More than He Bargained for Pt. 2

Story by Wolf With Pen on SoFurry

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#2 of More Than He Bargained For

The second part of my story set in The Elder Scrolls Universe (more specifically Skyrim). After his failed robery Duncan finds himself in the clutches of an evil wizard that has some very kinky plans for out hero! Will he be able to withstand her torments or will he just enjoy it entirely too much.

All characters are mine so don't use them without permission.

Feel free to comment or leave suggestions to your hearts content.

Reading part one is recommended for anyone wanting to know how Duncan got himself into this situation.


More than He Bargained For Pt. 2

A ray of golden sunlight shown down onto Duncan Fiercestride's face just as his eyelids began to open. His head throbbed and the light felt like daggers stabbing into his eyes as he quickly shut them. The big stud tried to bring his right arm up to cover his them but found with some degree of confusion that he could not. He tried with his left but found that it too couldn't move. He then tried to sit up only to find that his entire body was immobilized. The horse found could only move a few inches in any one direction. Duncan tried opening his eyes again, this time letting them adjust to the light and what he saw did not inspire confidence

As he looked down his chest, he saw three large windows set up high on the wall that let in entirely too much of the bright morning sun. Duncan checked again to see if he could move any of his limbs, only to find that he was strapped to a rather large wooden table with thick looking metal bands. One band was around each ankle spreading his legs slightly while his arms were shackled at angle that raised them slightly above his head. He also noted with a bit of surprise that he was completely naked

His head was bound to table by a metal collar around his neck that was just a bit looser than the others, so he could still turn his head a bit. As he looked this way and that he saw that the rest of the room was looked rather strange. Much of it was filled with shelves full of glass vials and jars full or strange substances. Others contained dried herbs, different kinds of crystals, and a number of rather sinister looking devices.

Duncan closed his eyes and began retracing his steeps but the last thing her could remember was collapsing after the Tigress hit him with her spell. "Better here than dead," thought the big horse as he tested his bonds again. Muscle bulged and flexed as the horse pitted all his strength against the metal bands trying to tear himself free, but in the end it was futile.

Sweat coated the horse's body as his chest heaved and his limbs shook with exhaustion but the metal cuffs still held him tight against the table. His head fell back against the table with a thud as he tried to catch his breath when he heard the creak of a door. Duncan stiffened at the sound of footsteps as he tried to turn his head to see who was approaching. His question was answered when the tigress glided into view, wearing a gray colored robe that was wrapped tightly against her body. A slit ran up her thigh showing off more than a little of her shapely leg while the front of the robe dipped low exposing the creamy expanse of her ample chest. Her eyes were a striking sky-blue that reminded him of ice as she stared down at the horse on the table, and she was just as gorgeous as he remembered.

The tigress looked down at the shackled horse with an appraising eye and Duncan could almost feel her gaze as it traveled up his long muscular flanks and paused at his groin. Her lips curled upward a bit as her stare started moving north again till finally her eyes were locked on his. Duncan could not suppress the small shiver than ran from ear tip to tail as her smile grew wider and the horse angrily looked away.

"I always seem catch such interesting creatures," said the wrizardess, "but very few have been as entertaining as you horse."

"Glad I could be of service," said Duncan with an angry scowl. "Just get me off this table, let me out of your gates, and we can do this whole thing all over again tomorrow night." The tigress giggled and managed to lose just a bit of her fearsome persona.

"I like a man who still has a since of humor when he's tied up," said the tigress. "But where are my manners. My name is Asada, mistress and owner of this fine keep you choose to burglarize. Your name would be?"

Her question set alarm bells ringing in Duncan's head. While he knew little of magic, he had quite a lot of experience trying to stay out of its way. Names were powerful things and everyfur knew giving your name to any spell caster was never a good idea. While knowledge of one's name wasn't so dangerous, giving it to mage in such a formal manner was. If the right spells were in place it was almost like signing a binding contract, and because of this reason magic users never received formal introductions and many furs would refuse to say their own names in front of one without magical wards. Wards the horse didn't have.

