Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 4

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#4 of MW and Kauto - Top Gear American Special

Wow this is a long one haha. New car for Kauto and a hell of lot of showing off hehe

Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 4 ________________________________________________________________

'Shall we find a race track guys?' Kauto asked.

'Oooww yeah I fancy a thrash around a track.' MW said with the others agreeing with him. 'Right, what do we have around here?' he said as he opened the map. Searching through the map for a good race track, they started discussing each option.

'Indianapolis isn't one of my favourite to be honest, the outer ring makes it boring. Sorry haha.' MW said.

'Haha, the inner track isn't very exciting so don't worry. Do we want an oval or circuit?' Kauto asked.

'I think after a while we may get bored of an oval, I mean me and Falc are on them all the time haha.' Ring Eye said.

'Ok no problem.'

'Kauto how far is Road Atlanta from here?' Chet asked.

'Oh yeah I forgot about that track. It's in Georgia, we could get there by 10 if we go early, we can leave the rooms as they are we won't be coming back for a long time I think hahaha. Is everyone happy with Atlanta?' Kauto asked, everyone at the table agreed and finished their breakfast's before leaving the table. 'Who would like to take these awesome guys with them?'

'Oow, oow, Can I pleeeeaaaaassseeeee?' MW begged as he kneeled down to cuddle with the dogs.

'Hahaha ok, come on lets get our stuff and head off.' They gathered their small luggage, leaving the room in a terrible state before heading off out into the car park.

'Err Kauto......................I've just thought of something.....................will you fit into your Chevy anymore? I mean you've become a lot larger overnight haha.' MW said as he chuckled.

'Oh crap, I won't fit damn! Even with the roof down, I'll probably be too big. Man what a problem to have! What am I going to do?' Kauto said as he began to worry.

'Erm..................will you fit in the Koenigsegg, you should fit hunk if you lower the roof, the leg room should be fine. I'll do a swap with you again stallion haha.' MW said.

'Awe thanks man, I love you MW. What are you guys going to go in?' Kauto asked as he hugged his sabre-wolf friend.

'Can I have a go in your Porsche Falcon? Pleeaaasseeeee, we can swap if you want, or Ring Eye can.' Chet said as his cheeks turned bright red.

'Yeah of course Chet.' Falcon said.

'Go on Falc you can have the Zonda, I want to rev that angry engine under the Dodge haha. Whoa!! What on earth has happened to the tyres?!' Ring Eye shouted as he noticed the shredded tyres on his Zonda.

'And on my Camaro. What did you guys do yesterday?' Kauto asked as he laughed his head off at the sight of the ragged rear tyres.

'Ahh about that, me and Chet kinda had some fun in the hills. You should have seen some of the skills on show by this sexy stallion, he's an Ayrton Senna double haha.' MW said as Chet began to really turn red in his cheeks while he shuffled his hoof.

'Is that true Chet?' Kauto asked.

'Duuuhhhh ahaaa. Maybe.' Chet said pitifully.

'Hahaha, maybe we need to find out at Atlanta, after we get some new tyres that is haha.' Kauto said while laughing again.

'Errr Kauto, Chet.' MW said.


'Would you like a gift from me?' MW asked kindly.

'A gift? What do you mean?' Kauto asked.

'Well I've really started to like my new look, and I would like to repay you for an amazing night, last night.' MW said.

'Awe you don't have to do that, we had an amazing time.' Chet said, blushing again.

'Well I want to haha, Kauto do you want to go the dealerships in Atlanta when we've finished at the track? I thought you might want to get yourself a new, bigger car so you can fit in it haha. And Chet, I thought I would take you to the Alabama Train Wreckage Museum. You can look at all the old trains from years gone by while using the big machines to smash everything around. But you might not need them to be honest haha.' MW said. Suddenly there came a loud thud from the car park as Chet and Kauto fainted onto the bonnet of the Camaro.

'Oh man MW you've shocked them big time haha. It must have been one hell of a night for you to be offering them that. You really are a great friend.' Falcon said as he and Ring Eye group hugged the sabre-wolf.

'Awe shucks, you guys can have what ever you'd like, I'm in a spending mood haha.' MW said.

