Feeling out of place: Chapter 14

Story by lonleyone on SoFurry

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#17 of "Feeling out of place"

Sorry about the super long delay but its finally here and hopefully will stay on the same timeline as real life as far as updates go lol. I love you all for all the support and i hope you keep reading :3

Christmas was over and I was thinking of plans for new years. Mom and dad were going to a friends party and wouldn't be back till the next day. I called Steve to ask what his plans were but he was going to a party with all the guys from school and he couldn't get out of it. I called Roy and it turned out he had to go to some business party with his parents. He warned how boring it would be and I told him to try to have fun and that I'd find something to do. Sadly I had exhausted my options was coming to the conclusion that I'd be on my own for new years. I tried to think of something I could do to avoid feeling pathetic by spending new years alone, but a solo party ended up being the only option. I decided to try to make the best out of the situation and stocked up on frozen pizza, ice cream, and a bunch of other foods to block any feelings of self pity.

When new years finally came around mom and dad got ready for their party. Mom was a bit reserved about leaving me by myself, mostly due to her pity, but I told her to go have I good time with dad. After they had left I plopped down on the couch and watched tv for a while, trying to find a good new years special. I popped a pizza into the oven and got some snacks out while I watched the counter roll back further and further. Soon it was nearing the count down and a felt a slight pulling feeling in my gut. I listened around me as the clock hit zero, a variety of banging and car horns blaring out in the night. But while all that was going on, I looked at myself, sitting alone, silent in the house. I felt pathetic, even though I knew I shouldn't. I didn't want to be that person, I didn't want to feel this sorry for myself, but I couldn't help it. I felt the tears fighting their way out, but I held them back as much as I could. I ate a large spoonful of ice cream to sooth the hot tautness forming in my throat, and it worked for a brief moment. But when I saw those people cheering on tv, the announcer getting all nostalgic about the new year, the tears started flowing, and I sat defeated by my emotions. I asked myself why I was crying, and I knew there was no good answer that I could give. I felt alone, even though I was used to it by now. Or maybe, it was because it was the first time I had the fact I was alone shoved in my face by the entire world. I couldn't play myself as the victim, I knew there were people like me out there who were probably thinking the exact same thing. I went to the bathroom and washed my face, burying it in a towel as I calmed myself down. As I walked downstairs I heard the phone ring. I figured it was mom calling to check in but when I answered I could barely tell who it was.

"Hello?" I wondered.

"Josh? Its Steve, the party got busted and I had to ditch, and I need a place to stay until the cops are gone." He gasped, sounding like he'd been running for miles.

"Um ok uh, where are you?" I asked in a panic.

"I'm on your road, just a couple miles down" He breathed.

"OK hold on I'll come get you" I told him.

"Nah ill just walk, your car doesn't have tags yet and if you get pulled over I'm fucked." He replied.

"Oh... right, well how about I meet you halfway?" I asked, feeling a bit worried about him.

"You don't have to babe" He told me.

"I want to" I said, feeling more and more eager to see him.

"Alright, I'll see you soon" He said before we hung up. I quickly put on my shoes and jacket before running outside, jogging for a while before slowing to a brisk walk. After a while I saw him on the horizon and began running again, taking a moment to catch my breath as I got to him. When I looked up at him I could tell right away he'd been drinking, but he seemed ok on the phone so I didn't let it bother me.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, but lets get to your house soon, the cops were fucking everywhere" Steve grumbled, seeming a bit agitated. I walked alongside him and looked at the expression on his face. He didn't seem the least bit happy that I was there with him, but I thought maybe I was reading too much into things. We made it to my house and Steve flopped down on the couch, rubbing his face and grumbling to himself. I sat next to him, resting my hand on his thigh.

"Hon are you ok" I wondered.

"Yeah I'm just fucking stressed that they're gonna find my car and figure out I was there" He sighed, leaning back and relaxing a bit. "God this fucking sucks, it just had to become a shitty holiday didn't it" I felt a deep sting pierce me when he said those words, and I backed off from Steve, not wanting to make his attitude worse. Steve looked at me, his expression changing drastically when he realized what he had said. "No babe I didn't mean it like that, I... I'm just scared is all, I didn't mean to make it sound like that" He apologized, pulling my body to his. His clothes reeked of smoke and beer, but even so I couldn't help but breathe him in, letting his scent fill me inside. He reached a hand into the back of my jeans, squeezing by butt intensely as he kissed me. I could taste the alcohol on his breath, but the feeling of his tongue against mine was more than enough to cope. "I'm sorry I'm such an ass when I'm drunk, I always fuck up when I'm like this" He apologized, cradling my head into his shoulder.

