
Story by RC1138 on SoFurry

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#1 of In All the Wrong Places

Book 1: Humdrum

Once inside the elevator and heading to the twelfth floor, where her office was, Alicia sighed and balanced her suitcase on her knee, giving her a moment to half open it up. She reached in carefully but dropped the case, spilling papers all over the elevator's floor.

Quickly bending over to pick up the mess her glasses slipped off her nose and feel to the floor.

Now on her hands and knees she fumbled until she found the small-rimed glasses and replaced them. As she did the elevator doors behind her and the elevator rung out her floor.

Across the small hallway a short vixen sitting at the desk twisted her head around trying to see what had happened.

"Do you need help Ms. Klasp?" she called out.

"No, I'm fine Maureen," Alicia called back and continued scrounging up her papers again.

In a crumbled jumble now, she forced the papers into her suitcase and walked briskly past her secretary and into her office. She threw her suitcase on her desk and before sitting down in her executive's chair she straightened out her tight fitting skirt.

With a sigh she eased into the chair and stared at the jumbled mess of her suitcase, sighing out, "Again..."

Glancing at the clock she saw that it was already 9 AM, and she got right to typing away at her always on computer.

After about an hour she heard a knock on her door and her secretary walked meekly in.

Staring over her glasses Alicia said at a draw, "Yesss?"

"I have the bio's on the next set of possible actors for the next feature, Ms. Klasp."

"Put it on my desk."

"Yes ma'am."

"And please," she turned back to her computer, "call Mia down so we can look these over together."

"Yes Ms. Klasp," the young vixen replied and turned to leave.

A few minutes later her brash partner came busting threw the doors and practically jumped into the seat in front Alicia's desk.

"So?" Alicia asked without looking up.

"So... what?" her partner replied.

"You were here all last night, I assume you looked over the new bio's."

"No... I was," the partner grinned and rubbed one of her elegant legs against the other, "making sure the cleaning boy knew where everything belongs."

Used to her partner's escapades, Alicia ignored it and turned to the overfilled folder holding the bio's and handed half to her partner.

"Well Mia, then we got a long day," she whispered.

With that the two furs began reading through the various files, looking for a single actor that would be what they both hoped would be the next great star for their production company.

Mia Linares, a sultry and oversexed panther was also Alicia's partner and co-founder of their production company, Paw-Off Pornographic Inc. the most respected and most successful pornography production company.

And whatever Mia was, Alicia had to be her opposite. Mia tended to be more paws on and clothes off; originally she had been the director and talent agent, searching for anyone to get their once fledgling company off it's heals. Alicia was the brains of the operation though, a soft-spoken coyote but an above average executive who knew how to run a company. What's more the two females didn't see eye-to-eye on most social actions yet their partnership was one made in heaven, what each one did, they did very well.

"Well this one looks interesting," the panther growled with intrigue, "6'2," 200 pounds even," Mia looked up with a wide grin, "9 inches."

Not really paying attention, considering that described ninety percent of their actors, Alicia asked, "What is he?"

"A bear and a good looking too," Mia whispered.

The panther handed her partner the file. Alicia looked over the pictures as if she were inspecting a piece of meat. In a manner of speaking, she was too.

Unimpressed she handed the file back to her partner, "There's nothing else about him?"

Mia said nothing.

"Comon Mia," the coyote whispered, pulling her skirt down again, "we need someone special. Not just another front line basic actor. We need a selling point."

Shrugging, the panther moved to the next file, as did Alicia. For the next few hours they looked through almost all of the files, not finding a single actor worth their time or energy.

"Last two," the panther whispered and tossed one of the final folders to her partner.

They both read their files quickly and as expect neither of the possible had anything interesting about them.

The coyote sighed heavily and sank into her chair, "What are we gona do..."

"Oh comon Al," the panther whispered.

Alicia frowned and growled softly at the use of her "pet" name.

"It's not like we don't have good 'regulars,'" she continued.

"Yeah but even our customers can get board with the same stuff over and over and over again."

"Even still its not like we have bad actors."

The coyote nodded, "That's true but we still need something new."

"Then what's the plan?"

"We're gona just havta keep looking," Alicia shrugged.

Standing up the panther nodded towards the door, "Well lets get a bite to eat first. I don't know about you but I'm starving."

