheetah named Kyle. As they got into their gear the rest of the team, victims of the early morning woes, slowly filed in.

Their new quarterback was a small fox named Gary, their quarterback last year had graduated leaving them with the open spot. Gary had a decent arm but Jason was still a little worried. Their running back had also graduated; he had earned a scholarship to Wofford. He was a ram and literally bowled people over, he quite literally won some games last year by himself.

However now that spot was taken by a deer named Cory. He was pretty strong as well and was going to be looked at by scouts. Jason changed into his pads and practice jersey slowly, all the while admiring Robert's body. Jason quickly shook his head to rid him of these thoughts, Rob was his best friend after all, yet he still couldn't deny what he felt in his groin with men.

Soon the entire team was fitted and ready with the whole room chatting about the upcoming weekend, season, and school year. The coach came out and briefed them about the practice today and the scrimmage game next Friday at Chase high. After that they dispersed and began practice. The first half was pure conditioning, they ran up and down the hill leading from the main football field to the practice field.

They also did suicides all the way down the 100 yard field, which were to run 5 more yards ahead of where they stopped last and come back to the starting line. At the end of his run Jason collapsed in the end-zone panting. He watched as the bigger less quick guys finished up their suicides. Robert came up out of breath and panting furiously and collapsed right next to Jason who by now had regained his breath.

He enjoyed the warmth of his friend next to him panting, no I can't think that way! he thought to himself, he was starting to worry his crave for the same sex would soon jeopardize his friendship with Robert. After they rested and given a water break they started to practice plays. Gary threw passes to receivers being covered by backs and safeties.

Jason was given a simple slant route first, so he ran about 10 yards down field covered by Kyle, then darted to the left and locked his eyes on Gary. Gary soared the ball 10 yards too far and way out of Jason's reach. Coach Whit just shook his head and talked to Gary trying to correct his mistakes. Jason stole a glance at the offensive and defensive lines practicing hiking plays. He saw Robert next to Marshall bowl over one of their linebackers, and smiled. Robert looked really good when he tackled people. Jason just shook his head inwardly, GOT TO STOP! He scolded himself. Practice finally concluded, leaving Jason and Robert worn out.

"How did Gary do?" Robert asked him as he removed his chest pads, Jason looked over at Gary being scolded by the coach. "He really sucked the first half, just to be honest but he did get better as practice wore on" Jason told him. "Crap, hope he gets his act together" Robert said stuffing his pants into his duffel. "You're not going to shower?" Jason asked him. "I got to get home and tell my folks you're coming over, they're leaving for the weekend in an hour and I got to catch them before they do, I'll get one at home" he said.

"Alright man, I'll see you in a couple hours?" Jason asked the bear as he headed out. "Yeah bro see you then!". Jason finished undressing and stepped into the shower, he may have been gay but he certainly didn't get hard in the shower with his teammates he had enough control not to. He showered, changed and headed up to the parking lot with JC.

"Dude, the Ravens start pre-season in a few weeks!" he said excitedly, he loved Baltimore's professional football team with a passion. "Sweet, that means the Falcon's preseason does too!" Jason replied, he loved the Atlanta Falcons like JC loved the Ravens. "Yeah, but the Ravens will dominate" JC said with a smirk. Jason playfully punched him before saying goodbye and heading home. He arrived home a few minutes and two bottles of water later.

He was greeted by his mother who got up from her desk where she did her work at home. She hugged him with a wag of her tail "hey honey, how was practice?". Jason grimaced "ok but our quarterback isn't doing that great" he said. She frowned "it'll get better, trust me" she said with kiss on his cheek. He loved his mother, she always seemed to be in such a good mood no matter what circumstances she got into.

"There's chicken salad in the fridge if you're hungry" she said sitting back down at the desk. "Ok" Jason said as his growling stomach beckoned him to the kitchen urgently "is it ok if I spend tonight and tomorrow at Robert's?" he yelled retrieving the loaf of bread from the cupboard. "Sure hon!" she called back, he heard the clicking of her accounting calculator.

He fixed himself a double decker sandwich and got some doritos. After he ate called Robert's home, after two rings his mother picked up "hello?". Jason looked at the clock and realized they would leave in the next few minutes "Hi Mrs. Peterson, how are you?" he asked. "Oh, hi Jason! I'm great thanks, how's your mother?" she asked. Jason stole a glance towards the office room, "fine, just busy as ever" he said. "Aren't we all?" she asked "we're just about to leave, be a dear and don't let Robert destroy the house while we're gone?" Jason laughed "Yes ma'am, I won't". "Great, we will see you Sunday then!" she said before handing the phone to Robert who was waiting.

