Kauto and MW Part 6

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#6 of MW and Kauto

Oh man i enjoyed doing this one. A lot more motor racing involved in this part, a few celebrations and small hints at sexual themes.

Kauto and MW - Part 6

With the loving, powerful sent still filling the room from the night before, both furs woke up and noticed the transformation they had gone through.

'Wow, last night was amazing!' MW said looking happy about himself.

'Yeah, I feel great! what time is it? half 9, hey we better get going soon.' Kauto said as he stretched himself and walked to the bathroom having to duck and dodge as he went through the door due to his added height and width to his broadened shoulders. MW meanwhile stayed in bed for a few minutes reflecting on the previous night and looking over the mess they had left around the room.

'Oh boy the maid is going to have a fun time cleaning up this place hehe.' MW said feeling proud of himself and Kauto.

'Hahaha, I'd love to see her face when she comes in, she'll be rather busy for a long time.' Kauto replied with the same proud expression while having a refreshing shower. As he finished and dried himself, MW quickly jumped in the shower to clean himself.

'I'll meet downstairs for breakfast, don't be too long remember we've only got an hour.' Kauto explained

'Ok, I'll be down in 10 minutes.' Kauto left the room, and went downstairs to get his breakfast which was going to be slightly bigger than usual after last night. He picked up 5 slices of toast, 3 mini cereal boxes and a pint of orange, he then proceeded to a nearby table to enjoy his food. As he did so, MW came down the stairs.

'Wow you must be hungry?! I know I am' MW expressed as he walked passed with a smile and licking his lips. Kauto winked back at his wolf friend as he got his own breakfast which consisted of 4 mini cereals 2 slices of toast and the same pint of orange and then sat down with his favourite stallion. the two furs were clearly the dominant pair in the room, but probably the cutest at the same time.

'Well today should be exciting, a full 6 hours of qualifying.' Kauto said.

'Ha I'm itching to get going, but obviously I need my food first haha. I've been with my team during a qualifying session, but never during a nascar event. It should be epic.' MW said. they finished their morning breakfast and packed their stuff before heading to the circuit. 'I think it would be best if we book into a different hotel after, just to save any confusions with the people at this one eyy haha.' MW said while laughing.

'Yeah best be safe, I don't really want any shouting down my ear to be honest with you haha.'

Kauto and MW reached the circuit, and headed towards the pit lane garages. As they reached the pit lane entrance, they bumped into Frank who was running around like a headless chicken.

'What's wrong Frank?' Kauto asked.

'The gearbox on our second car has given up, it won't select the correct gears and then literally exploded in the car. I'm just off to get the new one from the supplies.

'Oh god, you just sorted that out as well. Well we'll meet you back at the garage, yeah they had just fixed that dam gearbox after the 3rd race and now its gone again. Great.' Kauto said angrily.

'Woah! have you grown? ha oh never mind I'm just going mad at the moment.' Frank said as he dashed off.

'Haha, well he may not realise it but he isn't going mad. I can't believe that stupid gearbox has gone again.' Kauto said still angry at the situation.

'Boy that must be frustrating, I remember when my team had the same problem, they couldn't race for the rest of the day. If it makes you feel any better, they did win the following three races once they fixed it.' MW said with a slight smile trying to cheer Kauto up.

'Well lets hope for the best. Come on, qualifying is about to start in 10 minutes.' They walked down the pit lane while looking at the stands which were full of supporters shouting. 'Oh man it's busy today, last year was pretty mad, crashes galore. Hopefully this year won't disappoint.' Kauto said. they reached the garage and were greeted to a load of unhappy pit crew members who had worked hard all morning, trying to fix the second car. The second driver, Falcon an eight foot lean, muscular horse similar to Kauto was in the back looking rather bored as he watched his team mate on track and the team working on his car. 'Hey, Falcon.'

'Oh hey Kauto, who's the hunky wolf?' Falcon said with a big smile on his face and starring over MW as he blushed.

'Oh this is MW, he's just joined the team. MW this is Falcon, our second driver.'

'Hey MW nice to meet you'

'Hi Falcon, you're not looking to happy about your car.' MW said while shaking Falcon's hand.

'Ha no I'm desperate to get out there and start racing, especially as Ring Eye is out there knocking off the lap times already.'

