Kauto and MW Part 3

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#3 of MW and Kauto

Wow I enjoyed doing this one. couldn't stop typing so got it done pretty quick if i'm honest. First time doing a yiffy type story so not to sure what its like. As a result this is under adult :D

MW gives Kauto a nice surprise at the end and we also find out something unique about both furs but MW especially :P

Kauto and MW Part 3

While roaring along in his Camaro, Kauto wondered what his mates team could possibly do to his car to give it a good kick from the engine, as it already had the best part of 400 horsepower under the bonnet from the 6.5 litre V8. Kauto had reached the entrance to MW's and glazed down the long and narrow driveway with a shocked expression on his face. He figured it must have been at least a mile till the house came into view. Kauto turned in and made his way down the narrow track way to the house, as he got closer the track opened out and Kauto could see the land around the huge mansion. There must have been approximately 20 acres.

'WOW!! How does he afford this?!' Kauto said to himself while looking around at the scenery.

As he got closer to the house, Kauto noticed MW coming out of the front door. Kauto put his head out of the window and gave a wave. MW responded with a wave.

'Hay hay!! How are we today?' MW asked with a rise smile as Kauto got out of his Chevy.

'I'm great, nice place you've got here'

'Thanks you like it then?'

'It's a bit like your gym, just insane haha'

'Haha come inside, a couple of my team are already here.' Both furs walked in and MW greeted Kauto to the two furs from his team.

'Hay guys, you remember Kauto, this is Matt, he's my performance engineer, he can help you get the most out of your engine and Pete, he's my race mechanic and he can give your car a racing style feel inside and out. I thought you might like that after seeing you yesterday in my car haha' explained MW.

The three furs shook hands and Kauto showed them his car. He opened up the hood and the two mechanics had a good look over the engine.

'I can tell you've had this upgraded a few times, it definitely has a new look about it for a 60's Chevy V8. I reckon we can give this a little boost in power with a good tune up' Matt exclaimed.

'Great, I can't wait to see the results.' Kauto said with a large grin on his Muzzle while Pete was giving the interior a look over. He figured that he could Help Kauto out as he did MW.

'Hay you've seen MW's interior, do you fancy having the same style in here?' 'Oh yeah I have, you would do that? That would be great thanks'

'Hay its no problem I like doing cars up to be honest with you haha. We'll have to take your car to the team's garage, the rest of the team are there today. Its only 5 miles from here so we could get it done by this evening for you.' Pete explained.

'Fantastic, I guess I'll be here for the day so I'll be looking forward to seeing it later.'

The two fur mechanics drove off in the Chevy while Kauto and MW walked back to the mansion and both had a refreshing drink.

'I must repay you sometime for everything you have done for me over the past few days' Kauto said while looking at MW with doggish eyes.

'Its no problem, I mean I'd do anything to help a friend, especially a big equine softy such as yourself. You obviously enjoy the same things I do, well most of them anyway I presume' MW said with his tongue hanging out and large pointy teeth showing. 'Another drink?' He asked getting up from his chair.

'Sure thanks' As MW took Kauto's glass and walked past he turned to face Kauto and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek.

'Whoa! Hang on a minute there, that was a bit cheeky you sneaky wolf haha come here' Kauto stated to MW as he turned around and faced the large muscled equine. Kauto stood out of his chair and slowly walked towards MW, he leaned forward looking to return the kiss to the anxious wolf, his tender lips meeting with MW's and both furs passionately kissed each other.

'Well I guess you've found one thing out about each other big guy' MW exclaimed as both furs released the kiss. At this point Kauto had just about realised what he had just done, but he was slightly confused as to why he had just kissed his mate. Was it just the heat of the moment, was he just returning the gesture from MW or was he actually in love with his affectionate wolf friend. Whatever he was thinking, he knew he liked it as much as MW obviously did.

'Well, I don't know about you but I enjoyed that' Kauto said with a quick nicker.

'Yeah, that wasn't to bad was it (laughter), want to continue further at all?' MW asked with an honest look on his face.

'Err...sure why not ha' Kauto walked forward and gave MW one more kiss before the edgy wolf lept at his stallion friend to return the passionate kiss again. This time though, the two furs held each other together for over 5 minutes as they continued their loving passion for each other. As they continued there obsession for each other, both furs started to get aroused by the occasion. Kauto's stallion hood started to kick in as MW charged through the door and up the stairs to the bedroom.

