Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 7
#7 of MW and Kauto - Top Gear American Special
This is now getting crazy lol
Kauto and MW - Top Gear American special Part 7 _____________________________________________________________
'So do you fit inside the Gumpert then Kauto?' MW asked.
'I dunno I haven't tried it properly yet haha. The roof was very strange when it came down, the scissor doors fold downwards and then the roof retracts to the rear boot.' The powerfully built black stallion walked up to the car and opened the now normal doors.
'Are you going to wear shorts or anything hunk?'
'Maybe but not yet hehe I'm too pumped, I'll probably rip them as soon as I put them on. Right here we go again.' Kauto slowly placed his gigantic legs on either side of the steering wheel before he lowered himself into the sticky seat. His humungous orbs sat perfectly between the wheel and his thighs, while his horse meat slithered down close to the pedals. Kauto was now feeling as though he was on cloud nine and didn't want it to stop.
'If you get any bigger we're going to have some real trouble fitting you in there haha.' MW said as he leant over the car and stroked Kauto's furry balls.
'Kauto does that say Sat Nav on that small switch there?' Chet asked as he peered along the dashboard.
'Yeah. *click* WOW!' The flap on the dashboard suddenly opened up, and a 12 inch sat nav screen appeared. 'Oow fancy.' "type in your destination" 'Whoa! Erm...where do you want to go haha.'
'How about a trip over to Albuquerque?' Falcon suggested.
'Albuquerque! that's like 900 miles away.' Kauto said.
'Why don't we use the Autobahn, it's like the one in Germany where there's no speed limit. We would get there within about 8 or 9 hours if we all go err......fast haha.' (This is made up, there is no Autobahn here lol)
'Awe great idea. I do have one quick thing I would like to do though guys, If we quickly go into Pine Bluff, I want to get my mane cut it's gotten rather long haha.' Kauto said.
'Ok big guy, shall we head off then guys.' The five hunks all jumped into their cars and blasted off towards Pine Bluff. 'So what hairstyle are you getting, or are you just having a trim?' MW asked down the radio.
'I thought I might go for something unique.'
'Like what?'
'It's a surprise.' 'Awe.' MW moaned. They reached the town and looked around for a decent hairstylist shop for Kauto. 'Here you go Kauto how about this place?'
'Oow fantastic, Ok I'll about half an hour guys, I'll meet you back here if your going anywhere.'
'Woooooho, Kauto hang on a minute their big guy you might want a pair of these extra stretchy shorts hehe.' MW said.
'Oh haha thanks. Ok see you in a bit.' Kauto walked into the hair salon, ducking and squeezing through the door in the process and looked over the hairstyles they supplied. 'Yes they have the one I want.'
The rest of the group all hung around the cars for a bit with MW and Ring Eye in the Koenigsegg listening to the radio, and Chet and Falcon on the bridge looking along the river. Furs walking past couldn't help but stare at the two huge studs in the hyper cars, some of whom almost walked into a lamp post as a result of them not paying attention. MW watched as he saw a lanky fur looking at him and not where he was going. 'Hahaha what a doosh, he just walked into that post box hahaha.'
'Haha I wonder what Kauto's having done?' Ring Eye asked.
'God knows, he doesn't normally have his mane cut, he usually likes it long.' MW said. 25 minutes later, Kauto ducked and squeezed his way back out of the salon looking completely different. 'Whoa! Kauto is that what I think it is?'
'Do you like it?' Kauto asked.
'Wow I love it, what made you want an Ozzy hairstyle from the early nineties haha.'
'Shucks. Err....it was ever since we had our first journey together to Catalunya with his music blasting out. I've wanted to get a crazy hairstyle like he used to have ever since, but I've always forgotten about it haha.' Kauto explained.
'Haha well it definitely suits you hunk. Where they scared at all when you walked in?' MW asked.
'A bit, I think they were more shocked to be honest haha. Where are the others?'
'On the bridge. *Whistle*' Chet and Falcon swiftly headed over and were amazed at Kauto's new style.
'Awe, Kauto. You look amazing.' Falcon said as he fell even more in love with the huge horse.
'Aha, thanks Falc. Well Chet what do you think?' Kauto asked the brightly blushed stallion. Chet slowly walked around Kauto and raised his big hand onto the black horse's vastly developed neck, running his fingers through the silky smooth hair softly. *nuzzle*
'Mmmmm, wow it's so smooth I love it.' Chet said as he reached up and gave Kauto a cheeky kiss on his muzzle. The chestnut horse suddenly blushed again as Kauto looked at him ominously before he picked him up in his huge, warm arms and hugged the shy horse.
'Awe thanks Chet.'
'Oops sorry aha. *kiss* *nuzzle* Shall we head off then guys?' Kauto asked with Chet in his arms. The black horse walked over to the Shelby and gently placed Chet on the ground. 'Ready Chet?'
