
Story by RC1138 on SoFurry

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#2 of A Wonderful Life

A Wonderful Life

Book 2: Inclinations

Chapter 1 Truth

Next Year, Saturday, Reynolds' Home, Foc, 10:09 AM Local Time

A small animal scurried on the roof above Sean's room, managing to bring Sean away from his slumber. He half opened his eyes but remembered it was Saturday and he didn't have to wake up. Before he shut his eyes back up he took a quick look at his lover as she slept in his arms. The fox smiled softly as she moaned contently in her sleep and rubbed her face a little deeper into his chest fur.

Sean went back to sleep a moment later, only after wrapping his tail back around the young rabbit's leg.

Things had changed so much for him, for both of them in the last year. Thankfully it had been continuously for the better, only one or two minor hang ups in the process.

First of all, their parents had given them free range. While most parents would've had a major objection to it, the Reynolds and the Atrics agreed it was okay to let the teens do what they wanted, within reason of course, but only after they had found out exactly how far Sean and Sarah had gone did they allow things like them sleeping where and when they wanted.

It had all started about a month after Sarah's birthday, by which time everyone knew how much the two teens loved each other, or at least that they loved each other. Sarah's terribly worried mind had been eased when it became more apparent that not everyone was going to laugh or tease her for her relationship, or the mere existence of one at that. But after about four weeks everyone saw it as just business as usual, leaving Sarah to be able to enjoying doing anything she wanted with Sean, even things that her peers never thought she'd do.

Their parents, at first, had been very easy going about their relationship as well. Mr. Atric, who had been the most likely one to have a problem, had been quite supportive of his daughter's choice, further easing her mind. This all had been put in jeopardy when their parents had found various... items used by the two teens.

These items in question weren't frowned upon at all, in fact the parents, in an odd way, were proud of their offspring, having been so conscientious to buy what they did. Through Tom's older brother, who was becoming their primary supplier for items like this, had sold Sean and Sarah various prophylactic items. Among them being condoms, diaphragms, spermicides, and birth control pills, the later becoming the only one they used, had been surprising to Mrs. Atric when she had stumbled upon them in Sarah's room but, after ordering pills for Sarah that were more... appropriate for the situation, the parents didn't mind. It still had been a bit of a shock for all the parents that they were apparently with each other enough that items like that were needed, and to the amount that she had bought.

Still things were looked upon as okay by their parents, the only real hang up came when there was a series of days where one of the sets of parents had the pleasure of waking their offspring only to find them sleeping in bed alongside their partner. It had to only happen twice at each respected home before another "group" meeting had been called out and after some reprimands the parents and their offspring agreed that they could continue to do this but if once, and it would only be once, they overslept on a school day or interrupted or bothered one of the parents there "sleep overs" would come to an end. Needless to say after that Sean and Sarah took things very carefully, but they didn't stop.

So now, a year later and just that much more happier with each other, Sean slept his favorite way; in his bed with Sarah in his arms.

A few minutes later the daylight shown through Sean's window, managing to coax the two awake, well half awake anyway. The fox brought his snout to Sarah's exposed shoulder and kissed it softly, then nuzzled her even softer, brining a smile to both their faces.

"What do you wana do today?" he asked quietly, moving his body a little lower so that they were eye to eye.

Sarah thought for a moment, giggled, and gave Sean a wink, causing him to chuckle quietly.

"Besides that," he added.

"Can we just stay in bed for a little longer?" the rabbit asked, she enjoyed this just as much.

Sean didn't have to answer, he just coddled her a little tighter and continued nuzzling her.

Unfortunately for them, Cathy knocked on their door about twenty minutes later.

"Comon you two, it Saturday and you need to get up and go out!" the vixen called out from the other side of her son's door.

She waited a few minutes but no answer came, no movement inside.

Cathy sighed, "If you don't get up I'll get the bucket."

A moment later she heard the rustling of sheets, Sean and Sarah knew his mother wouldn't hesitate to drench them to get them to do what she thought was right.

After Cathy had walked away they considered getting back into bed, but they were already too awake to really appreciate it.

"Sooo... I can't think of a thing to do," Sarah said as she put her panties back on.

The fox shrugged, "Neither do I."

They finished getting dressed and walked into the kitchen to grab something to eat. Sarah still insisted in wearing pants and boy clothes for school and play, but she had, because she enjoyed dances so much, bought her share of dresses in the past year, all of which looked great on her.

"I guess we should just see what the guys are doing?" Sean suggested.

Sarah nodded and a few minutes later they left and started walking to Tom's house. They found out from his mom that Tom and the rest of their friends were at Tudrussel's.

All their friends gave their usual greetings, taking a moment to look up from their card game to say hi.

After a few moments Sean said, "So Tom, how's your brother?"

The other fox looked up, "He's fine, say's hi."

Tom winked, something only caught and understood by Sean and Sarah. They joined in the card game, but it was one of the things that neither the young fox nor rabbit was good at. Still, they enjoyed it nonetheless.

It was a few hours later when a few of the players got board with the game and started dispersing throughout the basement; watching vids or toying with their MCSL guns. Eventually Sean quietly took Tom aside to enquire about his and Sarah's "purchases" from Tom's older brother.

"So everything at the Academy is good for him so far?" Sean asked in a loud voice, to through off any eve's droppers.

The other fox nodded, "Ya, he gave me a few things, I'll show you them, comon."

Tom led him upstairs to his room where a plain brown box was inside the fox's still packed suitcase. In the box were various items, but one was what Sean had been wanting for quite awhile, and through Tom's older brother had finally gotten.

"You sure this is really worth all that money?" Tom asked, scrutinizing the package.

Sean was focused on the various sexual oriented items so Tom had to ask again to gain his attention.

"Ya... ya..." he said rather distracted, then gained his composure and looked up, "Ya, Sarah and I have been wanting to see this for a long time."

The other fox shrugged, "Seems stupid to go through all this to get just pictures, you could get whole vids you know."

"Ya and our parents would find them," Sean reasoned.

"Would they care?" Tom shrugged, "And even if they did it's not like it means much."

He sighed, "We can't do anything bad, and this is kinda illegal so our parents would probably make it so we can't see each other anymore."

Tom made a face as to say he disagreed but shrugged, figuring it was better to shut up, he was making some money off of this anyway.

Without another word Sean picked up the box and quietly walked outback and stowed it in a bush, he and Sarah would pick it up later that night. The two foxes returned to their friends in the basement but found them packing up.

"What's up?" Tom asked.

Tudrussel stretched his paws and groaned, "I figure we'd go out for lunch, my parents don't really make, well, any kind of food well."

Everyone rolled their eyes and headed upstairs. Right before they were about to leave Mrs. Tudrussel called Sean over, Sarah followed.

"Sean your mother called. She said that your uncle is over. I didn't know you had an uncle?" the older vixen reported.

Right away Sean became excited, evident by his tails quick rotations behind him, "Ya, well sorta. It's my uncle Karl," he rolled his paws, "he's not really my uncle, but kinda is."

Sarah was interested too; she had never met Karl, mainly just because whenever he came to Foc Sean would end up on some kind of trip with him. The young rabbit figured if she stayed close maybe if it came to that she'd be invited too.

Sean told his friends that he was going home; Sarah made it clear to both him and them she was going as well. They left right away and outside Sean's house was another car. Inside they went to the kitchen where they heard voices and were met by Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds seated at the kitchen table and two adult dogs happily chatting with them.

The male one turned and saw Sean and smiled even wider than he had been before.

"Hey Sean! How ya doing?" then he smiled, "wow you got big..."

Sean sighed heavily but was clearly still excited.

Then Karl turned and noticed Sarah by the young fox's side and said, "Who's your friend?"

"Sarah, Mr. Atric's daughter, you know him right?" Sean replied.

The dog thought for a moment then smiled, "Ya, oh ya. Wow..." he stood up, "I haven't seen you since you were like four."

Karl and the Atrics were friendly, but the dog's major concern was the Reynolds, and hence rarely talked with the Atrics.

Then, after a moment, Sean's attention drifted to the other dog in the kitchen, Lucy. If he had been watching himself from afar he would have been terribly embarrassed but at the moment he was incapacitated. Lucy was drop dead sexy, and it stunned Sean. Now twenty-nine the dog had really grown up, and looked it. Her tits were huge, and were only accentuated by the tight, white T-shirt she wore. Also, what was also causing Sean to be unable to divert his gaze was the amazingly short shorts she wore; way past the knee and also tight. Sean hadn't been old enough to appreciate the female figure the last time he had seen Lucy but now, after all that had happened between him and Sarah he was clearly more than appreciating the slim dog's figure now.

Luckily, in a manner of speaking that is, only Sarah noticed Sean's distraction, and was immediately flustered. She had never met or even talked to Lucy before, but already was angered with her; Sarah was always one to get a quick chip on her shoulder, especially from females. Even though she was a girl herself, she just couldn't deal with most of them, they just tended to butt heads with her, and the fact that, at least in their school, most of them had an interest in her lover only made it that much more of a problem for her. Still though, given that Lucy and Karl were Sean's friends, Sarah kept her cool, for the moment at least, but to at least make herself feel a little better she took a step closer to Sean and reached for his paw.

By then Sean had regained his composer and turned his head and smiled at Sarah but was surprised by the blatant frown on her face.

"Oh well that's cute," Karl said, watching the two teens.

The young fox and rabbit turned and after realizing felt mildly embarrassed, giving all the adults something to chuckle about.

Karl sat back down and turned to Cathy, "Well it's to be expected of them huh?"

Still giggling the vixen nodded.

The dog turned back to Sean, "So how you been doing? I wanted to come by during the summer but I couldn't get a long enough leave pass."

"Been doing pretty well actually," he replied and squeezed Sarah's paw unknowingly, but it made her feel better anyway.

"So you think you might wana take a trip to Conakry maybe," Karl thought for a moment, "When's your next time off from school?"

Seeing her opportunity Sarah chimed in, "We're off for like, three weeks starting Wednesday."

"Well that works great," Lucy replied, "We'll hang around for the next two days and leave on the next transport."

Sean, being far from stupid, asked, "Sarah can come right?"

"If Mr. Atric says it's ok-"

"It's fine, I know he'll say yes," the rabbit smiled and added, "my dad would do anything to get rid of me for a few days."

Karl chuckled, "Well I'll ask just to be sure," then quietly added to Steve and Cathy, "and so I don't get charged with kidnapping."

The Reynolds chuckled and Cathy made a motion with her paw for Sean and Sarah to run along. They did and met up with their friends just as they were getting their lunches. Everyone ate and then went to Michael's house; he had a much nicer basement, and stuff, for that matter.

The day, like many others the group of teens shared, was a bit of a blur, just plain fun and hanging around. Eventually five o'clock rolled around, the normal time when each of them would disperse to their own homes, not including Sean and Sarah. This time though they followed, from a distance, Tom home, to pick up their box. When they had retrieved it they didn't even take a moment to inspect it's contents, they just ran to Sean's house and, while Sean distracted his parents, Sarah slipped into his room and stowed the box under his bed.

Before Sean made his way to his room Sarah took a good look at the contents of the box. If she had been anywhere else but his room, or her own, the young rabbit would have been terribly embarrassed by the various items, but the comfort this room and the bed she sat on calmed her enough to feel okay about handling and looking these objects over.

A moment later Sean walked in and saw her looking over the box's contents.

He feigned a smile, "Everything there?"

Not looking up Sarah nodded.

The fox walked over and sat down with the box between himself and Sarah. He didn't want to appear to eager, and neither did she, but they were both terribly excited over this. Carefully Sean began laying out all the items, most were innocent enough like condoms, lubes, and prophylactic kits, but three items were of great interest to both Sean and Sarah. One was a rather... advanced pair of panties, stocking, and bra for Sarah, something oddly enough she had wanted to get, being that she liked looking sexy for him. Another was some pills that were supposed to make Sean able to cum more than once, but the item that interest them the most, the one they had been most eager was also the simplest, a few porn magazine.

Foc was such a backwater, simple, "homely" planet that pornography wasn't comon at all, and about the only way that one could really get any was from a vid but Sean and Sarah were deathly afraid of that being picked up on their computers so they had gotten a few magazines, things they could hide in their bookcases with ease, from Tom's brother who was their unofficial source for all items of this nature. Their acute interest in seeing a porn was simply because they wanted to see some ideas to do themselves. While through trial and error and hearsay they had learned a few things other than missionary for sex, they wanted to see some of these things in a catalog fashion of sorts.

Sean chuckled nervously and picked up a magazine. Very interested herself Sarah swung her legs onto the bed and crawled over and, after some coaxing, got Sean to lay down next to her as he propped the magazine on his chest and opened it.

At first they were mildly disappointed; had the half naked cat on the cover not been there the first few pages could have been from any magazine, but as the nude pictures of various females of various species increased they both started getting very, very interested.

It was clear from the start the magazine was geared towards males, being weren't any nude pictures of them, and Sarah was made more uncomfortable with the way the females in the magazine looked. She was still very self-conscious of her bust, enough so that had bought as many tight shirts as she could, to accentuate her still growing tits. These females in the magazine though, they were much, much bigger than she was, and her face read a look of discomfort.

After a few minutes Sean noticed her and asked what was wrong.

"Nothing... nothing," she replied and looked back at the magazine, and chanced a look at her own breasts, then in an oddly sad tone added, "am I small Sean?"

He didn't understand and replied, "What do ya mean?"

"My..." she couldn't say it, but took a deep breath, "my tits, are they small?"

Unable to control himself Sean blurted out, "Are you crazy?!?" but quickly noticed maybe that wasn't the best way to word it.

This time she looked at him confusedly.

"Sarah, you look great, why would you care about something like that?" Sean asked and nuzzled the side of her face softly.

She shrugged, "I don't know, I just- it just seems like everyone else has- is bigger that's all."

"I don't think they are but why do you care anyway?"

For a moment Sarah thought then turned the page of the magazine and pointed to a picture of a nude male cat who was much more well endowed than Sean, or almost anyone in the Federation from what the article adjacent to it read.

"Do you ever wish your dick was bigger like that?" Sarah asked, not trying to offend or bother him, just trying to make her point.

Clearly Sean was embarrassed by the thought, never had he thought as himself as small, or large for that matter, size never had crossed his mind. If Sarah was thinking about it though right away the fox was worried that maybe he was inadequate.

Unable to think of a better reasons Sean whispered, "You wish I was bigger?"

"No, I think you almost to big now," Sarah replied, "but you see my point right? Why I think I may be to small too."

Even though Sean knew Sarah never lied he still now felt worried about his size, but still managed to answer, "Well I don't think you small," then his outlook improved and he softly rubbed her chest and whispered, "I love them the way they are."

His touch was warm and soft, and made them both feel better, managing to force the thoughts of inadequacy out of their minds. After the fox kissed her snout softy they kept looking at the magazine and finally made it to the pictures of sexual acts. Immediately they were both intrigued; new positions, new toys, yet they were most taken by some of the concepts they hadn't ever done, or in Sean's case, thought of. The fox hadn't ever figured to lick Sarah's pussy, or to have her suck him, but as soon as the concept worked it's way into his mind he was 100% sure he wanted to do that, causing him to get hard right away.

Still though, with ideas for future acts in their heads they kept looking until they came across something that even Sarah, who was usually the one most interested in new things, was a little hesitant of. The pictures was that of a male bat and a female minx, both doing various perverted acts by the teen's standards, but the one that stood out was one of the last pictures which clearly showed the bat having sex with the minx in her ass.

"Whoa..." Sarah said at a draw, this concept not something she had ever thought of.

In a nervous tone Sean replied, "We won't try that one, but there are others."

Being in more than the mood Sarah looked up and grinned, "Like what?"

"Well," the fox began, not wanting to sound too eager, "we- I mean I'd like to try this," he gestured to a picture of two furs 69'ing each other.

Forcing a grin away Sarah replied, "I've thought of that before... well not that way but- ya but shouldn't we clean ourselves?"

His hard on so big from the thought of this that it hurt Sean sat up, "I need a shower anyway, why don't we take one together."

This time she let her smile show, a big enough sign to let Sean know that she would love to; she always liked taking showers with him.

They would wait however, until after dinner to start all this, being that if they were walked in on doing anything like this, what they thought was probably very perverted, they knew they would never live it down, or worse, be stopped from seeing each other.

The reason they thought oral sex, anal sex, or anything other than the one or two positions they practiced were perverted was that... well those two positions that they had managed through trial and error were the only ones they were aware of. They just couldn't learn about sex anywhere on Foc, other than the scientific parts of it, which was hardly what they were interested in.

At dinner the two teens were rather quiet, something Steve and Cathy both noted.

In a careful tone Cathy asked, "What'd you guys do today?"

"Not much, just went to Alan's house for a little while," Sean replied.

"So why are you guys so quiet?" the vixen added, setting it up that they couldn't make something up, at least about the day's events.

"Uh..." Sarah thought, "We're just... I don't quiet? Heh he?" she laughed uneasily.

Hearing the poor response Steve scrutinized his son and the rabbit, "What did you two do?"

"Nothing!" Sean said, forcing a laugh, he tried to add something to that but he really couldn't think of anything.

Steve glanced at his wife who looked back, equally amused.

"Well," the old human said, "usually your both so... chatty."

Sean and Sarah didn't offer a reply, they just made a point to eat faster and both left without a word. When they were gone Steve bit his lip to stop himself from cracking up, Cathy couldn't control herself though and began laughing.

Back upstairs Sean let Sarah take a shower first, figuring that if they took turns they could "warm up" to some of the ideas in the magazines. Eventually he got so worked up looking at the sex acts he reached into his pants and played with himself, and only taking a forceful moment of thought, stopped himself from climaxing right there.

About fifteen minutes later Sarah walked in meekly, clearly she had been thinking of things to do too.

They stared at each other for a moment and Sean chuckled, "I'll take mine now, but I'll go fast."

Sarah smiled and they walked past each other. Of course she didn't hesitate a moment and picked up one of the magazines, but after looking at one picture put it down.

"No way..." she thought, but then looked back at the magazine and was amazed and shocked.

The picture was clearly that of two furs having sex with each other, male and female, but it was where the male had his cock that startled the teenaged rabbit, they were having anal sex. Right away her mind figured that it must be painful, and it wasn't right, but then she gave it some thought. She remembered her biology textbooks, and the parts on anatomy, and remembered that the area was similar, and Sean's cock did feel great in her pussy. A moment later she thrusted the thought out of her mind when she saw the next picture, a rather petite rabbit bent over in front of a minx, having anal sex as well, and the clearly pained and distressed look on the rabbit's face made up Sarah's mind that this was a bad idea.

Continuing through the book however she did come back to the page with the two furs 69'ing each other. As she studied the picture more closely she felt herself getting wetter; Sean's powerful and warm tongue would feel great separating her folds. She didn't think however, how his cock might feel in her own mouth, and a moment later when Sean walked in quietly she turned with a wide grin on her muzzle.