'Oh no we're good, thanks for the offer though, we're happy for what your doing for us in the NASCAR. Our gift is an amazing race car haha. Come on we'd better wake these poor guys up haha.' Ring Eye said. They steadily began to lift the two heavy equines up to their feet before kissing them warmly on their muzzles. Kauto and Chet woke up suddenly to find themselves being snogged by MW and Falcon, leaving Ring Eye feeling jealous.

'Whoa! Mmmmmmmmmmm.' Kauto mumbled as he wrapped his bulging arms around MW with Chet doing the same to Falcon before he pulled Ring Eye towards him as well. The five furs snogged and hugged for a further 10 minutes before they hopped into the cars and headed off to Road Atlanta to change tyres and begin racing before the crowds became too big around the hotel.

'Man MW, you're a fantastic kisser, especially since you now have you sabre's. What did you say earlier by the way? I can't remember.' Kauto said as MW blushed in the Camaro.

'Are you sure you won't faint behind the wheel?' MW said.

'Yeah I'm sure.'

'Well once we've finished at the track I'm taking you to the dealerships in Atlanta so you can choose a car and Chet to the Alabama Train Wreckage Museum so he can have some fun with the trains.' MW explained.

'Whoa! And why are you doing this for us again?' Kauto asked all confused.

'Oh do I really need to answer that big guy haha. Well it's to thank you two for being so amazing to me over the last few weeks and want to repay you.' MW said.

'Are you crazy! You've done more for us than we have for you, I mean your helping our funding, you've let us stay with you. We owe you more than you owe us.' Kauto said.

'You've done more for me than you think though. You've been great to me since we met and you have now made me look.............well interesting haha. And I couldn't be more happy being with you guys so this is my way of saying thank you.' MW said appreciatively. Chet and Kauto suddenly blushed and began crying along with Falcon and Ring Eye in their cars.

'Awe, man MW your amazing, thanks.' Kauto said still crying and sniffling. The flashing furs continued their journey to Road Atlanta until they reached the City of Atlanta were they found the circuit to be quiet with only a handful of cars on the track. 'We should have a good few hours here, it seems like there's a track day on today. Some of us will have to stay in the pits at a time and stay with the dogs.' Kauto said as they headed to the pit area. The track aloud furs to turn up and use the facilities as much as they wanted, while allowing them to go on the track when they saw fit. As they headed through the circuit road, they chose the five garages on the far end of the pit lane.

'Wow these facilities are amazing. Hay look they have tyres in them, I wonder if we can use them?' MW said as he parked the Camaro into one of the garages and headed to his garage with the Koenigsegg. A sign on the pit lane wall read 'all tyres in garage area may be used', this pleased them big time and immediately they all chose their favourite tyres for the day. The choice included all the major brands including Bridgestone, Pirelli, Yokohama and Dunlop. Kauto had a look over all the sets and decided to take a set of Michelin racing slicks while MW had chosen the Silverstone slicks. Ring Eye and Falcon each went for the Pirelli slicks as these were the ones they used in the NASCAR, leaving Chet pondering in his garage.

'Have you chosen some Chet?' Kauto asked as he walked into Chet's garage.

'Err no, I'm not sure really what I would like or what differences each tyre gives.' Chet said while blushing.

'Oh don't worry Falc and Ring Eye can help you there.' Kauto said.

'Chet, if you want some grippy tyres go for the Pirelli's and if you want some slippery tyres, go for the Yokohama's.' Ring Eye said bluntly.

'Oh I think I'll take the Pirelli's then haha.' Chet said. The chestnut stallion pick up 4 Pirelli tyres before placing them on the floor next to his Dodge. In one motion, Chet hoisted his hefty truck with virtually little effort over him.

'Whoa! Man Chet do you want me to put them on for you hahaha.' Kauto said.

'Haha yes please, I thought it would be a little quicker this way, and more fun.' Chet said nickering softly. Kauto swiftly changed the tyres while Chet held the huge 4x4 in the air as stable as possible.

'Right there we go Chet you can put your Dodge down its ready haha.' Kauto said. 'Wanna come and lift a few more haha.'

'Oow yes please.' Chet said while jumping in the air. They headed to the other garages to change the tyres in there new, unique way before they discussed what they would do on the track.