The horse buttoned his lips as the tigress smiled. "Hmm, what a smart little horse you are," said Asada, "but nothing worthwhile is ever easy and nothing easy is ever fun for long." She then raised her right hand and with a small poof of smoke, a small hand bell appeared. Asada took the hand bell in her left paw and gently began to ring it. The bell made a high pitched chiming sound that seemed to carry though the room, and after a few more rings the tigress made the bell vanish again. She stood as if she was waiting for something, and moments later Duncan heard the sound of the door opening. A sweet female voice chimed, "You called Mistress?" Asada grinned as she motioned with one hand and a bunny dressed in a maid outfit moved into Duncan's field of view.

She was slender, about an inch taller than Asada, and slightly less curvy. If any one word could have done her justice it was _tight._Her fur was an off white cream color, and a lot of it was visible. She wore the shortest skirt Duncan had ever seen in fashionable black leather, and her top was made out of a fishnet like material that gave an unobstructed view of her chest. The rabbit wasn't as large as the tigress, but she certainty wasn't flat chested. Her thick pink nipples matched the same pink shade as the inside of her two rather long lapin ears that arched over her head. Each one drooped slightly under the weight of a number of shiny silver hooped earrings that ran up ether ear. The rings also matched the thicker hoops that capped the rabbit's nipples.

She stood with her hands crossed over her waste while she looked at Asada with an almost rapturous look on her face, her head turned slightly down. It was when she stood still that Duncan noticed a thin collar that ran around the circumference of the rabbit's neck. It was about a half an inch thick, and wrapped around her neck so tightly it looked molded to her neck. At the front of her collar was a sizeable green gem that sparkled in the light but just looking at the thing gave him the shivers. Almost as if Asada could sense his discomfort, her paw when to the underside of the rabbits neck where she began to scratch and finger the collar. A look of delight passed over the rabbits face as the tiger continued and her little poof of a tail just visible above her skirt gave a twitch.

"Let me introduce you to one of my favorite toys," said the tigress as her hand turned the bunny's head toward the bound and naked stallion. "This is Linda. When I found her she was only skin and bones but look at her now. She's just as healthy as can be, and oh so obedient."

"Always mistress," said Linda in her high pitched breathy voice as she tried to lean into Asada's hands without moving.

"I find that when she's around I just can't keep my hands off of her, and she enjoys it so much."

"More than anything mistress," said the rabbit as Asada's hand began to move downward, stroking her as she went.

"She does have one fault that I can't seem to cure her of," said Asada, her hand hovering over the lower part of Linda's toned belly. "Can you guess what that is horse?" said the cat as Linda made a small whimper of desire.

Duncan had not noticed at first because of the distracting nature of his current predicament and the rather strange nature of this new spectacle, but his nose began to pick up a rather heady sent. It was one that the horse knew well, and despite his condition it managed to rouse some of his most primal instincts and made things low in him tighten.

Linda was in the full fame of a heat, and the spade shaped tip of Duncan's sizeable cock began to peek out from his sheath.

"Part of you noticed," said the cat as she eyed the stallions fatting sheath hungrily. With a sudden motion that made Duncan flinch Asada tore the short leather skirt right off of the poor bunny revealing her glistening sex to the world. The cold morning air made the rabbit whimper and Duncan couldn't take his eyes off her. Wet and ready, her lips were distended as her sizable clit pointed proudly upward, and a trickle of her silky fluids ran down each leg.

"Poor Linda doesn't ever actually go out of heat. It's a neat little spell her collar provides for her. But she would never dream of taking it off would you dear?"

"No mistress, I treasure all of your gifts," said the rabbit in a rather lust stained voice.

"The sight of such a healthy and dare I say 'gifted' male so close is driving her crazy with lust but yet she does nothing. Why is that Linda?"

"Mistress has ordered me not to touch myself in any way or allow others to do the same."

"Yes that's right," said the tigress as her hand moved closer to the rabbit's dripping cunty. "Do you see that horse? That's obedience. And soon you shall serve me just like she does."