Alicia didn't say anything; she just straightened her glasses and followed her partner down to the executive lounge.

All things considered, one would be hard pressed to know that the seemingly innocent office building with average cubicles and furs typing away at reports was in fact the headquarters of pretty much the dominant porno production company. That touch was Alicia's. She had figured early on if she can make it seem more like a normal business and less like a sex shop, it'd be harder to put any bad press on their operations. That was why there were no pictures, no cover arts, no actors or actresses of course, ever in the headquarters building. Everything of that nature was always kept and handled at their own private stages about two miles away. That's where Mia's office was and where the magic that made Mia and Alicia rich came from.

Down in the lounge they both spread themselves out on separate couches, relaxing their eyes from reading all morning.

"So, I know what I was doing last night, but what did you do with yourself?" Mia asked quietly, her voice insinuating as always.

"Nothing, Mia, nothing."

"Nothing? I thought you were going out with-"

"I broke that off a week ago, he was a dirt bag."

The panther's tail swayed softly as she growled contently, "Ohhh, should'a sent him my way."

Ignoring her, Alicia sighed again and twisted a tough of hair around her paw, "No, not my type at all."

"You don't have a type."

Looking up, she got very defensive and said, "That's not true."

"How many first dates have you been on this year?" the panther asked.

Alicia shrugged, "I don't know, a few."

"Has to be at least twenty."


"At least twenty," Mia repeated, "and you've had zero second dates."

The coyote frowned, she couldn't argue with that.

"Their all your kind of guy," she whispered and laid back on the couch, "Maybe we she trade guys when we met them."

"Na I'm good," the panther growled happily, "I pick up just the kind of guys I like and I'd bet you wouldn't want anything to do with them."


"You could, and I know this seems absolutely insane but you could just have fun with them while you can," Mia said again, somewhat condescendingly.

"That's not fun to me," Alicia growled back.

"Yeah right, you love it, you just don't wana admit it."

Shaking her head and huffing, "It has nothing to do with that. Why should I waste my time trying to date a guy when all he's going for is that? Might as well just head down to the stage."

Giggling, Mia asked, "Why don't you?"

"Shut up," the coyote whispered.

"You just need to get laid is all, fucked good and hard," Mia whispered sultrily, rubbing her own sides, "and then you be nice and calm and you can just have some fun."

Alicia didn't even give her the pleasure of arguing; instead she got up and grabbed a sandwich off a tray.

Chewing a bite she began, "Well anyway, we have more important things; finding a new actor."

"We could hold try outs," Mia suggested.

"Ehh then you get every dirt bag off the street just looking for a chance to get free action," Alicia replied, "I do have an idea but it's a bad one."

"Ohhh I like bad things," the panther smiled.

"Remember when 'Furries' stole Erie, right when she was starting to get real popular?"


"Well," Alicia leaned in, "what if we search through other company's bio's."

The panther thought for a second, "But if they have the kinda guy we need, wouldn't we have heard about him already?"

"Well see that's why we look at who their looking at," the coyote clarified, "I'm not saying we should steal an established actor, but someone that's looking into the job, just not with us... yet."

"Doesn't hurt to try I guess," the panther shrugged.

Alicia hit the intercom button and called down her secretary. When the fox appeared she stood silently in front of her two bosses.

"Maureen I need you to find out who all the other big production companies are looking for as new actors," the coyote wagged a paw, "and I don't mean who they have on their payroll already, but who are they auditioning, who are they talking to and dying to have in their roster."

"Yes ma'am," the vixen nodded and turned and walked away.

Once she was gone Mia turned and said, "She's new."

"Started last week."

"She's pretty, too," the panther commented.

This time not sure what she meant, Alicia sighed and asked, "Yeah... and?"

Grinning her evil grin, Mia just shook her head softly, "Don't worry about it..."

Alicia sighed and ate more of her sandwich, trying to ignore and push out any mental images she could have. That was something that Mia constantly engaged in and something Alicia felt was terribly unethical and feared legal entanglements. Apparently Mia had an ability to keep whoever her plaything was nice and quiet.

That wasn't to say that Mia wouldn't be worth it at least some of the staff. Quite the contrary even Alicia noticed that every male in the building would watch her partner walk past, since she usually wore some skimpy tight shirt and a dress that barely covered her shapely rear. The panther was in good shape, having been a former porn star herself, and had very shapely features, a significantly large bust, short dark brown hair, and night black fur covering every inch of her body.