'Wow Chet that was awesome haha, well what are we going to do on the track, a time attack or a few races between each other?' MW asked.

'Why don't we all have a few laps in our own cars and then try and set a time, just as a starter and then maybe have a few races after. These guys will be alright together for a few minutes.' Kauto said. Everyone agreed and they headed out to the track for a few practice laps to get used to the track. Kauto managed to squeeze himself into his Chevy with the roof open and the driver seat as far back as it went in the car. The suspension struggling slightly to hold his incredible weight before he headed out on the track with the others.

After they had done approximately 20 laps of practice each, everyone returned to the pits to fit a new set of tyres on and headed back out to set the best lap time they could over 8 laps. 'Oh man you monstered that Chicane Falc haha you've improved your track racing a lot haven't you.' Kauto said through the radio.

'Thanks but that was a fluke, it must have been haha. How are you doing in the Chevy?' Falcon asked.

'I'm getting there haha, It's a bit of a squeeze but I can manage haha, the tyres take forever to warm up.'

'Try weaving a bit.' Falcon suggested. Kauto finished his lap and began weaving around on the next lap to warm the tyres and immediately on his 8th and final lap found some grip and went for it.

'Hay Ring Eye's just gone into the pits maybe he's finished.' MW said as he finished his last lap and headed back to the pits. 'You came back in quick Ring Eye?!'

'Yeah I know the tyres went that's all. I managed to get 5 laps in though, shall we wait for the others and see what times we got. They'll come up on the TV screen in a minute.' Ring Eye said. 'Have you seen this, it gives you a reference time for your car if it was driven by either an amateur or professional driver so we can compare with those times. The others finished belting around the track and made there way back to the garages to reveal there times.

'Ok here we go who's first up? Oow Falc, 1 minute and wow 28 seconds Jesus! That's 2 seconds faster than what a professional driver is supposed to do apparently. I told you've improved haha.' Kauto said as Falcon blushed.

'Here's yours Kauto, 1 minute and 42 seconds, well done Kauto maybe we should swap roles in the NASCAR haha.' Ring Eye said.

'Oow Chet this should be interesting, 1 minute and...................49 seconds. Whoa!! Wow that's 12 seconds quicker than an amateur driver is supposed to do and only 3 seconds behind a professionals predicted time, that's a fantastic time Chet well done.' MW said as he hugged the blushing stallion.

'Awe shucks thanks MW. Your time is coming up Ring Eye..................1 minute and *thud!*' Chet landed in MW's hands as the time came on the screen. A 1 minute and 21 seconds in his Zonda R.

'OMG! Wow Ring Eye what a time! You made Chet faint. Kauto do you want to help him out haha.' MW said as he helped Chet up.

'Ok, come on Chet wake up.' Kauto said as he lowered his muzzle to Chet's and began to kiss him warmly to hopefully bring him round. Chet slowly came around before realising the warm sensations on his muzzle. The Chestnut stallion wrapped his dense, bulky arms around Kauto and increased the sensations between each other.

'Awwwweee, they are so cute, and look at the dogs they love them too haha.' MW said as the whole pit lane began to watch the two hulking equines warmly kiss and hug each other out in the open. After 10 minutes they finally released each other feeling very much in love while the other furs had a look of awe in their eyes.

'Mmmmmm wow thanks Chet that was sweet. You're an amazing kisser, and lover haha.' Kauto said.

'Awe thanks, I love you Kauto.' Chet said with tears in his eyes. The two horses wrapped their hands around each other and looked at the other times on the screen. 'Oh I'm sorry Ring Eye that was an unbelievable time you did, I was shocked haha. *Blush*'

'Thanks man, haha looks like the pit lane has finally gone back to work. MW your time is already up haha. Wow a 1 minute and 27 seconds, Fantastic time why are you not racing haha.' Ring Eye said.

'Haha thanks, well what are we going to do now, have a race each or try and beat these times. I fancy a race myself.' MW said.

'Yeah I'm up for a race. Shall we have a swap of cars, I know lets have Chet and Kauto in the first race eyy?' Ring Eye suggested. Kauto and Chet agreed and chose there cars, Kauto obviously went for the Zonda with Chet eagerly going for the Koenigsegg. 'Oh boy this should be awesome.'