They both caught each other's eye and chuckled weakly, both trying to hide their eagerness.

Sean, unknowing to what ideas were running through his lover's mind, kneeled down in front of her and looked her in the eye, "I," he chuckled softly, "I-" he didn't know what to say; he couldn't just blurt out, "I can't wait to fuck you."

Not able to say anything either the rabbit picked up the magazine and showed him the picture and Sean got the idea right away.

"Do you want to do that right now?" he said, the eagerness all to present in his voice.

Grinning the rabbit nodded quickly.

Sean stood up and sat down on the bed beside her, "So how do you want to do this?"

Thinking for a moment Sarah replied, "Well I uh, I think we should take turns."

"Okay," the fox nodded, "so who goes first."

Sarah leaned in and licked his lips softly, exciting Sean terribly but whispered, "You do."

The fox went to lean back but Sarah held the sides of his face.

"I mean me," she winked, Sarah never being one to hesitate to be honest.

Although it wasn't the order he was expecting, Sean wasn't disappointed at all. Sarah, who had been wearing only a towel, removed it and laid back on Sean's bed. At first he kissed her lips, taking his time as he was a little nervous but intrigued by the concept. He rubbed his snout along her body, between her tits, then lowered his body down to the point where her glistening pussy lips were right in front of his maw.

Barely containing herself Sarah let out a sensual moan and rotated her hips in front of his face, wondering exactly what it was going to feel like.

For a split second Sean hesitated but then, awkwardly, opened his mouth and quickly thrusted his tongue along the length of her slit.

While it didn't give the reaction he had been expecting, it did give some reaction. The rabbit instantly sighed blissfully at his warm tongue as it lapped up and down her pussy lips. Sean had always known her cunny was soft, but he was amazed at how smooth and warm it felt against his tongue.

His long tongue moved around her lips, and eventually he slipped it inside, licking and doing what he figured must feel good to her. And while it did, Sarah knew where he had to move.

Carefully the rabbit waited, and when Sean moved his tongue back out of her pussy and gave her little nub of a clit a soft lick she said in a pleasured voice, "Right there Sean, lick me right there."

He did just as she requested and rotated his tongue on and around her now agitated clit. Her moans became less sensual and more and more pleasured, higher and higher to the point where it was more than obvious to Sean she was about to cum.

Feeling compelled to do so, the fox sealed his maw around her pussy, not ceasing his cunniling, and managed to breath in slightly. As he did Sarah climaxed, bearing down harshly on herself and she came hard. In a rare instance she actually felt her juices more than flow in her pussy, but actually flow out and into her waiting lover's mouth.

Sarah wailed as she came, and her hips buckled against Sean's face, almost suffocating the fox but he held out, actually liking the taste of the teenaged rabbit's pussy.

As her climax ended Sarah breathed heavily, her growing tits rising and falling rapidly and she looked down between them to where Sean looked up with a grin.

"I guess that was good huh?" he asked in a soft tone, glad to see her enjoy his work so much.

"Good? Fucking great!" she moaned and motioned for him to bring his face to hers.

The rabbit licked Sean's lips then kissed him passionately, tasting the remnants of her own juices in his mouth. Even though he hadn't played with himself at all, he had still enjoyed eating Sarah out and Sean was hard in full glory, which poked eagerly at Sarah's leg.

After kissing him for a moment the rabbit giggled softly and reached down to his cock. Sean chuckled weakly but let out a low moan as she slowly jerked him off.

"Did I taste good?" she said in a devious and sexually tense tone.

Moaning again Sean replied, "Mmm hmm..."

"You like eating my pussy out?" Sarah continued in the same, enticing tone.

"Oh God yes Sarah..."

Then, almost stopping herself from saying it, Sarah whispered as sensually as she could, "You want me to taste you? You want me to suck on your nice big cock?"

Although it caught him off guard, Sean let out a pleasured, "Oh yes, please Sarah."

Not waiting a moment she kissed his lips one last time and lower her muzzle down to his cock. His member bobbed slightly in front of her face, which at first sent a slight amount of inhibition through her mind, but Sarah was still to hot from Sean eating her out, so, slowly, she jerked him off, then opened her mouth and slipped just the tip inside.

Right away Sean thrusted, purely as a reflex and almost half of his cock went down Sarah's throat. She pulled back and coughed slightly.

"Sorry," Sean said and looked down as Sarah looked up, glad to still see that playful look in her eye.

The rabbit ticked in a happy way and, feeling a bit more comfortable, took the tip of his cock right back into her muzzle, but held it's base so he couldn't thrust to far in. It didn't taste bad, it really didn't taste like anything for that matter, but she could tell just how his breathing and the rolling of his head that Sean was loving this.

Carefully she let more of his cock into her mouth, tasting it and licking at as it went along her throat. Sarah managed half of his cock before she was worried she would choke, and, although she felt awkward doing it, bobbed her head up and down on his cock.

Immediately she noticed Sean was enjoying this in a much different way than when they fucked. It wasn't that he appeared to like it more; it was just that he seemed like it was a whole other action of sex, which, Sarah concluded, it was anyway.

Each time she bobbed down on his cock the rabbit's ears flopped on her head back and forth. She looked up, holding the tip softly in her teeth and smiled with his cock in her mouth, actually make Sean roll his head back and moan.

The feeling of her warm lips and mouth was driving Sean wild. It was so different than her pussy. Her tongue had a mind of it's own and slid up and down on his cock. The look of her big eyes looking up just blew him away, quite literally. The slickness of her mouth was just beyond words.

Sarah was so glad she got that reaction, she was so glad he was enjoying this.

Being it was his first blowjob, and Sarah was doing it quite well, Sean couldn't take it, it was just to much, so in a very strained voice the fox said, "Sarah take it out, I'm gona cum!"

Even though he had sort of swallowed hers, Sarah wasn't ready to drink his cum, so she let his cock flop out of her mouth, giving it a final lick, then brought her face back up to his.

Sarah went to kiss him but he retracted his head.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Sean swallowed hard and took a deep breath, his cock feeling slick with her salvia, "Well... uh..." it was more than obvious what, Sarah was once again busting his chops.

Smiling the rabbit just nuzzled her lover, "I just don't think I want to taste all of you yet, that's all Sean."

"It's okay," he replied, although his voice wasn't completely free of disappointment.

Sarah felt bad, but not quite bad enough to drink his cum, but she still wanted him to feel good so she rolled off to his side and rubbed her pussy lips in the most inviting way she could manage.

It didn't take much for Sean to get the idea and he mounted her, slipping his slick cock right into her pussy. They both moaned gleefully and Sean pumped in and out, slowly yet forcefully. After a moment or two though, Sean got an idea, one he had thought of before, but was sure that Sarah, in her rather horny state, would submit to.

"Can we try something else?" he whispered in a horsed voice.

Sarah licked her lips and replied, "Like what?"

Sean grinned and removed his cock from her pussy. He motioned for her to flip on her belly and she did so, figuring her just wanted to fuck her from behind, but she felt his cockhead press against her rectum and the rabbit caught on right away.

"Sean that's gona hurt isn't it?" she said quietly.

For a moment she didn't hear a reply, but Sean pulled his cock back and rubbed it on her pussy lips.

Taking a deep breath Sarah whispered, "I didn't say you couldn't, I just asked if it was gona hurt."

Sean almost came at hearing that, but he contained himself and whispered, "It might, I don't know, but I'm pretty sure it will feel good eventually."

"How sure?"

"Well why would any of the females in the magazines do it if it hurt?" Sean replied.

Had Sarah been facing him Sean would have seen the amused look on her face, "Sean do you really think that?"

Realizing how stupid his argument sounded, Sean apologized.

"It's okay Sean," the rabbit answered, "you're probably right anyway, just be gentle, that's all."

"I always am," he said lovingly and rubbed his face into the back of her head.

In that devious tone Sean loved so much Sarah replied, "Well you don't always have to be, just this first time on this."

Sean contained a chuckle, and made a note of that, but at the moment he was to preoccupied by the chase to fuck Sarah's ass, literally.

Again he repositioned himself behind her, resting his cock against her asshole. Sarah was breathing nervously and Sean laid his chest rest against her back, and it had its desired effect of calming her, if only a little.

He tried to thrust his cock in fast, figuring it would be better and easier for Sarah, but for his cock slipped around her asshole but wouldn't penetrate.

Feeling his dilemma Sarah said, in a surprisingly calm voice, "Well we got that new lube," and shrugged beneath him, "Why don't we try some?"

Sean nodded and reach over to his nightstand where the various sex related items rested. He grabbed a bottle of lube, squirted some on his paw, and slowly lubed his cock up. Then, thinking ahead, he put more of the lube on his paw and, as gently as he could, played with her asshole.

Although it did feel good, Sarah made the extra effort and moaned happily as he played with her asshole, which calmed both herself and Sean down to the concept. If anything actually it excited them both. Her ears flopped to the sides in anticipation to feeling Sean's cock enter her, a feeling she loved more than almost anything.

"Alright?" Sarah asked after a few minutes of Sean playing and inserting his paw into her ass.

"Mmm hmm, you gona like this?" he whispered and slowly moved his body on top of hers.

Giggling innocently the rabbit whispered, "Yeah... yeah I think I am."

That sealed Sean's mind and he lined his cock with her asshole, put a little pressure in, and it slipped in with ease.

"Oh..." Sarah squealed as his cock slipped deeper and deeper into her ass.

It didn't feel bad; it did burn a little at first but it felt good for the most part and Sarah moaned to confirm this for Sean. Glad it was going well for her Sean focused on his own end of the spectrum and was amazed by how great it felt. It was amazing, it was so tight and warm; it was amazingly warm.

What Sarah was most surprised by was how good it felt to her, good enough she moaned, "Fuck my ass Sean, fuck my ass good!"

Beneath him the rabbit's ears flopped on the sides of her head as he speed up, fucking her ass harder and harder. Sarah moaned in pure ecstasy, which only fueled Sean's motions, as he loved it when Sarah enjoyed herself.

After a few minutes of this, and both felt themselves coming close to their climaxes, Sean's cock hilted in a way that Sarah let out a loud, "Ouch!"

Sean stopped dead short, but the horny rabbit was game to continue.

"Shit sorry!" he said, "I didn't hurt ya bad did I?!"

Rotating her hips to keep herself on the brink of orgasm Sarah whispered in a strained voice, "Ya, a little, but I like it..." the she took a deep breath, moaned patiently and said in her confident voice, "Now fuck me good, Sean."

The fox smiled, and his tail went back to its normal happy turns behind him. He kissed his lover on her head and withdrew his cock almost all the way, and began pumping in and out, quite forcefully all thing considered.

"Ohh... yes...!" Sarah moaned through her clenched teeth.

It did hurt her a little, but that actually turned her on a little inside, making her pussy feel wet. She reached down beneath herself and rubbed her soaking pussy lips as Sean continued fucking her tight asshole; the combined motions almost too much for the rabbit.

"Oh God! Oh God I'm gona cum!" she yelled, loud enough that downstairs Steve and Cathy heard a voice, although they didn't even venture the thought of what it was and why it was so loud.

Sean didn't reply, although he knew he was getting close too. Sarah wasn't able to wait, and with each pump she actually grunted a little, the feeling of her tense pussy lips and filled ass driving her mind wild.

A moment later Sarah's paw, driven by itself, rubbed her tense clit rapidly and she came, hard. Sarah screamed happily, but with a better mind put her face into the pillow as not to alert everyone in the town to what was going on. As she came her whole pelvis quivered and convulsed, making her clench her asshole tight, which was just enough to send Sean into his final thrusts.

"I'm cumming Sarah!" the fox yelled, his humps becoming more fluid.

"Cum in my ass Sean!" Sarah's muffled voice yelled out from beneath the pillow, "Cum in my tight sweet little asshole!"

At that his cock quivered and tensed, and he released deep inside her, which to Sarah actually felt warmer than when he came in her pussy. She felt wet inside, it was so weird and great she tightened and rocked her hips just to coax more cum out, which was guaranteed since she had almost sucked him off a few minutes before.

As their climaxes subsided Sean laid his head down between Sarah's ears and she looked up from her pillow, out of breath and feeling exhausted, but completely satisfied.

A few minutes past and in a sweet voice Sarah whispered, "We're tied?"

Sean squirmed a little, "Yep. It's not painful is it?"

She shook her head under his and felt her fox nuzzle the back of her head. Just because Sean knew how much she liked it, he wrapped his tail around her leg. Sean knew her very well and Sarah cooed happily, feeling very tired.

Carefully Sean tossed a boot at the light switch, managing to turn them off without much problem.

"Your such a sexy little rabbit," he whispered.

Smiling Sarah replied, "You love me?"

"You know it."

Feeling even warmer the rabbit whispered, "I love you too."

A few more minutes past and Sean asked, "It really felt that good?"

"Mmm hmm," she moaned, clenching on his still hard cock in her ass.

"Enough you'd like to do it again?" Sean said hopefully, he had enjoyed this as well.

Although he couldn't see it Sarah got that devilish look in her eye and replied, "As long as you liked licking my pussy."

Chuckling Sean whispered, "Your delicious."

Two Day's Later, Allison High, 12:04 PM Local Time

"So how come you canceled practice today?" Tom asked as hit took a bite of the greasy school lunch.

Sean made an attempt on his own "meal" and replied, "I got some stuff to take care of after school."

The other fox huffed, "Leme guess, something for Sarah?"

It took a moment to sink in then Sean frowned, "Ya, what's your point?"

Although it was a sensitive topic to touch on with either Sean or Sarah, Tom was about the only one not afraid to pry; well at least from Sean.

"Nothing, I just find it funny how fast things went that's all. Seems like you kinda dropped everything else," Tom said carefully.

Tudrussel, Will, and Michael walked over and sat down at the same table as Sean and Tom. It pissed off everyone, especially Sean, that Sarah was the only one of their group not in the same lunch period.

Alan looked over Sean and noticed the flustered look and said in a sarcastic tone, "What's got you so happy?"

Sean shot the fennec fox a glance that clearly said "shut up" but Alan, never a bright fox, pressed on.

"So I was right, your doing something for Sarah aren't ya? That's why we can't practice today?" Tudrussel chuckled, "If we keep skipping practices poor Will's never gona get his exercise and he'll get even fatter..."

The smaller fox punched his friend in the arm, met by laughs by everyone for the most part.

Michael picked at his food and said, "Comon, you don't think their cute?" and he made a kissy face.

"And what about you?" Alan said turning to Tom, "How's Doreen?"

Tom licked his teeth and smiled, "You all really want to know?"

Sean gave him an odd look and glanced at the rest of his friends, all sharing the same gaze.

"What? You guy's fucking?" the fennec scoffed, trying to lighten the mood; somehow the look on the other fox's face was making everyone uncomfortable.

"Oh we're past that," Tom said, although not with the same prowess you'd expect from a teenaged male fox, "Naa, I asked her to marry me."

Alan was dumbfounded, Will speechless, Michael almost chocked on a bite of food, and Sean stared at his best friend as if he'd been shot.

"Wait.... wait what the fuck!?!?" Will yelled, catching the attention of a few nearby vixens who gave the group odd looks.

"You can't be serious," Michael whispered.

Tom grinned, "I am, and she said yes."

"And it never struck you that your both seventeen huh?" the artic fox added.

The other fox just shrugged, "Ya, but I didn't say we're getting married tomorrow, we only agreed to marry each other."

Sean couldn't even make a response; he just stared at Tom completely speechless. Obviously, he thought of Sarah, moreover the concept of what Tom had just mentioned. Sean had never head of a pair, even of a "normal" age getting married, it was a new thought line, and he couldn't fit all in his head, he didn't want to think of it.

"I take it you guys weren't expecting that?" Tom said in an amazingly proud tone.

"Gee ya think?" Alan managed, although his voice was weak, something not very common of him.

Tom turned his proud stare to Sean who'd been silent with his own thoughts, "What do you think?"

Without thinking the other fox replied in a daze, "I didn't know you loved her that much."

That offended Tom, and his tone showed this, "I love her just as much as you love Sarah."

Still in a daze Sean huffed, but no one really caught it. He couldn't imagine anyone being in love the way he and Sarah were.

"Jeeze and I thought the food sucked," Michael muttered as he bit a piece of stale bread.

Everyone, who could comprehend the situation, gave him an exasperated look.

Having had a moment to let his friends dismay sink in Tom got defensive and whispered, "It's really just a guarantee for us, so we both..." he thought for a moment and added even quieter, "It gives us something to look forward to, I guess..."

Will, hearing that said, "Na man, don't feel guilty, it's just..."

"Yeah I get ya," Tom said and scratched one of his ears; they had just barely managed to stand at attention on his head.

Tudrussel replied, "Well congrats."

Sean just thought for a moment, then had the sudden realization that although he wanted to, he couldn't in good mind talk to Sarah about this, but he was going to think about it non-stop till he did.

The friends all finished their meals relatively quietly, all thinking of themselves. Except for Sean and Tom, none of the other foxes had girlfriends, for whatever reason, and were mildly jealous in the past of their two friends, but now, although they couldn't admit it, were very envious of Tom's situation; it was a very comforting thought to be guaranteed a partner like that.

After lunch they parted ways to go to their respected classes. Of course Sean couldn't pay any attention at all, but luckily his junior year was filled with easy classes so far, so a few classes of daydreaming didn't kill him.

At the end of the day all Sean wanted to do was get home and think quietly by himself, in a rare moment without Sarah, but of course both Tom and Sarah wanted to talk with him. Fortunately, in a manner of speaking, Sarah couldn't find him at the end of the day and just went home, figuring she'd catch up with him later, but Tom managed to see him taking the long way around to his home.

"Hey Sean!" the orange fox called out to his friend a few yards ahead of him.

Sean didn't turn or reply, he just kept his pace and remained deep in thought.

"What's up?" Tom asked again as he came on line with his friend.

Still too deep in thought Sean only managed a shrug.

Tom, ever able to read his friend whispered, "So you think what I did was stupid?"

"No..." Sean said at a draw.

Once again, for the second time in a talk with Sean like this, Tom took a deep breath and whispered, "I think everyone's just surprised that I was the first one to do something like this."

That caught the other fox's attention, enough so that his tail froze, as did his pace.

Not needing a reply Tom continued, "Remember I said what everyone kinda expects out of you two... well I think this is another one, 'specially now."

Unlike their last talk Sean couldn't object, he couldn't talk again, but he couldn't object. He didn't want to think of this though, he didn't want to think of marriage, he just wanted to love Sarah, he wasn't up to that.

"How come uh," Tom cleared his throat, not sure if his friend was really paying attention, "you always understand what everyone sees about you two and what's gona happen to you two but Sarah can't? Like the one time I asked her she punched me in the snout."

Almost to himself Sean replied, "She doesn't want to love me because she's supposed to."

"Huh?" Tom didn't follow.

