Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 6

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#6 of MW and Kauto - Top Gear American Special

Ok this has gotten rather crazy now, it's almost stupid lol. A whole hoast of surprises in this one so enjoy :D

Kauto and MW-Top Gear American Special Part 6 ____________________________________________________ Kauto and Chet swiftly ran around the lake towards the cave, slowing down as they approached the dark entrance. Peaking inside, they could see a bright light coming from the far end of the cave.

'I wonder what that light is?' Kauto asked.

'Are you sure it's safe Kauto' Chet said worryingly.

'Lets find out.' The completely black stallion slowly tip-hooved his way into the cave, with his fellow chestnut friend staying very close behind with his hands on Kauto's shoulders. The stone crunched under their humungous hooves and a cold breeze blew through the cave as they got closer to the bright light, wafting the thick fur on the muscular equines. 'Whoa! Wow look at that!' The eyes on both of the two horses suddenly opened fully at the sight of the amazing opening in the cave. Their eyes adjusted to the sight of a large pool of water and the incredible shine from the flowing waterfall in the middle.

They squeezed their way through the narrow opening and walked over towards the edge of the rocky mountain on the side of the pool. Kauto snapped off his large trunks and charged towards the water before he bombed into the pool, creating an insane splash which soaked Chet at the top of the rocks.

'Kauto! Hahaha I'm soaked, your going to get it now haha.' Chet followed Kauto into the pool, creating a similarly sized splash in the process. 'Mmmmm it's so warm in here.' _____________________________________________________________ 'Ugh wha.............what was that noise?' MW said as he suddenly woke up from the loud splashing noises coming from the cave. 'Hay guys wake up.'

'Wha.....what wrong?' Ring Eye asked as he lifted himself off MW's bulky abs.

'Did you hear that?'

'Hear what?' Falcon asked as he also lifted himself off the huge wolf.

'I'm not sure, it sounded like someone jumping into water. But there's nobody in the lake.' MW said as he looked out of the open window of the Porsche.

'Do you want to go and see what it was?' Ring Eye asked.

'Err, yeah. Are Kauto and Chet back yet?'

'The Gumpert's here so they must be. Maybe you herd them doing something.' Falcon said.

'Maybe, come on lets go quietly. Come on guys.' MW said as the dogs jumped up on him. The three furs got out of the Porsche and looked in the cars to find their two hunks, but had no luck. *splash* 'Whoa, there it is again, I knew I herd something.' MW said while carrying the large wolf-dogs in his meaty arms.

'It came from that cave over there. Shall we go and look?' Falcon asked.

'Err..............yeah it might be Chet and Kauto making those noises.' MW said with the dogs licking him like mad. They headed over to the cave with the noises becoming louder with every step. Looking inside the dark cave, the noticed the bright light at the end. 'Haha I thought it was.' Falcon whispered as he saw Kauto and Chet under the waterfall. 'Quick go back a second guys I have an idea. Why doesn't one of us charge in there and dive in the water with them. Go on MW, run in there with the dogs and jump in, they'll get the surprise of their lives haha.'

'Haha ok.' MW quickly flexed his huge thighs and sexy ass to snap his trunks off revealing his powerful member, before he began nuzzling with the dogs. 'Ready guys haha. Ok here we go.' The muscular wolf suddenly began charging through the cave and lunged with the wolf-dogs into the large pool.

'What on earth!!' Kauto shouted as a huge splash occurred behind him. 'MW!!!! Ugh Hahaha.' Kauto said as the dogs jumped on him.

'Wha..........what's wrong Kauto?' Chet asked as his incredible figure came up from under the water. 'Ugh.' The dogs suddenly leapt off Kauto and into Chet's arms making him fall backward slightly into the waterfall. 'Awhahaawwwww.' Kauto quickly headed over to help Chet up as the dogs got off him.

'Haha are you alright Chet?' Kauto asked as he pulled Chet up.