Before Duncan could respond two of Asada's fingers plunged inside of Linda and brought a howl to her lips that would have impressed any canine. In and out they plunged as the rabbit fought to stay standing till at last her toes and ears curled and with another roaring howl she came, spilling her juices all over the floor. The tigress appeared unfazed as the rabbit fought to catch her breath and with a careful slowness moved next to the horse.

"Such a canvas this body of yours," she said as she ran her claw tips over Duncan's chest. "But when I'm done with you, you'll be so much more. When I am done all manner of fur will fight to have you in their beds, but you will remain only mine."

Cold sweat covered Duncan's body as terror bled into his eyes, as the tigress smiled and turned. She went over to one of her many shelves and pulled a dark wooden box off the top most shelf. She then unlatched the small brass clasp as the box opened with a squeak. Inside was thick ring of shiny material with a ruby imbedded in the front. She took it out and turned back to the horse who stared what she held in her hands.

"Keep your blasted magic away from me witch! I will not become one of your bespelled slaves," said the horse as he began to thrash in his bonds.

"Oh I think you'll be giving me your name quite soon horse, after a little while with this little toy on. Linda, fellatiate the horse."

"Right away mistress," said the rabbit as she hopped up on the table between Duncan's legs with an eager grin.

"Rabbit keep your paws off of me!" yelled Duncan as Linda moved closer to his crotch and half hard member.

"That's probably a first for you horse. Begging someone not to give you a blowjob," said Asada with an evil laugh.

A warm fuzzy paw gently gripped Duncan's rod and he felt a warm breath wash over his sensitive balls as he squirmed with delight and stifled a moan. Linda then cupped the horse's large balls, which where nearly apple sized, and gave a long slow lick starting at the base of his cock. Despite his best efforts, under Linda's careful attention, his cock quickly surged to full arousal.

Duncan's cock was a warm brown color slightly darker than the rest of his hide, broken up by splotches of lighter tan. Just a hair over twelve inches and thick enough Linda couldn't wrap one hand all the way around it, Duncan had a cock fit for a horse. But its girth and size did nothing to deter the eager rabbit who bathed it with attention, sucking and licking in all the right places and making Duncan nicker in pleasure.

"Do you find her skill sufficient horse?" asked Asada in a mocking tone as Duncan writhed on the table.

"I've had, nnnggghhh, better," groaned the horse as he tried to stop his hips from bucking.

"You heard the horse Linda. Get down to business." With that Linda grabbed the tip of Duncan's throbbing erection and gave it another long sensual lick before plunging it into her maw.

She quickly began bobbing her head and swallowing nearly half of Duncan's equine member. Despite his previous assertion to Asada, Duncan was one hundred percent certain that this was in fact the best blowjob he had ever received. The rabbits tongue was amazing and she moved up and down. Even now he could feel a tightness growing in his balls as he clenched his abdominals and tried to think about sword sharpening. The rabbit however, would not be denied as she relaxed her throat and took more and more of the horse. Every time she hit bottom the rabbit would murr, sending vibrations up and down Duncan's cock, making his already prodigious precum production increase.

With one final thrust she finally took it all, her lips meeting the horse's groin. The rabbit looked up catching Duncan's eyes and the horse almost lost it as he tried desperately not to cum into the rabbit's warm mouth. Linda popped off Duncan's cock with a slurp as it spat two big jets of pre on her face.

"He's so close mistress," she said turning to look at Asada. The tigress then moved next to the table, jeweled collar still in hand. "Most impressive horse, but what I have in store for you next would bring any male to his knees." She moved the shiny band directly over Duncan's heaving chest. As she did so, the red jem began to pulse with a dim light. Using her other hand Asada began to stretch the band till it was just big enough to fit over Duncan's head. Seeing the collar Duncan began to thrash even harder, cutting and bruising himself on the metal restrains, as he twisted his head this way and that. Asada was just about to the start of his muzzle when a wicked smile broke across her face.