'Yeah, where are we going again? *nuzzle*'
'We're going on the Autobahn's big guy to Albuquerque. *nuzzle*'
'Oh right. Err........I've never been on the Autobahn's what are they like?' Chet asked as he shuffled a hoof.
'*nuzzle* Oh they're awesome, you can go as fast as you want. Oh and make as much noise as you want as well *nuzzle*'
'Oow that sounds fun.' The chestnut stallion jumped in the air excitedly.
'Well lets go the sooner we leave, the sooner we get to Albuquerque. First one there gets to choose what we do next.' Kauto said as he quickly squeezed himself into the driver seat. Each fur turned their engines on simultaneously, causing a huge racket in the area and shocking a few people close by before they all blasted off out of the town towards the Autobahns. As they reached the slip road onto the Autobahns, Chet noticed a sign which read *Super car mania day: Autobahns closed to small vehicles and heavy goods lorries. Racing aloud.*
'Awe wow, guys did you see that sign?' Chet shouted down the radio.
'Yeah, I wonder if it includes hyper cars haha. Maybe we could get involved with some racing with other furs, give them a little surprise hehe.' MW said as he quickly switched down a gear in the Koenigsegg and raced away.
'Holy crap, you're a lunatic MW haha. But I agree with what you said.' At that, Kauto himself shifted down and blasted away after MW, creating an unbearable squeal from the supercharger at the same time.
'Eek, Jeez that car is loud. Well may as well go after them haha.' Ring Eye said as he revved away, with the engine making a loud eerie buzzing noise. 'God haha. Well Chet do you want a race? I can change the engine power in the Porsche, so it'll produce the same power as your Shelby.' Falcon suggested while looking across to Chet in the Shelby next to him.
'Oow, err that sounds good. '
'Haha, how many horses are in that awesome beast?'
'Err........about 400 I guess '
'Ok give me a second.' Falcon flicked through the car database on the screen and altered the power. '700, 600, 525 eyy, ok I really want 525 horsepower haha. Aha 400, Ok Chet are you ready.'
'Err........yes I guess heh '
'Heh, err shall we make it 40 to 130 mph drag? The road is pretty empty'
'Ok '
'Are you ok Chet, you sound..........bashful heh.'
'I'm....ok it's just that I've never been with you alone before, or Ring Eye so I'm a little err......shy heh *BLUSH*'
'Awe you don't have to be shy buddy, you're ok when you've been with us before.'
'Yeah, but Kauto and MW have always been with us. I've never really been with you guys without them being with us.'
'Oh, you don't have to be shy though Chet I mean we're your friends. We both love you loads.'
'Awe shucks , thanks Falcon.'
'Aha. Maybe you should come with me and Ring Eye one day to a NASCAR race, we'd love your awesome company heh.'
'heh well shall we start. After 3, 1.............2..................3 Go.' The deep grunt from the Shelby easily bellowed above the mucky fizzing noise of the Porsche as they accelerated along the Autobahns to 130mph. 'Wow what a grunt, it's close, Aahhhhh noooo.' Falcon shouted as he missed a gear and Chet pulled out a car's length lead.
'Yeaahh! 130!' Chet shouted.
'Nooooo!! Hahaha, how could I miss a gear damn!'
'Eek, I beat a racing driver yay! Hehe '
'Haha, man Chet your blushing a lot today heh. Come on lets try and catch up with the others, if they're not involved in any races heh.' They raced away in hope of catching the others in the hyper cars. Meanwhile Ring Eye, Kauto and MW were blasting along together looking for a group of boasting furs.
'Guys look ahead, there's a bunch of hypocrites in hyper cars hahaha. Shall we give them a challenge heh.' MW asked menacingly.
'Err MW are you sure you're not getting ahead of yourself here? I mean look at them, they have Porsche Carrera GT's, what the hell a Devon GTX and a flaming Stirling Moss Mercedes SLR. MW your crazy! ' The huge black stallion replied.
'What no I'm not, come on Kauto none of those cars has anywhere near the same power of any of ours. Look that Porsche can only produce at best 600 horsepower which is pants, the Devon makes around 650 but can't put the power to the road and the SLR makes 640, but it wobbles around like a bubble. Our cars all have over 900 horsepower and have incredibly tuned suspensions so why are you worrying?' MW said seriously.
'They could be tuned and what not though.'
'I doubt that very much Kauto, they all look about 10 years old. Come on big guy.'
'Well I'm up for a little racing. MW's right Kauto they just want to look the part.' Ring Eye quickly commented.
'Oh ok guys haha.'
'Yeah that's the spirit hunk. When they see you in that Gumpert, those dogs are gunna have the shock of their lives. Give them a little flex as you go by to intimidate them hehe.' MW said.
