Feeling out of place: Chapter 13

Story by lonleyone on SoFurry

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#16 of "Feeling out of place"

I woke up the next morning, suddenly remembering all at once what had happened the night before. I bolted up and looked around me to see an empty bed, and I instantly started panicking. I hopped out of bed and looked out the window and saw Steve's car was still there. I then heard a flush echo from the bathroom and Steve walked back in, a heavy yawn escaping him.

"Oh you're up, hope I didn't wake you" He smiled, walking over and holding me to him.

"No... it's ok" I sighed in relief, burying my face in his warm fluffy chest. I could feel his morning wood starting to re-inflate as he ground his hips against me, running his claws up and down my back.

"So, I don't have anything to do today, how about you?" He asked moving my hair out of my face.

"No, why do you wanna go out somewhere?" I wondered.

"Er...actually I was hoping maybe we could just...hang out here" He muttered, a hesitant look in his eyes.

"Oh, ok" I replied, a little bit disappointed.

"Hey... I didn't mean anything by it, it's just I have to keep this a secret. If anyone found out..." He trailed off.

"No it's ok, I understand. As long as we can spend time together I don't care where It is." I reassured him. He grinned and leaned down, pulling me into a deep kiss. He started moaning a bit, picking me up off the ground and holding me one hand wrapped behind my back, the other around my rump. I wrapped my arms around him and he scooted me up a bit, my legs wrapped around him as well. He turned and sat on the side of the bed. Breaking the kiss to catch his breath.

"God you're so fucking cute" He breathed as he kissed down my neck. I crooned my neck in enjoyment as he went further down, starting to lick and bite a bit. I loved the tenderness of his tongue gliding across my neck, the gentile pricking of his teeth sinking into me. All the sudden a felt a sharp pain, followed by a huge rush in me head, and I instinctively pushed away, causing me to flail backwards, falling onto the floor.

"Shit josh are you alright?!" Steve panicked, kneeling down next to me.

"Yeah sorry that was my fault. I didn't mean to push you like that, it just when you bit me, it made me think of when Damien did that to me, and I guess I got scared for a second. I'm sorry, I shouldn't even be talking about him around you" I apologized.

"Hey it's alright, I don't mind you talking about it, if you need to tell me anything I'll listen, and if there's anything he did that made you uncomfortable, I wanna know so I know not to do those things ok?" He told me, rubbing my back as he spoke. It surprised me how sensitive of a guy Steve really was. Long ago I never would have expected him to be the kind of person who was so understanding to an others emotions. We got up and returned to the bed, taking refuge under the warmth of the blankets as we faced each other. Steve pulled my body to him, his hard on jabbing my waist a bit.

"Um, sorry, I hope you don't think I'm weird for being hard around you all the time" Steve wavered, looking away from me.

"No I don't think it's weird, to be honest I'm glad that you get so excited from being around me. I guess it just makes me feel... wanted" I muttered, I bit embarrassed at myself.

"So you really don't mind?" Steve smiled, pushing himself against me even further. I could nearly feel his heart beating through his member being pressed so tightly against me, but I couldn't deny to myself that I liked it. Steve grinded continuously against me, kissing me and moaning deeply. Eventually his cravings for bodily contact were satisfied and he calmed down a bit. We went downstairs and ate breakfast and afterward Steve asked if we could shower together. I willingly agreed and we headed upstairs, Steve stepping in before me to adjust the water. He pulled me in after I was undressed, gazing at my wet naked body. I felt a bit vulnerable cramped into the shower with

him, but as he began kissing over my body all my worries were swept away. After I scrubbed Steve's back for him he offered to soap up my body, rubbing all over me, and slowing down to curiously poke and prod at my member.

"I don't think I've ever seen a human dick this close up before. Yours is pretty cute" He laughed as he ran a soapy washcloth over it. I shuddered a bit at the attention to my junk, his large paw making my equipment seem a bit minuscule. He teased me a bit, kneeling down to compare sizes, but his kiss made up for any embarrassment.

"Hey, um, do you think I'm big? I mean not just my dick, but like my muscles and stuff too." He asked.