"You're not an ass hon, I love you, and just holding you like this make me so happy. I was really lonely before you called me, so I'm glad you're here" I smiled before kissing him on the nose.

"Have I ever told you how turned on I get when you say cute shit like that?" He grinned as he nibbled on my neck a bit. He ran his hands all over my body, moaning deeply as he kissed me. I felt his member swelling in his jeans, but tried to avert from exciting him for the moment. I laid down on top of him, letting him run his fingers through my hair. He pulled my waist deep into his body, growling a bit in my ear. I felt his breaths puffing against my neck, his whiskers against my cheeks, his lust was starting to infect me, but I held out as long as I could, trying to avert his inebriated thrusting and groping. "What's up babe? You're acting all tense" He breathed, kissing down my neck.

"Well, it's just that, I was hoping we could just hang out for tonight. I mean it's not that I don't want to...y'know, but I guess I wanted to have a night to just sit and talk with each other" I muttered, a bit unsure of myself.

"Well ok I guess... this isn't cause I'm buzzed is it? Cause I'm really not that drunk" He told me.

"No its not that. I was just thinking, since were in an actual relationship now, we should talk about things with each other. Get to know each other on a deeper level." I explained.

"Well...ok, are you sure it's not cause I've been drinking? Cause last time I drank and we did stuff I didn't mean to hurt you, I really didn't." Steve pleaded.

"I know that hon. I'm not concerned about how drunk you are when you're with me. Well as long as you're not too too drunk" I smiled.

"Ok, I don't mean to be paranoid about it, I was just scared that you wouldn't want to be around me if I drank. I mean...I had the same problem with my ex too." He sighed.

"You mean that Brittney girl?" I asked.

"Yeah... that was one of the things that split us up I think. Don't get me wrong it's not like I drink all the time, only at parties and shit. But I do admit I can go over the line and say and do things I don't mean to say or do. And when I drink I guess I just don't give a shit one way or the other about anything. So she ended up saying I didn't care about her and she left. And I don't want the same thing to happen between you and me." He said wrapping his arms around me.

"Steve I know you care about me. I can tell by the way you hold me, and kiss me..." I trailed off as our lips met, his tongue tackling mine into submission. He moaned and grunted, running his claws down my back.

After many minutes of making out we sat and watched TV together before Steve got a call from one of his friends. Steve talked for a bit before looking over at me, a somewhat sad expression on his face. "No man I'm good, I'll talk to you tomorrow" he said before hanging up.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" I wondered.

"No no everything's fine, when they asked if I wanted them to pick me up, the thought of leaving you alone made me feel bad, so I just told them I was good for the night" He smiled.

"Hon you didn't have to do that" I told him

"Of course I did, I'm not gonna just leave you here alone" He said as he kissed my forehead. I snuggled up next to him, burying my face in his chest to hide how happy I was. We watched TV a bit more before deciding to go to bed.

When we got to my room Steve stripped down, even taking his underwear off before laying down and stretching out on the bed. He grabbed me and took off my pants and shirt, licking across my neck as he squeezed my butt. His cock inflated instantly and he rubbed it against me, pressing my back to his chest as he moaned.

"God I'm so tired but I want you so bad right now" He mumbled as he laid us down next to each other on the bed. I could feel his warm member pulsing between my cheeks as he lightly grinded into me, kissing my back and neck as he did so. Slowly his movement became more sluggish and his dick more flaccid before he finally passed out, a loud breathing sound escaping him. I couldn't help but smile and watch him as he slept. He was a big ball of emotional and sexual confusion, but I loved him regardless. I pulled a blanket over us and turned off the light, gently falling into the darkness, praying the peace of the moment would find its way to Steve's heart.

The next morning Steve got up early and left before my parents got home, and my parents later came flumping into the house, both of them hung over. I later went over to Roy's and found Mrs. Hope in a similar condition. Mr. Hope seemed a bit embarrassed as I walked past the two of them on the way to Roy's room. Roy and I hung out for a while and I noticed Roy was being a bit more physical than usual. He was always either leaning his leg on mine, or sitting up close to me. After a while I looked and saw he had a hard on, which normally didn't bother me, but I was wondering why he was acting so weird.

