All Bucked Up (Pt. 6)

Story by CallMeJj on SoFurry

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#6 of All Bucked Up

What's up everyone! I am so sorry doing this to you, I know I will be hated for leaving this series at this point. Anyway, if you're here solely for the fun stuff (yiff) and I don't judge you if you are :) then you might want to skip over the italicized part. This is a slightly sad bit about the new Alpha's past as well as Radier's father's and may darken the mood. However if you want the full story experience then have at it! I thank everyone for reading and for all of you new viewers you may want to start with part 1 to help fill in the holes. As always comments and feedback are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

All Bucked Up (Pt. 6)

(A/N: PLEASE READ - This piece contains M/M sexual activity, some minor blood, minor violence, and a little bad language. Please do not continue if this does not appeal to you or you're not of legal age. I will not be responsible for your actions if you choose to read anyway.)

(Third Person POV)

Two and a half years earlier...

_Greyson let out a long wolfish yawn as he passed through the dream land and real world barrier. He took a moment to take in his surroundings before he smiled and lovingly nuzzled his mate Audrey. Last night had been the night that the pack healer and beta Anna had confirmed Audrey's pregnancy and Grey had been jumping up and down with pure joy much like a pup until he finally collapsed in exhaustion. _

_He had always dreamed of a family and ever since his father had passed alpha status over to him, he and Audrey had tried and tried again for a family. He looked over her beautiful auburn fur as she peacefully slept, he glanced at her stomach. "In there is my future family" he thought as a tear of happiness escaped his eye. _

_He quickly whisked it away with a paw and got up for a nice morning stretch. His bones and joints cracked into place as he stretched; meanwhile Audrey had just sighed and turned over in her sleep to occupy the warmth of the space her mate had just abandoned. Grey couldn't help but smile as he licked her forehead before heading out of the den. The sun was beginning to rise off to the east; Grey took a moment to observe his surroundings. _

_All was calm and quiet, except he noticed his longtime friend and pretty much non-blood related brother sitting on top of a rock gazing out over the tundra of the valley. He looked awfully depressed which had been his mood of choice lately, Grey and Wayne used to do everything together. However, ever since Grey had assumed the alpha position, his duties and mate had prevented any time to spend with his friend and they had grown further and further apart. Now Wayne wouldn't even acknowledge his alpha, leading to Grey's betas teaching him a lesson for such disrespect. _

_Grey had not known of the incident nor caused it and told Wayne this, however Wayne felt betrayed and lied to. He slowly walked over towards the sad wolf hoping to cheer him up. "Wayne?" Grey asked, Wayne's ears fell back and he shuddered. "Yes Alpha?" he responded, venom coated the word Alpha. "How are you feeling this morning?" Grey asked. _

_Wayne let a low growl escape his throat, however Grey was lot bigger than he was and had the pack to back him up if needed so all he did was let out a defeated sigh and turn away. "Since when do you give a shit about me?" Wayne said as he examined his claws. "Wayne, I've always cared about you, you're like a brother to me" Grey said. A tear fell from Wayne's eye as he remembered how close they had once been, "not anymore you don't" he said sadly. _

"Wayne..." Grey said as he tried to approach the depressed wolf. "Just get away from me Greyson!" he shouted "I think it's time I looked for a family elsewhere". Grey was shocked by this "Wayne, please I really want you to stay with this pack, your home" he said. Wayne shook his head "I can't Grey" he said, and with that he jumped off the rock and took off through the tundra. Greyson stood there a moment as he watched his closest friend disappear off into the Canadian landscape "I will never forget you" he whispered as he returned to his den.

_ The rest of the day passed relatively slowly, Grey had gathered the remaining members of the pack to inform them of Wayne's leaving. This concerned the pack due to the recent disease outbreak, this left the pack with only 5 members. Three males including Grey and two females including his mate. He had allowed his two betas Anna and Devon to mate to help increase the pack's population along with his new family. _

_As the day wore on Grey had noticed the food pile had decreased greatly and knew they needed to hunt in order to survive. He, Devon, and their omega ShadowFang had two pregnant females to provide for. Sadly their lack of numbers meant that they were forced to go and leave the females without protection in order to have enough wolves to bring down the game. _

_ Before leaving Grey nuzzled Audrey and told her he loved her. Audrey could tell by Grey's attitude lately how caring and agitated he was that he was pent up after a few months without release. She told him she would help him with that if he returned from a successful hunt with a wink and a shake of her backside as she returned to the den to keep warm with Anna. Grey was definitely ready to go now so he and his hunting party left. _