"Oh yeah, you're pretty big all around trust me" I smiled, indulgently running a hand over his abs. Steve chuckled nervously, washing me off as I worshiped his muscles for him. We dried up, Steve and I taking turns with the hair dryer, and got dressed before walking downstairs and lounging on the couch, flipping through the TV. We settled on a show and Steve proceeded to lay down, tugging me along with him. The moment felt so real, I felt like Steve and I were really boyfriends, and like this was any other day together, just the two of us. Steve interrupted my train of thought as he pulled me on top of him, grinning as he stole a kiss, his tongue becoming more vigorous in its exploration. I wondered a bit about why he was so affectionate, even Damien didn't kiss me this much, but then again perhaps this was a turn for the better. He broke the kiss and ran his fingers through my hair, staring lovingly into my eyes as he did.

"I love you so much, I can't even think of how lucky I am." Steve whispered, grabbing my hands. I was at a loss for words, I couldn't help but be swept away by the way he was acting. He was so loving in every way, and I felt my heart growing further and further towards him. He leaned up and hugged me, his arms trapping me tightly against him. "I just feel like, with you I'm a whole person, I'm not the fake picture everyone's thought of me as. I'm not pressured when I'm around you, when I'm with you its the only time I can just relax." He murmured.

"Steve, I just have to ask one thing. I know you're not comfortable with letting other people know about you yet, and I'm completely fine with that. But... let just say hypothetically you had to choose, between me and your... social status, would you be able to sacrifice all that just to be with me?" I questioned. Steve was silent for a moment, staring out in thought.

"If it came down to that, I would still pick you. High school is only temporary, and even if people did find out, I wouldn't let that come between us, you're more important to me than football or anything like that." He explained. I smiled and kissed him, brimming with happiness over his answer.

"I love you" I breathed, Steve squeezing my butt intensely as he kissed my neck.

"So when can we make it official" He hinted, putting my hand on the girth in his jeans.

"Well not yet, I mean I REALLY want to don't get me wrong, but the time just isn't right yet" I told him

"That's fine, take as long as you want, even if I have to wait till summer I'll do it" He reassured me. I squeezed his bulge and laid on top of him, sighing happily as I sunk into his warm body. I heard him begin purring, making me hold him even tighter, and his arms binding me to his body. We laid there kissing, hugging, moaning, squeezing, so many sensual experiences that were making me even more infatuated with Steve. After a few more hours of hanging out he had to leave but promised he would call me as soon as he could.

I went over Roy's to hang out, feeling bright and energized, and we played video games for a while. Roy seemed to notice this new light and started to become more and more curious as to what had changed.

"You seem to be getting better. Did something happen?" Roy smiled as we sat on his bed. I wanted to tell him about Steve, but I knew Steve didn't want anybody knowing about us.

"No nothing really, I guess I'm just finally over everything that happened." I told him. I felt a slight twinge of guilt for lying to him, but I knew I couldn't let anyone know about Steve and me.

"Well now that you're not depressed anymore, what do you say me and you go Christmas shopping together?" He said. I had almost forgot about Christmas through all the drama with Damien. I happily agreed and we went off to the mall.

We shuffled through the crowds of people preparing for the holidays, and Roy told me all about his plans and what he was planning on getting everyone. I wondered what I should get for Steve, or if maybe I should ask him first. As we walked around I saw Damien standing outside the cell phone store, I froze for a moment, Roy looking over to see Damien as well. Before I could react Damien caught sight of us, an uncertain look in his eyes. I thought maybe I should talk to him, just to give the both of us a sense of closure. I told Roy I would be right back and walked over, Damien shuffling uncomfortably.

"Hey" he muttered, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Hey" I replied, unable to decipher how he felt about talking to me.

"So...you're talking to me again?" He asked, a warmth growing in his eyes.

"Well, yeah, just cause we broke up doesn't mean we can't be friends" I smiled nervously. I could tell he was stung by something in that statement, his ears drooping a bit.

"I just... I hoped you would change your mind about things. But yeah...friends is better than nothing I guess" He sighed, obviously disappointed with the way things turned out. "So... are you and Roy?" he trailed off.

"No, like I said were just friends." I told him.