"Is something wrong?" I asked gently.

"Not really, why?" he wondered obliviously.

"Well, you kinda have a boner" I pointed out.

"Yeah I know, it just popped up" He said plainly, his attention fixed on the tv. I guessed maybe I was over thinking things and just let it slide. After a while I checked again and the erection was gone, giving me a bit of relief.

Later on Roy's mom popped in and reminded us that classes were gonna be changing the next week. I had completely forgot that classes were going to change around, and I started to get worried about how things were going to change. Roy and I pulled out our schedules and coordinated whether or not we would see each other during the day. Luckily we still shared a second period science class, but my third period was replaced with a history class, and fourth with a new english class. I instantly felt my heart drop when I thought about whether or not Steve and I would be in a class together. After I was finished hanging out at Roy's I called Steve to find out his new schedule. By the wonders of the universe we had our history class together, but Steve brought up that he would be starting wrestling season soon, which normally wouldn't affect much, but now that Roy would be starting basketball, I wouldn't have a ride home. I didn't mind taking the bus, but if Roy wanted to hang out after practice, and I Steve wanted to hang out after practice, things would start getting complicated.

Steve and I thought things over, and decided that I should join a club, that way I could stay after and Steve could take me to my house to "tutor him" and Roy wouldn't be suspicious about where I was. It wasn't a perfect solution, but it would assure that Steve and I saw each other every day.

Once school started up I tried to get used to the new schedule, my first period calculus teacher was old and boring, second period we had a fun older women and Roy and I got to sit next to each other. Third period was a bit more complicated. Steve was there, but so were a bunch of other jocks getting their final social studies credit in before the end of the year. When time came to do a partner activity, Steve had to make excuses for working with me, mainly being "He's smart and I can just copy off him"

I didn't mind it if it meant we could be together, but sadly the other jocks made the same conclusion and tried convincing me to work with them. Steve and I both knew that the class was going to be hard to get through. When fourth period came around I felt a deep punch in the gut when I walked in and saw Damien sitting in the room. I desperately wanted the day to be over.

As I sat I felt waves of tension building in the room. Occasionally I would look over and see Damien looking at me, quickly turning his attention to the front. I didn't know how to feel about the situation. I was hoping he would have finally moved on, but the sad lonely look in his eyes seemed to prove otherwise. I didn't want to have to spend the rest of the school year watching Damien suffer. But it seemed like just being in the same room with him was causing him pain. I wondered is he could ever be content with just being friends, or if it was even possible for us to be possible for us to be friends with his feelings for me still intact.

After the school day was over I was thoroughly exhausted, and practically collapsed into Steve's car before we drove over to my house. When we got up to my room I took sanctuary in Steve's arms, soaking in his warmth.

"Oh today was not my day" I sighed with my head against his chest.

"It'll all work out babe, don't worry about it" he reassured me.

"Mmm I'm just glad I can finally be alone with you again, those guys in third period are so annoying" I groaned.

"Speaking of which, how did your other classes work out?" he asked.

"First and second were ok, but Damien ended up being in my fourth again, I don't know what to do about him" I told him.

"Try not to let him get to you, I don't let things get awkward between me and my ex" he told me.

"I thought you guys were always angry at each other" I wondered.

"Well not now, now we can hang out with mutual friends without any tension or anything, We may not like each other but we've gotten over what happened" he explained.

"How did you get over it?" I questioned.

" I guess with time, and by being nice to her even though I hated her at the time. Then she stopped hating me and things worked out"

"So should I talk to Damien?" I asked him.

"Just tell him what I told her "I don't want what happened to stop us from being around each other"

"you make it sound so easy. I just hope he doesn't get aggravated again. Last time I talked to him he wasn't happy with me."

"Whys that?" Steve wondered.

"He's still set on being with me, he's still hoping I'll change my mind and go back to him" I explained.

"Don't worry about it , if he can't at least be happy enough to just be friends with you he's not worth worrying about.

"I'm surprised you're being so cool about this, I thought you'd be at least a little bit jealous" I told him.

