All Bucked Up (Pt. 3)

Story by CallMeJj on SoFurry

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#3 of All Bucked Up

Part 3 of my All Bucked Up series! I'm trying to figure out where to go with this story series now, all of your guy's suggestions would be greatly appreciated in forming new ideas. I tried adding a more romantic flare to this chapter rather than the N/C type thing in part 2. Anyway enjoy this part and if you haven't read parts 1 and/or 2 I would suggest doing so! As always feedback is welcomed and appreciated so without further delay I give you ABU pt. 3! WARNING: This chapter contains M/M sexual activity, if this does not appeal to you I strongly advise against you reading it.

All Bucked Up (Pt. 3)

(Raider's POV)

I looked off to my right and saw the four bucks who had trapped me to have their so called "fun" with. They were all staring at me and laughing at something. I looked around but didn't see anything, until I looked behind them. There was a large brown mass sitting behind them. My vision seemed to magically pass through them and saw it was Jake! He had a gunshot wound from a hunter in his chest! I began to cry, it felt as though my entire world would crumble right then and there. I turned and saw the barrel of a hunter's rifle aimed right at me, his eyes were shrouded in black as he had the most evil grin plastered on his face. I closed my eyes and waited for the shot to finally end my existence.

"Raider... Raider!" a voice said, I realized I was being shook roughly by something. When I opened my eyes they were blurry from the tears I had in them, I realized I must've been crying in my sleep. When I blinked them clear we were back in the cave I had went into with Jake the night before, his scent was still present and it was comforting me quite a bit already. I looked at the gorgeous hunk of grizzly in front of me looking at me with concern in his cocoa brown eyes.

Wait... was I really crying about losing Jake? I just met the guy! Yet here I was feeling such sadness for losing him in my nightmare, however he was incredibly handsome. His fluffy brown fur made him appear so soft and fuzzy while hiding his undertone of muscle which would occasionally ripple underneath it. He wasn't fat yet he sported a pudgy looking belly. His beautiful face with those brown eyes that just seemed to melt your heart when you gazed into them.

I really wanted to get to know this bear better. "I'm ok" I said reassuring him, "I just had a nightmare". He came a bit closer to me and asked "well would you like to talk about it?" with the concern in his eyes easing slightly. "Well, it was weird because the only part of the dream that made it into a nightmare was the fact I had lost you" I said a bit embarrassed. He just stared at me for a moment before saying "Oh!" and turned his head. I could see he was trying to hide the blush he sported but even I could see it under his fur. "I'm sorry, I made it a bit awkward just now I don't mean for it to sound like I'm-" I was cut off as Jake rushed over to me and pulled me into a kiss.

I yelped in surprise but soon melted into it. I slowly felt his tongue explore my muzzle and caress over my own before retreating back into his mouth, I then let my tongue venture into his muzzle. I had only seen my mother and father kiss a couple of times, but they made it look quite romantic. The way it felt right now I was on cloud nine! The kiss broke after a few more seconds and Jake backed away blushing as brightly as ever. "I'm sorry I couldn't control myself" he said. I chuckled and said "Jake that was wonderful, I was just nervous that you didn't feel the same way about me, I mean I know we just met under some weird circumstances" I said motioning towards my sore rump "yet I just feel so right with you, so safe, and you're incredibly good looking to boot".

He pulled me into another kiss wrapping those big grizzly paws around me and bringing me close. After we broke from the kiss he just held me for a while. I smiled as I nuzzled into his big furry chest breathing in his scent. I don't know what about it made it so good, a piney, earthy, musky scent and it drove me crazy! "I'm glad you feel so right with me Raid because, well I feel the exact same way with you" he said hugging me tighter. My heart lit up a bit at this statement, I had expected him to be mad or disgusted by my sudden expression of my feelings yet here he was telling me exactly what I had hoped to hear.