Alicia looked herself over. She hardly dressed like that or looked like that. The coyote tended to dress like what she was, an executive businesswoman. Her skirt reach down to her knees and a suit jacket left her chest unimpressive. She always wore thin-rimmed glasses and her blond hair in a bun. It just wasn't her thing to overdress everywhere. The occasional date yes, but not will she was sitting behind a desk. Alicia just didn't see it as worth her time or money.

"So what now then?" Mia asked and sipped a cup of tea by the couch.

"We wait," Alicia whispered and got up, "we wait and see what turns up."

Chapter 2 Sight

It was a few hours later, around four in the afternoon, when Maureen came into Alicia's office carrying a huge stack of papers.

"That all of them?" she asked, trying to see her secretary's head behind the stack.

Turning sideways she nodded, "Yes ma'am, this was everything we could find."

"Alright, set it down on my desk."

Right away the coyote started hacking her way through the pile. They were no different than the possible she had turned down earlier that day.

Then, right before closing time, she came across the first slightly interesting possible. He was a wolf whose services were being pursued by one of the smaller, more genre specific production companies, Bukkakes Bukkakes Bukkakes. What made this particular wolf desirable was his apparent ability to have full orgasms multiple times in the same act, but full orgasms with perfuse loads of semen each time. The amount was so large that Alicia didn't believe it.

What she did think was that while he did fit pretty well with Bukkakes Bukkakes Bukkakes, needs, his apparent skill could be applied to numerous possible movies; internal shots, creampies, cumshots, and even regular basic hardcore flicks where a surprised audience would be "treated" with seeing both actors cum throughout the act.

Alicia was still skeptical and he wasn't obscenely amazing, not so far at least, so she set his file aside in her desk and quickly flipped through the pile, yet all along her mind drifted back to that wolf.

Finally when the pile was gone and that single wolf was remotely in her consideration, Alicia called for her partner to go over what she had discovered. The panther came swaggering in, buttoning up her shirt with a grin.

"Can't you at least wait till the end of the day?" Alicia growled.

"No," Mia giggled.

"Well anyway I think I've got something."

"Oh?" the panther murred interested, "Lets see him."

Alicia handed her the file.

Right away the panther purred excitedly, whispering, "Oh he's cute."

The coyote hadn't noticed, "You read what he can do."

"Yeah I don't buy it..." the panther replied, her tone oddly serious, "that's more than a really, really horny horse."

"Well I think it's worth investigating, it's certainly something no ones seen yet."

"Okay," the panther nodded and asked carefully, "Want me to?"

"No... no I don't want you fucking him yet," Alicia glared at her partner, "if we try to find out if this is really true I want it in a controlled set up, not you walking in all messed up and greasy."

Mia frowned and pouted her lip, "Aww... but it sounds like so much fun..."

"Let me handle it okay? Just for now. Once I got his name on a contract you can film a movie again for all I care."

The panther laughed and nodded, "So that's a day then."

"Yeah that's a day," Alicia whispered, "See ya tomorrow."

"Alright, later."

Mia left the office and Alicia noticed she paused to talk, and probably flirt with Maureen who was getting ready to go home herself. Rolling her eyes, she gathered up her suitcase, which was still a mess, jamming the wolf's file into it as well and left for home, passing the still chatting pair in the hallway. Needless to say, Mia was trying hard to bring a pet home and Maureen was clearly not catching onto the panther's motive.

No sooner did she get home did Alicia change into much more comfortable clothes. A medium sized t-shirt and a comfortable pair of pants. She let her blond hair down and sighed easily onto her bed, just resting her eyes and clearing her mind as she did everyday after work.

She ordered out some Chinese food and reorganized her suitcase, the food arriving just as everything was back in order. She left the wolf's file out, minus the "demo" photos, so that she could figure out how best to reel him in and sign him on.

Her house was good enough for a single female, half the rooms went unused and it was sparsely decorated and her home office was almost identical to her one at the office but she was quite happy with her home.

