Kauto and MW Part 4

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#4 of MW and Kauto

This is part 4 of this story, this is starting to get very sexy :P and also has a lot of talking in it about Motorsport (NASCAR particularly :) ) It has a lot of sexual content so a warning for that :L.

'You better park that in the garage out back, you can put next to mine and I'll meet you inside.' Explained MW as the rain was about to start.

'Ok, Thanks.' Kauto parked his Camaro and walked back to the mansion. As he walked through the back door, he found his furry wolf friend standing in his favourite trunks showing off his amazing body to the world as well as the obvious bulge in his trunks.

'Are you trying to tempt me again you sly wolf? Come here' Kauto said with his eyes wide open and his tongue hanging out. MW lunged at Kauto, the hulking horse just about able to catch him without falling over.

'Whoa! God you're lump' Kauto said as he gave his urging wolf friend a loving kiss. The two locked together again like a pair of hermit crabs, neither wanting to let the other go. With their arousal levels building, Kauto ran upstairs and into the bedroom while still carrying his hunky wolf in his hands. He flung the burly wolf onto the bed, before taking off his clothes and hurled himself on top of MW. Nipping at the wolf's colossal neck muscles while caress and touch the perfect 8 slabs of muscle of the wolf's abdominal wall. At the same time as MW began stroking Kauto's powerful, meaty cock vigorously.

'Nnngghhhh!!!' Kauto reacted as his cock sprung to near full length. Almost 4 feet of equine cock power, still being fondled by MW who's own arousal heaved and enhanced towards it climax. His hefty balls preparing the energized seed for the need of the hungry equine. 'Mmmmm I want that big boy inside me, NOW!' Kauto demanded to his horny wolf friend.

'I assume you don't mind what happened last time then?' MW wondered.

'Hey forget about that and nourish me, and hurry!!' Kauto demanded once again as he raised his tail hole showing his insanely muscular and sexy ass cheeks. MW hoisted his 4 foot cock towards his muscle bound horse with the head now touching the inner rims of the narrow opening. MW hugged Kauto and slowly drove his meaty power inside the perfect rump of Kauto.

'Nnngghhhh!!' Kauto again reacted as he felt his friends monster cock slide effortlessly further inside him. 'Haw, you sure feel sexy you hunk, come on go further, deeper, MORE!' MW by now had half of his meaty cock inside Kauto and proceeded to force the other half deeper inside the muscular hole of the equine until he reached the delicate areas. Kauto began to twitch and squirm over the bulging cock as he began sucking on his own powerful member which was still fully erect and started spewing precum mightily into Kauto's muzzle.

'Wow you are hungry aren't you, well do you want any more big guy? Because I can give you as much as you want, and by the looks of it, so can you.' MW asked sexually as he began to shoot his god like load inside the muscle tunnel of Kauto. 'Hhhuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh yyyeeeeeeeeeesssssssssss' MW's muscular cock broadened and bulged as his orgasm kept building, shooting faster and harder into the equine. Kauto began to feel the tingling sensation he felt earlier in his balls, they began to heave and grow just like before. As a result his mega-tonne spunk load intensified several times over into his muzzle, but he somehow managed to keep a firm grip on his cock head. Kauto's orgasm was now exploding through and out of his hulking cock.

'Holy cow Kauto!!! Your making me hornier' MW commented as his seed blasted out of his cock for a final time like a water cannon into Kauto's ass tunnel. Kauto neighed deafeningly as his cock shot out of his muzzle and the cum from MW's simply shot through his body and made him feel pleasantly full. His own pulsing cock was now shooting around the room like an aerosol, but obviously at the rate of a fire hydrant.

After a full 2 and a half hours their orgasms had finally stopped and Kauto's balls literally beaming in size and power as both furs came to their senses, what was amazing though neither one was out of breath.

'Boy your sexy Kauto' MW again said sexually.

'Well you're not too bad yourself you sexy Wolf hunk'

'Wow look at the mess, its huge, oh well we'll sort that out before we leave tomorrow for Daytona' MW explained.