"That's what she says, she wants to love me because of me, not because that's what everyone thinks she should."

"No one thinks that," Tom reasoned.

Barely paying attention Sean whispered, "I don't think I can ask Sarah that yet, I don't think that's fair."

"Fair? What does fair have to do with this?"

The teenaged fox shook his head rapidly and regained his bearings, "Na... forget it, heh, I'm just tired that's all."

"Huh... So... I uh actually need your help sorta..." Tom asked, clenching his teeth.

"Yeah, what about?"

The orange fox ticked his eye, "Well two things actually. First is small, the other if you don't want to ask you don't have to."

Sean let himself fall to the grass, figuring he might as well be on the ground for this. He felt the soft grass hold his ears and let his tail move slowly on the ground.

"Alright, go on," the teenaged fox whispered as he shut his eyes in the sun.

"Well you know Doreen's brother Austin right?" Tom said, leaning against a tree.

Sean shook his head in the grass, "No."

Tom sighed, "The big guy, senior, got left back last year."

The other fox shrugged.

"Well he isn't fond of me even talking to Doreen in school, and he hates it when we date, and he makes it impossible to for us to... you know," Tom said, alluding to the obvious.

"And what do you want me to do?" Sean said, his mind thinking of how nice it will be to spend the next week or two with Sarah on a trip to, "Conakry!!!!"

"What about it?" Tom said, slightly startled.

For a long moment Sean stared at the tree branches above his head but then jumped up and said, "I got to go, I can't believe I forgot; Sarah... we we're... my uncle Karl's taking us on a trip to Conakry and he's letting Sarah come, and her dad's okay. I got to go!"

Sean turned and began running towards his house but Tom yelled out, "But what about Austin?!?"

The other fox stopped and yelled back, "What do you want me to do? Kill him?"

Tom sighed, "Comon man, if it wasn't for me you'd still be to afraid to even ask Sarah out on a date, please help me with mine."

That hurt, Sean didn't like to think he relied on anyone or was indebted to anyone, except his parents and Sarah. Worse was that his friend was right, Sean probably wouldn't have ever considered it without Tom's help.

He walked back and leaned on a tree and put up the best face for Tom to continue.

"Well it's just he's kinda... threatened me from seeing her, that's all," Tom said, his normally positive voice failing.

Sean looked his friend in the eye, "You didn't ask her to marry you cause of that?"

"No, I love her, what part of that's so hard to believe?" Tom said, clearly offended.

"It's not that..." Reynolds sighed, "It's, I uh, well no one thought you two were that serious."

"Well see there's our opposites, everyone thinks you two should be more serious, and everyone thinks Doreen and I should be less..." he paused and punched the tree, "I'd rather have the optimism."

"Hmm..." Sean thought, "Well you can ask your brother for help with Austin, I mean he's at the Academy right? He's got to be strong."

Tom managed a weak chuckle, "You haven't seen Austin."

The other fox raised an eyebrow, he must be exaggerating out of fear, didn't matter, Sean had to get done with this so he could see Sarah.

"So what's the second problem?" he asked.

For a moment Tom stared at his friend, then sat down and in a very quiet voice he asked, "Ya, I wanted to ask about what you and Sarah do... like do, do."

"What you don't look at the packages we get from your brother?"

"Well of course I do," Tom said, but didn't laugh, "but I meant like... well... well like did you guys ever try anything really good that you think Doreen may like?"

Sean forced a chuckle, "Tom I really wouldn't kn-"

"Yeah you do, I know you do," he pushed in, "I hate to be blunt but it's also obvious that Sarah's satisfied and I-"

"Watch it Tom," Sean warned, his tone denouncing seriousness.

The fox thought for a moment and whispered, "Sorry, but you know what I mean. I just want to do some fun things with her that's all."

"Why me..." was all that Sean could think at that moment but he sucked it up and replied, "Well you should definitely try licking her."

"Already do," Tom said bluntly.

"Oh...kay, well what about-" Sean cut himself off, he wasn't going to give away every thing he did with Sarah, specially not their newest addition to their sexual options, "Well try different positions."


Reynolds shrugged, "I don't know, if you're on top usually, switch places. Sorry Tom but this is kinda weird and I-"

"It's okay Sean," the other fox said, his tail making intrigue circles behind him, "go ahead, but your helping me some more when you guys get back... well when do you leave?"

Sean swallowed hard, "Tonight."

"Get the fuck out of here!" Tom laughed.

"Na I'm serious, Karls-"

"No I mean get the fuck out of here, don't fuck that up, Sean," Tom yelled to his friend as he stood up and ran for his house.

Nineteen Day's Later, MCSL Arena, 3:22 PM Local Time

"You know, something tells me you two are gona be way out of practice..." Michael muttered as he cleaned his gun.

Sarah shrugged, thought for a moment, then opted for her first thought and slugged the artic fox in the arm.

"We got more practice then you guys get in a week," the rabbit replied.

"Yeah, we played on the league championship arena," Sean added proudly.

Michael rubbed his arm and wished he could hit Sarah back, but he was much to afraid of her, and Sean, beating the crap out of him so he grinned and dealt with it, he'd get his chance during the match to show them up.

Reynolds walked over to Tom while Sarah briefed the rest of the team.

"So how's things going so far?" he asked.

"Well," the other fox began, his ear's twitching a little, "Austin hates me more and Doreen likes me more, so I guess that makes things even out right? I mean he'll break my neck but she'll keep me company while I recover."

"Wow," Sean said and crossed his paws, "that's dreary," then he shook his head, "I got to meet this fox, sounds like he'd be a worthwhile fight."

Tom's ears pinned back, "Make sure you bring a whip."

"That bad huh?"

"Worse, he caught me walking her home from school, just walking. Not kissing, not hugging, barely talking, just walking, and after she was inside he gave me a shot to the kidneys," Tom gestured to his side.

Sean thought for a moment, "I don't know Tom. I say give it some time, he may just be scared your not really in love with Doreen. Maybe if he sees how much you really like-"

"Love," Tom corrected.

"-Love," Sean huffed, "her, then maybe he'll lay off."

"Or kill me."

At that Reynolds gave his pal a friendly shove, to get his mind back where it needed to be. Even Sean managed, a little, to push Sarah back while they had matches.

Today's match was against an off world team, a rare treat, since usually only the senior teams got to play against other world's teams. The team was called "The Long Gray Line," which only made sense after Sean's team saw their uniforms, some kind of active gray camouflage that looked like it would be somewhat hard to spot in the gray metal of the arena.

Sean looked over his own team, and noticed a slight look of despair so in a confident voice he said, "They ain't as tough as they look guys," then the fox pulled out a play sheet, "They're not even the best on their planet."

Tudrussel's skinny tail made agitated circles behind him; he was ready for a fight. In the corner Michael ran his white paws over his new sniper rifle, solidifying his position as the team's marksman. Sarah stood next to Sean, rather leaned against him, holding his arm since both she and her lover were ready for the match already. All they had to wait for was the other team.

About ten minutes later they were ready. This was going to be a surprisingly quiet game, even though it was the first against an off world team. Pretty much only the player's parents were watching, as this was viewed pretty much as just a skirmish.

"Captains to the center," the ref called out and Sean, after patting Sarah's paw, walked to the center where he was met by the other team's captain, a squirrel with what looked like a tail that had been stripped down of all it's fur.

"Alright, shake paws and return to your sides," the ref said, "last team standing wins; 1 round."

Sean took the other furs paw, surprised at how weak his grip was given his size, and turned and walked briskly to his team.

With a mere twitch of his eye the Legends deployed in a star formation, with Sean at it's center. Skillfully he wisped his bushy red tail in a single circle then pointed it to the right side of the field, and without a word Michael ran quickly and quietly to the left, taking cover behind a large tube.

The buzzer rang and before anyone on the Legends could even move a full volley of what sounded like 100 rounds struck the various objects that Sean and his team hid behind.

"Dumb move..." Sean whispered over his COM, "Tom, move up the left with Alan; Sarah, you and Will go up the middle while me and Mike cover you. Move!"

His team carried it out but Sean didn't have time to watch, he just fired at the shadowy figures in the distance. The fox's attuned eyes saw one move about 20 meters ahead of him and he fired, hitting the target square in the chest, but to his surprise he didn't hear the kill buzzer.

The target was still standing there so Sean shot it again, and to his surprise he saw a round strike it that wasn't his, Mikes. Still no kill buzzer.

Annoyed that there may be a bug in the system Sean brought up the ref's frequency and said, "Ref, target hit confirmation?"

"Negative Captain Reynolds, no hits on either side," the ref called back.

"Bullshit..." Sean whispered to himself, then switched frequencies to Michaels, "Mike, what are we shooting at?"

By this point he had seen it close enough and the artic fox said in an annoyed tone, "A gray pipe..."

Sean stood up carefully and with a closer looked it turned out that it was, or at least it was now, a gray pipe.

"Alright guys you all heard that?"

Everyone called in an agreement.

"Okay then, you know what to do," he called out, "hold positions and check your targets, don't give your position away."

"Roger that," Tom called out.

After another volley of fire, Sean advanced up to where Sarah and Will were hunkered down, receiving sporadic fire from the enemy team. A full 90 seconds into the game and not a single kill, on either side, something Sean wasn't used to.

Sarah shot twice at what she swore was a target, "This is bullshit Sean, I know I saw one."

"It's their fucking active camo," Alan yelled into their COM, "all they have to do is pop up for a second and we think their standing there."

Over on the far left Tudrussel and Tom were fed up and, with Alan in front, ran towards where they thought the main group of enemies were, but to the surprise of the two foxes a long, powerful blast of fire came from the opposite area, downing them both almost instantly.

"Everyone hold!" Sean yelled out, "Michael, advance to Tom and Alan's position."

Ahead of him Sean saw another gray flash and he fired, and again someone returned fire from a completely different area.

Sean licked his own teeth, "O...kay, I got this," he turned to Sarah, "I'll fire where I think they are, you run up ahead to where I shoot, that should work."

"It better, Captain," Sarah said in a playful, yet serious voice.

Carefully the fox kneeled over the embankment they were hiding behind and watched and waited. He saw that now familiar gray ripple down the field and he fired, no reaction on the kill buzzer but he saw a brown furry object run past him and dive towards the position.

Surprisingly he heard a grunt, a male one, come from the area where Sarah had jumped to and the kill buzzer rang in a confirmed.

"2-1, Grays," the ref called out.

"Okay, okay I got it," Sean said excitedly into the COM system, "Everyone get on line with me, we fire as a squad and Sarah jumps our target."

"What if there's two?" Sarah asked, not so much afraid, but wondering if she should do something different.

He thought for a second and the fox replied, "Michael you stay two paces behind her, close cover."

"Roger," said the cool voice and the artic fox ran up, quickly and quietly to the rabbit's position. Will rested his gun next to Sean's and they waited. This time two ripples showed up less than five feet from Sarah and Michael, both firing as well. With luck they managed to hit one, at least that's what the buzzer said, and Sean, instinctively, jumped up and dashed for the position where the two targets had been. Unfortunately fire from the left opened on him and he got caught in the open.

"Damn!" Sarah called out and jumped about four feet in the air, drawing the fire for a moment until Sean reached her position.

Will had made the mistake of trying to follow to closely and wasn't so lucky, and the buzzer went off with him getting out.

"Sean, Jesus don't get caught like that!" Sarah said, not angry or upset, but clearly with the intent on showing how she didn't want to lose.

The fox winked, "It's 3-2, it's ain't over yet. Michael, you stay here, me and Sarah are just gona support, I want your best fire okay? Win this one for Foc."

Michael nodded and gave a quick swipe of his scope with his paw.

In an odd move Sean pat Sarah, and a moment later he dashed for the nearest cover. Of course the enemy tried to fire, but missed. It wasn't long enough for Michael to get a good enough bead so he told Sean to go again. Instead Sarah moved to a cover spot adjacent to his and Michael saw the shooter, about five meters from Sean's right.

"3-3 even," the ref said over the universal COM.

"I'm moving up, cover," the artic fox said and Sarah fired quickly and Michael ran over to Sean.


"No, trade," Reynolds answered.

They traded guns; Michael hefted the replica Thompson and Sean looked through the scope on Michael's sniper rifle. A moment later the white fox ran a full twenty feet in about 2 seconds, drawing fire and showing Sean where to shoot. He shot and downed them, amazed at the precision of the sniper rifle and surprised what the gray uniforms looked like through the thermal imaging. That was the key; they cooled the player off so well that he left a silhouette on the field, a cold spot of sorts, causing someone to have to use a thermal scope in reverse.

"Again?" Michael asked again.

"Roger," Sean said but before the artic fox could move, he got shot in the cheapest of ways, his tail.

"Tail shot," the ref called out, "player down; 4-4."

"You and me?" Sarah asked.

"As always," Sean replied.

Aside from the fact that most of his team was down, Sean was pissed that his gun was down too.

"Sarah, your choice; I run you use the sniper; you run and I use the sniper?"

Without hesitation Sarah whispered, "I'm faster, you gun."

The fox nodded and before he could even sight the rifle Sarah was zig zagging on the field. Surprisingly no fire came. She slowed down, sort of, but still Sarah ran unopposed.

"Sarah down!" Captain Reynolds yelled out, remembering this tactic from one of his father's lessons.

Just as the rabbit jumped down Sean stood up and waited. About a second later a long burst of fire came from of all places behind him, forcing him to jump the embankment. Sarah fired, not hitting any of them, but giving them a reason to duck down. Sean, regaining himself, leaned on the other side of the pipe he'd been hiding behind and just managed to get a shot off, surprising even him with the confirming buzzer of a hit.

"5-4 Legends, close game!" the ref called out.

"One kill Sarah, one kill," Sean said, slightly rattled.

In a light tone she said, "Ohhh can I get him?"

"By all means, Sarah."

Back at her position Sarah grinned, let her ears unfurl from beneath her patrol cap, and dashed back to Sean's position, and in a movie-like maneuver, jumped in the air and fired at the target, or at least the target's silhouette. Then with combined fire from Sean, Sarah nicked the ears of the last target, and the final buzzer sounded for another, albeit close, victory for the Legends.

Excitedly Sean and Sarah ran for each other hugged tightly. Catching everyone's eye since they rarely showed affection so publicly.

As everyone cleared out Sean and Sarah just sat down in the arena, taking a breather. As professionally as they acted on the field they still couldn't believe that they won, they didn't think they should have won, but they did, as always.

After chatting with the Reynolds, Sean and Emily Atric walked over to where their daughter and her lover sat.

"Great job you two," Sean said and helped Sarah up.

Emily nuzzled her daughter, "You did great honey."

For the moment Sarah dealt with this with a smile. She was still slightly riled up from the match.

"It's getting late though," Mr. Atric said, "Lets get home. You uh... coming too Sean?"

Reynolds looked over at Sarah who made a face to say, "What do you think?"

"Yes sir," Sean replied and stood up.

"We're gona tell your mom and dad then, you two meet us at the car," Mrs. Atric replied and the older pair walked over to Sean's parents.

The fox stood up and said, "Jeeze you look like you had fun."

"We had fun, right ya dickhead?" Sarah replied in a playful tone.

"That's Captain Reynolds, Sarah, don't make me demote you for being insubordinate," Sean replied to bust her chops.

Sarah smiled warmly, checked that the coast was clear and whispered, "Okay, then take me to bed Captain and teach me to be a good soldier."

Next Morning, Atric's Home, Foc, 7:16 AM Local Time

In her sleep Sarah moaned softly and clutched onto Sean's chest a little tighter. Although it was still kind of early, Sean still awoke to it, but didn't move, he just stared down at the soft rabbit sleeping against him.

He looked down and was amazed they were still tied together, then the warmth hit him. Sarah's body, from both her insides and soft fur, were warming up her bed and coaxing Sean back into a mild sleep. From that he drifted in the serene medium of soft sleep and comfort.

They laid like this for about another hour, when Sarah yawned quietly, blinked twice, and smiled up at her lover.

Before she could say a word Sean whispered, "Happy birthday..."

Sarah stared at him, then it clicked and her smile widened even more.

"You forgot?" Sean said.

The rabbit shrugged, "I guess, I'm just enjoying this to much."

Hearing that Sean smiled widely as well and nuzzled her softly. Sarah moaned happily and let herself roll onto her back but then hissed sharply.

"What's wrong?" Sean said in a tense tone.

"My..." she giggled nervously then added, "uh...ass is a little sore...." Sarah whispered, but she said it with her devilish grin.

"Oh? From... uh which?"

She scratched one of her ears and replied, "From your spankings."

"To much?"

"Na I loved it," Sarah replied confidently, "just I got to get used to it."

Sean chuckled softly and continued nuzzling her softly, "You're such a crazy little rabbit."

"Shut up, you love it," Sarah added and nuzzled him back.

"I love you," Sean replied moved his lips a fraction of an inch from hers.

"I know," Sarah said softly.

For another hour they kissed and nuzzled each other until they feared Sarah's parents walking in and they dressed and went downstairs. In an odd occurrence they had still managed to wake up before Mr. and Mrs. Atric so Sean went right to work making breakfast; it was the least he could do on occasion for the Atrics since they let Sarah and himself sleep where and when they wanted to.

Sarah's parents came in a few minutes later, wished their daughter a happy seventeenth birthday, and ate breakfast.

"What are you guys gona do today?" Emily asked.

Sarah finished chewing and replied, "We got a thing at school today."

"Thing?" Emily said with a cocked eyebrow.

"College adviser wants to talk to us Mrs. Atric," Sean added, not wanting to drift into other subjects

The teenaged rabbit played with her food nervously, she hadn't wanted to mention this to her parents.

Mr. Atric sat down and looked at his daughter, "You've been thinking about it at all?"

"Yeah, a little," she answered.

"And?" Emily asked, very interested.

Sarah sat quietly.

"Well what school?" Mr. Atric asked.

Sarah carefully glanced at Sean, who gave her a reassuring look, and the young rabbit sighed and whispered, "Alcaz Medical School, on Alcaz."

Sean and Emily looked at her in total surprise.

"Medical School? We thought you were going to go to the Academy?" Mr. Atric said in a mildly angry tone.

"I know you did," Sarah replied, defiance clear in her voice, "but I don't want to be in the Army, I want to be a doctor."

"The Army has doctor's honey," Emily said, also supporting what she and her husband had thought Sarah would do.

"I know that too mom, but I don't want to be a soldier, I'd rather stay a civilian," Sarah answered, her paws lowering as did her ears.

Mr. Atric sighed, "And why is that?"

"I don't know, why does it matter?" Sarah replied.

Sean and Emily just stared dumbfounded at their daughter. Sarah just stared back, but hers was one of anger. She hated it when her parents expected something in particular of her, which was exactly why she didn't want to mention anything to them. In this case though, she really was purposely deifying them, just for the sake of it. While she always wanted to be a doctor, Sarah knew she'd be better off being an Army doctor at least, but she wouldn't do that, she wouldn't be exactly what her parents told her to be.