'Ring Eye?' MW expressed in a confused manor.

'Oh he's our first driver, he's been in our team for a while so you can bet he'll be in the hunt for race wins consistently, but I must warn you he can be a crazy character and you'll see why he's called that when he comes in later. Falcon here only joined this year, he came over from the mini series he won last year, he's doing pretty damn well with us this year. He's actually been giving Ring Eye a hard time to stay the fastest one in the team.' Kauto said as Falcon blushed brightly.

Frank had returned with the new parts for the car and 20 minutes later the gearbox was ready to go. With 6 minutes left in the session, Falcon was going to post a time rapidly to be on the grid for tomorrow's race. He swiftly put on hear gear and jumped into the car. He race out of the pit lane and began warming the tyres before beginning his flying lap. By this time Ring Eye had completed his stint and was fast enough for Qualifying 2. Ring Eye was a 8 and a half feet wolf hunk just like MW with a white ring around one eye, which gave him his obvious nickname.

'Oho!! Hey Kauto how's it going? and who's this sexy wolf?' Ring Eye asked while licking his lips.

'Hey Ring Eye, hang on there big guy haha, this is MW, MW this is Ring Eye I was talking about earlier, he's an exciting fellow.' Kauto greeted the two wolves to each other with MW blushing a bright red from Ring Eye's comments.

'Haha nice to meet you Ring Eye' MW said as they quickly kissed each other. 'How did it go out there?' He asked.

'It was pretty good, made a slight mistake on turn 3, a quick slide on the oil from this morning's incident. But yeah I'm happy, into Q2. It's a shame about Falcon, I hope he can get a good time in quick before the end.' As Ring eye finished his last comment, the flag dropped on the session and Falcon had completed his stint just in time. As he cam back to the pit lane, Kauto noticed that Falcon was waving to the crowd, he had made it into Q2 by 0.025 of a second. As he got out of the car, he was greeted with a swarm of hugs from his team along with MW and Kauto.

'Get in!!' Falcon shouted as he had finally got through the first Qualifying session for the first time this season, having been unlucky in earlier races.

'Well Done lad!!! finally eyy.' Kauto said as he shook hands and hugged Falcon.

'Yep finally.'

This result meant that Falcon was in the top 15 on the grid for the race, his previous best had been 21st out 46. It was an hour until the next session, so Kauto took the two drivers and MW around the circuit for a quick walk for a breather. They returned an hour later as the flagged was shown to begin Q2. This session would determine 5th place down to 15th, and the top 5 would go on to fight for positions in Q3 in the evening. The gearbox problem Falcon had suffered earlier had been fully resolved and he was able to get a full qualifying session done without any worries. He had made the top 10 by qualifying in 6th, a quarter of a second behind the top 5. While Ring Eye had posted a blistering time which would vault him to the top of the timing sheets as well as putting him comfortably through to Q3.

'Oh man what a lap!!' Kauto shouted as he and the team congratulated him.

'Jesus, that's a big surprise, thanks guys, the car's awesome to drive.' Ring Eye said as he shook hands and thanked his team and Frank. 'How did Falcon get on? Where is he?'

'Oh he's in a fantastic sixth on the grid and I think he's in the back, he'll be here in a second. In fact he's here.' Kauto replied. Falcon had actually been talking to the racing stewards, the driver in front of him in 5th had actually cut part of the circuit on his fast lap so Falcon would be bumped up the grid a position and put him through to Q3. He returned to the pit lane with a smile on his face.

'Looking cheerful there, where've you been?' Frank asked.

'Oh I've been talking with some of the race stewards, apparently I've been pushed up a place. I'M IN Q3!!' Falcon asked with a large grin on his muzzle, the first person to congratulate him was his team mate who hugged and picked him up onto his shoulders. Falcon then noticed the jumbotron across from the pit lane and saw the name on top, he began patting and kissing his team mate on the cheek. 'Wow! how did you manage that time, that's half a second quicker than anyone else!'

'Lets just say I had a clear track in front of me, oh and of course a fantastic car haha.' Ring Eye said as he looked over to his team who began the celebrations. They celebrated for an hour, and then began readying for the third session.

