
Story by RC1138 on SoFurry

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#3 of In All the Wrong Places

Book 3: Memories

Alicia paused and thought about that for a moment. She wondered how good of an actor Andrew would have to be. Even though she'd only talked to him a few times, all in the context of business, she got the distinct feeling he was not a very violent fur.

Reading on the story begins going to its central plot when a new girl comes to the bordello, keyed in as very inexperienced and instantly a favorite of Andrews.

All of a sudden Alicia's eyes went wide and she stared at the page. For a full minute she read on, wide eyed and slowly becoming more and more furious.

Growling, she looked at her watch, eight forty-two, Mia was here somewhere. She placed her glasses in her pocket so they wouldn't fall of and she ran for her office, knowing Mia would be there any moment.

The normal, constant "click click" of her high-heeled shoes became a constant stamping as she ran through the halls to the nearest elevator and took it all the way up to her floor. When the doors opened she saw Mia leaning quietly on Maureen's desk while the vixen, not paying attention, typed away at something or other.

The panther looked up, her normal smile on her face to see her partner come out of the elevator but the smile faded as she watched the coyote storm over to her.

In a swift move, Alicia slapped Mia right across her whole face, causing the panther to fall off the desk, onto her knees on the carpeted outer office.

"You fucking bitch!" Alicia cried and kicked one of the panther's legs.

Although probably stronger than the smaller coyote, she was so surprised by the sudden outburst that Mia cowered into a corner of the office, unable to understand the situation.

Maureen stood up, but did nothing.

Heading her off, Alicia yelled, "Ms. Lyzos, step outside."

"But Ms. Klas-"

"Step outside!" she commanded and the submissive vixen scurried out of the office and into the elevator, down to the cafeteria to wait this out.

Returning her fiery gaze to Mia, the coyote yelled, "You think I'm just some fucking dope?"

The panther sat up, her neck still retreated and her ears pinned back, "What are you talking about?!"

"I read your fucking script!" she tossed the pile of papers at the panther's chest, "You're a sick fucking whore you know that!"

"What?" then her mind manage to collect itself and she replied, "ohh..."

Nervously and carefully the panther stood up. She made a point not to look imposing at all, not wanting to seem like she was challenging the enraged coyote.

Paws up in a defensive posture, she whispered, "I was going to tell you this morning-"

"Ta fuck! What the fuck were you thinking!?"

"I told you we were low on-"

"Oh and you thought I'd do it?! Huh?!"

The panther carefully shrugged, "I thought maybe if you saw a few scenes you'd realize there was no harm in it-"

The coyote shook her head widely, "I see! I knew you didn't need me to fucking direct shit! You're a fucking lying whore!"

The panther had no choice but to permit this, she'd lose any chance of making her plan work if she didn't.

Alicia grabbed the script up and turned to one of the pages and read aloud, "And Alicia gets on her knees in front of Andrew, takes his cock in her nervous mouth and-" she looked up, furious at her partner, tossed the script at her again and said calmly and simply, "No."

She walked into her office and slammed the door behind her, nearly catching Mia's paw in the door. The panther pushed past and followed her, pleading along for her to just listen.

"What? Listen to you?" now the coyote was more amazed than anything, "Think about what you're trying to convince me to do!"

Breaking one of their rules, both personal and professional, Mia stomped her foot and said, "It's not like you haven't done it before..."

"Careful Mia..." the coyote warned.

"Careful what? You have done this before, and for the same damn reason, you needed actresses and no one else was there."

"I'm not doing it," now Alicia was laughing at how absurd this whole discussion was, "It's not even a discussion, I'm not doing it. And, since it's clear you don't really need me down there, you can take care of your job you yourself."

"But we need another-"

Shaking her head, she replied, "You'll get by, or grab another one of these office sluts or I don't care, just get the damn thing done."

A better actress, stage and sex, than Alicia knew, Mia carefully stood in front of her desk and said, "Is there anything, anything at all, that would convince you to do this?"

"No," she replied, perfectly sure of her self.

"Listen... why do you think I'm trying to get you to do this?" Mia asked.

"I don't give a shit! It's neither here nor there, I'm not doing it and that's final!"

"It's not what you think, I really don-"

"I don't care why!" the coyote yelled.

"Listen, just listen," Mia said persistently; she waited for Alicia to appear to be allowing her to speak, "Lets call a spade a spade; you don't like sex for whatever fucking reason you have and that's your own damn business. That's not why I want you to do this, I ain't trying to convert you or anything," she didn't have to act for this part, she really wasn't, "I just need at least, just one more female for the movie and you're the one that should be. You out of anyone else here at least knows how to do it right."

"I'm not doing it."

Mia got on her knees and laid her head on the coyote's desk, "What do I have to do to get you to do this...?"

"There's nothing and it doesn't matter cause even if there was I'm not dong it."

The panther growled to herself, "Well fine, whatever... I still need you down there."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do, you were wrong about that," Mia explained, "Charlie's good at the talking parts of a movie, filming the girls looking hot, but... he cant do the important scenes..." she smiled and shook her head, "He doesn't know a money shot from his paycheck."

The coyote just stared at her desk, seemingly ignoring her partner.

"Comon I'm not lying. You want this done right? You need to be there."

Clearly not listening, Alicia just shook her head.

"Al... Al look at Maureen," she gestured to the door, "she's never done a scene before and she decide it was okay, for the good of her job."

"Please she was nervous as hell."

"I'm not saying you shouldn't be nervous but your not doing this except so that we can make this thing make money."

"I'm not doing it," Alicia repeated.

"Then just come and direct it, we'll re-shoot yesterday's scene and write Clair in as the new girl," Mia whispered quietly.

