The Suit

Story by Wolf With Pen on SoFurry

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A story very much inspired by a S-nina comic called Surprise Package.

A house cat named Katelyn is shocked when her mate brings home a latex suit for her to try on and even more shocked when the suit transforms her into something she has been fantasizing about for months.

All Characters are mine do not use without permission.

Comments and criticisms are welcome

The Suit

It was a late summer afternoon and the heat was oppressive as Katelyn stared out at her yard though her kitchen window. There had been very little rain this year, and because of water rationing it was looking pretty rough. Everything had a withered and dry look to it. She frowned when she thought about what the neighbors might think even though everyone's yard on their street looked much the same.

The white calico happened to be very self conscious cat and was forever fretting about what others might think and it showed in her appearance. The cat was a uniform white in appearance from the tips of her ears to the tip of her tail, and always stayed impeccably groomed. One slender arm rested on the green marble counter top while the other lightly gripped the stem of a wine glass that was nearly empty. She took another sip and though about another till she remembered the bit of extra weight she had put on in the last month.

Almost unnoticeable to anyone but the cat herself, it added a bit fluff and filled out her smallish chest quite nicely. She carried it quite well but it was a personal tragedy to Katelyn. Ten pounds over her 'newlywed' weight, she in two years had already let herself go like so many housewives before her. "I really must exercise some more self control," though Katelyn as her mind flicked through a list of sinfully delicious things she would have to purge from her refrigerator. She placed the empty glass in the sink and tightened the drawstring on her housecoat when she heard a distant rumble.

Her eyes flicked up and through the small window she watched a front of angry storm clouds rolled towards their house. The cat's mind flicked immediately to her husband Jonathan. His work had sent him on an almost week long trip and each night Katelyn had missed his warm body beside hers. Other parts of her missed him too as she thought of the handsome figure the dark gray wolf cut in one of his suits. He had the prettiest green eyes and Katelyn loved picking out clothes that really brought them out. Athletic but not thick, he was always so handsome and she loved how he wrapped his arm around hers when they were out. She still loved showing him off to anyone and everyone.

Another rumble of thunder halted her train of thought and brought images of her wolf's car sliding toward a ditch on rain slick roads or upturned on a freeway. She rubbed her paws with worry and was about to pick up the phone and call her mate when the familiar sound of his car rolling up the driveway reached her twitching ears. She heard the engine cut off and the car door chime followed by his paw steps on their garage steps.

She walked to the door just as it opened and her wolf steeped through, both paws full. He kicked the door shut and dropped his things as she moved forward and they hugged. Her head nuzzled at his chest as he wrapped her up in his arms.

"Missed you," he rumbled as one paw stroked over her head.

"Same here," said Katelyn looking up at her mate. He had a mischievous look in his eyes that she recognized. She saw excitement, expectation, and even a bit of hunger as he smiled down at her. He also smelled slightly different. It was still him but just different enough for her to notice. She frowned and took another sniff to be sure.

"You smell different baby," said Katelyn as she drew away.

"Ran out of my cologne. Had to buy some new stuff. Do you like it?" The cat drew his paw towards her nose as she gently ran her cheek over it. She took a deep breath and it was clearer now. It was a very male sent, strong, commanding. It tickled her senses and seemed to linger just a bit. It made her think of sweat and the things two furs might do to get sweaty.

"I do," she said as she laid a light kiss on his paw.

"Then you are going to love what I have in here," said Jonathan as he held up a rather large black shopping bag. Katelyn purred as she followed her wolf into their living room where took off his coat. He placed the bag between his knees and leaned back into his favorite chair with a big grin on his face.

Jonathan would often bring her back something small when he came home from a trip. Sometimes it was a trinket, several times it had been lingerie, but Katelyn always looked forward to it. Sometimes though, he liked to make her work for it. She sat down on the couch across from him as she eyed her prize and his wolfish grin.

"Well?" he said.

"How did the merger go?"

"Very well. Great in fact. The new management has some really wild ideas about how things should be run."

"New Ideas?"

"Oh yeah. They brought allot of guys around to their way of thinking, and I have to say that they really opened my eyes about some things." said Jonathan.

"So are they going to be a good fit?" asked the cat leaning forward.