_The hunt was incredibly successful, they had managed to find a herd of deer and single out an incredibly sick one and snatch it for their meal tonight. They had divided up the meat into sections and began to return it to the den site. They arrived a few minutes later, Grey's tail was wagging furiously as he thought of how excited his beautiful mate would be, and how equally excited he was to see her again. However something was off when he arrived, it was deathly silent all around the den. _

_"Must've dosed off" he thought to himself until he smelled a scent which made his own run ice cold, blood. This wasn't the deer's blood either he was smelling, he had recognized it only once before when he had been too rough on Audrey with a mating bite. He ran as fast as he could to his den, he arrived in a flash and when he peered in he immediately wished he hadn't. Inside his beautiful mate was covered in blood, scratch, and bite wounds. _

_She was still weakly breathing as he ran up to her, he nuzzled her and tried to comfort his whimpering mate. "Au-Audrey, wh-who on earth d-did this to you?" he asked with choked sobs. "Wa-Wayne" Audrey wheezed out as she coughed up some more blood. Grey began to sob now uncontrollably as he lay next to his mate and desperately trying to offer whatever comfort he could. "I'm so so-sorry Audrey" he sobbed into her fur. "Hey, hey hey" she said with a weak smile "please don't cry Grey" she said as she licked his cheek. "I want our last moments together to be happy" she said with a sad smile as she nuzzled her mate. _

_They spent the next 10 minutes exchanging kisses and fond tales of their time together before Audrey got really weak. Grey began crying again as he held his mate in her last moments. "I will always love you Grey" she said and they kissed one more time before she passed on peacefully next to the one who she loved most. _

_Devon had appeared at their den entrance "Alpha pardon the intrusion, Anna is hurt and-" he said before noticing his crying Alpha and Audrey. "Oh sir, I'm so sorry" he said as a tear fell from his eye. Grey let out a huge roar and slashed his claws across the cave wall leaving four distinct claw marks "if I ever find him again, I will END HIM" he growled. _

_ Wayne on the other hand had made his way many miles away now, he had watched as his former friend left to hunt and made his move. All of his jealousy, anger, and aggression had pent up and exploded. He took it out on Audrey, he was beginning to feel remorse for it too. However he stumbled across a cave in which he was going to seek shelter in, as he moved towards it two bears emerged. "Come on Jake" the female one called as a young cub emerged after his mother, just beginning to learn how to walk. _

Wayne just shook his head and kept on going, he stumbled across three female wolves dragging a carcass behind them. Wayne froze as they saw him, they growled and the biggest one was on top of him in a flash. "Who are you?" she growled. "I'm Wayne" he said coolly "and I'm seeking admission into a pack". The female was taken back as she realized they had finally found a male wolf so they could help rebuild the plateau pack that had been heavily burdened by the same disease the valley pack had experienced. "Very well, but this is it" she said motioning towards her two pack mates. Wayne nodded and helped drag the carcass the rest of the way to the den. Maybe he could try his hand with a loving family again.

_ _

Present Time

(Third Person)

It had now been three months since young Raider had gained entrance to the valley pack of wolves. He had helped them hunt when needed, watched the pups when needed, and carried his weight. However Grey had grown ever so closer to the young wolf, he was just like the son he never had. He still stayed with his Alpha and had grown really attached to him. However his Alpha's mood never changed, he was still so agitated and caring with Raider, and he did not know why. All he knew is that winter was drawing to a close and he would soon be able to see Jake again.

(Switch to Raider's POV)

As I came into reality from my dreams the overwhelming musk emanating from my alpha filled my nostrils. This was unlike anything I had ever smelled before, as I let my eyes slowly adjust to the light entering the cave from the morning sun I just inhaled deeply and murred at the scent. It was just like Jake's and had a similar effect on me although I would be lying if I said I loved it as much as Jake's.

I slowly stood up and looked back at the alpha who had allowed me to stay with his pack for the winter, I had helped in every way that I could so as to not be considered a free loader. I looked back and saw my alpha's huge wolf hood standing at full attention with morning wood. I gasped as I saw it, it must've been at least a foot long and quite thick, bigger than Jake even. I was caught staring as alpha woke up and smiled at me. "Good morning Raider" he said. I have still yet to see the wolf's eyes as I did not dare to disrespect the wolf who had essentially saved me from a harsh winter.

