Feeling out of place: Chapter 15

Story by lonleyone on SoFurry

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#1 of "Feeling out of place"

FINALLY chapter 15

OMG guys soooo sorry this took so long, im getting back into writing thanks to encouragment from my readers, and i hope this chapter satisfies your long awaited needs :3

Ever since valentine's day Steve had been much sweeter and lovey than before, every time we were alone he was always kissing me and holding me against him. He was so happy, I was so happy. Thing's at school were a bit tense with Damien, since the dance he was always smiling and acting flirty towards me. And history class with Steve was always interrupted by some random jock wanting to copy my papers. I quickly learned to savor the moments Steve and I had alone together.

A few weeks passed and Steve was busy with Wrestling matches, having me spending more time at Roy's. I went over his house one evening to spend the night and everything had been going along normally. I woke up in the middle of the night to feel Roy's lips pressing against me, his arms hugging my body. I jilted back a bit, not a hundred percent sure of what was going on.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" Roy chuckled softly, leaning in once again. I instinctively turned away; Roy stopped and leaned up in the bed. "Josh what's going on? For a while now, every time I try to be close with you, you turn me away or make an excuse. I don't understand what's wrong" Roy asked looking down at the bed. I felt so torn, I couldn't let Roy feel like I didn't like him anymore, but I didn't want to risk anyone knowing about Steve and me. I looked at Roy's eyes, seeing how full of pain they were.

"Roy...I have to tell you something, I want you to know why I've been... kind of evasive lately." I muttered. Roy looked over at me, his ears perking up in attention. "Roy, I've ... been seeing someone, for a while now. I promised that I wouldn't say anything, but I didn't want you to think it was you I had a problem with because that's not..." I managed before Roy cut me off

"Who have you been seeing? He interjected plainly, making hard to gauge whether or not he was upset.

"W...what?" I stammered, taken aback a bit.

"Is it someone we both know?" He asked, the chime of curiosity in his voice putting me a bit more at ease.

"I...um, well... I'm not really supposed to say" I murmured, unsure how to handle the situation.

"Josh...you're my best friend, you know I would never tell anyone, you can tell me" He said softly, resting his hand on top of mine. I thought for a brief moment, torn with the decision I was being given. I didn't want to betray Steve's trust or put him at risk in any way, but I didn't want Roy to think I didn't trust him enough to tell him.

"Ok just... don't freak out when I say it, and you have to SWEAR you won't breathe a word of it" I told him. He nodded as his ears perked at attention, waiting eagerly.

"It's...Steve Valentine" I whispered. Roy's face fell into utter shock, the color nearly running from it as he stared.

"Him? So...what he's out of the closet or something now?" he reacted, trying to make sense of what I had just told him.

"No no not at all, you're literally the ONLY other person who knows" I explained. Roy sat silent for a bit, the calculations running in his head visible on his face.

"It's just, didn't he hurt you before? How do you know he's not gonna do it again?" He questioned. I was a bit perplexed at that point. For a moment I thought he'd been talking about Damien not Steve, I was perfectly aware of the incident he was talking about, I just didn't see why that was the first thing he mentioned.

"It was his first time doing anything with a guy, I understood why he reacted the way he did. He's a lot better now, he treats me well" I went on.

"Steve Valentine... I just can't believe it, he never seemed the type. How did it happen? I mean not the first thing but as far as you guys dating or whatever it is you're doing" Roy wondered. I went into more of the detail with him. Roy stayed silent for most of the time, only slight nods and brief questions in between. After I caught him up to speed Roy looked down, thinking to himself for a short while. "Do you love him?" He breathed, still looking down at the bed.

"I really do, even if he's the only one who knows it, I love him" I told him, unable to stop a smile from forming on my face.

"Well then that's all that matters" Roy said, offering a slight smile.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I didn't know what else to do" I told him

"Hey it's alright; I know better than most where you're coming from, we all have our secrets." He reassured me, pulling me into a hug. I was so relieved at that moment, I hated having to lie to Roy, he was the one true friend I had, I didn't ever want to have to do anything to sacrifice that. We laid down and went back to sleep, my conscience much lighter than before.

Things at school were flowing well, and my social structure started growing beyond that of only the handful of people it had begun with. A few of Steve's friends were nicer to me, even if it was only so they could copy off me in classes, it was better than the alternative. Damien however had me in a greater dilemma. It seemed like he had no intention of listening to anything I had said before about getting back together. Although I had to admit he was much more behaved than before, anytime he came close to taking things too far he knew it before I had to scold him for it. Being friends with him was simple for me. I didn't have to try hard at all, though underneath it all I know Damien was still struggling, even if he was trying to hide it. I just couldn't understand why he would keep his hopes up for something I told him was never going to happen again. It made me worry a little that he was waiting for something, waiting for me to have a moment of weakness or delusion. But thinking of Steve made all my worries, about anything, just melt away so easily. It was hard being away from him as much as I was.