Sitting at the dinner table Alicia ate and read the file, the concept of reading about these things having lost their effect over the seven years as the part owner of the company. As she read on she started to realize this guy was, for all intensive purposes, about as big of an amateur as one could imagine. He'd stared in no movies yet, had been put in no magazines yet, and had a single photo shoot that was purely for creating a few demo pictures to give agents something to look at along with his limited r辿sum辿.

The short description given was that of a medium build twenty-seven year old wolf, not overly muscular, 6 foot even, one hundred ninety-two pounds and six and three fourths inches. Again, nothing all that different from the run of the mill male porn star. Yet, written by an observer from Bukkakes Bukkakes Bukkakes, the part dedicated to his ability was very, very unique.

Taking a bite of the sweat and sour pork, Alicia paused to think about the possibilities. All of a sudden she was hit with a grand idea. Promotions, trailers, all flashed through her mind in an instant. She could hype this up, assuming what was said about him was true, and make a killing since the last movie to get hyped up had made her company what it was now.

She looked up his address and phone number; he was on the other side of the city. It was to late to pursue a business meeting tonight but the coyote was too excited over the thoughts of another big hit, so grabbing the phone she punched in the wolf's number.

The phone rang twice and a seemingly calm voice asked, "Hello?"

"Hello is this... crap," Alicia panicked, she grabbed his file and searched for the wolf's name, she hadn't even read his name, "Andrew Lynch?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"This is Alicia Klasp, I'm co-owner of Paw-Off Pornographic Inc. and I'd like to schedule a meeting, if you can, to discuss a possible position with us."

"Re-really?" the voice changed, sounding clearly surprised but an underlying excitement was present.

The coyote grinned and whispered, "Caught'ch ya..." then louder she said, "Yes. Are you free... tomorrow at around 6?"

"Absolutely," the wolf replied.

"Well then meet me at 6 at the steakhouse on the corner of Fifth and Jones. You know the one? Karl's?"

"Yeah, sure," the wolf replied, "I'll be there."

"Great," Alicia whispered and hung up the phone.

With today's business truly done the coyote sighed and was able to completely relax. She finished her food; veg'd out in front of the TV for a few hours, and went to sleep, clear of mind and clear of conscious.

Chapter 3 Playful

"You are pathetic..." Alicia whispered as her partner dragged her tired self into her office.

"And do me a favor," she added, "If you really feel the need to take my secretary home, try and have her back in at the normal hour. She does have a job after all."

Sluggishly the panther laid down on the floor and nodded her paw, "Will do Al," she yawned and added, "So what's new?"

"Well," the coyote began, pushing her glasses up further on her snout; "I scheduled a meeting tonight with that wolf."

All of a sudden the panther was awake, "Really?"


"That fast?"


"Why so fast?"

The coyote shrugged, "I got a bunch of ideas, promotions and shit, we can do, so I figured why wait?" she sighed, "but... I don't know if we should sign him on just yet."

Crawling up onto a chair Mia asked, "Yeah I'd say that's a bit too fast, we don't even know if he can do what they claim he can."

"Well this is how I figured it," Alicia explained, "if we can figure out who the other production companies are looking at it's not a stretch to figure they can do the same from us. And generally speaking, whoever we show an interest in, a specific interest in, gets grabbed up the moment we take to long to sign them in, and this guy would be a damn shame to lose if he can do what they say he can."

"Well then it's a business decision, and that's your shtick," Mia replied.

"I thought that at first, but then because of what this deal is supposed to be, I need to know before hand what kind of production, which is your 'shtick,' you could use this guy for, specifically."

The panther scrunched up her muzzle and thought for a moment. While she did the doors to the office opened and Maureen walked in slowly and carefully.

"I'm... sorry I'm late ma'am," the vixen whispered, staring at the floor, not daring to look at Mia.

The coyote sighed, "It's okay Maureen, just try not to let it happen again," she glared at her partner who didn't pay any attention, "Please set up a general male contract for me."

"Yes ma'am."

When she walked out Mia grinned and whispered, "She tastes good."

"I didn't ask or need to know that," Alicia growled, staring angrily at her partner over her glasses.

The panther just shrugged, still grinning.

"So any ideas?" Alicia tried to push the subject again.

"I'm think'in."

A few minutes later she started nodded and said, "Yeah, yeah I got a few plots I can work."

"Plots... ehh I'm thinking to keep it simple to start with this new guy."