He noticed me staring and followed my gaze to his throbbing member. "Oh my god, Raider I'm so sorry" he said as he turned away from view "I've just been pent up for the last three years I can't control it anymore I'm sorry". I shook my head to clear it from the view of his beautiful red rocket. I was so overwhelmed with lust from his scent that my own member had poked it's head out of my sheath. "Th-That's ok Alpha" I said as I walked towards him.

"No, it really isn't a wolf should be able to control his actions" he said. I walked up closer to him and peered around at his wolf hood, you know I should really do something nice for this wolf who had saved me from an incredibly tough winter. Also the fact that I have dreamed of this for a while helped too, a big strong alpha wolf tying with me just got me going. Being so horny is a double edged sword I thought as I looked at his member. "Alpha?" I asked gauging his reaction. "Yes Raider?" he replied. I leaned up as best I could and whispered into his ear "would you like me to help you with that?" I asked.

Alpha got really nervous as he backed away "I wouldn't dare ask something like that of you Raider!" he said. "No, Alpha it's ok" I said "I actually want to help you" I was now a bright shade of red from blushing. "You do?" alpha asked in disbelief. I nodded "yes alpha, my love for males actually got me banished from my last pack, and I owe you for being so caring and generous to me" I said. Alpha was struck in disbelief now "no Raider that's ok, I need no payment" he said but his member was still throbbing at the idea of sweet release.

"Please alpha, just relax for me" I said as I moved closer to him licking my lips. "Raider I don't know" he said nervously as I gently pushed him back into a sitting position displaying his wolf hood to me. "Don't worry alpha, please" I said as I moved in. "Raider I really think that- " he was cut off by a deep lustful moan emitting from his mouth as I drew my tongue across the bottom of his member. I smiled as I heard this and continued to lick up and down his length as his tail started wagging and I heard him began to pant.

I then saw his first drop of pre form and flicked my tongue across his head for a taste. My taste buds were slammed with pure alpha the likes of which I had never tasted before. It was nice in a weird sort of way but I still thought Jake tasted better. I wrapped my tongue around his length and moved him into my muzzle. I enveloped his throbbing meat in my warm muzzle and allowed my tongue to dance all across the bottom of his member.

I growled to vibrate my throat, a trick I used with Jake a lot that he loved. This made alpha whimper in ecstasy as his neglected member was finally getting relief. He began leaking pre like a stream into my maw as I tasted his salty sweet flavor. He gently pushed me off of his member and I looked up at him with a confused expression. Big mistake. I accidentally looked right into his icy blue eyes for the first time. However all I saw in them was love and compassion. "Raider uhh..." he trailed off as I could see a hint of red on his ears as he blushed "do you think we could umm" he stuttered.

I smiled at his struggle with saying it, I knew exactly what he wanted again. So I turned around and presented myself to him "of course alpha". He was surprised, I didn't know if it was from reading his mind or my eagerness but still he smiled. "Thank you" he said as he sniffed my backside. My own member now made an appearance as I felt his warm breaths on my rear. He then asked me "are you sure?" one more time nervously.

"Alpha I am one hundred percent sure" I said. I then just about collapsed as I felt his huge frame push on top of me. He moved and struggled until I felt his head touch my hole. His pointed head sought entry into my warm passage as I tried my best to relax for him. His member slowly broke through the muscle clenching my hole tightly closed. I was going to tell him to go slowly but before I could a moan came from my muzzle as he pushed in. Again that dull throb gave way to immense pleasure as he hit that spot. However he pushed in very slowly and stopped ever so often to give me time to adjust.

He was an absolute pro as I never felt hard pain, I only felt pleasure coursing through my body like water in rapids. He finally hilted me and his member was absolutely driving my special spot wild. I began to pant as wave after wave of bliss raced through me as my own member began to leak pre. Alpha was panting on top of me as he slowly pulled his member from my passageway before pushing back in a tad faster. Again and again he pushed in and out driving me mad with ecstasy.

His instincts began to kick in as he got filled more and more with lust, he began to pound my backside harder and faster with each growing minute. However he had allowed me to accommodate his girth so well I felt no pain, just sheer pleasure with each thrust of his hips. I could feel his knot swell as it began to cut his member short of reaching my spot full on now as it barred his way. Time and time again he hammered his knot into my backside, I let my tongue hang out in pure bliss. I relaxed and moaned as he continued going full force trying to accommodate his knot.

He finally backed up and heaved in as hard as he could, and it hurt as his knot sought entry into my hole. My sphincter soon gave way and with a "pop" he tied with me. He began grinding his hips into me as he could no longer thrust, his length pummeling my spot over and over. Finally I lost it as he bit into my shoulder in a wolf mating bite. He bit down hard, hard enough to draw blood but I didn't care at this moment.