"Sorry, I just don't know how I'm supposed to feel about being...broken up. I just really wish you would think more about this" He pleaded.

"I did think Damien, this is the best for the both of us." I reasoned.

"How is it good for me? What am I supposed to do without you? How am I benefiting from any of this?" He asked.

"Damien, think about it, if we stayed together, you would be hostile towards every other guy I hang out with. Roy is my best friend, and I couldn't risk you hurting him or anyone else again. When you were with me, you became a possessive jealous person, and I didn't want you to be that person. I couldn't handle any more instability" I explained.

"I was only trying to protect you" He muttered.

"I don't need to be protected from my friends" I lectured.

"Whatever" Damien huffed as he turned and walked away, his face filled with frustration and disappointment. I didn't blame him for walking away, I knew Damien wasn't the type to take a no easily.

I went back over to Roy and we continued our shopping, and I began thinking about what I should get Steve for Christmas. I wondered if we were even supposed to get gifts for each other at this point. Furthermore I couldn't even begin to think of what he'd like. I wanted to give him something that would show that I cared about him, but nothing was coming to mind. I decided I would just get all the usual things that 'd seen girls give to their boyfriends as gifts.

"Hey I gotta go get a couple things on my own, do you mind if we meet up later?" I asked.

"Yeah, I gotta get something own my own too, wanna meet up at the food court in about an hour?" He offered.

"Sure, I'll see you in a bit" I waved as I went off to get everything I needed. I made a mental list of all the classic things to give a guy. After I had finished with mom, dad, and Roy's gifts, I started on my mission. A pair of silk boxers, a tie blanket with Steve's favorite team on it, cologne, a T shirt, Steve's favorite candy, and a gift card to Ricks sport shop. I wondered for a moment if I was taking things too far, but I was too caught up in my excitement to be bothered by it. I went back to the food court to find Roy and we decided to eat at the Chinese place before leaving.

After we got back I went home to drop off the stuff and listened to a voice mail from mom and dad saying they wouldn't be home until Monday. I thought maybe I should call Steve and invite him over, but I didn't wanna seem to clingy. I stashed away all the gifts for later wrapping and went back downstairs. I watched TV for a bit before the phone rang. I saw it was Steve and eagerly picked it up.

"Hey are you doing anything tonight?" He asked cheerfully.

"No I'm just sitting around the house" I told him.

"Well I felt bad about keeping you cooped up all day so I was thinking I could take you out" He offered.

"S,sure I'd love that" I told him, unable to contain my excitement.

"Great, I'll be over in a few." he said before hanging up. I instantly rushed upstairs to make myself presentable, brushing my hair and teeth, and changing into something warm. I sat nervously in the kitchen as I waited for Steve to arrive. Soon I heard a knock on the door and I let Steve in, his lips meeting mine as soon as the door had closed.

"I missed you" He smiled.

"I missed you too" I replied, holding tight to his cold covered body.

"Whenever you're ready we can get going" He told me

"Where are we going exactly?" I asked.

"You'll see when we get there" He grinned. I put my coat on and went out to Steve's car. We started driving and Steve headed in a direction I'd never been down before. As we kept going I became more and more curious as to where he was taking me. Eventually we turned of the main road and came to a large hill with an old concrete bridge and gate in front. Steve stopped the car and ran to open the gate, which didn't seem like it'd been secured in years. We drove up a circular wrap around driveway for a few moments before coming to a small parking area. We got out and Steve led me up a walking path with trees on both sides. I started to get a bit anxious as to where we were going, but we eventually made it to the top of the hill, and a saw an old abandoned fort-like structure on the summit.

"Alright, we just gotta go through one creepy place before we get to where were going" Steve told me as we walked to the building. The doorway was completely open and Steve pulled out his phone to illuminate our path. We walked up a stone staircase covered with trash and graffiti until we finally came to the roof. I looked out in front of me and was completely taken by the view. I could see the entire town, if not the entire county from there. Not only that, but the view of the sky was crystal clear, every star shining brightly. Steve hugged me from behind, resting his chin on the top of my head. "Do you like it?" He asked in a whisper.

"I love it, it's so beautiful, how did you find this place?" I asked him.