"Why can't you just use Maureen?" Alicia pointed out, "She's really new and will be nervous anyway."

The panther shook her head, "Won't work. That's the leading female part, needs to be done by someone at least mildly experienced."

Alicia paused to think on that, then replied, "Then it's Clair."

"Fine..." Mia whispered, somewhat disappointed, although not defeated, "You'll direct then? You have to, if Charlie does it we'll sell one copy and that'll be that, everyone will know it sucks."

"Okay, okay, I'll direct the stupid thing... but you owe me... soooo much for this, and not for directing, for pulling this."

The panther huffed, "I don't owe you shit. Your lucky I don't slap you," she rubbed her cheek, "that hurt like hell."

"Good," Alicia whispered, relishing at the victory.

"Lets go then, we have to start early to get in the re-shoot and today's stuff. We'll do the re-shoot first."

The coyote nodded, somewhat cooled down, and got up as did Mia. They got onto the elevator. Before they left she went on the intercom for Maureen, wherever she was, to report to the stage.

Oddly enough she was there already, chatting quietly with Will, one of the male actors who was a rather tall tiger. His tail swayed with intrigue at the nervous little vixen.

Everyone stopped and turned to attention though when Mia and an even more flustered Alicia stepped onto the stage. The coyote couldn't help but wonder if everyone knew, if everyone had been on it.

"Okay everyone," Mia started, "We're gona get right into the thick of things, right now. We have to re-shoot the last two scenes from yesterday, the speaking bordello and the three-way, then were gona try and rush through the rest of today's so we can finish our quota."

"Why do we have to re-shoot yesterday's?" Ruth asked.

"Because we're switching Clair's role to a new one we added to the script," Mia answered carefully, taking an even more careful look at Alicia to make sure she realized no one would know.

Clair came over, swinging her sexy rabbit hips, "What's my new role?"

"Your going in the lead."

She smiled widely, "Cool... when's my next scene then?"

"Tomorrow honey, I'm sorry, this was all spur of the moment."

The rabbit, she was a peculiarly short dark gray rabbit, pouted her lip in disappointed and looked over Andrew's body. It'd be worth the wait... she had enjoyed their first encounter during his demo.

"Well comon, this thing ain't gona film itself," Mia called out and the appropriate players, minus Clair, who was substituted by a nervous Maureen.

Her little heart was beating so fast with fear and excitement, she couldn't believe she was about to do this. She kept her glasses on in the scene and kept reading over her script until Mia was ready to start.

Being that her partner wasn't in this scene for more than a few seconds and that was merely walking in the background half naked, Mia was able to direct, so Alicia went down the hall to the writing department.

There she found her two targets, two brothers. One, a short sniveling little rat, which was very appropriate, named Donald Grey and his older brother, a taller but much fatter rat named Robert Grey.

She stormed in and walked right up in front of the two furs. They stared at her chest blatantly, ever the perverts.

About four years ago, Mia and Alicia had plucked these two charmers from a graduating class at Yale. They were indeed great writers, and definitely had a knack for writing porns, they definitely hadn't ever been laid and because of that any female in there presence was eyed like a piece of meat.

As with Mia though, Alicia had learned to ignore them and she said flatly, "Which one of you fuckers put me in that script?"

The brothers looked up from her chest and simultaneously they said in a low, sniveling voice, "Mia."

"Yes but who wrote my part."

Again, they spoke simultaneously, saying, "He did," and pointing at each other.

"Leme put it like this," she growled, "I don't care who did, I wana know why you listened to Ms. Linares..."

Robert cleared his throat and replied, "She, eh hem, is our boss, Ms. Klasp."

"We have to listen to her too, and she told us to write you in," Donald added.

Still angry but at least not at these two anymore, she asked, "Did she say why?"

"Because," Robert began there wasn't enough girls for the film and you'd be good at it because she said you-"

His older jabbed him in the ribs but it was too late.

The coyote glared at both of them, raised her paw and whispered, "You ever say anything, to anyway, and you'll both go right back to that hole I dragged you out of."

"You mean Yale?" Robert said, always a smartass.

"Yeah I mean Yale, and good luck having the owner of one of the biggest production companies, porn or otherwise, on your bad side," she threatened, "I'll make sure you never have another job again."

The two nodded and looked down at their computers, not even keeping with their normal trend of staring at her chest or ass as she stamped away.

Now Alicia was even angrier with her partner. A long, long time ago, when they had been just a brand new name on the massive list of pornographic production companies, they had been desperate to put out as many movies as they could, Alicia had been forced into staring in three movies. Only one of them ever made it into circulation, the other two not being up to quality and one by Alicia's tearful request. That little part of history however, was supposed to be buried. Mia had sworn she'd never tell anyone, being that Alicia wasn't as free or comfortable with her sexuality as the lose panther, and it seemed that she was just breaking her promise left and right.

When the coyote walked back onto the stage Maureen was moaning into a hard orgasm while Motoko ate her out while she was grinding one out on Ruth's pussy as well.

Reacquiring the ability to block out even that distraction, she walked up to Mia and smacked her in the back of the head.

The panther, getting very angry at her partners physical outbursts turned and swatted with her paw at the coyote, knocking her down. Although everyone noticed, no one flinched or let on to noticing. The actresses didn't look up, since there was a bit of a larger thing on their minds, and the cameramen didn't move an inch and continued working while the two partners started fighting fiercer and fiercer.

Ironically while they struggled they made feminine groans and yells comparable to the cumming Maureen.

Realizing they had to finish this up, before the fight ruined the scene, the other two females began moaning out their well trained orgasms, although Ruth was close enough that hers was, for the most part, real, and the scene ended with them all falling into each other and Motoko standing up over them and walking out with a "Ms. Priss" grin on her mug.