He picked up "hey man, bring an extra xbox controller, I can't find my spare" he said. "Will do, I'm leaving now actually" Jason told him. "Great, see you in a few" Robert said before hanging up. Jason packed a change of clothes, his toothbrush, and an xbox controller into an old gym bag, he kissed his mother and said goodbye.

As he was leaving, his father pulled up into the driveway. He hugged him and told him he would see him this weekend. He threw his bag in the backseat and drove off towards Robert's house. When he arrived, he saw that Rob's parent's car had already gone, meaning he had a weekend alone with his best friend. He knocked at the door and heard a muffled "Hum in!". He walked inside and saw Robert with a mouthful of banana.

Jason laughed "you know you really shouldn't talk with your mouthful". Robert smiled and took another bite. "I spent some of my allowance on some new rock band songs if you want to try them out" Robert said tossing the peel into the trash. Jason wagged his tail "sounds great" he said.

They went into the living room where his parents had spent most of the money on renovating. They had a brand new 60" 3D TV put in along with surround sound and an assortment of comfy hairs and couch. Jason made sure to remove his shoes at the door since their carpet was white, in which every spot of dirt would stick out like a sore thumb. Robert set up the drums for himself and Jason fetched a guitar.

They played rockband for a while laughing and singing along with the songs, but Jason could see Robert's mood slowly start to decline to the way he was this morning. After rockband, madden 11, and some call of duty zombies they were famished. They both got into Jason's car and went into town and went to Wendy's for dinner. Robert got a double cheeseburger while Jason got a spicy chicken sandwich. They chatted about football and some other odd things before heading back to Robert's house.

When they arrived Robert looked on the verge of tears for some unknown reason. "You want to play anything specific?" Robert asked. "No man, come here" Jason said and led Robert to the couch. He sat him down next to him and looked at his friend's eyes. He knew something was up, but what was still unknown. "Rob, we've been friends for pretty much ever" Jason told him. Robert painfully nodded, "you know you can trust me right?" Jason asked.

Robert hesitated for a moment. "No matter what man, we will always be tight, I want to be here for you just like I know for a fact you would be there for me man" Jason said, his concern was quite present on his face. Robert sighed "I don't know if we'll still be friends if I tell you" he said sadly. Jason shook his head "no matter what you tell me, I will always be you bro man, just trust me" he said with all the sincerity he could vocally muster.

Robert smiled slightly before his sadness returned. He sighed heavily and waited a few seconds before he mustered up his voice and said "I'm gay". Jason's heart nearly stopped. Robert waited for his friend's reaction, expecting rejection or anger, however all he got was an understanding nod from Jason.

"Wait you're not mad?" Robert asked in disbelief. Jason shook his head "Why would I be mad? I told you I would be here for you no matter what" he told him. Robert suddenly grabbed Jason's head and brought him into a kiss. Jason was shocked at first, before he could recover and enjoy the kiss Robert's eyes widened and he pulled away.

"Oh my god man, I am so sorry! You just look so good, shit!" he yelled "I'm so stupid, I know I just" was all he got out before a paw over his own stopped him. He looked up at Jason who was looking at him with a smile. "It's ok man, in fact the uhh..." Jason's ears flattened and he blushed furiously "the thought of us, I mean a couple... I like it" he said gauging Robert's reaction.

Robert lit up a lot "are you serious, wait you're not just shitting me are you?" Robert asked as if to wake himself up from this wonderful dream. Jason just smiled and brought his friend into a deep kiss. Their tongues clashed and thrashed in each other's muzzles as they hungrily explored each other's mouths.

Jason pulled away after a few more seconds and said "that considered 'shitting' you?" Robert hugged Jason, "thanks for understanding, you think we can make this work?". Jason thought for a moment, "I hope so, I mean you're awfully sexy man, I've admired you for a while" Jason said. Jason could see a light hint of red beneath Robert's brown fur as he blushed. "Alright then, I guess we're going out then!" Robert said before realizing how stupid he had just sounded.

Jason hugged him close as he smelled his friend's heavy musk emanating from him. "Rob, you showered yet?" he asked him. Robert took whiff underneath his armpit and said "I guess I forgot" he said with a chuckle. Jason looked down and saw an obscene bulge in his friend's shorts. Robert followed his gaze before walking away and covering himself "sorry man" he said, his heavy blush returned.