"A lot of people around here know about this place, it's and old civil war building and there's a bunch of urban legends about it, but I just hoped this would be a nice romantic setting" He explained. I looked out at the scenery before me, and I felt a slight breeze brush against me, but it was impossible for any cold to permeate through the warmth of Steve's arms. I turned around, looking deep into Steve's eyes. His eyes at that moment were so focused, so intense, I couldn't bare to look away.

"Josh, I... I keep trying so hard to think, to find a way to express my feelings for you in the strongest way imaginable, but no matter what I think of it never seems good enough. I've never felt this way before, not with anyone. I'd do anything to show you, just tell me and I'll do it" He muttered, a panicked quiver in his breath.

"Steve, you don't need to prove anything, I can tell by the way you hold me, by the way you look at me. I know how frustrating it is trying to handle an emotion like that, and I feel like it must take a lifetime until someone could finally understand it. But from what I know now, I know that I love you, and I know you love me. So you don't have to push yourself past your limits, this is all new for you, and I want to make sure you're not straining against anything inside yourself" I told him.

"The only strain I feel right now is the strain from our lips being separated for so long" He sighed as he pulled me into him, locking his lips to mine, his hands and arms clinging to me as if his life depended on it. I felt something warm against my cheek, and felt it travel across my cheek. Steve pulled me even tighter, my body encased in his protection. He broke the kiss for a moment, leaning his head on my shoulder. I felt his body tremble a bit, and his muscles tensed up severely. He let in a short shallow breath before I felt him slide his hand under the back of my jacket, his hands resting warmly between my shirt and my back. He ran his claws up and down, spindles of nirvana gliding across my body. As he did so his body relaxed a bit, his breathing becoming more normal. I took hold of his body, running my hand across his back as well. He let out a deep whimper, his nose nuzzling against my neck, and I pulled him a bit tighter, kissing his cheek as we held each other.

"Y...you're so... you're such a nice person" Steve wept as he stood holding me. I felt a twinge of insensitivity in myself for thinking of him as being adorable at that very moment, and I rested a hand on the back of his head.

"Steve, how long have you been holding all this emotion in?" I asked with concern. Steve was quiet for a bit, still rubbing against me.

"You're t,the only one... who I could ever let see me like this. I know I did this before, but its like when I get emotional with you everything comes out at once, and now I can't fucking stop" Steve cried, a bit of irritation escaping his voice.

"Steve, it's ok. Letting it out hurts, I know. But even you aren't strong enough to hold all this by yourself. Before you were just upset with yourself, but I think this time it's something a lot bigger, and if you want then let it all out then I'm here. No one's here to see but me. It hurts to see you like this Steve, but the thought of you having to hold whatever this is by yourself, it terrifies me. So please, let yourself go." I said softly. In that moment all of Steve's defenses shattered, he buried his face in my chest, his incoherent cries echoing through my body. He held me so tight that it hurt, but I let him cry, I let him feel safe with me. After a few moments it was as if he'd forgotten I was there, his muffled screams indecipherable. It really made me think about my life, and how I was able to finally see that I truly wasn't alone in any of the sadness or pain I'd felt over the years. And I knew Steve felt the same way, somewhere in his heart. He truly let all of his emotions out, eventually to the point where he was no longer crying on the outside, and all he could was scream his emotions out.

I lost track of time after a while, and by the time he had calmed down the moon had peeked out over the trees. Steve picked himself up, rubbing his face and eyes, his poor cheeks completely matted from tears. Steve felt his cheeks and he began to laugh a bit, and his laughter grew further and further until I couldn't stop myself from laughing either.

"Hahahaha oh my god, I'm sorry, I just can't stop hahaha!" Steve managed. He gave himself a few moments to calm down before finally trying to talk again. "I swear I'm not crazy or anything, I seriously didn't expect any of that to happen." He said.

"It's ok, I just glad you're feeling better." I smiled.

"I do, I feel sooo much better. I don't think I've ever felt this calm and relaxed. But now that I think about it I brought you out here to have a good time and then I end up having a breakdown, I'm really sorry." He apologized

"It's ok, I'm just glad I got to spend time with you, and I'm glad that I could help" I said as I kissed him lightly.