'Phew, yeah I'm fine haha, that was a bit of a shock. Where are the other's MW?' Chet asked with red cheeks.

'There!!' MW shouted as Ring Eye and Falcon dived into the water. 'Whoa.'

'Hi guys, Wow this place is wonderful.' Falcon said.

'It is isn't it. A perfect place to enjoy ourselves I think.' Kauto said as he pulled MW and Chet towards him, hinting at something obvious.

'Mmmmm, sounds interesting.' The coloured wolf began stroking Kauto. 'Hay guys, remember we have the Fur Olympics coming up soon, maybe we should get an early start on our...............err preparation.'

'What are you planning, we all have a few nights of real fun?' Kauto sexually asked. 'If so I'm in hehe.' Kauto hoisted MW in his left arm and began nuzzling his furry, meaty member making the young wolf squirm and shake. The fuzzy pole instantly bulged and grew from the tickling sensations of Kauto's nuzzles. 'Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so warm, and thick.' he mumbled as the glutinous seed of MW gushed out and into his muzzle. His own pole had already reached above his pecs and was now chasing up his body towards MW who was sat on the enormous bicep.

'Holy cow! Look at that thing grow.' MW said. He lowered himself slightly towards the rising member and dug his razor sharp teeth slowly into the meaty head.

'Nnngggghhhhh! Awwwweee, man that feels so nice bite harder!!! I'm gunna................................. NNNGGHHHHH!!' Kauto's loads burst MW's jaw wide open as he unleashed a torrent of seed into the wolf. 'aren't you joining in guys? Chet come on big guy I want to feel you in me again.' Kauto said swiftly before he began munching on MW again. Chet became very excited and agitated as he moved behind Kauto, becoming horny at the same time. 'Awe, mmmmmm that's wonderful Chet.' Chet began to squeeze his huge traps, making him cum even harder and faster into MW, making the wolf bulge hugely in size. The feeling of the incredibly hard muscle on his shoulders increased Chet's arousal's even more as he dug his meaty fingers deep into the bulges. 'Awweee Chet! Come on I want you in me.' The chestnut horse slowly lifted his gigantic pole to the rim of Kauto's plump ass before he gently and teasingly stroked the rim of the tight hole. 'Ngh Chet come on don't tease me haha.'

'Don't worry big guy, you'll have me in you in a minute hehe.' With his hands still massaging Kauto's rocky shoulders, Chet slowly plunged his pole deep into his fellow equine friend stretching the outer ring more and more, the deeper he went.

'Hhnnnnnnnnggh yeeessss, MW join in I want more!.' Kauto begged as he wanted as much as possible in his ass.

'Are you sure, surely you can't take Chet and Me.'

'I want everyone in me now!! Falc and Ring Eye that includes you, get in me now!!' Kauto shouted as his cannon of a cock blasted his load out. They all quickly gathered next to Chet who was deep inside Kauto, one at a time they slowly dug inside the unbelievably stretched hole of Kauto making him squeal and holler in extreme pain and pleasure.

'F**K man your ass is so stretchy.' MW said as they all buckled for one big thrust into Kauto.

'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!' Kauto screamed as he felt his ass being shredded by four beastly cocks which were jetting out an incredible amount of seed into the huge horse, making his abs and stomach bulge out.

'Oh man he's gunna be humungous soon, Kauto your taking in every last bit of our seed into you. If it mixes your gunna explode.' MW said.

'I don't care just fuck me harder and go deeper man! Nnghhmmmmm.' Kauto suddenly sunk his teeth into his own muscle bound cock and gulped down his own power seed. All of a sudden his body began to shake as his muscles grew and grew while getting more and more dense with every passing gallon of fluid entering him. His cock was now becoming even thicker with huge veins snaking all the way along it feeding it with a huge amount of blood from his boulder sized heart. The rock hard muscle striations on his chest turned into deep cannons as his pecs rose higher and higher almost devouring his member which had to curl over them to reach his muzzle.