"Well I know he's not really a threat so I don't need to get worked up over it. You're all mine now" He said as he rolled over me, pinning me down and kissing me. It made me happy that he was so down to earth. He slipped his hand under my shirt, the warmth from them caressing my bare skin. He nibbled my neck as he put my hand against his crotch, pressing it into his firm bulge. I kissed him as I undid his pants, the head of his cock instantly peeking out. He pulled everything down and laid down next to me, positioning himself against the headboard. I kissed down his neck and played with his muscles as I watched his dick beg for attention. He began purring a bit as I massaged his body, slowly working down to his member. I took his fleshy dick in my hand, instantly taking one of his nuts in my mouth. I sucked hard as I slowly pumped his cock, wanting to hear him moan more and more. I sucked his balls until he couldn't take it anymore and put his hand on the back of my head and nudged me toward his member. I went wild on his shaft and head, sucking, pushing, pulling and turning in fluid motions. Steve dug his nails into my head as he groaned, pushing his dick even deeper. I still hadn't gotten used to the shape, but his dick was soft and curved easily into my throat.

"Ahhh fuck! I'm gonna shoot!" Steve gasped in disbelief as he pulled back and pushed back in, growling as he humped my face, his cum flooding my mouth. My mouth was so full I had to wait for him to pull out before I could swallow. I sucked his cock dry and wiped my mouth before laying down next to him, his strong arm pulling me close. "Sorry I was so fast, I guess I was kinda pent up" He breathed with his head resting on mine.

"It's alright, I did tease you for a good bit" I chuckled, rubbing his stomach. I felt my own member begging to deflate in my jeans, and I felt a twinge of disappointment go through me. I realized that Steve hadn't done anything to me since we'd been together. Normally I wouldn't care, but it was nice to get that kind of attention every once in a while. But I didn't wanna pressure Steve to get into something he wasn't comfortable with yet. Then an idea Struck me. Valentines day was coming soon, it was the perfect opportunity to have a romantic night with Steve. Steve got up and got dressed before laying back down with me, running his fingers through my hair. Steve was always so affectionate, and I wondered if maybe I was worrying for nothing.

Days at school became more hectic and stressful with our current system. I ended up joining the gay/ straight alliance for my club, just so I could connect with the other members on SOME level. The plan was after my club Steve and I would sneak over to my house and do homework and stuff together. After a week we started our extracurricular activities, and the first day I was standing next to Steve's car waiting for him. I saw him walk out of the gym exit as a black figure trailed behind him. It was Damien, I completely forgot he had done wrestling before, and with the recent spat with Roy it was no wonder he wouldn't go out for the basketball team. I prayed he wouldn't notice me, but I could feel an inevitable glance and he followed behind Steve, not realizing who's car I was standing next to.

"What're you doing out here?" Damien asked plainly.

"Steve's my ride home" I muttered, trying to shake off the awkwardness of the situation. Steve stood silent, looking back and forth between us. Damien looked over at Steve with displeasure on his face before turning back to me.

"I though you were done tutoring him" He mentioned.

"I am, well... I mean, he's just doing this as a favor is all" I stammered.

"Y'know I didn't think a jock like you was the type to just hang out with a gay kid." Damien prodded

"He's not just a gay kid, he's a friend, I made it clear to people once that his gayness doesn't matter in our hanging out, don't make me repeat myself again" Steve states in a stern yet stoic tone. Damien backed off and went to turn away, but stopped and looked at me again.

"You still have my number right? I'd really love it if you'd call sometime" He said before walking away. I got into Steve's car, separating myself from the cold sting of the air outside. Steve got in and revved up the engine, eager to hurry out of the parking lot. As we drove I saw irritation in his eyes.

"It's no wonder you broke up with him" He huffed as he took my hand. His hand felt like it was tethering me to the earth, helping my worries fade away. We got to my house and went up to my room, locking into a kiss as soon as the door had shut. His fingers dug into me as he squeezed me tight, desperate moans escaping him as we kissed.

"I've wanted to do this all day" he whispered as he continued to kiss me. I let him press me into the wall as I ran my hands down his strong back. Suddenly we heard footsteps coming up the stairs and we dashed over to the bed, pulling random books from our bags and laying them out. My mom popped in and checked up on us, asking Steve if he wanted to join us for dinner. I pleaded with my eyes for him to stay, but he always ended up popping out right before dinner. As soon as the smell of moms cooking made it upstairs Steve would grab me and tackle me on the bed for on last kiss. He was always passionate and aggressive, opening up to me more and more as time went on.