'Huh, why?'
'It'll anger them and make them do something stupid. Put your hand on the rear view mirror and just flex slightly.'
'Err...o...k. If I get into trouble for this I'm blaming you haha.' Kauto said sarcastically. He shifted down and screamed up behind the punks, making them feel his presence known.
'Huh, what's that thing?!' The hound in the Porsche grunted. Kauto slowly pulled up along side him, still only in 3rd gear doing 130 mph. 'What do you want hor..............S**T!' He reacted as Kauto lifted his hand to the mirror and flexed his proposduress muscles slightly before he turned to around and winked at the arrogant dog. 'Nice Beetle you have there dog hehe.'
'Hay Kauto I can still here you in here you know.' Falcon shouted down the radio.
'Oops I forgot he had a Porsche haha, Falc you own a Porsche, this doggy here owns a Beetle. Uh oh he's getting angry.' The dog suddenly turned into the path of Kauto, trying to wreck the black stallion's Gumpert.
'Whoa! You TWA...............what the, the car's doing something guys!' Kauto said worryingly.
'Awe god...............Kauto don't ruin your car or hurt yourself, just leave him be if he wants to do that.' MW said.
'Hang on a second guys it's driving itself, I'm not doing anything WTF! And there's a flap on the bonnet that just opened. S**T!!!!! one of the lasers on the front has come up!'
'WHAT!! Kauto stop it!'
'I can't, there's a light flashing on the dashboard with SPL on it.' Kauto quickly picked the manual up and rummaged around to find out what the letters meant. 'Slow Puncture Laser? Uh oh.'
'What's wrong hunk?' MW asked.
'I think that dog will be changing his rear tyres soon, the laser burns the rubber and makes them deflate slowly hahaha. Man I love this car.' Kauto warmly nuzzled the furry steering wheel before his driver's seat suddenly began to massage him. 'Whoa, Mmmmm.' *Pew!* 'Oooh god it just fired haha.' The laser burned the rubber on the Porsche without the Dog knowing, allowing Kauto to pull along side him again, giving a cheeky wave as he went past. The two other punks suddenly stepped up a gear and chased after the Gumpert in rage.
'Kauto you have the other two after you now haha. Do you want us to help or do you want to find out how good your car really is?'
'Second option please haha. It's like this car looks after it's owner heh I love it. Uh oh.' The Mercedes and the Devon pulled alongside Kauto on either side and tried to squeeze him in.
'Are you sure you're ok Kauto, they're almost trying to kill you.' MW asked feeling very worried for his stallion friend.
'They're only intimidating me, or trying to anyway. The sat nav screen has some sort of device showing me what the car is doing, Ace! It's still massaging me as well and I'm doing 120 in 3rd haha.' Kauto said feeling incredibly calm since there were two punks trying to terrorise him. The angry hound in the Devon suddenly turned into the side of the Gumpert causing a huge bang at the side of Kauto. But to the black equine's surprise, the body work on the Gumpert caused more damage to the Devon. 'JESUS! What on earth is this car made of!? Haha that was a good idea, it's kind of wrecked his car, jerk. The terrier on the opposite side of Kauto hadn't noticed his friend had just been totalled and was now on the side of the road while he was still trying to take his anger out of the Gumpert. Kauto looked over to the dog and gave him an evil look of anger. 'What's wrong with you man!? Leave me alone.' Suddenly a bright red flash appeared on the screen with 3 options. *oil spill, laser burn and water gun* 'Oh my life haha, hay guys watch this.'
'Oh no what are you doing haha' MW said.
'Time for a shower I think hehe.' Kauto pressed the water gun option and a small metal cannon came out through the side air vent. Unleashing a torrent of water inside the Mclaren, drenching the dog. The others began hollering in the Zonda and Koenigsegg as the water began gushing out from under the car.
'Oh hay guys hahaha, you've missed this, Kauto's taken out 3 punks while being smashed and bounded into haha, and I think he's pretty angry at the moment as well.' MW said as Chet and Falcon had finally caught up to them.
'I just caught that last bit hahaha. Man Kauto what's your car made of, your muscles hahaha.' Falcon said.
' They shouldn't try and be tough should they, brainless punks.'
'Haha, Kauto do you want to turn off into the services for a breather, you seem a bit irritated after that.' MW asked.
'Yeah I feel like I want to punch something really hard, like those punks' heads maybe.' Kauto said almost snapping the steering wheel, which luckily was strong enough to withstand Kauto's anger.
'Ok hunk, we'll grab a quick snack and take a break for a few minutes.' They turned of the Autobahn's and parked at the far end of the services car park. MW quickly got out of his Koenigsegg and rushed over to Kauto who remained in the Gumpert.