His midsection was becoming even harder and was bulging from the four monster members inside him, pumping him full of sweet seed. His earth like orbs now hanging only a couple of centimetres from the bottom of the cave floor as they produced more and more high protein seed. The striations in his thighs also became deeper as they inflated larger. His rock hard calves bulged, providing an incredible amount of support for his growing mass. His shoulders rose higher while the split biceps pumped up more and more as they reached the size of his orbs.

The four hunks rimming his ass suddenly brought themselves out of his stretched ass and jumped onto his beastly back and hugged him in pure love with there bulging poles digging into Kauto's muscles.

'Ugh, awe I love you guys.' Kauto said as he nuzzled everyone above him.

'Err......Kauto the dogs are err...........swimming towards your uh oh.' MW stuttered as the wolf-dogs suddenly leapt into Kauto's arms and licked his muzzle which was coated in a layer of seed. 'Kauto they've just drunk some of your awesome seed, they're gunna grow!!'

'They only had a tiny bit.'

'Yeah but it seams your seed gets stronger the more you take in and the bigger your balls get. I mean look at these beauties they're enormous and furry hehe. Whoa.' MW said as the dogs suddenly began to change. 'What the....are they getting thinner? Oh god look how fit they look now.' The dogs had become slightly thinner while gaining a bit of muscle, making them look like race horses. The dogs suddenly began to groap and gurgle as they suddenly leapt onto Kauto's huge pole and licked it clean. 'Man they love it ha. Well I can't blame them it does taste sweet. It looks as though they get fitter instead of more muscular. Awe.' MW said as the dogs began to hug up against Kauto's face.

'Mmmmmmmm, they've got bit heavier aswell. They look hungry.' Kauto said.

'Well they seem to like your seed, so feed them now haha and we'll have to leave this place soon it's getting very hot in here.' MW said. With his member still fully pumped and erect, Kauto lifted the dogs onto his muscle pole. Moaning in pleasure as they dug their huge claws into his meat and began licking his load which was still gushing out. 'Nngghhhh, aaaaaaarrggggggghhhhhh!!; Kauto shouted as his orbs heaved with power and exploded his seed up high towards the roof of the cave, making the rock crumble under the pressure it was hitting it.

'Oh god lets get out of here quick, it's gunna flood.' MW said as he, Falcon, Chet and Ring Eye swiftly headed out of the cave, squeezing through the exit. 'Oh crap look how fast he's filling the cave.' As the cave filled with Kauto's thick fluid, he and the dogs began to get submerged. Kauto quickly grabbed the dogs as they started to float towards the exit, his body struggled to fit through the hole. As a result the rock suddenly gave way and they exploded out of the cave with his seed bursting out over them. 'Holy cow!!' As they slid out of the cave, they finally came to rest in the lake which was filling up with the seed from the cave.

'Phew! Hahaha.'

'Jeez Kauto how much do you produce?' Falcon asked.

'A lot haha. Oh man I'm pumped.' The powerful horse walked out of the lake dripping wet with the now incredibly fit looking dogs. A resounding scent came from his body as he shook off the water and performed an unbelievable most muscular pose, flexing his whole body like a god.

'Wow look at those orbs mmmmmm.' MW said as he began stroking and licking the furry sack.'man they're so heavy I can only imagine the power in there now, and you big guy.' MW slowly moved up Kauto's rocky body, running his claws through the deep cannons on the horse's chest before he planted his lips against the black stallion's muzzle. His leathery tongue began searching through the warm jaws sensitively. 'Mmmmmmmm'

'Come here guys, don't miss out haha.' Kauto said quickly before returning back to MW. Chet, Falcon and Ring Eye quickly moved towards the two hunks making love. They all switched and changed positions so everyone made love with each other with Kauto and Chet giving the most passion towards each other.

'Err Kauto, how are you going to fit in your Gumpert now?' Chet asked as he nuzzled up against Kauto's chest.