As soon as the camera men faded to black they put down their camera they screamed, "Cut! Cut! Break them up!"

The male actors, who had been holding while they were still filming, jumped onto the two struggling females.

While they had been fighting, they had gotten brutal. Mia, seemingly the stronger of the two, lashed out and had punched Alicia right in the snout, making her nose bleed and her eyes water.

In response to that, the coyote had bitten onto her partners shoulder and latched on, refusing to let go even though Mia punched her in the side repeatedly.

That's how the actors began pulling them apart. Andrew and Will holding Alicia's muzzle and prying it open and Thomas and Mick grabbing onto the panther and holding her still.

With a lurch they managed to yank them apart and it took most of their combined strengths to keep the two females from ripping each other's throats out.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Alicia?!" Mia yelled harshly, "Stop fucking hitting me!"

Struggling to break free to kick the panther in the chest, Alicia yelled out, "You piece of shit! You fucking told those nerdy fuckers?! You fucking told everyone, didn't you!?"

"Tell us what?" Maureen asked, stepping between the two furs, "just calm down, Ms. Klasp, there's no reason to hit Ms. Linares."

"Shut up you!" Alicia snapped, "Why don't you just tell them all Mia? Huh? You whore!"

"Fine!" Mia yelled out.

Hearing that Alicia calmed down, realizing what she might actually say, and in a growling but scared tone she whispered, "Don't."

"Fuck you, you wana keep hitting me?" Mia said angrily, and the panther looked about the group, "Little Miss reserved here's been in a porn too. When we started, she sucked em good and hard, and she's all embarrassed about it and-" was all she got out.

Even though the males holding Alicia had to be on the stronger side of males, they couldn't seem to keep the coyote gripped hard enough. She lunged at her partner and punched her in the muzzle, but it was too late. She'd already said what she said and Alicia had all intentions to kill her. She punched at her partner's head so hard one of the actors had to hit Alicia, for fear she may beat her panther to death.

Stunned, she staggered back and fell back with a thud. Part of her wanted to continue the onslaught but the pain in her jaw and stomach forced her to remain seated. Her heart was beating wildly and she was terribly upset and she felt like crying, but she couldn't, she was too furious.

Low and behold, Mia had indeed been knocked out, and she slowly came too, murmuring indistinct curses and batting around with her paws above her head. Will and Andrew held her up and limped her to a chair while Charlie ran and got a first aid kit.

"Never a normal day?" Clair whispered to Maureen, who'd been accepted into the group since she'd done the scene.

"Nope, not ever," she replied, then nodded towards each of the panting, furious partners, "they were fighting like this with each other back at the office too. When they came in I thought they'd made up."

"I guess not," Clair replied.

Andrew grabbed a bandage from the first aid kit as did Will and they each set to patching up their bosses. Will worked on Mia while Andrew whipped some of the blood off of Alicia's lips and snout.

"Thanks," she whispered, now ashamed of herself for her past, and took the bandage from Andrew.

"No problem," the wolf replied and pat her on the shoulder.

Across from them, Mia held a pile of bandages and a quick-cool ice pack to her head. All this time she had been so sure she was stronger than her partner but as it turned out Alicia was quite the little scrapper.

With her head aching the panther went to say something but she couldn't. She couldn't think of the right thing to say. Indeed she still felt right, that Alicia should be in this since there was no one else, but she felt guilty haven broken a promise to her.

"Where'd you learn to fight like that?" Andrew asked quietly, astonishment clear in his tone as he still pat the coyote's shoulder.

Holding her jaw in her paw, moving it side to side, she whispered, "Ask me another time."

Making an exaggerated look around, he leaned in and whispered, "You don't need to be embarrassed by that," she looked up, "there's nothing wrong with it."

Alicia didn't answer that one; she just stared at him then looked back down at her feet. There was something wrong with it, she knew there was. It wasn't something an executive of a company, regardless what her company was, should be doing.

Moving her own jaw around, Mia was handed a glass of water by Mick. She thanked the horse and took a long sip and spit it back into the cup, the liquid thick and stained with blood.

Charlie, taking over, walked up to each actress individually and told them to take five. He told all the actors the same except Mick and Andrew, who seemed to be the stronger ones and the most likely to be able to hold back the two females if they tried to hit each other again.

Stepping between the two, ever a mediator, Charlie said calmly, "Now, what the hell is this all about."

Although they both looked at the collie neither answered him.

He thought for a moment and then nodded his head, "Oh...kay I get it. This is about the script, isn't it?" he looked over at Alicia who froze.

"Hmmp," he nodded to himself again then got on a knee and looked his boss in the eye, "I don't know how she said it but she only put you in there cause she needed another female for the script and you're the only one with experience," he glanced over at the panther who nodded, "In all reality I doubt she wanted you to do this just cause it ain't all that surprising you reacted like this... it's surprising how hard but not that you did."

Alicia shook her head, "You know exactly why I'm pissed."

The collie thought for a moment then asked, "What do you mean?"

She couldn't say anything, she was to embarrassed.

"Want me to?" Andrew offered.

It took a moment but Alicia shook her head, "No."

"Well what is it then?" Charlie asked.

"She's-" Mia started but stopped herself, having learned that lesson the hard way.

It was a good thing she did too, Alicia's whole body had tensed right away.

The collie made a swatting motion towards Mia, "Just ignore her. What's the big deal, Ms. Klasp?"

"She broke a promise."

"How? She didn't do anything till after you hit her."

Alicia shook her head, "She did too."

Rolling his eyes, he was amazed that his own boss was acting so immature, "What did she break? And what the hell makes it so important that she did?"

"I thought you knew?" the coyote asked quietly.

"Knew what?" he replied, getting a little annoyed at this round about game.