One day while Steve and I were in class he passed me a note, something which was, normally, silently forbidden under any other circumstances. I opened it up to see the first part wasn't even his handwriting. 'Party at Rico's after semi finals Friday, you in? PS: Ask gay kid if he'll be coming'. I looked under that to see Steve's added note. 'Please come?' I fought off a smile. The way he asked so innocently completely denoted the bluntness of the original note. I turned to him and nodded, and he returned with a smile, quickly turning back to nod over at the notes author. I didn't mind being the "gay kid" so much, it was a step up from being "the human" anyway. Not to mention the better in I was with the athletics, the less trouble I seemed to get from the rest of the student body, even if it was mainly for helping them with their homework.

Later that day Steve and I were up in my room clinging to each other in my bed, Steve pinning me down as he kissed up and down my neck.

"So you'll go with me?" Steve breathed as kept grinding his crotch into me.

"Of course I will, just try to behave your self" I smiled kissing him, moaning slightly as his tongue curled around mine.

"I can't help it sometimes, you just get me so riled up" He grunted, practically humping me as he kissed and caressed my body.

"Well I don't mean to, and you know I'm more than willing to take care of that issue" I told him, rubbing my knee gently against his already swollen member.

"What about your parents?" he wondered, a flare of desire in his eyes.

"We could be quiet, well... I can be quiet, you might need something to muffle that growling of yours" I teased.

"I could just say I stubbed my toe or something, now flip over" He puffed as he grabbed me by the waist and picked me up, quickly flopping me onto my stomach. He laid down on top of me, forcing my jeans down to expose my bottom to him. I relaxed as I heard him unzip his pants, soon feeling the warmth of his dick pressing between my cheeks. He kept grinding into me for a while, his hot length teasing me as it slid to and fro. His breath was hot against my neck as he huffed and lightly whispered curses of pleasure. He eventually leaned over and pulled my lube out of my desk, plopping a dab of it right onto my hole. I jumped a bit at the cold slick feeling as he pressed his fattened head against it, pressing gently yet eagerly, both of us holding our breath as he entered me. I struggled to stay silent as he slipped into me in one swift push. My fist clenched in resistance to the pure bliss of his thick cock beaming inside me, his warm fuzzy orbs resting gently just above mine. He moaned quietly in short little bursts as he pushed into me as hard as he could, his member never moving out or me more than an inch or so. He leaned up and rested his hands on my shoulders, pushing me down as his thrusts became more powerful, reaching just a bit deeper with every jab. I grabbed his arm and squeezed tightly, wanting him to know how badly I wanted him, how incredible he made me feel. Soon his thrusts turned into short slams, his breathing was low but heavy, like he was making his best effort not to be too loud. Suddenly he started into a frenzy, fucking me harder and harder, his breathing transforming into continuous growls, his body coming back down on top of me. He then bit into my shoulder, his arms wrapping into a death grip around me as he rammed into me, his whole body quivering as he desperately fucked me. I could feel him swelling inside me just before his teeth dug into me, his arms forcing all the air out of me as he made one last push, a long strained grunt escaping him as his pulsing member flooded me, his cum spraying deep into my gut.

After a few moments his grip loosened, finally letting me breathe again. We both laid there breathing heavily, neither of us moving an inch as his member gradually softened, eventually slipping out of me. He turned me over and looked down at me, a soothing primal lust in his eyes, bathing me in adoration. He kissed me so deeply, it felt like we were never quite close enough to each other, like we could just keep going and going until we were one being. I gave him a towel from the hamper to wipe himself off with as I snuck off to clean myself up in the bathroom. When I returned Steve had made everything look clean and orderly, except for the wickedly charming smile on his face. I sat next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder, sighing in fatigue as he wrapped his arm around me.

"I love you so much babe, no ones ever been so cool with me doing stuff like that to them" He swooned, rubbing the shoulder he had been biting into as he kissed my cheek.

"It's not like I don't get enjoyment out of it" I chuckled, running my fingers through his hair.