'Oh man this will be awesome, here's to the winner of the session.' Ring Eye said as he shook hands and hugged Falcon.

'Yeah, we'll have to have a small celebration after.' Falcon said as the flag was waved to begin the final session. The team put a set of scrubbed tyres on both cars and both drivers were sent out for a quick stint to get a time in before the other drivers. Both drivers did a lap behind the other to get the quickest time possible from the tyres. Falcon had managed to improve his Q2 time by half a second while Ring Eye managed the same time he had set in the previous session, half a second ahead of his team mate.

'Wow you love putting in those blistering times.' Falcon said as he stepped out of his car.

'Haha, you can't say much ha. have you seen your time?'

'Oh wow, no I didn't, we need to get out there in a bit on some new tyres and see what time we can achieve.' the two drivers took off their helmets and headed to the inside to look at the data from the run. Ring Eye noticed something on his team mates data.

'Hey I may be able to suggest something to you, on turn 2 you tend to brake slightly, on the next run try to go flat out around there and you may notice another improvement to your time. It might get you that extra half second.' Ring Eye suggested.

'Oh yeah I never noticed that haha, I'll give that a go on the next stint. Same routine a lap behind each other?' Falcon asked.

'Yeah sure!'

A new set of tyres was put on both cars as they each got in. As they went out, Falcon was given a reminder about turn 2 and Ring eye set the first time which was 2 tenth's quicker than before and had once again put him on the top of the standings. They switched positions on the track and Falcon began his flying lap with a couple of seconds to go in the session. This was going to be his last lap to set a blistering time.

'Right, come on flat out, flat out!' he said to himself trying to encourage himself. He approached turn 2 and kept his foot hard down all the way to the finish line.

'Whoa!! this is fast, its going to be close!' Kauto said as the two cars came around the final corner. They crossed the finish line and Falcon had set an outstanding time which was a thousandth of a second quicker than Ring Eye. Back at the pit lane, the team went crazy as his time came up on the jumbotron.

'HOLY COW!! He's on pole! He's on pole!!!' Kauto shouted while almost bursting MW's ears. The crowd went banana's as the time shot up on the screen, Falcon was the hometown hero do for him to be on pole was an even more special thing. Both drivers got the message through on the radio, Flacon looked up at the screen.

'YES! YES! YEEEESSSS!!!! GET IN!!!!' he shouted as he began punching the air inside his cockpit. He opened the door and began waving to the crowd as Ring Eye slowed down and drove in tandem with his fellow driver.

'FANTASTIC MATE!! FANTASTIC, GREAT TIME!' Ring Eye shouted to his team mate through the radio. They both made their way around the circuit on their parade lap and went back into the pit lane. Both drivers were greeted to a large group of cheering team members including MW and Kauto. As Falcon got out of his car, he legged it towards his team mates door and hugged Ring Eye before he had a chance to get out. Ring Eye was finally aloud to get out of his car and continued to be hugged and kissed by Falcon.

'Wow!! Your over the moon haha.' Ring Eye said.

'Well I want to thank you.'

'What for?' Ring Eye asked confusingly.

'Your help today. I wouldn't of done that lap without you, THANKS MAN!!!' Falcon shouted as he gave one final hug to the shocked wolf who had tears falling from his eyes.

'We'll definitely be celebrating later.' The rest of the team joined in with the hugging and kissing. Frank went into the back and brought out 2 bottles of Champagne before giving them to the drivers. They shook the bottles before opening the tops. The champagne shot out of the bottles as they both pointed them at the team and then at MW and Kauto. they squirmed and quivered as the cold fluid ran down them. the celebrations carried on for a further five minutes before the drivers went to the podium.

'And in second place for tomorrow's race, Ring Eye!' Ring Eye walked onto the podium as the announcer said his name, he took his reef and waved to his team and the crowd.

'So, for the first time in his racing career! On pole position!! Falcon!!!!!' The crowd went crazy as he walked onto the top step of the podium. He shook his team mates hand again and took his reef before punching the air and waved to the crowd with tears falling down onto his muzzle. The three drivers on the podium stood on the top step as the anthem's were played. The two team mates walked off the podium while waving to the crowd and began their interview.

'Well, how does it feel Falcon, first pole in only your fifth race this must mean a lot?' the interviewer asked.