"No, I have a much better idea for you horse. Linda, hold his cock and balls."

Duncan was momentarily mystified until he realized Asada's intent. However he could barely move his waist due to his restraints and Linda's firm grip on him. He was helpless as Asada slowly slid the ring down his cock and then under his balls. She released the elastic band and with a 'snap' and it immediately tightened around Duncan.

The minute the red gem touched his skin it began to boil with an angry red light, and the horse felt wave after wave of heat pulse through his body.

"What did you do to me," gasped a panting Duncan as Asada ran a paw up his sculpted chest.

"A few years ago I ran across a rather rude incubus who stumbled across this castle. He caused me all manner of trouble and as punishment I trapped his soul in this little gem right here," she said tapping the stone at the base of Duncan's cock.

"YOU PUT A DEMON INSIDE OF ME!" yelled the horse.

"Inside would be the wrong characterization. Merely alongside, or within reach of. He will be able to touch you and you him, but I do not know the extent he will change you. You will no doubt be more than you were before. I remember him being a very powerful foe."

"More?" whimpered Duncan as his whole body began to throb.

"Oh yes much more. His hunger, his lust, his power all yours. In a way you could say I've given you a gift, so that you may better serve me. But if you were to give me your name I am sure I could comfort you through your transformation," said the cat with a grin.

The words had barely left her lips when Duncan felt something uncoil inside of him. It felt as if some foreign presence was touching the deepest parts of him, scraping and clawing around his very soul as his body tightened like a bow string. The thing in him was male and savagely happy as it pored through him. It was happy because it could feel again after being trapped in a cold stone prison for so long.

Suddenly a rush of sensation hit him, and it was as if every nerve suddenly came alive. The smooth wood grain under his back, every slight movement of the air around him on his fur, even the gentle tickle of beads of sweat as they ran off of his body. Asada gave Linda a look and she gave Duncan's cockhead another long lick. His poor mind almost shattered from the overpowering feel of her rough tongue on his velvety cockhead. Duncan felt his balls throb and twitch just as ring around his cock and balls seemed to tighten. Suddenly a roar came unbidden to his lips that sounded more like some great cat than a stallion. The roar made Linda jump and almost fall off the table but Asada only continued to smile.

"I think he is awake," said the cat as her hand gently brushed alongside Duncan's muzzle. With that, Asada moved so one finger rested on the horse's chest. That single digit soon began to trace a pattern in the horse's chest fur which quickly became a glowing ruin that pulsed in time with his cock.

He only had a second to glance at the rune before a new emotion crashed over Duncan, driving everything from his mind. Hunger. It made his body ache and his blood boil as his breath came in gasps. Duncan felt the creature inside of his move again as a tendril of through reached out to him. He tried to recoil but there was nowhere to turn inside of his own mind. <Feed us!> said the voice as it steered Duncan's gaze toward the rabbit between his legs. There was a force to his gaze which it had never held before, and just his stare alone drew a heated moan from Linda.

"_Please_mistress," said the rabbit in a rather desperate voice.

"Go ahead," said Asada.

Duncan's cock quivered as it drooled pre and throbbed in Linda's hand. Another spurt of pre gushed out around her finger as she ran her thumb over the broad tip. Linda then ran her cum slick paw down Duncan's throbbing foot of horse cock before moving her hips and pressing him against her sex. They let out a mutual moan as Linda's petals spread wide and Duncan slipped inside. Barely a third of his cock was inside her when Linda's whole body shuddered and she came loudly.

Duncan felt a rush of heat that ran from hoof to ear tip as an invigorating energy flowed through him, and swirl into the gem at the base of his cock.

<YES!> roared the voice in his head, as Duncan felt the beast's rapturous joy. The ruby glowed and he then felt some of the searing power pore into him. His muscles seemed to engorge as veins snaked their way along every major muscle group as Duncan's muscles budged and flexed.

The band around his cock and balls grew tighter as the rabbit continued to take more of the horse into her quivering depths.