'Shall we have a few practices and have say a 5 lap race?' Kauto asked. Chet agreed and they both swiftly changed the tyres before heading out for a quick practice.

'Ok Kauto, no rough stuff haha. Race like you're on a track and not as if you were in a hotel suite hahaha.' Chet said down the radio.

'Oow that's mean now your going to get it haha. Ok we've had our practice I think, we'll have a rolling start and then go for it. Remember this is a clean race Chet not a lifting contest hehe.' Kauto replied. As they made there way slowly down the start/finish straight, the two cars came together in line and anxiously waited to cross the line to start their race. 'GO!!' Kauto shouted. The two cars bellowed down the straight before they both braked hard into the first right hander. 'Oow you're good on the brakes Chet haha. But not......................Aahhhhh nooooo!' Kauto shouted as they headed neck and neck out of the first corner before Chet took a very narrow lead. Through the weaving turns two to five, they stayed close together before Kauto got a run on Chet down to the next corner.

'Oh no aha!! I'm still here though you're not going far Kauto.' Chet said as he tried to gain the place back on turn seven. As they screamed down the back straight, the Koenigsegg engine began to show its power as Chet slowly moved alongside the Zonda before passing him at the chicane.

'Man these two are really going for it. Hay there coming down the straight.' MW said as the three furs in the pit lane ran to the wall next to the track. 'Whoa! Man what a noise!' With Kauto bearing down on the Koenigsegg, Chet held him off for the next 3 laps until Kauto moved alongside him on the final lap at turn 1.

'This is an amazing race, I can't believe how close it to be honest.' Falcon said as he watched the screens in the garage with MW and Ring Eye. 'Chet's coming back at Kauto down the straight! He's on the outside though.' As they braked for the final time into the chicane, Kauto managed to stay in front only to go wide on the exit of the chicane.

'Oh he's gone wide, he's gone wide!' Chet shouted as he dived up the inside and drew level with Kauto under the bridge to the final corner before the finish line.

'They're coming round the final turn, Oh man it's close! Wahooooow!' MW shouted as the two horses crossed the line neck and neck. Kauto looked over towards Chet in the Koenigsegg and shrugged his shoulders wondering what the result was.

'Who won?' Kauto asked.

'I have no idea haha. Is it a tie?' Chet asked.

'Na it couldn't be could it? We'll have to look at the time sheet because that was an amazing race.' Kauto said. They headed round the track on a small parade lap before heading into the pits to check the results.

'They haven't come up yet. Wow that was unbelievable, you two need to get racing and fast haha. Oh there coming through now.' MW said anxiously.

'YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! HAHAHAHA.' Chet shouted as the race times came up on the screen before blushing brightly.

'Oh man 0.1 of a second difference, come here Chet I need a hug after that haha.' Kauto said as he wrapped his meaty arms around Chet. 'Fantastic racing, Whoa! Mmmmmmmmmmm' Kauto mumbled as Chet began kissing him again before they headed into the garage to continue their love.

'Shall we leave these guys alone for a while and have our race haha?' MW asked.

'Yeah it looks like they'll be a long time in there, haha the dogs love it when they do that. Ok shall we have the same race, five laps?' Falcon asked. 'Yeah sounds good. We don't really have three cars with similar pace though, the Zonda and the Koenigsegg are pretty close, but the Porsche, Chevy and the Dodge are not quite up to that standard so Ring Eye if you go in the Porsche, Falc you go in the Zonda and I'll go in the Koenigsegg it'll be pretty even then, seen as you two are professional drivers after all haha.' MW said. They quickly changed the tyres and headed out to begin their race. After completing there three practice laps, the three cars lined up together for the rolling start and raced away past the start line. Meanwhile Chet and Kauto were still loving each other in the back of the garage, oblivious to everything happening around them.

'Mmmmmmmmmmm, Oh they've started Kauto.' Chet said suddenly as he unwillingly let go of the kiss.

'Oh it's ok they'll be out there for another 15 minutes yet, now come back here hunk haha.' Kauto said as he gently pulled Chet back towards him. The two stallions once again showed there passion towards one another with a series of snogs and sexual contact. So far they had managed to control their arousal levels, but it was now becoming a struggle for them both to not let themselves go.