'Oh haha, err it should hold my weight, I mean it held me and you pretty well earlier through the mountains. It might be a struggle for space, I think I might have to squeeze in haha. Actually, I haven't even looked around inside properly yet, lets go and see what buttons and switches are in it haha.' Showing off his strength, Kauto picked everyone up into his arms, including the dogs and headed over to the Gumpert.

'Mmmmm, Kauto your telling me you've had that car for nearly two days and you haven't looked at it properly yet haha. Awe you softy.' MW said as he hugged Kauto's arm.

'Ha, I've not had a chance to really. Me and Chet were having too much fun with the boulders in the mountains earlier and I didn't want to touch anything straight after I'd bought it.' Kauto's cheeks turned a bright red colour after that comment and nuzzled everyone in his arms.

'Boulders?! What were you two doing haha.' Falcon asked shockingly.

'Oh just a little bit of fun in the Senna Pass that's all aha.' Chet said with his cheeks also turning bright red.

'Oh I see haha. Ok Kauto you can put us down now big guy. Thanks.'

'Well judging by your size now and the car, I'd say you won't fit in there very easily.' Kauto opened the scissor doors and slowly began to squeeze his way into the car. His still pumped member and orbs making it incredibly difficult for him to fit through the door and get comfortable in the huge seat. He pushed the seat as far back as possible, but still found it difficult to fit in.

'*snap* oops the seat's broken.' Kauto's vast power made the seat come out of the rails and punch a hole through the plastic wall covering the engine compartment. 'Shoot! I'm just gunna ruin this car if I keep doing this.'

'Hang on a minute, Falc didn't Frank work for Gumpert a few years ago?' Ring Eye asked.

'Oh god yeah, maybe he could help you out Kauto, I'll give him a ring and see if he can.'

'Ok, I'm kinda stuck at the moment so be quick please haha.' Kauto's body had squeezed half way in, leaving one meaty leg out of the door and his huge member throbbing up high. MW and Kauto tried to make Kauto comfortable by adjusting the seat as much as possible and pulling his body out of the car slightly.

'Phew, man Kauto your body is heavy haha.' After a quick discussion on the phone, Falcon and Ring Eye returned with some interesting news.

'Kauto, Frank suggested we take out the back compartment cover and get rid of it because its useless haha. I suppose it'll give you more room in there.'

'That's a good idea but what about the seat.'

'Err....why don't you............no that's stupid haha.'

'Na what are you thinking?'

'ha, well you could err.......................how can I put this..........................you know how thick and sticky your seed is, maybe you could put the seat in a suitable position and stick it together with some of your sweetness hehe.' Falcon suggested. Everyone suddenly turned around and opened there eyes widely and stared at Falcon.

'What the.......................what a crazy and fantastic idea. You knucklehead haha. How on earth are you going to do that though haha.'

'I dunno, I wonder if the roof opens because it looks like it should.' Kauto began to rummage around the interior, looking at all the various buttons which operated unknown things. 'Hmm I wonder what this green switch does. What's that noise? Holy S**T!!' The air vent on top of the car suddenly opened and revealed 4 missile launchers. 'WTF!!! Is this some kind of James Bond car or what!! Why didn't they tell me about this at the garage. Thank god they didn't shoot.'

'What on earth have you bought here Kauto. Press some more buttons I want to see what else is on this.................monster haha.' MW said as he licked his lips. 'What's that orange button there on the steering wheel?'

'Err it says GMR on it.'

'Press it.'

'Err ok.' Kauto nervously pressed the button and heard another strange sound from the front bonnet. Falcon quickly headed round to see what it was.

'Oh my god. Err GMR stands for Grill Mounted Rockets guys.'


'There's four rockets in the front of your grill. Quick press some more buttons.' Kauto looked around again and noticed a set of buttons on the dashboard which had the initials ST, CC, LG and ATS. 'Kauto where's that handbook you were given?'

'It's here.'