"That I..." Alicia whispered, the only other people in the room had heard it already anyway, "I was in... one before."

The collie thought for a moment then sighed, "Oh that's not a big deal. Even I was in one awhile back."

"Well it's a big deal to me," Alicia replied.

Huffing, he fired back, "Don't let it be," then taking a few steps closer to her he added, "It's a silly thing to be all uptight about. And if you have done it before, why can't you do it again?"

"Cause it's not my fucking job!" she yelled.

"Says who? You own this company right?"

She nodded.

"Well your supposed to be able to do every job in your company," he presented the whole stage, "this is one of those jobs. And in all seriousness we do need you, this things not gona work right without you... it'll barely work right with you but at least it makes it a tad better."

Not answering, she just stared at her paws, scratching some of Mia's dried blood of her nails.

"And at least you know what your doing," he said then moving even closer he whispered, "That Maureen... pretty little fox but she doesn't have a clue what she's doing," Charlie pulled back and add in a full voice, "This is supposed to be some big money picture, by our standards at least, and right now I wouldn't grade this above our daily update videos."

"This things not gona be good, much less a hit..." Mia whispered from across the room.

Alicia heard her though. Part of her, for just a quarter of a second considered it then she shook her head, and yelled, "No... you really expect me to-"

"Yes, and why not?" Charlie called out; he gestured to the standing actors, "Is there something wrong with what they do?"

Now on the spot the coyote was very quiet. She didn't dare look up less she see the eyes of her employees questioning her opinions.

"Cause if you do," the collie continued, "your in the wrong God damned business, Ms. Klasp, because your whole job is dealing with this stuff."

What Charlie didn't know was that she had, for the past seven years or so, avoided all contact with directly dealing with her product. She could have been in charge of a normal movie production company and not have noticed a difference. She never watched the products, she never was on the set, and she never really talked about what went on. So, in that sense, she really wasn't dealing with anything in her company. That was the problem she faced now, she was being trusted as deep as you could be into her own company and it was scaring her.

"Just do it, Al," Mia called out, "Get it over with, I'll take you out after were done, get you good and drunk and you'll never remember it."

Alicia couldn't answer. She couldn't say anything. It was because she was sure that if she did say a word, it would be "fine" or "okay" and she wasn't fine or okay with this at all. Her mind had accepted it and already agreed to do it but her heart hadn't. She still wasn't there yet.

"And," the panther, treading carefully, stood up and took a steep or two closer to her partner, "this scene is nothing. It's nice and gentile, your with Andrew here," she gestured to the calm wolf, who smiled softly at Alicia, "So it won't be anything. If you want we'll clear the set so it's just you two and the camera guys," the panther forced a smile, "I'll even leave."

"You already shot the re-shoot though," the coyote whispered, running out of arguments and the will to fight.

Charlie cleared his throat and said, "You two kinda ruined it. I had planed to make it a lot longer, like yesterday's, and you can hear you two fighting on the sides I'm sure and... well when it comes down to it we'd have to re-shoot it again."

"But..." she whispered, quiet enough no one heard.

She was terrified of what was going to happen, absolutely terrified.

"It's an acting scene first," Mia added, seeing that her friend was weakening and starting to side with her, "so you can get used to it like that. Nice and slow right?"

Alicia looked up, her fear growing and her heart beating so hard that the sound resonated in her pinned back ears. Her tail hung sadly between her legs and she just stared around the room and at the bed on the set.

Chapter 2 Ghosts

"I can't do this," she thought, "I can't do this."

The stage set was terribly quiet as they waited for her to step on and get into position. She felt up her new clothes. The tight, cutoff jeans and super tight, low cut, white t-shirt felt very strange for the coyote.

Even the director, who'd seen more scantily clad females than one could imagine, noted to himself how different and how good she looked. The clothes forced out a kind of figure that Alicia didn't even know she had.

With her breast all pressed up and pushing, trying to push, their way out the top of the low cut t-shirt; she slowly walked onto the set.

In her mind she just kept repeating, "Don't do this. Don't do this."

With the normal scene done already, she picked the tool belt off the toilet and put it around her tinny waist. The previous scene, which had just been normal acting, had set this one up; Alicia, a new girl at the bordello, was being sent out to a John who had asked to have a "sexy plumber" come to his house.

Generally speaking, she was an okay actress. She was believable, at least, and that was the most important thing anyway. This part though, this was causing her pure terror.

Alicia glanced over her shoulder and shuttered in terror. Off on the side of the stage Andrew stood, wearing what one would say was normal, everyday clothes, but cut in a just a way to embellish certain area's of his body, direct attention where Mia wanted it, much the same way Alicia's clothes were doing the same to her ass and breasts.

Taking her time with the tool belt, she tried to stall for second, anything to put this off, anything to avoid what she was about to do.

Mentally, she went over her lines. Easy enough except the ones the came later on in the scene.

She shuttered at the thought. Carefully, the coyote picked out the monkey wrench for the tool belt and got on her knees by the toilet. She pretended to toil with the valves on the back.

"Uhh... Ms. Klasp?" Charlie called out behind her, "We haven't started filming yet."

Now embarrassed, she stared at the floor and stood up again. She walked over to the starting position just off camera and waited for the collie to yell "action."

While Alicia was going through this personal trial, Charlie and the camera crew were just trying to get set up so this shot could be done and printed in one take. They had two cameras on set this time, as opposed to just one, since they wanted to leave no room for missed shots later on.

With everyone in place, the collie gave on final look around, then said in a crisp, sure tone, "Action!"

Alicia got back down on her knees and started fiddling with the wrench again. A few seconds later she heard Andrew's purposefully heavy footsteps behind her. It felt like an eternity to her while she waited for him to be upon her. Since the cameras weren't point at her face she closed her eyes and half prayed to herself that this was just a dream.