"Na, not if your gona hype it up like you said you want to," Mia replied, "I'm not saying we should do like a friggen movie with a serious plot, but try and make it interesting."

"Okay, but I'm not gona tell him that," Alicia said, "but I guess I'll try and sign him on tonight."

Thinking with her cunt again, Mia looked away and said carefully, "So... when's he coming here."

"He's not, I'm meeting him at Karl's."

The panther looked up, "Fancy..."

"That's how you wheel 'em and deal 'em," Alicia replied, "and plus if he's gona be our next headliner I want him to feel nice and comfortable."

Under her breath Mia whispered, "I know how to make him comfortable."

The coyote heard her but ignored her, "and besides, I've been wanting to eat there for awhile but it sucks going alone."

"You could invite me," Mia replied.

"Your always... busy," Alicia whispered with an all-knowing glare.

Deciding to poke fun at her reserved partner, Mia crossed her legs and asked, "So when you gona do a demonstration with him, to find out if he can really do this?"

Not catching onto the insinuation this time the coyote shrugged, "I don't know, soon as possible I hope."

"Oh... take care of it after the date," Mia said quietly with a grin, "get a firsthand taste of what he can do."

Alicia frowned, "One it's not a date and two I don't fuck my employees."

"Your just fridged," Mia poked.

"And you're an oversexed panther whose fucked everyone in the building cept me and you won't, thank God," Alicia almost yelled, hating it when her partner, and normally friend, over inquired into her sex life.

Mia knew when to back off so she let it go, for now, and said in a calmer tone, "Okay. So then when do you want me to set up a test screening?"

"That's your department, but soon, as soon as you can," the coyote replied and crossed her legs, "and make sure you get media for promotional materials. A serious, full length movie hasn't been put out a in a good three years so we need to remind our audience that we still are going to make serious movies."

"Roger that I guess," Mia whispered, "So looking forward to seeing him Al?"

"For business, yes."

"You could have fun you know, it sounds like a date."

"It's not a date," Alicia sighed, "It's a business meeting."

The panther just grinned, shook her head and walked out of her office.

"It's not a date," she repeated quietly to herself.

Chapter 4 Mark

Again, Alicia's almost signature high-heeled shoes made that familiar and almost ominous, "click click" as she walked from her car to the restaurant's entrance.

She walked up to the check in desk and said, "I have a reservation."

The maitre d' looked up.

"It'll be under Ms. Klasp," the coyote added.

"Oh yes, ma'am," he nodded and handed off a menu to a waitress, "booth five."

She followed the waitress to the booth, which was surprisingly empty. After sitting down and ordering a drink, a vodka martini, Alicia checked her watch; five to six.

Making a small joke to herself she whispered, "I wonder if he comes right on time."

Sure enough, at exactly six she spied a wolf, dressed in an appearingly expensive business suit, talking to the maitre d,' who proceeded to point in her direction. The wolf, appearing calm, walked over to Alicia's table and paused about a foot away.

"Ms. Klasp?" he asked.

"Yes, have a seat," she gestured with her paw to the empty chair.

The waitress took his drink order, a coke with rum mixed into it, and he looked patiently at Alicia.

Used to meetings like this, she smoothed out her skirt, adjusted her glasses, took a deep breath and said in a clear voice, "Lets get right to brass tacks okay?"

"No problem, Ms. Klasp," the wolf replied.

"Mr. Lynch, we're prepared to offer you a full contract for at least a single feature length production and assuming it sells well, a reoccurring annual contract."

He shifted in the chair and crossed his paws on the table, "Okay... and what does it entail?"

"As in?" Alicia asked carefully.

"As in pay, what I have to do, exactly."

"Well as far as pay goes you make fifteen hundred per scene of normal features and for our planed movie it's doubled per scene, and were not sure yet but we plan to have many scenes."

"And what do I have to do?"

"Well... why don't you tell me what you won't do," Alicia said in a careful tone.

Andrew thought for a moment and nodded to himself, "I won't do anything that I have to do with another male."

"That's all?"

Realizing what business he was in he took an extra second to really think about what he could ever, even in a wildest nightmare, be forced to do.

"How blunt are we being?" he asked, not wanting to offend the offering coyote.

"As blunt as you need to be," Alicia replied.