'Wow Kauto you are so warm and cuddly haha.' Chet said almost crying again.

'Awe thanks, well you're a cuddly teddy bear as well haha.' Kauto said as he hugged and picked Chet up slightly. 'Well a teddy horse maybe haha. Oh the guys are coming back in we missed their race, oops hehe. Come on lets quickly go to the screens.' They trotted over to the screens to hide the embarrassment of missing the race. 'Sorry guys we missed it the screens went off.' Kauto said trying to keep an honest face while Chet couldn't help but blush brightly.

'Haha yeah, yeah. We know you had fun, you don't have to hide it haha.' MW chuckled.

'*Blush* so who won?' Chet asked.

'Falcon, he past Ring Eye on the last lap. I was just behind them coming into the chicane and out braked myself haha.' MW said.

'Oh brilliant well done Falc! It looks like you'll have an even harder time this year Ring Eye in the NASCAR, you'll have to watch out haha.' Kauto said.

'I know haha, I hope he can shoot up that leader board, he deserves to be up there.' Ring Eye said as he hugged Falcon.

'Awe shucks thanks Ring Eye, I couldn't have done any of this without your help.'

'Awweee, I love that. Well shall we leave and head off for your surprise guys?' MW asked.

'Oow yes please haha.' Kauto said happily. After everybody had congratulated each other, they headed out of the circuit and made their way to the dealerships in Atlanta with Kauto twitching in the Koenigsegg wanting to get there as quickly as possible.

'Ok guys we'll be turning off the highway in a minute, there is a Noble dealership on the right. Kauto do you want to look there?' MW asked.

'Yeah sure, I wonder if they have any M600's in, I hope so and once again thanks a lot for this I still can't believe you're doing it haha.' Kauto said.

'Its no problem I've told you why I'm doing it and I hope you find a car that you'll fit in haha.' MW said. They all pulled into the dealership and ducked there way through the entrance. 'Wow look at this place, you don't see many Noble dealerships around. Well Kauto go ahead, have a look around.'

'Eek yay.' Kauto squeaked as he rushed off around the 2 story building which was littered with new and older Nobles. Kauto immediately headed up the glass stairs to look at the newer styles cars and was immediatrly drawn to the row of white M600's lining the far wall. MW had picked up a leaflet showing the cars in stock, and was amazed by the extra gadgets and equipment available for each car.

'Hay Kauto, you'll love this.' MW shouted as he ran up the stairs, almost breaking each step in the process. 'Oh god haha.'

'What is it hunk?'

'The dealership have different sizes for each car. So if you look around, you'll notice that this M600 is a little bit smaller to say this one next to it.' MW explained.

'Oh man that's awesome, so the further along you go the bigger they are, Fantastic! I think I'll have a nose inside a few then haha.' Kauto said as he trotted over to the 4th Noble from the end and tried to squeeze inside. 'Ugh, this is a squeeze. Maybe I'll just try the end one. Ok here we go,' Kauto said as he opened the driver door.

'Be careful Kauto don't break the suspension hehe.' MW quietly mumbled as Kauto moved the seat back as far as possible.

'I'll try not to haha oh this is nice, but it's still a squeeze though. Do they have any bigger ones MW?' Kauto asked.

'Haha, you really are a hunk aren't you, err lets see yes they do actually they're downstairs. Shall we go and look, the others are down there looking at something.' MW said. As they headed back down the stairs, Kauto noticed the small cracks in the glass. 'Be careful I may have added a few err cracks when I came up here haha.'

'Haha well I'm sure they'll understand how it happened.' Kauto said as he stroked MW's muscular back. 'Hay the others are over there, they look a bit shocked don't they. We'd better head over and see what's wrong. Are you alright guys?' Kauto asked.

'Err...............err you might want to have nose at the car through that door.' Chet said with a look of total shock. Kauto and MW slowly walked up to the door and peeped inside.

'What's wrong Chet?' Kauto asked.

'Go through and look behind that curtain.' They walked through and opened the curtain slightly before a loud crash was herd by the others.