Jason walked up to the towering bear and brought his head down and kissed him. After he pulled away he whispered in Robert's ear "you want me to help you with that?" He felt his friend shiver before he regained his composure "isn't this a little too soon?" Robert asked him. "I'm all for it if you are" Jason said with a wink. "I would love to" Robert said in utter disbelief, five minutes ago he was still in the closet, now he was out and had a hard on.

Jason led Robert over to the couch and sat him down. He knelt in front of him and looked up at Robert and asked "you good?" Robert who was now shaking with anticipation nodded. Jason slowly undid the buttons of Robert's shorts and unzipped the zipper and removed them. He was hit with his friends incredibly strong musk still present from the earlier practice. It smelled just like Robert only it was delightfully more intense.

Jason basked in it for a few moments before he looked at his friend's bearhood straining inside his dark grey briefs, a wet spot from pre beginning to form. Jason licked at the spot, he murred at the flavor of his friend. He carefully grabbed his friend's underwear with his teeth and yanked them down. He was then faced with his friend's full 10 inch pride. Jason took an experimental lick of his friend's head where a drop of pre had formed.

He was shocked at how good it tasted, he imagined it would be a taste he would have to tolerate in order to pleasure his partner, but so far he liked it. Robert shuddered and held onto Jason's shoulder for stability. Jason grinned and slowly wrapped his mouth around his friend's length. He inched it in slowly until finally he gagged after about 6 inches were in.

Robert was moaning uncontrollably. Jason stopped and breathed in through his nose bathing in his friend's musk. He slowly drew his head back until only Robert's head was still in his maw. He flicked his tongue across it and was rewarded with another drop of pre. He then went back down on his bearhood desperately trying to relax his gag reflex.

He was so focused on that he didn't realize until one of his friend's pubes tickled his nose that he in fact could relax his gag reflex. He slowly began to bob his head back and forth massaging his friend's length with his tongue. He was rewarded with moans and drops of pre from Robert. Jason took Robert's sack into his hand and began to massage his cub makers while he bobbed his head suckling on Rob's length.

Rob was literally shaking in ecstasy at the moment, Jason smiled at his friend's reaction. He picked up pace while rolling his tongue all over the underside of his friend's shaft murring to vibrate his throat. Jason continued blowing his friend for a few minutes until finally he felt Robert's shuddering increase. "Bro I'm gonna cum" Robert warned Jason, resulting in Jason increasing his efforts. He bobbed his head faster and sandwiched his friend's bearhood in between the roof of his mouth and his tongue.

He massaged Robert's thighs. Robert soon just collapsed back into the couch with a "NNGH!" as he unleashed his load in Jason's maw. Jason eagerly gulped down his friend's seed, murring at the flavor. He shot a few ropes of bear cum before it began to leak out of Jason's maw. Robert slowly came down from his orgasmic high and relaxed. Jason wiped the cum dribbling out of the corners of his mouth off and smiled at Robert.

Robert brought him into a kiss, he moaned as he tasted himself on the kiss. Jason was groping at his crotch causing Robert to moan even more. They continued just cuddling and kissing for about 15 minutes until Jason finally succeeded on getting him hard again. Jason looked up at him with a grin and asked "you got anything we could use as lube?" Robert stared blankly and asked "why on earth would we need-" before stopping and blushing.

"That is only if you want to man" Jason told him. Robert pondered for a minute, Jason was expecting a no since he was so deep in thought but instead he was told "I think we got petroleum jelly in the cupboard in the bathroom". Jason grinned and kissed Robert again. Robert looked at Jason "let's move this to the bedroom, however there is a no pants and underwear policy" Rob said with a smile as Jason quickly disposed of his garments.

Robert got the lube from the bathroom and kissed up and down Jason's neck all the way to his bedroom. His room was littered with clothes and other things of teenage variety. Jason made his way through the mountain range of debris and got to his bed and sat down. "So umm, I don't know exactly how to ask this bro but..." Robert said to Jason.

Jason told him "dude, we're going to have sex, I think whatever it is it will be fine" he said with a smile and a wink. Robert hesitated before saying "who is going to do who?". Jason raised an eyebrow at the how blunt his friend was, "which would you prefer bro?" Robert blushed fiercely before Jason put a hand on his shoulder "whatever you want man is fine". "I would kind of like to be on top for the first time if that's ok" Robert said, he was a bright shade of red by now.