"I..." Mr. Atric sighed again, "I... we we're so sure you were going to be an officer..."

Emily held her husband's paw softly, "Sarah why... you do so many things that gear you towards the military. We've brought you to all those training courses, why would you throw that away?"

"I wasn't going to be a soldier no matter what, mom, so being a good shot won't help me," Sarah replied.

"But still honey, you father was in the Army, I was in the Army, and we know you like the military. We're just disappointed in this," Emily whispered.

Sean nodded, "I just don't understand Sarah; it's what we expected, its what we thought you wanted. No, I know you want to be a soldier, and you should be..." he trailed off and gave another disappointed sigh.

The teenaged rabbit stared at her father for a moment, her ears curled up angrily on the sides of her head. She stared a moment longer then stood up and walked quickly to the door and slammed it behind her.

Sean stared at Mr. and Mrs. Atric, not sure what to do himself. By the grace of God Emily thrusted her head towards the door and Sean got the idea, and stood up and followed Sarah. He found her sitting on her porch, just staring angrily ahead. She turned and looked at him, that hateful gaze remaining.

Unable to think of anything else to say Sean whispered, "Sorry..."

After a moment Sarah's angry look turned to a frown and she sighed, "It doesn't matter, they would have found out sooner or later."

Sean nodded and sat down beside her, actually expecting Sarah to rest her body against his but she didn't.

"What the fuck do they mean 'I should be a soldier?'" Sarah said bitterly.

"You are good at it," Sean reasoned, although he didn't really care if she went to the Academy or not.

"So? That doesn't mean I should be. And even still I'm not going to be one just cause they think I should."

Sean didn't want to deal with this, he didn't realize what was really going on so he coaxed her up and they walked to school. Sarah eventually cooled down and before the day was over was back to her loving self, albeit at a farther distance from her parents.

Chapter 2 Prime

Next Year, Allison High, 8:32 AM Local Time

It had taken four years, but it was finally that time, Sean and Sarah were the big dogs at their high school, so to speak; they were seniors. As soon as they walked in their closest friends greeted the pair and they dispersed through the school, excited over what they knew would be a great year.

Sean and Sarah were most interested in seeing Tom. By some miracle the fox had managed to go on a small trip with his love interest Doreen, and no one had talked to or seen him since, and that was almost two weeks ago.

They didn't find him however, until their first free period, and that was only when they walked past the nurse's office where they saw him sitting in a chair. Sean and Sarah approached him but both were taken aback by what they saw.

Tom sat with his once bushy red tail completely bandage, a huge cast on his arm, and a bandage the nurse was actively changing wrapped around his chest.

"Jesus Christ man!" Sean said and ran over to his friend.

Seemingly unaffected by his injuries Tom looked up happily and smiled at his friends, but didn't say a word.

Sarah stared at the broken fox, shook her head and whispered, "I'm just going to take one guess; Lynch?"

Still looking strong Tom nodded, but his smile faded.

"Did you at least take a chunk out of him?" Sean asked.

Tom shook his head, "No, he pretty much beat me senseless."

Sarah and Sean gave each other a perplexed look; Tom didn't seem angry or saddened, he didn't even seem to have a problem talking about his own defeat.

"You all right?" Sean furthered.

Tom actually chuckled, "I don't know, how do I look?"

"Like shit," Sarah replied.

The fox rolled his eyes, "Well I'm fine. All this did was make me and Doreen better with each other, and makes Austin look like a bigger ass."

"He still did a number on you, Tom," Sean reasoned.

"Doesn't bother me-"

"Bullshit," Sean and Sarah replied simultaneously.

"There's no way you don't want to get back at him," Sarah added.

Thinking for a moment Tom sighed, "I do want to, but I can't, I swore to Doreen that I wouldn't."

Sarah turned her head and looked at Sean, who returned her with the same odd look.

"So she's okay with you getting the crap beat out of you?" Sean asked.

"It's not that, she doesn't want me to kill him," Tom said bluntly.

At that Sarah huffed, "Like you could anyway."

The nurse, a tall thin vixen, who had scarcely been paying attention to the teens, finished bandaging up Tom's chest. She gave Sean a smile having gone to nursing school with his mother; Sarah made an auditable growl at her.

"I almost did; half the reason he did this to me," Tom murmured.

Even Sean found that hard to believe, Tom really fitted the "lover not a fighter" ideology.

"How?" Sarah said, giving the nature of Tom's various injuries a closer look.

"Well, as usual, he walked in on me and Doreen-"

"I don't wana know that," Sarah interrupted.

"No, shut up and listen," Tom said, "He caught us just hanging out at the park, just sitten' and talking. He came over to me, like usual, acting big and tough, he gave me a shove and I don't know I just..." the fox managed a weak chuckle, "Got angry I guess. While he was tossing me to the ground I took my belt off and somehow got it around his neck and I came this close," he gestured with his paw, "to killing that sonofabitch, but Doreen begged me to stop and I did... and I wish I didn't."

Sarah still looked skeptical but it sounded plausible, maybe, and replied, "Yeah come to think of it, Austin is a bit of an asshole. I cut him off by accident and he said he'd beat the shit out of me for it," the rabbit rolled her eyes, "Like he could anyway."

Sean didn't like hearing that; he would have to ask her about that later. No one made threats to Sarah, not to his lover.

"Ya... and after that Doreen begged me that unless I really needed to I wouldn't do something like that again," Tom finished.

"So what did you call this?" Sarah reasoned, "A sprain? Cause it looks like he tried to kill you."

Tom shrugged, "I don't care, I'll have my chance."

"Oh?" the rabbit coaxed, being very intrigued by the entire situation.

Carefully Tom chanced a look at Sean, whose eyes twitched a fraction of an inch; more than enough for Tom to get the point.

"I don't know," he answered, "but I know it will happen."

Sarah huffed again and turned to Sean, "Well we might as well get going," she looked back at Tom, "You got a free now?"

"When else would I get this thing changed?" the fox gestured to the bandage around his waist.

Managing a chuckled Sean whispered, "How about during Math?"

"And miss a class?" Tom grinned, as if nothing was wrong.

The day went on easily, for the most part. During their sixth period Sean had a free with Tom but Sarah didn't, so it gave him a chance to talk to his friend.

"So what really happened?" Sean asked as they sat down in the lunchroom.

"What I said did," Tom replied, adjusting himself so his bandage tail wasn't caught underneath himself.

Sean shrugged, "Well then what did you really mean by 'you'll get him?'"

"What do you think?" Tom replied.

"I know what I think; what did you mean?"

For a moment Tom stared at his friend, but sighed and said quietly, "I know the best way to break him, what'll really piss him off is when me and her get married, and he can't keep us apart."

"If he lets you live that long," Sean added.

"Doreen said not to hit him as long as he doesn't go to far," Tom corrected.

Sean gave him an odd look and gestured to his friends tail, "This wasn't to far?"

"Well it..."

"That's what I thought," Sean chimed in, "Tom you can't let him do this. I mean at first I thought this was stupid cause-"

"You didn't think I really loved her," the other fox finished.

Sighing Sean nodded, "Yeah," and he made a more pronounced nod, "yeah and I realize you do now, so that means you can't just let him do this to you. And I hate to say it like this but if she really loves you back she won't let you get hit like this, she shouldn't, Sarah wouldn't let that happen to me."

"Well that's cause she'd kick their ass," Tom said.

"No, cause she really loves me back, and you cant let yourself get beat like this for no real reason."

Tom fiddled with his bandaged tail in his paws, Sean was probably right but he had still made a promise to Doreen.

"I can't," he replied.

Sean sighed again, this time filled with anger, "Well I ain't gona let this keep going on, and I know the rest of the guys won't, so something's gona happen; whether by you or us."

All Tom could do was grit his teeth, he couldn't stop his friends from defending him, but he was sure Doreen would see it the same, he sure did.

Then the fox looked up and said confrontationally, "Hey you know, it's obvious you never told Sarah what me and Doreen are gona do. How come?"

"Cause I don't wana bother her with that, it's not something anyone our age should be thinking about," Sean replied.

"We only want that cause we love each other," Tom reasoned; he was knowingly trying to convince Sean to follow his lead.

"We love each other too, but you don't need to get married to love each other," the other fox replied with confidence.

Tom gritted his teeth again, "So you're never going to marry her?"

"I don't know, I'm not going to think about it yet," Sean replied, although his voice was tense.

Tom took note and continued, "Remember I said, like a bunch of times everyone kinda expects you two to be together, well... well I figured when you and Sarah get married then me and Doreen get married, somehow everything would work out..." he trailed off, it worked well in his mind but he knew Sean wouldn't understand.

Obviously, Sean didn't, and he said, "Listen Tom, I love Sarah, but I don't wana bother her or myself with," he paused, "marriage. We're just not there yet."


Later that day, once school was over, Sean, as he usually did when he wanted to avoid talking to anyone made a beeline for his house and sat down in the den where his father was writing quietly.

Sean, now almost eighteen, still had no better source of help then his father so, after hovering in the room for a few minutes, Steve Reynolds turned around and smile at his son.

"What's up Sean?" he asked softly.

"It's uh... complicated dad," Sean replied.

The older human sighed but his smile didn't fade, "Try me."

"Well two things," Sean began, "one; you know how Tom and Doreen, that vixen at school, have been going out for a few years?"

"Ya..." Steve replied, slowly realizing that this wasn't one of his run of the mill chats with his son.

The fox forced a smile, "Well... well there's two things to that actually. One, Doreen's older brother Austin keeps kicking the shit out of Tom and two, him and Doreen have..." Sean trailed off, not entirely comfortable with the concept.

"Have what, Sean?" Steve replied, now his mind returning to it's more serious old self.

"Have... are going to get married," Sean finished.

The man looked his son in the eye for a long moment, just making sure that he was being 100% honest, and knowing his son quite well Steve was sure he wasn't lying.

"Okay, now I hope you don't mean like now," Steve replied.

Sean shook his head quickly, "No, no. No they just promised to do it later on-"

Steve put his hand up and his son stopped short.

"Sean," the man began carefully, "I just want to know one simple thing and you can go on. Tell me, have you and Sarah do anything like that or thought about anything like that?"

"No!" Sean said loudly, enough that his mother, who although upstairs could hear the conversation perfectly, jumped, "No, that's what I wanted to talk about."

"Okay," Steve sighed, controlling himself, "go on."

Not sure if he should go on Sean sighed, but realized he was to deep and started quietly, "Well Tom has this thing in his head that..." he couldn't bear to continue.

Steve, having slowly grown accustomed to the art of being a parent, had already caught on and, when he was sure his son wasn't capable of going on, said in the softest voice he could manage, "Sean, when your mom and I got married it was hardly a well laid out and planed thing. I don't know if we would have preferred to, or if things turned out better this way," the human thought for a moment, "I think they did, but that doesn't mean you should ever jump into something like that."

"I do really-"

Again Steve put his hand up, stopping Sean mid sentence, he always had a commanding presence, especially over his son.

"Sean, I know you're a really purpose driven kid. You know what you wana do, how you wana get there, and you make sure that you're gona be the best at it, and I don't doubt for a moment that you do the same when it comes to Sarah," Steve stressed her name, "So I know you know what it is you want out of your relationship."

Hearing that Sean clenched his teeth, but didn't mention that he had no idea what he wanted with Sarah except to be with her.

"I'm not going to try and tell you what's best, to choose, or even that you have to make a choice cause it's not my choice, I don't really know everything you do, and it's really not my place, not on a matter like this," Steve continued, "But let me say this, if it does come down to a choice, don't..." the human thought back and paused for an uncomfortable moment, "you should do..." he stopped again, there wasn't a good way to word this, "Sean, sometimes the harder choice isn't the best one, but it's usually what you should do."

Although he'd heard it before Sean still whispered, "I don't understand."

"You won't right now," Steve replied, "and that's okay, cause when you do understand, that's when you'll know you made the right choice."

The young fox sighed deeply; this wasn't what he'd been hoping for. He felt a little better, and a little worse. The only thing he knew was he wanted to talk to Sarah, but he really couldn't do that either.

Very softly Steve chuckled, "Alright that's enough for now Sean, go on and get out of here."

His father pat him on the back and Sean stood up and walked upstairs.

Also upstairs Cathy sat on her bed silently until she heard her son's door close, at which point she got up herself and went downstairs. There she found Steve still sitting in the chair, staring off as if in a trance. He saw her enter and smiled at his wife.

"What do you think?" he whispered.

The vixen shrugged, "I don't know... do you think what you said was good though?"

"I thought it was," Steve replied, "I didn't tell him what to do or favor any one side, I couldn't do that for this."

Cathy walked over and sat down on her husband's lap.

"Our little fox is growing up..." she said in a happy tone.

"Yes he is," Steve replied and rubbed her head as she laid down on his chest.

"He forgot to mention the other part," Cathy pointed out.

Steve shrugged, "I don't really think it matters; it was probably basically the same thing."

Thinking for a moment Cathy sighed, "So what do you think is gona happen?"

"I'm not even going to pretend to guess," Steve said quietly back.


The human just shrugged and nuzzled the top of his wife's head but asked, "What do you think will happen?"

Cathy thought for a moment then sighed again, "I don't wana jinx it either."

They both smiled and sat embraced.

Four Weeks Later, Allison High, 1:19 PM Local Time

"See you later Tudrussel," Sarah said as she parted ways with her friends to go off to class.

The second bell rang but Sarah didn't rush.

"Wow, I guess being a senior does have it's privileges," the rabbit commented, taking her time to get to class.

The last wayward student went into his classroom and Sarah walked down the hall to hers. But, just as she passed the janitor's closet, a furry paw reached out and dragged her in. Sarah was caught so off guard that she didn't even have time to scream, not that she could have as the assailant placed a strong paw around her muzzle, silencing her.

Whoever had grabbed her was strong because, after a few seconds when Sarah had regained her bearings, she was unable to move against their body. Silently and forcefully she was dragged into the janitor's closet.

It was pitch black and Sarah felt for a second her assailant's other paw disappear but it quickly returned, this time with a muzzle, which was put tightly across her face. Finally in control of herself Sarah tried to scream in terror but wan unable to because of the muzzle.

Her assailant, which from the smell was definitely a male, immediately began groping her body; her breasts, the back of her tight fitting pants, and eventually fondling with her belt to begin undressing her.

Catching onto the situation, and refusing to give up without a fight, Sarah began thrashing about, but it only aided the rapist who managed to undo the buckle and in her frenzy, thrust a paw down the front of her pants. With almost impressive skill he thrusted most of his paw into her tight passage, too deep for the rabbit, and her eyes immediately began to water.

Still struggling against him, the rapist felt her out for a few minutes but eventually grew tired of just that and forcefully brought the rabbit to the ground, forcing her to lay on her stomach. In the dark Sarah heard the scrape of metal and felt a cold grip around her wrists; handcuffs.

Now terrified the rabbit thrashed about but even she was realizing it was too late. Her assailant undid her pants and thrusted them down to her ankles, making kicks impossible for her, and he removed her T-shirt. After fondling further for a moment he undid her bra and immediately began sucking one of her small tits, and that's when Sarah first noticed it, the huge bulge in his pants.

With new found strength she managed to shake him off her body and wormed her way to a corner but it was of no use. In actuality it hurt her worse as it gave the assailant the chance to remove his pants, which he did, revealing his bushy red-fox tail and terrifyingly large cock.

Eyes wide Sarah stared at him as he approached her, grabbed her from behind, and laid down atop her rear. Wasting no time he thrusted into her rear, finally hitting home inside her warm pussy.

If she could have she would have screamed, it was to deep to fast. He thrusted hard and fast, trying his best to make sure each thrust managed his entire length.

He fucked her so hard so fast that Sarah's ass cheeks hurt from his pelvis slamming against them. He was so strong the miniscule rabbit couldn't move against his body and forced, by the movement, to slam back down on his hard cock each time.

Sarah tried to scream through the muzzle, but all she managed was a weak groan. She didn't want to enjoy this, she really didn't, but her body was having other ideas, and her clit became erect and as her rapist slammed down on her it rubbed on the rough floor. The pain was great and she moaned into the muzzle, tears forming in the sides of her eyes.

The rapist reached around beneath her furry body and rubbed her tits, resting his head on her shoulder as he continued fucking the rabbit. He was big and strong, very strong, and he rapped her so powerfully she felt like she was being torn in two.

"It couldn't be..." Sarah thought in terror, "he wouldn't, he couldn't, I didn't piss him off that much-"

Her thoughts were cut off as he managed to speed his rate up and fuck her harder. Sarah could feel her assailant's smooth sheath rubbing against the fur on her ass, and the warm slapping sound echoed off the concrete wall of the closet.

He groaned and Sarah tried to scream, terrified of this.

In a muffled tone she managed a pleading, "No!" but the rapist didn't care, and Sarah's own pussy clamped down on his cock as they came in unison, sending shock waves of cum into her steaming passage.

The rapist's body tightened against the now defeated rabbit, letting his cock just stay far enough out that they wouldn't tie, to aid in his rapid escape. Sarah didn't care, she couldn't care, she felt his cum drip and seep its way to her womb, her mind full of terror.

They laid for a few minutes like this, the calming fox atop Sarah letting his breath calm down.

After about ten minutes past, his breathing back to normal, the rapist lowered his muzzle and kissed the fur between Sarah's ears, whispering, "I love you..." very softly into the back of her head.

Shifting her position beneath him Sarah whispered back, "I love you too..." then the chill of the cold floor got to her and she added, "Can I get up now?"

"I don't know, can you?" the fox whispered in a dominating tone.

Sarah sighed, "Comon Sean, games over."

Her lover smiled and kissed her head again. Getting one last squeeze of her tits Sean dismounted and pulled his rabbit onto his chest and rubbed her arm softly.

"I can't believe you actually went through with this," Sarah commented and nuzzled his chest.

Sean chuckled softly, "You liked it right?"

Still rubbing her snout into the fox's chest Sarah moaned a pleased yes.

"Good," he replied, then in an odd devious tone, added, "I did too."

Sarah giggled and looked up, "Yeah, I could tell."

The pair sat and coddled each other in the dark closet. After reading the story in the back of one of their porno magazines, both of the lovers were compelled to try everything they read about, and this mock rape had been the most extreme, yet had been one of the most satisfying.

"I have to say I was a little scared at first," Sarah whispered, breaking the content silence.

"Good scared or bad scared?"

"Well... bad at first, I forgot the game, but when I smelled you I knew I could get into it," Sarah replied.

Although he didn't try to start an argument Sean whispered, "Well who would you have thought it was?"

"I don't know... I've pissed a bunch of furs off," Sarah replied nonchalantly.

Sean didn't like that answer, as innocent as it was, "But who would do something like this, intentionally I mean?"

The rabbit shrugged and her ears lowered at the realization of Sean's interest in this.