I was about to scratch myself with a claw to ensure this wasn't a dream however the dull throb in my rump reminded me this was reality. "I'm so glad you feel this way Jake!" I said "I just don't know why even though we just met this just feels wonderful being with you". He smiled "I thought I was weird for feeling it until now". He licked my nose and started to make his way to the mouth of the cave. "Come on" he said motioning me towards the door "let's get some breakfast". I nodded and with a smile followed him outside. The sun was shining brightly overhead, coming from the dimly lit cave it took my eyes a while to adjust.

He led me down a path telling me about different places he liked to go and thing he liked to do there. As we walked I noticed a weird smell, a smell I didn't really smell too often only in the fall. I stopped and tried to source it better only to find myself sniffing my back. The memories of yesterday flooded back into my head just like Rudy's scent still present on me flooded my nose. I remembered his words "Don't forget the biggest buck of the woods marked you either!". I chuckled to myself and thought you know I never will forget him. Despite what you would think I did have fun yesterday, I know it confuses me too.

Yet something about being so helpless to a species that mine is above just ignited a spark of lust in me and made it all so exciting, also the feelings I got were unreal. "Come on slowpoke, I would like to eat something before I have to hibernate!" Jake shouted jokingly. He had seen me stop in my train of thought, I laughed and caught up to him and playfully shoved him. We got to a river after a few more minutes, we both drank until our thirsts were quenched.

Next Jake asked me "have you ever tried fish before?" with a smile on his muzzle. I shook my head causing his smile to broaden even more "well you my handsome lupine friend are in for a special treat!" he said wading out into the river. He stood still for a while not moving at all. I watched him curiously until out of nowhere his paw flashed above the water and something silver and shiny flew at me. I jumped out of the way of it as the fish landed where I had just been standing.

It lay there for a minute, I cautiously let my nose venture down to give it a whiff before it jumped out of nowhere and slapped me square in the muzzle. Jake roared with laughter at my misfortune as I glared at him. He quickly stopped laughing and put his best cub eyes he could on while he walked over to me "I'm sorry but you were just so cute when you jumped". I just shook my head and licked his nose, I probably did look funny. He told me how to eat the fish, to eat the sides but to leave the bones in the middle. I hadn't realized how hungry I actually was until I started to eat the fish, it was so delicious! After I had wolfed it down, oh man bad pun, I looked over to find Jake smiling and watching me.

"Sorry, I probably got a little carried away" I said. He chuckled "that is nothing to be sorry about! You look very skinny I knew you needed something soon otherwise you would probably be nothing but a skeleton with fur!" I looked at myself, and it was true I was pretty skinny from my lack of food the last two weeks. "You want to give it a shot?" he said glancing back towards me as he waded back in. "Sure" I said and followed him in. We got out to the middle of the river and it was just deep enough to reach my stomach. "Alright, you want to let the fish come to you, that means no movement until you are one hundred percent sure you will be able to nab him" he said. I nodded, "now watch this" he said eyes glued to an approaching fish.

I froze as best I could and leaned up against him, it was nice being this close to him. He had a grin on his face as the fish swam closer to investigate the new non moving objects now invading it's home. He got closer, and closer until he was practically touching me, then I felt a nibble on my leg causing me to yelp and jump. The fish swam away and I felt my ears drop in embarrassment. Jake was dying from laughter at this point. He saw my embarrassment and brought me into a hug the best a grizzly bear can and licked my cheek "I'm sorry hon, but that was quite adorable, I forgot to mention they bite you to see how if you're edible".

I laughed thinking of how a fish just tasted a wolf, I shoved Jake playfully and then nuzzled back into his big chest. I breathed in his scent again, it was just such a huge wave of comfort it sent through me, I have no idea why but I try not to ask questions if the situation is right. "Alright let's try that again" he said. We stood very still and quiet nuzzling each other for about three minutes before another fish's curiosity got the better of him. He inched closer and closer, this time over near Jake's left paw. "Perfect" he whispered to me, his whisper sent a chill down my spine. He flashed his paw out quick as lightning and brought the fish up into his mouth.