'Good idea, it's a long journey so we may as well stay over for a couple of days at the racetrack and make our way back on the weekend.' Kauto explained. They settled down for the night together in their own love juices which had literally filled the room with a sweet sexy smell, snuggling against each other warmly and both furs fell asleep within minutes. _____________________________________________________________

The next morning, Kauto and MW awoke, still snuggled together.

'I think it'd be best if we tidy up in here as best we can and have a shower each, and then get going if you want to get to Daytona today haha. MW explained. So Kauto went to get a shower, as MW tidied up the mess in the bedroom as much as possible.

Later the two furs lept in the Camaro, Kauto was still overwhelmed by the changes that had been done to his car. At this point the hadn't actually driven the Chevy since he arrived at MW's mansion so this was going to be an exciting experience for him. MW explained that his team would have test driven his car after they fitted the parts so he can be certain its to his liking. Kauto turned the key and revved the engine.

'Well here we go, lets see what she can do.' Kauto said with an excited expression on his face. They made their way out of the mansion and towards the motorway where Kauto could really put his hoof down.

'Oh I love this, its totally different to what I remember there's none of the wobbling or juddering from the engine that I had before.' Kauto explained. 'Hey err there is actually one final err surprise which I didn't tell you yesterday.' MW expressed.

'Huh, what now haha'

'See that red button next to the radio, press it.'

'What does it do?' Kauto asked.

'Find out' Kauto pressed the button, and the roof started to move.

'What the!! You never said they turned this into a convertible. WOW!!' Kauto shouted as he leaned over and gave his wolf friend a quick kiss on the cheek.

'Hehe, well I thought I'd wait a while to tell you. Now put your hoof down!' MW finished talking as the roof fully opened. Kauto's mane was now swaying in the breeze while MW's fur fluttered all over showing his buffness in a new way. The journey was an estimated 5 hours, but they would obviously not get bored at any time soon.

About 3 hours into their journey they stopped at a gas station to stretch off and get something to eat. When they returned to the car, Kauto threw his keys to MW.

'Huh, why did you give me these?' MW asked.

'I figgered you might want to drive the rest of the journey.'

'Are you sure?'

'Yeah of course, see what you think while driving it'

'Ok, thanks.'

They continued on their way with MW behind the wheel. He was astonished by the feel of the car as every other muscle car he had driven in the past felt strange to him and difficult to drive even for his driving talent and skills.

'Wow, you're right about the handling, its excellent. It actually has the same feel as my Koenigsegg with the 4 wheel-drive, perfect grip and balance. I really have to thank my team properly sometime haha. Hey I just had an idea, I could get my Koenny sent to the Daytona Circuit by tomorrow, we could have a quick race or something if you're up to it?' MW asked.

'Really, how will you do that?'

'Oh I can just get Pete or Matt to drive it down, I'm sure they would love to go to Daytona.'

'Well I'm up for the race haha, should be interesting on an oval circuit. Hey actually the circuits free for visitors tomorrow afternoon after the morning practice.' Kauto explained.

'Great!!' MW shouted as he shifted down a gear and revved down the highway doing near as makes no difference 120 mph. (yes I know the limits 70, but who cares we all want it to be higher don't we :L).

Kauto and MW Part 5

Kauto and MW - Part 5 As they reached their destination, MW suddenly stopped in front of the entrance and admired the amazing speedway circuit. He slowly drove in and his attention quickly turned to the stands around the infield and then to the...

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Kauto and MW Part 3

Kauto and MW Part 3 While roaring along in his Camaro, Kauto wondered what his mates team could possibly do to his car to give it a good kick from the engine, as it already had the best part of 400 horsepower under the bonnet from the 6.5 litre V8....

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Kauto and MW Part 2

Part 2 After getting through the morning rush hour without much trouble, Kauto found himself outside of MW's Gym in a state of shock. 'HOLY COW!!!! How big does he want this place to be! He must have a ton of cash' shouting to himself as he...

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