Jason smiled "alright man, that's fine" he said as he turned to Robert and lifted his hybrid tail. Robert got the idea and slowly applied the lube to his own hard on, moaning at the slick sensation. He then dipped two fingers into the jelly and probed his friend's hole.

He moved his fingers around slowly, he may have been a virgin but he still knew the whole process for this kind of stuff from his lonely nights with porn and his paw. Jason relaxed as the bear opened him up and relaxed his opening. His wolfhood began to slip out of its furry prison as he began to pant at the attention. After Robert was done Jason waited for him to begin, but nothing happened.

He was about to say something before Rob flipped him around to missionary. Jason didn't complain as now he could see the sexy hunk of bear he was about to give his innocence to. He watched as Robert positioned his head at his entrance. He pushed in halfway quite quickly, Jason yelped in pain and tried his best not to let a tear fall down his cheek.

"Shit man I'm sorry, I knew this was a bad idea" Robert said as he started to panic. "No, it's not that" he said trying to calm Rob down. Robert looked at him questioningly, "just take it slowly" Jason said grimacing at the sudden invasion. Robert nodded and began to push the rest of his length in much slower. He moaned at the feeling of Jason's warm tight passage expanding comfortably around his length.

He smiled when he heard Jason whimper in pleasure and his tail hit his legs a few times as he wagged it. He finally felt his furry sack make contact with Jason's tail as he was fully hilted inside of him. He looked down at Jason who was experiencing the first feelings of his prostate being massaged by his friend's length. He was panting and his tongue was hanging out as he had his eyes closed in ecstasy.

Robert pulled out slowly and re hilted, getting rewarded by a moan and his friend's length bob and produce a drop of pre. Robert began to slowly hump the hybrid as more and more pre began to leak from Jason's rod. Robert ventured a finger to the head of his friend and gathered the drops and tasted them. He moaned at the flavor, it was wonderfully different than anything he had ever tried.

He reached a paw down and began to jack his friend off while his humping continued to gather up speed. Jason was whimpering in pure pleasure as he was almost in tears at how wonderful he felt at the moment. The musk from their mating began to fill the room, Jason's was drowned out by Robert's powerful odor. Jason enjoyed it, he liked the smell of his friend this way, it was so manly and earthy.

Robert grabbed Jason by the hips and began a full on assault on his tail hole. Every thrust pounded Jason's prostate sending jolts of pleasure through the wolf-dog. Jason just moaned and he was gently being rocked back and forth by the force of his friend. "Rob I'm" was all Jason got out before a moan cut him off, Robert smiled. He took his friend's length in his paw and began jacking him off quickly.

Jason's eyes got wide as he let out a howl, which he definitely inherited from his mother's side, of pure ecstasy as he came all over his friend's paw. Robert felt Jason's insides tighten on his bearhood and thrust in one final time. His balls hugged his body as he released his second load of the day into the hybrid. Together the two rode out waves of nothing beyond pure pleasure before they were both left panting and hugging one another.

Jason's cum covered his own stomach and Robert's paw when he unloaded. Rob brought his paw up to his face and licked his friend's cum off, the flavor was strangely wonderful. Robert knew they needed a shower but he was quite tired. He was about to ask Jason if he wanted to grab one before he heard a slight snore. He looked over and Jason had already fallen asleep.

He smiled as he pulled out of his friend and positioned them up on the pillows. He lay down with Jason in his arms, instinctively Jason nuzzled back into the warmth and softness in his sleep. Robert just smiled and hugged him closer. He soon began thinking _who knew the guy of my dreams, who was also my best friend, felt the exact same way I did? What did I do to get so lucky? _ With a happy sigh Rob allowed his dreams to take over.

Rubber and Pigskin (Pt. 2)

**Rubber and Pigskin** **Chapter 2 - Regret** (Jason's POV) I awoke surrounded by warmth, normally my mom keeps the house below 60 thanks to her hot nature and fur leading to me waking up shivering from where I kicked my blanket off during sleep....

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All Bucked Up (Pt. 4)

**All Bucked Up (Pt. 4)** (Raider's POV) As the weeks passed by nice and slowly I grew ever so closer to Jake. We would spend so much time together laughing and playing things like hunter and stalker, hide and find, and anything else to get your...

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All Bucked Up (Pt. 3)

**All Bucked Up (Pt. 3)** (Raider's POV) _I looked off to my right and saw the four bucks who had trapped me to have their so called "fun" with. They were all staring at me and laughing at something. I looked around but didn't see anything, until I...

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