All Bucked Up (Pt. 1)
#1 of All Bucked Up
Part one of my All Bucked Up mini series. There is No Yiff in this story, but this is just to grab you attention for the fun stuff afterwards ;). If you do not like male/male then you might as well go ahead and click off. Most of the rest of the series will contain Yiff M/M activity please do not read on if this does not appeal to you. As always feedback is welcomed and appreciated as well as suggestions or ideas, PM me or leave a comment. So without further delay I present you All Bucked Up (Part 1)
All Bucked Up
Raider walked slowly across the Canadian tundra. He was an average wolf, not too big but not too small. He had a grey top coat with a white underbelly, and the most striking amber eyes you have ever seen. He was searching for a home to call his own ever since he had been exiled from his pack. He was the alpha's son and was to take charge of the pack when his dad could no longer be leader. However, when his father presented him his mate of choice, Raider had declined.
There was a problem, he loved males. He just didn't see what beauty could be seen in a female wolf, small and dainty. However a big and strong male wolf really got his blood going.
He constantly stole glances at the sheaths of his fellow pack mates with lust in his amber eyes. He dreamed of being under one of those massive males, tied rump to rump. However this was something his father took great shame in, his son who was a fine intelligent wolf loved other males.
So he and his mother had decided to have another litter of pups to see if maybe they could get a better future leader. His father didn't want Raider around setting a bad example for his future siblings. Normally death would be in order if the leader chose, however Raider was still his son and he wanted to give him a shot at life. With tears in his eyes he exiled his son from the pack. He nuzzled his father and mother one more time before heading out on his own.
He was now very thin from the scarcity of game in the area he was now traveling through. Every night he was incredibly cold with nobody to sleep with and keep warm. Every day he felt incredible loneliness and sorrow from the solitude. As he was walking a familiar scent came to his nose, the smell of a whitetail deer.
He looked around and saw four large male bucks grazing in the meadow he was walking on the edge of. He watched them for a second before one of the bucks smelled him since he was upwind of them. He alerted the others who scanned the area until they spotted him. He examined them and couldn't help but notice there sheaths. His mouth watered from both the smell of food and manly musk since it was the deer's mating season, also known as the rut. He knew he couldn't bring an adult buck down by himself to get food, so he just sighed, lowered his head and walked on. The bucks whispered something with one another but Raider's sense of hearing just wasn't strong enough to depict and words.
He smelled a river and decided to head in that direction, he found it about thirty yards later and took a drink. He looked at himself in the water's reflection and sighed. He thought about his family and his love for males, why was he so different? He was too lost in thought to hear footfalls coming from behind him. A scent became quite strong in his nose quite suddenly causing his fur to stand on end. Before he could move something hit the back of his head, then darkness...
(Raider's POV)
I awoke after who knows how long. My vision was swimming in blurriness, _ _I couldn't see a thing so I shook my head to get my vision to clear. All around me I saw hardwood trees, and a small stream about ten yards to my left. I tried to get up but my leg wouldn't move. I looked down and realized I was sitting on a large stump where a big oak tree once stood. Vines were tied to my paws keeping them locked in place. I struggled to get out, however it was no use they were just too strong. A vine was also draped over my midsection keeping me from moving pretty much anything outside of my neck.
I started to examine my surroundings when I heard a voice come from behind me, "so you're finally awake you lupine scum" it snickered. I couldn't turn my head all the way around so I waited for the source of the gruff manly voice to appear, I must say it sent the good kind of shivers down my spine. One of the bucks I had seen earlier appeared in front of me. I looked up into his dark brown cervine eyes only to be greeted by hate.
"We don't see many wolves around here do we fellas?" he asked. The other three came around all with a nasty grin plastered on their faces. They all shook their heads no. "What do you want with me?" I asked sheepishly hoping to find an answer. However the only answer I got was a hoof right across my muzzle, it hurt extremely bad. "You only talk if allowed to wolf scum!" the buck who hit me said. I tucked my tail between my legs, I couldn't help but be a little scared at this point, I was at the mercy at the creatures I once called prey. "Now we have a problem here little wolf and we hope you can help" the biggest one said. I looked up at him, he had a huge twelve point rack to match his equally large body which dwarfed the other three. The other three had eight, nine, and eight points to them.
They were smaller but still large compared to a wolf like me. "You see" he said examining his hoof as if something were there "with the lack of food here we bucks sent the does up further north where there is more food". He looked back down at me and continued "but there just isn't enough up there for us to join them, since they bear fawns we must put them first" he said. "However with them so far away we have certain..." he paused and pondered for the right word "needs that aren't going satisfied" he said with a grin. My eyes got a little bigger, surely he didn't mean THOSE needs. "That's where you come in you little runt!" he said and patted me roughly on the head with his hoof. "You are going to satisfy our needs whether you like it or not" he said with a smile. I gulped, I don't think I could do this, I mean it was always my desire but still, this was real and it was a species below mine on the food chain. However I felt a slight twinge in my groin, the thought of having to submit to a creature that should be my prey was oddly erotic and got me excited. The biggest one backed off and said "alright boys, enjoy but save some for me for afterwards" he smiled. I could only hope and pray for the best as the three bucks moved in.