'Are you guys alright? Oh god haha, maybe we shouldn't have done that.' Chet said as he and the others slowly lifted MW and Kauto to their feet. Chet quickly kissed Kauto and MW, who slowly came around after the shock they had received.

'Ugh, whoa that was bad. Man that car is absolutely mesmerising! Is it a.................a Gumpert?' MW asked.

'Yes! it's a Gumpert Apollo R and guess what! It's for sale!!!' Falcon shouted.

'Is it! How much?' MW asked.

'Ha! Err.........................................It's on sale at $750,000!!!' Falcon said as Kauto and MW nearly fainted again.

'Oh my god!!! It's as ugly as anything but I love it haha.' Kauto said as MW quickly ran out of the door and had a chat with the fellow fur at the front desk. 'Whoa I wonder what he's doing?' After 10 minutes of staring at the amazing car, MW came back into the room.

'Err Kauto ha, err please don't pass out or anything but here you go big guy.' MW said as he tossed Kauto a pair of keys. Kauto immediately went blunt in the face as he stared at MW with no emotion.

'NO WAY!! MW are you serious!' Falcon shouted.

'Erm, yes it's yours Kauto.' MW said.


'It's yours Kauto, I just bought it for you.' MW said bluntly.

'YOUR KIDDING RIGHT!' Kauto shouted as he turned to face the Gumpert with his muzzle wide open before turning back towards MW. 'Mine? *sniffle*'


'But........I...............*sniffle* come here MW.' Kauto said as he hugged the sabre-wolf and began crying. The others joined in with the hug before they walked around the car looking it over properly. 'I..........I can't believe this. I mean why did you buy it not being nasty haha.'

'Well haha, I love the car, I love Gumpert's and, well I love you.' MW said.

'Awe man, thanks so much. But one thing, What am I gunna do with my Chevy?' Kauto asked while still sniffling.

'Oh don't worry, my guys are over here for the next race in the touring cars, they will pick it up for you here and drop it off back at the mansion when they finish. They're on there way now so they'll be here in 10 minutes actually haha.' MW explained.

'Awe wow thanks so much for this MW, I will have to repay you somehow. Maybe a night together some time again haha.' Kauto said.

'Oh you don't have to haha, but seen as you gave that offer I won't turn it down. Oh err Chet, it's your turn next for your surprise. Shall we get going? Kauto they'll take your car outside for you when your ready.' MW said. The group headed out of the dealership with Kauto, Ring Eye, Chet and Falcon still in a state of shock by what had just happened.

'There you go sir, enjoy your new ride, Oh, there's a special surprise under the bonnet in this version so just watch the pedal.'

'Thanks a lot man. Oh gosh' Kauto said.

'Well get in Kauto.' Falcon said. Kauto opened the scissor door and slid his way inside. His hulking figure fitted nicely inside the large interior while the suspension coped very well with Kauto's immense weight. 'Awe wow look at the steering wheel, it's furry haha.' Kauto's body began to shiver in delight and nervousness as he looked around the interior finding endless buttons which operated all the gadgets on the car. 'This is going to take a lot of getting used to haha.'

'Haha, hay there here to pick your Camaro up.' MW said. The Chevy was put into a large motor home and taken away. 'Well we'd better be going if Chet wants his surprise today. Rev that........actually what engine is in that car? Did that guy give you a book for that car?' MW asked.

'Yeah but it has a lot of information in it, I'll turn it on and find out instead. Wow! it's a V12!! And it has...................................Whoa! 975 horsepower, holy cow! So that's what he meant by surprise under the bonnet.'

'Well lets go, after you Kauto haha.' Kauto smoothly put his hoof on the accelerator to rev the engine slightly and accelerated down the road. 'Oh man now that's power.'

'What was it Kauto, 975 bhp? What's that about a tenth of you and Chet haha.' Ring Eye said. Chet blushed brightly in the Dodge while Kauto failed to hear the comment over the engine noise in the Gumpert. They quickly made there way through Atlanta and up to the Train Wreckage Museum were they found a vast landscape of wrecked trains and vehicles littered on the ground.