"So how's it coming?" Andrew asked, his character voice was much gruffer than his normal one.

Eyes still shut, she started to say her line, "Seems-" she paused and shook her head; it had been to quiet and to scared sounding, "Seems to be just clogged up real good."

"I think I got the perfect thing to unclog it with," he replied.

Making it seem that she didn't get the ridiculous pun, Alicia said, stronger this time, "Oh... well can you give it to me? I wana get this done."

She took a deep breath, opened her eyes, and turned around, pushing her hair, which they had let down from her usual bun, out of the way. Then, pointing right at her face, was Andrew's more than impressive member, in full glory, being slowly stroked by his paw.

"This'll clear you out real good," he said as he stroked the tip and stepped a little forward.

Mia, looking on from the set's door, found Alicia's expression priceless. It wasn't even just that she was clearly scared, maybe even terrified, but that it was in fact genuine surprise. She didn't have to act now, she was truly amazed and scared of what was dangling right in front of her muzzle.

She had a line, but she forgot it. She couldn't remember anything. Even if someone asked her name, she would have replied, "I don't know," assuming she could muster a reply at all.

The seconds ticked past, nothing happened, no one moved, and Alicia just stared at Andrew's cock. Even he started getting nervous and stopped stroking himself.

"Comon..." Mia whispered, hoping her partner wasn't about to completely lose it on camera.

"Oh..." Alicia said, her eyebrows high on her face and her mouth puckered up in anxiety, "It-it-it looks too big for this."

That wasn't the line and Andrew wasn't 100% sure if she was adlibbing or actually saying something.

So, forced to take a guess, he adlibbed as well and replied, "I think you should look it over as well, hasn't been working right for awhile."

Off camera Mia was in stitches. She was delighting in Alicia's situation, finally seeing the always-confident coyote thrown completely off balance.

This was it. Nothing left to stall with. All out of lines.

"I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't," she thought; it was all she thought, she couldn't think of anything else.

Seeing that if he didn't force the situation, she might fall apart from thinking too much, Andrew reached down, gave himself a few strokes, then pressed himself against her lips. Alicia closed her eyes and took him, only a little of him, into her muzzle.

She hadn't done this in years. She hadn't done this in years for good reason, she hated it. A little more of his cock slipped into her mouth, the whole head sitting on her tongue. Her mind made it taste terrible and she spat it out.

Not sure what to do, Andrew and Charlie were tempted to call the scene, but Alicia once again managed to adlib a line, saying, "I think-I think it's just clogged."

Quickly thinking, Andrew asked, his voice not quite in character, "Well you got something to unclog it?"

"No, I had something... I guess-" she took a deep breath and retreated into the recesses of her mind, "I guess I'll suck it out."

"Get to it then," Andrew said, starting to believe she might be able to go on.

Alicia pushed back her blond hair and gripped the base of his cock. Taking it in her mouth, she managed a half bob, not going very far down the wolf's nearly seven inch cock, but far enough that on the out stroke a wisp of spit remained and dripped down onto the tile floor below.

Placing a paw ever so carefully on the side of her head, the side not facing the camera, Andrew said in his stage voice, "Yeah... yeah suck that out..."

Alicia took another suck, this time reaching a little farther but she gagged and popped off. She coughed but forced herself to continue.

Seeing that she couldn't do this on her own, the wolf took hold of both sides of her head, pushing her blond hair back so the cameras could see her whole face, and carefully, although to the camera lens it didn't look so careful, guided her along the length of his cock.

The sudden feeling of apparent dominance by Andrew frightened the already terrified coyote, and she bucked her head back and choked on his cock a little.

Still though, he held her firmly. Not hard, but firm enough that he didn't let his cockhead leave her mouth.

Taking a chance with possibly ruining the scene anyway, the wolf whispered, "Trust me."

Alicia didn't hear him though; all she could focus on was trying to expel the hard piece of flesh poking its way down her throat.

Still trying to pull back, her tongue ended up underneath his cock which is where it stuck since he used the freedom to go a little deeper down her throat. The coyote tried to scream and yelp, but it only sounded like somewhat distressed moans, not a terrified female thinking she was being raped.

She closed her eyes and tried not the throw up.

Guiding her along, Andrew didn't think anything was wrong, and the fact that she appeared to relax made him think she was starting to get used to it.

So, being that, he shoved even more of his cock in, making her snout touch the base of his cock, which forced open her eyes.

Her arms flailed and went to his hips to push off. He let her go that time, figuring she needed air.

The moment his cock flapped out she let out a ragged breath and rested her head on his crotch, spit pouring from her panting mouth.

"Comon, keep going," Andrew said gruffly and slapped her across the snout with his hard cock.

It felt like a baseball bat and she looked up at him angrily. She almost stood up and hit him but for a quarter of a second the camera caught her eye and she remembered what she was doing. She couldn't believe it, but she was going to stick with the plan, no use quitting when she'd already gone this far.

"Comon bitch, suck my cock!" he growled and rubbed the tip all over her lips.

Not happy, she took it in her muzzle and jerked her head back and forth, doing it much more professionally than before.

Sure that she was okay, Andrew started playing the part a bit more and again holding the sides of her head, he pushed away her hair and really fucked her face. She gagged each time and her eyes were as wide as they could go.

"Yeah like that! Like that bitch!" hey groaned.

Forcing her harder and faster, more and more spit dripped from her mouth. Long beads of spit dripped on her white t-shirt, matting the fur on her muzzle and neck. She could feel his slick cock sliding down her throat, cutting off her breath every now and then. It didn't taste bad to her, it really didn't have a taste, she hated it though, her mind made her hate it more than anything she could imagine.