After dinner I went over to Roy's and he was just getting out of the shower from a busy basketball practice. He stumbled into his room wrapped in a towel collapsing next to me on the bed.

"God varsity hurts so much more than I thought it would" He sighed into his bedspread. "If you could rub my shoulders I'd love you forever" he whined. I laughed at his desperate pleas and I gently began massaging the kinks in his back and neck. After a few minutes he sat up and had me continue, my hands gliding over his silky fur. As my hand rolled over his shoulder he placed his on top of mine, guiding my hand to the front of his body. He slowly moved his hand lower, and once I realized what he was doing I instinctively snapped my hand back.

"Whats wrong?" Roy asked in a whisper.

"I...I'm just not... comfortable with that right now" I told him.

"Oh...alright" He said in disappointment.

"It's not you I just...I just feel weird doing anything right now" I explained. Roy didn't know the real reason I was avoiding his advances. I knew I could trust Roy, but I promised Steve our relationship would stay just between us.

"It's alright, I'm just concerned is all, it seems like you're becoming more awkward ever since Damien. I mean you're over him aren't you?" He asked.

"Yeah, I am. I guess I just feel kind of... abstinent right now" I lied.

"Well alright, but if you ever get lonely and wanna mess around or whatever just let me know" Roy smiled. The guilt in my heart prevented me from enjoying the warmth of Roy's smile. I hated lying to him, and it made me wonder if I would be able to handle a closeted relationship.

A couple days later in club they started a discussion on the valentines day dance. Everyone was gossiping on who was going whom, and I felt a twinge of disappointment strike me. I knew it wasn't possible for Steve and I to go together, I knew we could still have our own day just the two of us, but something inside me wanted to live that image of the two of us dancing together, not having to hide anything. After school we went over to my house and I wondered if Steve had even thought about valentines day coming up. I didn't want to make Steve uncomfortable, but I had to know if he wanted to be together that weekend.

"Hey hon?" I said


"Um... are we doing anything... yknow...for this weekend?" I asked.

"Well... I guess I haven't really thought about it, what did you wanna do?" He wondered.

"Well, I mean my parents are gonna be gone all weekend, so I thought maybe we could go out and do something, and come back here... and...um" I stumbled. I hadn't really thought through what specifically I wanted to do, I just wanted time together with him, without having to sneak around so much.

"Babe, it's ok, I'll take care of everything" he smiled, placing his warm hand on my shoulder. I was surprised he was so easy going about it, more so that he wanted to take care of making plans.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Positive, you've been doing a lot of the work already, this time I'll be the one to make the moves"he said as he kissed me, running his hand through my hair. I was so happy, my entire body felt like it was glowing. This is how I wanted every moment to be, glowing in the warmth of his affection.

After Steve left I went over Roy's, and he seemed kind of eager about something. After we hung out in the kitchen with his parents for a bit we went back to his room and he looked over at me, an expectant look on his face.

"So I wanted to ask you something, but I don't want you to get the wrong idea" He explained.


"What would you say, if maybe we went to the dance together...just as friends I mean" He offered. I felt myself unable to breathe for a moment after he had spoke. I didn't really know what to think, I knew going as friends wasn't really an issue, but somehow I felt like the theme of the dance would make it seem otherwise. But at the same time it would be nice to be able to go to the dance with someone.

"Well, lemme think about it. I'm not saying no, I just... need to think things through is all. " I told him.

"Like what?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"Well, I mean it just that, if we go together people might... assume things" I stated.

"That never mattered before did it?" He pointed out. I had to think, why WOULD it matter if I was "single".

"Well no, it's just, if people took it THAT way, and people were talking, and Damien heard the wrong things, he might get angry again." I told him, tiptoeing around my words.

"Oh well that's true I guess, but I mean, I didn't get to go to the last one with you, I was hoping to get to make up for it" He sighed. Apparently Roy wasn't the only one who knew how to pull a conversation in his direction.

"Well...ok, we can go." I smiled forcefully. Roy had won, and I felt like I owed it to him to go to the dance with him, but I was a bit scared of what Steve would think about it.

The next day I waited for an opportunity to talk to Steve about the dance. We were in my room making out, and he must have felt how tense I was.

"Babe is everything alright?" He asked.

"Well, I kinda need to talk to you about something" I told him.