"I just don't want you thinking I'm a basket case or anything, I'm really not this much of an emotional person, at least I didn't think I was." He sighed.

"You're just being honest with yourself, that doesn't make you crazy, besides, I think I'd love you even if you were" I said as I leaned into him, resting my head on his chest. Steve kissed my head as we looked out at the scenery for a while, both of us finding solace in the others warmth.

After we road back from the fort Steve took me to a 24 hour diner for a late dinner. We sat and ate, talking and laughing the entire time. It felt so nice to be on date like this, and it really helped relax the mood. After we finished there Steve drove me back to my house, pulling up into the driveway before turning to me.

"Thanks for tonight, I'm really sorry about,"

"You don't have to be sorry, It's alright, I'm glad that I could help" I interjected. "So... do you wanna stay the night?" I asked.

"Sure" Steve smiled, turning off his engine. We walked inside and I went up to use the restroom while Steve waited in my room. As I walked in I saw he had already stripped himself of his shirt and pants and was sitting in only his boxers. I walked over and sat next to him, Steve wrapping an arm around me as he pulled me into a kiss. I rested my hand on his chest as I kissed back, running my fingers through his fur.

"I love you" He whispered as he leaned me back onto the bed, my head resting on my pillow as he kissed me deeper, his tongue desperately seeking mine out. I ran my hands up across his chest and pecs, and down his sides, causing him to shudder a bit. I felt his hands begin to feel my body as well, eager moans escaping him as he did. He made his way around to my bottom and slipped them into my pants, squeezing my cheeks intensely as he continued to grunt and moan. I let my hands run across his built thighs, noticing something brushing against my arm. I felt around and found his bare cock poking out of his boxers, throbbing furiously in my hand. Steve gasped a bit as I held it, gently tugging and squeezing his length. I leaned up a bit as Steve sat back on his legs, his erect dick in perfect view. I kept running my hand over its soft warmth, my other hand finding itself massaging Steve's heavy nuts through the thin fabric barrier between the two.

"Ohhh fuck Josh, squeeze it harder" Steve breathed, his eyes watching my hands work on him. I squeezed his member even harder, Steve nearly shouting in enjoyment as I played with him. I pulled his boxers down a bit, fully releasing Steve's package into the open. I began jerking him off a bit, a trail of pre gliding down his cock. He tightly gripped his hand over mine, humping into it as he reared his head back, unable to contain himself. I took this opportunity to surprise him, leaning down and slipping one of his nuts into my mouth as I worked on him.

"AHH SHIT, josh, ahhh ah I wanna fuck your mouth so bad" Steve groaned while he pulled my head further into his crotch, my mouth paying heavy attention to his sack as his cock became more and more slick with pre. I released his nuts and began licking his cock, letting my tongue slide up from the base. I pulled Steve up onto his knees, my hands pulling his waist as I let his member into my mouth, sucking on its girth. I put both his hands on the back of my head, pulling his waist so his dick went further in. I let it go as far as I could handle and placed my hand there as a marker. I took my free and and pulled Steve in again, wanted him to feel free to thrust. After a few moments he took control and started bucking his hips, his cock slipping in and out of my mouth. I sucked on him as I let my tongue caress the underside of his rod, his pace becoming more eager as we went along. After I felt confident enough I let go of his cock, letting him go as far in as he pleased. I ran my hands over his abs and chest as he fucked my mouth, a constant moaning escaping him.

"Fffuckk I'm gonna shoot so hardd" he growled through his teeth as his thrusts went much deeper, going down into my throat. I relaxed my throat as best as I could, Steve's growl turning into a loud scream as I felt his warm seed pumping into my mouth and throat. I swallowed as much as his thrusts would allow, a great deal of it spilling out onto his dick. Steve panted heavily as he let his dick rest in my mouth, letting the remaining seed drain from him. I sucked his cock clean before he fell back on the bed, desperately trying to catch his breath. I crawled up beside him and laid next to him, resting my head in his shoulder. "Josh... that was so good, I, I love you so much" He panted as he turned and held me. He kissed me on the cheek before leaning up and slipping his boxers back on, turning back and wrapping his big warm arms around me. "So how is it you managed to distract me from the fact that I'm the only naked one here?" Steve grinned as he gripped the waist of my jeans, pulling them down in one quick movement. I let him strip me of my jeans and volunteered to take off my shirt, throwing it on the floor as Steve grabbed me and pulled me to him. "That's much better" He whispered, kissing me gently. He scooted me up close to him, my legs crossed inside his, and ran his hand across my body, observing it intently. "I can't imagine what it must feel like to have bare skin like yours, don't you ever get cold?" Steve joked, running a warm hand down my back.