"Oh yeah," said the wolf as he leaned back and crossed his arms. "An excellent one I think." Several moments passed in silence as Katelyn continued to eye the bag between her husband's legs, and he sat there like a stone watching her.

"Well?" she said leaning further forward.

"Well what?" said the wolf with an amused chuckle.

"Whatdidyougetme!" squealed the cat. The wolf chuckled again and reached one paw into the bag. What came out was a slim metal attaché case. Jonathan placed it on his knees, handle towards Katelyn as he drummed his fingertips across its dark grey surface. The housecat was leaning so far forward that only the edge of her seat remained on the couch.

"Remember last Halloween?" said Jonathan with a leer. Katelyn's face went nearly scarlet and his grin widened. Last year they had been invited to a costume party and the couple had both purchased costumes. Katelyn had gone with what she thought was a relatively safe route and purchased a cheerleader costume. But when she tried to slip it on before the party the uniform turned out to be skin tight latex costume complete with super short top and even shorter skirt. Somehow Jonathan had convinced her to go to the party in costume where she was a big hit.

Latter that night when they got back home that Katelyn realized just how much her wolf liked her wrapped in latex. They barely left the bedroom all weekend, and by Sunday night Katelyn liked it just as much as her husband. Unfortunately for the both of them the outfit hadn't survived the weekend intact. After that Katelyn had been so gun-shy about her new found fetish that they hadn't had a repeat performance.

Several times Jonathan had brought the topic up but nothing had been done. True be told Katelyn found the whole a bit unseemly, and not something a proper house wife should want to do. But that didn't stop her from taking a furtive look or two online. What she saw excited her more than she thought possible till she became a regular digital voyeur. She quickly found a number of sights that catered to furs with the same interests, and in no time at all she had quite a sizeable folder of favorites. All of this she had kept hidden because while she doubted her husband would disapprove it still seemed a sleazy.

"Used my laptop to remote our PC a few days ago. Someone left open an interesting folder I didn't know about. All kinds of naughty things showed up," said the wolf as Katelyn's blush reached her ears.

"I-I-I'm so sorry hun I just just,"

"No need," said Jonathan holding up his hand. "I like that you like it," he said with a hard look."It's why I got you this." One paw pressed a button and with a small 'click' the case opened. Katelyn saw purple, white, bright yellow latex as well as a pair of purple gloves with ying yang symbols mid way up the wrist.

"You got me a Renamon suit," said Katelyn with a gasp as she felt a familiar tingling between her legs. She had an entire subfolder of pictures of suits almost just like this one. The character seemed very popular on the net and was her personal favorite. She had even watched the whole TV series because of it.

"I think the only thing left is to try it on," said Jonathan with a look that sent goose bumps across her skin. She gently picked up the slick material out of the case as she made her way to the bath room. She flicked on the lights and stepped out of her house coat. She hadn't been wearing anything other than panties in anticipation of her husband's arrival and they were already quite damp as she slipped them off. She laid the suit out on the counter as her paws ran over it.

It was comprised of four separate pieces. The main suit, two gloves, the mask, and a tail sock. A large ringed zipper went up the front of the chest as Katelyn slipped into it. She relished the feel of it was it slid over her skin and she quietly shrived. She got it up to her waist and slid her arms into the suit as she stretched it over her chest. The zipper started just above her groin and made a satisfying sound as she zipped herself up. It ended just below her chin and the zipper tab had a thick D-ring like you would find on a collar. Katelyn flicked it with one paw before sliding on both gloves up to her elbows. Both gloves had only three fingers so it took a bit adjustment before every finger was where it needed to be. Finally she caught her tail and slowly slid the tail sock down to the base of her ass. She wiggled a bit and the suit seemed to settle on her body tighter than before.

The image of herself in the mirror was stunning. From the neck down Katelyn looked like she had just stepped of the set and the though made her loins chinch. Two big paws found her shoulders as her mate walked in and pressed himself tight against her. The suit was like a second skin and Katelyn could feel her mate hard and ready through his slacks. He was still in his dress shirt and tie and that seemed right somehow.