'Oh wow look at that. Chet you're gunna enjoy yourself here haha.' Kauto said with Chet squeaking in his Dodge. The entrance to the museum was a model of a locomotive were furs would drive through the front cab unit and through into the museum car park. 'Wow what an entrance, oh look at those trains.'

'Eek.' Chet squeaked again as he parked the Dodge and got out.

'Excited Chet?' Kauto asked as he got out of the Gumpert. Chet simply kept squeaking as he couldn't get a word out due to his sheer excitement.

'How's the car Kauto? You haven't broken your back or anything in it.' MW asked.

'No haha, it's so comfortable in there. Anyway you can't break this body hehe.' Kauto said as he quickly flexed his beefy bicep. 'Well lets go and see what they have here and have a little fun. These guys need the walk, and they look hungry maybe we should get something to eat as well.' As they headed to the museum, Chet suddenly noticed a map and jumped in the air with delight when he read it. 'Whoa! Chet what is it? Haha'

'Look at that map, there's a section of the museum that allows you to play with the trains. Awe can we go now, pleeaaasseee?' Chet said as he grabbed Kauto's arm and jumped again.

'Hang on Chet, we've got plenty of time we'll have a quick look around inside and get a bite to eat, then we can make our way towards the trains.' Kauto said before Chet jumped into his arms and hugged him. After coming to his senses, Chet's cheeks turned a glowing red as he blushed in slight embarrassment.

'Oops sorry Kauto haha. I'm too excited that's all.' Chet said while shuffling his hoof.

'Haha don't worry about it, come on lets go in, the quicker we look around in here the quicker we can have a little fun with the trains.' The group headed swiftly around the museum building before having a quick snack. After finishing their food they made there way to the train wrecks. 'This place has gotten very quiet all of a sudden, has everyone left?'

'This place is only open for another hour, so it's getting pretty empty. Chet you know what that means. You can have even more fun and not worry about hurting anyone haha.' MW said as Chet leapt into the air. 'Come on lets go and see what's in here. Oh man look at that steam train its had a few bangs and scrapes haha.' Chet walked over to the tall train and was gagging to lift it. 'Go ahead Chet there's nothing stopping you haha. Whoa!!' MW shouted as Chet gripped the underside of the train with his meaty hands and hoisted it high over his head. His leg muscles ballooned and pulsed as he began doing squat reps with the full sized steam train above him, his excitement taking over the shyness within him. The tight fur around his dense arms and taught abs stretched as he pumped his body up, the other furs watched on in astonishment and awe while struggling to keep their arousal levels down.

'Holy cow Chet your amazing, go on throw it over there.' Kauto said.

'Do you think I should?' Chet asked while blushing slightly.

'Yeah, if you throw it we'll join in.' Kauto said.

'Ok umph' Chet said as he effortlessly launched the huge train over towards the other wrecks in the area. 'Oops' The hefty steam train landed with an unbelievably loud crash. Kauto and Falcon both neighed loudly while MW and Ring Eye howled in tune at the power shown by Chet.

'Ahohohoho! Wow what a crash haha. What else is around here? Oow a locomotive, lets see how light it is?' Kauto said as he tensed his body slightly. 'Umph' Kauto lifted the immense locomotive with insane ease as his body exploded with power, his biceps expanded upwards while his pecs and abs bloated out a foot further in front of him. His tree trunk legs ripped his shorts before ballooning outwards like the rest of his body. 'Awe this is well light, I wonder what'll happen if I land it in that steam train.' *CRASH!!* the locomotive exploded into a cloud of smoke as Kauto tossed it on top of the scrap heap at the opposite end of the wreckage area. 'S**T! haha maybe I should be more careful.' Kauto said as he blushed like Chet.

'Nonsense it looks fun, wow look at your body your ripped like hell. God that must have been 50 tons you just tossed over there haha. You will have to be careful now when getting into your car.' MW said as he and the others began to look around for there own trains to throw. MW walked up to a world war 2 Hurban artillery train with damaged armoured plating around it. 'Wow look at this beast. Hay guys do you want to see how far we can throw this monster?' MW asked while licking his lips at the vast train.

'Awe wow, that must be 130 tons.' Kauto said.

'Hay Chet why don't you and Kauto launch this at that scrap heap over there.' MW suggested.