"Well Sarah this ain't good. I mean you and I do this but we're not gona hurt each other, but if you think someone-"

"Sean no one would do that, I could stop them," Sarah replied trying to end the conversation.

Terrified by the concept Sean gripped his lover closer, "No Sarah, I don't think you could, you couldn't stop me."

She sat silently.

"This is something you have to tell me Sarah," Sean said in a cautious tone.

For a moment Sarah just stared at the fox, then forced a weak laugh and replied, "Sean you're getting to deep into this. No one would rape me," although with all this talk it was starting to get to her.

Being a teenager, Sean's mind jumped to a thousand conclusions at once, and the one that stood out the most was that someone doing this rape for real was a possibility and there was a chief candidate on who it could be.

"What about Austin?" Sean whispered.

Sarah clenched her teeth, but managed to keep her composer, "No."

"I heard what happened you know," Sean replied.


"The thing with Austin, with the window, your dad told me," the fox whispered, stroking the soft fur on her arm.

Sarah cursed under her breath, "It's over now, my dad sent a cop to his house about it."

Sean rolled his head in a circle, "That's gona be worse and you know it."

The rabbit nodded.

"We're gona havta figure this out. I mean I won't make a big deal since Tom doesn't want anything done, but I'm not Doreen's boyfriend, I'm yours, an I'm not gona let shit like that fly," Sean replied, staring at her in the eye.

With her usually bold personality completely suppressed Sarah could do nothing but nod; he was right anyway.

Clutching her even closer, the pair sat quietly for a little longer but the cold eventually got to them and they dressed, but went right back to cuddling in the corner of the room. Both of them had frees for the rest of the day, although Sarah had cut her last class, one that the teacher wouldn't have noticed her absence. They sat for another hour, their minds clear and although it had been an exciting sex act and a frightening conversation, they were both in a pristine state of serenity.

Eventually they heard the bell for the second-to-last period and they knew it would be bad to remain in the closet any longer. Carefully they emerged, managing to slip out of the school and all the way back to Sarah's without being noticed by anyone.

Still very calm, Sarah laid down on the bed and, coaxing Sean over to her side, they napped quietly for another hour. As violent and intense their mock rape back at school had been, and as much as they had come to love things like that, they still enjoyed coddling each other softly just as much, if not more.

Sarah yawned wide and scratched one of her soft ears, "I love you."

Not opening his eyes Sean smiled and whispered back, "I love you too."

Sean laid happily in the warmth and silence of the bed but it was interrupted by the crackle of paper. The fox glanced down at his lover who he saw looking through a magazine, one of their newer porno ones.

"Jeeze Sarah," Sean said humorously, "you can't help yourself, can ya?"

She looked up and grinned, "Well next time's my turn..."

It took a moment for Sean to understand, and when he did he smiled back nervously.

"Oh boy," he whispered and Sarah gave his pelt a soft tug with a devious look on her mug.

The rabbit tugged on his chest fur, then softened up, then rubbed him in a more sensual way, and not needing further coaxing Sean leaned down and kissed her softly.

Parting lips, barely, Sean whispered, "Well we can't do this all day..."

"Why not?" the rabbit replied softly, nuzzling Sean's soft fur.

"Comon... well," he nuzzled her back, "I actually wana go somewhere today."


"Tom wants to go see that new store," Sean replied.

Sarah raised an eyebrow, "What store?"

Sean chuckled right away, "The new gun shop... why are you suspicious?"

"I'm not, I just..." Sarah giggled softly, "Forget it, forget it, let's just go."

The fox smiled and kissed her muzzle softly. They stood up and without a word were out the door and walking down the street. When they got midway to the store Sean stopped and gestured in the opposite direction.

"Hold on," he said, "I'm gona go find Tom, you go on ahead."

"Okay," Sarah replied and she walked a few feet to the store then turned slightly and saw Sean walking away towards their school.

The rabbit smiled, and turned back around and walked the rest of the way to the store. As soon as she entered Sarah was stunned; she's never seen, not on Foc or Conakry, a store like this. There had to be at least three hundred replica assault rifles, submachine guns, pistols, sniper rifles, missile launchers, and shotguns; all of some weapon design, even copies of old weapons from more than four centuries ago.

Sarah stood amazed by this for a long enough time that the store clerk, a tall artic fox who looked somewhat like Michael, came over to the dumbfounded rabbit.

"Hello? Do you need help?" he asked quietly.

It still took a moment for Sarah to regain herself and she snapped to attention, "Uh... no, no I'm fine. I'm just gona look around," she gestured to a stand of about twenty various forms of the current Federation assault rifle.

The clerk nodded and returned to his desk, watching the teenager carefully.

The store was amazing, there was everything that a new player to MCSL would need, and everything an expert player could dream of. Gear and equipment till now Sarah had thought was illegal for civilian ownership were displayed in vast numbers on the shelves.

Then Sarah spotted it, exactly what she knew was perfect to get Sean for his birthday in a few weeks; a perfect replica of a Predator Armor system. She had seen it only once before, the real one that is, when her father had been awarded some medal and he had returned still wearing his armor, and it amazed her as much now as it did then, if not more. The black interlocking plates looked impenetrable, although Sarah knew the replica must pail in comparison to the real one, the effect would be the same, and she knew she had to get one for Sean.

Not daring to waste a moment Sarah almost ran to the counter and said to the clerk, "How much is that?" she pointed to the Predator replica.

"Seven-hundred credits," he replied, looked Sarah over and added, "and we need an adult to approve your purchase."

Sarah gritted her teeth, Sean turned eighteen before her and she couldn't imagine her parents letting her do this. She couldn't even ask Sean's mom and dad to do this because as soon as they found out about the suit they would surely buy it for him themselves.

Then she figured it out, she hated the thought, she really did, but it would be worth it.

"I'm eighteen," she whispered, "le'me take a closer look at it before I'm sure I want to buy it."

As the rabbit turned she made sure to glance over her shoulder at the clerk and as she walked, slowly, away towards the suit she took special care to sway her hips as sensually as possible. The clerk took great notice, enough not to realize another customer, this one a very, very large red fox, walk in the door and immediately start fooling with a replica submachine gun.

Carefully Sarah tapped the replica Predator and she was amazed to see that it was definitely some form of steel.

"It must actually work..." Sarah thought.

She glanced at her watched and knew Sean must be on his way so, trying to ignore the thought of what she was about to do, the young rabbit unbuttoned the top two buttons of her shirt and walked back, slowly to the clerk, wishing she could smack the shit out of him for his more than obvious stare at her chest.

"Yeah, yeah I think I'm definitely gona buy it," she reached into the pocket of her pants, making sure to bend down a little revealing the soft fur between her breasts, "How much was it?"

The clerk, slightly stunned, twitched his head and answered, "Wha? Oh... ya, uh six hundred credits."

"That was worth it," Sarah thought to herself.

The rabbit softly handed the clerk her money and he immediately rung up her purchase, glancing back at the teenager every now and again.

"Can you do me a favor," Sarah whispered in the sweetest voice she could manage, "and put it away, I don't want you to be tempted to sell it to someone else now."

The clerk nodded and walked out from behind the counter and, grabbing a hand-truck, moved the massive armor setup to the back room.

"Hey Sarah," a voice said from behind, almost causing the rabbit to jump out of her fur.

She turned and saw that it was Sean and she quickly gave him a hard shove.

"You scared the crap out of me you ass!" she said in a teasing voice.

The fox sighed and took a gaze at the variety weapons in the store, "Quite a place huh?"

"I'll say!" Tom said from behind a display, "I can't fucking believe it..." Tom hefted a long combat shotgun that had three barrels that would rotate when fired, "I've never even heard of them making a replica MTS44."

Sean smiled slyly, "They still don't have a Thompson."

Tom stared at him for a moment then frowned, "You can't let me have fun can ya?"

"Nope," Sean replied, containing a laugh.

The other fox just shook his head and looked back at the shotgun in his paws.

Sean turned back to the rabbit, "See anything cool?"

"Uh ya, like the whole friggen store," she chuckled.

Hinting slightly he replied, "Anything you like?"

Grinning, but not for the reason Sean thought she was, Sarah answered, "I haven't looked that hard... yet."

"Well go ahead," Sean whispered, drawing himself closer to the rabbit.

Just then the clerked walked in and, seeing Sarah pressed up against her lover, frowned in defeat, having moments before thought of the possibility of getting lucky with the young rabbit.

Sarah smiled and, taking a step back, looked around the store. It was more impressive now that she had secured Sean's birthday present, even though the massive pedestal the replica Predator sat on was gone.

She walked along the wall, inspecting each and every replica weapon she saw. A few caught her eye, all carbines; Sarah had a tendency for the more compact weapons since they were easier to use up close and personal. Then she saw exactly what she would want. It looked exactly like a standard M88 Federal Assault rifle that had gone through a buzz saw. The normally meter long rifle was no more than a foot, no stock, laser sight removed, no carry handle, and the barrel had to be half as long, yet it still retained the sexy, sleek design of it's parentage.

Sean saw the glee in his lover's eyes and walked up behind her.

"Is that the one?" he asked quietly.

Turning, unable to remove the wide smile on her snout, Sarah nodded meekly.

"Well I'm getting it for you," then he leaned in and whispered into her ear, "for when it's your turn to be the boss..."

Sarah licked her lips and nuzzled Sean's face softly.

All she managed was a weak, "I love you," with an obvious sound of suppressed delight.

Sean smiled and hugged her. He picked up the sub-carbine and walked it over to the counter. Behind him Tom walked up, still holding the tri-barreled shotgun.

The clerk gazed at all of them, "This is one purchase?"

The three friends glanced at each other and Sean nodded, "Yeah."

"Okay I can sell them to her, but not to you guys," the clerk said, hoping to catch the rabbit in what he suspect was a lie.

Both of the young foxes raised an eyebrow to that, but were cleverer than and nodded, although Tom carefully glanced at Sarah.

"That's okay," she said, realizing that Tom and Sean understood to play along.

The clerk huffed but took her money anyway, and rung up the two guns. Sarah took hers and Tom grabbed his and they all walked out of the store. They had walked no further than ten feet when the heard the door open again and the large red fox walked out and walked towards them.

Before they even noticed he had pushed past Sean and separated Tom from his other two friends. It was Austin, and he had it in his mind to beat up on Tom again.

"Hey, nice new toy," he said and tore the shotgun from the stunned fox's paws, "I like it, it's perfect to shoot you with," Austin added and plugged in a power cell.

"Hey!" Sarah said in a booming voice, "That's not Tom's, that's mine."

Austin huffed, "Like that makes a fucking difference to me, cunt."

Hearing that Sean took a single step towards Austin, putting himself between Sarah and the huge fox, "Just leave man, you don't wana deal with all of us."

"Oh... oh I don't huh?" he said and without a thought turned the tri-barreled shotgun and shot Tom in the leg.

The fox yelped and fell down, rubbing the electrified fur and skin on his hind-leg.

"Sean down..." Sarah whispered, and, as soon as he ducked, Sarah fired an amazing twelve round burst in less than a second at Austin but the rounds struck him, having no effect.

He chuckled ominously, "See those are competition rounds," he raised the shotgun towards Sarah, "These aren't"

Austin fired one shot at Sarah and hit her square in the chest, knocking her down onto the hard pavement.

On instinct, Sean scampered back to Sarah and managed to hold her up. Sarah groaned in pain and rubbed her chest, reaching down her own shirt to press down on the electrified patch of fu.

Standing up Sean glared at the larger, apparently amused, fox and said, "Don't you ever do that again."

"Fuck you wuss," Austin replied and went to shoot Sean but the more agile fox managed to duck away from the shot.

He dove and rolled forward, a move he had perfected just for MCSL, stopping right at Austin's feet. In a flash Sean stood up, his body between Austin and the shotgun, reached back and ripped the gun free of the still unreacting fox, and turned and fired the shotgun with it's muzzle buried in Austin's chest. No shot was heard and Austin's body was thrown back around six feet, landing with his back against a brick wall. Still though, he remained standing, but, although terribly angry, he knew better and stood still as Sean kept the shotgun trained at his head.

No removing his eyes from Austin, Sean called back, "Sarah you okay?"

She inspected her chest and nodded, "Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

The rabbit limped over and stood next to Sean.

"Hand that to me," she said and the fox handed her the shotgun.

Sarah inspected the gun, saw that it was still charged, raised it and put a double tap, without hesitation, in Austin's chest. The fox was once again propelled backwards, slamming his head against the wall again, putting a gash in the back of his head.

"Don't ever, ever, fuck with any of us again!" she yelled at the still angry looking fox.

"Fuck you both," Austin yelled back, refusing to look defeated or overpowered, "Fuck you, and fuck that little bitch who thinks it's a great fucking idea to screw around with my sister."

Quietly Sarah whispered back, "Tom come 'er."

The other fox walked up to his other two friends.

"Yeah?" he asked, glad to see his friends helping.

In a booming voice Sarah called over to Austin, "Now why the fuck do you care if Tom dates Doreen?"

"That sniveling shit only wants to fuck 'er," Austin growled and shook his paw at Tom, "Little fucking pussy, can't even fight your own battles."

"Fuck you Austin!" Tom called back, although he didn't advance, "And guess what? Me and Doreen are gona get married when we graduate so your gona havta deal with me for the rest of your life, cause I ain't leaving!"

Sarah turned her head and stared at Tom, she hadn't heard about this, no one knew but Doreen, Tom, Sean and their group friends, excluding her.

Turning the rest of the way Sarah said at a draw, "What the fuck... are you talking about?!"

Seeing his opportunity, Austin jumped at Sarah, throwing the gun away from her and shoving her to the ground on top of Sean. He turned to Tom and, jumping on top of him, began furiously punching him in the head.

"Ya? Ya? You gona marry my sister huh?" Austin yelled with rage as he beat Tom, "Not if you're fucking dead! Ya hear me? Not if you're fucking dead!"

Sarah managed to scamper to her paws and she jumped on Austin, clenching his arm around his neck, effectively choking the huge fox. By now Tom had passed out and was bleeding onto the concrete.

Austin growled loudly, and, being stronger than the rabbit, managed to free himself and pin her to the pavement. Without thinking twice he began the same vicious beating on Sarah, focusing not just on her face but her thin ears and her already soar chest.

*Click* *Click*

"This isn't a competition round either," Sean said quietly with the barrel of Sarah's PDW digging into the back of Austin's head.

Austin froze but didn't feel afraid at all, "I can take one of those round, but your little girlfriend here can't."

Sean fired a shot into the pavement which disintegrated next to Austin's hind leg, the sound of a real gun's discharge reverberated off the town's walls.

"What the fuck is that?" Austin said, a mild indication of fear in his voice.

Putting the gun back to the fox's head Sean replied, "Your not the only one who can modify a cartage to be stronger, now get off of her."

Austin slowly stood up, letting out a guttural snarl, while Sean took a single step over to Sarah and let down a paw to help her up. The fur on her cheek had a hint of blood and she looked more pissed than Austin.

Sean looked around then pressed the PDW into Austin's back again, "Go, walk into the supermarket."

Carefully Sean lead Austin into the store, gaining a few stares in the process as Sean didn't move the PDW more than an inch from the back of Austin's head.

"Sit down over there," Sean thrusted the barrel towards a chair, then turned to a cashier, "Call the police ma'am."

The vixen nodded and called up the local police department. A moment later Sarah limped in, clearly upset, but more angry.

After limping and resting her body against Sean's she whispered, "How'd you do that?"

"Trade secret's honey," he whispered back, trying to sound humorous.

She shook her head and rested on him, rubbing the fur on her cheek.

A few minute's later the police arrived, and although they weren't thrilled with Sean for having quickly modified the MCSL gun to lethal levels, they realized the situation and decided all they would do was to warn him, given the situation.

Outside an ambulance arrived to take Tom, who was still unconscious, to the hospital, and Austin was carted off to the police station, leaving Sean and Sarah to figure out what to do next.

They both, without a word, decided to retreat back to Sean's house, being that they figured Sarah's parent's would likely overreact to the situation.

When they arrived both the Reynolds and Atric's were outside, having figured out their children's plans in advance.

"Sarah!" Emily yelped and ran to her daughter as Sean limped her to the house.

"I'm fine ma," she said while Emily inspected her.

Steve walked over to his son and frowned.

"He was hurting Sarah..." the teenaged fox whispered.

"I know, Richard called and told me the whole thing," Steve replied.

Looking up Sean said still in a whisper, "Then you know I did the right thing."

"There's a better way than almost killing someone, Sean," the human pointed out.

"He was hurting Sarah," Sean repeated, but in a more confident voice.

Sarah coughed, "I can't believe what Tom said..."

"What'd he say?" Cathy asked, looking the rabbit over as well.

"Him and Doreen are gona get married!" Sarah replied, still reeling from Austin's attack.

Sean felt a chill go down his spin and through every inch of his fur. Carefully Steve glanced at his son and saw his distress.

"She's okay," Cathy said, using her shirt's sleeve to put pressure on Sarah's cut forehead, "A small gash, not bad enough to really need anything but a washing."

Mr. Atric carefully moved over to where Steve and his son where standing.

"You two knew?" he asked quiet enough that even Cathy couldn't hear him.

Sean and Steve nodded.

The older fox sighed, "Is there anything extra I should know about this?"

"Not yet Sean," Steve replied, then noticed his son look at the ground in pure embarrassment.

Although Sean was embarrassed, Mr. Atric and Mr. Reynolds took it with about as much humor as they could given the situation. They had both accepted and, in a small way, were half expecting their offspring to be married one day.

Steve heard Cathy say, "Let's go inside," and he gestured everyone to file into the house.

They all sat down in the living room, Cathy and Steve on one couch, Mr. and Mrs. Atric on another, and Sean and Sarah sat side by side on a seat designed for one. Everyone but Sarah gave the seating any thought, and for a moment Sean thought to move to another seat, but felt compelled to remain by her side.

They all sat quietly for a moment until Sarah, in her usual strong voice asked, "Are we in trouble?"

"No honey," Emily replied and crossed her legs, "but you could have acted better."

The teenaged rabbit huffed, "Yeah? How?"

Sean leaned forward and looked at his daughter, "Well for one you could have called out for-"

"By the time someone came to help us Tom would be dead," Sarah interrupted.

For a moment Mr. Atric was about to reply but sat back, but then leaned back in and whispered, "You're not in trouble Sarah, but you will be if you don't relax."

Carefully Sean put his paw on Sarah leg, giving her the clear message to be quiet for a moment.

"We couldn't just stand there and let Tom be beat to death sir," the fox turned to his father, "He's our friend, and you can't let someone do that to a friend."

Steve sighed and sat up straighter, "Granted, but you still took it to far. You do realize how illegal it is to modify a MCSL cartridge to be lethal?"

Meekly, Sean nodded.

"Well then you know why we're all worried," Steve replied, "What stops you from doing that again later on and shooting that kid in the street?"

"I wouldn't do that!" Sean yelled, standing up.