Katelyn shivered against him as he reached around her hand picked up the mask. She guided his paws slowly as he slid it over her head and pulled it tight. Her eyes quickly found the peep holes and the breathing slits rested just on her nose like it was made for her. Even the ears seemed to fit right as she flicked both in turn feeling the extra length the mask added. She felt him snap something at the base of her neck as she looked back into the mirror and watched his paw's run gently down her body. His fingers traced the white edges of her belly till they arrived at her groin. The suit was super tight here and seemed to grip at her sex, intensifying all sensation. His finger made one pass before her whole body shook as she let out a moan that was muffled by the closed mouth of the suit.

Jonathan held her tight till she could stand again, and slowly one hand reached down to his pocket. He produced a small back object that just fit into his paw and held it up just behind her head. It took a minute before Katelyn recognized what was but when she did a thrill ran up her spine. In his paw he held a digivice.

"Do you know what this is," said Jonathan as he whispered into her ear. She nodded and felt his paw bush over her sex again. "I thought you would. And do you know what it means?" Only Katelyn's eyes could show confusion as she shook her head and her sex drooled.

"Good, I'll just have to show you then," said the wolf as his thumb pressed a button. The tiny screen lit up and it gave a chirp. A jolt of electricity shot through the cat's body making it go ridged till she couldn't moving an inch. Even breathing was hard as her mind swam and she began to panic. Katelyn felt the suit begin to contract squeezing every part of her body till she was sure she pop. There was another jolt as her body released and she collapsed onto the counter panting as her tongue rolled out. She lay there a minute on the cool counter top before pushing herself back. She was about to turn and scream at her soon to be dead husband when she saw the stranger in the mirror.

Renamon was staring back at her. It was if she had stepped right out of the TV. The reflection mirrored her movements as Katelyn brushed her hands down her body. The suit was gone somehow and it was as if the suit were her skin. Her face was longer, more narrow, and some how she could open her mouth. Her muzzle was almost arrow shaped now and even her teeth were changed. Her ears were longer too and moved a like an extension of her real body. One paw brushed over the tip and she felt it as it twitched. Even paws were now different and the three large fingers no longer felt so clumsy.

Her pert breasts rested high atop chest with her light pink nipples hard and very visible against her downy white fur, and both breasts seemed larger. Her waist seemed slimmer and tighter than she remembered making her look slightly taller. Her hip's were definitely wider and her thighs seemed quite thick on her frame. Her ankles were long and sinuous ending in three toed foot paws. A small claw caped each one and she found she could wiggle them all individually. Katelyn gasped when Jonathan grabbed the base of her tail and ran his hands all the way up its bushy length. It reached nearly to her head and she felt every inch of it as it bowed and tensed in his paws. The sensations were incredible but it all seemed so impossible. She was about to turn and demand some answers of her husband when his paw dipped low and plunged into her sex driving all such thoughts from her mind.

She squirmed and bucked as his finger continued to drive into her sex drawing purrs and moans from the costumed cat. Better than good it was like someone had turned all her sensory knobs up to eleven. His finger felt three times larger than it should, and each time it withdrew her body would clench trying to hold it in just a bit longer. His other paw began to tweak her thickened nipples and it was too much as she came again loudly. He continued to finger her while her body shook giving her no reprieve, drawing her climax on and on till Katelyn was sure she would break. When he finally stopped Katelyn was limp in his arms gasping for air while he slowly licked his fingers.

"I do hope you like your gift. It comes courtesy of the new management and incorporates some very promising tech they are testing. It can reshape the users body into almost anything. We have orders to conduct some beta testing of our own at home, and the designer was quite intrigued when I told him the shape I wanted. Seems he is quite a fan as well. He gave it to me so long as I promised to take send him some pictures." Katelyn heard a small click as his smart phone flashed.

"Prototype... I never... why would you do such a thing..." panted the costumed feline.

"Oh I thought you wanted this?" whispered Jonathan with a grin. "Looking at all those naughty things online. Fanaticizing about what you would do with them if only you had the courage. Maybe you will warm up after you see some more of its features my pet." The digivice slid from his coat pocket again as he pressed another button. The device chirped again and Katelyn felt another shock run though her, gentler this time. But in its wake her fatigue vanished as her panting abruptly stopped. She felt energized like a good nap and three cups of coffee all rolled into one. She whirled to face her mate when the digivice chirped again.