'Huh! Oow boy that's huge, do you reckon we can do it Kauto?' Chet asked.

'Of course, I mean come on you just launched that steam train like it was a stone. We can throw that thing together easily!' Kauto said as he and Chet walked up to the 20 foot train. They began looking round the train to find a suitable spot to lift it, and settled on a gap in the middle to squeeze their meaty hands under. 'Are you ready Chet, shall we pick it up or just launch it as high as possible?' Chet asked with a smile on his muzzle.

'Err, lets lift it first and see how heavy it is, then try and throw it.' Chet said with a small blush.

'Ok, after 3, 1......2..........3' The two pumped equines slowly began to heave the armoured train onto two wheels before getting a firm grip underneath to lift it up high. Veins ripped through their fur pumping gallon after gallon of needed fuel to the monstrous working muscles. Both horses began to bulge with power as they steadily hoisted the 100 ton train above them with what seemed little effort, neither of them had begun to sweat and instead smiled to each other before launching the train up into the air. 'Uh oh duck!' Kauto shouted as the train came down with a huge explosion which shook the five furs. 'Christ! Hahaha that was awesome. Man I feel pumped after that, how are you feeling Chet?' Kauto asked flexing his whole body.

'That was a nice explosion haha, but I must say it wasn't as heavy as I thought it would be hehe.' Chet said as he shuffled a hoof and blushed again. Kauto immediately agreed and began pursuing for something similar to throw on his own. As he looked around the wreckage area, he set his eyes on a 90 tonne rusty locomotive. 'Hmm lets see this thing flying through the air hehe. Umph, oow man this feels good to lift.' Kauto began working out with the insane weight over him. 'Mmmmmmmmmmm' Kauto body was now truly huge and pumped beyond any limits.

'Err Kauto, look at yourself. You're hung as anything hehe.' MW said as he grinned. 'Go on Kauto your pumped now, throw it' Kauto looked around and prepared himself before launching the 90 tonnes of metal over the far wall towards an empty farm yard at the back of the museum.

'*HOLY S**T!!!! Awe man Kauto haha.' Chet said. After 30 minutes of trashing and smashing, the group of furs looked around and noticed they had destroyed the whole wreckage park. 'Awe I was enjoying that. Well looks like this place is finished haha, we'd better head off quickly before someone turns up wondering what on earth has happened.' After picking up the dogs in the cafeteria, they made there way out to the car park.

'Err Kauto how much room did you have in your Gumpert before?'

'There's loads of room in there why?'

'Well you gotten even bigger since then hunk haha, and about 10 times as sexy.' MW said as he looked over Kauto's anatomy. 'Shall we find somewhere to sleep tonight, another hotel?' MW asked.

'Ok, will you guys be joining us tonight?' Kauto asked. 'Yeah definitely there's no NASCAR tonight haha. Ok shall we go?' Falcon asked.

'Yeah before people start worrying in there haha. Squeeze in Kauto haha. Oh hang on a minute, Chet did you say you have a Shelby?' MW asked.

'Erm yeah why?' Chet asked as he bushed again.

'Well I have an idea of where we could head towards over the next couple of days. How about we go to the Salt Flats in Texas, we could have a few drag races and some more competitions between each other.' MW suggested.

'I like that idea, it'll take a while to get there though, and my Shelby is back in Virginia, how will I get it?' Chet asked.

'My team are still in Atlanta, maybe we can get them to fetch it for you. I'm sure Pete needs to get a part from the mansion so I'll ask them if they could pop over to get your car.' MW said.

'Awe fantastic thanks MW.'

'No problem I'll arrange it later, shall we head off.' The group jumped into their cars, Kauto struggled slightly but managed to fit in ok and they headed off to search for a hotel for the night.

Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 5

Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special part 5 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 'Anyone fancy a night under the stars, it's really hot today so we could enjoy...

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Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 3

Part 3 Kauto pushed the three beds in the room together before throwing himself next to MW and Chet who were already making love. 'Whoa! Be careful Kauto don't break the beds haha.' MW said as Kauto began caressing his big fluffy tail. 'Oooww...

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Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 2

Part 2 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 'Hay look we're only a few miles away from the Greenbrier, us two stayed there while we were on our...

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