The fish struggled but eventually lost the fight and he tried to hand it to me but I declined "you caught it, therefore it's yours." He laughed "are you sure my little wolfy is ready to brave the river and wolf-eating fish?" he said with a fake scary voice. I puffed out my chest and said "probably not!" we both laughed as he took his catch back to the shore. I stood dead still in the water like Jake had said to. I glanced behind me and he was enjoying his fish with a grin as he watched me standing there. Slowly but surely the fish swimming down river curiously examined me all around.

I spotted a decent sized fish coming towards my paw, I waited until it was only about a whisker's length away before flashing my paw just like Jake had done. I felt the smooth scaly texture of the fish as I brought it to my mouth like he did. I turned with a proud gleam and showed him my first caught fish. He smiled and said "impressive!". I was taking my fish back to shore when it had other ideas, all of sudden it started flopping and fighting. I wasn't expecting it so it escaped my maw and its tail hit me right on my nose as if to say "ha!" and disappeared in the current.

My ears flushed in embarrassment and I'm sure Jake could see the blush hidden beneath my dark grey coat. I walked back to shore quite depressed when he pulled me into a deep kiss. I sat there and let our tongues dance together enjoying the taste and how close I was to my new mate. Did I just say mate? What if he doesn't want to take it that far? Aw screw it I'm going to enjoy this while I can I said. Our kiss ended after a passionate few more seconds. He hugged me and said "same thing happened to me Raid, don't worry about it". Raid, I liked that nickname he had formed all by himself, plus it was easier without the extra syllable. We spent half a day catching more fish and laughing with each other.

At one point I had climbed on a rock on the shoreline and jumped onto Jake's back causing him to fall into the water face first. We laughed as I wrestled with him until ultimately thanks to his size he had me pinned in the shallows. "So I have a naughty little wolf on my hands do I?" I grinned and said "maybe". "Do you know what I do to naughty little wolves like you?" I shook my head as he picked me up in his big arms. He was so strong and so fluffy it was an incredible combination. He threw me out into the deep part of the water, I landed with a splash as water coursed through my nose, I blew it out underwater.

I surfaced and he was laughing, I swam over to him and splashed him. After a few more hours we were wet, full, and couldn't be happier. We shook off and headed back to the cave. I don't remember the last time I was so full, I had almost forgotten how good it felt. We arrived back to his cave, it was still somewhat light outside. He smiled as he picked me up and brought me into the cave. He lay down on his back and put me on his belly with my muzzle inches away from his.

"You know what I like about you?" he asked playfully. I laughed "what?". He smiled and kissed me briefly before saying "everything" with a happy sigh. "Oh stop you're making me blush" I said, honestly I didn't think in the least I was a catch, however this gorgeous hunk of bear certainly was. "No, I mean it, your laugh, your coat, and those absolute dazzling eyes you have". I remember my mother telling me I had incredible eyes, I had never really looked at them before. I licked his cheek and told him thanks. "Well what about me?" he asked with that grin of his. I smiled "I love how fluffy and huggable you are, your amazing smile, and your scent is so comforting and wonderful". He smiled and kissed me again, "I always dreamt of finding the perfect male bear who felt the same way I did, however now I realize my search for the perfect mate was for nothing because I was looking at the wrong species". That was really sweet, I couldn't help but blush as I hugged him tighter.

"I'm glad you found me Jake, even more glad that I could find someone as wonderful as you" I said. I felt something poke my tail as it swished back and forth happily. I looked back and saw Jake's bearhood had slowly emerged from his sheath. He looked around me to follow my gaze and pulled me off immediately. He scrambled away "oh my god, Raider I am so sorry!" he was blushing so hard I could see it clearly under his fur. "I am so stupid I should be able to control mys-" I leapt back on top of him and kissed him. He was surprised at first but then he growled happily into the kiss. I pulled him rather tightly and kissed him hard, by the time we separated we were both out of breath.