"Yeah, but I still haven't been able to... you know... work on you yet" He stammered, his body tightening at the mention of the subject. So far Steve and I had a pretty one way sexual relationship, he would fuck me or I'd suck him off, but the most he'd ever done is give me a reach around, and even that made him cringe when he did it. The thing was, I had no problem with that, I didn't need to get off to be satisfied, but Steve worried over the matter. He struggled a bit with the whole gay thing, he couldn't really say he was gay, and even felt uncomfortable saying he was bi, but I tried to assure him it was just something he'd grow comfortable with.

"Just do whatever makes you happy hon, noone's one hundred percent comfortable with this stuff at first." I told him.

"I know, but... whenever I think about it, not just the sex but the social stuff too, my stomach just gets tied up in knots." He frowned, a pained look in his eyes.

"Well you've been under so much pressure for so long, it's gonna take time, and I'm willing to wait. But you have to know one day you're gonna have to... well, come out" I staggered, trying not to make things more awkward. Steve rubbed his eyes at those words, his brow furrowed and his body tense. I knew he didn't want to do it, but I worried the longer he waited, the harder it was going to be for him.

"I know I know, just... can we not talk about it please, it pisses me off thinking about it" He said bitterly. I backed away from him a bit, trying not to make him anymore angry. He noticed this and he suddenly realized what he had said, or more so how he had said it. He pulled me into a hug, rubbing his hand against my back. "Shit I'm sorry, you know I didn't mean it like that. I just don't like it is all, the idea of how everyone would react, at school, in public, and... my dad obviously" He shuddered, tugging me against him.

"It's ok, I know the feeling trust me. It's just I think of how much easier it will be when you do finally come out, we wouldn't have to hide anything anymore." I sighed happily, picturing the two of us holding hands, walking without a care in the world.

"Just give me some time... ok babe? You've never been with a chick, you don't know how confusing it was for me to look at you and think about doing stuff with you." He told me as he nuzzled my neck.

"Do you still get turned on by girls?" I asked curiously.

"Well... not nearly as much as I used to, but I have to say I still get pretty heated by a nice pair of tits, and there just something about the way a pussy feels that's hard to get over" he explained.

"Ughhh that's so gross, you're lucky I'm a guy, most girls would be offended by that" I joked.

"I am lucky you're a guy, I can fuck you all I want and you can't get pregnant" he joked back.

"That's romantic" I said sarcastically

"Looks like you're more of a chick than I thought" he chuckled, kissing me lightly on the forehead. We laid together for a while before he had to go home, giving me time to think about the party. I wasn't really concerned too much, I just wished I could've gone with him as more than a friend.

That Friday I was sitting in class with Damien, and he seemed extra eager to talk to me, that charming smile of his unending as he brought up various topics of conversation.

"So I was thinking...we haven't hung out in a while, and maybe we could do something tonight?" Damien asked, the whites of his teeth exposed by his grin.

"Sorry, I have something going on tonight" I replied, trying to keep things between us clean cut.

"C'mon josh, I'm really trying here, ever since you broke up with me you haven't even considered hanging out, it's not fair" Damien groaned, his brow furrowed in disappointment. His words stung me slightly, it was true that we hadn't really spent any time together since the break up, but I had figured that was a normal thing. I didn't have a problem being just friend with him, but I knew for every inch I gave him he'd find a way to take a mile; I wasn't ready to take that kind of risk.

"Look, I'm sorry we haven't hung out, but I really do have something going on tonight. Maybe next week we could do something" I offered, trying to keep him satisfied. His ears perked up a bit and a slight smile escaped him, his tail wagging happily.

"Do you promise?" He asked, eager for his chance to spend time with me.

"As long as you behave yourself" I warned, very aware of his many ulterior motives.

"I will, I will, are you sure you cant tonight though? I was hoping you'd come to this p..." he managed before the bell rang.

"Look I gotta go, text me ok?" I told him before rushing out of class, eager to see Steve before the party.

Steve came over a few hours before the party, giving us time to get out all of our physical needs before leaving. We always had to be careful when we were in public, I could just lean up against him or wrap my arms around him as I wanted, we had to erect invisible barriers around us to ensure we didn't accidentally magnetize to one another.

We eventually left and I had a slight pulling feeling in my gut as Steve and I pulled up to the party, the bass vibrating through the walls of the house. I tried to act casual as we walked in from the cold, but the warmth inside the house wasn't enough to stop the cold looks a few of the people were giving me. Luckily the person throwing the party was on the wrestling team, so I had a kind of asylum extended to me for the preservation of my physical well being. When we walked into the door a couple drunk girls squealed and hobbled over to Steve, giggling and trying not to spill their drinks.