"By the nine!" murmured the rabbit as her insides slowly grew accustomed to the horse's girth and she continued downward. When she finally reached bottom Duncan could feel his tip resting against the end of her passage.

"Capable little minx isn't she," said Asada with a grin. "My magic lets her take almost male, regardless of size and she doesn't get tired. But my little spell won't let you cum and she won't be stopping any time soon," said the tigress with a laugh.

"You bitch!" groaned Duncan as the rabbit's snatch clamped down on his cock and again Duncan felt another rush of power flow through him.

This time Duncan's already large balls grew too the size of grapefruits as his cock thickened inside the rabbit and his head flared wider. "Oh Mistress, he's so BIG!" squealed the rabbit as she began fuck the horse in earnest, moving up and down his cock. As the rabbit bounced on top of him Duncan felt as if his whole body was melting. He couldn't think about anything other than cumming as his body began to move on its own in rhythm with the rabbits thrusts. Soon Linda was crying out again in pleasure as her largest orgasm yet rocked her, and she creamed all over the horse under her.

Her climax lasted nearly a minute and every lance of her nectar sent a spike of power though the poor horse. Duncan felt as if he was trying to swallow a thunderstorm while his balls grew even heaver with his nads reaching the size of small melons. The rest of his body was not spared as his legs, chest, and ass thickened mightily with more muscle. His biceps and triceps exploded as his shoulders broadened. His wrists and ankles thickened till he couldn't move in his bonds and his cock quivered and grew another few inches as Linda whimpered in pain and pleasure.

"Stop," yelled Asada and Linda, with a disappointed sigh pulled herself off of Duncan's cock with an audible 'pop'. Duncan's chest heaved like a bellows as his now massive pecks jumped with his every movement. Asada ran a single finger down his eight perfect washboard abs tracing each one till she at last came to his cock. Just her touch made it throb harder as thick veins traced their way up and down his molted shaft. She warped her hand as far around it as she could and every muscle in the horse's body jumped, and it felt as if release were only a hairs breath away.

"This can all be over if you just give me your name horse. What will it be?" The words were on his lips when suddenly two huge paws gripped his muzzle in a vice like grip.

The paws were a tawny gold color and each finger was tipped with a wicked ebony black claw. Duncan tried to shake his head in a panic but the strong pair of hands held his head in place. A very masculine visage came into view as Duncan stared up in wonder. It was a lion and a very handsome lion at that. His square jaw and perfectly formed features made him look rugged and statuesque but his most striking feature was his mane. It was a rich fiery orange that made it look as if each strand of hair was on fire. Duncan tried to speak but one of the lions fingers pressed against his lips as the lion cut his eyes toward where Asada was standing. Duncan followed his eyes and saw with a start that the tigress was frozen. Not a whisker moved as the horse continued to stare, transfixed by the strange sight. He looked back up at the lion, whose grip had loosened, and asked, "How?"

The lion cocked his head slightly and smiled. In a rich baritone he said, "I am changing your perception of time. All of this is more of less in your head, but I figured it would give us a moment or two to chat."

"I'm a little busy at the moment," said Duncan as he looked down at Asada's paw wrapped tightly around his member. The lion gave a small sigh and spread his hands out over Duncan and began to rub. At first Duncan was a little taken back by the intimacy of the gesture but soon he didn't care. The need and tension in his body lessened as the lion moved his talented hands over the horse's chest. His balls still throbbed, and he was still desperate to cum, but the need was lessoned somewhat.

"How are you doing that?" questioned Duncan as he looked up.

"I'm an incubus," said the lion. "Manipulating lust is what I do." Duncan tried to jerk away as if bitten as the lion stopped and began to chuckle. "Don't worry I think we will learn to enjoy each other very soon. But just hold on. If you can last just a bit longer, I have a way to get us out of here. But first, a little thank you for my release." With that the incubus griped Duncan's jaw with one paw and brought his lips down to meet the horse's in a kiss.