Cathy frowned, "I know that honey, the Atric's know that too, but the police don't, and something like this gets their attention."

Sean clenched his teeth and sat down.

"I was protecting Sarah, mom, and if I had to I would have killed Austin if he didn't stop hurting her," Sean whispered in ominous tone.

Mr. Atric stared at the younger fox for a moment then said, "Well I thank you for that Sean, but there is a better way."

Never really one to argue with adults Sean really couldn't help it here and he replied, "You guys were both soldiers, you both killed, why?"

"When we killed we had no choice," the human answered.

Sighing, Sean replied, "Well neither did I."

Having listened carefully during the conversation Emily cleared her throat and said, "Alright Sean, just tell us something then, do you think Austin would have killed Sarah if you hadn't done anything?"

For a long moment Sean sat and thought, then nodded carefully and said quietly, "Yes."

"Hmm," Mr. Atric moaned quietly.

"Okay you two... go somewhere," Cathy said and gestured upstairs, "We'll figure things out from here."

The two teens both nodded and, silently, walked upstairs to Sean's room.

Being that Cathy, Sean, and Emily could hear best, Steve waited until it they were sure their offspring couldn't eves drop.

"Okay," Cathy nodded.

"So what do you think?" Steve said, turning to Sean.

The fox sighed, "I don't know, I really don't... do you really think that fucker would try and kill Sarah?"

Steve shrugged.

"I believe him," Emily whispered, "Which is why I'm not angry at either of them."

"Yeah but now what's gona happen?" Sean asked quietly.

Cathy sat up carefully, "Well if either of them was in trouble as far as the police were concerned they wouldn't have walked home, and quite frankly they may have saved Tom's life so if anything they were commendable."

Rubbing the vixen's back Steve replied, "I think he meant about Austin."

Sean nodded.

"He won't touch either of them, me and Emily will take care of that," Cathy whispered, Emily nodded across the room.

The two husbands just looked at each other and chuckled, they didn't even want to know what that entailed.

The mood lightning a little Sean chuckled softly and said, "So what's this deal about marriage?"

No one moved, physically and mentally frozen except, in an odd turn of events, Sean.

"Well?" he pressured.

Steve sighed but replied, "Well Sean told me Tom and Doreen, his little girlfriend, want to get married when they-"

"That's not what I meant," Sean interrupted, taking a deep breath.

Emily stared in awe at her husband and Cathy giggled softly.

"Sean you can't seriously want to talk about that," Steve whispered.

The fox nodded, "Ya, I think we need to talk about this one."

"Sean made it clear to me he doesn't... or he hasn't thought of that...."

Mr. Atric raised an eyebrow.

"...yet," Steve finished.

"Yes, 'yet,' but it's on his mind now, definitely after this," Sean went on, "So what-"

"There's nothing to talk about," Emily replied very calmly, "If they're going to get married, then they'll do that, us talking and going nuts over it isn't gona change things either way."

Steve forced a laugh, "I think the big question is it likely they will or not."

"Oh it's not a question anymore, not now," Sean said, "well I take that back. It's not a question of 'if' now, it's a question of 'when.'"

Steve just chuckled and shook his head; it was too much to think about now.

"I think we'll let Sarah stay tonight if that's okay with you guys?" Emily asked.

He sighed deeply but Steve nodded.

Sean stood up and shook Steve hands, not even sure himself what it meant but the human received it well nonetheless. A moment later Sean and Emily were gone and Steve and Cathy were left to their thoughts.

"Great, this 'll bother me till their married," Steve said and laid his head back on the couch.

Cathy giggled softly and rested her head on Steve's chest.

"I'm gona be right back," she whispered and gave his cheek a soft kiss, "I'm just gona check on them."

The vixen got up and walked upstairs.

"Make sure to knock!" Steve called up to her.

When she came to her son's door Cathy knocked and heard Sean's voice welcome her in.

Carefully she entered and saw Sean sitting on his bed and Sarah resting on his side.

"You two all right?" she asked quietly.

They both nodded, their gazes somewhat distant.

Cathy half turned and whispered to them both, "You two don't need to worry about Austin, Emily and I won't let him hurt either of you."

She shut the door and walked away before the two teens could react. They really didn't, there wasn't much on their minds.

They sat for at least twenty minutes, silent and motionless. When the silence was broken it was by Sean.

"I'll make sure we get your gun back from the police..." he whispered quietly, almost to himself.

Across the room Sarah smiled softly, got up and sat down on his bed next to him. Without urging Sean wrapped his paws around her and she coddled up against his body.

Still in a strong tone of voice Sarah replied, "It's okay Sean."

"You okay?"

The rabbit moaned an acknowledgement.

Not sure what else to say but sure that he should add something Sean whispered, "You wana talk about it?"

It took a moment to convince herself but Sarah shook her head into his chest; she was fine as it was.

Sean was relieved by that; he was terribly worried that she would question him on the situation between Tom and-

"What's that whole thing with Tom and Doreen?" she asked quietly.

For a long moment Sean sat very silently, hoping Sarah wouldn't ask again, but she did, so Sean replied, "They're gona get married when they graduate."

Sarah huffed, "I can't believe it."

"He told me awhile ago," Sean admitted and, letting go of her, laid his head back on his bed.

After that sank in with her Sarah laid down against the fox's body and asked, "How come you didn't tell me before?"

That was the moment, from then on Sean knew what was going to happen and there wasn't going to be any mental fighting against it, he wanted to marry Sarah. Once again Tom had pulled through and, indirectly, forced things upon Sean and Sarah, but this time Sean wouldn't be as opposed to the thought line, he already knew he loved Sarah more than he could love anyone else.

"Sarah..." he tried, but was terribly embarrassed.

"Yeah?" she asked, unaware of what was going on for the second time in their relationship.

Unable to answer Sean just reached down and gripped her paw, rubbing it softly in his.

"Sarah..." he tried to start again, but faltered and trailed off.

Realizing something was wrong she looked up and tilted her head softly, "What's up with you?"

Sean gulped deeply and stared at the ceiling, "Would... would you ever consider..." he trailed off, unable to finish.

Although she waited a moment for him to try and finish on his own Sarah sat up and looked at Sean in the eye.

"Comon, what's up?" she asked softly.

Building up the courage Sean whispered very quietly, "Would you ever marry me?"

Right away Sarah's ears pinned back and she laid back down next to him. Sean was to terrified and nervous to really think or notice a reply, or lack there of, and just continued holding her one paw in his. While Sarah wouldn't answer him, being to unsure of even the concept of something so finalizing as marriage, it would seed a question that would burn in both of them for years, but for tonight they would just sleep.

Six Weeks Later, Reynolds' Home, Foc, 11:32 PM Local Time

"We should get up now Sean, it's late," Sarah whispered less than an inch from her lover's face.

Smiling he answered, "Let me kiss you a little more."

"That's all you want on your birthday?" she asked playfully.

Sean grinned wider, gave her snout a soft kiss, and replied, "No, but for now it's good."

Happily Sarah leaned in and kissed him again, enjoying it just as much as he did.

"I really love you," he whispered and nuzzled the rabbit.

I love you too," she replied and kissed him again, feeling the warmth of his mouth in hers.

They kissed for a few minutes, and right before Sarah knew Sean was starting to get frisky she sat up.

"Now we're getting up," she whispered and, although in a slight agreement to just lay there all day, forced herself to get up and get dressed.

Sean followed suit and, after mild and innocent play, managed to make their way downstairs where they found Sean's mother and father making breakfast.

When she saw her son downstairs Cathy ran up to Sean and gave him a motherly hug.

"My boy is eighteen!" she cried and laughed softly as she held his frame in her paws.

Sean was as tall as his father now, maybe bigger because of his ears. His fur and tail however looked almost exactly the same as his mothers, very shinny and very deep red in color. His frame though, that was what was different from his parents. Cathy was quite petite, even for a vixen, and although still extremely strong Steve wasn't large by human standards, yet Sean's strong arms and legs and chest set him apart, and made him look imposing next to most other foxes; not considering his friend Tudrussel who towered over all.

Steve turned from the stove and smiled at his son, "I'd say you're a man now but..." he grinned wide, very similarly to the way Sean did.

The fox chuckled softly and gave his father a hug as well.

As Sean and Sarah sat down at the table Cathy watched and asked softly, "So, what's on the agenda for today?"

He thought for a moment then replied, "I don't know, I really didn't think of anything."

"Well why not try something out of the house," Cathy answered in a hinting tone.

Hearing that Sean rolled his head back and groaned, although not exasperated, "Oh boy..."

Cathy giggled and, after they ate breakfast, shooed Sarah and Sean out as fast as she could.

As soon as they were gone, and Cathy made sure they had disappeared down the street, she and Steve went into action. Carefully, they went upstairs, into their room, into Cathy's closet, and removed three large boxes. Inside, as they carefully removed the tops, were three parts of a unique piece of armor. It was something, in all rights should be in a museum, if not, deep inside some military vault at an unknown base somewhere. It was Steve's Predator Armor system. The same one he wore as a Captain in the Ranger's, the same one he wore when he killed the Alpha Wolf almost twenty years ago, and the same one he had protected his wife with back on Earth. What's more, to make it even more special if that was even conceivable, it was cleaned up and refurbished, back to its glory that it had when Steve had "received" it upon completion of his training. It had received the necessary upgrades to be used by someone with a nonhuman anatomy, and would fit Sean perfectly.

Sitting back on the bed, holding his armor, Steve had a slight nostalgia and smiled at his wife.

"I remember," Cathy began softly, smiling back, "when we both had a set of these, and I remember how great you looked in it."

Taking the hint Steve, without needing to think or even look, connected the already assembled armored legs, torso, and helmet, sheathed it back into the wrist gauntlet, and in a split second attached it to his own body and felt the familiar sensation of the plates incasing his body.

Seeing her husband in the same armor she had met him in made Cathy smile even wider and think of the things they'd been through. Although it enhanced his strength, the fully encased man still managed to ever so softly pat the vixen's cheek in the way he knew she loved so much.

"I never liked it with the helmet up," she whispered into his armored hand.

Steve lowered the helmet and, still smiling, gave her a soft kiss.

When he pulled back he looked down and over himself, and said, "I just hope Sean never has to use this the way I did."

"I know if he does though, that nothing will happen to him, because I know what you can do in this armor Steve," Cathy replied and nuzzled his face, "and I know we made him just as strong."

Steve turned off his armor and sheathed it back into the gauntlet. He wrapped his arms around Cathy and hugged her tightly.

"Ready to embarrass him now?" he whispered right into the vixen's ear.

Cathy giggled, "Oh yeah."


Sean's birthday passed like a flash before his eyes. It was a good flash though. He and Sarah did what was almost the routine for them on Sean's birthday; they went and hung out with their closest friends, this time having the advantage of taking a joyride in Will's car, ate lunch in the park, and even managed to squeeze in a quick skirmish with their MCSL sidearms.

At around eight though it was time to call it a day and Sean, with Sarah in toe, retreated back to Sean's house, having remembered what his mother had said earlier that morning. Sarah though hadn't forgotten her gift, and had it stashed away at her house, but as per a "game" she had thought up herself, she would sneak out, grab her gift for Sean, and sneak in and, as if it was even conceivable, force him into the more interesting part of their "game."

The rabbit shivered with delight and anticipation.

They didn't even make it onto the porch before Cathy, remembering her old strength, jumped down from the window and landed right behind them, in a move that would have been trying even for the young adults.

In a playful tone Cathy ticked and shook a paw at her son, "Now if your mother can get a jump on you this easily, what are you gona do in the army?"

Sean shoved his paw in his pockets and said, "You just can't let me go can ya?"

Cathy giggled softly and kissed his forehead, "Not ever gona happen, Sean."

Submitting to the situation Sean just smiled and shook his head, letting his mother lead him inside. Sarah watched all the while with interest and amusement.

Inside, much to Sean's relief, there were no cheesy decorations, and much to his glee there was a full spread on the dinning room table consisting of steaks, lots and lost of steaks, Sean's absolute favorite food. .

Steve walked in carrying a bowl of mashed potatoes and, without needing an provocation, they all dug in, eating a fair share of the food. Even Sarah who, for the most part was a light eater, ate more than a fair share of food.

Once dinner was over Steve cleared the table and Sean told his mother about what he did that day, discrete with some details and exaggerating others, causing Sarah to chuckle at appropriate intervals.

Then a gray flash entered the room and, before even the agile Sarah could react, it was standing behind Sean. It was like nothing they had ever seen before, or at least nothing Sean had ever actually seen before. Behind him stood a seven-foot tall behemoth of a man, enclosed totally in gunmetal gray armor plates from head to toe, and it was wearing a black tactical vest riddled with tears that appeared to have been caused by bullet impacts. The creature then reached to its wrist and the metal plates covering it's face lowered, revealing Steve Reynolds' smiling face.

"Happy birthday Sean," he said, and lowered the armor further until it returned to its stock form.

Mouth agape Sean let out a long, "Oh my God..."

Cathy stood up and walked up next to her husband, proudly looking at her son. Without a word Steve removed the gauntlet and handed it to his son who looked upon it as if he were holding an ancient relic; in a way he was.

"This... this really is-"

"My old armor," Steve finished.

Still completely stunned Sean replied, "How... how can I have this?"

Steve huffed jokingly, "Comon, you don't think I could get these for my son?"

"And I can actually use it? Like really use it?!" Sean said, the moment starting to catch u with his mind.

Without reply Steve held his son's paw, slipped the gauntlet over his wrist, and, standing him up first, turned on the automated sensors.

The young fox felt a pins and needle sensation extend through his entire body down to the tip of every piece of fur on his body. Then, much to his surprise, the first plates of armor began jutting out of the gauntlet, first covering his paws, then moving across his broad chest, down his other arm, down his legs and, due to recent developments, even comfortably covered his tail, which was wagging rapidly in excitement.

Sean flexed his arms, his legs, arched his back, getting used to the feeling of being incased. It felt amazing. This armor could stop a starship round, yet it didn't feel heavy at all. Carefully Sean made a punching motion over the table, and all he even saw was a gray flash.

"Whoa... you gota be careful with that Sean," Steve said and pat his son's shoulder, feeling the solid plates that were so familiar to him, "That thing will make you faster and stronger, so make sure if your gona use it, practice outside first, where you wont hurt someone."

Sean nodded, and even that felt slightly faster. Behind him his armored tail whipped back and forth, looking like a steel balloon. He raised the armored head portion of the armor and his young fur covered face disappeared and he became the machine that had graced the battlefield decades ago.

All the while, watching with horror and shame, Sarah sat mouth agape as her friend felt out the armor, the real armor, not like the replica she had waiting to give to him. She felt terribly stupid, and although she wouldn't dare admit it to herself, she was angry with Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, they had taken her opportunity to give Sean something great and dashed it by giving him something amazing. What's worse was that Sarah felt even more terrible that now she didn't have anything for Sean for his eighteenth birthday, all her money had gone into the Predator replica.

More than satisfied, Sean lowered the armor back into the gauntlet and rotated his shoulders.

Steve chuckled, "Ya, ya it does that the first few times you wear it, just practice and run in it a lot and it'll feel more comfortable than clothes."

Before Sean shifted his happy gaze back to Sarah, the rabbit had managed, if only for acting purposes, contained herself and managed a smile for Sean.

"What do you think?" the fox asked and further flexed his neck, which was stiff from the close contact of the armor.

"It's amazing," Sarah whispered, trying to sound as impressed as possible.

Sean turned and gave his parents a hug and Sarah stood up and went upstairs to Sean's room, punching the wall in anger hard enough to scrape some of the paint off. Thankfully for her no one heard her do it and, when Sean appeared a few minutes later, Sarah had managed to at least visibly cool off.

He gestured to the gauntlet still on his wrist, "I can't believe it... I just... I mean..."

"It is amazing isn't it," Sarah mumbled with a hint of sarcasm.

Sean was to engrossed with his new toy to notice.

Carefully he slipped it off his wrist and handed it to Sarah, "You wana try?"

Although still angry, Sarah still knew that it was a rare opportunity to try on a real Predator Armor System. She took the gauntlet and slipped it on her arm. Sean fumbled with the controls but, after standing the young rabbit up, turned on the armor's sensors and within a minute the rabbit was incased in a tight, form fitting armored shell.

As always, the Predator, visually, looked even better when a female wore it, and on Sarah it did more than justice. Her usually hidden curves were accentuated by the armor, her breasts, her hips both rounded well against her small stomach.

Sarah was very aware of what was causing the grin on Sean's face and, in managing to be playful, turned on the armored helmet right up to her ears.

"Cool huh?" Sean asked, looking over the interlocking plates.

Not really able to enjoy the situation, Sarah lowered the entire armor and removed the gauntlet.

"Very nice," she commented very curtly.

Sean mildly was catching on by now, but only to the fact Sarah was a little depressed and asked what was wrong.

"Nothing," she replied quietly and sat back down on his bed, "I'm just tired I guess," she made a come hither motion with her paw.

The fox place his new armor on the desk behind him, shut the door, and laid down next to Sarah in his bed. He leaned into kiss her and while Sarah let him, it was with far less vigor than she normally had.

"Are you sure your okay?" he asked, now mildly worried.

Sarah nodded and, trying as hard as possible, gave Sean a passionate kiss that was much more like her usual self.

Now Sean couldn't pay attention, and began trying to figure out what was wrong with his young lover. He knew she hadn't been hurt that day or during the week, and she hadn't been sick, and she ate fine, and she hadn't voiced any concerns to him at all; the whole week she had been just the wonderful, normal Sarah he loved, so what happened now?

Then it hit him. All this week, all last week, for almost two months both he and Sarah had managed to force Sean's still unanswered question of marriage out of their minds. Now Sean was sure he knew the problem, and it was from what his dad had said. He was an adult now, in all respects, and with him asking for Sarah's paw must have her worried, which then evoked a terrible feeling of worry all around the question of "Why would she be afraid to marry me?"

After thinking this, Sean was the one who wasn't kissing with vigor anymore, but Sarah didn't notice, her mind was still focused on how her botched birthday present had gone. In plain words, it sucked. She was looking forward to being able to storm into his room, dressed in the, comparatively, great looking replica armor, and see him ecstatic over the gift, and then have a wonderful session of "play," but that was not what would happen, and Sarah felt angry with the Reynolds, angry and embarrassed with herself, and began feeling an urge to be distant from Sean, less he discover her stupid falter.

Chapter 3 Final Frontier

Seven Months Later, Atric's Home, Foc, 7:03 AM Local Time

Sean rolled over in bed, still asleep and felt around in the bed. He remembered last night Sarah hadn't slept over and he sheepishly got up and got dressed.