'Awe its amazing, I would never believe I'd be standing here right now. I want to thank my team for the impeccable work they have done, especially in the first session as I nearly didn't get out in time. I also want to thank very special person who gave me this opportunity by the name of Kauto, And of course my team mate, I wouldn't have done it without him!' Falcon said while beginning to cry and as Ring Eye was walking towards him. They gave a firm handshake and a hug as the interviewer began asking Ring Eye about his performance.

'You must be gutted about that, a thousandth of a second from being on pole.'

'Of course not, Falcon here has come over leaps and bounds since the first race, he's done an awesome job and I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's race with him on pole and both of us on the front row.' Ring Eye said to the interviewer.

'So do you have anything planned for the start tomorrow to get ahead first?'

'Haha I don't about that, as you know Falcon is a demon starter so I'll have my work cut out that's for sure haha' Ring Eye said while cuddling Falcon in one arm.

'Haha well best of luck for tomorrow's race guys.'

'Thanks Mac.' the two drivers said as they left the press room and went back to the garage. Ring Eye hoisted his team mate over his shoulders and walked down the pit lane with the chanted the two drivers names. they both turned and waved to the crowd across from the track as they proceeded to the garage were they found the team clearing the garage and pit box while MW and Kauto were busy talking to Frank about their discussion during practice yesterday about the financial help from MW. They finished the conversation and walked towards the drivers.

'Hey I was wondering whether you would like to celebrate with us tonight for a while, obviously not too much like haha' Kauto asked them both. The two drivers looked at each other and accepted the offer before heading off to sign some autographs.

'We'll meet you back here in half an hour!' Kauto shouted as they walked off.

'I suppose you meant that in a sexual way haha' MW asked while laughing.

'Of course hahaha.' The 30 minutes passed and the two drivers returned to the garage.

'We'll be going in a few minutes so get your things ready and we'll be off.' Kauto said. The two drivers packed everything up and walked to the car park were they found Kauto and MW standing next to the Camaro.

'Holy cow!! who's is this beauty, actually I can guess as you don't need another car MW to be honest haha.' Ring Eye said in shock as he and Falcon walked around the car gazing.

'Well through your stuff in the boot, and have a look inside, I have a feeling you may like it.' MW said. They tossed their equipment and clothing in the car and proceeded with the gazing inside.

'Wow nice! Maybe I should have this as my race car haha how much is she giving out then?' Falcon asked eagerly.

'What did you say it was?' Kauto asked.

'Oh about 550 BHP or so.' MW explained.

'550!!!! How?!! My mate had one of these, it only had 350 horsepower!' Falcon shouted out in shock.

'Oh just a little help from this sexy hunk here.' Kauto said as he held MW close to his body. 'his team improved literally everything on it, and you'll love this.' Kauto reached over and pressed the button to lower the roof down.

'Whoa!! Wow I bet you had a shock then.' Ring Eye said.

'I don't think shocked is right word to be honest, you were in a world of your own really.' MW said while laughing again. Kauto nickered at the comment as he kissed his loving wolf.

'Well everyone hop in, we kinda need to find a place for the night.' Kauto explained.

'What do you mean?' Falcon asked.

'Haha well we sorted ran into a bit of trouble at our hotel last night, all I'll say is we rather messed up our room a bit so It'd be best if we didn't go back to there.' Kauto explained further as MW began to laugh his head off. the four furs jumped in and left the circuit to find their hotel for the night.

Kauto and MW Part 5

Kauto and MW - Part 5 As they reached their destination, MW suddenly stopped in front of the entrance and admired the amazing speedway circuit. He slowly drove in and his attention quickly turned to the stands around the infield and then to the...

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Kauto and MW Part 4

'You better park that in the garage out back, you can put next to mine and I'll meet you inside.' Explained MW as the rain was about to start. 'Ok, Thanks.' Kauto parked his Camaro and walked back to the mansion. As he walked through the back door,...

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Kauto and MW Part 3

Kauto and MW Part 3 While roaring along in his Camaro, Kauto wondered what his mates team could possibly do to his car to give it a good kick from the engine, as it already had the best part of 400 horsepower under the bonnet from the 6.5 litre V8....

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