Sorin: Pilot/Chapter 1

Story by lonleyone on SoFurry

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#1 of Sorin

Hey guys, this is just a sort of pilot for another series im working on, but im still working on "feeling out of place" as well so don't panic lol. This chapter is a little short, and i might keep them short or make them longer depending on the response. I hope you guys like it :)

Long ago, before these days of endless drifting. I was the prince of a kingdom known as Corinthia, the largest land in the world of Thelenia. My name is Sorin. I am the half breed lineage of my human mother, the late queen Vericona and Lion father, the late king Sargaff. Though with my slender craft user build, one could barely tell I was my fathers son. My father was a great man, and did his best to keep our lands in peaceful prosperous times. But one day he was found dead in the courtyard, with sword and shield in hand. So many questions were left unanswered, but within days of my fathers death many countries sought this as an opportunity to seize the outskirts of our lands as their own. This lead to a great war that waged for many years. My uncle was commandant of our military, and vowed to destroy all the invading forces and take all of Thelenia under Corinthian rule. I objected to the route of domination, and wanted only for peace to be restored among the nations. Uncle tried to convince me it was the only route, but I was unassuaged by his agenda. My teacher and caretaker Alteron was left to guide the people, and I felt an ever growing pressure building upon me. One day I left the kingdom, seeking a place where I could find peace once more. I traveled for five years, avoiding the sight of the scouts my uncles sent after me. He had renamed the military personnel as the "Black Claws" and eventually I could no longer stay out of their reach. Every day became a run and chase between me and the black claws. I began running out of places to hide, and one day a persistent soldier kept at me, no matter what craft I threw at him he kept following me. I crawled up a breezy sand dune, looking behind me to see the muscular lion standing and observing me. I looked upon his bare shoulder to find the mark of the black claws, A sword crossed over the symbol of leonine, a black lions head familiarized in the nation as the coat of arms for power. I looked upon that mark in utter distrust, wishing I could erase it from my memory. It was his mark, a rebels mark, the mark of one who seeks power. I had no need for such a thing, I knew too well what a curse this was. And those like him who sought after it, had to be blinded by unjust cause to do something so foolish. The mans eyes held no anger or threatening premise, they merely observed, his open stance welcoming me to his presence.

"Why is it that he persists in sending you after me?" I called out, fatigue showing through my voice.

"The commandant merely seeks an audience with his dear nephew" The man spoke, this voice tenderly carried on the warm desert breeze.

"And how could his messenger attest to that mans sincerity?" I asked.

"I would merely act upon the affections he wishes to show you with his own flesh" he spoke, his eyes shifting to a softer demeanor.

"If I were to believe this to be true, and went back, what would he be expecting of me? To help him fight this bloody war for his irresolute cause?

"He only seeks an audience with you. No other obligations will be subjected." He confirmed. I stood upon the shifting dune, barely able to hold my ground against the wind. The man saw my air of defeat, walking up to me and offering a strong gauntlet clad hand.

"It's been so long... my body, my mind, my soul, I'm so tired of running" I breathed, no longer having the strength to run.

"Then I shall carry you back" He said, kneeling with his back to me, wrapping my arms around his neck and lifting my rump from behind him. As we began walking I felt myself falling asleep, the warmth of the warriors neck like a pillow sent from heaven.

I woke several hours later, a campfire crackling next to me as I rose up. I looked around and the warriors armor set alone on a log. I looked in the distance to see a silhouette splashing in a creek. The silhouette approached and turned once again into the warrior as he stepped into the light of the fire. He wielded a spear with 2 enormous fish on the end, and wore only a pair of tight leggings as he approached the fire. He set the fish over the flame and warmed himself, noticing I was awake when he glanced over.

"You've been asleep for hours, come, warm yourself a bit" he offered, a kind gleam of light in his eyes. I crawled over to the fire, my joints still stiff from the cold ground, and sat slightly across from him.

"So what's your name if I may ask?" I inquired, trying to make for simple conversation.

"Leozarus your highness, and your require no introduction." he said formally.

"I'm not a noble anymore, you need not give me title" I told him

"You shall be as soon as we return, your uncle is the highest seat in Corinthia now" he smiled.

"Highest military seat perhaps, but court master Alteron is still highest politically" I objected.

"That is, until you are of age young master" he replied.

"You know I can't take the throne, after my father was killed and uncle took over, the war got substantially more violent and complicated. I'm merely a craft user with my fathers blood, I'm not a king" I sighed.

"You are still a prince as I take it, I'm sure your uncle could help you" he chimed.

"Sending his soldiers after me on a wild goose chase all over Thelenia scaring me half to death doesn't exactly have a helpful ring to it" I fussed.

"And you think tracking you down was fun? Or dodging those blasts of sand you threw at me? Or those delightful sandpits and typhoons you conjured up?" He argued, annoyance picking up in his voice.

"I'm...I'm sorry about all that, but I told uncle I wanted nothing to with this rebellion of his. But I do sincerely apologize, I wouldn't mean to harm a kind man such as you" I confessed.

"It's alright, I bear no ill will, I had my own reasons for wanting to find you as well" He grinned.

"What kind of reasons?" I wondered. He scooted his body next to mine, his powerful arm draping itself across my shoulders.