"Oh my god, where have you been?! Britt's totally looking for you" one girl said as she pulled Steve through the room. In an instant I was standing alone, feeling slightly awkward as people shared mutual looks in my direction. I started after Steve, trying to figure out where those girls had taken him. I found him on the deck with a beer already in his hand, a vibrant smile on his face as he was talking to a girl that I recognized. His ex was a nice enough girl, she'd never shown any ill will toward me anyways. She was clutching onto his shoulder as she looked up and spoke to him, her words unintelligible under the loud music. I felt as if someone had struck me in the head when I saw her take his free hand, clasping it in her own, slowly resting it on her chest dangerously close to her cleavage. I tried to stay calm at first, she was just a silly drunk girl, there was nothing to get worked up about. Then suddenly I saw his arm move away from her chest and over her shoulder, the both of them walking over back into the house. I stood there in the cold air, which was easily warded off by the heat growing in my neck and face. I breathed deep and still tried to stay calm, there wasn't anything to get so worked up over. I went inside and decided to grab the least alcoholic drink I could find, hoping to calm my nerves a bit. I leaned into a corner an observed, the shuffling of fur, scales and tails, and unintentionally eavesdropping on the bits and pieces of conversation that made it through the music.

Eventually there was a commotion in the other room, and a lot of guys were cheering and egging someone on. I peered over and saw Steve leaning over an orca girl lying on a table, his... tongue draping over her slim smooth belly. I blinked a couple times, a bit confused on what I was looking at. Everyone roared into a cheer as I watched him take a shot and the blushing girl hopped up off the table, laughing as she walked over to another group. I shook my head trying to clear it of the confusion, but then I saw brittany again, she ran over to him and jumped in his arms, her legs wrapping around him as his hands settled against her rump, a wide grin on his face as they both laughed. The heat in my head grew, I didn't understand what was going on, I didn't want to, I just didn't want to look at it anymore. I walked briskly into the kitchen pouring myself a cup of the mixture of juices and liquors that had been mixed in a giant punch bowl. I guzzled it down, my throat feeling dry from the unending heat rolling through me. One the boys in the room had noticed me, bumping me lightly with his shoulder.

"Y'know this gets the job done faster" he told me as he held a clear bottle of liquor towards me, an empty plastic shot glass in his other hand. Without thinking I took both, almost accidentally slamming the bottle down before I poured it. I drank the liquor down, bracing myself for the burn as I chased it with my drink.

"SHOTS!" someone yelled as I saw a few other guys gather around the table. I had unknowingly started some sort of party ritual I wasn't completely aware of. Soon all the guys including myself had shots poured, all of them holding them up towards the center. I followed suit and held mine up, and everyone tapped them down on the table and drank them. I followed a second slower then the other guys, everyone watching me as I set my shot glass back down.

"Looks like the gay kid can drink!" One boy bellowed from the corner. For some odd reason I think the other guys in the room had taken that as a challenge, because within seconds everyone's glasses were filled again. I figured I might as well take this chance to get some positive rep from my fellow classmates, and I took the next shot, my head feeling much lighter and cooler than before. I stepped away to refill my drink and quickly my body started becoming looser, my mind clearer. Some of the people there actually started talking to me, in short tidbits at first, and then I would have three or four people around me. A lot of the conversation consisted of curious questions about me being gay, which I would've thought would make people uncomfortable. But soon I had an entourage of girls around me, asking me every sex question imaginable. Even the guys were a bit enthralled by me, like I was some sort of exotic thing they'd never seen before. Many of them threw jabs into the conversations, like saying I farted every time I walked, or asking sarcastically why my teeth were so white. But they weren't hostile like they usually were, they were friendly and encouraging, laughing with me instead of at me. If I hadn't already been drunk from the liquor, I definitely had been from the positive attention.

I didn't know how much time had passed, I was walking aimlessly, forgetting what I was doing from second to second. I felt a hand tapping my shoulder and turned to see Steve, his eyes slightly glazed from the alcohol.

"Hey buddy, haven't seen you in a while, you doin ok?" He asked, his speech still clear and pronounced. He was tipsy, but I didn't think he was drunk, at least not yet. It made me wonder just how much I had been drinking, and for how long. I looked up at him and felt this strange lashing feeling in my chest. I felt... mad? No, that wasn't the word. Bitchy, that was it, I felt bitchy. I jerked my shoulder away and walked away from him, and it took me a moment or two to remember why he was on my shit list at that time. I could feel him following me, and in the crowded room it was too much effort to try and avoid him. I turned around and he grabbed my shoulders, inspecting my face a bit before he spoke. "Hey what's wrong, are you ok?" He asked, concern in his eyes. For some reason his concern hurt more than it helped, I looked over and saw Brittany and her friends scanning the room, obviously I was keeping them from their fun.