His cock resting on her tongue, Andrew was free to do what he wanted but he at least tried to be easy going, realizing slowly that she was finding no joy in this what so ever.

Eye's watering now, Alicia had to force herself not to cry for real. It felt so wrong. This wolf's cock did not belong in her mouth. She had nothing to do with this, wanted nothing to this.

Originally the scene had called for him to reach down, yank off her t-shirt, and titty fuck her, but the wolf could tell there was no way it would look good at all with her nearly in tears and she probably wouldn't let him anyway.

Instead he readied himself to cum, which brought on the next trial, the scene originally called for him to cum inside her mouth, but now he wasn't so sure. She may actually gag it all up, which while it sounded good, was a terrible idea and looked worse on film.

Alicia knew this was coming too, and she didn't want it in her mouth. But then, she didn't want it on her face or body either. Her eyes shut with fear in what her master, which was effectively what Andrew was at the moment, would do to her.

He chose just as the build up shot through his body and he gripped the sides of her head a little bit loser, to give her a slight option.

Now being that she had this happen once before in her life, she half knew what to expect, but when what she was used to being a drizzle ended up being a flood of cum right down her throat, she coughed hard and pulled back on his loosened grip, allowing the second huge gush to catch her right in the face. Cum literally poured from his twitching cock and made huge trails all over her face, covering her muzzle, dripping on her pinned back ears, covering the front of her t-shirt and leaving little pools by her knees.

The last burst caught her in her gapping mouth, pouring at least half a cup of cum on her tongue which she promptly spit out, dripping more onto her soaked t-shirt. Her tits were easy to see through the material and surprised even the peaking Mia that they were as nice as they were.

By chance she stuck with the forgotten script and fell backwards onto the toilet and sat there, cum dripping and drooling from her mouth, and looking generally spent. Andrew threw the $500 on the floor and walked off, chuckling evilly to himself.

"Cut!" Charlie yelled.

As soon as he did, Andrew turned back and jogged back to Alicia and went to help her up. One of the cameramen threw a towel to him and handed another to the coyote but she didn't acknowledge it. She just sat for a moment, staring ahead. Eventually Andrew, feeling guilty to have done this to an armature, knelt down and whipped off some of his cum from her face. He was gentle about it, a little afraid she may lash out at him.

Mia walked softly onto the set and nodded for the other furs to clear out and leave her with her partner. They nodded and gave way to the panther who took over cleaning Alicia.

By now she seemed to be somewhat aware of her surroundings and she looked sadly up at Mia.

"I'm covered..." she whispered unhappily.

It took great self-control for the panther to not laugh at her partner's predicament. And, ironically, part of her was jealous, she still hadn't had a chance to sink her teeth into Andrew yet and Alicia had gotten the first taste.

"I'm covered..." she repeated and started to whip her tongue but then gagged, making Mia stand up because she thought the coyote was about to vomit.

Seeing that she wasn't quite that bad, the panther, never minding male releases, helped her up and walked her out off the stage and into the locker room which was completely empty.

"Here," she gestured to the shower, "you can get all cleaned up and nice in there."

Alicia took a few steps toward the shower then the thoughts of hundreds of gallons of cum, covering thousands of other females, all showering and filling that room, raced through her mind and she looked at the walls in distress.

"No..." she whispered, and walked without another word out of the locker room, out to her car, and drove home as fast as she could.

She must have cut off about nine cars on the parkway and broke the speed limit on every road between the stage and her house but she didn't care, she had to get home where it was clean, where no one had ever done what she had just been forced to do.

She didn't even take off the cum drenched clothes, she just walked right into the shower and let the soothing warm water flow over her body. Curling up in the corner of the shower, she replayed the events with slowly growing horror.

Every moment of the event flashed before her eyes, the thought of that cum, it had to be a gallon, going all over her body and in her mouth, it disgusted her.

Letting out a ragged moan she vomited into the shower drain. She watched it circle around the drain and she noticed that there was indeed cum mixed into it, which made her gag more, letting out a little bit more vomit but mainly dry heaves.

Empty, but still sick to her stomach, she laid in the shower with her muzzle right in the drain for a long time. She didn't want to think of what had happened, about... putting a cock in her mouth. She didn't even know Andrew; it was wrong, very wrong.

When she finally gave up in the shower, she got out, dried off with a towel but didn't dress. Instead she just crawled into bed and immediately broke down, crying hysterically and burying her muzzle into her pillow to soften her cries. For hours she cried, eventually falling asleep, her pillow stained with tears.

Chapter 3 PDSD

Alicia slept all day. She didn't feel like getting up. It didn't even bother her that she missed work. She hadn't missed a day at work in all eight years of owning the company but she didn't mind it at all. There were far more pressing matters on her mind.

Obviously one was fear, fear of going back to the stage. Fear of being forced to have pointless sex and do something dirty again. Fear of being looked at strange for giving one of her employees a blowjob, on camera no less.

Needless to say, everyone noticed that she wasn't at work. It was no hidden truth that without her there, nothing got done. Alicia was the true ruler of the company. Even Mia, grudgingly, took most of her orders from Alicia. Reason being; Mia was an artist, not an executive. Her job was to make things look good, not make things work. That was Alicia's job and she did it damn good, but now she was dabbling in her partner's job and it was biting her in the ass.

Two in the afternoon rolled past and she still hadn't gotten out of bed. She just kept replaying the day's events over and over.

Worried, and somewhat understanding why, Mia stopped by Alicia's house at around three. She had someone with her, but she had them wait at the door.

"Al?" she called out; she'd been given a key to her house a long time ago, "You okay Al."