'Open it up and read it because this thing is not for the faint hearted. What do those letters stand for.' MW asked rather seriously. Kauto began to rummage through the book and found the correct page, before his eyes nearly fell out their sockets. 'What's wrong?'

'Err see the first one ST, that stands for Spiked tyres'

'Oow that's good.'

'CC is.........cruise control, oh I like that one. LG.....................CRAP!!! LG stands for Lazer Guns.'

'LAZER GUNS! Bloody hell.'

'I'm not done, ATS............................Anti-Theft System, what on earth.' 'Squeeze out buddy and press that ATS to see what it does.' With help form the others, Kauto climbed out of the car and pressed the button. Suddenly the doors shut violently and locked themselves. Thick metal sheets slowly covered up the windows while the vents around the car closed.

'Awe wow! Man this is a beauty. But how do I get it back to normal.'

'Look at your keys, whats on them?' MW asked.

'Err just a few buttons, oh hang on.' Kauto pressed a yellow button on his key which opened up the car and aloud him access again. He opened up the book again and had a read through it. On page 24 there was a piece of information which caught Kauto's eye. The rear spoiler and diffuser had flaps which opened when the red button on the steering wheel is pressed and lets out a layer of oil onto the road. 'Ok now I've seen it all. I mean why would I need that haha or any of this to be honest.'

'I'm sure you'll find a use for them sometime. You never know you might be caught off guard by the army haha.'

'Err Kauto, there's a yellow and black button on the passenger door and on the steering wheel, what do they do?' Falcon asked.

'Err one sec.........................................DON'T PRESS THEM!!! They're ejector seat buttons.'

'Ejector seats, ace! Haha. They're covered up with a metal flap so you won't press them accidently. What about this blue switch on the roof.'

'Err that's traction control. On the roof, ok haha. The black buttons next to the radio operate the car's computers, so you have throttle control, Steering adjustments, jesus this thing has everything. The gears can be changed so you can have it as a racing sequential or a normal shift.'

'*THUD!* Oh no, Chet's out.' Kauto quickly walked over and gently picked the chestnut stallion up and massaged him again. 'Are you ok Chet?'

'Ugh, yeah thanks Kauto.'

'Just a shock, you'll be fine big guy. Hay who's that coming towards us?' Kauto asked as he hugged Chet.

'Is that my Shelby on the back of a motor home?'

'Oh they're here, I forgot they were bringing your car Chet. Well now we can head off and continue our journey once we've sorted Kauto's car out. Hay Pete, thanks for doing this.'

'Hey it's no problem. I love your car Chet.' Pete said graciously. 'Awe shucks thanks icon_redface.gif'

'Wooh!! What's happened to you Kauto?! Your huge!'

'Oh just a lot of working out aha.'

'Working out, what your body and your pride haha. Well I'd best be off, I've got to get back to Atlanta, I heard one of the drivers has mucked up their car, I'll see you guys round sometime. Oh I'll take your Dodge to the track, and drive it back for you this evening Chet if that's ok with you.' Chet agreed before Pete waved and headed off in the motor home.

'Well lets get your car fixed Kau.............to. Oh you've done it haha. How did you do that so quick?'

'Easy, I found a button to open the roof, and pulled the plastic board out, and then fixed the seat with some err.....................sticky glue hehe.'

'Err ok. How did you do it so fast?'

'I did it while you were waving goodbye haha. Well shall we head off?' Kauto asked.

'Yeah, we can head up through the mountains.'

'Oh err, that road is kinda blocked at the moment.'

'Oh right. Never mind, we'll have to find somewhere else to go.'

Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 7

Kauto and MW - Top Gear American special Part 7 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 'So do you fit inside the Gumpert then Kauto?' MW asked. 'I dunno I...

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Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 5

Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special part 5 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 'Anyone fancy a night under the stars, it's really hot today so we could enjoy...

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Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 4

Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 4 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 'Shall we find a race track guys?' Kauto asked. 'Oooww yeah I fancy...

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