
Story by CallMeJj on SoFurry

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Jay was starting to regain consciousness. He was a light grey, and very horny wolf. He was mostly gay but never didn't give a thought about the other sex. He let his eyes adjust to the scene and realized he was in a very unfamiliar room. Over in the corner there were bookcases and shelves with many sex toys, bottles of lube, and different kinds of reading material everywhere. He tried to get up but he couldn't as he felt a vice like grip to his wrists. He looked at his arms and realized they were secured to the two top halves of the giant "X" table he was sitting on. He looked up to his legs and realized they were in the same situation shaping him like the X. He thought about tying to scream for help but the concrete walls looked too thick for anybody to hear the poor wolf. He tried to recollect the events from last night. He went to his favorite bar to pick up a partner last night, but after he arrived at the bar it was quite fuzzy. As he tried to rattle his mind for more answers the heavy metal door to his right clicked admitting a large brown grungy looking horse. The horse was quite muscular looking but still had a pudgy round belly. Jay couldn't help but let his eyes wander down to the horse's nether regions. The only piece of clothing he was wearing was a green pair of briefs that hid a quite large and obscene bulge behind them. As he approached Jay couldn't take his eyes off of the bulge. The horse smiled and licked his lips as he realized he had the young wolf right where he wanted him. As the horse approached Jay extremely strong equine musk hit his nose like a brick wall. He smelled quite strongly of sweat and musk and somewhat of manure. At first the smell was unwelcomed by the wolf's super strong sense of smell, but ever so slightly it became more and more inviting. The horse walked up to the wolf, his crotch mere inches from the wolf's snout. The smell was the strongest and rankest thing he had smelled as he thought the horse must've never bathed a day in his life. The horse ran a hand across the wolf's head and said "do you like what you see my pet?". His voice was quite gentle but still had a commanding tone to it. "Ho-How did I get here?" Jay asked looking his captive in the eyes. "Oh? Does my pet not remember last night?". Jay slowly shook his head. The horse smiled and replied "you became my slave last night my boy". Jay was in disbelief. He was never really into the whole domination/submission business other furs were into. Even if he did try he always had the urge to be a top as his predatory nature craved it. However in this case he was a bottom to someone who he didn't even know! "Who are you?" Jay asked. My name is Peter but I would prefer if you would call me Master or Sir my pet" he said warmly. Jay shuddered, he didn't even know what was going on, or whether or not he found it rather stimulating. "Do not fret though!" the horse spoke up "being my pet will be the best experience you shall ever have" he said his grin turning into a full force smile. Jay looked up at his "Master". He thought about just calling him Peter, but realizing how hopeless the situation was since he was still strapped to the table, he might as well play along. "Ma-Master?" the word almost tasted bitter as he said it "will I be kept here forever?" Jay asked. He was starting to become frightened being so helpless and the horse's full intentions still unknown to him. "No of course not!" the horse said "this is just for initiation". Jay gulped, however the more he thought about being trapped against his will by someone stronger than him and lower in the food chain the more aroused he was becoming. "Well, my boy, how about we get started" Peter said as he cracked his knuckles.