'Are you coming or not?' MW shouted back to Kauto. The tall horse followed him up the stairs and found his hyper friend on a rather large bed stark naked in front of him with his wolf hood (O_o :L) looking hungry.

'That's an offer I can't refuse' Kauto said as he through his trunks off and lept onto the bed next to MW and started nipping at his bulging muscles on his traps. Kauto's hefty sized orbs and stallion hood started to bulge and grow, at the same time MW jumped up again and eagerly began taking the equine's large cock load into his mouth while being careful with his large canine teeth. He gently gnawed on Kauto's growing cock as the stallion began to moan at the sensations going through his body from the wolf's actions. MW continued his gnawing actions which increased Kauto's arousal to another level as precum started to flow from his pulsing cock.

'Come on man, bite harder!!!' the equine begged to the wolf as his arousal kept building. MW started to sink his teeth deeper into the meat of the throbbing horse cock, but still being gentle at the same time. Kauto began to moan louder as he could feel his large orbs begin to heave and shoot his insane load into the muscular jaw of his canine friend. MW took the equine goodness keenly, consuming every last bit of the cum surging from Kauto's ever growing cock. The stallions mammoth orgasm showed no sign of slowing, in fact as MW sunk his further down the horse shaft with his teeth digging deeper at the same time, his cock throbbed further and harder, increasing the speed and amount of cum bursting through his stallion hood.

Suddenly MW's own orgasm started to build as his canine cock also began to grow and pulsate. As his cock continued to grow Kauto quickly raised his tail and begged for MW to fuck him. At his command MW raised his throbbing cock to Kauto's tight tale hole, the tip of his cock touching the rim of his ass and with one swift heave with his hips, he shoved his hefty cock up Kauto's tail hole.

'hhaaaaarrrkkkkkk!!!' Kauto reacted while giving a loud neigh which could be herd a mile away. 'Wow you sure a wolf and a half, moooorrreeee!!!' MW's orgasm again began to build to the point of exploding through his cock, as he continued to fuck Kauto's tight muscle hole he quickly unleashed his load into the equine ass like a hose pipe. Kauto neighed and shivered in pleasure from the hot seed flowing into his ass.

'Hhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuu yeeeeeessss!!!!!!!'

At this point MW was still taking in Kauto's load into his mouth. There orgasm's had been going on for at least 10 minutes up to this point and still showed no signs of slowing.

'Wow you are hungry, let me have some off you' Kauto gestured as MW slid his cock out of the stallion's ass and raised it into Kauto's mouth while still gushing his never ending stream of hot cum everywhere. Kauto drank the hot, thick cream from MW's extensively long and thick cock like there was no tomorrow. He didn't realise it but MW's seed had an unusual affect on his arousal levels. Suddenly Kauto could feel his large orbs tense up, it felt as if they were working harder and harder, when in fact they were actually growing.

'Holy Cow Kauto!!!!!!!!!! What's happening to your balls?' MW asked in a surprised manor.

'Aahhh they feel so heavy!' Kauto's balls continued to heave and grow until they reached basketball size each.

'OMG, what the hell, how did that happen?! Not that I am complaining at all haha. It must be your cum, I mean I did take a huge load in to be honest with you. Why don't try some of your own seed, and see if it has the same affect.' explained Kauto.

'Ok I'll try' with his cock still throbbing, MW raised his cock to his mouth and drank some of his seed. The two furs waited a few seconds until suddenly he felt the same heaving sensation that Kauto did before his orbs grew.

'Aaahhhhh what the, its happening, wow how the hell does that happen its so strange, but as you said I'm not complaining either haha' MW said in a state of shock. His orbs had each grown to the same size as a football.

'I don't reckon we should tell anyone about this to be honest, just keep it to ourselves.' Kauto suggested.

'Yeah I would like it if you would thanks. Anyway it means we can have some more fun in the future hehe' MW said as Kauto licked his lips in agreement.

'Well I'm up for that some time in the NEAR future.'

'Haha, hay we better get this place tidied and get ready for my team to arrive they'll be here in an hour. Wow that lasted for 2 hours, what on earth I've never done it for that long before err I mean.......' MW said before realising what he just said.

'Haha so you've done this before aye? What a girlfriend or something?' Kauto asked.

'Err yeah in my old hometown in Wales.'

'Aahhh I see, don't worry I won't say anything haha I'm not a betraying person'

The two furs tidied up the room and got themselves ready for the team to bring back Kauto's Chevy. They both had a shower, and then went outside to sit in MW's Koenigsegg to wait for his team to arrive under the scorching sun.