The past few months had been a time of mutual disjointing for both Sean and Sarah. They still loved each other terribly, and loved spending time with each other, but at the same time their fears from Sean's eighteenth birthday remained, more so they had mutated into something far worse. Sarah, who at first was afraid to reveal her embarrassment over getting him a replica version of the same armor his parents have him for real, now was afraid to talk to or get to close to him anywhere but in public. Sean on the other hand, who was at first afraid that Sarah had taken his question about marriage way to literally, now seriously wanted to marry her, but was at the same time terribly afraid of her denying him.

These two reasons had, in an odd way, driven them apart, but in another drawn them together. They didn't sleep over with each other with the same regularity that they and for the past two years, but on the other hand they engaged in increasingly extreme sexual games, some borderline dangerous. They had sex during gym class, in the showers, once Sean managed to give Sarah oral sex during a class, almost being caught twice by classmates. The simplest explanation was that as they dreaded talking to each other about their fears, they tried to cover them up with sex, which was starting to demoralize both of them as the love in the act was diminishing.

The interesting things was both of them were so worried about their own feelings they didn't even notice the others change in metal health and outlook on their relationship.

Today though, things were at a different point. Today they were done with High School. Sean had, as if there had been any doubt, gotten into the Federal Military Academy, and Sarah had gotten into a premier Medical Institute, full scholarship, located on Alcaz, another capital world located less than a day's travel from Conakry where the Academy was located.

Still friendly with his parents though, Sean greeted his father and gave his mother a kiss.

"What time do we come over honey?" Cathy asked as she sat down at the breakfast table.

"Uh... I don't know, noon, or so?" the fox replied.

Cathy nodded and ate her breakfast.

"So you two sorted and ready to go on Sunday?" Steve asked.

"I haven't told her yet, I want it to be a surprise," Sean answered, feeling the tickets in his pocket.

Steve smiled softly, glad to his son's courting was much easier than his own; certainly without the same problems as being kidnapped.

When Sean was ready to go to the graduation ceremony at school he gave his mother another kiss got a pat on the back from his dad, and left hearing both his parents call out, "Good luck, Sean."

Along the way to school he tried to meet up with Sarah, but he didn't see her anywhere near her house, so he continued to school. Right within sight of the entrance he was tackled by a soft brown rabbit who pinned him to the ground behind a bush.

Laughing and holding Sarah the fox said, "Hey I was looking for you."

"So was I," she replied happily, then added in a competitive tone, "but I found you first."

Catching her off guard Sean flipped on top of her and started kissing her deeply. Sarah more than accepted, although made a mock attempt to fight against him.

Out of breathe and hot Sean whispered, "We really shouldn't go in late."

"I know we shouldn't, but are we?" she replied deviously and kissed him again.

Although they tried to get started, they heard footsteps on the path then the bush rustled.

"God damn it!" they heard a familiar voice say behind them, "You know my mom still complains about you two fuckers doing that in her closet."

Sarah looked over Sean's shoulder and saw Tudrussel standing over them, shaking his head.

Taking a moment to zip his pants up, Sean rolled off of his lover and chuckled at his friend, "Yeah... sorry about that Alan."

The huge fox continued shaking his head and lowered his paw to Sean, helping him up, and did the same for Sarah. The rabbit dusted the back of her pants off and lowered one of her ears to clean as well.

"So are you ready to get this done or are we gona find you fucking behind the podium?" Alan added sarcastically.

Sean glanced at Sarah, who nodded and jumped at the huge fox's neck, bringing him to the ground and pinning him in a single move.

"Shut up Alan," the rabbit said in a dominating tone.

She let the fox up and they all walked to the school. Inside they were greeted by Michael, Tom, Doreen, and Will.

"Hey, look at you guys actually showing up on time," Michael commented and gave his friend a pat on the back.

Alan sat down on a chair in the lobby of the school, "So, what's on the agenda for today?"

"Well we wait around until it's time to be embarrassed," Michael answered.

Will huffed and turned to Sarah, "So is your speech ready?"

"I... may have figured something out," Sarah replied grinning.

It would be the icing on the cake of two years of making sure she would graduate valedictorian, the only other furry capable of doing that was Will, and Sarah was rubbing it in his snout. They had both gotten into Alcaz, which further pissed off the fox, as he knew she was going to outdo him there as well.

On the other side of the group Sean and Tom were talking quietly.

"So when's all this gona go down?" Sean asked quietly, nodding towards Doreen who was conversing with a girlfriend.

"Soon, really soon," Tom replied, the excitement all to clear in his voice, "but not here, I don't know where but not here."

Having become, secretly, interested in the whole idea of marriage and weddings Sean asked even lower, "So... what kind of wedding is it?"

The other fox tilted his head inquisitively, "What do you mean?"

"Well are you're parents gona go?" Sean clarified.

"Oh... I don't know," Tom replied, "I guess they would if I invited them but after the last few months... I don't know Sean, Doreen kinda wants to just slip away."

"Hmmm..." Sean huffed.

Tom sighed a long, "Yeah," then added, "Can I ask you something Sean?"

The fox didn't even need to hear the question to know what it was about but he permitted his friend to continue.

"Have you and Sarah, you know, given it any more thought?"

Sean bit his lower lip, sighed, and in a quiet voice said, "No... well yes, well I'm going to. I got these tickets," he pulled the pair out of his pocket, "we're gona go to Conakry for two weeks, and I'll ask her sometime there."

It took a moment but Tom grinned, "Your... your really gona ask her?"

"Yeah... I am, I really am," Sean replied and smiled.

Tom chuckled nervously and, very maturely, shook his friends paw, "I always knew you would."

"Ya, ya, ya, just don't tell Sarah that," Sean replied.

"Lets get this done," the other fox said.

Sean nodded and, gesturing to the rest of the group, they went to the quickly forming crowed of seniors in the gymnasium.

"Alright!" a very old fox yelled, the principal of the school, "I want everyone in their gowns and ready to go in a half hour."

The teens all passed by the table, grabbing their graduation gowns, and filled into the locker rooms and bathrooms to change. It took much longer than half an hour, but long before the noon deadline every senior was in their gown, and in their assigned seat at the head of the gymnasium.

Sarah was all by her lonesome on the stage, sitting behind the podium and, when the principal and various speakers began talking, she shifted uncomfortably. All the while back at his seat Sean played with the two tickets in his pocket.

The fox was aware of the awkwardness that was growing between him and Sarah, and he was sure, he was completely sure that after their trip it would disappear. For the first time in months Sean felt a longing to just talk to Sarah.

The ceremony was a bore, for the most part, for Sean, Sarah, and their friends. Aside from the fact that their whole class had rehearsed the ceremony three times before, removing any surprises, everyone, without exception, had their own plans for the coming days. Whether it was a trip between lovers, a well needed brake from thought, or in many cases the eager anticipation of college and a career, they all were thinking much more of tomorrow than the here and now.

In fact the only part of the whole ceremony that anyone paid any major attention to was Sarah's speech, and only because it was the only part no one had heard three times over. It was brief, even Sean didn't pay that much attention, although he noticed with amusement the noticeable amount of resentment in Will as he listened to the speech.

Sarah stepped down from the podium and the principal began reading the names off for the graduates to receive their diplomas. Thankfully for the graduates, their class was only eighty-five foxes, and one rabbit, so it was a quick roll call, but they all did feel a sense of pride taking the slip of paper from the principal.

Once back in their seats the class let out a victory shout and, what amazed onlookers, cleared out of the gymnasium and out onto the front yard of the school in ten minutes flat.

Outside the students met up with their parents; a similar scene in each family. Proud mothers giving their offspring numerous kisses, fathers giving pats on the back. Sean and Sarah's were no different.

Quickly and quietly though, Sean managed to slip the rabbit away from her parents and down the road, out of sight and out of mind for everyone.

"What's up Sean?" she asked lightly when they reached what appeared to be their destination.

For a moment the fox considered proposing there, it made sense, but something held him back.

Instead he produced the two tickets, and, grinning whispered, "We're going on a trip."

Sarah's eyes lit up, in a way that they hadn't in many months, "Where?!"

"Conakry," Sean answered, "all expense paid, to the Entertainment district."

The rabbit grinned, "Just you and me?"

"Just you and me."

"And my parents? You think they'll let me go?" she asked, a mild sense of worry in her voice.

"Already asked Sarah," Sean said, proud of himself, "mine too, all you have to do is pack and be ready by Sunday."

The rabbit squealed, something she rarely if ever did, and hugged Sean tightly, "This is gona be great!"

"More than you know Sarah..." Sean thought quietly to himself, in eager anticipation of where he was sure things would go from here.

Two Day's Later, Transport Pad, Foc, 1:21 PM Local Time

"God damn it where is she?" Sean said aloud as he looked around.

"I don't see her anywhere honey," Cathy whispered and looked around the departure pad as well.

The young fox huffed, "Comon how hard can she be to find. She'll be the only rabbit here, and she always wears-"

"What? Fatigues?" the rabbit said, choking laugher away at having snuck up on her friend.

Cathy spun around and, displaying her old agility, subdued the rabbit before Sean had managed to begin to turn.

Struggling to get free Sarah growled, "Aww, leme go Mrs. Reynolds."

Giggling, the vixen let go of her and, dusting the teenager off, gestured to the transport and said, "Get on, have your fun."

Sean sighed in embarrassment, but gave his mother a kiss and without another word he and Sarah boarded the Transport. Less than five minutes later the ship took off and it shuttered as it jumped on it's way to Conakry.

The pair walked down the corridors, looking at each room number until they found their own.

Sean had spared no expense, having gotten the nicest suite onboard. However, as a very subjective undertone, he made sure that they supplied the room with a very large, queen-sized bed.

Seeing that Sarah turned and grinned, "Oh... I take it you already know what we're doing."

Sean was grinning as well. No sooner had they closed the door behind them did the clothing start to drop to the floor. Like the horny pair of teenagers they were they kissed and groped each other's bodies, not even looking as their busy legs searched for the bed.

When they managed to find it Sarah pushed Sean on his back and laid down, sprawled on top of him, kissing and fumbling with her sport's bra. Meanwhile Sean fumbled with his pants, managing to slip them off, releasing his hard on from his pants.

With little room between them Sarah reached down and took his member in her paw, jerking him off roughly as they kissed each other. Sean followed suit by slipping his paw around Sarah's ass and began double-fingering her pussy and rear canal.

"Ohhh your such a dirty little fox!" Sarah moaned and jerked Sean off harder.

Sean huffed playfully, "Little? I'll show you little!"

At that he grabbed a hold of the sides of Sarah's stomach and in a swift move, rolled her over his shoulders, so that she was laying flat, and mounted her quickly from behind. Although there was some resistance, the fox forced his way into Sarah's passage and without hesitation fucked her furiously, soon working up a rate that had them both moaning pleasurably.

"Ya... fuck my tightly cunt... oh God ya Sean fuck me! Fuck me!" Sarah yelled.

A moment of mental self-thanks passed through Sean's mind when he remembered the rooms were soundproof.

Sean moved his cock over her special spot and Sarah's whole body shuttered in pleasure. He grinned at seeing the reaction it caused in the rabbit and rested his muzzle on Sarah's shoulder. Faster and faster he fucked her tight sleeve, working up a good cum on both of their parts.

Sarah bucked her hips against him, each time her moans became deeper and more full of ecstasy. Then Sean, still resting his snout on her shoulder, saw her ears pin back and felt her whole body twitch and tighten beneath his and figured to might as well release as well.

They both groaned as they came in unison. Sean pulled back far enough that they wouldn't tie, but nonetheless filled Sarah up with his warm cum. Sarah's pussy quivered and sucked down on Sean's cum, trying to draw it in as deep as possible.

Out of breath, the pair laid in their post coitile bliss until their breathing returned to normal. Carefully Sean pulled out all the way, and helped Sarah up. They redressed, almost in a state of guilt having gone straight to sex so quickly.

Back in their clothes and calmed down, they became aware of the aspects of the room. Sarah laid back down on the bed, taking a further break, while Sean went to the bathroom quickly.

When he came out his heart stopped for a moment; Sarah was, not maliciously, going through one of Sean's bags. While she did that all the time, and the simple act didn't bother him, Sean had stored the engagement ring in that bag and for a split second he was sure Sarah was wise to what he was planning.

"Wha-what's up Sarah?" he asked, trying to draw her attention away.

The rabbit looked up, her lazy ears perking up as well, "Nothing, just wondering if you have anything with you, you shouldn't."

Sean forced a laugh, "Well I may..."

"Oh... like?"

"Toys," Sean answered, hoping that idea enough would dissuade her search.

Sarah ginned widely, "Boy's toys, or our toys?"

At that Sean couldn't help but chuckle, "Is there a difference?"

"Heh," Sarah chuckled back, "Alright, seriously, anything we can get in trouble for having?"

"No, not really," Sean replied, carefully sitting on the edge of the bed, "I had our guns declared and they're in the checked stuff, and our... other toys aren't illegal."

Sarah put the bag on the ground, "Alright, just checking," she chuckled, "Not the time where we should risk getting in trouble over something stupid."

Sean nodded and sighed, glad that he had avoid early exposure. He looked over and saw Sarah lay down and, surprisingly try and fall asleep.

"Tired?" he asked.

The rabbit yawned quietly, "Ya, I didn't sleep well last night," she looked Sean up and down, "You coming to bed?"

He looked down at his watch, "Na, it's only two o'clock, I'm gona go look around the ship."

Back at the bed Sarah nodded and rolled over, falling semi-asleep. Sean opened the door carefully and slipped out. The halls were full of foxes and a few crewmembers, mainly dogs, going about their business. Sean knew there was a bar downstairs and made his way there, pausing only to look out a view port at the blankness of space.

The bar itself was small, but behind it Sean saw the only alcohol he every enjoyed; Scotch.

He sat down and the bar maid, a pretty young vixen, walked over and smiled at him, waiting for his order.

"Scotch on the rocks," the fox said and she brought him a glass of ice but, surprisingly, left the bottle for his use.

Sean thanked her and poured himself a glass. He downed the fiery liquid and sighed. He knew things were going well but for some reason felt that something was missing, left undone. At first he thought maybe he forgot something and went over the packing process in his head.

To himself, Sean shook his head, knowing he didn't leave anything home. His guns were well packed and all checked; power packs in a separate bag just for safety. All of their private "toys" were in a locked bag back in the room, he had his clothes in his duffel bag, and he had his wallet full of money to get whatever he and Sarah would need. Still, something felt wrong.

The fox took another swig of the amber scotch; it was starting to taste better.

Although he didn't notice it, the bare maid was taking quite a notice to him and the vixen swaggered down to Sean's end of the bar.

"Hello," she said in a sweet voice.

"Hey," Sean said, but didn't really acknowledge her.

She gave him a further look over then asked, "Were you on leave or something?"

Sean tilted his head then realized between his haircut and the fact he was wearing his dad's old fatigues he must look a lot like a fresh trooper.

Chuckling he replied, "No, no, I'm just going to Conakry for vacation after graduation."

"You from Foc?" she asked, leaning in across the bar.

"Yeah, you?"

"Mmm hmm," the vixen nodded, "What's your name by the way, mines Kitty."

Sean raised an eyebrow, "Kitty?"

"I get it all the time, I know. Parental joke I guess," she shrugged and giggled softly, "So what's your name?"

Sean cleared his throat, "Sean Reynolds."

Clearly Kitty was taken aback, "Sean Reynolds... you're that guy's son aren't you? The guy that ended the war."

"Yeahhh... that was my dad Steve Reynolds," Sean replied and took another drink of the scotch, "him and my mom basically ended it themselves."

The vixen leaned in, very interested in this patron now, for more than the fact he was a good-looking fox, "So you're traveling by yourself?"

"No, me and my friend Sarah are going on a vacation together to see the capital before we go to college," the young fox replied.

Kitty perked up even more, "Your friend huh?"

"Well my girlfriend," Sean clarified, still completely unaware of the vixen's direct interest in him, "I just don't like calling her that."

A little disappointed but not completely put off Kitty replied, "How come?"

"Well she's been my best friend... forever. You've heard of Sean Atric right?"

She thought for a moment and shrugged, "I know I've heard it before but I can't place what he did."

"Well he helped my dad win the war, and he's Sarah's dad," Sean answered.

"Oh..." Kitty replied, realizing she couldn't compete with that.

Sean still hadn't caught on to her interest in him, he never talked to females other than Sarah for the most part, and she wasn't like a "normal" girl on any level.

Sighing, the vixen asked, "So where is your girlfriend."

"Asleep in our room," Sean forwarded.

That struck a cord with Kitty, and in a high voice she replied, "Alone?"

Not catching on to that either Sean answered, "Yeah..."

"Why aren't you with her?" Kitty asked, wondering if all hope wasn't lost.

The fox shrugged, "I don't know, I don't wana bother her I guess."

"How cute," Kitty thought, "He doesn't know how this stuff works," then aloud she added, "How long you two been together?"

"Well I said she's always been my best friend, but I guess you could say..." Sean thought for a moment, "Two? Three years that we've actually been 'together.'"

Another fox sat down at the far end of the bar and Kitty went to serve him a drink. In the meantime Sean drank some more scotch, becoming more and more at ease and tired. He looked at his watch; it was still only two forty-six.

Kitty made her way back down the bar. She pulled the barkeep's stool up and sat less than a few inches from Sean. Still, because of his ingrained dedication to Sarah, so much so he was unaware of it, Sean still hadn't picked up on the more than obvious vibe that the vixen was interested in him. The reality was Sean had no interest in females of his own species, not that he looked at it like that, but he found rabbits more appealing, particularly Sarah.

"So, you two are made for each other it sounds like?" Kitty asked, still prodding to see if the good-looking fox was even remotely accessible.

"Yeah," Sean said and took another sip, then chuckled softly, "a friend even says we're supposed to be together..." then he thought over Tom's words, "He's kinda right too I guess."

Going on a limb Kitty whispered, "And you can't picture yourself with anyone else?"

Even as dense as Sean was to female "signs" and the fact he had more than enough scotch in him to dull his sense, it became clear to him right away that this vixen had an ulterior motive.

"No," Sean said in a clear tone, although it had a bite to it, "and it's not cause we're 'supposed' to be together or anything, whether or not that's true or not, I do really love her."

The picture was clear enough to Kitty and she sat up and whispered, "It's okay Sean, no need to get angry," she giggled softly, "I'm being nosy anyway."

"Na, it's no problem," Sean said; glad to see that his message had gotten across.

They sat quietly for a few moments, Sean refilled his glass.

"Sooo..." Kitty said at a draw, "what are you two doing after this vacation?"

Sean sighed and gave her an exasperated look.

The vixen grinned, "Comon I'm here alone all day alone and board, give me something!"

Sean smiled to and shook his head, "Okay, okay. Well actually... ehh" he wasn't sure if he should tell anyone.

"What? Comon I'm dying here, you see what I do all day," Kitty pleaded.

"Well I was gona actually propose to Sarah at the end of our trip," Sean replied.

"Oh well..." Kitty thought, "ain't gona get him... to bad..."

An awkward silence past and Sean nervously sipped at his scotch to relax again.