The coyote knew she was in the house and didn't mind, she was to busy thinking horrified thoughts.

Mia found Alicia curried up on her, tears staining her fur.

She sat down next to the broken coyote and whispered, "Hey you okay?"

Still not answering, she just blinked and swallowed her tongue.

"We had to cancel today's shoot cause you weren't there..." Mia whispered and moved closer, putting, carefully, her paw on the coyote's shoulder, "We're not sure what to do now... if your gona keep doing it... your are a main character."

"I'm not. I quit," Alicia replied quietly.

Taking a moment to prepare her tone, the panther asked, "How come?"

"I'm not doing that anymore, ever," she said in an angry tone.

Not sure what she meant, Mia paused, then asked, "Doing what? Scenes?"

"No, sex. I'm done," she replied, not something though that terribly surprised her partner.

She took a long moment to think though, she had to be very wise about this or she wouldn't get her way. In that respect Mia and Alicia were exactly the same, they'd do pretty much whatever it took to get their way, and it was ironic that each of their ways were seldom the same.

"Well," she started, "can I just ask you a few questions then?" a pause, Alicia didn't say anything, "I'll promise I'll never bring it up again."

Opportunities like that didn't show up often so Alicia nodded and said, "Fine."

"You really don't like sex at all, do you?"


"How come?"

Alicia couldn't really answer it like that. She hadn't been honest either. Of course she liked sex. When it was good it was great. She hadn't had many orgasms in her life but they had all certainly been enjoyable. No, she didn't have a problem with sex. She had a problem with useless sex.

And, in her eyes, most sex was useless. She wasn't so wishy washy to believe that you had to love a partner to have sex with them, but she knew that fucking some stranger or a colleague for no real reason was stupid and a waste of time and energy. Besides, it was technically illegal, and that was one of those things Alicia had come to fear ever since she started her business, a sexual harassment suit. Granted she never thought it would be against herself, but she consistently scolded Mia when she found she might be getting a little too forceful with a fur of interest.

"Well?" Mia pushed, trying to calm Alicia by letting her vent.

"I don't hate sex," she admitted finally, "I hate your kind of sex."

"What's my kind?"

Another pause. She wasn't sure how to word it right. It was easy enough to just call her a whore but that wasn't a good enough description. No there was more to it, she just wasn't sure how to say it all, what words to use that is.

This time though Mia really pushed it, since it was about her. She did have a genuine interest in learning about her partner's deeper interests in something she herself was quite interest in.

"Comon Al, tell me. I won't be mad. What don't you like about the way I have sex?"

"You don't care."

"Yeah I do," she pat her partner's paw, "I don't want to be the reason your so depressed."

"No, I mean you don't care," Alicia replied, and sat up in her bed, "You don't care who you fuck, who they are, how you meet them. All you care about is sex," she paused for a moment and repeated, "You just don't care."

Mia thought for a moment and whispered, "That's not really true."

"Yes it is."

A little defensive, the panther said, "What? You buy into the whole 'you have to love him' thing?"


"Then what's wrong with the way I do my own thing?"

Alicia stared her in the eye and replied, "You don't have to love them but... but something should come of it."

She tried to understand but the panther tilted her head in confusion.

"Something should come of it, like I said," Alicia explained, "I mean you never do anything with anyone you fuck."

"So then you should love them," Mia reasoned, making the circle.

"No, but- but you should like them or at least make... I don't know an emotional investment in them if you're going to do that with them."

"Sooo you should love them...?" Mia shrugged.

Alicia frowned and laid back down, covering her head with the covers.

"Well if you think that I think your wrong," the panther began, "Sex... it's fun," Mia shrugged and smiled, even though Alicia couldn't see her, "It's fun, it's fun for both of us and everyone. It's why we do it," she pat the coyote's side, who recoiled at the uncomfortable touch, "and yeah... people do it when they're in love, but you don't have to, you don't have to love someone to fuck 'em... you can just want to make them feel good and want to feel good yourself," she shook her head, "I think that's the 'emotional investment' you were talking about. But you don't need to be like in love with them."

"Maybe..." the coyote whispered and dried her eyes.

"So... I got to ask again; are you gona come back?"

"I'm not doing another scene, ever," she whispered.

Getting up and kneeling by the side of the bed, so that she was eye level with her partner, Mia pulled back the covers and whispered, "Well about that... wana make a deal?"

Studying the panther's face she squinted and asked slowly, "What kind of deal..."

"One about what you'll do."

She huffed, "Let's hear it."

"Okay, I want you to do something for me," Mia started, and Alicia frowned, "Not that for me... I'm not into you Alicia; you're not my type. No I want you to do something for me over the next three days, till Monday morning."

The coyote already had her inklings; she had no idea how wrong she was though.

"Will you do it?"

"What is it?"

Mia thought for a moment, "About that... you have to make two promises."

"I ain't promising any-"

"Just listen, you don't have to do it, you just need to make two promises for me to tell you," Mia waited a moment, and Alicia said nothing so she continued, "Promise me one: you won't say anything right away, that you'll think about it first. And two: if you get angry you wont hit me."

Now the coyote was a little worried, but her curiosity was a tad peaked. If after all this there was something she could ask that was still bad enough for possibly have her lash out again, Mia must be holding back something really "good."

"You promise?"

It sounded reasonable, so Alicia nodded.

"Well I can't exactly tell you my idea, it's something you need to discuss with someone else," she stood up and held out her paw, "comon."

Hesitating, Alicia kept the covers on and whispered, "Give me a moment, I don't have any clothes on."

The panther nodded and left the room, shutting the door behind her. In the other room she heard another pair of footsteps.

She got out of the bed and walked over to her dresser. Not felling attractive at all, she grabbed a pair of lose fitting sweatpants, not even bothering to put on underwear, and an equally unappealing night shirt.