"Not when you're holding me" I smiled. Steve seemed a bit taken back, his hands gripping to me as he pulled me into him, his warm fur surrounding my body.

"Like this?" He asked, his hands moving down to support my rump.

"Yeah, this is perfect" I told him.

"You're perfect" Steve whispered, kissing the nape of my neck. In that moment the warmth surrounding me shot inward, my entire being encompassed in its ambiance. I clung tightly to him, never wanting to let go. Steve held me tight, my eyes slowly drooping shut. I began to fall into the darkness, the coldness of the void banished by his warmth.

I woke up to find Steve sprawled out on the bed, his arms and legs monopolizing the surface of the mattress. I leaned up and stretched a bit before going out to the bathroom. I came back to see Steve had turned on his side, clutching to the pillow beside him. I went over and laid next to him, taking the pillow as he reached over and pulled me to him instead. I looked at his face and there were no signs of him being awake. I gently wrapped an arm around him, his body instinctively crushing me against his body. Although I was a bit uncomfortable, I laid still as I listened to his soft rhythmic breathing and felt his heartbeat. Within a few minutes Steve woke in a stir, looking down and nuzzling me before rushing off to the bathroom. After he returned we went down and ate breakfast, Steve brushing his tail against me the whole time. When we were done we got dressed and Steve got ready to go, both of us needing to get ready for Christmas.

Mom and Dad returned the next day, Mom and I doing loads of gift wrapping and tree decorating as dad enjoyed his vacation time off work. On Christmas morning I woke up to the smell of a symphony of breakfast food. I walked down, surprised that dad had woken up before me, and sat anxiously awaiting for present time. After breakfast I handed mom and dad their gifts, both of them smiling warmly as they opened them. After they opened my gifts Dad looked at Mom with a sly look before he blindfolded the both of us, walking us out to what I could tell was the garage. He switched the light on and uncovered our eyes, both mom and I in shock at what we saw. 2 brand new cars, both of them labeled with huge tags with bows. The sleek red one for mom, and the compact blue car for me. Both of us ended up screaming incoherently as we hugged dad half to death. After I had thoroughly looked over my new car I made sure to catch Roy before he left to give him his gift. When I went over it turned out he had one for me as well, and we gave each other a warm hug before shredding each others wrapping efforts. We wished each other a merry Christmas before I returned to my house, helping my dad load gifts into his truck before we left for my grandparent's house. After the long drive we finally made it, my grandparent's a bit more happy to see me than usual, but the other relatives merely avoiding the acknowledgment of my existence. When uncle Leo arrived he gave me a big hug before taking me to the side to talk.

"I know we ever really had the chance to talk heart to heart like this, but since I'm the only one around here besides your parents with any kindness or decency I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you something. You know when you were born your mother made me your god father right?" He mentioned. I did remember mom telling me about that but I never really made an issue about it. "I just wanted to let you know I'm moving down around your town soon, so I was hoping maybe we could catch up and talk about stuff" He smiled. I thought it was nice of him to reach out to me like that, especially in this slightly unwelcoming environment. We talked for a while before dinner and after presents and dessert we started off for my dads parents house. Luckily the party there was already in motion as we arrived, so I could just blend into the scenery as always. I felt a twinge of uneasiness as I saw one of my dad's cousins glaring at me, stumbling a bit with a drink in his hand. I saw an inevitable situation about to occur but was powerless to stop it.

"Who let this furless faggot in here?!" The chubby wolf grumbled, only loud enough for those in the room to here. Normally I would feel those word stab into me, but somehow they merely passed over me like a slight breeze. In fact I felt those words circling around me, building up a tension that I held back from releasing.