He went to in between the wolf's legs, it was then that Jay realized only his boxers remained on his body. His clothes from last night were nowhere to be seen. The horse smiled as he rubbed the slight bulge of the wolf's meat through the boxers. Jay moaned feeling his "master's" hand on his nether regions. "So eager aren't we?" the horse asked. Jay looked down and saw his wolf-hood becoming erect and blushed a little bit. "Nothing to be ashamed of my pet, it's natural to enjoy what's going to happen" Peter said warmly. "Master?" Jay asked. Peter looked down to his new captive. Something about Peter's eyes and smile just mad Jay feel warm inside. "What exactly is going to happen?" Jay asked nervously. Peter chuckled a bit "well, I know that you wolves have practically the strongest nose around" he said smiling. Jay nodded slowly. "You are going to be enslaved to my scent my young pet" he said smiling. Jay cringed, it smelled as though Peter hadn't bathed a day in his life. "You see scent play is one of the strongest sexual things out there" Peter said as he admired himself in the mirror in the far corner of the room. "I happen to be gifted with a very strong scent" he said, Jay not exactly thinking that strong was the right word. "I have always required a pet of my own, and you have the privilege of being that pet" he said smiling from ear to ear as he lowered his head to mere inches away from Jay's face. Jay smelled his breath, it smelled like hay and alcohol. Before Jay could say anything Peter lowered his head into a kiss. Jay was surprised at first but the longer the kiss lasted the more welcome it became. Peter's large horse tongue explored all around Jay's muzzle before retreating back to its own muzzle waiting to see if Jay would accept this. To Peter's delight Jay went into his master's maw and explored all around his long equine snout. The two shared the kiss before Peter pulled off leaving Jay flabbergasted and slightly out of breath. "Now my pet, I don't want you to have any resistance to this, just let it happen" Peter said. Jay was about to reply when Peter's large equine hand took the back of his head and pressed Jay's snout into his dank armpit. Jay was overwhelmed by the incredibly dank odor. Peter lowered his muscular arm locking the wolf is a pit-lock. The smell was excruciatingly strong to the wolf and he tried to escape. The horse's arm held firmly though. Jay began whimpering from inability to breathe and escape. Peter's tone became very firm when said "Ah-ah-ah! I said no resistance pet, this will have to be punished later" he said. Jay felt scared at what was going to happen. He stopped struggling and just sat there in his pit mask. Oddly however the smell became intoxicating to the wolf. He let his tongue out for an experimental lick and enjoyed the flavor of equine sweat and musky body odor. He began lapping at the pit feverishly craving more of the stink. Peter nickered with delight as his pet finally submitted to what he had planned. After a good 2 minutes his first pit was cleaned and smelled exponentially better, however the same could not be said for Jay's muzzle as it was covered with the stench and armpit goo. Peter then moved Jay to the other pit. This one was just as bad if not even worse. Jay began lapping the horse's pit while the horse just moaned in dominant ecstasy. After the other pit was cleaned off Peter released Jay who's head now smelled just like his pits had 10 minutes before. "Very well done my pet" he said with a smile which faded when he said "except for the beginning". Jay lowered his ears submissively "I'm sorry sir" he said. "You do know how a master and pet works right?" Peter asked in a firm tone. Jay shook his smelly head. "I must punish you to get you to learn your place, you understand right?" he asked. Jay really didn't want this, all he wanted was that delicious horse stink again but nodded anyway. "Well that will come later, for now let's enjoy this" he said with his warm tone returning. Jay found it hard to believe but he realized just how much this was arousing him and finally told himself maybe this was his place? Peter moved up closer to the wolf and straddled a leg over the skinny part of the X where Jay's head was located. "Now my pet I want you to smell my scent, become mine, both body and mind. Do you understand?". Jay nodded "yes master". "Good" Peter said with a smile before turning around to show jay his butt. He lowered his underwear exposing his manure stained pucker. "Now my pet, for phase 2" he said as he lowered his rectum on top of Jay's muzzle.