Grabbing her glasses from the nightstand she walked out to her living room where she found Mia chatting with, much to the coyote's surprise, Andrew. They both looked at each other for a moment but Alicia adverted her eyes in embarrassment, unable to look the wolf in the eye, less she be reminded of the yesterday.

"Comon, sit down," Mia gestured to the seat in front of the couch.

Alicia did and grumbled, "Making yourself at home eh?"

The panther shrugged and took a deep breath, "Here's my idea for a deal. Okay, today's Thursday, tomorrow's Friday, Saturday, Sunday, that's three and a half days. For those three and a half days I want you to train, you know, learn how to do things right."

"Do what things right?" Alicia asked carefully.

"Your scenes," then putting her paws up defensively she added, "If you do decide to keep going on."

The coyote frowned and started shaking her head.

Continuing, Mia took a deep breath, "The deal is you train for the next three days, and if at the end you still decide it's not for you I wont ever push you to do it again. But I think you should give it a full try, so that you know every angle. I mean who knows," she shrugged, "maybe you'll find something you like and you'll have no more problems. Or maybe you'll find out you were right and I was wrong and you have no interest in keeping this on. Either way your better off at least getting a full picture," she thought for a second, "so you can make an educated decision."

Still frowning, Alicia had her disagreements. Although, the prospect of having never to hear anything on the subject from Mia again was tempting. She was going to get more out of this though.

So, carefully, she said, "And I want you to never mention anything about your sex life again."

Shifting in her chair, Mia nodded, "Okay," she wasn't happy though; she liked bragging to Alicia about her sexual conquests.

"That means now walking into my office undressed, or kissing employees or fucking employees in front of me or someplace I might see."

"Now wait-" the panther growled, then pausing she took a very deep breath and replied, "Fine."

Having her by the balls, Alicia managed a weak smile and thought hard to see if there was anything else she wanted while she could get it. Nothing came to mind though, so she just nodded.

"So we have a deal?" Mia whispered, controlling her voice and excitement.

Alicia continued nodded and said, "Yeah."

The two shook and the deal was sealed. Inside Mia was jumping in excitement, having a chance to get her partner back in so many ways. For yesterday's brawl, for her constant shitty attitude, for her constant preference of being a fridged ice queen, and for just eight years of slight comments on Mia's life choices.

"Okay," she gestured to the quiet Andrew.

He'd been sitting and watching quietly the whole time, observing the whole situation and watching with interest in how the two partners acted with each other. He knew the whole situation, and the plan; Mia had called him at his house that morning and filled him in on everything.

"Here's your trainer," Mia said and smiled at the wolf.

A cold sweat hit the coyote and she stuttered out a "What?"

Still in control, Mia shrugged innocently and asked, "Well how did you expect to train."

Now terror swept over her, Alicia hadn't thought about her own obligations. She made the dumbest mistake possible, moreover an embarrassing one for an executive and successful businesswoman. She cursed Mia; she'd caught her while she wasn't on her A game, able to really think well.

"But... how- what's training?" she asked fearfully.

Mia furrowed her brow, "What do you think?"

"That's not fair- no."

"Hey, you shook, and I plan to not give out on my part of my agreement," Mia warned.

The coyote looked back and forth at Mia and Andrew who just sat quietly, not smiling and not saying a word, just sitting straight back and calm, "I-I can't..."

Mia shook her head, "What are you so afraid of now? It'll be under your control, in your house, no one will know," she shrugged, "and then you can make a real decision on Monday."

Speechless now, she just looked at both of them and then back down at her paws, whispering, "Oh no," to herself.

"Don't worry Ms. Klasp," Andrew said, his voice stable and calm, "I know your feelings on this and I know how to treat you so don't worry. I promise I won't push anything that you don't want-"

"I don't want to do any of this!" Alicia yelled.

Andrew glanced helplessly at Mia who put up her paw softly, "Now that's not fair Al, you made a deal and you at least owe it to me and to our business to at least keep our options open. You know I'm doing my part for this company, and I'm not gona say you don't work, cause I know you do a shit load of work, but we need you, okay, and you should at least try. And I'm not even saying try it for real, your trying it under control away from anyone else."

That sickening, terrified feeling approached while she thought about it, thought about what she had walked into.

To herself she just whispered, "Oh no, oh no, oh no..."

A long, quiet pause followed, at least five minutes past and no one moved or said anything.

Figuring that at least Alicia wasn't saying no to this, Mia stood up and said, "Well I'll leave now, and... well tell me on Monday morning whatever it is you're gona do, okay?"

Alicia didn't answer.

"Okay," Mia said to herself and walked out of the house, shutting the door quietly behind her. Outside, once in the safety of her car, she burst out laughing hysterically and evilly, taking glory in her partner's discomfort once again. She did though hope her friend would finally wise up, grow up, and realize having sex wasn't bad and that she might just enjoy herself on a nice long weekend.

Time Tested

**In All the Wrong Places** **Book 2: Time Tested** **Chapter 1 Baby Steps** In her office Alicia typed away quickly at the various files and reports she had to file. She was doing everything fast today. She drove to work fast, she...

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**Book 1: Humdrum** Once inside the elevator and heading to the twelfth floor, where her office was, Alicia sighed and balanced her suitcase on her knee, giving her a moment to half open it up. She reached in carefully but dropped the case,...

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**A Wonderful Life** **Book 4: Triumph** **Chapter 1 Reclaiming** The Next Morning, Captain Sean Reynolds Quarters, Fort Lasque on Tronc, 0838 Military Time A dark, ice blue cloud moved over Sean. He saw it coming, yet he couldn't move. As it came...

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