The jolt felt different this time as her skin began tingle followed by a wave of nerve scorching heat. She balled her paws into Jonathan's shit as her whole body clenched hard. She was suddenly so horny she couldn't see straight. It was if her whole body had been dipped into a boiling pot of need. Every part of her ached and she wanted nothing more than for him to throw her on the floor and give her every inch of his cock. She whimpered and rubbed her slick latex body against her husband as just feel of just her nipples on his shirt almost sent her over the edge. The look in her eyes was a blank void of need as the wolf smiled down at his new pet.

"Mmm I think I think you've come around now haven't you Renamon?" The name sent a shock through the digimon as it registered as her name and all thoughts of her old one were pushed out. "Good pets get rewarded. Perhaps if you promise to be good I can help you out with your current problem hmm?" The new Renamon whimpered as her lust addled brain struggled to chew through his words. She was SO horny. She needed to be fucked. If good pets got fucked then she would be a very good pet.

"Yes master," she said in a breathy voice, "I will be so good! Please!"

"Please what pet?"


With a grin the wolf grabbed her ass and spun her around. She squealed with delight as she flattened her chest out on the counter and braced her paws on the mirror. There was the sound of a zipper and Rena jerked as she felt his hard tip brush her dewy folds. He teased her entrance with his member while the digimon struggled to stay still under him. She was about start begging again when he bucked his hips and sent his canine cock slamming home.

It drew as garbled growl from Katelyn as her eyes fluttered and nails clawed at the smooth surface of the mirror. It felt like huge hit of something illegal as an unnatural buzz washed over Katelyn and in an instant she was hooked. Something whispered deep inside her head that this was true purpose. What she was built for. So long as she pleased her master it would always be like this.

Her body clenched as it begged for more, and Jonathan stopped, groin flush with her entrance. He gave a satisfied grunt before slowly sliding back out as her body tried its best to stop him. He set an achingly slow pace and every thrust seemed to take a week to the oversensitive mon'. She could feel every inch of him in almost supernatural detail. Every time his body finished a stroke a mini-orgasm would make her insides spasm around her mate.

"Gods!" panted the wolf as he slowly withdrew from Katelyn. "He told me it would be good but not his good!" He paws shifted forward to grip her hips as he lifted her ass higher. He plunged in again faster this time as he started to hammer his mate for all she was worth. It was what her body had been waiting for as needy noises slipped from her lips. Her body would arch slamming into his body as he did hers. It only made the wolf more frantic as his grip tightened and the pace of his assault increased.

Both furs knew it couldn't be anything other than a sprint to the finish as Jonathan's balls started to draw up into his groin. He gritted his teeth as he tried to control himself but it was no use. He felt pressure at the base of his cock and tightness in his sheath as his knot started to swell. Katelyn's body felt the minute change in his pace and the slight bulge at the base that stretched her wider. Her body drew up tighter, dragging a ragged moan from her mate. It was all her poor wolf could take as Jonathan's paw shot to his cock and pulled his rapidly thickening knot free of his sheath.

His next thrust nearly put Katelyn's face though the mirror as he forced his knot into her waiting body. Everything seemed to crash around them as they howled in unison and Jonathan filled his mates insides with his piping hot seed. His knot swelled huge locking them together as Katelyn's suit enhanced body came hard enough her spine nearly broke. Her eyes rolled up as her body clench around her lover and her mind was blown blank. She seemed to drift a bit on the sea of pleasure before something seemed to slowly pull her back down into her body. That small voice spoke again promising her more of this so long as kept wearing the suit and pleasing her master.

She gave up that last bit of herself as she returned to earth and her eyes flicked open. Her master was lying nearly on top of her still locked to her body. She squirmed slightly drawing another pleasured sound from the wolf. He slowly stood up his body pulling at hers. She leaned back into his arms as he lifted her enough to start make shuffling steps toward their bedroom. The journey was slow but oh so pleasurable as her body gripped at his with every step. He had to stop once but they finally made it falling onto bed still locked together. Her master slowly pulled the sheets over them both before he kissed her neck and quickly drifted off leaving his transformed mate in a haze of pleasure.

Just before her own eyes shut Jonathan's moved just in front of her nose. There just under his paw was small tattoo of a black cog that hadn't been there when he left the week before. The image picked at something in her memory, but it was quickly forgotten as her eyes shut and satisfied digimon followed her master into the land of sleep.

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