'So looking forward to seeing what the team have done. I know I am, you can always count on them to do a magnificent job. I mean just look at what they did to this.'

'Oh I can't wait to see it. I still can't get any picture in my head as to what it might look like or what they could possibly do to the engine.' Kauto said in an excited manor.

'Well we won't have to wait any longer, they're here. Quick close your eyes'

The team had the Chevy in the teams transporter under a cover to surprise Kauto.

'I tell you something you are going to go crazy when you see this. We managed to get the rest of the guys to help.' Pete said to MW as Matt lowered the back entrance and brought the Chevy forward as Kauto opened his eyes.

Jumping in excitement 'Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, show me!!.'

'Ready? Here we go' Matt and Pete took the sheet off the car and Kauto and MW both lept in the air with astonishment.

'OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!! Is that the engine?' Kauto asked again in astonishment.

'Yeah we've lowered the car slightly and managed to get the engine to come through the bonnet so you can see it.' Pete explained. They opened the hood and explained what they did to the engine.

'All we have done really is simple tuning and cleaning. You'll like this, by doing that we've actually managed to extract an extra 130 horsepower from it. How about that?' Matt explained with a smile on his face.

'Oh my life, shocked isn't the word I don't think' Kauto said while being in what he thought was a trance.

'Well that's not everything, have a look inside.'

MW and Kauto both went inside the car, and where simply stunned by what the team had managed to do in the space of 7 hours. They had fitted a racing steering wheel from a 99 Ferrari, fitted a racing sequential gearbox and also fitted Recaro seats to give the car a proper racing feel.

'I.........I'm.....I just can't......I can't believe what you've done its just......................AMAZING!! THANKYOU SO MUCH GUYS. I would ask how can I repay you but I don't think I have enough money for it (laughter)' Kauto expressed with tears almost running from his eyes. Kauto gave the three furs a big thank you hug and decided to have a few moments in his car.

'Wow, thanks guys that's an unbelievable job you've done for him.' MW said gratefully.

'Hay it's not a problem we'd do it for any friend. Actually we have done some other things like neon inside and out so tell him while he's in there now, the switch is above him, give him one last surprise.'

'Oh you have really outdone yourselves on this, thanks so much.' MW walked over to Kauto in his car and told him to flick the light above his head on.

'OH MY GOD!!! Anymore surprises haha.' Kauto said as the inside of the car glowed a bright red colour. He flicked the other switch and the underside of the car also glowed a bright red colour. 'Wow!!'

'Hay turn the engine on, see how it sounds!' MW said to Kauto. He turned it on and revved the engine. A deep loud rumble turned into a fire spitting loud roar as Kauto revved up to 8500 RPM.

'Oh boy I could get used to that noise haha. A good old versioned below from a V8 there are many things better than that, apart from maybe an F1 V10 but oh well (laughter).'

'Well we'd better be going, we've got to get to the next meeting by Thursday so we'll see you soon Kauto.' Pete said.

'Yeah its been great, thank you so much once again for everything.' Kauto said gratefully and the two furs gave a wave as they left.

'Do you want to stay over for the night seen as its about 8 o'clock?' MW asked

'Err.....sure ok thanks. I can then go straight to Daytona in the morning and show my team my Chevy.' Kauto explained.

'Daytona? I've always wanted to go there.'

'Well then the obvious question is fancy a drive down there?'

'Oh great yeah I would love to. I'm not busy this week until Saturday so I might hang around for a while, come on lets go in before that cloud decides to let itself be known.'

'I bet it can't rain as much as you can eeeyyy (laughter)' (Bad joke there sorry lol)

'You have nothing to talk about big guy haha.'

Kauto and MW Part 4

'You better park that in the garage out back, you can put next to mine and I'll meet you inside.' Explained MW as the rain was about to start. 'Ok, Thanks.' Kauto parked his Camaro and walked back to the mansion. As he walked through the back door,...

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Kauto and MW Part 2

Part 2 After getting through the morning rush hour without much trouble, Kauto found himself outside of MW's Gym in a state of shock. 'HOLY COW!!!! How big does he want this place to be! He must have a ton of cash' shouting to himself as he...

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Kauto and MW Part 1

Right here we go Chapter 1 This is were we meet our two characters and get to know them. The Meeting As crowds gathered for the 20 annual BB Contest, a young well-built wolf known as MW Wolf was going through his routine for the contest while...

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