"Hey your tit parades here, don't keep them waiting" I scoffed as I went to walk away.

"My what?! Dude how much did you drink?!" he asked, holding firmly onto me this time.

"Look just go do whatever I don't care" I said dismissively, his arms not allowing me to move.

"You need some air, c'mon I'll take you outside." He offered, pulling me through the crowd towards the deck. He held me up for most of the way, my legs unable to match his pace or coordination. He took me to the other side of a shed, shielding much of the music out. "What is up with you? Did I do something?" he asked, his hand lightly pressing me against the wall.

"I can see why you like being with her... it's easy with her, you don't have to hide anything, it'd be easier with any of those girls wouldn't it?" I rambled, my throat clenching shut as tears made their way to my eyes.

"Wait wait, this is about Britt? Dude I don't even like her that much, and the only time she actually likes me is when she's hammered." Steve explained as I tried to hold back my tears.

"Then why... why where you touching her like that? Why were you licking that one girl?" I managed, trying to put my words together through my blubbering.

"Dude it was just a body shot, and she was the one who was all over me. Josh, people here think I'm single, if I go around pushing away every girl that comes near me people will start wondering. If it upsets you then I'm sorry, I'm not trying to I'm... I'm just doing what's expected of me" Steve went on, a slight pain in his eyes as he spoke.

"I...I know... I'm sorry, I'm not usually like this" I sniffed, constantly wiping the tears from my eyes.

"I know, I like you better when you're not mad at me" He smiled, kissing me quickly on the forehead. "So are we ok?"

"Yeah... I'm sorry" I apologized, pulling him against me. His body was rigid for a moment, but he soon relaxed, brushing back my hair. He gently nudged me away from him, wiping the remaining tears from my cheeks.

"Look, I'm gonna go tell them you're just over here throwing up or something, just breathe and calm down and come back ok?" He told me, patting me on the back. I nodded as he walked away, and I eventually calmed down enough to come back inside.

For the rest of the night I drank water, not wanting to feel the effects of the alcohol the next day. Eventually Steve came and got me and we were driven home by some guy I'd never seen before. We pulled up to my house and quietly snuck inside, my parent's still sound asleep. We stumbled up to my room and after taking turns in the bathroom we laid on my bed, his arms weakly crushing me against him.

"You know I never took you as the jealous type" Steve breathed, already starting to fall asleep.

"How can I not be when you're so beautifully perfect" I replied as I clutched tightly to him.

"Well you're definitely not mad anymore" He chuckled.

"I was never mad at you, just... when I saw you around those girls, it made me wish I could be around you like that, to not have to stand in the corner and watch you from a distance" I explained, rubbing my hands across his chest.

"And one day you won't have to, this is just temporary hon, just until I know I can handle it. I love you, no chick is gonna change that, you treat me like a person, I'm just a piece of meat to them." He swooned, kissing the top of my head. With those words I was content, and I warmly and swiftly slipped into the darkness, the fear that once lied there banished by Steve's light.

The following Monday in school everything went along as normal. That afternoon I walked into class and Damien's eyes were locked on me, a devilish grin pasted on him as I walked to my seat. He was oddly quiet that day, he just kept looking at me, sometimes chuckling slightly to himself. I excused myself to the bathroom and as I opened the stall door Damien was leaning up against the wall, that same fervent look in his eyes.

"Damien what? If this is about hanging out I told you I'm not going to dinner with you at that nice place again. I know you may think it's just "getting food" but if we get food it's not gonna be anywhere that it would be considered a date" I rambled as I walked over and washed my hands. Soon I heard a click, and I saw Damien's shadow in the mirror behind me, his arms slowly wrapping around my waist. I felt his lips touch my neck and before I could turn to push him away he had already tightened his grip on me.

"Damien! What are you..." I spoke before his whisper hissed in my ear.

"So... does that lion of yours ever make you feel like this?"

Feeling out of place: Chapter 14

Sorry about the super long delay but its finally here and hopefully will stay on the same timeline as real life as far as updates go lol. I love you all for all the support and i hope you keep reading...

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Brothers: Pilot

Another thing i was working on. Contains incest so heres fair warning. Might add on depending on how you guys like it. Enjoy :3 It's been four years since that night, and still I haven't seen your face. Not that I would want to feel that rush...

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Sorin: Pilot/Chapter 1

Hey guys, this is just a sort of pilot for another series im working on, but im still working on "feeling out of place" as well so don't panic lol. This chapter is a little short, and i might keep them short or make them longer depending on the...

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