"You of all people should know, there's a reason Corinthian soldiers are all men" He smiled, giving my shoulder a squeeze. I didn't know whether to feel embarrassed or offended by his actions. I knew the practices of the military forces very well, and indeed there was a reason that all soldiers were men. Ever since Corinthia had a military, it was set up this way. Women were a distraction to the soldiers, but the larger part was that soldiers would have to bond with their fellow kin, sharing meals, and beds. Corinthia was already a patriarchal state, and over time women merely took the role of child bearing and house keeping. Men in the military were tough, but in the absence of females, they would always turn to their fellow soldiers for a helping hand in the matters of the flesh. This was normal for them, and some were much more comfortable with it than others.

Leozarus leaned into me, planting his lips on mine, readily sliding his tongue into my mouth. I flinched a bit before I felt his hands on my body, softly exploring and squeezing. I relaxed a bit, leaning into him as well as a muffled moan escaped him. This wasn't my first time with another man, but this felt different. I felt more natural, more relaxed, more intimate than before. I was too weak to make any kind of resistance against him, I let him go further, his warm rough hand sneaking under my robes, his fingers trailing to my rump and squeezing firmly. To my embarrassment I moaned aloud as he touched me, a grin of enjoyment passing over his lips as he began licking at my neck. His free hand came to the sash keeping my robes in place, tugging at it until my robes fell free from my body. My pants came next, his pulling much more vigorous this time, and my body laid bare as his arms curled around me. I looked and saw an enormous bulge pulsing through his leggings, and I felt a nervous sinking feeling whirling around inside me.

"I want nothing more at this very moment than to ravage your body, but I wont go any further unless this is your will" Leozarus breathed, his hands gently holding mine.

"Y...yes... it is" I muttered, trembling as I rested my hand against his body. He nearly slammed my body against him in his eagerness, breathing heavily and moaning as he began grinding his member against me, his nails digging into me as he held my body. I looked into his eyes, losing myself in the reflections of flames in the golden brown color. I leaned up and kissed him, crooning my neck as his tongue came into me once more. After a few moments he freed his member, lifting me into his lap as he pressed it between my cheeks. It must have been at least eight inches, with slight barbs flaring around the head. He reached over to his satchel and pulled out a jar, opening it and scooping out some sort of gel. He reached behind me and grasped his member, covering it in the substance. I felt his fingers slide over my hole, one of them slowly entering, by grip on Leozarus's shoulders tightening as he pushed further in. He worked me with his one finger for a few moments and pressed a second one in, loosening me as we kissed each other. He pulled his fingers free and grasped his length, pressing the tip against me. I felt the warmth sliding inside me, the barbs digging a bit as they passed into me. Once the head had made it in he pushed the rest in with one quick motion.

"Oh god!" I moaned as he pressed into me.

"Are you alright?!" He asked in a panic.

"I'm fine, it just... feels so incredible" I breathed.

"Just relax, it's been so long since I've done this, it wont take long I promise." He told me as he began to pull out and in, slowly humping into me. He held me down against he member, holding my body up as he moved his hips up and down. His member felt amazing as it moved inside me, each thrust harder and faster than the next. Leozarus's breathing soon became quick and shallow, and his thrusts lacked any restraint. He pounded into me as he leaned back, moaning and growling, his hands firmly slamming me onto his length. "Oh god get ready, it's coming!" He shouted as I felt his cock swell inside me. Leozarus roared as he pumped his seed into me, an unearthly flow of cum shooting inside me. I desperately clung to him as he climaxed, his warm muscular body pressed against me. We sat catching our breath for a few moments, Leozarus moving my hair out of my face as he looked at me. He cradled my cheek in his hand kissing me gently as he pulled his member from me. "You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, more so than alright" I laughed nervously. He picked me up and carried me over to the water, slowly walking in and standing me up. We both washed off as well as we could, Leozarus unable to keeps his hand off of me. We dried off by the fire and he held me from behind, letting me use him as a cushion. "Hey Leozarus?" I chimed.

"Leo, please call me Leo" He whispered, kissing my neck.

"Leo...can I ask, what am I to think of what's between us?" I asked.

"I can't answer for you, but I can firmly say that I'm thoroughly obsessed with you" He told me, pulling me tight.

"So you don't hate me? For everything I put you through?" I wondered.

"I could never hate you, I just considered all of that as playing hard to get" He joked. I smiled as I laid down on top of him, slowly drifting off in the rhythm of his breathing.

Feeling out of place: Chapter 13

I woke up the next morning, suddenly remembering all at once what had happened the night before. I bolted up and looked around me to see an empty bed, and I instantly started panicking. I hopped out of bed and looked out the window and saw...

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Feeling out of place: Chapter 12

When Roy and I finally returned from his grandparent's house a week later, I decided I should stop by my house to talk to my parents and unpack a few things. It was cold and snowy that night, so Roy offered to come along. While we were walking down...

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Feeling out of place: Chapter 11

I know its been months since i've posted anything, and I sincerely apologize for taking so long. I've had alot of random things getting in my way, and after dealing with all of that, I had a lapse of inspiration. Hopefully posting this finished chapter...

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