"No scat, no pegging, no transsexuals unless their not working me, like I don't mind... I guess if I have to do one but nothing in me, no..." he thought for a second, "no- well bondage is okay. Na that's about it, just those things, I don't mind anything else."

Having had no intentions in using him for those types of films but being a clever businesswoman, Alicia feigned disappointment and controlling her voice she said, "Well... well I suppose we can work around those."

The wolf's expression didn't change at all though. In reality, they were both playing each other; Alicia trying to make sure Andrew will do whatever she asked and Andrew was making sure he would only do what he wanted to. When it came down to it, they both knew exactly why she wanted to sign him on, and exactly what the general type of scenes he'd be filming, but if either could circumvent that subject and work their own angles before it came to light, they were going to try as hard as possible.

The waitress came and took each of their orders. A little strapped for cash, Andrew ordered light, a small steak and no side dish whereas Alicia, who had been dying for a high-end meal, ordered a large filet mignon and a side order of creamed spinach, her personal favorite meal.

Sipping down the last of her martini, the coyote asked, "No I have to ask," gesturing with her paws, "legal thing. Your not signed on with any other production company yet, are you?"

The wolf shook his head and took a long sip from his own drink.

"And what experience do you have so far?" Alicia asked.

She already knew he had none, but she wanted to see how honest and what spin he put on things.

Andrew did hesitate, but answered quickly enough, "Not much," then thinking for a second, "How did you come across me?"

"Why do ask?"

That threw him off for some reason and he half stuttered, "Wa-well I just wondered if it was the same way any of the other company's did."

"Well how did they find you?"

"Hearsay," he replied, "just rumors and things they heard."

"From who?"

Andrew shrugged, "Partners I've been with I guess. I'm... sure you know what they say is so special about me."

"Yes," Alicia glanced down at the table and looked over the rims of her glasses, "I've heard a few things."

"You want to ask if it's true, right?" he said with a straight face.

The coyote shook her head, "No, no it's not my job to worry about that and it won't be a problem. As with any production company, you need to do a test scene where we gauge your performance, before we officially sign you own and let you be contracted but," she bent over the side of her chair and grabbed her suitcase," here's the contract itself. Now you can sign it now but my partner and I have not, so it is not binding yet."

Andrew gave it a quick once over. While he was reading the food was delivered and he asked, "I can keep this?"

"By all means," Alicia replied and picked up her eating utensils.

They ate in relative silence. Alicia was satisfied generally speaking, and could do nothing now but wait for him to film his test scene and grade the results.

About half way through both of their meals, Andrew asked, "When can I uh... start?"

"Oh we'll need you at our stage tomorrow. You'll get a standard $500 for the test scene, if whether we keep you or not, but I don't think there will be a problem, assuming you know what to do," Alicia said, gazing over her rims again.

He nodded slowly, somewhat to himself.

"Tomorrow it is then," Alicia said, making sure he was all there, "do you need transportation?"

"No, no I have a car," he replied.

"Then there should be no problem, we'll need you there at one, and I believe my partner will want to start your test around two."

They finished dinner and Andrew sat nervously, hoping that this might be a treat; he was very low on funds.

When the check came Alicia nodded her paw and said, "Put it on my company's tab."

"Yes, Ms. Klasp," the waitress replied and walked off.

The coyote stood up and put out her paw to Andrew, "Glad to have you with us, and I expect great things to come."

They both hesitated at the pun but the wolf eventually reached out and shook her paw and said, "I'm sure too."


**A Wonderful Life** **Book 4: Triumph** **Chapter 1 Reclaiming** The Next Morning, Captain Sean Reynolds Quarters, Fort Lasque on Tronc, 0838 Military Time A dark, ice blue cloud moved over Sean. He saw it coming, yet he couldn't move. As it came...

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**A Wonderful Life** **Book 3: Persistence** **Chapter 1 Adjustments** Two Days before Sean's 19th Birthday, Federal Military Academy Conakry 1223 Military Time Three months, three long months and Sean was still angry and reeling from his breakup...

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**A Wonderful Life** **Book 2: Inclinations** **Chapter 1 Truth** Next Year, Saturday, Reynolds' Home, Foc, 10:09 AM Local Time A small animal scurried on the roof above Sean's room, managing to bring Sean away from his slumber. He half opened his...

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