"Is it about Saturday night? Cause if you're having second thoughts its ok" He told me.

"No no not at all, its... actually about Friday night. The dance I mean." I stammered.

"Oh, ok. What about it?" He wondered.

"Well, um... you know Roy right? Well, he kinda asked me if I wanted to go to the dance with him, just as friends" I explained.

"Shit I completely forgot about that, I have to go the dance too. I'm on the stupid valentines day court thing they're doing." He exasperated.

"Oh, so you're going?" I questioned.

"Well if I don't I'll get a bunch of shit for it. But I mean I don't mind if you go with Roy hon, but... if I'm dancing around girls or whatever, don't get upset ok? I know I'm a dick for asking that of you, but I still have an image to keep up at school" He sighed, rubbing his neck.

"You're not a dick hon, this situation is just complicated. I don't mind that much if you're dancing with girls, but are you ok with me dancing with Roy?" I asked him.

"Well yeah, I mean you're just going as friends, it's no big deal." he smiled, putting his hand on my cheek. I held his hand there, closing my eyes and enjoying its warmth. I loved him so much, I wished I didn't have to hide these feelings behind closed doors.

The day before the dance I was talking to Damien in fourth period, still trying to get used to being casual friends with him. He was behaving himself more than what I would have thought. But that was soon ended when he brought up the subject of the dance.

"So are you going to the dance?" He asked. I almost didn't want to tell him, but I figured he would find out one way or another.

"Yeah, I'm going with Roy, JUST as friends" I stressed.

"Are you sure? I mean the theme of the dance isn't exactly "lets be friends" He fussed.

"Well I'm not going with you if that's what you were aiming for" I told him calmly.

"Sheesh, no need to be so harsh. I mean yeah I was gonna ask, but we WERE in love at one point. I mean I still do love you, but I just have a hard time believe there's nothing between you two." He accused.

"Well there's not. I thought we were passed THAT at least" I sighed.

"Look, I can't help I wanna be with you. I fell in love with you and I still am. I'm happy that you wanna try to be friends, and I'll make sure not to bug you about Roy anymore." he apologized. It annoyed me that he still knew me well enough to pull at my heart strings. I changed the subject to avoid anymore argument and went on with class.

The day of the dance came and I had a sinking nervous bubble growing in the pit of my stomach, I didn't think I would be so worked up over this. I dressed up in something nice but casual as to set the tone between Roy and I. I walked over to his house and when I walked in Roy was dressed up in a nice pressed shirt and dress pants, affixed with a tie as well. There was nothing casual about the way he was dressed. His mom took some pictures before we left, and as we drove the tension only got worse. Roy however seemed to be brimming with excitement, his tail lightly twitching behind him as he drove . When we got to school I could barely breathe, and found relief in the cold night air as we stood in line to get inside. We checked our jackets and went into the gym, which was already hot and muggy from everyone dancing. I looked for Steve in the sea of bodies but couldn't spot him.

"Hey wanna get something to drink?" Roy asked breaking my concentration.

"Sure" I smiled, more than glad to do something to calm my nerves. As we stood at the snack table I kept looking for Steve, finally catching a quick glimpse of him in the crowd. As I observed I saw a group of girls dancing around him, one of them grinding up in front of him, his hands on her back. I felt my body tighten, my throat drying up, and my face getting hot. I chugged down the rest of my drink, trying to maintain my composure. Thankfully a slow song came on and I could see the grinding come to an end. I took Roy's hand and walked out to the dance floor, not wanting to focus on Steve all night. I put my hands on his shoulders as he set his on my sides, rocking to the music.

"You ok?" Roy asked looking a bit concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine, I guess I'm just worried about Damien being here" I half lied. I was worried about that, but Steve was my main focus at the time. I felt Roy's arm wrap around me, pulling me against him.

"Don't worry about him. Don't let him ruin our night together." He smiled. For a brief moment I imagined Steve being the one holding me, looking into my eyes. I rested my head against his chest, closing my eyes, wishing I could be with Steve like this.

"You guys look comfy" A voice sneered behind me. I looked back to see Damien, arms crossed and ear lowered in discontent. I stepped back from Roy a bit, Realizing how it must've looked.

"Damien stop being so paranoid, we're just dancing" Roy growled.

"Well if you guys are "just" friends and you're "Just" dancing then you wouldn't mind if I cut in for a bit." Damien smirked, grabbing me by the waist.