Carefully Kitty sat up straight, "Wow... so your both gona be married in college? Where ya going?"

"Well I'm going to the Academy and Sarah's going to Alcaz Medical Institute," Sean answered.

That reaffirmed what Kitty suspected from the beginning, that maybe Sean and Sarah weren't as close and as in love as Sean made it out to be. How could they expect to keep a relationship going for four years without seeing each other for months at a time?

The scotch was starting to take a needed effect on Sean and reached into his pocket and pulled out some money to pay.

Seeing it Kitty put up her paw and replied, "Don't worry bought it, it was nice having someone to talk to."

"Nice for me too," Sean replied, further confusing Kitty.

The fox went to stand up but then the alcohol managed to kick in quite a bit and he had to steady himself mentally to take a steep.

Being an expert on the effects of liquor on a system Kitty knew right where this was going, and where it would end if she didn't help him. She came around from behind the bar and held his paw.

"Here," she said and began walking him to the lift, "I'll help you to your room."

Not able to reject her help Sean limped along the corridors to his room, where Kitty opened the door and lead him inside. Sarah was asleep on the bed, but as soon as the door closed behind Kitty and Sean she awoke.

Obviously she was startled and angry right away, which was more than evident in how she took a combat stance at the vixen.

"What the fuck are you doing in here?!" the rabbit looked at Sean, "And what did you do to him!?"

"He was at the bar and he's a little... drunk," Kitty explained and set Sean down in a chair.

Sarah didn't ease up and, as the vixen stepped back, Sarah positioned herself between Sean and her.

For a moment Kitty looked Sarah over, not sure now what to think of this pair's relationship.

Sarah became uncomfortable right away when she saw Kitty looking her over and said in a harsh voice, "You can go now."

"Okay, no harm done Sarah," Kitty replied and walked out, leaving a stunned and steaming rabbit behind.

Remaining motionless for a moment Sarah whispered, "What the hell..." to herself, then turned to Sean and kneeled down in front of him.

"You okay?" she asked and Sean nodded, but she smelled his breath and chuckled softly, "Shit faced..."

Sean nodded again and smiled.

The rabbit sighed, "What the hell was that about, Sean?"

"She was helping me from the bar," then he thought for a moment, "I guess this is why I don't drink often."

Sarah just shook her head, "Well you stay there, I don't wana smell that in the bed. Night."

Feeling humorous Sean looked at his watch and said, "Aw but it's still only three twenty..."

Laying down in the bed Sarah replied through an internal chuckle, "Shut up Sean."

One Week Later, Entertainment District on Conakry, 2:58 PM Local Time

Sean banged into the door, still laughing hysterically. He fumbled with the key card but managed to open the door. Not able to hold himself up from laughing so hard he stumbled in and landed on his paws in the doorway.

A few moments later Sarah stumbled in and tripped over the still grounded fox. She started laughing right away and Sean managed to shut the door behind him with his hind legs.

"Oh my God I can't believe you did that!" she said through her laughs.

Sean was laughing so hard he couldn't breath.

All of a sudden they both heard a loud banging at their door, which only made them both laugh harder, although Sarah laughed more nervously.

"You sick fucking kids!" a voice said through the banging, "You can't just fuck any old place you want!"

That only made Sean laugh harder, he was almost glad they had been caught under one of the fancy restaurant's tables.

The offending voice yelled out and banged for a few more moments but eventually left, leaving the two breathless furries still sprawled out on the floor.

"I-I can't believe you did that," Sarah repeated, still out of breath.

"Which part?" Sean replied, sitting up, "when I kept going or when I 'forgot' to zip up?"

Sarah chuckled, "Both, actually."

The fox chuckled back, quite pleased with himself.

They laid for a few moments longer until Sarah sat up and cleared her throat, "So what are we gona do now?"

"I don't know? You got any ideas?" he replied.

Sarah shrugged, "No," she thought longer then added, "Just stay here I guess."

"Alone..." Sean whispered, then shook his head, "Na we should go out."

"Well what's today?"

He thought for a moment, "Uh... Sunday, actually."

"Well then the base will have open courses we can go there and hang," Sarah replied.

Standing up and dusting himself off Sean agreed, "Alright, sounds like a plan."

The pair grabbed their MCSL equipment and made their way to Fort Reynolds. Of all places, Sarah made a point that whenever they wanted to tour a military facility, she made sure it was Fort Reynolds. It didn't so much embarrass Sean to go to a base that was named for his father as it made him uncomfortable, much to Sarah's pleasure. The base commander almost always would spend at least a half hour trying to chat with Sean, asking for inside stories about his father. It had come down to the line where Sean now tried to more or less sneak into the base.

When they arrived Sarah signed them both in, giving Sean way to just walk past the door guards so he could avoid unwanted attention. They made their way over to the training fields, some of the best in the Federation.

Looking over the five or six courses ahead of them Sean asked, "So which one and what type today?"

"One on one," Sarah replied, grinning, "and the destroyed city course."


"No, pistols and carbines only," the rabbit added, loving the challenge.

Sean just shrugged, it was all fun to him.

It was Sarah's turn so she took her long walk to the opposite side of the course. About fifteen minutes later the ready single next to Sean's starting box went off and the fox bolted, in just a red flash, across an open expanse of ground to a semi-destroyed single floored building.

Once he was well concealed with his carbine in the shadows, Sean waited a total of six minutes, knowing that if Sarah hadn't advanced as far as he was by that time, she was moving slowly and carefully.

She didn't appear so Sean quickly and quietly left his position, moving along the piles of fallen concrete and reinforcing bars. He walked for at least a quarter mile, taking twenty minutes as he carefully checked every angle of every street and alley before advancing even an inch.

He finally reached the end of the course; the opposite starter box clearly empty. Seeing that Sarah must have taken position somewhere Sean looked for one of his own. He knew that in a waiting game, anyone could beat Sarah, she had zero patients.

Back tracking slowly Sean saw the tallest structure; about three somewhat undamaged stories with three more that were nothing but interior walls. Seeing that as best the fox carefully and quite perfectly, cleared the building and took up residence on the third floor, in a position where he could watch two of the three entrances to his building, the only stairwell, and a considerable amount of the course.

Sean figured that the rabbit must be far away from his position, probably still moving to the opposite side of the field slowly, he sighted his carbine for 100 meters, and tied his pistol lanyard to his paw, just incase she managed to get the drop on him. He laid down on the rough floor and, checking once more that he was in the shadows and not silhouetted, he slowly scanned his entire field of view, which had to be at least three-quarters of the course.

For almost an hour he laid silently, only occasionally blinking and his tail softly swaying behind him. Once or twice a portion of building further crumbled, sending his ears into a frenzy on his head.

A moment, just a solitary instance Sean let his mind wander and he thought of the ring still hidden in his bag, awaiting the moment where he could ask Sarah to be his wife.

Another rock fell and he went right back to attentively watching the course. Ten minutes past, thirty minutes past, still nothing. Sean was impressed by now, Sarah never was able to wait this long. He figured she must be getting antsy though, wondering when a firefight would start.

Just as he was about to clear right for the seventy fifth time he heard another rock fall, this time though his sensitive ears picked it up on the opposite side of the building and Sean, carefully, switched himself to watch the door of his room facing the opposite side of the building.

Sarah jumped down behind him at that instance, her carbine blazing towards Sean. She hadn't gotten off two rounds however before he was rolling and dogging, trying to find some cover. A stray shot his carbine, effectively knocking it out from the match and just as he reached the doorway he dropped it with a clatter behind him.

Even with his primary knocked out Sean didn't freak out. Running down the stairs and out into the street he snapped the lanyard on his paw and gripped his pistol tightly. He had another as a backup and he armed that as well, carrying one in each paw.

In his old position Sarah opened fire and Sean ran parallel to her, firing both pistols at her position trying to suppress her.

The fox made it to the end of the street and hid around a corner. He breathed deeply and checked his pistols. It didn't matter now though, Sarah took aim from about one hundred fifty meters and shot Sean in the lower leg, just a graze to the calf but it counted as an out and the sirens went off declaring the match over.

"God damn it!" Sean yelled.

He walked towards Sarah's position where she sat, her long legs dangling over the edge, her superior grin clear from fifty feet away.

"Cheap shot..." Sean muttered, then called up to her, "I can't tell you how much that sucked."

"You had a nice run," Sarah commented and jumped down, landing on her paws from three stories up; a normal feet for the very agile rabbit.

Sean chuckled and leaned against the wall, "You should have just gone to the academy."

At that Sarah frowned, "I want to be a doctor."

"You're better off as a soldier I think," Sean replied.

"I don't care what I'm better off being," the rabbit replied in a serious tone, not one she usually took with Sean, "I don't wana be a soldier."

"Okay, okay," Sean said, he didn't want to argue after losing the match.

Sean retrieved his carbine and silently the pair walked off the course and cleaned their gear. By the time they got back to their hotel room it was six at night. They didn't speak the whole walk back but Sean managed to call in room service to deliver some food up to their room.

Once back Sean took a shower and Sarah just washed her face and ears in the sink, having not gotten down and dirty in the destroyed buildings during the match.

They ate silently until Sean whispered, "So, I mean since I've really never asked, how come you don't want to be in the army? I mean your dad was a great soldier, your mom too."

Looking up from her dinner the rabbit sighed, "I don't have to do something just cause everyone expects me to you know. I do have my own interests."

Sean forced a smile and chuckled, "Comon Sarah you know what I mean."

In a less hostile tone she replied, "No I'm serious."

"About what?" Sean asked, not sure what she meant.

"About that I don't have to just go and do something cause everyone else says I should," the rabbit replied, in a slightly agitated tone; there was a reason why Sean never touched the subject, he usually knew better.

Still not quite understanding the fox just shrugged and finished eating his dinner, and thought of the ring in his bag.

Chapter 4 Mistakes

Two Weeks Later, Suite On Transport Returning From Conakry 1328 Military Time

"How long till we're home?" Sarah asked as she rolled over in the bed.

"In a rush?" Sean said in a slightly edgy tone, then looked at his watch, "About two hours."

The rabbit nodded her head silently in acknowledgement.

Sean sat up against the bed's headboard. He was very tense. Every time he thought up to produce the ring and propose to Sarah, either she started a conversation, or he realized it was the wrong situation. It had gone on long enough for the past week that he now found himself two hours from home, and he hadn't asked her yet which was the basis, as far as he was concerned, for the entire trip.

He thought of his father, trying to think of what he would say to this situation. For some reason "Just go for it" came to mind but Sean was not so much scared as much as he had a high sense of eagerness, he loved the thought of marriage and knew that was what he and Sarah should do together next.

"Uh..." Sean moaned, then quieted himself, think that Sarah wasn't in the mood yet to hear what he had to say.

That didn't matter because Sarah asked him what was up.

"Oh... well... well you had a great time right?" he asked then felt a cold chill run through every hair.

It was a terrible way to start but he would roll on, it was no or never.

The rabbit didn't sit up but still nodded in place, "It was great, the perfect way to end high school Sean."

"I think I got one better," he said in a soft voice, one he hadn't managed in many months, "I think you and I should... Sarah would you like to get married?"

Sarah's eyes narrowed in distress and she stared at the ceiling. All of a sudden the memories of almost eight month ago flushed back into her mind and Sarah felt herself lying in Sean's bed, praying that Sean believed she hadn't heard his proposal.

For at least a full minute they sat in a tense standoff of silence.

It only took a few seconds however to worry Sean and, when the silence was broken, Sean said in a tone that neither could identify as being from him, "Comon Sarah, you and I belong together."

"W-what?" Sarah replied, realizing that there was no way out of this.

Sean rubbed the fur on her arm, "Everyone knows it, we should be married, and it's the perfect time."

"What do you mean 'everyone knows it?'" Sarah asked, not looking away from the ceiling.

"Everyone's always expected us to get married," the fox explained, "I mean you must have noticed it."

"I have, and what makes that a good reason for us to get married?" Sarah said, refusing to submit to everyone's expectations.

Sean didn't understand, "Well, yeah I guess why not?" then it dawned on him, "Wait..."

Still frozen in every aspect Sarah just stared at the ceiling.

"You... you don't wana get married?" Sean said, his tone slightly disturbed but more surprised than upset.

"No," the rabbit replied without hesitation, "Just cause we're 'supposed to,'" she said in a mocking tone, not realizing fully what was going on, "doesn't mean we should."

The whole time one of Sean's hind legs had been hanging off the bed and as he was crushed his body went limp and he fell backwards, catching himself and standing by the bed looking down at the rabbit who refused to meet his gaze. He felt something he had never felt. His head was dizzy, and he felt sick to his stomach.

Still slightly unbalanced the fox fell back into a chair, completely stunned.

In a weak voice he whispered, "I... I mean... but don't you love me?"

"If I'm supposed to I guess," Sarah replied coldly, only thinking of how she refused to play into everyone's expectations of her.

Sean took it exactly how she had said it though and, feeling even sicker and completely in distress he wanted to plead with her of why not, but he was to blown away to say anything. The feeling to run hit him, to go crazy and scream but he just stared at the unmoving rabbit.

They remained in silence, anger and confusion growing in Sean and a sense of disillusion in Sarah.

In a spiteful tone, one he had never in his life taken with Sarah, Sean yelled, "So you being my friend, that's something everyone thought you were supposed to do, you don't wana be my friend either?"

"Well since you put it that way... no," Sarah said coldly, detesting the thought.

Sarah's feelings were so clouded in her mind she was barely aware of the situation, all she could think of was her parents anger in when she had gone against what they had wished of her, what they had expected her to do.

For the rest of the flight back they sat in silence. Sean couldn't catch up, he couldn't figure out what happened. He was sure he loved her, and there was no way, not any possibility that for the last five years Sarah had done all those things, kissed him, hugged him, made love with him that she didn't whole heartedly love him, and how she came to saying she didn't even want to be his friend sent him reeling even further.

Both were so detached from the world and everything but their own thoughts that they didn't feel the ship decelerate and a few minutes later, land.

Three Week's Later, Atric's Home, Foc, 12:19 PM Local Time

"Oh hey Sean..." Emily said and looked the young fox over; "Hey we really haven't seen you to much."

The older rabbit ushered him in.

"I mean damn... I don't even think we've seen you around her since you two came back, you all right?" she asked in a concerned tone.

Still courteous to Mrs. Atric, Sean nodded, "Yeah, I've just been really busy, getting ready for the academy and whatnot."

"Alright," Emily said, but could tell he was lying, "Have you even talked to Sarah since, she's barely left her room."

For some reason Sean was glad to hear that, he hoped she was upset. Sarah had hurt him terribly; he felt betrayed and lost.

Having known for some time something between them must have happened Emily patted Sean's shoulder and went upstairs and sent Sarah downstairs, not telling her who it was. Being smart Emily remained upstairs, opting to let them figure this out on their own.

Sarah made it half way down the stairs before she heard and smelled Sean, and almost turned around and ran upstairs but there was no way she was going to look weak to him.

The fox was sitting in an easy chair and glared at Sarah at each step she took down the stairs, figuring she must have realized how inconsiderate she had been and figured she must have an apology on her mind.

Without a word Sarah took a seat as far away from Sean as possible, gaining an equally pissed off mug on her face.

"So," Sean said in an unemotional tone, "anything new?"

Sarah gritted her teeth, "No, you?"

He took a deep breath, "No."

They sat very silently.

"I haven't told anyone yet," Sean noted, "Cause I'm hoping you realized how crazy you sounded on the transport."

Containing herself, barely, Sarah let out a guttural growl, "Up yours Sean, I'm not gona marry you just cause you think we're supposed to be."

Losing control Sean slammed his paw on the couch; thankfully it took the blow easily and only let out a dull thud. Upstairs Emily shuttered, not able to fathom what she was hearing.

"So you an' I are over huh?" the fox yelled, not caring who could hear him, "Eighteen years we've been friends Sarah, and that just ends? Five years of being in love and that means nothing? What the fuck... I...."

Sarah just gritted her teeth, angry that now her mother must know what was going on and would realize that she knew that everyone thought that she and Sean should be married.

"Eighteen years..." Sean repeated, "I mean... we're best friends, I almost killed someone to protect you."

"Friends Sean, that was the thing, we made the decision to be friends, and who made the decision for us to fall in love huh? Who?" Sarah yelled back but Sean just stared at her, "Tom told me awhile ago so you can say it!"

"What the hell does that have to do with this?! Are you out of your mind?" Sean said in an almost violent tone.

"If Tom hadn't butted in you and I would be friends still!"

"And that! Of all things how can you not be a friend? Fuck Sarah we've been friends since... ever. I mean we've fucking slept with each other on my birthday every year for fuck's sake," Sean yelled.

Huffing the rabbit replied, "That's all you care about now? Being my friend?"

Sean couldn't believe his ears, none of this made sense, "You just said we wanted to be friends, and yeah I do! I shouldn't have to lose that!"

She huffed again, "You shouldn't lose that, ha! I'm glad I didn't go to the academy."

"That's the other thing, you don't wana be my wife whatever, but now we'll never see each other," the possibilities ran through his mind, "You did this on purpose?"

"Did what?"

Crossing his paws, "Refuse to go to the academy, cause you didn't wana be with me, you've been planning this for years haven't you?"

"No but now I'm kinda glad I didn't go to the academy," Sarah replied.

Shaking his head Sean whispered, "I can't believe this..." then in a louder voice, "I can't believe that's it, I'll never see you again, you don't care at all if I'm happy."

That was low; all Sarah ever did in life was trying to make things happier for the two of them. She had a flash image of the Predator armor and she wanted to bang the wall in with her paw.

"If that's all you care about then I'll do this, I'll visit you every year, on your birthday how's that, and I'll even fuck ya so you don't feel like you've lost the love, how's that Sean, will that make you happy?" she offered coldly.

"Sounds fine," Sean replied, barely paying attention to her.

They sat for another minute in silence, and, fearing that she'd walk over and punch him in the head for being so stupid Sarah got up without a word and walk upstairs, not even noticing her mother's petrified stare of confusion as she passed her silently.

Sean only sat a minute longer, and got up and walked out, feeling nothing but anger for Sarah; resentment, and anger.

New Lives

**A Wonderful Life** **Book 1: New Lives** This story follows the events of the lives of Sean Reynolds and Sarah Atric, (the kit and bunny from Ranger's Tail) mainly focusing on the events surrounding their birthdays, October 12th and November 3rd...

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**Love Front** **Book 3: Birth** **Chapter 1 Content** Four Weeks Later, Consular's Estate, Conakry 12:24 PM Local Time "Good evening Captain Atric," the cat stifled a chuckle and nodded to the rabbit, "Captain Atric." Emily smiled, "Hello Mr....

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**Love Front** **Book 2: Broken** **Chapter 1 Careful** Combined Special Forces' CP Brooklyn, New York 2102 Military Time This was more than just dangerous, this could end with many soldiers dead all because of two furries. Sean and Emily were...

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