'Do you guys want anything from the café, a drink or a snack?' Falcon asked.
'Err yeah just get us three huge bottles of water and a random snack each. Oh and get Kauto a treat will you. Thanks Falc.' MW said as Falcon and Ring Eye headed off inside. Chet walked over with MW towards the Gumpert with a very angry looking Kauto inside. The chestnut stallion anxiously stepped into the car while MW walked around to the driver's side. 'Are you ok Kauto?' MW began stroking the large neck and shoulders of the black stallion with Chet doing the same to calm him down.
'Hhhhh, yeah I'm ok guys. I just hate worthless individuals that's all. Can I hug you guys for a minute, I'm kind of on the edge of going crazy here.' Kauto said squeezing the steering wheel even more.
'Yeah of course haha, we don't want you hulking out anymore now do we heh.'
'Ha, Mmmmm thanks.' MW suddenly lowered his left hand to Kauto's bulging shorts. 'Whoa, hay frisky wolf that's not for now haha. *nuzzle*'
'Awe heh. Shoot! Err Kauto have you seen the bodywork on your car?' MW asked as he released the hug.
'No why?'
'Well there isn't a single scrape or bump in it at all. It looks as new as it did when I bought it for you.'
'What, how is that possible those punks rammed into me several times over. Man that's amazing, where's that manual I really need to read it properly.' Kauto read through the book thoroughly and found out some more shocks about the car. 'Jeez, the car's made from a mixture of casted carbon fibre and titanium. That would explain why it's so strong heh. The suspension also made of that stuff, which is why it can hold our weight so well.'
'Ugh!' MW reacted as Kauto suddenly hugged him again before planting a kiss on his cheek. 'What was that one for hunk?'
'For buying it heh.'
'Oh aha well you deserve it haha.' MW said as he hit the floor with his huge foot.
'Falc and Ring Eye are coming back guys. I wonder what they got you Kauto?' Chet said.
'Here you go guys, three large bottles of water, we got you a large whole grain apple and carrot baguette Chet. You can take the bread off if you want. A large three bean salad and Egg sandwich for MW and a humungous glazed Salmon wrap for Kauto haha. By the way are you feeling better now?' Falcon asked.
'Yeah I'm good now, calmed down a bit haha. Wow this is bloody huge, how on earth did you carry all these with you haha.'
'Oh it was no problem really heh.'
'What did you guys get?' MW asked.
'Oh I had the same as Chet, they looked so nice and Falc had a Cheese Tortellini Pesto Pasta Salad heh.' Ring Eye explained.
'Right.....heh. Kauto are my eyes deceiving me or are you looking rather happy there haha.'
'Eyy, WTF!' Kauto replied as his member shot into life.
'Oh Kauto, the Salmon has an unbelievable amount of protein in it and can make you err...........happy shall we say if you eat it too fast heh. Oh and it might make you orbs full haha.' Falcon explained.
'What, how do you know that?' the black stallion asked as he finished his snack.
'It says on the packet haha.' Kauto suddenly felt an incomputable urge to shoot his seed out. 'Ngh! Stuff the water, I want some flavour heh.'
'Oh god, just don't get too big hunk heh.'
'This feels like a big load though, does anyone want any hehe. Falc and Ring Eye I'd say you two need beefing up a little.'
'Hmm, what do you think Falc fancy a sweet drink to wash that meal down?' Ring Eye asked.
'Oow yeah sound tasty.' They swiftly headed around to the driver's side and began sharing the incredibly thick fluid with Kauto as it gushed out of him.
'Hay don't leave us out, come on Chet join in.' MW said as he and Chet jumped onto Kauto and enjoyed the sweetness with the others. After a swift 30 minutes, Kauto eventually decided to steady down with the others bulging and feeling overly pumped. 'Mmmmm wow thanks Kauto your sweet heh. Ngh!' MW quickly flexed and stretched his body making his muscles almost punch through his thick fur. His member was also fully pumped making it tempting to have some of his own seed.
'Jeez, you two have grown a bit heh. You might have to have your NASCARS altered inside haha.' Kauto said as looked over Falcon and Ring Eye licking their lips.
'Why don't we do that more often Falc?'
'Haha I dunno, we should do, it gives you an almighty rush. Oh and makes you.......err bigger heh. Whoa! Look at the definition in Chet, F**K!.....oops too loud heh.' Falcon shouted.
'Wow your muscles are so hard, Chet you seem to get more dense instead of bigger. It makes you look sexier though heh *nuzzle*' Kauto said rubbing against Chet's chest.
'*BLUSH* aha thanks Kauto.' Chet flexed his arm slightly and revealed an incredible boulder of a bicep.
'Shisus! That's......big heh *nuzzle*'
'Well shall we squeeze in and head off again guys. Maybe we could find some more racers haha.' MW said.