"If it will make you leave us alone sure" Roy hugged. Before I could even get a word in Damien spun me around to him holding me as he moved to the music.

"I still love you, regardless of whether or not you and Roy are doing anything. Don't you remember the last time we danced like this? How happy you were?" He pleaded.

"Damien...I was happy with you, but it's just not going to work between us" I told him.

"I made a mistake Josh, I know I did, why can't you give me a chance to make up for it" He asked.

"Because...because it's just not going to work. I mean were not even together and look at how you're acting. I explained

"Then tell me that you have absolutely no feelings left for me. If you can do that, I'll leave you alone for good" He said, looking at me with intense, serious eyes. I wanted to say that I didn't have any feelings left for him, but as soon as I went to speak, I felt something lash against my heart and cause it to sink in my chest. Something inside me still saw something in Damien, and it forbade me from cutting myself off from him.

"I can't say something that absolute, I do want you in my life, but not in the way you want me in yours" I sighed.

"I'll win you back Josh, I don't know how yet but I will, I promise" He smiled, putting his hand on my cheek. I turned my face the other way, not wanting him to get any funny ideas. Damien pulled me in tighter, leaning down in an attempt to kiss me. I pushed him away, scowling as I turned to go find Roy. I felt Damien grab my arm, and when I went to turn around I felt him abruptly let go. When I turned I saw Steve holding Damiens wrist, his eyes leering at Damiens.

"Is there a problem here?" Steve grumbled, keeping a firm grip. Damien looked over at Steve as he tugged his arm free.

"No problem here..." Damien sneered as he turned an walked away.

"You ok?" Steve asked, his expression lightened greatly.

"Y,yeah I'm fine, thank you" I smiled. Steve quickly took his leave, not wanting to bring too much attention to himself. Roy walked over looking a little confused.

"What was that all about?" He wondered.

"Just more Damien drama, It's nothing to worry over" I told him. Roy smiled as a more upbeat dance song came on, and he took me over to the dance floor. Roy skillfully moved his body to the music, his tail swishing behind him as he danced. We danced until our feet gave up on us, eventually having us resting at the concession stand. As we sat they announced the king and queen of hearts, Steve won king and some senior girl won queen. After they were crowned everyone started chanting "Kiss her" and both of them thankfully declined. Soon the students began to dissipate and go home, Roy and I being one of the few left in the gym.

"I had a lot of fun tonight" Roy smiled, leaning back against the wall.

"Me too, I'm sorry about the drama though" I apologized.

"It's not your fault, I don't think he's ever gonna let down on you" Roy sighed.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I questioned.

"Sure" He said as his ears perked up.

"Did...did you ever try to get Damien back when he left?"

"No...it would have been pointless. He hated me after I told him about myself. Even if I could forgive him, I knew he wouldn't take me back, and I know I don't have any feelings for him anymore. Roy went on. I wondered how someone who was once in love could have such disdain towards their lover. After Roy drove us home he walked me to my house. We stood in an awkward silence as I waited for him to say something. Roy put his hands on my shoulders, leaning in and gently pressing his lips to my cheek. I felt an uncomfortable chill go through me as he leaned up and smiled, brushing my hair out of my face. "Goodnight, I'll call you tomorrow 'kay?" Roy smiled before walking toward his house. I went inside and crawled into bed, my heart and body exhausted.

Valentines day came at last, and I spent most of the day anxiously waiting for my parents to leave the house. Once they left late that afternoon I called Steve and let him know the coast was clear. I had no idea what Steve had planned but I knew it was going to be a cozy day indoors with him. When he got to the house he had some grocery bags and a big black gym bag with him. I helped him with his bags and he had me unload the groceries while he took his other stuff upstairs. Steve came back downstairs with roses and chocolate, and I felt like I was about to explode from blushing so hard. I hugged him as tight as I could, breathing him in as he nuzzled my cheek. I put the roses in a vase and helped Steve find the pots and pans. I couldn't believe he wanted to cook me dinner, and part of me wondered if he knew what he was doing. I wanted to help him but Steve forced me to sit and relax on the couch while he was cooking. Steve eventually came in and covered my eyes as he walked me to the dining room. When he uncovered them I saw a candlelit dinner on the table. As we sat down and ate Steve didn't take his eyes off me, they were so soft and warm, a smile on his face the entire time. His cooking was much better than I thought, and I felt so happy that he was pampering me like this. When we were done with dinner Steve wrapped his arms around me and picked me up, cradling me in his arms as he carried me upstairs. My heart was beating so fast, and I could barely breathe. It was finally gonna happen.