Duncan was so surprised by the move that at first he let the lion have his way but soon he was trying to fight the lion's firm grip and even stronger tongue. Duncan was ashamed to admit that he couldn't remember a better kisser as they continued their carnal combat. Duncan finally stopped fighting and the lion let out a long low purr and vanished. At that moment the room seemed to spin as time snapped back to full speed and Duncan felt Asada's hand give his cock another squeeze.

"What will it be horse?" asked the tigress with as she stared the horse down. The big stud was just about to respond when he felt an odd sensation. The raging lust that racked his body began to decease. It felt as if it was being drained from his body as the red gem around his cock began to grow hot.

As the lust receded his mind began to clear and for the first time he realized the enchanted fog he had been in. Asada noted the change in the horse as he face became a ugly mask of furry.

"NO!" screamed the wrizardess. "I HAD YOU! I SAW IT IN YOUR EYES!" Her clawed hand went for his exposed neck just as in a blinding flash of light the gem around Duncan's cock exploded. The tigress seemed to fall back as the ruby dissolved into smoke and Duncan felt all his lust roar back. He felt the incubus twist the energy as it flowed through him and a burning sensation pored over his body.

It was at that moment that a very terrified Duncan erupted into flame. Linda screamed and ran from the blaze singeing herself, but Asada was too fast as she jumped back and began muttering an incantation. The horse meanwhile continued to burn like a bonfire melting his restraints and setting the wooden table on fire. Yet even as this happened, Duncan was aware of his surroundings and in no pain. The Fire seemed to cling to his skin but only burned the things around him. Even the rune on his chest vanished as his restrains cracked and the table under him split.

Just as suddenly as it started the fire stopped and Duncan rolled off the table to face Asada. He was charging at the tiger before he even knew what was happening. He lowered shoulder hoping he could bring her to the ground before she finished whatever spell she was casting. He saw it in the eyes the moment she realized she would be to slow as Asada crossed her arms and shouted one unintelligible word. The horse watched with astonishment as Asada seemed to fade and he passed through her body. His momentum caring him full speed into a huge shelf behind her full of various potions and elixirs, bringing it and everything on it crashing to the floor.

Asada's form seemed to solidify as Duncan jumped to his feet while several of the shattered containers around him seemed to burst and catch flame. A voice in Duncan's head seemed to scream at him to do something but his rage blinded him, and he could think about nothing but tearing Asada limb from limb. With the speed of a snake striking, the stallion was up and roaring. Asada roared her own challenge and balling her fists ran at the stampeding horse. The voice in Duncan's head screamed again but it was too late. Duncan's hands were inches neck from Asada's when she yelled again. The horse felt the air in front of him form into a solid ball that slammed into him with sledgehammer force.

There was a loud 'CRACK' and Duncan's body flew like bolt from an arrow. Had anything substantial been within his trajectory, the horse would have no doubt been spattered like a ripe tomato. As it happed his body was thrown back through one of the large stain glass windows that decorated one side of the room and out into the afternoon sunlight.

Gray danced on the edges of Duncan's vision as the roar of wind filled his ears. The Frostspire receded before him as his tumbling body began to ark downward and cobblestone ground of the castle's courtyard rushed up to meet him. Duncan felt the incubus inside of him roaring some incantation as a searing pain tore through his back.

Large leathery wings tore themselves out of Duncan's back and unfurled as the incubus grappled for control of Duncan's numb form. The horse felt like a passenger as he zoomed headfirst toward the ground. His wings flapped once, twice, and then opened to their fullest extent as Duncan passed within inches of smashing against the ground. His speed carried him over the castle walls; his hoof nicking a ledge as his wings began to beat out a steady rhythm as the horse zoomed away from the castle.

The flight was an amazing thing as the stud watched the ground zoom by at an impossible speed. However his own body began to catch up with him and the pain in his chest grew. He felt the incubus flex his magic again as the pain in his chest grew muted, and his whole body tired.

<Rest my friend.> said Duncan's new passenger when they were a bit farther away. <Let sleep be your reward.> With that Duncan mind tumbled into the land of dreams while his body continued to wing its way south.

More that he Bargained For Pt. 1

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