Peter made sure to put enough pressure on the floor to where the pressure on Jay would not be enough to hurt the small wolf. Jay's nostrils were overwhelmed by a scent much stronger than the equine's pits. Pure ass musk and sweat mixed together. Jay found this scent incredibly intoxicating as he inhaled deep whiffs again and again. Peter was enjoying the attention his pucker was receiving from the wolf. He let out a sheer cry of wonder as Jay's tongue escaped it's muzzle prison and explored the new found scent. Jay lapped at his master's hole again and again receiving moans of joy and pats of gratitude. This continued on for a good 10 minutes before Peter finally pulled his ass away from Jay who was left in a state of euphoria after being exposed to the musk for so long. "Good boy!" Peter said as he patted the wolf on his head. Jay was enjoying this oddly and really didn't want this to stop. "Master, may we move on to phase 3?" Jay asked hopefully. Peter smiled, he finally knew that his scent which was like a drug to most furs had finally intoxicated Jay who now couldn't get enough. "Are you ready to become mine my pet?" Peter asked. Jay thought for a moment before nodding "yes master". Peter smiled "thank you pet, you have made your master incredibly happy and you shall be rewarded in time". Jay noticed his master's erection being held back by the greasy briefs he was wearing. "Ma-master?" Jay asked cautiously. "Yes my pet?" he replied. Jay motioned towards the obscene bulge and asked "would you like my help with that?". Peter was in complete shock, he never thought his pet would want something like this until after at least a week, when the scent worshipping would be complete. However before the final phase of the night, Jay had offered himself to Peter. Peter was incredibly happy knowing that he had made the right choice in finding a pet. He smiled and said "are you sure my pet? We just need to do the last part but that is not required" he asked in a worried tone. "Yes master, that is what I would like to do for you" Jay replied. This almost brought a tear to the horse's eye as he hugged the neck of his new pet enjoying his own smell on his pet's face. "Thank you, you have really made your master happy" he said. "No, no! Thank you for your smell master" Jay said now fully intoxicated under horse stench. Peter asked "are you ready for the final part?". Jay nodded. Peter removed his underwear and set it aside releasing a wave of a smell stronger than his pits and ass combined over Jay. He looked hungrily at the 12 inch horse erection in front of him, it was very dirty and smelly which delighted Jay. Peter brought his crotch up towards Jay's head. He looked down at his pet with a questioning look, however he received a nod in response. He slowly brought Jay's muzzle right under his ball sack and into the strongest musk spot his body had. He squeezed his legs together trapping the wolf in his mask and let out a sigh of delight as he felt Jay's breaths in his crotch. Jay on the other hand was having the time of his life. The smell he was introduced to was the absolute strongest he had ever smelled, it smelled of pure musk, sweat, and old cum. He just sat and inhaled deeply for a few minutes before finally letting his tongue venture out and taste his master. He had never tasted anything so good in his life. He was now completely under his master's smell and had no regrets about anything, all there was, was the here and now. He lapped all around his master's sack, crotch and penis for 15 minutes before Peter pulled off once his scent was nearly gone, now covering his pet's face in a mixture of the three smells. He asked "are you sure you want to do this" he said lifting his dick. Jay nodded. Peter smiled and picked up his sweaty underwear from beside the table. "For part of your punishment for earlier you will not be permitted to speak during this" he said with a half-hearted firm tone, this was all just part of the role play. Jay nodded "I understand and am sorry Master" he said as Peter opened his maw and stuffed his filthy underwear into it. Jay just laid back and enjoyed the flavor as Peter retrieved a bottle of lube from a shelf. He opened it and placed a generous bit on his much cleaner erection. He moved in between his pet's bound legs. Next he put some on two of his fingers and inserted them into his pucker receiving a muffled yelp from his pet. He moved them around before inserting a third and fourth to widen him up enough to prevent hurting him too badly. After he had him and Jay all lubed up he spoke "for the second part of your punishment you will be forced to mess your boxers when you cum". Jay nodded slightly disappointed he would have to mess himself, but aroused by the helpless feeling it gave him, he erection was at full mast under his boxers. Peter took Jay's tail out of the tail hole of his boxers and lifted it out above the waistband. Next he put his dick through the hole of the boxers. Peter slowly positioned his head at the wolf's opening before giving a firm pushed. The wolf yelped from behind his filthy gag as Peter tried to break the dam of muscle at his pet's entrance that tightened it preventing intrusion. "You must relax if you want to be mine my pet" he said as Jay took a deep breath and relaxing allowing his master entry. His foot long erection disappeared inch by inch into his pet who gave out a muffled cry or moan every now and again. Finally his hips made contact with the bushy backside of his pet. Next he moved out almost all the way leaving only his flared head inside before slamming his erection back into his pet's warm tight passageway. He humped his pet firmly but not too hard to hurt him, all the meanwhile Jay was lost in a world of ecstasy as his prostate was punched like a punching bag each time his master went in all of the way. Thick globs of pre were staining both Jay's insides and boxers.

Jay and Peter were both moaning and grunting lost in their own worlds of pleasure. Peter said "As soon as a I mark you with my seed, you will be mine forever!" he shouted receiving a muffled groan from Jay. Peter felt his orgasm approaching as he continued to fuck his pet. Finally Peter bellowed out "BE MINE!" as he unleashed a shattering orgasm. Wave after wave of man milk filled Jay's insides. He felt the warmth seem to go all the way up to his throat. He knew now he was his master's and let out a muffled howl as he unleashed his own pent up load into his boxers, coating the insides. Peter's orgasm continued for 2 more minutes before he finally felt his balls load completely drained into his pet. He moved his penis out almost all of the way leaving his head at the entrance. The greasy cumplug slowly flowed out of his man-hood sealing his entire load in his pet. They both panted for a while until Peter finally got up and stood beside his pet. "Now for the final step" he said with a smile as he unleashed a torrent of warm yellow piss from his piss slit all over his pet, marking him as his property. He removed the underwear from his pet's mouth who was still lost in his scent induced euphoria. "Thank you for making me yours master" the wolf said reeking of his master's piss and stink. Peter smiled "You're welcome my pet". He put his filthy underwear back on to prepare them for their next session. "You will not shower until after you see me again next week, do you understand pup?". Jay nodded. Peter released him from his X prison and returned his clothes to him. After Jay had gotten dressed, he and his master shared a kiss before he said goodbye. Peter smiled knowing that his dream pet had been scented and marked as his forever, and he could not be more happy of the new pet he had enslaved.

Well this was my second story I hope you enjoyed it! Please let me know of what you liked especially, or what needs improvement, all feedback welcome! Thanks for the read!

What Had To Be Done

**What Had To Be Done** (A/N: View the sequel here: [http://www.sofurry.com/view/407937](http://www.sofurry.com/view/407937) contains M/F) Balto was a nervous wreck. Jenna was coming into her first heat since they had become mates, and her owners...

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