When we got up to my room he laid me down on the bed, kissing me deeply as he ran his large hand into my shirt and over my stomach and chest.

"I've got another surprise for you babe, I'll be right back" He whispered as he went out of the room. I sat with a knot in my stomach as I saw the door open again. Steve leaned in, wearing nothing but a black speedo, his cock already bulging through the material. He closed and locked the door, a bottle of lube in his hand. He set the bottle down and pinned me down on the bed, breathing heavily as he kissed my neck and pulled my pants down. His breath started getting shaky as he picked my legs up, putting my rear up in the air. "This is my first time doing anything like this, so I'll just stick to my regular routine for this, if that's ok babe" He whispered in my ear before leaning in and kissing me. He leaned down and slid his tongue over my hole, causing me to gasp and moan all at once. I never would have thought he would wanna do something like that. I felt its warmth and moist texture writhing against my pucker, slight prods occurring every now and then. I noticed my hand had been gripping his arm the entire time, squeezing tight in resistance to the ecstasy. Once he had finished there was a primal look in his eyes, his bangs slightly thinned by the sweat on his brow. He leaned in again, pushing his hot, leaking member against mine. He kissed me so intensely, yet so sweetly, I almost wanted to cry. His hands grabbed and squeezed and massaged every part of me. He leaned back up and started lubing himself up, my heart racing as I watching his body towering over mine. He pressed the tip of his cock against my hole, the head flaring as he forced it in. I cringed a bit as he slipped in, his hand coming down to my cheek. "It's ok babe, just relax. I'll go slow ok?" He grunted, pushing himself deeper. When he finally pressed in to the hilt, I felt like entire body was pulsing with his warmth. His breath kept falling over my chest, making my body feel even hotter. He started thrusting softly and slowly, his thick meat pressing in and out of my insides. Steve started moaning as he picked of the pace, slight plapping eventually forming into heavy slaps. I closed my eyes, hardly able to stand the pleasure coursing through me. Steve slowed down and kissed me, nibbling my neck up to my ear. "Open your eyes hon, I want you to look into my eyes, I want you to see everything I'm feeling when I'm with you like this. I love you Josh, I love you so much..." He whispered, looking deep into my eyes. I felt my heart stop, and start again with every thrust as I looked at him. It was so unabated, I couldn't stop shaking, and I was on the verge of blissful tears for every instant. Steve laid on top of me pushing into me faster and harder. "Babe...God I'm so close" He whispered as he shuddered. His arms wrapped all the way around me, nearly crushing me against him. He cradled my head gently, as the rest of him ravaged me, both of our bodies soaked in sweat. His thrusts were pounding into me, his body nearly melded with mine. He gripped my shoulders and picked himself up his body tensing up all over. "Hssssss fuuuuck AhhhAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Steve yelled, my insides flooding with his hot cum. He kept slamming into me for a good minute before collapsing on top of me, heaving and gasping for breath. After a minute I felt him grab my member, pumping furiously, still slick from his pre and sweat. Within seconds I found myself cumming, the amount of seed paling in comparison to his load. We laid there for hours, endlessly making out and toying with each others bodies.

We somehow made it to the shower that night, needing to change the sheets as well. We laid down, exhausted, Steve still looking at me as he struggled to stay awake. He manged to make out a half dozen I love you's before passing out holding me in his arms. And I was soon to follow, clinging to him never wanting to let go.

Feeling out of place: Chapter 15

OMG guys soooo sorry this took so long, im getting back into writing thanks to encouragment from my readers, and i hope this chapter satisfies your long awaited needs :3 Ever since valentine's day Steve had been much sweeter and lovey than before,...

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Brothers: Pilot

Another thing i was working on. Contains incest so heres fair warning. Might add on depending on how you guys like it. Enjoy :3 It's been four years since that night, and still I haven't seen your face. Not that I would want to feel that rush...

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Sorin: Pilot/Chapter 1

Hey guys, this is just a sort of pilot for another series im working on, but im still working on "feeling out of place" as well so don't panic lol. This chapter is a little short, and i might keep them short or make them longer depending on the...

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