Pleasure rocketed through my groin as I exploded on the den floor. Shot after shot left my throbbing length as I rode out my orgasm. My clenching hole must've been the last push my alpha needed as he released the mating bite and howled in pure ecstasy as he released his three years' worth of sexual frustration into me. He shot rope after rope of warm sticky cum into me as his pent up balls gave me everything they had. At the end of my orgasm I was shaking from the pleasure and how hard I had cum. I was able to stay standing as Alpha rode out his pleasure until finally his member stopped throbbing and his shots died down.

I then collapsed onto the cave floor panting in exhaustion from my orgasm and holding up Alpha. I looked over at my shoulder where it was bleeding from where he had bit me, it was going to scar, a scar I would be proud of, right next to Jake's as I had given my alpha relief in payment for sparing me from the winter. He noticed the blood and tenderly licked my wound as he rolled over on his side sort of spooning me. "Raider, I don't know how to thank you enough for that, that was wonderful" he said as he stopped the bleeding on my shoulder.

"You saved me from a lone wolf winter alpha, that's all I needed" I said. We just sat there waiting for his knot to deflate, a few pack members check on alpha after hearing the howl but got the idea and just walked back out. His knot finally deflated enough to pull out which he did. We then headed out of the den for a bath, and some breakfast.

Two weeks after my time with alpha the spring air had begun to melt the snow covered landscape emitting beautiful flowers and new growth everywhere. I knew it was time for me to head back to my wonderful mate. I thanked the whole pack for allowing me to stay and headed out towards the plateau with alpha by my side. "Raider, will you be ok?" he asked "you're always welcome to stay with us". I nodded "thank you alpha but I have a mate to get back to" I told him.

He nodded "I understand, he is very lucky to have found someone with a heart as big as yours." He sighed "you're just like your father" he said with a smile. I froze and my heart began racing. He chuckled "don't worry, I've known for a while, you look and act just like he did when we were young". I breathed a sigh of relief. "You've got a great future ahead of you Raider, enjoy it and my pack is always here if you need us" he said as he nuzzled me one final time. "Thank you, alpha" I said returning the embrace. I then headed out towards home, and Jake.

Travel was easier than it was a few months ago, no wind, warmer, and a lot less snow. I made good time as I finally found my first landmark I recognized as I began nearing our cave. I arrived shortly afterwards and peered into the cave. I smelled Jake, it was so nice finally smelling his scent after being apart for so long. However Jake was nowhere to be found, he must've gone out already, I would be hungry too after sleeping for three months.

I exited and located his foot prints and scent and followed them. They led me across the river to a nearby hillside. The hillside was littered with berry bushes bearing fresh new berries. I soon saw a particular brown rump wiggling in the air as I saw Jake foraging, shoulder deep in a berry bush. I smiled, he had gotten a lot skinnier over hibernation but was still handsome as ever. I waded across the river and up a nearby rock formation, I was going to see if I could surprise the bear.

I was about to jump off when movement to my right caught my eye. A hunter dressed in camouflage was creeping along the edge of the river in a crouched position. Wait, bear and wolf season weren't until summer right? Obviously seasons didn't matter to this human, he was a poacher. I began to panic, he hadn't noticed me because his eyes were trained to Jake on the hill side.

He slowly crouched down next to a tree to steady himself and raised his weapon towards my mate. I took off with all of the speed I could muster towards the hillside. "Jake!" I yelled. He turned around with a smile at my voice which quickly vanished as he noticed the hunter taking aim at him. "No!" I yelled.

_ BANG!_

All Bucked Up (Pt. 5)

**All Bucked Up (Pt. 5)** (Raider's POV) I awoke slowly to an indescribable comfort of warmth. I sighed happily as I snuck a peak with my sleepy eyes. I rubbed them with my paws to alleviate the blurriness. I looked out to the entrance of our cave...

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Rubber and Pigskin (Pt. 1)

**Rubber & Pigskin** **Chapter 1 - More Than Friends** \*RING RING RING RING RING\* Jason groaned and tried to turn back over under the covers to alleviate the disturbance the loud alarm clock on his phone was causing on his dreams. It continued...

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All Bucked Up (Pt. 4)

**All Bucked Up (Pt. 4)** (Raider's POV) As the weeks passed by nice and slowly I grew ever so closer to Jake. We would spend so much time together laughing and playing things like hunter and stalker, hide and find, and anything else to get your...

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