"Jake, you have no reason to be sorry about that" I said looking back at the delicious rod. By now I had him back on his back and I was on top of him again. I blushed heavily and asked "would it be ok if I took care of that for you?" He was sort of shocked for a moment and said "only if that's ok with you". I smiled "it's perfectly fine are you good with it?" "Yes" he said so I smiled and turned around. His length was a good nine inches long, a lot shorter than the buck's but much thicker. I gave an experimental lick to the shaft resulting in a moan from Jake. I smiled and wrapped my lips around the delicious tool and licked all around the underside.

As I began licking I had failed to notice how my own sheath had come to life, nor did I notice it was right in Jake's face. He did notice however and began licking at my growing wolfhood. I moaned as I felt someone's warm caress on my meat for the first time, no wonder the bucks liked this so much! I murred around his tool vibrating the back of my throat sending a wave of pleasure through him. I began to bob my head up and down his length. Pre cum had started to from at the tip giving me my first taste of my newly found partner. He was incredibly sweet almost like a honey cone from a beehive but had and edge of saltiness to it. I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it, it was one of the best things I had ever tasted.

I drooled a little bit to help make it better for Jake. He was so focused on my work he had forgotten about my erection until a drop of pre hit him on the lips. He licked it up quickly and moaned so I'm guessing he liked it. He wrapped his warm muzzle over my wolfhood and began to bob his head to the pace I had started. I felt the ridges on the top of his mouth against my head as he sucked and it was great. The warmth of his breath, the tight wetness of his maw was heavenly. I tried harder to return the favor to him as I reached my paw out and fondled with his furry pair. I massaged them with my pads and continued to bob my head as more and more of the delicious pre had shot out to my thankful taste buds.

"Raider I'm gonna-" but the rest was cut off by a moan. This only made me increase my efforts as I sucked his length and massaged the underside with my tongue. I saw his balls tense up as did his body as he lout out a huge grizzly roar. The roar was deafening but that was the least of my concern and his delicious bear cream flooded my muzzle. Wave after wave after wave came as I struggled to swallow it all. I can't help but say it was delicious and I savored the flavor until after about 15 seconds his shots died down to a steady stream of post orgasmic fluid.

As he had come down from his high he replaced his muzzle over my length and growled happily vibrating my groin. My knot had fully inflated in which he took his huge paw and began massaging it. As he bobbed his head I smacked my tongue to re-taste his flavor, when I did it sent me over the edge. "Jake" was all I got out before I howled and shot my load into his awaiting muzzle. He swallowed my ropes of cum down and growled happily at the flavor. I shot a few more ropes but nothing compared to the sheer amount he had produced, it felt like my stomach was about to pop but I was perfectly fine with that.

I got off of him and he pulled me close his stomach on my back. "Thank you Raid" he said. I smiled "was it as good for you as it was me?" I asked. I only hope so because it was heavenly for me" he said with a smile. I kissed him tasting both his and my own seed mix to form a bonding flavor. He growled happily in the kiss. Our kiss ended and he hugged me close. All of the problems in the world seemed to melt away right there. I nuzzled into his warm embrace and whispered "I love you Jake". He hugged me tighter and said "I love you too Raider". I fell asleep shortly afterwards and dreamt of nothing but how lucky I was to have found this bear.

All Bucked Up (Pt. 4)

**All Bucked Up (Pt. 4)** (Raider's POV) As the weeks passed by nice and slowly I grew ever so closer to Jake. We would spend so much time together laughing and playing things like hunter and stalker, hide and find, and anything else to get your...

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All Bucked Up (Pt. 2)

**All Bucked Up 2** (Raider's POV) "Don't forget fellas, that tail hole of his is mine!" the biggest buck said with a smirk as he stepped away. I was starting to get nervous, I didn't know if this would be something I would take pleasure, feel...

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All Bucked Up (Pt. 1)

**All Bucked Up** Raider walked slowly across the Canadian tundra. He was an average wolf, not too big but not too small. He had a grey top coat with a white underbelly, and the most striking amber eyes you have ever seen. He was searching for a...

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