"Dad please do something before I say something regretful" I muttered as dad walked over to his cousin, trying to calm him down. "Ahh Fuck you, you human loving piece of shit" the man belted as my dad tried calm reasoning. The tension inside me snapped easily after hearing those words, and I walked up to the man, standing inches in front of him as I looked up at him.

"Here's how this is gonna go, you're going to shut your fat drunk degenerate mouth and tolerate my existence for the next couple hours, otherwise you can leave" I scowled.

"Who the hell do you think you're talkin to boy?!" He growled. I saw a female wolf rush over, pulling the brute away from me.

"Howard control yourself for christ sake! Virgil I'm sorry I'll take him out back" The woman said as she pulled him out by the ear.

"Josh since when do you talk like that?" Dad said in shock.

"I deal with guys like him at school all the time" I told him.

"Even so you should be more careful" He warned, noticing the glares coming from around the room. I walked out to the hall with my mom, dad staying behind to calm the situation. I was wishing we could leave when all the sudden I heard a loud crash from the room. Mom and I walked in to see Dad gripping another guy wolves collar, pinning him against the wall. "That's my SON you're talking about jack, don't forget that" He growled. "Howard was drunk so I cut him some slack, but I ever hear you say something like that again I'll kick your ass" he said as he tossed the guy to the side. I felt a veil of warmth wrapping around me, Dad turning to Mom and I and guiding us out of the room. Dad got our coats and said we were leaving, voices stirring in the other room. We got into the car and drove away, a lingering fire in my dads eyes. By the time we got home it was around three in the morning, all of us dead tired. As we walked in the house I walked up to dad, pulling him into a hug. He wrapped his arms tightly around me, resting a hand on my head.

"I love you dad" I told him, resting my head on his chest.

"I love you too bud, I'm sorry about what happened, we don't have to go there anymore if you don't want to" He comforted, rubbing my back. I was glad that he was so understanding, and I was happy I didn't have to go back to that place anymore. All of us got ready for bed, and I flumped down dead tired from the day, quickly falling asleep.

A few days later I called Steve and asked him to come over, eagerly wanting to surprise him with his gifts. He came in holding a little box with a bow on it, casually handing to me.

"Merry Christmas" He smiled, his eyes shining. I pulled him up to my room in a hurry, shutting the door behind us before kissing him deeply, wrapping my hands over his shoulders. He kissed back with just as much fervor, picking me up and holding me by the rear.

"I missed you" I breathed as I nuzzled his cheek.

"I missed you too babe" He muttered, licking my neck. After he let me down a pulled his box out of the closet and set it on the bed for him to open. He threw me onto the bed and pinned me on my stomach, kissing the back of my neck as he moaned lightly. "You didn't have to get me anything, you already do so much for me" He whispered.

"I'm just glad you're happy, that's all I want" I told him as he ran his hand down across my body. He pulled me up and sat me in his lap, handing me my my present. I opened it to see the new video game I wanted. "How did you know I wanted this?" I asked in amazement.

"I talked to your mom and she gave me the info I needed" He explained as he held me. I sat up so Steve could open his, hoping he'd like what I got him. He tore the box open and smiled wider than I'd ever seen, sorting the arrangement of things I got for him. "You really are perfect hon" He said as he tackled me again, kissing me so long I nearly suffocated. We spent the rest of the day lying in bed, kissing and holding each other as we talked. I felt so grounded, so stable, like nothing in the world could tear me from his arms.

Feeling out of place: Chapter 14

Sorry about the super long delay but its finally here and hopefully will stay on the same timeline as real life as far as updates go lol. I love you all for all the support and i hope you keep reading...

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Feeling out of place: Chapter 12

When Roy and I finally returned from his grandparent's house a week later, I decided I should stop by my house to talk to my parents and unpack a few things. It was cold and snowy that night, so Roy offered to come along. While we were walking down...

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Feeling out of place: Chapter 11

I know its been months since i've posted anything, and I sincerely apologize for taking so long. I've had alot of random things getting in my way, and after dealing with all of that, I had a lapse of inspiration. Hopefully posting this finished chapter...

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